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-Aggregate impact value test

-To determine the aggregate impact value of aggregate.
1. Impact testing machine. Consist of a cylindrical hammer of 13.5 kg sliding freely between two vertical
supports. Its fall is automatically adjusted to a height of 380mm. There is a brass plate over which an open
cylindrical steel cup of internal diameter 102mm and internal depth of 50mm is placed and fixed to the
brass plate. Cylindrical metal measure with internal diameter of 75mm and internal depth of 50mm for
measuring aggregate.
2. Tamping rod of 16mm diameter and 600mm long with both ends hemispherical.

3. Sieves: 14.0mm, 10.0mm and 2.36mm.

4. Balance of capacity not less than 500g readable to 0.1g.

Impact value of an aggregate is percentage loss of weight of particles passing 2.36mm sieve by
application of load by means of 15 blows of standard hammer and drop, under specified test condition.
The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or
impact, which in some aggregate differs from their resistance to a slowly applied compressive load. The
test gives an idea of toughness of the aggregate to resist fracture under the impact of moving load.
Normally the aggregate impact value of base course is 30, bituminous bound macadam is about 35 and
cement concrete base course is 30.


1. The aggregate is sieved and the portion passing 14mmm and retained on 10mm sieve is obtained.
2. The aggregate is filled in the cylindrical measure and the aggregate is tamped in 25 strokes with
tamping rod. The surface is leveled using tamping rod as a straight edge.
3. The aggregate in the measure is weight.
4. The aggregate is transfer from the cylinder measure to the cup and is compacted by tamping in 25
strokes with the tamping rod.
5. The hammer is released to fall freely on the aggregate. The test sample is subjected to a total of 15
6. The aggregate sample from the cup is removed and weight.
7. The aggregate is sieve through 2.36mm sieve
8. The masses of the fractions passing and retained on the sieve is weight and recorded.


Calculation of aggregate impact value (AIV)

(AIV) = M 1 X 100

M1 is the mass of the test specimen (g);
M2 is the mass of the material passing the 2.36mm test sieve (g)

Sample A : M1= 586.67g, M2=32.4

(AIV) = 586.67 X 100 = 5.52%

Sample B : M1= 596.47g, M2=53.74

(AIV) = 596.47 X 100 = 9.00%

Sample No. Mass of the test Mass of the Mass of the Aggregate Impact
specimen, M1 (g) material passing material retained Value (AIV)
the 2.36mm test on the 2.36mm
sieve, M2 (g) test sieve, M3 (g)

A 586.67 32.4 322.4 5.52%

B 596.47 53.7 312.5 9.00%


The aggregate impact value indicates a relative measure of the resistance of aggregate to a sudden shock
of an impact, which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a slow compressive load. The
method of test covers the procedure for determining the aggregate impact value of coarse aggregates. Chief advantage of
aggregate impact test is that test equipment and the test procedure are quite simple and it determines the
resistance to impact of stones simulating field condition. The test can be performed in a
short time even at construction site or at stone quarry, as the apparatus is simple and portable. Well
shaped cubical stones provide higher resistance to impact when compared with flaky and elongated
stones. It is essential that the first specimen to be tested from each sample of aggregate is
equal in volume; this is ensured by taking the specimen in the measuring cylinder in the
specified manner by tamping in three layers. If all the test specimens to be tested in the
aggregate impact testing mould are of equal volume, the height of these specimens will also be equal and
hence the height of fall of the impact rammer on the specimens will be equal. On the other hand, if equal
weight of different aggregate sample are taken, their volume and height may vary depending upon the
specific gravity of the aggregates and their shape factors.

The result from the experiment, the AIV for sample A is 5.52% while for sample B is 9.00%. The average
AIV for the sample is 7.26%.

Aggregate Impact Value Classification

<20% Exceptionally Strong

10 20% Strong

20-30% Satisfactory for road surfacing

>35% Weak for road surfacing

Based on the table above, we can conclude that our sample is exceptionally strong because the aggregate impact value is
7.26% below than 20%.

Aggregate impact value not

Sl No Type of pavement
more than

1. Wearing Course 30

a) Bituminous surface dressing

b) Penetration macadam

c) Bituminous carpet concrete

d) Cement concrete

2. Bitumen bound macadam base course 35

3. WBM base course with bitumen surfacing 40

4 Cement concrete base course 45

Table above show the specified limit of percent aggregate impact value for different types of road
construction by JKR Malaysia. From the experiment, its show that the sample aggregate is suitable for
wearing course, because the aggregate impact value is not more than 30%.

There are precaution or improvement to get more specified and better result. Laboratory must been closed
area especially at the measuring area to avoid the wind resistance affected the weight data or closed box of
measuring machine. Second, to avoid error to the sample data. Only one person with consistence strength and
distance can reduced the error. Its more effective if can be doing using a machine than manually.


From the experiment, we get the value is 7.26% less than the requirement of JKRs; 20%.Aggregate physical property must
lower Aggregate Impact Value, AIV because is tougher and resistance to crushed. We can conclude that the aggregate been
used are medium tough and resistant to be crush. Its because the value are more than half than JKRs requirement. These
experiments are successful because it still not exceed the JKRs requirement.


1. http://theconstructor.org/building/building-material/determination-of-aggregate-impact-value/1355/
2. http://www.engineeringcivil.com/aggregate-impact-value.html
3. http://www.slideshare.net/adarsh_1/aggregate-impact-value-test

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