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ENGR 1200 Introduction To Programming Lecture 0

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ENGR 1200U

Lecture 00

Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 3/e, by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown
Dr. Khalid A. Hafeez

Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering

Office: ENG 1023
Email: Blackboard email,
Tel.: (905) 721 8668 x 3453
Office Hours : Tuesday 12:00 - 01:00pm
Thursday 12:00 - 01:00pm

Teaching Assistants
Michael Lescisin
Email: Blackboard email,
Office Hours: TBD

Jonathan Anderson
Email: Blackboard email,
Office Hours: TBD

Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 4th Edition
Authors: Delores M. Etter, Jeanine A. Ingber
Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2011
ISBN-13: 978-013-444429-1

Category Mark
Quizzes 14%
Assignments (tutorials) 06%
Midterm 30%
Final 50%
The students need to pass Final Exam in order to pass the course!
Quizzes must be done in the class room, other than that it will be considered
plagiarism and cheating.
Lockdown browser will be used.
Bring a network patch cable with you to every quiz
Expect a quiz in every class. (best 7 quizzes will be counted)
Midterm exam will be on May 30 during the class time.
No midterm deferral, marks will be added to the final exam

Location CRN # Section Date Day Time

UA1140 10090 May 09, 2017 Tuesday 1:10 pm - 4:00 pm
10111 June 15, 2017 Thursday 1:10 pm 4:00 pm


CRN# Location Day Time Start Date

10092 UA1120 Tuesday / Thursday 7:10 pm 09:00 pm May 09
10113 UA1120 Tuesday / Thursday 7:10 pm 09:00 pm May 09

Attendance and Participation
The attendance of lectures and tutorials is NOT mandatory but
you are expected to participate in the classroom discussions.
Answering and asking questions will be considered as positive
participation and will be rewarded.

Lectures Schedule
This schedule may change, depends on class progress.

Week of Topic
May 09 Introduction to Computing
May 11 Simple C++ Programs
May 16 Simple C++ Programs
May 18 Control Structures: Selection
May 23 Control Structures: Repetition
May 25 Working With Data Files
May 30 Midterm/ Modular Programming with Functions
June 01 Modular Programming with Functions
June 06 Modular Programming with Functions
June 08 One-Dimensional Arrays and Vectors
June 13 One-Dimensional Arrays and Vectors
June 15 Two-Dimensional Arrays and Final Review

General Requirements
Confirm Blackboard access to ENGR 1200U
All communications will be through Blackboard email
Religious Accommodations: If participation in some part of this
class conflicts with your observation of specific religious holidays
during the semester, please contact me during the first week of
class to make alternative arrangements.
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to be familiar with
UOITs regulations on Academic Conduct (Section 5.15 of the
Academic Calendar)
Accessibility: If you are eligible, send your request to the Centre
for Students with Disabilities on time. 9
How to succeed in this course:
Attend the classes and tutorials regularly and participate by
asking questions
Review the material lecture by lecture and do NOT wait until the
exam time
If you do not understand something in the class, consult the
instructor or the TA during office hours
Work on the assignments independently and then within a group
Make sure that you can independently solve the problem sets
posted on the blackboard

Course overview
Introduction to the anatomy of a computer: CPU, memory,
machine cycle, input and output devices, data representation
Fundamental programming concepts: flowcharting, algorithm
design, use of procedures, program control flow, arrays and
vectors, arithmetic and logic operators, input and output, data
Programming in C++.

Course overview
Students who successfully complete this course will have
demonstrated an understanding of the following areas:
1. Explain the main hardware components of personal computers
2. Describe how the various hardware devices and software
programs interact to perform the basic functions of a PC
3. Explain how application programs manipulate data to produce
the desired results.
4. Formulate problems for solution by a computer, such as
flowcharts, and selection of application programs
5. Describe the main characteristics and benefits of structured
6. Write, debug and test programs in C++ to achieve specified


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