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Canadas leader of complete geosynthetic solutions

Slope Stabilization Systems

To view our complete product line visit us at www.terrafixgeo.com

TerraFirm Surficial Slope Stabilization
Steep slopes and embankments create numerous challenges both during construction and

dealing with problems due to one or more of the following:

Shallow sliding failures

Poor drainage Space constraints

TerraFirm Anchoring Systems

slope challenges featuring:

Fast and easy installation Stabilization without excavation

Wide variety of surface protection options Low environmental impact
On-site assistance

Repaired soil layer

Surface materials

Anchored Stress Distribution

The stress distribution in front of a loaded

anchor can be modeled using foundation
theory. The ultimate performance of an
anchor within the soil is dened by the load
at which the stress concentration immediately
in front of the anchor exceeds the bearing
capacity of the soil.

Factors that will aect the ultimate performance

of the anchor include:

Shear angle of the soil

Size of the anchor
Depth of installation
Pore water pressure

Anchors perform exceptionally well in a granular /

non-cohesive soil, displaying short loadlock and
extension characteristics, a broad frustum of soil
immediately in front of the anchor and extremely
Granular / Non-Cohesive Soils
high loads.

Sti cohesive soils, such as boulder clays, can

also give outstanding results. However, weaker
cohesive soils, like soft alluvial clays, can result
in long loadlock and extension distances and
a small frustum of soil in front of the anchor.
Consequently these conditions require a
larger size of anchor and if possible a deeper
driven depth to achieve design loads.

Cohesive Soils
Drainage Solutions
Install anchors
and re-vegetate
Excess water due to a high water table or high
pore water pressure can lead to instability
Install Plati-Drain
of embankments.
P lati-Drain provides a unique solution that
reduces pore water pressure within fine grained soils
in both embankments and retaining walls. Plati-Drain

drain deep into the soil (up to 10 m). Water is easily Water trapped
drained from the soil providing increased stability for in slope
the embankment to wall structure.

TerraFirm Surficial Slope Stabilization

TerraFirm Applications
Erosion Control
TerraFirm anchors and surface mats provide a long-lasting solution to many erosion control
challenges. Surface protection materials may include: Biaxial geogrids, TRMs, biodegradable blankets.
Shallow Slide Repair
TerraFirm anchors are driven beyond slip surfaces to re-stabilize replaced soil layers and surface mats
permit revegetation of the slope.

Stability Applications
Remove debris, rocks,
re-profile the slope and seed
Apply erosion blanket
and geogrid

Install anchors

Install Plati-Drains
1 2

Driving the Anchor Removing the Rods

Drive rods are selected based on the size and type of anchor Remove the drive rods by
being used. Manual and power options are both available. Drive hand or with optional
the anchor into the ground attaching additional drive rod rod removers.
sections as necessary until the anchor has reached its required
installation depth.

Surface Protection Options

Biaxial Geogrid Fortrac 3D

Polypropylene TRM Erosion Control Blanket



Install the surface plate and locking grip (if not already in place) securely against the surface

anchor to its full working load by applying tension to the wire tendon. Ensure that the plastic
plate and locking grip assembly are secured tightly against the surface protection materials.
If using a copper ferule rather than the locking grip, use the hand swage tool to close the
ferule so that the plate applies pressure to the surface protection materials.

Product Selection Chart

Suggested Anchoring Spacing
Anchor Type Depth (staggered
Failure (subject to site (beyond slip both Surface
Defect Depth Slope test of anchors) plane) directions) Material
Erosion Control < 0.5m < 2:1 S2, S4 0.45m - 1.5m 1.5m C200, TBX3000

Shallow Slide
< 1m < 2:1 S4, S6 1.5m min. 1.2 - 1.5m TRM, TBX3000

Engineering Engineering
Deep Seated Stability < 1m < 1:1 Bat TRM, TBX3000
Required Required
Sheet steel, TBX3000,
Engineering Engineering
Cut Slope < 1:1 S6 - Bat geotextiles, timber
Required Required
Cut Slope Stabilization
TerraFirm anchors are driven beyond slip surfaces to stabilize replaced soil layers and
surface mats permit revegetation of the slope.

Potential failure plane Potential failure plane

Add anchors with
geogrid as the face is cut
Soil to be removed

Potential failure plane

Future Development
Typ. 2- 4 m

Continue to add
anchors / geogrid

Complete Design and Construction Support

We have an in-house Engineering Department that specializes in Retaining Walls and Steep Slope Solutions. We also support
our projects with top-notch construction site assistance. Tap into our vast experience - call us today for a solution that
addresses the unique challenges of your project.

TerraFirm Anchors TerraFirm Anchor Plates


455 Horner Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M8W 4W9
Telephone (416) 674-0363
Fax (416) 674-1159
July 2013

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