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Fortean Times Issue 01 2

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vol.1, no.l.

Nov. 1973

is a non-profit-making bi-monthly miscellany of Fortean notes and news. Edited and published by Robert JM Rickard: 31 Kingswood Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9AN. Single issues - 35p. 1 year subscription - 1 . 8 0 . inc. post. Cheques and POs payable to RJM Rickard, please, not the NEVIS.

Welcome to the News, Britains first Fortean magazine. The omens have been good, and the public has been prepared for a magazine like this - but the core of our readers will be researchers and others interested in extrapolating the ideas of Charles Fort.

Cover: adapted from an old advertisement for Selfridges, by Bernard Partridge.

Many people are under the impression,from reading the variety of- fringefortean books currently flooding the market, that anomalous and enigmatic The News will function more or less like a 'news phenomena are rare, and even more rarely reported. clipping agency', except that our clients are We can draw no conclusions about incidence (tho- also our clippers - in that way we cover a wide ugh some work has been done on Fort's data to field, especially in the local regional papers determine cycles of incidence) - but this magazine which should carry fresher stories. Besides will be testimony to the papers being as full of contributing cuttings, we would like to ask our the damned stuff now as they were when Fort ruin- readers to take the opportunity to verify any ed his eyes in the British Museum. local stories (we will even publish their findHe was quite definite on this point: " . . . I never ings gladly). But remember - we are not in the write about marvels. The wonderful, or the never- business of offering truths, only leads and clues for those of you who thrill to the chase, before-heard-of, I leave to whimsical or radical and even the armchair philosophers. Credit is fellows. All the books by me are of quite ordingiven as a matter of course wherever possible ary occuirences...But it is not that I take numerous repetitions as a standard for admission. The and all uncredited items are from the editor's own files. If you need to quote from our pages, fellow who found the pearl in the oyster stew no permission is needed, just an acknowledgement. the old fiddle that turned out to be a Stradivari us - the ring lost in a lake, and then what should be found when a fish is caught - but these often repeated yarns are conventional yarns. And almost all liars are conventionalists....But when 1 come upon the unconventional repeating, in times and places far apart, I feel - even though I have no absolute standards to judge by - that I field of ordinary liars." am outside the (Wild Talents. V.) And that, for those of you who have asked, is the reason behind our quiet, unassuming, unsensational name - the contents are preposterous enough without blatant hysteria. The whole business of the categories is arbitrary - some stories clearly belong in several categories simultaneously. In this'matter, and in the general running of the mag. we will impose our opinions with reluctance, and where necessary ,briefly. Lastly, we hope the response to this first issue will allow us to expand next issue to include, among other things, readers' letters and reviews of books that arrived too late for inclusion in this issue. Skyward Hoi

change to bi-monthly publication

The editor sincerely regrets to announce a slight change in the schedule proposed for the NEWS. Because of many factors, not the least being the daily pressures of earning a living, the NEWS will be published bi-monthly and not monthly as planned and announced in our publicity. The price will remain 1 . 8 0 . for a year's subscription; and single copies including those on public sale will cost 35p each. Those of you who have kindly paid the full amount under the impression that there were to be 12 issues per year, are asked to bear with us. The editor hope that you will agree that this was preferable to any compromise on the volume of Fortean content, or quality of printing - or editing (whatever that isl).


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