Metal Processing
Standard connecting links are used when roller chain is operating
under normal conditions. For severe applications, press fit
connecting links are suggested. Spring-clip style connecting links
are used for sizes 60H and smaller. Sizes 80 180H use a special
hardened hook cotter. Coated T-pins are used on 200, 264 and 240.
After nal assembly, we hot-dip the roller chain in a special
lubricant. This process ensures that all the load-bearing surfaces
are initially protected from metal-to-metal contact, improving the
wear life of the chain. Close style spring clip. Hook cotter connecting link.
AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY Offset links are used when the chain length is an odd number of
pitches; however, their fatigue strength is lower than standard
Our roller chain assembly methods ensure consistent processes
chain links. Using offsets should be avoided when possible.
and proper assembly of chain components.
Offset link.
Failure to observe the following warnings could
create a risk of death or serious injury.
Failure to observe the following warnings could
create a risk of death or serious injury.
Failure to follow these cautions may result
in property damage.
This catalog is provided solely to give you analysis tools and data Warnings for this product line are included in this catalog
to assist you in your product selection. Product performance is
and posted on www.timken.com/warnings.
affected by many factors beyond the control of Drives. Therefore,
you must validate the suitability and feasibility of all product
selections for your applications.
Drives products are sold subject to Timken terms and conditions For More Information:
of sale, which include our limited warranty and remedy. You Phone: 1-800-435-0782
can nd these at http://www.timken.com/en-us/purchase/Pages/ Fax: 1-815-589-4420
TermsandConditionsofSale.aspx. www.timken.com/drives
This section contains
information on chain selection.
Please contact your Drives
representative with questions.
The horsepower or kilowatt rating in gs. 1 or 2 on page 11 and ROLLER CHAIN
12 are based on the following conditions: 1. The following factors must be considered when selecting
roller chain:
Chains are operated under ordinary conditions. The ambi-
Source of input power.
ent temperature range must be between 15 F (-9.5 C) and
140 F (60 C). They should not be used in an atmosphere in Drive machine type of driven equipment.
which abrasive dust or corrosive gas is present or where Horsepower to be transmitted.
the humidity is high. Revolutions per minute (RPM) of driving and
driven shafts.
Two transmission shafts are in a horizontal position and the
Diameter of driving and driven shafts.
chains are properly installed.
Center distance of the shafts.
Suggested lubrication system and oil are used.
2. Use table 3 on page 10 to obtain the service factor.
Load does not change signicantly during transmission.
3. Multiply the horsepower or kilowatt value by the service
The service factors given in table 3 on page 10 should be
factor to obtain the design horsepower or kilowatt value.
taken into account when the chains are used under various
operating conditions. The load conditions will affect the life 4. Use gs. 1 or 2 on pages 11 and 12 and the horsepower or
of the chain. kilowatt tables to obtain the appropriate chain number of
teeth for small sprockets. Refer to the number of revolutions
To estimate the service life of a multiple-strand chain, the
of the high-speed shaft (the driving shaft when the speed
multiple-strand factor given in table 1 must be used. When
is reduced; the driven shaft when the speed is increased)
the chain length is 100 pitches and the above conditions
and the design horsepower or kilowatt value. For smoother
are met, a service life of approximately 15,000 hours can be
chain drive, a small pitch chain is suggested. If a single-
strand chain does not satisfy the transmission require-
ments, use a multiple-strand chain. If there are space
limitations, a multiple-strand roller chain with a smaller
pitch may be used.
5. After determining the number of teeth necessary for the
small sprocket, be sure the sprocket diameter satises the
space limitations.
6. The number of teeth for the large sprocket is determined
by multiplying the number of teeth for the small sprocket by
the speed ratio. More than 15 teeth on the small sprocket
is suggested. The number of teeth for the large sprocket
should be less than 120. By reducing the number of teeth
for the small sprocket, the number of teeth for the large
sprocket can be reduced.
Number of Roller Chain Strands Multiple-Strand Factor
2 1.7
3 2.5
NOTE 4 3.3
All formulas and table data listed in this catalog are 5 3.9
based on Imperial Units. All metric information provided
6 4.6
is based on the conversion of that data.
H x 5,252 H x 63,025
Tft = Tin =
n n
C x NS x n
HM = PM x SM HM =
TM,n x n
60 9.544
HM x 60 HM x 60,000 HM x 19,088 TM, m x 2000
PM = PM = PM = PM =
SM CM x NS x n DM x n DM
Smooth Conveyors Uniformly loaded or fed (apron, assembly, belt, ight, oven, screw)
1.0 1.0 1.2
Load Fans Centrifugal and light, small diameter
Machines All types with uniform, non-reversing loads
Clay-Working Machinery Pug mills
Conveyors Heavy duty and NOT uniformly loaded (apron, assembly,
belt, ight, oven, screw)
Food Industry Beet slicers, dough mixers, meat grinders 1.2 1.3 1.4
Grinding Machine All types with moderate shock and non-reversing loads
Textile Industry Calendars, dyeing machinery, mangles, nappers, soapers,
spinners, tenter frames
Clay-Working Machinery Brick press, briqueting machinery
Conveyors Reciprocating and shaker
The smallest applicable pitch is desirable for quiet operation After the small sprocket has been selected, the number of teeth
and high speed. in the large sprocket is determined by the specied ratio of the
shaft speeds.
For a given chain pitch and shaft to transmit a given horsepower,
the effect of increasing the number of teeth in the sprocket is
to increase the chain linear speed and decrease the chain pull
proportionally. This results in a decrease of the chordal action,
which results in a quiet drive with less impact.
Usually, large sprockets should not exceed 120 teeth although
many successful drives use sprockets with 150 teeth and more.
400 300 200
300 180
200 80
200 100 60 160
80 50
100 80 50 30
80 60 40
50 40 15 100
Design Horsepower
40 30 20
30 15 80
20 8
20 15 10 6
8 5
10 4 60
10 8 5 3
8 6 4 50
5 2
5 4 1.5
4 3 2 40
3 1.5
2 .8
2 1.5 1.0 .6
.8 .5 35
1.0 .4
1.0 .8 .5 .3
.8 .6 .4
.5 .2
.6 .3
.5 25
.4 .3 .2
10 20 30 40 50 70 100 200 400 600 800 1200 2000 3000 5000 10000
1000 1750 7000
RPM of Small Sprocket
NOTE: The maximum horsepower rating specied in each of the strand columns is not limiting for chain
drives. Consult your Drives representative on those applications that are above the horsepower range of
the chart.
NOTE: All measures are based on imperial measurements. Metric measurements are conversions.
224 149
224 180
149 59.7
149 74.6 44.7 160
59.7 37.3
74.6 59.7 37.3 22.4
59.7 44.7 29.8
37.3 29.8 11.2 100
29.8 22.4 14.9
22.4 11.2 80
14.9 6.0
14.9 11.2 7.5 4.5
6.0 3.7
7.5 3.0 60
7.5 6.0 3.7 2.2
6.0 4.5 3.0 50
3.7 1.5
3.7 3.0 1.1
3.0 2.2 1.5 40
2.2 1.1
1.5 .60
1.5 1.1 .75 .45
.60 .37 35
.75 .30
.75 .60 .37 .22
.60 .45 .30
.37 .15
.45 .22
.37 25
.30 .22 .15
10 20 30 40 50 70 100 200 400 600 800 1200 2000 3000 5000 10000
1000 1750 7000
RPM of Small Sprocket
NOTE: The maximum horsepower rating specied in each of the strand columns is not limiting for chain
drives. Consult your Drives representative on those applications that are above the horsepower range of
the chart.
NOTE: All measures are based on imperial measurements. Metric measurements are conversions.
DRIVE SELECTION PROCEDURE 4. The outside diameter of the 18T is 4.685 in. (119 mm) and the
72T is 17.60 in. (447.04 mm).
Selection Example (1)
The space required for this arrangement is:
Question 1: A conveyor with 50 HP (40 kW) is driven by a 100 RPM
4.685 in. + 17.60 in. + 11 in. = 22.14 in.
electric motor. How should you select the chain and sprockets?
Answer: 119 mm + 447.04 mm + 279.4 mm = 562.42 mm
1. Seek the service factor, 1.0, from table 3 on page 10. 2
Power to be transmitted x service factor = design which can not be contained in the 19 in. (482.6 mm).
50 HP X 1.0 = 50 HP 37.3 kW x 1.0 = 37.3 kW 5. Multiple-strand chain is selected. 50-2 16T to 20T is
selected using g. 1. (g. 2.).
2. Refer to gs. 1 or 2 on pages 11 and 12 for 100 RPM 50 HP 10 HP x 1.0 = 5.88 HP
(40 kW) and 160 chain with sprocket 18T to 22T is obtained. 1.7
3. Check horsepower (kilowatt) tables for chain 160, and as 7.46 kW x 1.0 = 4.39 kW
you see, the horsepower ratings of 160-19T with speed of 1.7
100 RPM is 50.48 HP (37.64 kW), which is satisfactory. (1.7 is multiple strand factor)
4. The following are selected: Refer to the horsepower tables. 50-2, 18T is obtained. Its
Chain no. 160 small sprocket 160-19T. outside diameter is 3.90 in. (99.1 mm). The large sprocket is:
72T = 18 T outside diameter 14.69 in. (373.13 mm)
Selection Example (2) However, this selection cannot be contained in the space.
Question 2: The number of revolutions for a drive is 500 RPM
6. Triple-strand chain is selected in the same manner as above
and the power to be transmitted is 13 HP (9.69 kW). The RPM
50-3, 13T and 52T are obtained. The outside diameter of
is reduced to 125 (1 4). The center distance should be 11.00 in.
sprockets is 2.87 in. (72.99 mm), and 10.67 in. (271.02 mm)
(279.4 mm) with a space limitation of 19.00 in. (482.6 mm), and a
uniform load. How should you select the chain and sprocket for
this application? 2.87 in. + 10.67 in. + 11 in. = 17.77 in.
72.99 mm + 271.02 mm + 279.4 mm = 451.41 mm
1. Design horsepower (kilowatt) is computed as follows:
Design horsepower: 13 HP X 1.0 = 13 HP
can be contained in the space required.
Design kilowatt: 9.69 kW x 1.0 = 9.69 kW
The chain and sprockets selected are 50-3, 13T and 52T.
2. Select the chain and the number of teeth for the sprocket by
referring to gs. 1 or 2 on pages 11 and 12.
60-18T has been selected.
SLOW SPEED CALCULATION Compare the adjusted PC to the average tensile strength of
When the chain speed (S) is less than 160 ft/min, select a roller the selected chain by multiplying the adjusted chain pull by 8.
chain size smaller than the chain chosen from the horsepower PC X 8 ATS (Average Tensile Strength)
rating method mentioned above.
Estimate chain size: If horsepower is not known use the following
formulas to determine HP:
Given: RPM = 10
Torque = 7,000 in-lbs (0.791 M-kN)
PxS Maximum sprocket diameter = 10 inches (254 mm)
H= HM = PM x SMm
33,000 60 Calculations:
Tft x n
H= HM = TMM x n H=
Tin x n
7,000 x 10 H = 1.11HP
5,252 9.544 63,025 63,025
Tin x n
H= HM = TMmm x n HM =
Tmm x n
HM =
0.791 x 10 HM = 0.83kW
63,025 9,544 9.544 9.544
Once the HP is known, use gs. 1 or 2 on pages 11 and 12 to
estimate the chain size. If the RPM is less than 10 RPM than use
Based on the horsepower, the estimated chain selection
should be an 80 chain.
10 RPM as starting point.
If the chain pull is not known directly, please use one of the basic
Based on maximum sprocket diameter of 10 inches
(254 mm) use table 28 on pages 28 through 30 or table 51 on
equations shown. pages 43 through 45 and select a 30 tooth sprocket which
H x 33,000 HM x 60 has a pitch diameter of 9.567 inches (243 mm).
P= PM =
S SM Calculate chain pull
H x 396,000 HM x 60,000 Tin x 2 7,000 x 2
P= PM = P= P= P = 1,463 lb
C x NS x n CM x NS x n D 9.567
H x 126,050 HM x 19,088 PM = Tmm x 2,000 0.791 x 2,000
P= PM = PM = PM = 6.51 kN
Dxn DM x n D 243
Tft x 24
PM =
TMm x 2,000 Calculate chain speed
C x NS x n 1 x 30 x 10 25 feet per
T x2 S= S= S=
P = in 12 12 minute
CM x NS x n 25.1 x 30 x 10
SM = SM = SM = 7.53 meters
Chain Selection Process 1,000 1,000 per minute
Calculate Chain Pull (PC) using one of the following Adjust chain pull for speed adjustment:
formulas. Pc = Speed coefcient * P
Calculate the chain speed (S) Pc = 1 * 1,463 Pc = 1,463
S = C x NS x n PMc = 1 x 7.53 M/min. PMc = 7.53 M/min.
Compare against average tensile strength of the chain:
Adjust the PC chain for speed
PC X 8 ATS (Average Tensile Strength)
1,463 X 8 14,500 lb 11,704 14,500 lb
Chain speed Speed Coefcient
PMc = 7.53 x 8 64.5 kN PMc = 60.24 64.5 kN
Less than 50 ft./min. (15.24 M/min.) 1.0
51 to 100 ft./min. (15.54 to 30.48 M/min.) 1.2 80-1 chain with a 30 tooth sprocket is a selection.
101 to160 ft./min. (30.78 to 48.77 M/min.) 1.4
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
35 9.525 mm (0.375 in.) PITCH KILOWATTS
TABLE 29. 35 9.525 mm (0.375 in.) PITCH KILOWATTS
No. of Revolutions Per Minute Small Sprocket
Teeth 50 100 200 240 500 700 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 10000
11 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.38 0.76 1.05 1.34 1.76 2.19 2.60 3.02 2.88 2.19 1.74 1.42 1.19 1.02 0.88 0.77 0.69 0.61 0.55 0.50 0.46 0.42 0.36
12 0.09 0.18 0.34 0.41 0.83 1.15 1.46 1.93 2.39 2.84 3.29 3.28 2.50 1.98 1.62 1.36 1.16 1.01 0.88 0.78 0.70 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.48 0.41
13 0.10 0.19 0.37 0.44 0.90 1.24 1.58 2.09 2.58 3.08 3.57 3.70 2.81 2.23 1.83 1.53 1.31 1.13 1.00 0.88 0.79 0.71 0.65 0.59 0.54 0.46
14 0.11 0.21 0.40 0.48 0.97 1.34 1.70 2.25 2.78 3.31 3.84 4.13 3.15 2.50 2.04 1.71 1.46 1.27 1.11 0.99 0.88 0.80 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.07
15 0.11 0.22 0.43 0.51 1.04 1.43 1.83 2.41 2.98 3.55 4.12 4.59 3.49 2.77 2.27 1.90 1.62 1.41 1.23 1.09 0.98 0.88 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.00
16 0.12 0.24 0.46 0.55 1.11 1.53 1.95 2.57 3.18 3.79 4.39 5.05 3.84 3.05 2.50 2.09 1.79 1.55 1.36 1.21 1.08 0.97 0.88 0.81 0.33 0.00
17 0.13 0.25 0.49 0.58 1.18 1.63 2.07 2.73 3.38 4.03 4.67 5.52 4.21 3.34 2.73 2.29 1.96 1.70 1.49 1.32 1.18 1.06 0.97 0.76 0.00
18 0.14 0.27 0.52 0.62 1.25 1.72 2.19 2.89 3.58 4.26 4.94 5.84 4.59 3.64 2.98 2.50 2.13 1.85 1.62 1.44 1.29 1.16 1.05 0.00
19 0.14 0.28 0.55 0.65 1.32 1.82 2.31 3.05 3.78 4.50 5.22 6.17 4.97 3.95 3.23 2.71 2.31 2.00 1.76 1.56 1.40 1.26 0.04 0.00
20 0.15 0.30 0.57 0.68 1.38 1.91 2.43 3.21 3.98 4.74 5.49 6.49 5.37 4.26 3.49 2.92 2.50 2.16 1.90 1.68 1.51 1.06
21 0.16 0.31 0.60 0.72 1.45 2.01 2.56 3.37 4.17 4.97 5.77 6.82 5.78 4.59 3.75 3.15 2.69 2.33 2.04 1.81 1.62 0.00
22 0.17 0.32 0.63 0.75 1.52 2.10 2.68 3.53 4.37 5.21 6.04 7.14 6.20 4.92 4.02 3.37 2.88 2.50 2.19 1.94 1.06 0.00
23 0.17 0.34 0.66 0.79 1.59 2.20 2.80 3.69 4.57 5.45 6.31 7.47 6.62 5.26 4.30 3.61 3.08 2.67 2.34 2.08 0.00
24 0.18 0.35 0.69 0.82 1.66 2.30 2.92 3.85 4.77 5.68 6.59 7.79 7.06 5.60 4.59 3.84 3.28 2.84 2.50 1.52 0.00
25 0.19 0.37 0.72 0.86 1.73 2.39 3.04 4.01 4.97 5.92 6.86 8.11 7.51 5.96 4.88 4.09 3.49 3.02 2.65 0.09 0.00
26 0.20 0.38 0.75 0.89 1.80 2.49 3.16 4.17 5.17 6.16 7.14 8.44 7.96 6.32 5.17 4.33 3.70 3.21 2.54 0.00
28 0.21 0.41 0.80 0.96 1.94 2.68 3.41 4.49 5.57 6.63 7.69 9.09 8.90 7.06 5.78 4.84 4.13 3.58 0.00
30 0.23 0.44 0.86 1.03 2.08 2.87 3.65 4.81 5.96 7.10 8.24 9.74 9.87 7.83 6.41 5.37 4.59 1.67 0.00
32 0.24 0.47 0.92 1.10 2.22 3.06 3.90 5.13 6.36 7.58 8.79 10.39 10.87 8.63 7.06 5.92 4.30 0.00
35 0.27 0.52 1.01 1.20 2.42 3.35 4.26 5.62 6.96 8.29 9.61 11.36 12.43 9.87 8.08 6.60 0.25 0.00
40 0.30 0.59 1.15 1.37 2.77 3.83 4.87 6.42 7.95 9.47 10.98 12.98 15.19 12.06 8.23 0.25 0.00
45 0.34 0.66 1.29 1.54 3.12 4.30 5.48 7.22 8.94 10.66 12.35 14.61 17.40 11.60 2.32 0.00
Type I
Type II Type III
Manual or Drip
Bath or Disc Lubrication Oil Stream Lubrication
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested that the
roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower ratings of multiple-
strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
NOTE: The limiting RPM for each lubrication type is shown in the charts shaded areas directly above the type I, II or III reference. For optimum results, it is suggested
that the roller chain manufacturer be given the opportunity to evaluate the operating condition of chains in the shaded (galling range) speed area. The horsepower
ratings of multiple-strand chains are greater than those for single strand chain. See table 1 on page 8 for multiple-strand factors.
the life of standard carbon steel roller chain. The 304 PS series NS 316 Series AISI 316 AISI 316 AISI 316 AISI 316
stainless steel chain gives excellent resistance to corrosion AS 600 Series AISI 300 600 PH(1) 600 PH(1) 600 PH(1)
and high temperatures. 304 PS series stainless steel is generally (1)
PH: precipitation hardened.
considered non-magnetic.
The primary use of 316 NS series stainless steel chain is in highly The primary use of 600 AS series stainless steel chain is in
corrosive and/or extreme temperatures, which shorten the life of corrosive and/or high-temperature environments, which shortens
304 PS series stainless steel chain. the life of standard carbon steel chain. The 600 AS series stainless
steel chain has less corrosion resistance than 304 PS series
stainless steel, but the hardened round parts are designed
to provide for better wear life than 304 PS series stainless
steel chain.
General selection is based on bearing pressure between the pin and bushing. Anti-corrosive
roller chains are normally intended to be used at slow speed without lubrication. Chain selection
should be made based on the bearing pressure, as shown below.
Type of Impact Service Factor Chain Speed Speed Coefcient 304SS (PS) and
600SS (AS)
316SS (NS)
Smooth 0 ~ 50 ft./min. (0 - 15 m/min.) 1.0 Chain No.
1.0 lbs. lbs.
50 ~ 100 ft./min. (15 - 30 m/min.) 1.2 kN kN
1.3 100 ~ 160 ft./min. (30 - 49 m/min.) 1.4 40 100 155
with some impact
160 ~ 230 ft./min. (49 - 70 m/min.) 1.6 0.44 0.69
1.5 50 165 230
with large impact
0.73 1.02
60 231 350
Fig. 4. Vertical.
Fig. 3. Horizontal - return side supported illustration.
Material is fully supported by the chain
Inch P = (2.1W + M)fM Cos_ C + (C M Sin_) + J
Metric P = [(2.1W + M)fM Cos_ C + (C M Sin_) +J] / 1,000
NOTE: When (WfrCOSa - WSINa) C is positive, multiply quantity by 1.1 to account for tail shaft friction.
Material is moved but not supported by the chain Fig. 5. Inclined - return side supported illustration.
Inch P = [(fMW + fWM)Cos_ + (W + M) Sin_] C + (W fM Cos_ W Sin_)C + J
Metric P = {[(fMW + fWM)Cos_ + (W + M) Sin_] C + (W fM Cos_ - W Sin_)C + J} / 1,000
P = Total conveyor pull (lbs, kN)
W = Weight of chain, attachment, slats, etc. per foot or meter (lbs/ft, kg/m)
M = Weight of material per foot or meter on the conveyor (lbs/ft, kg/m)
fM = Friction coefcient for chain (it may be either fr or fs whichever applies)
fW = Friction coefcient for material sliding
fr = Friction coefcient of chain rolling
fs = Friction coefcient of chain sliding on supports
C = Length of conveyor (ft, m)
T = Take-up force (lbs, kg)
J = Additional chain pull (lbs, kg)
h = Height of material (in, cm)
R = Variable factor for different materials
Type of Roller Dry Lubricated
Oversized Roller 0.12 0.08 Coefcient
Standard Roller 0.21 0.14 Dry Lubricated
Coal on steel 0.55
d Crushed stone or sand on steel 0.70
Where: fR = fs a
dr Cement on steel 0.80
da = bushing outside diameter Wood on wood 0.55
dr = roller outside diameter Corn on steel 0.30
Coefcient Material R Imperial R Metric
Dry Lubricated Coal 14.0 60.7
Steel on steel 0.33 0.20 Coke 35.0 151.7
Cast iron or cast steel on same surface 0.50 0.40 Limestone 7.5 32.5
Steel on bronze 0.15 Gravel 7.0 30.3
Steel on hardwood 0.35 0.25 Sand 5.5 23.8
Cast iron or cast steel on hardwood 0.44 Ashes 14.0 60.7
Multiply the chain tension (P) by the chain speed coefcient (k1)
For long conveyors, use take-up devices to eliminate chain
listed in table 66, and verify the following formula. Take-up (center distance
= + catenary sag
P x k1 < Max. allowable load of the chain stroke between sprockets x 0.02) allowance
When the design chain tension (P x k1) is over the allowable load Chain must always be engaged with at least three
or much less than it, try the same steps again for the next bigger sprocket teeth.
or smaller chain size to select a more suitable chain. When two or more strands of conveyor chain operate
together, all the sprocket teeth on the head shaft should
be aligned. The chain may be matched at the factory for
Chain Speed ft./min. (m/min.) Speed Factor (k1)
uniform length and attachment alignment for accurate
0 ~ 50 (0 - 15) 1.0
multiple-strand operation.
50 ~ 100 (15 - 30) 1.2
100 ~ 160 (30 - 50) 1.4
160 ~ 230 (50 - 70) 1.6
230 ~ 300 (70 - 90) 2.2
300 ~ 360 (90 - 110) 2.8
360 ~ 400 (110 - 120) 3.2
Oversize R Roller Type Standard S Roller Type
Chain Rolling (Horizontal or Vertical) Chain Rolling Chain Sliding (Double-Pitch Chain)
Chain Strand
Class 1 Tag
Chains are not measured, but the chains (strands, sections or
both) will be tagged: LH, RH, Lead End, etc., and/or tied together
as requested.
less(2), measured, and tagged with that measurement. These sections 2 Parallel
are arranged to incorporate a parallel and consecutive match. A2, B2, C2,
D2, E2
Parallel: The sections are assembled such that sections
directly across from each other have a difference of less
E2 &E3
than 0.030 in.
Generally, the slack of a roller chain should be on the lower
side (see g. 8). Adequate slack (SS) is about 4 percent of the
span for normal drives. In the following cases, the slack should
be about 2 percent of the span:
One of the most important factors in getting the best possible
performance out of your roller chain is proper lubrication. Each
joint in a roller chain is a journal bearing, so it is essential that
it receives an adequate amount of proper lubricant to achieve
maximum wear life. No matter how well a transmission system
is designed, if it is not properly lubricated, its service life will be
Wear between the pin and bushing causes the roller chain to
elongate. These parts should, therefore, be well lubricated. The
gap between the pin link plate and the roller link plate on the slack
side of the chain should be lled with oil. This oil forms a lm that Fig. 19.
reduces wear on the pin and bushing, thus increasing the chains Chain lubrication.
service life. It also reduces noise and acts as a coolant when the
chain runs at high speeds.
Only high-quality oil should be used to lubricate the roller chain. TABLE 70. TEMPERATURE AND LUBRICATION
Neither heavy oil nor grease is suitable. The viscosity of the oil
Temperature Suggested
used will depend on the chain size, chain speed and ambient Degree F (C) Lubricant
temperature. The lubricants suggested for specic temperature -20 +20 (-29 to -7) SAE 10
ranges are given in the table to the right. 20 40 (-7 to 5) SAE 20
The number of supply holes should equal Z+1 where Z is the 40 100 (5 to 38) SAE 30
number of strands of chain. The amount of oil supplied to each 100 120 (38 to 49) SAE 40
We recommend one of the following ve lubricating systems: OIL BATH
MANUAL LUBRICATION Use a leak-proof casing.
Oil is applied with an oil ller or brush in the gap between the The chain dips into the oil
pin link and roller link on the slack side of the chain. It should at the bottom of the casing.
be applied about every eight hours or as often as necessary to The sprocket should dip
prevent the bearing area of the chain from becoming dry. into the oil approximately
1 2 in. If the sprocket is
Use a simple casing. The oil is supplied by drip feed. Each strand
of chain should ordinarily receive ve to 20 drops of oil per minute,
according to increases in the chain speed.
Failure to observe the following warnings could
create a risk of death or serious injury.
INTERLUBE A TIMKEN BRAND ROTALUBE Standard Rotalube Applications
SYSTEM At present, common systems used to lubricate chains are:
The Rotalube chain lubrication system is a unique and precise Drip feed
method of applying consistent amounts of oil on a chain as it is in
production. The Rotalube is a controlled applicator that maintains Manual application
needed lubrication whatever the condition of the chain. Brush application
Automatic lubrication systems are designed to apply regular and Spit/spray
consistent amounts of oil to single or multiple Rotalubes in diverse Any system that delivers lubrication is better than none at all,
industrial applications such as: but the Rotalube system can extend chain life and help reduce
Food industry maintenance costs, which is an important benet for industrial
applications in the competitive global marketplace.
Automobile industry
Steel industry
Fiberglass industry
Cement industry
Packaging machinery
Over Lubrication
Lubricant Usage
Under Lubrication
A - Rotalube
B - Brush, Drip and Shot
C - Manual Lube
Lubricant Viscosity: Max 120 Cst and Min 68 Cst
Material: Steel Nickel Plated Hub and Nylatrone Sprocket
Max Speed: 50 m (164 feet) per min.
Air Pressure: 5 to 20 PSI
Temp Max: 70 C (158 F)
Temp Min: -20 C (-68 F)
Inlets: 1/8 in. NPT (F) x 2. Lubricant can be fed from both sides
or just one side, this is installation specic.
Fig. 26.
Part No Size BS ANSI A B C Part No Size BS ANSI A B C
RL-08B1 1/2 in. 26.9 48.8 89.2 RL-08B1W 1/2 in. 26.9 48.8 89.2
RL-10B1 5/8 in. 28.3 51.5 91.4 RL-10B1W 5/8 in. 28.3 51.5 91.4
RL-12B1 3/4 in. 29.5 54.0 91.6 RL-12B1W 3/4 in. 29.5 54.0 91.6
RL-16B1 1 in. 35.9 66.8 98.1 RL-16B1W 1 in. 35.9 66.8 98.1
RL-ASA40-1 1/2 in. 27.2 49.3 89.2 RL-ASA40-1W 1/2 in. 27.2 49.3 89.2
RL-ASA50-1 5/8 in. 29.0 53.0 91.4 RL-ASA50-1W 5/8 in. 29.0 53.0 91.4
RL-ASA60-1 3/4 in. 31.4 57.7 91.6 RL-ASA60-1W 3/4 in. 31.4 57.7 91.6
RL-ASA80-1 1 in. 34.6 64.2 98.1 RL-ASA80-1W 1 in. 34.6 64.2 98.1
RL-ASA100-1 1 1/4 in. 1 1/4 in. 37.65 70.15 102.7 RL-ASA100-1W 1 1/4 in. 1 1/4 in. 37.65 70.15 102.7
RL-ASA120-1 1 1/2 in. 1 1/2 in. 43.5 82.15 111.4 RL-ASA120-1W 1 1/2 in. 1 1/2 in. 43.5 82.15 111.4
Note: BS = British Standard, ANSI = American National Standards Institute Note: BS = British Standard, ANSI = American National Standards Institute
A, B and C dimensions are in millimeters. A, B and C dimensions are in millimeters.
30.0 A
1/8 NPT Inlet Female, Depth 10.0
2 x M8 x 1.25 Depth 12.0
1/8 NPT Inlet
0/ 45.0
Fig. 27.
2 13 14
7 9
3 5 11 16(1)
Kit Part Number:
RLK001 System Kit Including 3 Ltr Pump (ACR3201) Kit Excludes
RLK003 System Kit Including 6 Ltr Pump (ACR6201) Rotalube Bracket
and Applicator
Blanking plug required only if one of the inlets is inaccessible
13 14
Kit Excludes
9 4 Rotalube Bracket
7 9 3 5
11 4
16 17(1)
Kit Part Number:
RLK002 System Kit Including 3 Ltr Pump (ACR3201)
RLK004 System Kit Including 6 Ltr Pump (ACR6201) Kit Excludes
Rotalube Brackets
and Applicators
Blanking plug required only if one of the inlets is inaccessible
Custom Applications
Custom Rotalubes are available for
large pitch chain; in some cases,
chain with greater than 9-inch
High-temperature Rotalubes are
also available for oven chain.
Custom Rotalubes are specically
designed for each application,
together with the appropriate
lubrication system to automatically
feed the applicators with lubricant. Fig. 33. Custom applications.
For further information, or to request
a quote on custom applications,
please contact your nearest Timken
ILS Representative.
You may also contact Timken ILS for
the latest custom Rotalube catalog.
Fig. 34. Duplex and triplex chain. Fig. 35. Vertical mounted applicators.
Problem Possible Causes What to Do
Excessive noise Misalignment of sprockets Realign sprockets and shafts
Loose casings or bearings Tighten set-bolts
Too little or too much slack Adjust centers or idler take-up
Chain and/or sprocket wear Replace chain and/or sprocket
Inadequate lubrication or no lubrication Lubricate properly
Chain pitch size too large Check chain drive selection
Chain vibration Resonance to the vibration cycle of machine Change vibration cycle of chain or machine
to be installed
Use torque converter or uid coupling
High load uctuation
Wear on inside of link Misalignment Realign sprockets and shafts
plate and one side of
sprocket teeth.
Chain climbs sprockets Excessive chain wear Replace chain
Excessive chain slack Adjust centers or idler take-up
Heavy overload Reduce load or install stronger chain
Broken pins, bushings Chain speed is too high for pitch and sprocket size Use shorter pitch chain or install larger diameter sprockets
or rollers
Heavy shock or suddenly applied loads Reduce shock load or install stronger chain
Material build-up in sprocket tooth pockets Remove material build-up or install side-gashed sprockets (mud relief)
Inadequate lubrication Lubricate properly
Chain or sprocket corrosion Install anti-corrosive chain or sprockets
Chain clings to sprocket Center distance too long or high load uctuation Adjust the center distance or install idler take-up
Excessive chain slack Replace chain
Excessive chain wear
Chain gets stiff Misalignment Realign sprockets and shafts
Inadequate lubrication Lubricate properly
Corrosion Replace with anti-corrosive chain
Excessive load Reduce load or replace with chain or suitable strength
Material build-up in chain joint Shield drive from foreign matter
Peening of link plate edges Check for chain interference
Breakage of link plate Subjected to shock load Reduce shock (e.g., install a shock absorber)
Vibration Install a device to absorb vibration (e.g., tensioner idler wheel)
Moment of load inertia is too large Chain section should be checked (increase number of strands or select
next larger size chain
EZ BREAKER is a compact, easy-to-use tool for cutting roller
chain. This simple, rugged piece of equipment can stand up to
the abuses of the shop, farm or industrial environment.
EZ BREAKER will cut ANSI roller chain sizes 35 through 100H,
40-2 through 80-2, 2040 through 2060H, and 550 through 557 with
a simple pull of the handle. No more grinding off pin heads. No
more hammers and punches.
EZ BREAKER uses powerful cam action to push both chain pins
through the link plates with an easy pull of the handle. Breaking
different chain sizes is easy.
Precision die sets for each chain size are easily interchangeable.
Changing from one die set to another can be accomplished in a
few seconds. The time-consuming, tedious job of breaking chain
is now accomplished with a single pull of the handle. EZ BREAKER
links price and value.
EZ BREAKER has interchangeable die sets that make it easy to
switch from one size chain to another.
Fig. 36. EZ BREAKER.
Using the EZ CHAIN RACK is simple. Learn how, in three easy
steps, you can make it easy to store and cut our brand of precision
roller chain. The EZ CHAIN RACK is versatile, allowing four
positions to hold 50-foot reels of chain.
Stand-alone base.
Four stations.
Will hold two 50-foot reels of #40 or #50 chain per station.
U.S. Patent Number D598, 307 and 7,654,149, D596,512 and D665492.
x 1.2445 = Cubic feet (ft.3) x 0.017453 = Radians (rad)
x 60 = Minutes ()
CENTIMETERS cm x 3600 = Seconds ()
x 0.3937 = Inches (in.) x 1.111 = Grade (gon)
x 1.6093 x 103 = Meters (m)
x 1.6093 = Kilometers (km)
x 5280 = Feet (ft.)
x 1760 = Yards (yd.)
x 2.909 x 10-4 = Radians (rad)
Angle of Flex: The total angle of chain joint articulation as a chain enters or leaves a sprocket
or wheel. The angle is equal to 360 degrees divided by the number of teeth in the sprocket.
ANSI/ASME: The abbreviation for American National Standards Instituteand American
Society of Mechanical Engineers the organizations that sets the standards by which chains
should be manufactured.
API: American Petroleum Institute and represents all aspects of the US petroleum and natural
gas industry.
API 7F: American Petroleum Institute chain standard.
Articulation (v, Articulate): The action of a chain joint exing from straight, to an angle and
back to straight as the joint enters and leaves the sprocket or other path, causing it to ex.
Backlash: Movement (if any) of the chain along the pitch line of the
sprocket when the direction of chain travel is reversed.
Block Chain: An alternative name used by some manufacturers for
bar-link chain or for certain styles of leaf chain.
Bottom Diameter: The diameter of a circle measured between one tooth gap and the opposite
gap for a sprocket with even an number of teeth.
Bushing: Internal component in a roller chain that the pin
articulates around and the roller rotates on.
Cable Chain: See Leaf Chain.
Caliper Diameter: The distance measured between one tooth gap and the nearest opposite
gap for a sprocket with an odd number of teeth.
Caterpillar Drive Chain: Chain with
pushers that is used to drive drop forged
Center Distance: The distance between
the centers of the shafts of a chain drive.
Chain Casing: An oil-retaining safety enclosure around a chain drive.
Chain Guard: An open guard of sheet metal,
expanded metal or similar construction
around a chain drive.
Chain Length: The actual chain length between
the joint centers at each end of a taut chain
strand. This distance is usually expressed in
feet and/or inches or in pitches.
Chain Pitch (Nominal): The average distance between the joints (except for staggered pitch
chain) of an assembled chain. In some cases, joint, as dened here, will be a center of
exure not specically identied with individual parts of the chain.
Deep Link Conveyor Chain: Chain design with a carrier roller that protrudes down below the
side bar but does not protrude above the side bar.
Design Horsepower: The specied horsepower for a chain drive multiplied by a service factor.
It is the value used to select the chain size for the drive.
Double-Pitch Roller Chain: A roller chain having double the pitch of a standard roller chain,
but otherwise having standard pins and bushings, and standard or over-size rollers.
Duplex Roller Chain: Double strand chain (80-2) (double strand).
Elastic Limit: The highest load a part (e.g. chain strand) can
sustain without incurring a permanent change in length.
Embrittlement: Reduction in ductility of materials due to
exposure to certain environments or temperatures.
Fatigue Strength: Fatigue is the phenomenon leading to
fracture under repeated uctuating stresses having a
maximum value less than the yield strength of material.
Fatigue strength is the maximum stress that can be sustained
for a specied number of cycles (10E7) without failure.
Galling: A condition on the load-bearing surface of a pin or bushing of a chain where
excessive friction between high spots results in localized welding with subsequent tearing and
a further roughening of the contact surfaces.
Gap Tooth Sprocket: An even-number tooth sprocket designed with clearance for a through
rod or saddle. D-5 or GK1 attachment chains are used on this style sprocket.
Hardness: Chain hardness is typically measured in Vickers, Brinell or Rockwell.
Hoist Chain: Chain manufactured strictly for a lifting application.
Hollow Pin Roller Chain: Chain manufactured using a bushing as the pin holding the pin link
plates. This chain is generally used in pairs with the two strands running parallel and a through
rod tying them together.
Joining Link: See Connecting Link.
Leaf Chain: A chain consisting of interlacing side plates and
riveted pins. This chain is manufactured in accordance with
ANSI/ASME standard B29.8. This chain is typically used
in lifting and/or tensioning applications.
Length Tolerance: The length new chain must be within when measured under a given load.
Link Plate: One of the side plates of either a pin link or a roller link in a roller chain.
Load Classication: A classication of drive loads based on the intensity of shock that is
imposed on the drive.
Loading Frequency (Time): Loading frequency is the number of times per unit of time that the
chain is exposed to a complete cycle of loading. A complete loading cycle normally occurs
when a particular link moves completely around the system and returns to its starting point.
Master Link: See Connecting Link.
Matching and Tagging: When chains
are required for multiple-strand
operation, it is important to specify to
the manufacturer matched and tagged chain together with the number of strands required.
The chains will then be measured at the factory and a number tag attached to each strand.
Each matching group of strands is tagged with the same number and, whenever possible, will
be wired and shipped together. The tags should not be removed until the chain is assembled.
The strands must be coupled so that those with the same number are installed side by side. All
standard chains must meet standard length tolerances. Matching chain strands ensures that
sections of chain with lengths at opposite ends of the tolerance range are not placed together
in the conveyor.
Maximum Allowable Load: The maximum tension a chain may safely be subjected to. This
value should never be exceeded by actual design load factored by speed, temperature, and
dynamic adjustments as applicable.
Measuring Load: The specied standard load under which a chain is to be measured for length
(1 percent of tensile strength).
Multiple-Strand Chain: In multiple strand, two or more
Number of Multiple Strand
Roller Chain Strands Factor chains are assembled side by side on common pins that
2 1.7 maintain the alignment of the rollers in the several strands.
3 2.5
In multiple strands, center plates are located between the
4 3.3
5 3.9 strands of roller links. Center plates may be slip-t or press-t on the pin as agreed between
6 4.6 the chain manufacturer and user. The hyphenated number sufx in the chain number denotes
the number of strands: 2 a double strand; 3 a triple strand; 4 a quadruple strand chain; etc.
Multiple Strand Factor: A factor by which the horsepower rating of a single-strand chain is
multiplied to obtain the horsepower capacity of a chain with two or more strands.
Offset Link: A special offset link, as termed in roller chain descriptions, made for use in straight
link chain when an uneven number of links in the total strand is required.
Offset Section: For a roller chain, a factory-assembled section, made up of a roller link and an
offset link. Offset sections are used to connect strands of chain having an odd number
of pitches.
Overchaining: A drive is overchained when it incorporates a chain of substantially higher
rating than that indicated by normal selection procedures to have been necessary.
Pin Oven Chain: A chain used to convey cans through a drying oven.
Pin Oven
Typically 60 chain with an extended pin every 7th pitch is used. Chain
Pitch: See Chain Pitch; Pitch Diameter.
Pitch Diameter: The diameter of the sprocket pitch circle.
Press Fit: Standard designed interference t between side-plate pitch hole and pin/bushing.
Prestressing (Dynamic): Dynamic prestressing is the process of subjecting chain to a load as it
is articulated or wrapped around multiple sprockets. Dynamic prestressing is done to seat the
chain components and to reduce initial (break-in) elongation in chain drives.
Prestressing (Static): Static prestressing is the process of subjecting chain to a load at a
minimum of 20 percent of the ultimate strength. The chain is pulled in a straight line. Static
prestressing is done to seat the chain components and to minimize the variation in strand
lengths of attachment chain used in pairs.
Pulsation: Fluctuations of a cyclic nature in load or speed (See Chordal Action).
Rollers: The component on the chain which engages the sprocket. The roller allows the chain
to roll into the sprocket. The roller rotates on the bushing.
Root Diameter: The theoretical bottom diameter of a sprocket, equal to the pitch diameter
minus the chain roller or barrel diameter (See Bottom Diameter).
Run-In: The initial period of operation of any mechanism, during which the component parts
seat themselves.
Scoring: Marring or scratching of a pin or bushing caused by metallic debris being picked up
in the contact surfaces on one of the parts.
Seating Curve: A specic term for the pocket curve of a roller chain sprocket.
Seizing: Stiffening (or freezing) of a chain joint as a result of roughness and high friction
caused by galling. This occurs between the pin and bushing and/or link plates.
Semi-Press Fit (Tap Fit): Minimum interference t between side plate and pin.
Service Factor: A factor by which the specied horsepower or working load of a chain is
multiplied to compensate for operating conditions.
Sheave: A grooved wheel or pulley. Typically used with leaf chain to change its direction.
Shot Peening: Process which is used on the side plates to improve fatigue strength.
Sidebar: Another name for Link Plate.
Side Bow Chain: See Curve Chain.
Simplex Roller Chain: Single-strand chain (80) (single strand).
Sinter Bushing: Bushing made from powdered metal and then oil impregnated.
Skip Tooth: A sprocket designed such that the chain engages only every other tooth on the
sprocket. Typically used with staggered pitch chain.
Tensile Strength: See Ultimate Strength.
Tension Linkage: A chain application primarily transmitting motion back and forth or up and
down at low speeds. A typical example is a forklift reciprocating system.
T-Pin/T-Head: The retaining pin for cotter-style chain and connecting links.
Tight Joint or Stiff Joint: Chain joint that does not articulate freely.
Top Roller Chain: Chain which has a roller
on top to allow for accumulation of product
on top of chain while the chain is moving.
Torque: Torsional force, expressed in inch-pounds in chain calculations, which is the product
of chain pull and one-half the sprocket pitch diameter.
Transverse Clearance: Clearance between roller link plate and pin link plate.
Transverse Pitch: The lateral distance between the centerlines of each strand of multiple
strand chain, or between the tooth proles on a sprocket for a multiple strand chain.
Triplex Roller Chain: Triple strand chain (80-3)
(triple strand).
Ultimate Strength: The ultimate strength of a chain is the single maximum load that breaks the
chain. Typically specied as either average or minimum.
Underchaining: A drive is underchained when it incorporates a chain of substantially lower
rating than that indicated to be needed from normal selection procedures.
Working Load: An allowable suggested chain load used on conveyors, drives with
nonstandard chains, or other applications of lower relative speed.
Wrench Chain: Wrench chains are leaf chains with pins extending beyond both sides of the
chain. It serves as a tension linkage for holding pipe securely in pipe wrenches. The extended
pins permit this chain to support a load not in line with the chain without danger of pulling the
link plates off the pins. The pins are used to lock onto a mechanism to accommodate various
pipe sizes.
Yield Strength: The elastic limit or yield strength
of a chain is the load that causes permanent
elongation of the chain.
Our precision roller chain
products are manufactured to
meet or exceed ANSI standards.
They excel in tough, high-performance
applications. We can even custom
manufacture product to your specications.
Carbon Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Heavy Series Roller Chain Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Oil Field Roller Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Extended Life CHP Series Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Corrosion Resistant Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Specialty Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
L1 L3
L1 L3 W
W L L2 L4
L2 L4
D d
L1 L3
L2 L4
41 0.500 0.252 0.306 0.382 0.049 0.141 0.536 0.315 0.268 0.315 0.268 0.273
12.70 6.40 7.77 9.70 1.24 3.58 13.61 8.00 6.81 8.00 6.81 0.406
40 0.500 0.313 0.313 0.472 0.060 0.156 0.567 0.630 0.404 0.317 0.377 0.315 0.420
12.70 7.95 7.95 11.99 1.52 3.96 14.40 16.00 10.26 8.05 9.58 8.00 0.625
50 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.713 0.795 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 0.713
15.88 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 18.11 20.19 12.42 10.13 12.42 10.11 1.061
60 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.898 0.996 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 1.067
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 22.81 25.30 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 1.588
80 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 1.283 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 1.868
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 32.59 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 2.780
100 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 2.801
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 4.168
120 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.289 1.955 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 4.135
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 32.74 49.66 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 6.154
140 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 2.136 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 5.136
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 54.25 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 7.643
160 2.000 1.250 1.125 1.899 0.250 0.562 2.305 2.538 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 6.603
50.80 31.75 28.58 48.23 6.35 14.27 58.55 64.47 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 9.826
180 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 2.780 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 9.100
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 70.61 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 13.542
200 2.500 1.490 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 3.088 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 10.900
63.50 37.85 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 78.44 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 16.221
240 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 3.708 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 16.400
76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 94.18 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 24.406
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: See pages 92 and 93, and table 81 on page 79 and tables 116 and 117 on pages 120-121 for available heavy series and double-pitch roller chain sizes.
NOTE: See pages 80-91 for multi-strand dimensions.
D d T
A2050 1.250 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.795 0.398 0.489 0.450
31.75 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 20.19 10.11 12.42 0.670
A2060 1.500 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.996 0.498 0.648 0.630
38.10 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 25.30 12.65 16.46 0.938
L1 L3 W
W L L2 L4
L2 L4
D d
L1 L3
L2 L4
35-2 0.375 0.189 0.200 0.355 0.049 0.141 0.398 0.878 0.264 0.252 0.264 0.240 4,200 0.410
9.53 4.80 5.08 9.02 1.24 3.58 10.11 22.30 6.71 6.40 6.71 6.10 18.68 0.610
35-3 0.375 0.189 0.200 0.355 0.049 0.141 0.398 1.276 0.264 0.252 0.264 0.240 6,300 0.620
9.53 4.80 5.08 9.02 1.24 3.58 10.11 32.41 6.71 6.40 6.71 6.10 28.02 0.923
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
L1 L3 W
W L L2 L4
L2 L4
D d
L1 L3
L2 L4
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
L1 L3 W
W L L2 L4
L2 L4
D d
L1 L3
L2 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
40-1 40NP-1, 40CR-1 0.500 0.313 0.313 0.472 0.060 0.156 0.630 0.404 0.317 0.377 0.315 4,200 0.420
40CH-1 12.70 7.95 7.95 11.99 1.52 3.96 16.00 10.26 8.05 9.58 8.00 18.68 0.625
40-2 40NP-2, 40CR-2 0.500 0.313 0.313 0.472 0.060 0.156 0.567 1.195 0.404 0.317 0.377 0.315 8,400 0.810
40CH-2 12.70 7.95 7.95 11.99 1.52 3.96 14.40 30.35 10.26 8.05 9.58 8.00 37.37 1.205
40-3 40NP-3, 40CR-3 0.500 0.313 0.313 0.472 0.060 0.156 0.567 1.773 0.404 0.317 0.377 0.315 12,600 1.210
12.70 7.95 7.95 11.99 1.52 3.96 14.40 45.03 10.26 8.05 9.58 8.00 56.05 1.801
40-4 40NP-4, 40CR-4 0.500 0.313 0.313 0.472 0.060 0.156 0.567 2.331 0.404 0.317 0.377 0.315 16,800 1.610
12.70 7.95 7.95 11.99 1.52 3.96 14.40 59.21 10.26 8.05 9.58 8.00 74.73 2.396
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
L1 L3
L2 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
50-1 50NP-1, 50CR-1, 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.795 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 6,600 0.713
50CH-1 15.31 9.21 9.80 14.46 1.96 4.90 19.48 11.98 9.78 11.98 9.75 29.36 1.061
50-2 50NP-2, 50CR-2, 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.713 1.511 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 13,200 1.406
50CH-2 15.31 9.21 9.80 14.46 1.96 4.90 17.47 37.02 11.98 9.78 11.98 9.75 58.72 2.092
50-3 50NP-3, 50CR-3 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.713 2.230 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 19,800 2.099
15.31 9.21 9.80 14.46 1.96 4.90 17.47 54.64 11.98 9.78 11.98 9.75 88.07 3.124
50-4 50NP-4, 50CR-4 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.713 2.943 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 26,400 2.790
15.31 9.21 9.80 14.46 1.96 4.90 17.47 72.10 11.98 9.78 11.98 9.75 117.43 4.152
50-5 50NP-5, 50CR-5 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.713 3.656 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 33,000 3.830
15.31 9.21 9.80 14.46 1.96 4.90 17.47 89.57 11.98 9.78 11.98 9.75 146.79 5.700
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
L1 L3
L2 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
60-1 60NP-1, 60CR-1 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.996 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 8,500 1.067
60CH-1 19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 25.30 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 37.81 1.588
60-2 60NP-2, 60CR-2 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.898 1.896 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 17,000 2.068
60CH-2 19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 22.81 48.16 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 75.62 3.078
60-3 60NP-3, 60CR-3 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.898 2.794 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 25,500 3.069
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 22.81 70.97 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 113.43 4.567
60-4 60NP-4, 60CR-4 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.898 3.690 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 34,000 4.070
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 22.81 93.73 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 151.24 6.057
60-5 60NP-5, 60CR-5 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.898 4.588 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 42,500 5.071
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 22.81 116.54 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 189.05 7.545
60-6 60NP-6, 60CR-6 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.898 5.486 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 51,000 6.072
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 22.81 139.34 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 226.86 9.036
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
80-2 80NP-2, 80CR-2, 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 2.439 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 29,000 43,000 3.74
80CH-2, 80Z-2 25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 61.95 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 129.00 191.27 5.566
80-3 80NP-3, 80CR-3, 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 3.594 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 43,500 64,500 5.60
80Z-3 25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 91.29 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 193.50 382.55 8.334
80-4 80NP-4, 80CR-4, 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 4.749 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 58,000 86,000 7.44
80Z-4 25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 120.62 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 258.00 382.55 11.072
80-5 80NP-5, 80CR-5, 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 5.904 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 72,500 107,500 9.03
80Z-5 25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 149.96 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 322.50 478.18 13.438
80-6 80NP-6, 80CR-6, 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 7.059 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 87,000 129,000 10.82
80Z-6 25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 179.30 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 387.00 573.82 16.102
80-8 80NP-8, 80CR-8, 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 9.369 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 116,000 172,000 14.43
80Z-8 25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 237.97 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 515.99 765.09 21.474
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
TABLE 88. 100 1.250 in. (31.75 mm) PITCH CHAIN DIMENSIONS
Min. Average Average
Chain No. Roller Trans- Tensile Tensile
Roller Pin
Pitch Link Link Plate verse Pin Strength Strength Average
NP = Nickel Plated (see page 106). Dia. Dia.
Inside Pitch (Case- (Through- Weight
CR = Silver Shield (see page 107).
CH = Extended Life CHP (see page 103). Width Hardened Hardened
Z= High Strength Through-Hardened Pin) Pin)
Pin with Ballized plate P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
(see page 93).
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
100-1 100NP-1, 100CR-1, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 24,000 33,000 2.80
100CH-1, 100Z-1 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 106.76 146.79 4.167
100-2 100NP-2, 100CR-2, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 2.981 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 48,000 66,000 5.60
100CH-2, 100Z-2 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 75.72 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 213.51 293.58 8.334
100-3 100NP-3, 100CR-3, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 4.392 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 72,000 99,000 8.47
100Z-3 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 111.56 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 320.27 440.37 12.605
100-4 100NP-4, 100CR-4, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 5.803 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 96,000 132,000 11.11
100Z-4 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 147.40 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 427.03 587.17 16.534
100-5 100NP-5, 100CR-5, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 7.214 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 120,000 165,000 13.97
100Z-5 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 183.24 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 533.79 733.96 20.790
100-6 100NP-6, 100CR-6, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 8.625 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 144,000 198,000 16.72
100Z-6 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 219.08 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 640.54 880.75 24.882
100-8 100NP-8, 100CR-8, 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 11.447 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 192,000 264,000 22.29
100Z-8 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 290.75 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 854.06 1174.33 33.171
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
TABLE 89. 120 1.500 in. (38.1 mm) PITCH CHAIN DIMENSIONS
Min. Average Average
Chain No. Roller Trans- Tensile Tensile
Roller Pin
Pitch Link Link Plate verse Pin Strength Strength Average
NP = Nickel Plated (see page 106). Dia. Dia.
Inside Pitch (Case- (Through- Weight
CR = Silver Shield (see page 107).
CH = Extended Life CHP (see page 103). Width Hardened Hardened
Z= High Strength Through-Hardened Pin) Pin)
Pin with Ballized plate P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
(see page 93).
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
120-1 120NP-1, 120CR-1, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.955 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 34,000 45,100 4.14
120CH-1, 120Z-1 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 49.66 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 151.24 200.61 6.161
120-2 120NP-2, 120CR-2, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 3.767 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 68,000 90,200 8.27
120CH-2, 120Z-2 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 95.68 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 302.48 401.23 12.307
120-3 120NP-3, 120CR-3, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 5.556 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 102,000 135,300 12.10
120Z-3 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 141.12 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 453.72 601.84 18.007
120-4 120NP-4, 120CR-4, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 7.345 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 136,000 180,400 16.17
120Z-4 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 186.56 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 604.96 802.46 24.064
120-5 120NP-5, 120CR-5, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 9.134 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 170,000 225,500 20.24
120Z-5 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 232.00 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 756.20 1003.07 30.120
120-6 120NP-6, 120CR-6, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 10.923 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 204,000 270,600 24.20
120Z-6 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 277.44 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 907.44 1203.69 36.014
120-8 120NP-8, 120CR-8, 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 14.501 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 272,000 360,800 32.27
120Z-8 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 368.33 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 1209.92 1604.92 48.023
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
TABLE 90. 140 1.750 in. (44.45 mm) PITCH CHAIN DIMENSIONS
Min. Average Average
Chain No. Roller Trans- Tensile Tensile
Roller Pin
Pitch Link Link Plate verse Pin Strength Strength Average
NP = Nickel Plated (see page 106). Dia. Dia.
Inside Pitch (Case- (Through- Weight
CR = Silver Shield (see page 107).
Width Hardened Hardened
CH = Extended Life CHP (see page 103).
Z= High Strength Through-Hardened P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4 Pin) Pin)
Pin with Ballized plate
(see page 93). in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
140-1 140NP-1, 140CR-1, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 2.136 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 46,000 57,450 5.14
140CH-1, 140Z-1 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 204.62 255.55 7.649
140-2 140NP-2, 140CR-2, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 4.060 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 92,000 114,900 10.27
140CH-2, 140Z-2 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 103.12 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 409.24 511.10 15.283
140-3 140NP-3, 140CR-3, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 5.984 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 138,000 172,350 15.29
140Z-3 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 151.99 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 613.85 766.65 22.754
140-4 140NP-4, 140CR-4, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 7.908 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 184,000 229,800 20.46
140Z-4 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 200.86 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 818.47 1022.20 30.448
140-5 140NP-5, 140CR-5, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 9.832 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 230,000 287,250 25.52
140Z-5 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 249.73 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 1023.09 1277.75 37.978
140-6 140NP-6, 140CR-6, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 11.756 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 276,000 344,700 30.69
140Z-6 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 298.60 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 1227.71 1533.30 45.672
140-8 140NP-8, 140CR-8, 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 15.604 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 368,000 459,600 40.92
140Z-8 44.45 25.40 25.40 1.66 5.59 12.70 48.87 396.34 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 1636.95 2044.40 60.896
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
TABLE 91. 160 2.000 in. (50.8 mm) PITCH CHAIN DIMENSIONS
Min. Average Average
Chain No. Roller Trans- Tensile Tensile
Roller Pin
Pitch Link Link Plate verse Pin Strength Strength Average
NP = Nickel Plated (see page 106). Dia. Dia.
Inside Pitch (Case- (Through- Weight
CR = Silver Shield (see page 107).
Width Hardened Hardened
CH = Extended Life CHP (see page 103).
Z= High Strength Through-Hardened P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4 Pin) Pin)
Pin with Ballized plate
(see page 93). in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
160-1 160NP-1, 160CR-1, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.538 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 58,000 72,800 6.60
160CH-1, 160Z-1 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 64.47 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 258.00 323.83 9.822
160-2 160NP-2, 160CR-2, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 4.843 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 116,000 145,600 13.21
160CH-2, 160Z-2 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 123.01 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 515.99 647.66 19.659
160-3 160NP-3, 160CR-3, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 7.148 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 174,000 218,400 20.79
160Z-3 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 181.56 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 773.99 971.49 30.939
160-4 160NP-4, 160CR-4, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 9.453 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 232,000 291,200 27.83
160Z-4 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 240.11 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1031.99 1295.32 41.416
160-5 160NP-5, 160CR-5, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 11.758 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 290,000 364,000 34.76
160Z-5 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 298.65 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1289.98 1619.15 51.729
160-6 160NP-6, 160CR-6, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 14.063 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 348,000 436,800 41.69
160Z-6 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 357.20 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1547.98 1942.98 62.042
160-8 160NP-8, 160CR-8, 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 18.673 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 406,000 582,400 55.50
160Z-8 50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 474.29 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1805.98 2590.64 82.593
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
D d
TABLE 92. 180 2.250 in. (57.15 mm) PITCH CHAIN DIMENSIONS
Min. Average
Chain No. Roller Trans- Tensile
Roller Pin
Pitch Link Link Plate verse Pin Strength Average
NP = Nickel Plated (see page 106). Dia. Dia.
Inside Pitch (Through- Weight
CR = Silver Shield (see page 107).
CH = Extended Life CHP (see page 103). Width Hardened
Z= High Strength Through-Hardened Pin)
Pin with Ballized plate P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
(see page 93).
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
180-1 180NP-1, 180CR-1, 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.780 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 95,000 9.10
180CH-1, 180Z-1 57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 70.61 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 422.58 13.542
180-2 180NP-2, 180CR-2, 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 5.372 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 190,000 18.10
180CH-2, 180Z-2 57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 136.45 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 845.16 26.936
180-3 180NP-3, 180CR-3, 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 7.964 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 285,000 27.01
180Z-3 57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 202.29 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 1267.74 40.195
180-4 180NP-4, 180CR-4, 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 10.556 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 380,000 35.91
180Z-4 57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 268.12 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 1690.32 53.440
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
L1 L3
L1 L3 L2 L4
L2 L4
D d T
L1 L3
L2 L4
TABLE 93. 200 2.500 in. (63.5 mm) PITCH CHAIN DIMENSIONS
Min. Average
Chain No. Roller Trans- Tensile
Roller Pin
Pitch Link Link Plate verse Pin Strength Average
NP = Nickel Plated (see page 106). Dia. Dia.
Inside Pitch (Through- Weight
CR = Silver Shield (see page 107).
CH = Extended Life CHP (see page 103). Width Hardened
Z= High Strength Through-Hardened Pin)
Pin with Ballized plate
P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
(see page 93).
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
200-1 200NP-1, 200CR-1, 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 3.088 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 100,000 10.90
200CH-1, 200Z-1 63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 78.44 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 444.82 16.221
200-2 200NP-2, 200CR-2, 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 5.905 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 200,000 21.00
200CH-2, 200Z-2 63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 149.99 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 889.64 31.251
200-3 200NP-3, 200CR-3, 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 8.722 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 300,000 31.50
200Z-3 63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 221.54 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 1334.47 46.877
200-4 200NP-4, 200CR-4, 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 11.539 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 400,000 42.10
200Z-4 63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 293.09 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 1779.29 62.652
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
L1 L3
L1 L3 L2 L4
L2 L4
D d T
L1 L3
L2 L4
240-2 240NP-2, 240CR-2, 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 7.166 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 315,600 32.20
240CH-2, 240Z-2 76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 182.02 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 1,403.86 47.919
240-3 240NP-3, 240CR-3, 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 10.624 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 473,400 49.40
240Z-3 76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 269.85 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 2,105.79 73.515
240-4 240NP-4, 240CR-4, 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 14.082 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 631,200 65.70
240Z-4 76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 357.68 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 2,807.72 97.772
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: 35, 41, 40 and 50 are riveted only, 60 - 240 are available in riveted and cottered.
60H-2R 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.709 0.125 0.234 1.028 2.160 0.650 0.570 0.650 0.570 17,000 2.637
19.05 12.70 11.91 18.01 3.18 5.94 26.11 54.86 16.51 14.48 16.51 14.48 75.62 3.924
60H-3R 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.709 0.125 0.234 1.028 3.196 0.650 0.570 0.650 0.570 25,500 4.010
19.05 12.70 11.91 18.01 3.18 5.94 26.11 81.18 16.51 14.48 16.51 14.48 113.43 5.968
80H-1R 1.000 0.625 0.625 0.949 0.156 0.312 1.413 0.839 0.707 0.839 0.707 14,500 2.462
25.40 15.88 15.88 24.10 3.96 7.92 35.89 21.31 17.96 21.31 17.96 64.50 3.664
80H-2R 1.000 0.625 0.625 0.949 0.156 0.312 1.283 2.694 0.839 0.707 0.839 0.707 29,000 4.344
25.40 15.88 15.88 24.10 3.96 7.92 32.59 68.43 21.31 17.96 21.31 17.96 129.00 6.465
80H-3R 1.000 0.625 0.625 0.949 0.156 0.312 1.283 3.977 0.839 0.707 0.839 0.707 43,500 6.569
25.40 15.88 15.88 24.10 3.96 7.92 32.59 101.02 21.31 17.96 21.31 17.96 193.50 9.776
100H-1R 1.250 0.750 0.750 1.186 0.187 0.375 1.725 0.993 0.863 0.993 0.863 24,000 3.223
31.75 19.05 19.05 30.12 4.75 9.53 43.82 25.22 21.92 25.22 21.92 106.76 4.796
100H-2R 1.250 0.750 0.750 1.186 0.187 0.375 1.539 3.260 0.993 0.863 0.993 0.863 48,000 6.356
31.75 19.05 19.05 30.12 4.75 9.53 39.09 82.80 25.22 21.92 25.22 21.92 213.51 9.459
100H-3R 1.250 0.750 0.750 1.186 0.187 0.375 1.539 4.799 0.993 0.863 0.993 0.863 72,000 9.579
31.75 19.05 19.05 30.12 4.75 9.53 39.09 121.89 25.22 21.92 25.22 21.92 320.27 14.255
120H-1R 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.219 0.437 2.085 1.186 1.043 1.186 1.043 34,000 4.614
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 5.56 11.10 52.96 30.12 26.49 30.12 26.49 151.24 6.866
120H-2R 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.219 0.437 1.924 4.010 1.186 1.043 1.186 1.043 68,000 9.161
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 5.56 11.10 48.87 101.85 30.12 26.49 30.12 26.49 302.48 13.633
120H-3R 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.219 0.437 1.924 5.934 1.186 1.043 1.186 1.043 102,000 13.650
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 5.56 11.10 48.87 150.72 30.12 26.49 30.12 26.49 453.72 20.313
NOTE: Dimensions subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
Ballized pin-plate, middle-bar and bushing-plate holes made Riveted endless construction standard/suggested for
to precision tolerances provide increased bearing area and certain applications.
press ts, improving fatigue life and working loads.
Size 264 chain is produced with a heavy series side plate
Wide-waisted link plates are manufactured with maximized (0.375 in. thick plate material) and a larger diameter pin,
ball height from special alloy steels for added strength. The which provides greater bearing area and improved wear
wide link plate prole improves stress distribution, leading life. 264 chain will t on the same sprockets as 200H.
to improved fatigue resistance and enhanced performance.
Please consult your Drives representative for
maximum allowable loads.
80HZ-1R 1.000 0.625 0.625 0.949 0.156 0.312 1.283 1.413 0.839 0.707 21,500 2.243
25.40 15.88 15.88 24.10 3.96 7.92 32.59 35.89 21.31 17.96 95.64 3.338
100HZ-1R 1.250 0.750 0.750 1.186 0.187 0.375 1.539 1.725 0.993 0.863 33,000 3.277
31.75 19.05 19.05 30.12 4.75 9.53 39.09 43.82 25.22 21.92 146.79 4.877
120HZ-1R 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.219 0.437 1.925 2.085 1.186 1.043 45,100 4.605
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 5.56 11.10 48.90 52.96 30.12 26.49 200.61 6.853
140HZ-1R 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.250 0.500 2.055 2.260 1.313 1.130 57,450 5.801
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 6.35 12.70 52.20 57.40 33.35 28.70 255.55 8.633
160HZ-1R 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.283 0.563 2.437 2.673 1.520 1.339 72,800 7.548
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 7.19 14.30 61.90 67.89 38.61 34.01 323.83 11.233
180HZ-1R 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.312 0.687 2.716 2.968 1.641 1.484 95,000 10.250
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.92 17.45 68.99 75.39 41.68 37.69 422.58 15.254
200HZ-1R 2.50 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.781 3.083 3.344 2.015 1.672 136,000 12.4
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 19.84 78.31 84.94 51.18 42.47 604.96 18.45
264HZ-1R 2.500 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.875 3.083 3.344 2.015 1.672 135,000 12.400
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 22.23 78.31 84.94 51.18 42.47 600.51 18.453
240HZ-1R 3.000 1.875 1.875 2.850 0.500 0.937 3.984 4.265 2.453 2.157 217,000 19.570
76.20 47.63 47.63 72.39 12.70 23.80 101.19 108.33 62.31 54.79 965.26 29.123
NOTE: Dimensions subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
High-shear T-pins are designed to resist corrosion and retain
position in the most extreme applications. Sizes 200, 264 and 240.
Wide-waisted link plates are manufactured with maximized ball
heights from special alloy steels for added strength. The wide
link plate prole improves stress distribution, leading to improved
fatigue resistance and enhanced performance.
Fig. 43.
Through-hardened shot
peened pins. After nal assembly, we hot-dip roller chain in a special lubricant.
This process ensures that all the load-bearing surfaces are
initially protected from metal-to-metal contact, improving the
wear life of the chain.
NOTE: We suggest changing out the sprockets each time the chain is replaced.
2 1
5 4
NOTE: Size 264 roller chain provides greater tensile strength/working load and replaces 200H chain.
L1 L3
L1 L3 L2 L4
L2 L4
D d T
L1 L3
L2 L4
80-2 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 2.439 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 43,000 3.74
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 61.95 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 191.27 5.566
80-3 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 3.594 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 64,500 5.60
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 91.29 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 286.91 8.334
80-4 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 4.749 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 86,000 7.44
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 120.62 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 382.55 11.072
80-5 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 5.904 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 107,500 9.03
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 149.96 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 478.18 13.438
80-6 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 7.059 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 129,000 10.82
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 179.30 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 573.82 16.102
80-8 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.155 9.369 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 172,000 14.43
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 29.34 237.97 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 765.09 21.474
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction. Continued on next page.
NOTE: Oil eld is always cottered.
Continued from previous page. TABLE 98. API 7F OIL FIELD ROLLER CHAIN PRODUCTS
Roller Pin Transverse Average Tensile
Pitch Roller Link Link Plate Pin Average
Dia. Dia. Pitch Strength (Through-
Inside Width Weight
Chain Hardened Pin)
No. P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
100-1 through 100-8
100-1 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 33,000 2.80
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 146.79 4.167
100-2 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 2.981 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 66,000 5.60
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 75.72 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 293.58 8.334
100-3 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 4.392 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 99,000 8.47
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 111.56 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 440.37 12.605
100-4 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 5.803 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 132,000 11.11
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 147.40 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 587.17 16.534
100-5 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 7.214 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 165,000 13.97
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 183.24 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 733.96 20.790
100-6 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 8.625 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 198,000 16.72
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 219.08 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 880.75 24.882
100-8 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.411 11.447 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 264,000 22.29
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 35.84 290.75 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 1174.33 33.171
120-2 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 3.767 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 90,200 8.27
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 95.68 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 401.23 12.307
120-3 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 5.556 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 135,300 12.10
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 141.12 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 601.84 18.007
120-4 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 7.345 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 180,400 16.17
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 186.56 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 802.46 24.064
120-5 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 9.134 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 225,500 20.24
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 232.00 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 1003.07 30.120
120-6 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 10.923 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 270,600 24.20
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 277.44 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 1203.69 36.014
120-8 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.789 14.501 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 360,800 32.27
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 45.44 368.33 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 1604.92 48.023
121-2 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.546 3.274 0.994 0.864 90,200 6.76
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 39.27 83.16 25.25 21.95 401.23 10.060
121-3 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.546 4.820 0.994 0.864 135,300 10.08
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 39.27 122.43 25.25 21.95 601.84 15.001
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction. Continued on next page.
NOTE: Oil eld is always cottered.
L1 L3
L1 L3 L2 L4
L2 L4
D d T
L1 L3
L2 L4
Continued from previous page. TABLE 98. API 7F OIL FIELD ROLLER CHAIN PRODUCTS
Roller Pin Transverse Average Tensile
Pitch Roller Link Link Plate Pin Average
Dia. Dia. Pitch Strength (Through-
Inside Width Weight
Chain Hardened Pin)
No. P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
140-1 through 140-8
140-1 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 2.136 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 57,450 5.14
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 255.55 7.649
140-2 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 4.060 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 114,900 10.27
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 103.12 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 511.10 15.283
140-3 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 5.984 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 172,350 15.29
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 151.99 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 766.65 22.754
140-4 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 7.908 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 229,800 20.46
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 200.86 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 1022.20 30.448
140-5 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 9.832 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 287,250 25.52
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 249.73 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 1277.75 37.978
140-6 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 11.756 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 344,700 30.69
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 298.60 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 1533.30 45.672
140-8 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 1.924 15.604 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 459,600 40.92
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 48.87 396.34 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 2044.40 60.896
160-2 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 4.843 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 145,600 13.21
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 123.01 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 647.66 19.659
160-3 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 7.148 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 218,400 20.79
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 181.56 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 971.49 30.939
160-4 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 9.453 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 291,200 27.83
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 240.11 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1295.32 41.416
160-5 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 11.758 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 364,000 34.76
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 298.65 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1619.15 51.729
160-6 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 14.063 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 436,800 41.69
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 357.20 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 1942.98 62.042
160-8 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.305 18.673 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.269 582,400 55.50
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 58.55 474.29 36.93 34.80 36.93 32.23 2590.64 82.593
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction. Continued on next page.
NOTE: Oil eld is always cottered.
Continued from previous page. TABLE 98. API 7F OIL FIELD ROLLER CHAIN PRODUCTS
Roller Pin Transverse Average Tensile
Pitch Roller Link Link Plate Pin Average
Dia. Dia. Pitch Strength (Through-
Inside Width Weight
Chain Hardened Pin)
No. P W D H T d E L L1 L2 L3 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
180-1 through 180-4
180-1 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.780 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 95,000 9.10
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 70.61 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 422.58 13.542
180-2 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 5.372 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 190,000 18.10
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 136.45 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 845.16 26.936
180-3 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 7.964 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 285,000 27.01
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 202.29 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 1267.74 40.195
180-4 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.281 0.687 2.592 10.556 1.561 1.390 1.561 1.390 380,000 35.91
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.14 17.45 65.84 268.12 39.65 35.31 39.65 35.31 1690.32 53.440
200-2 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 5.905 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 200,000 21.00
63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 149.99 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 889.64 31.251
200-3 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 8.722 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 300,000 31.50
63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 221.54 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 1334.47 46.877
200-4 2.500 1.500 1.562 2.312 0.312 0.781 2.817 11.539 1.889 1.544 1.889 1.544 400,000 42.10
63.50 38.10 39.67 58.72 7.92 19.84 71.55 293.09 47.98 39.22 47.98 39.22 1779.29 62.652
264-2 2.500 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.875 3.083 6.770 2.015 1.672 2.015 1.672 270,000 24.90
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 22.23 78.31 171.96 51.18 42.47 51.18 42.47 1201.02 37.055
264-3 2.500 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.875 3.083 9.853 2.015 1.672 2.015 1.672 405,000 37.30
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 22.23 78.31 250.27 51.18 42.47 51.18 42.47 1801.53 55.509
264-4 2.500 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.875 3.083 12.936 2.015 1.672 2.015 1.672 540,000 49.80
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 22.23 78.31 328.57 51.18 42.47 51.18 42.47 2402.04 74.111
240-2 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 7.166 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 315,600 32.20
76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 182.02 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 1,403.86 47.919
240-3 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 10.624 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 473,400 49.40
76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 70.61 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 2,105.79 73.515
240-4 3.000 1.864 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.458 14.082 2.212 1.854 2.212 1.854 631,200 65.70
76.20 47.35 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 87.83 182.02 56.18 47.09 56.18 47.09 2,807.72 97.772
241-1 3.000 1.250 1.875 2.812 0.375 0.937 3.094 1.905 1.547 152,200 16.20
76.20 31.75 47.63 71.42 9.53 23.80 78.59 48.39 39.29 677.02 24.108
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Oil eld is always cottered.
Size 264 chain is produced with a heavy series side plate (0.375 in. thick
plate material) and a larger diameter pin, which provides greater bearing
area and improved wear life. 264 chain will t on the same sprockets
as 200H.
Roller Pin. Average Tensile
Pitch Roller Link Link Plate Transverse Pin Average
Dia. Dia. Strength Through-
Inside Width Pitch Weight
Chain Hardened Pins
No. P W D H T d L L3 L4
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
60HZ-1 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.709 0.125 0.234 1.028 1.140 0.650 0.570 12,500 1.27
19.05 12.70 11.91 18.01 3.18 5.94 26.11 28.96 16.51 14.48 55.60 1.890
80HZ-1 1.000 0.625 0.625 0.949 0.156 0.312 1.283 1.413 0.839 0.707 21,500 2.24
25.40 15.88 15.88 24.10 3.96 7.92 32.59 35.89 21.31 17.96 95.64 3.333
100HZ-1 1.250 0.750 0.750 1.186 0.187 0.375 1.539 1.725 0.993 0.863 33,000 3.28
31.75 19.05 19.05 30.12 4.75 9.53 39.09 43.82 25.22 21.92 146.79 4.881
120HZ-1 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.219 0.437 1.925 2.085 1.186 1.043 45,100 4.61
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 5.56 11.10 48.90 52.96 30.12 26.49 200.61 6.860
140HZ-1 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.250 0.500 2.055 2.260 1.313 1.130 57,450 5.80
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 6.35 12.70 52.20 57.40 33.35 28.70 255.55 8.631
160HZ-1 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.283 0.563 2.437 2.673 1.520 1.339 72,800 7.55
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 7.19 14.30 61.90 67.89 38.61 34.01 323.83 11.236
180HZ-1 2.250 1.400 1.406 2.132 0.312 0.687 2.716 2.968 1.641 1.484 95,000 10.25
57.15 35.56 35.71 54.15 7.92 17.45 68.99 75.39 41.68 37.69 422.58 15.254
200HZ-1 2.50 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.781 3.083 3.344 2.015 1.672 136,000 12.4
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 19.84 78.31 84.94 51.18 42.47 604.96 18.45
264Z-1 2.500 1.490 1.562 2.375 0.375 0.875 3.083 3.344 2.015 1.672 135,000 12.40
63.50 37.85 39.67 60.33 9.53 22.23 78.31 84.94 51.18 42.47 600.51 18.453
240HZ-1 3.000 1.875 1.875 2.850 0.500 0.937 3.984 4.265 2.453 2.157 217,000 19.57
76.20 47.63 47.63 72.39 12.70 23.80 101.19 108.33 62.31 54.79 965.26 29.123
Dimensions are subject to change. Contact Drives to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
As chain interacts with the injector sprockets, positioned gripper Manufacturer Coiled Tube Unit Model Chain Size
blocks secure the tubing to advance or retract the coil within National Oilwell RT10 120-3
the well. Special chain pins manufactured from alloy steel are National Oilwell RT20 120-3
through-hardened for ductility and fatigue resistance. Use Drives National Oilwell RT30 120-3
coil tubing injector chain kits with OEM Carrier/Gripper blocks. National Oilwell RT3238 120-3
Contact Drives for additional kits. National Oilwell RT25 120-3
National Oilwell RT60 160-4
Coil Tubing Injector Chain to Fit National Oilwell RT100 160-4
OEM Gripper Blocks Hydra Rig HR560/660 180-4
Primary oil eld chain features include: Hydra Rig HR580/680 200-4
Special hook cotter. We suggest that you change out the sprockets each time you replace the roller chain.
Coated T-pin.
Coiled Tube
Manufacturer Chain Size Strand of Strands
Unit Model
Stewart & Short unit 160-1 w/D3 14 pitch 8
Stewart & Long unit 160-1 w/D3 14 pitch 10
Stewart & Short unit 160H-1 w/D3 14 pitch 8
Stewart & Long unit 160H-1 w/D3 14 pitch 10
T Press-t
Roller link
carrier block
Slip-t pin
link plate
Roller link
Slip-t pin
link plate
Roller link
T-pins, special
hook cotter or
split cotters Capping plate (press-t,
semi-press t or slip-t)
NOTES ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Use this form to identify the chain and attachments you need. If you have any questions, please contact Drives
engineering at 800-435-0782.
Description No. A D T 1. Semi press-t plates are
in. in. in.
available on chain sizes 160,
180 and 200.
ANSI Chain Number
2. Hook cotters will be supplied
Pin on chain sizes 120-180.
Sidebar 3. T-pins will be supplied on
chain sizes 200 and 240.
Exceptional pin wear resistance reduces chain elongation 140 1.750 1.000 1.000 5.14
and can increase wear life up to three times more than 44.450 25.400 25.400 7.64
conventional premium chains (g. 37). 160 2.000 1.250 1.126 6.60
50.800 31.750 28.600 9.83
Full range of ANSI standard attachments available.
180 2.250 1.400 1.406 9.10
Extended Life CHP offsets available on a made-to-order 57.150 35.560 35.712 13.54
basis. Two pitch riveted offsets are required. 200 2.500 1.490 1.562 10.90
63.500 37.846 39.675 16.22
Cotter-type connecting links standard for Extended Life
240 3.000 1.864 1.875 16.40
CHP chain. 76.200 47.346 47.625 24.41
40 through 60 pitch dual cotter key. C2040 1.000 0.312 0.312 0.34
80 through 180 pitch hardened hook cotter. 25.400 7.925 7.925 0.51
200 through 240 pitch coated T-pin. C2050 1.250 0.376 0.400 0.58
31.750 9.550 10.160 0.86
Available in single- and double-strand sizes #40 to #240.
C2060H 1.500 0.500 0.470 1.01
Riveted or cottered pins available depending on size. 38.100 12.700 11.938 1.50
Corrosion resistant nishes available upon request for side C2080H 2.000
bars, bushings and rollers.
NOTE: Product specications are subject to change without notice.
We suggest operating roller chain with periodic lubrication NOTE: Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design
and construction.
and maintenance. Various lubricants are available,
including food grade and no-stain, depending on application.
Failure to follow these cautions may result
in property damage.
We produce nickel-plated chain to withstand the effects of exposure to moisture, outdoor
conditions and incidental washdown applications. All components are identical to our carbon
steel components with the addition of electroless nickel plating applied prior to assembly, which
provides initial coverage of all exposed carbon material.
L1 L3
L2 L4
D d
50NP 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.795 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 0.713
15.88 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 20.19 12.42 10.13 12.42 10.11 1.061
60NP 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.996 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 1.067
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 25.30 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 1.588
80NP 1.000 0.626 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.283 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 1.868
25.40 15.90 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 32.59 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 2.780
100NP 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 2.680
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 3.988
120NP 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.955 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 3.980
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 49.66 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 5.923
160NP 2.000 1.250 1.125 1.899 0.250 0.562 2.538 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.209 6.790
50.80 31.75 28.58 48.23 6.35 14.27 64.47 36.93 34.80 36.93 30.71 10.105
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
L1 L3
L2 L4
D d
50CR 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.795 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 0.713
15.88 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 20.19 12.42 10.13 12.42 10.11 1.061
60CR 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.996 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 1.067
19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 25.30 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 1.588
80CR 1.000 0.626 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.283 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 1.868
25.40 15.90 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 32.59 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 2.780
100CR 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 2.680
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 3.988
120CR 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.955 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 3.980
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 49.66 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 5.923
140CR 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 2.136 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 5.030
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 7.485
160CR 2.000 1.250 1.125 1.889 0.250 0.562 2.538 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.209 6.790
50.80 31.75 28.58 48.23 6.35 14.27 64.47 36.93 34.80 36.93 30.71 10.105
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Solutions used in washdown applications may not be compatible with Silver Shield CR coating. Contact your Drives representative for more information.
L1 L3
L2 L4
D d
50 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.795 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 165 230 0.713
AS, PS or NS 15.88 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 20.19 12.42 10.13 12.42 10.11 0.73 342.28 1.061
60 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.996 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 231 350 1.067
AS, PS or NS 19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 25.30 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 1.03 520.86 1.588
80 1.000 0.626 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.283 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 396 600 1.868
AS, PS or NS 25.40 15.90 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 32.59 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 1.76 892.90 2.780
100 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 568 850 2.680
AS, PS or NS 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 2.53 1264.94 3.988
120 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.955 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 850 1,278 3.980
AS, PS or NS 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 49.66 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 3.78 1901.87 5.923
140 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 2.136 1.253 1.150 1.263 1.068 1,025 1,535 5.030
AS, PS or NS 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 29.21 32.08 27.13 4.56 2284.33 7.485
160 2.000 1.250 1.125 1.899 0.250 0.562 2.538 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.209 1,400 2,108 6.790
AS, PS or NS 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 29.21 32.08 27.13 4.56 2284.33 7.485
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
Extra Clearance EXC conveyor chain is produced with extra
clearance to compensate for steel expansion at temperatures
up to 500 F and to permit free joint-action at oven temperatures.
Extra Clearance chain may be used with ANSI chain sprockets.
Consult your Drives representative for application and available
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
Available in riveted style.
Cut-to-length chain available.
E-series suggested for heavy-duty transfer systems.
C80E 1.000 0.627 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.312 1.283 0.857 0.642 2.054
25.40 15.93 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.92 32.59 21.77 16.31 3.057
C100E 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.912 0.785 3.081
31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.16 19.94 4.585
C120E 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.955 1.119 0.989 4.588
38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 49.66 28.42 25.12 6.828
C140E 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 2.136 1.253 1.068 5.878
44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 27.13 8.747
C160E 2.000 1.250 1.126 1.899 0.252 0.563 2.538 1.454 1.269 7.787
50.80 31.75 28.60 48.23 6.40 14.30 64.47 36.93 32.23 11.588
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
40 0.500 16 0.55
12.700 16 0.25
50 0.625 16 1.17
15.875 16 0.53
50 0.625 18 1.32
15.875 18 0.60
60 0.750 18 2.33
19.050 18 1.06
60 0.750 20 2.59
19.050 20 1.17
60 0.750 22 2.84
19.050 22 1.29
80 1.000 18 5.60
25.400 18 2.54
80 1.000 20 6.23
25.400 20 2.83
Through-hardened plates
with ballized holes are used
for improved fatigue strength.
BL1223 1.500 2X3 41,800 0.500 1.34 0.220 1.425 0.502 4.39
38.100 186 12.700 34.04 5.588 36.195 12.741 6.53
BL1234 1.500 3X4 67,200 0.500 1.78 0.220 1.425 0.502 6.11
38.100 299 12.700 45.21 5.588 36.195 12.741 9.09
BL1244 1.500 4X4 83,600 0.500 2.00 0.220 1.425 0.502 6.98
38.100 372 12.700 50.80 5.588 36.195 12.741 10.39
BL1246 1.500 4X6 83,600 0.500 2.46 0.220 1.425 0.502 8.07
38.100 372 12.700 62.48 5.588 36.195 12.741 12.01
BL1266 1.500 6X6 125,600 0.500 2.92 0.220 1.425 0.502 9.80
38.100 559 12.700 74.17 5.588 36.195 12.741 14.58
BL1422 1.750 2X2 52,900 0.562 1.26 0.252 1.661 0.564 4.91
44.450 235 14.275 32.00 6.401 42.189 14.321 7.31
BL1423 1.750 2X3 52,900 0.562 1.52 0.252 1.661 0.564 6.09
44.450 235 14.275 38.61 6.401 42.189 14.321 9.06
BL1434 1.750 3X4 87,000 0.562 2.04 0.252 1.661 0.564 7.61
44.450 387 14.275 51.82 6.401 42.189 14.321 11.33
BL1444 1.750 4X4 105,800 0.562 2.30 0.252 1.661 0.564 8.71
44.450 471 14.275 58.42 6.401 42.189 14.321 12.96
BL1446 1.750 4X6 105,800 0.562 2.80 0.252 1.661 0.564 12.10
44.450 471 14.275 71.12 6.401 42.189 14.321 18.01
BL1466 1.750 6X6 158,700 0.562 3.32 0.252 1.661 0.564 15.13
44.450 706 14.275 84.33 6.401 42.189 14.321 22.52
BL1623 2.000 2X3 79,300 0.687 1.72 0.281 1.898 0.689 8.17
50.800 353 17.450 43.69 7.137 48.209 17.490 12.16
BL1634 2.000 3X4 124,500 0.687 2.30 0.281 1.898 0.689 11.39
50.800 554 17.450 58.39 7.137 48.209 17.490 16.95
BL1644 2.000 4X4 158,600 0.687 2.61 0.281 1.898 0.689 12.75
50.800 705 17.450 66.29 7.137 48.209 17.490 18.97
BL1646 2.000 4X6 158,600 0.687 3.21 0.281 1.898 0.689 16.19
50.800 705 17.450 81.53 7.137 48.209 17.490 24.09
BL1666 2.000 6X6 238,300 0.687 3.81 0.281 1.898 0.689 19.31
50.800 1,060 17.450 96.77 7.137 48.209 17.490 28.74
BL1688 2.000 8X8 263,100 0.687 4.75 0.281 1.898 0.689 23.18
50.800 1,157 17.450 120.65 7.137 48.209 17.490 35.00
BL2022 2.500 2X2 119,000 0.937 1.86 0.375 2.312 0.940 10.62
63.500 529 23.800 47.24 9.525 58.725 23.876 15.80
BL2023 2.500 2X3 119,000 0.937 2.25 0.375 2.312 0.940 13.31
63.500 529 23.800 57.15 9.525 58.725 23.876 19.81
BL2034 2.500 3X4 178,800 0.937 3.03 0.375 2.312 0.940 18.62
63.500 795 23.800 76.96 9.525 58.725 23.876 27.71
BL2044 2.500 4X4 238,500 0.937 3.43 0.375 2.312 0.940 21.24
63.500 1,061 23.800 87.12 9.525 58.725 23.876 31.61
BL2046 2.500 4X6 238,500 0.937 4.21 0.375 2.312 0.940 26.55
63.500 1,061 23.800 106.93 9.525 58.725 23.876 39.51
BL2066 2.500 6X6 357,800 0.937 4.99 0.375 2.312 0.940 31.85
63.500 1,591 23.800 126.75 9.525 58.725 23.876 47.40
Ti L1
Ti L2
We deliver what customers
need, when they need it,
supplying attachment roller
chains to get equipment running
We offer attachment roller chains in
carbon steel, Extended Life CHP series
chain, Silver Shield CR, Silver Shield CR with
Extended Life CHP pins, and stainless steel.
Our Drives representatives are available to help you select
the right chain for your equipment.
BA-1 Roller Link BA-1 Pin Link BK-1 Roller Link BK-1 Pin Link SA-1 Roller Link SA-1 Pin Link
SK-1 Roller Link SK-1 Pin Link WBA-1 Roller Link WBA-1 Pin Link WBK-1 Roller Link WBK-1 Pin Link
WBA-2 Roller Link WBA-2 Pin Link WBK-2 Roller Link WBK-2 Pin Link WSA-1 Roller Link WSA-1 Pin Link
WSK-1 Roller Link WSK-1 Pin Link WSA-2 Roller Link WSA-2 Pin Link WSK-2 Roller Link WSK-2 Pin Link
L1 L3
L2 L4
D d
50 0.625 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.795 0.489 0.399 0.489 0.398 1010.00 230.00 0.713
50AS 15.88 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 20.19 12.42 10.13 12.42 10.11 4.49 1.02 1.061
60 0.750 0.500 0.469 0.705 0.094 0.234 0.996 0.600 0.498 0.648 0.498 1410.00 350.00 1.067
60AS 19.05 12.70 11.91 17.91 2.39 5.94 25.30 15.24 12.65 16.46 12.65 6.27 1.56 1.588
80 1.000 0.626 0.625 0.943 0.125 0.313 1.283 0.768 0.638 0.857 0.642 2350.00 600.00 1.868
80AS 25.40 15.90 15.88 23.95 3.18 7.95 32.59 19.51 16.21 21.77 16.31 10.45 2.67 2.780
100 1.250 0.755 0.750 1.180 0.156 0.375 1.595 0.908 0.785 0.912 0.785 3800.00 850.00 2.680
100AS 31.75 19.18 19.05 29.97 3.96 9.53 40.51 23.06 19.94 23.16 19.94 16.90 3.78 3.988
120 1.500 1.000 0.875 1.425 0.187 0.437 1.955 1.119 1.071 1.119 0.989 5380.00 1278.00 3.980
120AS 38.10 25.40 22.23 36.20 4.75 11.10 49.66 28.42 27.20 28.42 25.12 23.93 5.68 5.923
140 1.750 1.000 1.000 1.663 0.220 0.500 2.136 1.253 1.150 1.253 1.068 7280.00 1535.00 5.030
140AS 44.45 25.40 25.40 42.24 5.59 12.70 54.25 31.83 29.21 31.83 27.13 32.38 6.83 7.485
160 2.000 1.250 1.125 1.899 0.250 0.562 2.538 1.454 1.370 1.454 1.209 9190.00 2100.00 6.790
160AS 50.80 31.75 28.58 48.23 6.35 14.27 64.47 36.93 34.80 36.93 30.71 40.88 9.34 10.105
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: 304SS (PS) or 316SS (NS) chains are available upon request.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
BA-1 BK-1
SA-1 SK-1
50 0.625 0.080 0.500 1.210 0.625 0.205 0.625 0.406 0.917 1.250 1.834 0.625 0.906 0.0066 0.0132
50AS 15.88 2.03 12.70 30.73 15.88 5.21 15.88 10.31 23.29 31.75 46.58 15.88 23.01 0.003 0.006
60 0.750 0.094 0.625 1.460 0.750 0.205 0.750 0.469 1.106 1.500 2.212 0.720 1.051 0.0154 0.0308
60AS 19.05 2.39 15.88 37.08 19.05 5.21 19.05 11.91 28.09 38.10 56.18 18.29 26.70 0.007 0.014
80 1.000 0.125 0.750 1.940 1.000 0.268 1.000 0.625 1.413 2.000 2.826 0.969 1.358 0.0287 0.0574
80AS 25.40 3.18 19.05 49.28 25.40 6.81 25.40 15.88 35.89 50.80 71.78 24.61 34.49 0.013 0.026
100 1.250 0.156 1.000 0.343 1.250 0.780 1.768 2.500 3.536 1.252 1.732 0.0572 0.1144
100AS 31.75 3.96 25.40 8.71 31.75 19.81 44.91 63.50 89.81 31.80 43.99 0.026 0.052
120 1.500 0.187 1.250 0.386 1.500 0.906 2.197 3.000 4.394 1.437 2.081 0.0968 0.1935
120AS 38.10 4.75 31.75 9.80 38.10 23.01 55.80 76.20 111.61 36.50 52.86 0.044 0.088
140 1.750 0.221 1.375 0.448 1.750 1.125 2.484 3.500 4.968 1.750 2.500 0.1562 0.3124
140AS 44.45 5.61 34.93 11.38 44.45 28.58 63.09 88.90 126.19 44.45 63.50 0.071 0.142
160 2.000 0.250 1.500 0.516 2.000 1.252 2.827 4.000 5.654 2.000 2.760 0.2134 0.4268
160AS 50.80 6.35 38.10 13.11 50.80 31.80 71.81 101.60 143.61 50.80 70.10 0.097 0.194
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
D-1 D-3
Additional Weight
P T d L1 L2 L3 L4 Per Attachment
D-1 D-3
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN
40 0.500 0.060 0.156 0.317 0.377 0.374 0.661 0.002 0.004
40AS 12.70 1.52 3.96 8.05 9.58 9.50 16.79 0.001 0.002
100 1.250 0.156 0.325 0.785 0.912 0.937 1.698 0.027 0.054
100AS 31.75 3.96 8.26 19.94 23.16 23.80 43.13 0.012 0.024
120 1.500 0.187 0.437 0.989 1.119 1.126 2.024 0.044 0.088
120AS 38.10 4.75 11.10 25.12 28.42 28.60 51.41 0.020 0.040
140 1.750 0.220 0.500 1.068 1.253 1.311 2.264 0.066 0.132
140AS 44.45 5.59 12.70 27.13 31.83 33.30 57.51 0.030 0.060
160 2.000 0.250 0.562 1.263 1.454 1.500 2.654 0.099 0.198
160AS 50.80 6.35 14.27 32.08 36.93 38.10 67.41 0.045 0.090
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
Small roller
C2050 1.250 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.409 0.477 1,010 230 0.580
C2050AS 31.75 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 10.39 12.12 4.49 1.02 0.863
C2060H 1.500 0.500 0.469 0.687 0.125 0.234 0.590 0.660 1,410 375 1.010
C2060HAS 38.10 12.70 11.91 17.45 3.18 5.94 14.99 16.76 6.27 1.67 1.503
C2080H 2.000 0.626 0.625 0.943 0.156 0.312 0.745 0.845 2,350 625 1.770
C2080HAS 50.80 15.90 15.88 23.95 3.96 7.92 18.92 21.46 10.45 2.78 2.634
C2100H 2.500 0.750 0.750 1.150 0.187 0.375 0.830 0.980 3,800 900 2.380
C2100HAS 63.50 19.05 19.05 29.21 4.75 9.53 21.08 24.89 16.90 4.00 3.542
C2120H 3.000 1.000 0.875 1.370 0.219 0.437 1.030 1.210 5,380 1,340 3.410
C2120HAS 76.20 25.40 22.23 34.80 5.56 11.10 26.16 30.73 23.93 5.96 5.075
C2160H 4.000 1.250 1.125 1.870 0.281 0.563 1.337 1.514 9,190 2,170 6.020
C2160HAS 101.60 31.75 28.58 47.50 7.14 14.30 33.96 38.46 40.88 9.65 8.959
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
Carrier roller
C2052 1.250 0.376 0.750 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.409 0.477 1,010 230 0.900
C2052AS 31.75 9.55 19.05 14.99 2.03 5.08 10.39 12.12 4.49 1.02 1.339
C2062H 1.500 0.500 0.875 0.687 0.125 0.234 0.590 0.660 1,410 375 1.461
C2062HAS 38.10 12.70 22.23 17.45 3.18 5.94 14.99 16.76 6.27 1.67 2.174
C2082H 2.000 0.626 1.125 0.943 0.156 0.312 0.745 0.845 2,350 625 2.450
C2082HAS 50.80 15.90 28.58 23.95 3.96 7.92 18.92 21.46 10.45 2.78 3.646
C2102H 2.500 0.750 1.562 1.150 0.187 0.375 0.830 0.980 3,800 900 3.90
C2102HAS 63.50 19.05 39.67 29.21 4.75 9.53 21.08 24.89 16.90 4.00 5.804
C2122H 3.000 1.000 1.750 1.370 0.219 0.437 1.030 1.210 5,380 1,340 5.40
C2122HAS 76.20 25.40 44.45 34.80 5.56 11.10 26.16 30.73 23.93 5.96 8.036
C2162H 4.000 1.250 2.250 1.870 0.281 0.563 1.337 1.514 9,190 2,170 9.21
C2162HAS 101.60 31.75 57.15 47.50 7.14 14.30 33.96 38.46 40.88 9.65 13.706
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
BA-1 BA-2
BK-1 BK-2
SA-1 SA-2
SK-1 SK-2
C2050, C2052, 1.250 0.080 0.937 0.205 0.469 0.625 0.437 0.953 1.252 1.906 0.625 0.969 0.563 0.268 0.013 0.026
C2050AS, C2052AS 31.75 2.03 23.80 5.21 11.91 15.88 11.10 24.21 31.80 48.41 15.88 24.61 14.30 6.81 0.006 0.012
C2060H, C2062H, 1.500 0.125 1.126 0.205 0.563 0.844 0.579 1.230 1.688 2.460 0.750 1.205 0.689 0.346 0.037 0.075
C2060HAS, C2062HAS 38.10 3.18 28.60 5.21 14.30 21.44 14.71 31.24 42.88 62.48 19.05 30.61 17.50 8.79 0.017 0.034
C2080H, C2082H, 2.000 0.156 1.500 0.268 0.752 1.094 0.750 1.598 2.188 3.196 1.000 1.583 0.874 0.406 0.082 0.163
C2080HAS, C2082HAS 50.80 3.96 38.10 6.81 19.10 27.79 19.05 40.59 55.58 81.18 25.40 40.21 22.20 10.31 0.037 0.074
C2100H, C2102H, 2.50 0.189 1.875 0.323 0.937 1.312 0.922 1.950 2.624 3.900 1.250 1.984 1.125 0.516 0.132 0.265
C2100HAS, C2102HAS 63.50 4.80 47.63 8.20 23.80 33.32 23.42 49.53 66.65 99.06 31.75 50.39 28.58 13.11 0.060 0.120
C2120H, C2122H, 3.00 0.219 2.250 0.386 1.125 1.562 1.093 2.390 3.124 4.780 1.470 2.361 1.319 0.578 0.221 0.441
C2120HAS, C2122HAS 76.20 5.56 57.15 9.80 28.58 39.67 27.76 60.71 79.35 121.41 37.34 59.97 33.50 14.68 0.100 0.200
C2160H, C2162H, 4.00 0.281 3.060 0.516 1.500 2.062 1.437 3.060 4.125 6.120 2.000 3.093 1.75 0.771 0.468 0.895
C2160HAS, C2162HAS 101.60 7.14 77.72 13.11 38.10 52.37 36.50 77.72 104.78 155.45 50.80 78.56 44.45 19.58 0.212 0.406
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
Additional Weight
P T d L1 L2 L3 L4 Per Attachment
D-1 D-3
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN
C2040, C2042, 1.000 0.060 0.156 0.317 0.377 0.374 0.661 0.002 0.004
C2040AS, C2042AS 25.40 1.52 3.96 8.05 9.58 9.50 16.79 0.001 0.002
C2050, C2052, 1.250 0.080 0.200 0.399 0.489 0.469 0.827 0.004 0.008
C2050AS, C2052AS 31.75 2.03 5.08 10.13 12.42 11.91 21.01 0.002 0.004
C2060H, C2062H, 1.500 0.125 0.234 0.590 0.660 0.563 1.083 0.006 0.012
C2060HAS, C2062HAS 38.10 3.18 5.94 14.99 16.76 14.30 27.51 0.003 0.005
C2080H, C2082H, 2.000 0.156 0.313 0.745 0.845 0.752 1.401 0.020 0.040
C2080HAS, C2082HAS 50.80 3.96 7.95 18.92 21.46 19.10 35.59 0.009 0.018
C2100H, C2102H, 2.500 0.187 0.375 0.830 0.980 0.937 1.687 0.027 0.054
C2100HAS, C2102HAS 63.50 4.75 9.53 21.08 24.89 23.80 42.85 0.012 0.024
C-2120H, C2122H, 3.000 0.219 0.437 1.030 1.210 1.125 2.062 0.044 0.088
C-2120HAS, C2122HAS 76.20 5.56 11.10 26.16 30.73 28.58 52.37 0.020 0.040
C-2160H, C2164H, 4.000 0.281 0.562 1.337 1.514 1.500 2.718 0.099 0.198
C-2160HAS, C2164HAS 101.60 7.14 14.27 33.96 38.46 38.10 69.04 0.045 0.090
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
J Ti To
Ti D d
Engineered Class chain is
designed for your industries
and unique applications. Drives
Engineers work with customers on
chain selections for new applications
and evaluating existing applications to
determine if there is a way to increase up time.
Drives state of art component and assembly tooling
in junction within house heat treatment provides for high
quality Engineered Class Chain designed to provide for
increased up time.
All high quality chains must start with material selected
and Drives uses alloy steel and appropriate heat treatment
specications for the components which will optimize
the performance of our Engineered Class chain in these
demanding applications.
Offset style
Roller Outside Inside Link Overall
Inside Pin Roller Average Maximum
Pitch Face Roller Link Link Plate Pin Chain
Width Dia. Dia. Tensile Recommended Weight
Width Style Plate Plate Height Length Style
Chain No. Strength Working Load
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
CA550 1.630 0.797 0.281 0.656 Small 0.105 0.105 0.750 1.562 Straight 11,250 1,400 1.279
41.40 20.24 7.14 16.66 2.67 2.67 19.05 39.67 50.04 6.23 1.90
CA550HD 1.630 0.767 0.326 0.656 Small 0.120 0.120 0.780 1.586 Straight 11,500 1,700 1.409
41.40 19.48 8.28 16.66 3.05 3.05 19.81 40.28 51.15 7.56 2.10
CA555 1.630 0.500 0.281 0.656 Small 0.120 0.120 0.750 1.302 Straight 11,250 1,100 1.238
41.40 12.70 7.14 16.66 3.05 3.05 19.05 33.07 50.04 4.89 1.84
CA557 1.630 0.797 0.315 0.700 Small 0.120 0.120 0.906 1.593 Straight 16,500 1,700 1.719
41.40 20.24 8.00 17.78 3.05 3.05 23.01 40.46 73.39 7.56 2.56
CA960 1.630 0.890 0.350 0.700 Small 0.120 0.120 0.910 1.580 Straight 15,500 2,050 1.809
41.40 22.61 8.89 17.78 3.05 3.05 23.11 40.13 68.94 9.12 2.69
CA620 1.654 0.987 0.281 0.696 Small 0.120 0.120 0.750 1.841 Straight 12,000 1,700 1.609
42.01 25.07 7.14 17.68 3.05 3.05 19.05 46.76 53.38 7.56 2.39
378R 1.654 1.000 0.437 0.875 Small 0.187 0.187 1.125 2.280 Straight 13,000 2,100 3.700
42.01 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 4.75 28.58 57.91 57.82 9.34 5.51
378RX 1.654 1.000 0.437 0.875 Small 0.187 0.187 1.125 2.280 Straight 20,000 2,100 3.700
42.01 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 4.75 28.58 57.91 88.96 9.34 5.51
61X 1.654 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.310 0.310 1.332 2.763 Straight 42,000 3,700 4.600
42.01 26.92 11.10 23.01 7.87 7.87 33.83 70.18 186.82 16.46 6.85
D20002 2.000 1.250 0.560 1.121 Small 0.250 0.250 1.500 2.810 Straight 21,000 3,500 6.200
50.80 31.75 14.22 28.47 6.35 6.35 38.10 71.37 93.41 15.57 9.23
D64S 2.500 1.500 0.875 1.560 Small 0.375 0.375 2.130 3.190 Straight 125,000 6,891 13.100
63.50 38.10 22.23 39.62 9.53 9.53 54.10 81.03 556.00 30.65 19.50
81X 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.155 0.155 1.125 1.930 Straight 24,000 3,000 2.500
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 3.94 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 3.72
81XH 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.220 0.310 1.332 2.577 Straight 42,000 3,700 4.120
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 5.59 7.87 33.83 65.46 186.82 16.46 6.13
81XHT 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.220 0.220 1.125 2.577 Straight 34,000 3,300 3.800
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 5.59 5.59 28.58 65.46 151.23 14.68 5.66
81XHH 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.310 0.310 1.332 2.763 Straight 42,000 3,700 4.600
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 7.87 7.87 33.83 70.18 186.82 16.46 6.85
81XKD 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.155 0.155 1.125 1.930 Straight 24,000 3,000 2.500
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 3.94 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 3.72
81XHKD 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 Small 0.220 0.310 1.332 2.370 Straight 42,000 3,700 4.120
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 5.59 7.87 33.83 60.20 186.82 16.46 6.13
3000HKD 3.000 1.312 0.750 1.500 Small 0.375 0.375 2.000 3.220 Straight 70,000 7,100 10.700
76.20 33.32 19.05 38.10 9.53 9.53 50.80 81.79 311.36 31.58 15.92
Continued on next page.
TO d
3160 3.000 1.25 0.56 1.12 Small 0.25 0.25 1.50 2.87 Straight 47,000 3,445 5.14
76.20 31.75 14.22 28.45 6.35 6.35 38.10 72.90 209.06 15.32 7.64
3162 3.000 1.250 0.560 2.250 Large 0.250 0.250 1.500 2.870 Straight 47,000 3,445 7.420
76.20 31.75 14.22 57.15 6.35 6.35 38.10 72.90 209.06 15.32 11.04
3162 3.000 1.250 0.560 1.575 0.953 Flange 0.250 0.250 1.500 2.870 Straight 47,000 3,445 11.810
76.20 31.75 14.22 40.01 24.21 6.35 6.35 38.10 72.90 209.06 15.32 17.58
4160 4.000 1.27 0.56 1.12 Small 0.31 0.31 1.88 3.12 Straight 47,000 3,712 6.13
101.60 32.26 14.22 28.45 7.92 7.92 47.63 79.25 209.06 16.51 9.13
88R 4.000 0.876 0.625 2.000 Large 0.250 0.250 1.500 2.468 Straight 25,140 3,000 6.054
101.60 22.25 15.88 50.80 6.35 6.35 38.10 62.69 111.82 13.34 9.01
89R 4.000 1.312 0.625 2.250 Large 0.375 0.375 1.500 3.470 Straight 28,000 4,500 10.600
101.60 33.32 15.88 57.15 9.53 9.53 38.10 88.14 124.54 20.02 15.77
95R 4.000 1.000 0.440 1.500 Large 0.190 0.190 1.125 2.280 Straight 13,000 2,100 3.400
101.60 25.40 11.18 38.10 4.83 4.83 28.58 57.91 57.82 9.34 5.06
2184R 6.000 1.380 0.880 3.000 Large 0.380 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 43,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.35 76.20 9.65 9.65 50.80 95.25 191.26 28.91 18.30
2184R 6.000 1.380 0.880 3.000 1.180 Flange 0.380 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 43,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.35 76.20 29.97 9.65 9.65 50.80 95.25 191.26 28.91 18.30
2184RX 6.000 1.380 0.880 3.000 Large 0.380 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 75,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.35 76.20 9.65 9.65 50.80 95.25 333.60 28.91 18.30
2184RX 6.000 1.380 0.880 3.000 1.180 Flange 0.380 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 75,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.35 76.20 29.97 9.65 9.65 50.80 95.25 333.60 28.91 18.30
2198RX 6.000 1.50 0.88 2.75 Large 0.50 0.50 2.25 4.07 Straight 100,000 7,700 1.30
152.40 38.10 22.35 69.85 0.00 12.70 12.70 57.15 103.38 444.80 34.25 1.93
3939 8.000 1.060 0.432 0.906 Small 0.155 0.155 1.125 1.930 Straight 24,000 3,000 1.550
203.20 26.92 10.97 23.01 3.94 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 2.31
1203 12.000 3.040 1.000 2.230 Small 0.380 0.380 3.000 4.500 Offset 91,000 10,600 24.000
304.80 77.22 25.40 56.64 9.65 9.65 76.20 114.30 404.77 47.15 35.72
12230 12.000 4.100 1.500 3.500 Small 0.625 0.625 4.000 7.600 Offset 280,000 36,300 39.200
304.80 104.14 38.10 88.90 15.88 15.88 101.60 193.04 1,245.44 161.46 58.34
D d
D4375 4.375 1.300 0.440 2.000 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,300 5.050
111.13 33.02 11.18 50.80 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.78 7.52
D5125 5.125 1.300 0.440 1.750 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,318 4.800
w/1.75 Roller 130.18 33.02 11.18 44.45 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.86 7.14
D5125 5.125 1.300 0.440 2.000 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,318 5.350
w/2.0 Roller 130.18 33.02 11.18 50.80 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.86 7.96
D5125 5.125 1.300 0.440 2.250 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,318 4.800
w/2.25 Roller 130.18 33.02 11.18 57.15 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.86 7.14
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
CA551X 1.630 0.797 0.437 0.656 0.155 1.125 1.813 20,000 2,400 2.424
41.40 20.24 11.10 16.66 3.94 28.58 46.05 88.96 10.68 3.61
D2 2.000 1.250 0.720 1.130 0.310 1.880 3.380 90,000 4,920 8.300
50.80 31.75 18.29 28.70 7.87 47.75 85.85 400.32 21.88 12.35
D1240 12.400 2.660 1.410 1.970 0.500 3.500 5.530 190,822 23,223 17.940
314.96 67.56 35.81 50.04 12.70 88.90 140.46 848.78 103.30 26.70
102BSS 4.000 2.130 0.625 1.000 0.375 1.500 4.310 3,834 6.900
101.60 54.10 15.88 25.40 9.53 38.10 109.47 17.05 10.27
D1202 12.000 1.562 1.500 0.500 1.500 1.590 3.500 170,000 10,125 19.430
304.80 39.67 38.10 12.70 38.10 40.39 88.90 756.16 45.04 28.92
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
WSX78 2.609 1.120 0.500 0.880 2.010 0.250 1.120 3.340 2,140 4.30
66.27 28.45 12.70 22.35 51.05 6.35 28.45 84.84 9.52 6.40
WCSX78 2.609 1.120 0.500 0.880 2.010 0.250 1.120 3.340 2,140 5.00
66.27 28.45 12.70 22.35 51.05 6.35 28.45 84.84 9.52 7.44
WSX124 4.000 1.630 0.750 1.250 2.750 0.380 1.500 4.250 4,400 8.00
101.60 41.40 19.05 31.75 69.85 9.65 38.10 107.95 19.57 11.91
WCSX124 4.000 1.630 0.750 1.250 2.750 0.380 1.500 4.250 4,400 9.00
101.60 41.40 19.05 31.75 69.85 9.65 38.10 107.95 19.57 13.39
WSX132 6.050 2.880 1.000 1.750 4.380 0.500 2.000 6.250 9,330 14.00
153.67 73.15 25.40 44.45 111.25 12.70 50.80 158.75 41.50 20.83
WCSX132 6.050 2.880 1.000 1.750 4.380 0.500 2.000 6.250 9,330 15.40
153.67 73.15 25.40 44.45 111.25 12.70 50.80 158.75 41.50 22.92
WSX157 6.050 2.750 1.125 1.750 4.670 0.625 2.500 7.060 11,200 20.00
153.67 69.85 28.58 44.45 118.62 15.88 63.50 179.32 49.82 29.76
WCSX157 6.050 2.750 1.125 1.750 4.670 0.625 2.500 7.060 11,200 21.20
153.67 69.85 28.58 44.45 118.62 15.88 63.50 179.32 49.82 31.55
WSX157H 6.050 3.000 1.125 1.750 4.825 0.750 2.500 7.188 11,500 21.40
153.67 76.20 28.58 44.45 122.56 19.05 63.50 182.58 51.15 31.85
WCSX157H 6.050 3.000 1.125 1.750 4.825 0.750 2.500 7.188 11,500 22.40
153.67 76.20 28.58 44.45 122.56 19.05 63.50 182.58 51.15 33.34
D dO dI
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
DO3120 1.500 1.000 0.437 0.875 0.187 1.425 2.190 34,000 2,100 4.100
38.10 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 36.20 55.63 151.23 9.34 6.10
DO3140 0.175 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.220 1.663 2.506 46,000 2,520 5.100
4.45 25.40 12.70 25.40 5.59 42.24 63.65 204.61 11.21 7.59
DO3160 2.000 1.250 0.562 1.125 0.250 1.899 2.824 58,000 3,450 6.700
50.80 31.75 14.27 28.58 6.35 48.23 71.73 257.98 15.35 9.97
DO3180 2.250 1.406 0.687 1.406 0.281 2.132 2.951 80,000 4,800 9.600
57.15 35.71 17.45 35.71 7.14 54.15 74.96 355.84 21.35 14.29
DO3200 2.500 1.500 0.781 1.562 0.312 2.312 3.433 95,000 5,800 11.100
63.50 38.10 19.84 39.67 7.92 58.72 87.20 422.56 25.80 16.52
DO3264 2.500 1.500 0.875 1.562 0.375 2.375 3.687 135,000 6,900 12.600
63.50 38.10 22.23 39.67 9.53 60.33 93.65 600.48 30.69 18.75
DO3240 3.000 1.875 0.937 1.875 0.375 2.812 4.066 152,200 8,600 16.700
76.20 47.63 23.80 47.63 9.53 71.42 103.28 676.99 38.25 24.85
D1245 4.073 1.940 0.937 1.775 0.562 2.375 5.130 170,000 10,100 18.000
103.45 49.28 23.80 45.09 14.27 60.33 130.30 756.16 44.92 26.79
D662 1.664 0.906 0.281 0.125 0.720 1.672 11,200 1,700 1.050
42.27 23.01 7.14 3.18 18.29 42.47 49.82 7.56 1.56
D667H 2.313 1.000 0.312 0.125 0.875 1.906 12,900 1,900 1.170
58.75 25.40 7.92 3.18 22.23 48.41 57.38 8.45 1.74
D667X 2.250 1.063 0.437 0.170 0.937 2.172 21,700 3,000 1.860
57.15 27.00 11.10 4.32 23.80 55.17 96.52 13.34 2.77
D667K 2.250 1.078 0.437 0.200 1.062 2.359 29,700 4,000 2.440
57.15 27.38 11.10 5.08 26.97 59.92 132.11 17.79 3.63
D88K 2.609 1.078 0.437 0.200 1.062 2.359 26,900 4,000 2.300
66.27 27.38 11.10 5.08 26.97 59.92 119.65 17.79 3.42
D667KC 2.250 1.078 0.437 0.200 1.062 2.359 30,900 4,800 2.560
57.15 27.38 11.10 5.08 26.97 59.92 137.44 21.35 3.81
D88C 2.609 1.250 0.500 0.250 1.125 2.847 38,000 6,000 3.470
66.27 31.75 12.70 6.35 28.58 72.31 169.02 26.69 5.16
D308C 3.075 1.281 0.625 0.312 1.500 3.188 50,000 8,000 5.630
78.11 32.54 15.88 7.92 38.10 80.98 222.40 35.58 8.38
Drives supplies Engineered Class
chain to many different industries
the following includes a sampling off
those industries:
Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Material Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Food Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Forest and Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Metal Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Mining Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Sugar Mill Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Agricultural Conveyor Chain Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
160/348 2.000 1.250 0.563 1.126 0.250 1.899 2.723 3rd or 6th 58,000 9,190 8.300
50.80 31.75 14.30 28.60 6.35 48.23 69.16 257.98 40.88 12.35
160/458 2.00 1.250 0.563 1.126 0.250 1.899 2.723 4th or 6th 58,000 9,190 10.00
50.80 31.75 14.30 28.60 6.35 48.23 69.16 257.98 40.88 14.88
160/678 2.000 1.250 0.563 1.126 0.250 1.899 2.723 6th 58,000 9,190 9.800
50.80 31.75 14.30 28.60 6.35 48.23 69.16 257.98 40.88 14.58
Drives material handling chain is commonly found in heavy
industrial processes that transfer large storage piles of bulk
W d
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
D1240 12.400 2.660 1.410 1.970 0.500 3.500 5.530 190,822 23,223 17.940
314.96 67.56 35.81 50.04 12.70 88.90 140.46 848.78 103.30 26.70
Stacker reclaimers are used in heavy industrial processes that Drives stacker chain features maximum bearing areas, high
transfer large storage piles of bulk material. Reclaimer chain hardness and case depths made to provide optimum performance.
and ight assemblies function like scraper conveyors, with ight Reclaimer chain is manufactured on a made-to-order basis
blades that push material toward a belt-feeding system. The with minimum order quantities. Contact Drives for additional
reclaimer conveyors chain, with digging ights, is supported information.
by rails and structure that span over or across the pile being
reclaimed for transfer to other plant locations.
T1 W L
TO d
T3 T4
D1202 12.000 1.562 1.500 0.500 1.500 1.590 3.500 170,000 10,125 19.430
304.80 39.67 38.10 12.70 38.10 40.39 88.90 756.16 45.04 28.92
T D d
Offset style Straight style small roller Straight style large roller
378RX 1.654 1.000 0.437 0.875 Small 0.187 1.125 2.280 Straight 20,000 2,100 3.700
42.01 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 28.58 57.91 88.96 9.34 5.51
53R 3.000 1.000 0.437 1.500 Large 0.187 1.125 2.280 Straight 13,000 2,100 3.900
76.20 25.40 11.10 38.10 4.75 28.58 57.91 57.82 9.34 5.80
3162 3.000 1.250 0.562 2.250 Large 0.250 1.500 2.870 Straight 47,000 3,445 7.420
76.20 31.75 14.27 57.15 6.35 38.10 72.90 209.06 15.32 11.04
88R 4.000 0.876 0.625 2.000 Large 0.250 1.500 2.468 Straight 25,140 3,000 6.054
101.60 22.25 15.88 50.80 6.35 38.10 62.69 111.82 13.34 9.01
89R 4.000 1.312 0.625 2.250 Large 0.375 1.500 3.470 Straight 28,000 4,500 10.600
101.60 33.32 15.88 57.15 9.53 38.10 88.14 124.54 20.02 15.77
12230 12.000 4.100 1.500 3.500 Small 0.625 4.000 7.600 Offset 280,000 36,300 39.200
304.80 104.14 38.10 88.90 15.88 101.60 193.04 1,245.44 161.46 58.34
102BSS 4.000 2.130 0.625 1.000 0.375 1.500 4.310 3,834 6.900
101.60 54.10 15.88 25.40 9.53 38.10 109.47 17.05 10.27
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg/m
WSX78 2.609 1.120 0.500 0.880 2.010 0.250 1.120 3.340 2,140 4.30
66.27 28.45 12.70 22.35 51.05 6.35 28.45 84.84 9.52 6.40
WCSX78 2.609 1.120 0.500 0.880 2.010 0.250 1.120 3.340 2,140 5.00
66.27 28.45 12.70 22.35 51.05 6.35 28.45 84.84 9.52 7.44
WSX124 4.000 1.630 0.750 1.250 2.750 0.380 1.500 4.250 4,400 8.00
101.60 41.40 19.05 31.75 69.85 9.65 38.10 107.95 19.57 11.91
WCSX124 4.000 1.630 0.750 1.250 2.750 0.380 1.500 4.250 4,400 9.00
101.60 41.40 19.05 31.75 69.85 9.65 38.10 107.95 19.57 13.39
WSX132 6.050 2.880 1.000 1.750 4.380 0.500 2.000 6.250 9,330 14.00
153.67 73.15 25.40 44.45 111.25 12.70 50.80 158.75 41.50 20.83
WCSX132 6.050 2.880 1.000 1.750 4.380 0.500 2.000 6.250 9,330 15.40
153.67 73.15 25.40 44.45 111.25 12.70 50.80 158.75 41.50 22.92
WSX157 6.050 2.750 1.125 1.750 4.670 0.625 2.500 7.060 11,200 20.00
153.67 69.85 28.58 44.45 118.62 15.88 63.50 179.32 49.82 29.76
WCSX157 6.050 2.750 1.125 1.750 4.670 0.625 2.500 7.060 11,200 21.20
153.67 69.85 28.58 44.45 118.62 15.88 63.50 179.32 49.82 31.55
WSX157H 6.050 3.000 1.125 1.750 4.825 0.750 2.500 7.188 11,500 21.40
153.67 76.20 28.58 44.45 122.56 19.05 63.50 182.58 51.15 31.85
WCSX157H 6.050 3.000 1.125 1.750 4.825 0.750 2.500 7.188 11,500 22.40
153.67 76.20 28.58 44.45 122.56 19.05 63.50 182.58 51.15 33.34
Food processing is a large
industry with subcategories,
and each has special needs
and requirements. Some carry
heavy loads, some are subjected to
high temperatures, and others endure
frequent washdowns. Each requires
reliable chain to move product quickly and
efciently. The types of chain vary, depending on
the application.
Drives chain is made with high-temperature alloy steel.
Component heat treatment and clearances are selected to
improve wear life and minimize the risk of stiff joints. Consult
Drives engineering for additional application information.
d W L
102BSS 4.000 2.130 0.625 1.000 1.000* 0.375 0.375 1.500 4.310 3,834 6.900
(304SS) 101.60 54.10 15.88 25.40 25.40 9.53 9.53 38.10 109.47 17.05 10.27
* Bushing diameter.
TABLE 142.
Pin Diameter Pin Length
Chain No.
in. in. in.
mm mm mm
D20002 0.570 1.750 2.910
14.48 44.45 73.91
Drives oven chain is comprised of specially L
designed 300 series sidebars with 17-4PH
(precipitation hardened) pin, bushing and
roller. The combination of material, in O
conjunction with increased clearances,
allows this chain to handle the high
temperatures and corrosive environment
of an oven.
D4375 4.375 1.300 0.440 2.000 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,300 5.050
111.13 33.02 11.18 50.80 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.78 7.52
D5125 5.125 1.300 0.440 1.750 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,318 4.800
w/1.75 Roller 130.18 33.02 11.18 44.45 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.86 7.14
D5125 5.125 1.300 0.440 2.000 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,318 5.350
w/2.0 Roller 130.18 33.02 11.18 50.80 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.86 7.96
D5125 5.125 1.300 0.440 2.250 Large 0.190 1.310 2.330 Straight 1,318 4.800
w/2.25 Roller 130.18 33.02 11.18 57.15 4.83 33.27 59.18 5.86 7.14
Drives produces industry
leading Engineered Class
conveyor chains for the forest
and paper industry. These
tough applications require chainss
that are built to the strictest quality
standards ever established. Driveses advanced
engineering knowledge and experience ensures maximum
strength and performance while setting the standard for
quality in this industry.
Solid Rollers
Curled Bushings D d
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
81X 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.155 1.125 1.930 24,000 3,000 2.500
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 3.72
81X DFC 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.155 1.125 1.930 24,000 3,000 2.500
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 3.72
Through-Hardened Pins
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
81XH 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.220 0.310 1.332 2.577 42,000 3,700 4.120
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 5.59 7.87 33.83 65.46 186.82 16.46 6.13
81XHT 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.220 0.220 1.125 2.577 34,000 3,300 3.800
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 5.59 5.59 28.58 65.46 151.23 14.68 5.66
81XHH 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.310 0.310 1.332 2.763 42,000 3,700 4.600
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 7.87 7.87 33.83 70.18 186.82 16.46 6.85
T d
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
3939 8.000 1.060 0.432 0.906 0.155 1.125 1.930 24,000 3,000 1.550
203.20 26.92 10.97 23.01 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 2.31
FG9 81X 3.50 7.25 1.25 0.34 1.13 0.56 0.250 1.187
88.90 184.15 31.75 8.71 28.58 14.30 6.35 30.15
SF22 81X 4.560 11.040 2.500 0.406 1.000 0.500 0.375 1.110
115.82 280.42 63.50 10.31 25.40 12.70 9.53 28.19
0.375 x 0.750
d D TB T T
Nylon block P
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
81XKD 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.155 1.125 1.930 24,000 3,000 2.500
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 3.94 28.58 49.02 106.75 13.34 3.72
D d
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
81XHKD 2.609 1.060 0.437 0.906 0.220 0.310 1.332 2.577 42,000 3,700 4.120
66.27 26.92 11.10 23.01 5.59 7.87 33.83 65.46 186.82 16.46 6.13
378RX D d
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
378RX 1.654 1.000 0.437 0.875 0.187 1.125 2.280 20,000 2,100 3.700
42.01 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 28.58 57.91 88.96 9.34 5.51
Note: KD series manufactured with increased clearance between sidebars to prevent stiff joints under elevated temperatures. Special no-stain lubricants available.
3000H KD T
D d
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
3000HKD 3.000 1.312 0.750 1.500 0.375 2.000 3.220 70,000 7,100 10.700
76.20 33.32 19.05 38.10 9.53 50.80 81.79 311.36 31.58 15.92
Note: KD series manufactured with increased clearance between sidebars to prevent stiff joints under elevated temperatures. Special no-stain lubricants available.
Extreme conditions within
the metal processing industry
demand chains that are designed
to withstand the enormous weight
of the materials being conveyed, high
temperatures and the distance that the
material must be conveyed.
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
C60E 0.750 0.500 0.234 0.469 0.094 0.705 0.996 8500.00 2095.00 1.173
19.05 12.70 5.94 11.91 2.39 17.91 25.30 37.81 9.32 1.75
C80E 1.000 0.627 0.312 0.625 0.125 0.943 1.283 14500.00 3300.00 2.054
25.40 15.93 7.92 15.88 3.18 23.95 32.59 64.50 14.68 3.06
C100E 1.250 0.755 0.375 0.750 0.156 1.180 1.595 24000.00 5100.00 3.081
31.75 19.18 9.53 19.05 3.96 29.97 40.51 106.75 22.68 4.59
C120E 1.500 1.000 0.437 0.875 0.187 1.425 1.955 34000.00 6800.00 4.588
38.10 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 36.20 49.66 151.23 30.25 6.83
C140E 1.750 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.220 1.663 2.136 46000.00 9000.00 5.878
44.45 25.40 12.70 25.40 5.59 42.24 54.25 204.61 40.03 8.75
C160E 2.000 1.250 0.563 1.126 0.252 1.899 2.538 58000.00 12000.00 7.787
50.80 31.75 14.30 28.60 6.40 48.23 64.47 257.98 53.38 11.59
D1 d
Drives manufactures
mining chains that take into
consideration the harsh mining
environment above ground or
underground. Drives mining chains ns
are built to precise specicationss for
strength and maximum wear life.
To D
P1 P2
4X4 Feeder 4.000 4.000 1.880 0.990 1.500 0.500 0.560 2.500 5.000 170,000 13,433 20.170
Breaker Chain 101.60 101.60 47.75 25.15 38.10 12.70 14.22 63.50 127.00 756.16 59.75 30.02
3501 3.500 3.500 2.250 1.120 1.750 0.500 0.560 2.750 5.410 170,000 17,000 24.300
88.90 88.90 57.15 28.45 44.45 12.70 14.22 69.85 137.41 756.16 75.62 36.16
3751 3.750 3.750 2.250 1.120 1.750 0.500 0.560 2.750 5.410 170,000 17,000 24.960
95.25 95.25 57.15 28.45 44.45 12.70 14.22 69.85 137.41 756.16 75.62 37.15
T D d
Offset style
95R 4.000 1.000 0.440 1.500 Large 0.190 1.125 2.280 Straight 13,000 2,100 3.400
101.60 25.40 11.18 38.10 4.83 28.58 57.91 57.82 9.34 5.06
2184R 6.000 1.380 0.875 3.000 Large 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 43,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.23 76.20 9.65 50.80 95.25 191.26 28.91 18.30
2184R 6.000 1.380 0.875 3.000 1.180 Flange 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 43,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.23 76.20 29.97 9.65 50.80 95.25 191.26 28.91 18.30
2184RX 6.000 1.380 0.875 3.000 Large 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 75,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.23 76.20 9.65 50.80 95.25 333.60 28.91 18.30
2184RX 6.000 1.380 0.875 3.000 1.180 Flange 0.380 2.000 3.750 Offset 75,000 6,500 12.300
152.40 35.05 22.23 76.20 29.97 9.65 50.80 95.25 333.60 28.91 18.30
12230 12.000 4.100 1.500 3.500 Small 0.625 4.000 7.600 Offset 280,000 36,300 39.200
304.80 104.14 38.10 88.90 15.88 101.60 193.04 1,245.44 161.46 58.34
A42 95R 1.630 0.190 1.250 2.130 0.380 3.000 0.380 3.600
41.40 4.83 31.75 54.10 9.65 76.20 9.65 5.36
A42 2184RX 2.630 0.250 2.000 3.630 0.630 3.000 0.500 13.600
66.80 6.35 50.80 92.20 16.00 76.20 12.70 20.24
A42 2184RX 2.630 0.250 2.000 3.630 0.630 3.000 0.625 13.600
66.80 6.35 50.80 92.20 16.00 76.20 15.88 20.24
D dO dI
Drives manufactures a
complete line of agriculture
chain that go on combines,
spreaders, etc. Drives chains
are manufactured to the OEM
specications for maximum strength and
wear life.
Double Pitch
D d
100 1.250 0.755 0.375 0.750 0.156 1.180 1.595 24,000 2.801
31.75 19.18 9.53 19.05 3.96 29.97 40.51 106.75 4.17
120 1.500 1.000 0.437 0.875 0.187 1.425 1.955 34,000 4.135
38.10 25.40 11.10 22.23 4.75 36.20 49.66 151.23 6.15
140 1.750 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.220 1.663 2.136 46,000 5.136
44.45 25.40 12.70 25.40 5.59 42.24 54.25 204.61 7.64
160 2.000 1.250 0.562 1.125 0.250 1.899 2.538 58,000 6.603
50.80 31.75 14.27 28.58 6.35 48.23 64.47 257.98 9.83
180 2.250 1.400 0.687 1.406 0.281 2.132 2.780 95,000 9.100
57.15 35.56 17.45 35.71 7.14 54.15 70.61 422.56 13.54
200 2.500 1.490 0.781 1.562 0.312 2.312 3.088 100,000 10.900
63.50 37.85 19.84 39.67 7.92 58.72 78.44 444.80 16.22
240 3.000 1.864 0.937 1.875 0.375 2.812 3.708 152,000 16.400
76.20 47.35 23.80 47.63 9.53 71.42 94.18 676.10 24.41
D d
80H-1R 1.000 0.625 0.312 0.625 0.156 0.949 1.413 14,500 2.462
25.40 15.88 7.92 15.88 3.96 24.10 35.89 64.50 3.66
100H-1R 1.250 0.750 0.375 0.750 0.187 1.186 1.725 24,000 3.223
31.75 19.05 9.53 19.05 4.75 30.12 43.82 106.75 4.80
120H-1R 1.500 1.000 0.437 0.875 0.219 1.425 2.085 34,000 4.614
38.10 25.40 11.10 22.23 5.56 36.20 52.96 151.23 6.87
D d T
A2050 1.250 0.376 0.400 0.080 0.200 0.590 0.795 0.795 0.795 0.450
31.75 9.55 10.16 2.03 5.08 14.99 20.19 20.19 20.19 0.67
A2060 1.500 0.500 0.469 0.094 0.234 0.705 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.630
38.10 12.70 11.91 2.39 5.94 17.91 25.30 25.30 25.30 0.94
d D W L
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
CA550 1.630 0.797 0.281 0.656 0.105 0.750 1.562 11,250 1,400 1.279
41.40 20.24 7.14 16.66 2.67 19.05 39.67 50.04 6.23 1.90
CA550HD 1.630 0.767 0.326 0.656 0.120 0.780 1.586 11,500 1,700 1.409
41.40 19.48 8.28 16.66 3.05 19.81 40.28 51.15 7.56 2.10
CA555 1.630 0.500 0.281 0.656 0.120 0.750 1.302 11,250 1,100 1.238
41.40 12.70 7.14 16.66 3.05 19.05 33.07 50.04 4.89 1.84
CA557 1.630 0.797 0.315 0.700 0.120 0.906 1.593 16,500 1,700 1.719
41.40 20.24 8.00 17.78 3.05 23.01 40.46 73.39 7.56 2.56
CA960 1.630 0.890 0.350 0.700 0.120 0.910 1.580 15,500 2,050 1.809
41.40 22.61 8.89 17.78 3.05 23.11 40.13 68.94 9.12 2.69
CA620 1.654 0.987 0.281 0.696 0.120 0.750 1.841 12,000 1,700 1.609
42.01 25.07 7.14 17.68 3.05 19.05 46.76 53.38 7.56 2.39
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs./ft.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg/m
CA551X 1.630 0.797 0.437 0.656 0.155 1.125 1.813 20,000 2,400 2.424
41.40 20.24 11.10 16.66 3.94 28.58 46.05 88.96 10.68 3.61
C2050 1.250 0.376 0.400 0.590 0.080 0.200 0.409 0.477 1,010 0.580
31.75 9.55 10.16 14.99 2.03 5.08 10.39 12.12 4.49 0.863
C2060H 1.500 0.500 0.469 0.687 0.125 0.234 0.590 0.660 1,410 1.010
38.10 12.70 11.91 17.45 3.18 5.94 14.99 16.76 6.27 1.503
C2080H 2.000 0.626 0.625 0.943 0.156 0.312 0.745 0.845 2,350 1.770
50.80 15.90 15.88 23.95 3.96 7.92 18.92 21.46 10.45 2.634
C2100H 2.500 0.750 0.750 1.150 0.187 0.375 0.830 0.980 3,800 2.380
63.50 19.05 19.05 29.21 4.75 9.53 21.08 24.89 16.90 3.542
C2120H 3.000 1.000 0.875 1.370 0.219 0.437 1.030 1.210 5,380 3.410
76.20 25.40 22.23 34.80 5.56 11.10 26.16 30.73 23.93 5.075
C2160H 4.000 1.250 1.125 1.870 0.281 0.563 1.337 1.514 9,190 6.020
101.60 31.75 28.58 47.50 7.14 14.30 33.96 38.46 40.88 8.959
NOTE: Dimensions are subject to change. Contact your Drives representative to obtain certied prints for design and construction.
NOTE: Refer to the Drives Chain Congurator at cad.timken.com/congurator.
A1, A1S
Attachment Chain No. in. in. in. in. in. in.
mm mm mm mm mm mm
A1 CA551X 1.250 2.093 0.437 1.500 0.812 0.155
31.75 53.16 11.10 38.10 20.62 3.94
A2, A2S
Attachment Chain No. in. in. in. in. in. in.
mm mm mm mm mm mm
A18 CA550 1.062 1.406 0.281 0.875 0.500 0.105
26.97 35.71 7.14 22.23 12.70 2.67
Attachment available only on pin link.
Attachment Chain No. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. Degree
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Radians
F5 CA550 3.125 4.196 0.281 0.840 0.625 1.250 0.105 57.0
79.38 106.58 7.14 21.34 15.88 31.75 2.67 0.995
F17 CA550 4.500 5.553 0.390 1.000 0.811 1.641 0.105 60.0
114.30 141.05 9.91 25.40 20.60 41.68 2.67 1.047
SHE CA550 3.125 4.196 0.343 0.840 0.625 1.250 0.125 57.0
79.38 106.58 8.71 21.34 15.88 31.75 3.18 0.995
SFD CA550HD 3.125 4.320 0.328 0.956 1.125 1.973 0.120 22.0
79.38 109.73 8.33 24.28 28.58 50.11 3.05 0.384
Attachment Chain No. in. in. in. in. in. in.
mm mm mm mm mm mm
K1 CA551X 2.500 4.187 0.437 1.500 0.812 0.155
63.50 106.35 11.10 38.10 20.62 3.94
K1, K1S
K1, AK27S
Attachment Chain No. in. in. in. in. in. in.
mm mm mm mm mm mm
K18 CA550 2.125 2.812 0.281 0.875 0.500 0.105
53.98 71.42 7.14 22.23 12.70 2.67
Attachment Chain No. in. in. in. in. in. in.
mm mm mm mm mm mm
K35 CA557 2.000 2.890 0.343 0.625 0.545 0.120
50.80 73.41 8.71 15.88 13.84 3.05
D662 1.664 0.906 0.281 0.125 0.720 1.672 11,200 1,700 1.050
42.27 23.01 7.14 3.18 18.29 42.47 49.82 7.56 1.56
D667H 2.313 1.000 0.312 0.125 0.875 1.906 12,900 1,900 1.170
58.75 25.40 7.92 3.18 22.23 48.41 57.38 8.45 1.74
D667X 2.250 1.063 0.437 0.170 0.937 2.172 21,700 3,000 1.860
57.15 27.00 11.10 4.32 23.80 55.17 96.52 13.34 2.77
D667K 2.250 1.078 0.437 0.200 1.062 2.359 29,700 4,000 2.440
57.15 27.38 11.10 5.08 26.97 59.92 132.11 17.79 3.63
D88K 2.609 1.078 0.437 0.200 1.062 2.359 26,900 4,000 2.300
66.27 27.38 11.10 5.08 26.97 59.92 119.65 17.79 3.42
D667KC 2.250 1.078 0.437 0.200 1.062 2.359 30,900 4,800 2.560
57.15 27.38 11.10 5.08 26.97 59.92 137.44 21.35 3.81
D88C 2.609 1.250 0.500 0.250 1.125 2.847 38,000 6,000 3.470
66.27 31.75 12.70 6.35 28.58 72.31 169.02 26.69 5.16
D308C 3.075 1.281 0.625 0.312 1.500 3.188 50,000 8,000 5.630
78.11 32.54 15.88 7.92 38.10 80.98 222.40 35.58 8.38
C1, C11
F12, F12H
FS7, FS15
G2, G9
G27, G27T
K1, K19
K1, K1S
The Timken team applies their know-how to improve the reliability and performance of machinery in diverse
markets worldwide. The company designs, makes and markets high-performance mechanical components,
including bearings, gears, belts, chain and related mechanical power transmission products and services. www.timken.com | www.drivesllc.com