Journal of The Fortean Research Center - Vol 1 No 1
Journal of The Fortean Research Center - Vol 1 No 1
Journal of The Fortean Research Center - Vol 1 No 1
of the
VOLUME 1 NO . 1 APRIL, 1986 $3.50
The Journal of the Fortean Re-
~ search Center is published quar- LETTER OF INTRODUCTION
. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . 2
terly by the Fortean Research
Ce~ter , a non-profit corpor-
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FORTEAN RESEARCH CENTER . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4
P.O. Box 94627
......... .. . . . . . . . . . 5
DIRECTOR: Ray W. Boeche
SECRETARY: Bonnie Summerlin .. .... . . ~ . .. 5
TREASURER: Nancy Boeche
David White ........ .. ... " ..... . 6
.................... 7
.. .. . ..'
Membership in the Fortean Research
Center is $15.00 per year . Member-
ship fees include a subscriptio n to
this Journal, discounts on special
publications of the Cen t er, and re-
duced fees to conferences sponsored
by the Fortean Research Center. Please
contact us at the address listed on
the masthead. And remember, in order
to carry on investigations and research
into the unexplained. we need your
help. Thank you.
On February 12, 1986, the Fortean Research Center was incorporated in Lincoln,
Nebraska, as a non-profit entity for the purpose of exploring all aspects of
unexplained phenomena. We are currently seeking our tax-exempt status from
the Internal Revenue Service, and hope to achieve this by late summer.
In addition to the work on our radio programming, our quarterly Journal, which
you now have, and our basic research efforts, we hope to resume the series
of conferences on the unexplained which were sponsored by the University of Ne-
braska-Lincoln, in 1982 and 1983. In order to maintain the high quality of
speakers which we were able to present previously , again, an important con-
sideration is financing. We will be exploring many avenues to raise the nec-
essary funds, and we will keep you posted on our progress.
. 5;1;~rd read$
Ray W. Boeche.
On a beautiful autumn afternoon in 1956, Hanks and his family were returning home
from an outing. The family had unloaded their car, and gone into t he house,
while Hanks readied some equipment he needed at work, in his pickup truck .
As he was going about this, he noticed what he at first thought was a kite , about
3 blocks away from his home. As he watched, the kite drew closer, and Hanks
assumed that it had gotten away from whoever was flying it.
As this object fluttered to within about a block of his position, Hanks realized
that it was not a kite, but a human-like form, with wings. As the thing came
closer , Hanks was able to see the creature's face, which he described as "very
frightening, almost demonic.''
"It's eyes were very large, blue in color, and watery. They were shaped and
placed on his face almost like horse's eyes . The skin on his face was like
tan leather. It was very wrinkled, and seemed to overlap in folds. I had
a good look at his face-he was only about 25 fee t away, and hovering maybe
15 feet above the ground . He was between &gh~aildnine feet tall.''
As Hanks watched, the creature wobbled, and almost fell to the street below.
After recovering, the creature flew toward Hanks, and passed directly overhead.
Interestingly , as Hanks watched the creature approaching closer, he tried to
move, and found he couldn't. He was experiencing some sort of paralysis.
As the creature passed overhead, Hanks was able to observe the wings of the
thing. He described them as like polished aluminum , with a grid-like appearance
on the top side. The under side of the wings each had 4 or 5 col ored lights
about four inches in diameter-the lights closest to his body on either side
glowed blue, then a yellow, then an orange, and finally a red l ight out toward
each wi ng tip. The wing was at least fifteen feet long, from tip to tip,
according to Hanks. He indicated that the wings appeared to be about two
feet wide next to t he creature's body, and three feet wide at the tip.
When asked how the wing was attached, Hanks said that, "It was fastened to
him by a shoulder harness, which seemed to have a breast plate of some sort wi t h
dials on it. He seemed to touch and move these dials, but his hands, if
that's what they were, looked more like white dove's wings, all opened up."
Hanks went on to say that as the creature passed overhead, he heard a sound
like air hissing from what he thought was the rear of the wing. As he
watched, the creature moved off into the distance , and disappeared behind a
group of trees about 2 blocks away. After the creature was out of sight,
Hanks was able to move again. He said that the entire event lasted somewhere
between eight and ten minutes.
According to Hanks, for the next 23 years, he was continually bothered by
nightmares in which this creature would reappear. He became, in his own
words, "a workaholic-! wouldn't sleep any more than I absolutely had to, and
worked constantly so I wouldn't have time to think about it." Finally, over
a period of three years, Hanks was able to overcome this obsession by forcing
himself to write out the story, and then destroy it.
The Defense Intelligence Agency has been very reluctant in the past to release
their UFO-related information , and we feel very fortunate to have received
this body of documents. As mentioned earlier, we are continuing our efforts to
try and discover exactly what PROJECT MOON DUST is, and what relationship it
has to the government 's interest in UFO incidents.
The most coherent and credible account to date involves a young mao who had
driven to his brother's rural Lincoln, Nebraska home to spend the night, only
to find his brother was away, and the house locked. Having no other choice,
he decided to sleep in the back seat of his car. Sometime during the night
he was awakened by the car being violently shaken around . Thinking at first
it was his brother, who had returned, he sat up and looked out the back window.
The next morning, on the brother's return, he related his experience, and was
told that several farmers in the area had also seen this creature, and had
dubbed i t Milo Man. The above outlined event occurred in late September, 1985,
and we are currently following further leads to try a nd establish additional
sightings, and further corroboration. We'll have more on this as we uncover it.
In September of 1969, a young Nebraska City, Nebraska man, Maurice Colbert, and
his girlfriend were parked along a 'lover's lane' area north of Nebraska City,
near the banks of t he Missouri River. The young lady began to complain that she
was hearing strange noises outside of the car. After a good deal of proddingt
Maurice was finally persuaded that she was serious, and after listening,realized
that there were some strange 'slurping' noises coming from outside .
Maurice left the car, and seeing nothing initially, moved towards the rear of
the vehicle, where the sounds became louder. Describing the night as a very
bright, moonlit evening, Maurice was able to see what l1e described l:lS "an
amoeba-shaped blob, about six fe.e t across, and about 18 inches thick, moving along
the ground." He i ndicated the 'blolt 1 would move much as an amoeba, by ex-
tending a gelatinous pseudopod, and then pulling itself along in that direction ,
or rather flowing into itself .
After watching the 'blob' for about 2 minutes. it had moved six to eight feet
closer to the car. Maurice indicated that the purplish-pink 'thing' had no
discernible odor, and seemed to have no awareness of his presence. Later exam-
ination of the site showed a sort of trail which had apparently been pushed
clear of small sticks. pebbles, and other debris as the creature flowed along
the ground.
Due to the highly unusual nature of this event, I am unable even to speculate
as to a normal explanation for the event. I would be very interested in hearing
from any other researcherswho may be aware of similar incidents. The only
possibility I am aware of would be the appearance of a giant slime mold. But
six feet across? All comments on this one are welcome.
TheMissouri Court of Appeals didn't buy the story of a man who said his wife's
lover was shot in the stomach by his shotgun-wielding poodle. Lawrence Freukes,
37, of north St . Louis county, was accused of shooting John Schlereth March 16,
1982 at Freukes' home. The suspect had testified in St. Louis County Circuit
Court that the gun discharged when his large poodle caught its paw in the trig~
ger and knocked the gun to the floor. Freukes' wife, Bernice, testified that
her husband had told Schlereth: "I'm in a lot of trouble. You've got to tell
them the dog did it." (Omaha World-Herald, February 7, 1986)
An item of interest for all of you who follow phantom helicopter sightings,
from the January, 1986 issue of Research and Development magazine. A joint
effort between NASA and most major helicopter manufacturers (including Mc-
Donnell Douglas, Boeing Vertol, Sikorsky, and Bell Helicopters) is under way
to drastically reduce noise produced by rotary-wing aircraft. Most of t he work
thus far has been analytical and ground test R & D. but flight tests are planned
for the near future. The program is a five-year, $10 million dollar effort
headed by NASA-Langley, and is called the National Rotorcraft Noise Reduction
program (NRNR).
The hood of a woman's car was damaged when a 30-pound crash beacon from an Air
Force C-5 Galaxy cargo plane fell on it, on February 4, 1986. The beacon
fell while the plane was landing at Jacksonville (Fla.) Naval Air Station. The
military has agreed to pay for repairs to the car. (Lincoln, N'E Journal, Feb-
ruary 6, l986.)
A blue fireball as bright as the moon streaked across the nighttime sky and
exploded above southwestern British Columbia and northern Washington state,
a Vancouver, B. C. astronomer said. (Lincoln, NE Star, February 20, 1986)
Scientists have made the largest fossil find in North America, uncovering more
than 100,000 bone pieces of animals 200 million years old at a site in Nova
Scotia~ The fossils represent life in the boundary between the Triassic
period, wnich began 240 million years ago, and the Jurassic, which began 200
miliion years ago. The scientists said the new findings point to a catastrophic
extinction r ight at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary - such as an asteroid im-
pacting the Earth - that wiped out more than 40 percent of the land and lake
animals of that time. (Lincoln, NE Journal, January 29, 1986.)
A new island is being born in the Pacific Ocean near lwo Jima, the first volcanic
addition to the region i n 78 years. Crowned by a still-erupting lava cone, the
new island is already 2,310 feet long, 990 feet wide, and about 50 feet high.
New islands had been seen near I~o Jima in 1905, and agai n in 1908, but sub-
merged after 1908. (Lincoln, NE Star, January 22, 1986.)
And finally, for all of you who have always wanted a flying saucer, but didn't
know where to go to buy one, a company called Starcraft Indusry has just what
you need. Called the Sta.rcraft 1, the aircraft is 12 feet in diameter, has a
12 , 000 foot ceiling, and a top speed of 140 mph. Call Starcraft at (801) 363-6612.
There are many other organizations dealing with the unexplained. They
are all doing the best they can with the resources available to them, and
your help in joining these organizations , and helping support them both
financially and in spirit, would be greatly appreciated.
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