Animal Idioms and Their Romanian Equivalents
Animal Idioms and Their Romanian Equivalents
Animal Idioms and Their Romanian Equivalents
Abstract: This paper revolves around the analysis Rezumat: Aceast lucrare are ca scop principal
of animal idioms as both a semantic and a cultural analiza expresiilor si proverbelor cu animale att
phenomenon, establishing equivalences with the din punct de vedere semantic, ct i cultural,
Romanian language and highlighting the possible stabilind echivalene cu limba romna si
cultural similarities. Furthermore, the paper will subiliniind posibilele asemnri cultrale. De
be endorsed by theoretical input on collocation asemenea, lucrarea are ca suport teoretic
which lies at the basis of idioms and equivalence as colocaiile care stau la baza expresiilor i
a process of translation. echivalena ca process de traducere.
and without complaining about the dangers that may lie ahead), separate the sheep
from the goats (to divide people into two group,) a cash cow (profitable business), a
sacred cow (a belief or system that is treated with much respect and is not usually
criticized) until the cows come home (for a very long time), holy cow (surprise,
excitement).On the other hand, bad animals are usually associated with the snake or
the wolf : a snake in the grass (a treacherous or underhand person), a snake-pit (any
arena where people are viciously fighting each other for power). Serpents symbolize
trouble corollary to strife and infertility, whereas wolfs, though paragons of loyalty,
success, perseverance, stability, thought, intuition, learning, occur in idioms with
negative connotations: cry wolf (to give a false alarm, to warn of a danger that is not
there), keep the wolf from the door (to maintain oneself at the most basic level), keep
the wolves at bay (to fight against some kind of trouble), a lone wolf (someone who
prefers to spend time alone and has few friends), throw (someone) to the wolves (to
send someone into danger without protection, to sacrifice someone), wolf down
(something) (to gulp down something, to eat something quickly), a wolf in sheep`s
clothing (a person who pretends to be good).
Idioms and collocations can be posited as having a Romanian equivalent and
sharing the same common feature of the animate subject. Such eloquent examples are:
to hold one`s horses which has the Romanian equivalent of a ine caii n fru and
which elicits the power, strength, freedom, wildness of the horse. However, if we are
to consider the following idiom: to bet on the wrong horse, it is most obvious why it
has no Romanian equivalent. Horse racing is deeply inveterate in English tradition
being almost an iconic sport, but not in Romanian culture. The idiom to look a gift
horse in the mouth has a perfect equivalent in calul de darn u se caut la dinti, which
underscores that horses were an expensive, wealthy gift in both traditions. The lamb is
cogently perceived as meek and innocent in both of the aforementioned languages, the
idioms having literal translations in the latter language: as gentle as a lamb, preserves
its structure based on a simile in Romanian and is translated with bland ca un mieluel,
like lambs to slaughter is rendered as ca mielul la tiere, the black sheep of the family
becomes oaia neagr a familiei. Swine are universally tropes of filth, ordure, dung and
inferiority: cast pearl before swine- a arunca perle la porci, as fat as a pig- gras ca un
porc. Nonetheless, they are associated in the Chinese tradition with being highly
intelligent, scholarly, easily angered, easily swayed and affected by emotions. To
further continue with my analysis on equivalents, the bull is another universal paragon
of wealth, potency, beneficence, generative force, male procreative strength, kingship,
taming of the masculine and animal nature. These traits are shed light upon in the
following idioms: as strong as a bull- puternic ca un taur, and take the bull by the
horns with the Romanian pendant a apuca taurul de coarne. The mouse is subsumed
under the same category of universally acknowledged animals for a characteristic
feature illustrated in the idiom: as poor as a mouse church, its Romanian counterpart
being sarac ca un oarece de biseric, which explains the pervasiveness of the church
in all cultures.
On balance, animal idioms may revolve around the same trait of characteristic
behavior which is inherent in the animal, they may be attached features eloquent for a
particular geographic space, or they may inherit traits a posteriori as consequence of
their social, historical or religious involvement and significance in these events.
Idioms enucleate a cornucopia of details in the history of a language explaining for
alterations and providing with depictions of certain cultures.
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Timisoara: Editura Orizonturi Universitare, 2003
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