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Juglans Regia

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Juglans regia

Juglans regia in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats

D. de Rigo, C. M. Enescu, T. Houston Durrant, W. Tinner, G. Caudullo increase the insulin level in diabetic patients21 . The wood of the
walnut is highly prized, being strong, attractive and easy to work.
Juglans regia L., commonly known as common, English or Persian walnut, is an economically very important tree species, Good quality logs are sold for veneer and can command high
prized both for its nuts and for its attractive high-quality timber. It is the most widespread nut tree worldwide. prices7. It is also used in agroforestry7, 12, 22 .
The common walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a large, deciduous
tree, reaching a height up to 25-35m and exceptionally a maximum
trunk diameter up to 2m1 . It is long-lived: normally 100-200 years, < 25%
but some specimens may reach 1000 years old2 . It has a deep 25% - 50%
50% - 75%
root system, with a substantial tap root starting from the juvenile > 75%

stage1, 3 . The bark is silver-grey and smooth between deep, wide Chorology
Actual range
fissures4 . The leaves are 20-45cm long, with 5 to 9 leaflets, the
ones from the apex being larger compared with those from the
base of the leaf4 . Crushed leaves have a scent like shoe-polish4 .
The crown diameter of the common walnut is larger in relation to
its stem diameter than any other broadleaf tree species used in
Europe5 . The fruit ripens during hot summers and is a large rounded
nut of 4-5cm and weighing up to 18g6 . It may be propagated both
by seeds and also vegetatively. It can hybridise and it has been
found that the hybrids between common walnut and black walnut
(Juglans nigra) have good vigour and form3 .

Map 1: Plot distribution and simplified chorology map for Juglans regia.
Frequency of Juglans regia occurrences within the field observations as
reported by the National Forest Inventories. The chorology of the actual
spatial range for J. regia is derived after Fornari et al. and the Botanical
Society of Britain & Ireland12, 24 .

across the northern hemisphere, and can now be found in most of

Europe apart from northerly regions. It is particularly important
in Turkey, which is the third largest walnut producer in the world, Male catkins develop in the spring with new leaves.
(Copyright AnRo0002, commons.wikimedia.org: CC0)
after China and the United States6 . It is also grown in India and
China, and has been introduced into many other temperate
regions of the world, including the Americas, Australia, New Threats and Diseases
Zealand and parts of Africa7, its distribution ranging nowadays The common walnut is sensitive to a number of fungal,
between 10and 50northern latitude12 . bacterial, parasitic and viral diseases. The main fungal agents
Habitat and Ecology are Armillaria mellea, Phytophthora cinamomii and P. cambivora
which affect the root system, and antracnosis (Gnomonia
The common walnut is a demanding species and requires
leptostyla) which causes summer leaf fall2 . Walnut blight
Mature walnut tree with large spreading crown (Bavaria, Germany). special site conditions. Usually grown in pure stands or as
(Xanthomonas campestris pv. juglandis) is also a serious disease,
(Copyright Rainer Lippert, commons.wikimedia.org: CC0) individual trees, rather than within mixed woodland, it needs a
sometimes causing mortality in young trees2, 14, 23 . A number of
warm and sheltered site and a long growing season3, 13 . It also
pests target the nuts, reducing the value of the crop; these include
prefers deep and rich soils, with pH values of between 6 and 7.51 . It
the walnut worm (Cydia pomonella) and navel orangeworm
Distribution is light-demanding, highly susceptible to competition and sensitive
(Amyelois transitella)7. Although widespread in its range, the size
Because of its long history of cultivation, the natural to winter and late spring frosts. Older trees are however able to
of local populations is quite limited. Threats to genetic variability
distribution range of this species is not clear7, 8 . It is thought to withstand winter temperatures as low as -30C14 . Germination is
could come from felling of the best trees for the high quality
be native to the Mediterranean (Southern Europe, Western Asia) improved in mild winters, indicating that a changing climate with
timber, and from hybridisation with black walnut (Juglans nigra)2 .
and Central Asia9; in the latter area the mountains of the West warmer winters may prove beneficial to its establishment14, 15 .
Himalayan chain in the Kashmir, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are
considered to be its centre of origin2 . Fossil evidence, however, Importance and Usage
shows that in some putative areas of origin in Central Asia such as Walnut is very appreciated for its nuts, which are a
Kyrgyzstan, the species was introduced for agricultural purposes highly nutritious food source. They are rich in oil composed of References
only 1000-2000 years ago10 . Pollen records and nutshell finds unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The [1] C. Mohni, F. Pelleri, G. E. Hemery, Die [12] B. Fornari, F. Cannata, M. Spadad, M. E.
Bodenkulture 60, 21 (2009). Malvolti, Forest Genetics 6, 115 (1999).
show earliest cultivation in the Mediterranean area; e.g. in Italy kernels contain a wide variety of flavonoids, phenolic acids [2] J. Fernandez-Lopez, N. Aleta, R. Alia, [13] J. R. Clark, G. E. Hemery, P. S. Savill,
around 6000 years ago and in Anatolia, north-eastern Greece and and related polyphenols, which have good antioxidant, anti- Noble Hardwoods Network: Report of the Forestry 81, 631 (2008).
Fourth Meeting, 4-6 September 1999, [14] G. E. Hemery, et al., Forestry 83, 65
Croatia around 4000 years ago11 . It has been widely cultivated atherogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic properties16 . Gmunden, Austria and the Fifth Meeting, (2010).
17-19 May 2001, Blessington, Ireland,
A diet rich in walnuts is also thought to have a cardiovascular J. Turok, G. Eriksson, K. Russel, S. Borelli, [15] K. Loacker, W. Kofler, K. Pagitz, W.
protective effect17, 18 . Bark or leaf extracts are used worldwide eds. (Bioversity International, 2002), pp. Oberhuber, Flora - Morphology,
3843. Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions19 including [3] P. S. Savill, The silviculture of trees used in
202, 70 (2007).
fungal infections such as Candida, to inhibit the growth of bacteria British forestry (CABI, 2013). [16] M. L. Martnez, D. O. Labuckas, A. L.
Lamarque, D. M. Maestri, Journal of the
[4] A. F. Mitchell, A field guide to the trees
responsible for dental plaques and oral hygiene problems20 , or to of Britain and northern Europe (Collins,
Science of Food and Agriculture 90, 1959
[17] S. D. Nash, M. Westpfal, The American
[5] G. E. Hemery, P. S. Savill, S. N. Pryor, Forest Journal of Cardiology 95, 963 (2005).
Ecology and Management 215, 285
(2005). [18] Z. Papoutsi, et al., British Journal of
Nutrition 99, 715 (2008).
[6] S. Ercisli, B. Sayinci, M. Kara, C. Yildiz, I.
Ozturk, Scientia Horticulturae 133, 47 [19] J. S. Amaral, et al., Food Chemistry 88,
(2012). 373 (2004).
[7] A. Praciak, et al., The CABI encyclopedia of [20] E. Noumi, M. Snoussi, H. Hajlaoui, E.
forest trees (CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, 2013). Valentin, A. Bakhrouf, European Journal of
Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
[8] A. M. Stanford, R. Harden, C. R. Parks, 29, 81 (2010).
American Journal of Botany 87, 872
(2000). [21] L. C. Tapsell, et al., Diabetes Care 27,
2777 (2004).
[9] P. Schtt, H. J. Schuck, B. Stimm, Lexikon
der Baum- und Straucharten: Das [22] B. Fady, et al., New Forests 25, 211
Standardwerk der Forstbotanik (Nikol, (2003).
Hamburg, 2002). [23] A. Belisario, A. Zoina, L. Pezza, L. Luongo,
[10] R. Beer, et al., Quaternary Science Reviews European Journal of Forest Pathology 29,
27, 621 (2008). 75 (1999).
[11] P. Kaltenrieder, G. Procacci, B. Vannire, W. [24] Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland, BSBI
Tinner, The Holocene 20, 679 (2010). Big Database (2015). http://bsbidb.org.uk.

This is an extended summary of the chapter. The full version of

this chapter (revised and peer-reviewed) will be published online at
https://w3id.org/mtv/FISE-Comm/v01/e01977c. The purpose of this
summary is to provide an accessible dissemination of the related
main topics.
This QR code points to the full online version, where the most
updated content may be freely accessed.
Please, cite as:
de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., Tinner, W., Caudullo, G.,
Fruits ripening on the tree. The ripe walnut, emerging from the fruit. 2016. Juglans regia in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and
(Copyright Free Photos, www.flickr.com: CC-BY) (Copyright Jonson22, commons.wikimedia.org: CC0) threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston
Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species.
Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg, pp. e01977c+

Tree species | European Atlas of Forest Tree Species 103

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