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De Chapter 3

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page 1 of Section 3.



examples of recurrence relations (rr) with initial conditions (IC)

Suppose y1, y2, y3,..., yn,... is a sequence of numbers beginning with

(1) y1 = 1, y2 = -1

and satisfying the condition

(2) yn = 5yn-1 - 6yn-2

or equivalently

(2') yn+2 = 5yn+1 - 6yn

The two equivalent versions in (2) and (2') say that

any term in the sequence = 5 preceding term - 6 prepreceding term.

y3 = 5y2 - 6y2 = 5(-1) - 6(1) = -11
(3) y4 = 5y3 - 6y2 = 5(-11) - 6(-1) = -49
y5 = 5y4 - 6y3 = 5(-40) - 6(-11) = -179

The conditions in (1) are called initial conditions (IC) and the equation in (2) is
called a recurrence relation (rr) or a difference equation (E).

Given a rr with IC, the sequence is determined and you can write as many
successive terms as you like. The aim of the topic is to find a formula for the nth
term yn. This process is called solving the rr. For example we will soon show that
the solution to the rr in (2) with the IC in (1) is yn = -3n + 22n.

linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients

A rr of the form

(5) ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn

is called a linear second order rr with constant coefficients . The function fn is

called the forcing function. The unknown (to be solved for) is yn, the nth term of the
If fn is 0 then the rr is called homogeneous.
The rr in (5) is called second order because it takes two IC to get the sequence
started, i.e., because (5) describes how to get a term of the sequence from the two
preceding terms.

For example,
3yn + yn-4 = 0

is a homog 4-th order linear rr; it says that

any term = - 3 times the prepreprepreceding term.
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The rr
yn+10 = yn+5 - yn+4

can be rewritten as

yn+6 = yn+1 - yn

and is 6th order (not 10th order).

Until IC are specified, a rr has many solutions. A general solution to an nth order
rr is a solution containing n arbitrary constants (to ultimately be determined by n

example 1
Show that
yn = -3n2 - n - 2

is a solution to the (nonhomog) rr

yn+2 - yn+1 - 6yn = 18n2 + 2

Substitute the supposed solution into the lefthand side of the rr to see if it

LHS = -3(n+2)2 - (n+2) - 2 - [ -3(n+1)2 - (n+1) - 2] - 6[-3n2 - n - 2]

y y y
n+2 n+1 n

= -3(n2 + 4n + 4) - n - 2 - 2 - [-3(n2 + 2n + 1) - n - 1 - 2 ] - 6 [-3n2 - n - 2]

= 18n2 + 2

YEs, that does equal the righthand side so -3n2 - n - 2 is a solution

example 2
Sn = 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2,

i.e, Sn is the sum of the first n squares. Suppose you want a formula for Sn.
You know that

Sn+1 = 12 + 22 + ... + n2 + (n+1)2


(6) Sn+1 = Sn + (n+1)2

The (nonhomog) rr in (6) together with the IC S1 = 1 determines Sn and later in the
chapter you''ll be able to solve the rr and find the formula for Sn
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superposition rule
If un is a solution of ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn

and vn is a solution of ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = gn

un + vn is a solution of ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn + gn

kun is a solution of ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = kfn

proof of the u + v rule

Assume that when substituted into ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn, un produces fn and vn
produces gn. Substitute un + vn to see what happens:

a(un+2 + vn+2) + b(un+1 + vn+1) + c(un + vn)

= aun+2 + bun+1 + cun + avn+2 + bvn+1 + cvn = fn + gn QED

f by hypothesis g by hypothesis
n n

special case of superposition for homog recurrence relations

A constant multiple of a solution to a homog rr is also a sol.
The sum of sols to a homog rr is also a solution.

In particular if un and vn are sols to

ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0

then a general solution is

Aun + Bvn

linear recurrence relations and physical systems

A linear rr such as ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn often describes some physical system
with inputs and outputs appearing at discrete time intervals (e.g., every minute):
n represents time, fn is an input at time n and yn is the system's response. The
constants a,b,c are ''ingredients'' of the system, such as mass, resistance etc. A rr
with constant coeffs corresponds to a time invariant system whose ingredients don't
change with time.

The superposition rule for the rr means that the response to a sum of inputs is
the sum of the separate responses and tripling an input for instance will triple the
response. Linear rr's corresponds to systems where physical superposition holds.

complex superposition
ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn + ign

has sol
un + ivn

then un is a solution of ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn

and vn is a solution of ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = gn

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In other words, the real part of the sol goes with the real part of the forcing
function and the imag part of the sol goes with the imag part of the forcing

Suppose un + ivn is a sol to ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn + ign Then

a(un+2 + ivn+2) + b(un+1 + ivn+1) + c(un + ivn) = fn + ign

Collect terms:

aun+2 + bun+1 + cun + i(avn+2 + bvn+1 + cvn) = fn + ign

The left side can't equal the right side unless the real parts are equal and the
imag parts are equal. So

aun+2 + bun+1 + cun = fn and avn+2 + bvn+1 + cvn = gn

un is a sol to ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn
vn is a sol to ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = gn QED

special case of complex superposition for homog recurrence relations


ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0

has complex sol

un + ivn

then un and vn individually are real sols.

In other words, the real and imag parts of a complex homog sol are real homog


1. The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation

yn+2 = yn+1 + yn with IC y0 = 0, y1 = 1

Find y2, y3, y4, y5

2. Write the recurrence relation for the sum Sn of the first n integers. In other
words, if Sn = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n, write a rr (plus IC) satisfied by Sn.

3. Find the order of the rr 6yn+7 - 2yn+5 + 3yn+4 = 0; i.e., how many IC do you
need to get started.

4. Suppose yn+2 - 2yn = n3 and y1 = 2, y2 = -3. Find y3, y4, y5.

page 5 of Section 3.1

5. Substitute to show that yn = n2n satisfies the E yn+2 - 4yn+1 + 4yn = 0

6. If un and vn are sols of 3yn+4 + 5yn+1 - 2yn = sin n then what are the
following sols of.

(a) un + vn (b) 3un (c) un - vn

7. If un and vn are solutions to ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0, what are the following
solutions of. (a) un + vn (b) 6un (c) un - vn

8. Rewrite the recurrence relation Sn+1 = Sn + (n+1)2 (from example 2) so that it


(a) Sn and Sn-1 instead of Sn+1 and Sn

(b) Sn+6 and Sn+5 instead of Sn+1 and Sn

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finding the general sol to a second order homog r r

To solve

ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0

or equivalently to solve

ayn + byn-1 + cyn-2 = 0

first find the roots of the characteristic equation

a2 + b + c = 0

The solution to the rr depends on the type of roots so there are cases.

case 1 (real unequal roots)

n n
If = 1, 2 then yn = A 1 + B 2

case 2 (repeated real roots)

n n
If = 1, 1 then yn = A 1 + Bn 1 (step up by n)

case 3 (nonreal roots, which can only occur in conjugate pairs)

n n
If = a bi, then the gen complex solution is yn = A 1 + B 2.
To get the general real sol, find the mag r and angle of either
root, say of a + bi. Then a general real sol is

yn = rn(A cos n + B sin n)

For homework problems and exams it is always

intended that you give real solutions unless
specifically stated otherwise.

example 1
If = -2,5 then yn = A(-2)n + B 5n.

If = 2,1 then yn = A2n + B 1n = A2n + B. Remember that 1n = 1

If = 2,2 then yn = A2n + Bn2n.

Suppose = 3 3i. The number 3 + 3i has magnitude 3 2 and angle /4 and a
general (real) sol is
n n
yn = (3 2)n(C cos + D sin )
4 4
page 2 of Section 3.2

To get solutions to ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0 try yn = n to see what values of ,
if any, make it work. We have

an+2 + bn+1 + cn = 0 (substitute)

a2 + b + c = 0 (divide by n)

So the sols to the characteristic equ a2 + b + c = 0 determine solutions n to

the homog rr.

case 1 Suppose = -2,5. Then (-2)n and 5n are sols. By superposition,

A(-2)n + B 5n is a general sol.

case 2 Suppose = 2,2. Then 2n is a solution. It can be proved (but it takes a

while) that another sol is n2 . Then by superposition, a gen sol is
A2n + Bn2n.

case 3 Suppose = 3 3i. Then as in the other cases, (3 + 3i)n and (3 - 3i)n
are (complex) sols and A(3 + 3i)n + B(3 - 3i)n is a gen (complex) solution. To get
real sols, use the complex superposition principle and take the real and imag parts
of the complex solutions (3 + 3i)n and (3 - 3i)n. First write the complex solutions
so that their real and imag parts are evident.

3 + 3i has mag 3 2 and angle

3 - 3i has mag 3 2 and angle -

By DeMoivre's rule (Section 1.3, page 3),

(3 + 3i)n has mag (3 2)n and angle
n n n
(3 - 3i) has mag (3 2) and angle -
n n
(3 + 3i)n = (3 2)n (cos + i sin )
4 4

n n
(3 - 3i)n = (3 2)n (cos - i sin )
4 4

n n
The real parts are both (3 2)n cos and the imag parts are (3 2)n sin .
4 4
This gives three real solutions but only two ''independent'' sols, namely

n n
(3 2)n cos and (3 2)n sin
4 4

By superposition for homog rr, a general (real) sol is

n n
C (3 2)n cos + D (3 2)n sin QED
4 4
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example 2
Find a general solution to yn+2 + 3yn+1 + 2yn = 0.

We have 2 + 3 + 2 = 0

( + 2)( + 1) = 0

= -2, -1
yn = A(-2n) + B(-1)n

example 3
Find a gen solution to yn+2 + 4yn = 0.

2 i
The characteristic equ is 2 + 4 = 0 so = 2i.
r=2 =/2
The number 2i has mag 2 and angle /2 (Fig 1) so
n n
yn = 2n (A cos + B sin ) FIG 1
2 2

n n
1. If = 2i then the gen real homog sol is 2n (A cos + B sin ) WITHOUT an
2 2
i in it.
Don't confuse this with the fact that the polar form of (2i)n is
n n
2n(cos + i sin ) WITH an i.
2 2
2. If = -2 then the solution includes (-2)n. Don't mistakenly write this as -2n
which actually means -(2n).
3. The characteristic equ for yn+2 + 4yn = 0 is 2 + 4 = 0, not 2 + 4 = 0.

example 4
Find the general solution to a homog rr if = -1 i3

The number -1 + i 3 (Fig 2) has

r =
1 + 3 = 2 and = arctan[-1, 3] = -1 + i 3
2n 2n
yn = 2n (A cos + B sin )
3 3 FIG 2

3 which is - .
In example 4, is not arctan
-1 3
See arctan[x,y] versus arctan y/x in Section 1.3.

finding the gen solution to a homog r r of any order

If a 3rd order homog rr has a characteristic equ with roots

= 2, 3, -4

then the general sol is

yn = A2n + B3n + C(-4)n

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If a 5th order homog rr has a characteristic equ with roots

= 2, 2, 2, 2, 5

then a gen sol is

yn = A2n + Bn2n + Cn2 2n + Dn3 2n + E5n (keep stepping up by n)

If a first order homog rr has = 4 then a gen sol is yn = A4n

Suppose a 4-th order homog rr has

= 3i, 3i

The number 3i has r = 3, = so

n n n n
yn = 3n(A cos + B sin ) + n3n(C cos + D sin ) (step up by n)
2 2 2 2

solving a homog r r with IC

First find a general solution. Then plug in the IC to determine the constants.

For example consider

yn+2 - 5yn+1 + 6yn = 0 with IC y1 = 1, y2 = -1

We have

2 - 5 + 6 = 0, (-3)(-2) = 0, = 3,2

So a gen sol is
yn = A3n + B2n

Plug in y1 = 1 (i.e., set n = 1, yn = 1) to get

1 = 3A + 2B

Plug in y2 = -1 (i.e., set n = 2, yn = -1) to get

-1 = 9A + 4B

Solve the system of two equations in A and B to get A = -1 , B = 2. Then the final
sol is
yn = -3n + 22n

If you are solving a homog differential equation and m = -2 2i then

y = e-2x (A cos 2x + B sin 2x)

But if you are solving a homog recurrence relation and m = -2 2i then r = 8,

= and
3n 3n
yn = ( 8)n (A cos + B sin )
4 4
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If m = -2,-4 and it's a differential equation then y = Ae-2x + Be-4x but if it's a
recurrence relation then yn = A(-2)n + B(-4)n
Don't mix up the two types of problems


1. Find a general solution.

(a) yn+2 - 3yn+1 - 10yn = 0 (b) yn+2 + 3yn+1 - 4yn = 0

(c) 2yn+2 + 2yn+1 - yn = 0 (d) yn + 3yn-1 - 4yn-2 = 0

2. Solve yn+2 + 2yn+1 - 15yn = 0 with IC y0 = 0, y1 = 1.

3. Given yn+2 - yn+1 - 6yn = 0 with y0 = 1, y1 = 0.

(a) Before doing any solving, find y3.

(b) Now solve and find a formula for yn.
(c) Use the formula from part (b) to find y3 again, as a check.

4. Find a general (real) sol.

(a) yn+2 + 2yn+1 + 2yn = 0 (b) yn+2 + yn+1 + yn = 0

5. If y0 = 0, y1 = 2 and yn+2 + 4yn+1 + 8yn = 0 find y102.

6. If the auxiliary equation of a homog linear rr with constant coeffs has the
following roots, find a general (real) solution.
(a) -3,4,4, - 3 i (b) 1, 2, 3, 2i, 2i

7. The Fibonacci sequence begins with y0 = 0, y1 = 1 and from then on each term is
the sum of the two preceding terms. Find a formula for yn.

8. Suppose a sequence begins with 2,5 and then each term is the average of the two
preceding terms.
(a) Find the fifth term by working your way out to it.
(b) Find a formula for the nth term.
(c) Find the fifth term again using the formula from part (b).

9. If the characteristic equation of a homog rr has the following roots, find a

general sol
(a) -3,4,4 (b) 5,5,5,5,2 (c) 1,1,1,6,-7

10. Find a general sol to yn+2 + 6yn+1 + 9yn = 0

11. Go backwards and find a rr with the general sol yn = A + Bn + C2n.

12. Solve yn - 3yn-1 + 3yn-2 - yn-3 = 0 with y1 = 0, y2 = 1, y3 = 0.

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13. Solve by inspection and then solve again (overkill) with the methods of this

(a) yn+1 - yn = 0 with y1 = 4

(b) ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0 with yo = 0, y1 = 0

14. Suppose y1 = 5, y2 = 7 and thereafter each term is the average of the two
surrounding terms.

(a) Write out some terms and see if you can find a formula for yn by guessing.
(b) Find a formula for yn by solving a rr.
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finding the general solution to a nonhomog r r

Look at
ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn

Let hn be the general homog solution (i.e., the sol to ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 0). This is
found with the method of the preceding section.

Let pn be any particular nonhomog sol (i.e., sol, with no constants, to the given
nonhomog rr). This section will show you how to do this.

yn = hn + pn is a general nonhomog sol

The same idea works for a nonhomog rr of any order.

hn + pn is a solution by superposition: hn produces 0 and pn produces fn so the
sum produces 0 + fn. Furthermore hn + pn is a general solution because it contains
the necessary arbitrary constants in the hn part.

finding a particular nonhomog solution


ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn

I want to find a particular solution, denoted pn. There are several cases.

case 1 fn is a constant

Suppose fn = 6. Try pn = A

Substitute the trial pn into the rr to determine A

case 2 fn is a polynomial

Suppose fn = 7n3 + 2n (a cubic). Try pn = An3 + Bn2 + Cn + D (a cubic not missing

any terms even though fn was missing a few)

Substitute the trial pn into the rr to determine A,B,C,D.

Similarly if fn = 3n2 + 4n + 1 (quadratic) then try pn = An2 + Bn + C

case 3 fn is an exponential

Suppose fn = 92n. Then try pn = A2n

Substitute the trial pn into the rr to determine A
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case 4 fn is a sine or cosine

Suppose fn is 4 sin n or 4 cos n.

method 1 Switch to

ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 4ein

Try pn = Aein and substitute into the switched rr to determine A.

Take the imag part if fn = 4 sin n. Take the real part if fn = 4 cos n

method 2 Don't switch at all and try pn = A cos n + B sin n.

example 1
Find a general solution to yn+2 - 5yn+1 + 6yn = 4n.

First find hn:

2 - 5 + 6 = 0, (-2)(-3) = 0, = 2,3,

hn = B 2n + C 3n
Then try
pn = A 4n

Substitute into the rr to see what value of A will make it work. You need

A 4n+2 - 5 A 4n+1 + 6A 4n = 4n

Rewrite the left side to display all the 4n terms:

A 42 4n - 5A44n + 6A 4n = 4n

16A 4n - 20A 4n + 6A 4n = 4n

2A 4n = 4n

You need
2A = 1, A = 2 .
pn = 2 4n

The general solution is

1 n
yn = hn + pn = B 2n + C 3n + 2

solving a nonhomog r r with IC

First find a general solution (i.e., hn + pn) and THEN plug in the IC to determine
the contants in the gen solution.
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example 2
Solve yn+2 - 5yn+1 + 6yn = n with IC y0 = 1, y1 = 2

solution First get the homogeneous solution:

2 - 5 + 6 = 0, = 2,3, hn = A 2n + B 3n
Now try
pn = Cn + D
pn+1 = C(n+1) + D

pn+2 = C(n+2) + D

Substitute into the rr to get

C(n+2) + D - 5( C(n+1) + D) + 6(Cn + D) = n

2Cn + 2D - 3C = n

Now match the coeffs of corresponding terms on each side.

The n coeffs must be equal so 2C = 1
The constant terms must be equal so 2D - 3C = 0
1 3
So C = 2, D = 4,

1 3
pn = 2 n + 4

The general sol is

1 3
yn = hn + pn = A 2n + B 3n + 2 n + 4

To get y0 = 1 you need

1 = A + B + 4

To get y1 = 2 you need

1 3
2 = 2A + 3B + 2 + 4

A = 0, B = 4

Final answer is
1 1 3
yn = 4 3n +
n + 4
1.If the forcing function is n or 5n or -6n try pn = An + B, not just n. Similarly
if the forcing function is 3n2 or n2 + 3 or 9n2 + n, try pn = An2 + Bn + C, a
quadratic not missing any terms.
2. Determine the various constants at the appropriate stage. For a nonhomog rr with
IC, first find hn (containing constants) . Then find pn (the trial pn contains
constants but they must be immediately determined to get the genuine pn). The
general solution is yn = hn + pn (contains constants via the hn part). Use the IC to
determine the constants in the gen sol. Don't use the IC on hn alone in the middle of the
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example 3
Solve yn+2 + 2yn+1 - 3yn = 10 sin with IC y0 = 2, y1 = 9

We have 2 + 2 - 3 = 0, = -3,1, hn = P(-3)n + Q

method 1 for pn
Switch to
yn+2 + 2yn+1 - 3yn = 10 e

and try
pn = D e

Substitute into the switched rr:

1 1 1 1
(n+2)i 2
(n+1)i 2
ni 2
De + 2D e - 3D e = 10 e

Rewrite the exponentials:

1 1 1 1 1
ni 2
i 2
ni 2
ni 2
D ei e + 2D e e - 3D e = 10 e
-1 i

Collect terms and find D:

(-4 + 2i)D = 10, D = = -2 - i
-4 + 2i

So for the switched rr,

ni 1 1
pn = (-2 - i) e = (-2-i)(cos 2n + i sin 2n)

Take the imag part to get the particular sol for the original rr
1 1
pn = - cos 2 n - 2 sin 2 n
method 2 for pn
n n
pn = A sin + B cos
2 2

Substitute into the rr:

1 1
A sin 2 (n+2) + B cos 2 (n+2) + 2 [ A sin (n+1) + B cos
2 ]

- 3
[ A sin 2
n + B cos n
] = 10 sin n

Expand the sines and cosines:

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[ sin n2 cos + cos n2 sin ] + B[ cos n2 cos - sin n2 sin ]
-1 0 -1 0

+ 2A
[sin n2 cos 2 + cos n2 sin 2]
0 1

+ 2B
[cos n2 cos 2 - sin n2 sin 2]
0 1
n n
- 3A sin - 3B cos
2 2
= 10 sin 2 n

Collect terms:

n n 1
(2A - 4B) cos + (-4A - 2B) sin = 10 sin 2 n
2 2

Match the coefficients and solve for A and B:

2A - 4B = 0, -4A - 2B = 10, A = -2, B = -1,

n n
pn = -2 sin - cos
2 2

n n
yn = hn + pn = P(-3)n + Q - 2 sin - cos
2 2

To get y0 = 2 you need 2 = P + Q - 1

To get y1 = 9 you need 9 = -3P + Q - 2

So P = -2, Q = 5. Answer is

n n
yn = -2(-3)n + 5 -2 sin - cos
2 2

stepping up pn
Look at
ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn

There are some exceptions to the rules about what to try for pn

case 1 Suppose fn = 6. Ordinarily you try pn = A.

But if A is already a homog sol (i.e., if one of the 's is 1) try pn = An (step
If A and n are both homog sols (which happens when = 1,1) try pn = An2
If A,n,n2 are all homog sols (i.e., = 1,1,1) try pn = An3 etc.
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Suppose fn = 6n2 + 3. Ordinarily you try pn = An2 + Bn + C.

case 2
But if C is a homog sol (i.e, one of the 's is 1) then try
pn = n(An2 + Bn + C) = An3 + Bn2 + Cn.
If C and n are both homog sols (i.e., = 1,1) try
pn = n2(An2 + Bn + C) = An4 + Bn3 + Cn2

case 3 Suppose fn = 92n . Ordinarily you try pn = A 2n .

But if 2n is a homog sol (i.e., one of the 's is 2) try pn = An 2n.

If 2n and n 2n are both homog sols ( = 2,2) try pn = An2 2n.

Suppose fn = 4 cos n (similarly for fn = 4 sin n).
case 4
3 3
If you're not using the complex exponential then ordinarily you would try

pn = A cos n + B sin n
3 3

If you use the complex exponential method and switch to

ayn+2 + yn+1 + cyn = 4eni/3

then ordinarily you would try

pn = Aeni/3 (and eventually take the imag part)

If cos n and sin n are homog sols
3 3
footnote This happens if one of the 's is non-real with
1 1
mag 1 and angle /3, i.e., if the 's are 2 2
3 i.
1/2 Sqrt[3]

pn = n(A cos n + B sin n) for the real method
3 3

pn = Aneni/3 for the complex method.

example 4
Solve yn+2 - 4yn+1 + 4yn = 62n with y0 = 0, y1 = 0.

Start with 2 - 4 + 4 = 0, = 2,2, hn = A 2n + Bn 2n

Ordinarily with forcing function 62n you try pn = C 2n. But since 2n and n 2n are
homog sols, step up to
pn = Cn2 2n
page 7 of Section 3.3

pn+1 = C(n+1)2 2n+1 = C(n2 + 2n + 1) 22n = 2C(n2 + 2n + 1) 2n

pn+2 = C(n+2)2 2n+2 = C(n2 + 4n + 4) 22 2n = 4C(n2 + 4n + 4) 2n

Substitute into the rr:

4C(n2 + 4n + 4)2n - 42C(n2 + 2n + 1)2n + 4Cn2 2n = 62n

Collect terms and equate coeffs:

8C 2n = 62n, C = 4
pn = 4 n2 2n

and a gen sol is

3 2 n
yn = A 2n + Bn 2n + 4
n 2

3 3
To get y0 = 0 and y1 = 0 you need 0 = A, 0 = 2A + 2B + 2, A = 0, B = - 4.

Final answer is
3 3 2 n
yn = - 4 n 2n + 4
n 2

particular solution for a sum forcing function

Look at
ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = n2 + 3n

Find pn's separately for

ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = n2
ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = 3n

and add them (because of the superposition rule).

Equivalently, try pn = An2 + Bn + C + D 3n

particular solution for some product forcing functions

(1) If fn = 6n23n try pn = (An2 + Bn + C)3n

If 3n is a homog sol step up to pn = n(An2 + Bn + C)3n

If 3n and n3n are both homog sols step up to pn = n2(An2 + Bn + C)3n etc.

(2) Suppose fn = n2 sin n (similarly for n2 cos n) .

One method is to try

page 8 of Section 3.3

pn = (An2 + Bn + C)(D cos n + E sin n)

= (Fn2 + Gn + H) cos n + (Pn2 + Qn + R) sin n

But if sin n and cos n are homog sols then step up and try

pn = n(Fn2 + Gn + H) cos n + n(Pn2 + Qn + R) sin n

The second method is to try

pn = (An2 + Bn + C)ein

and take the imag part. But if sin n and cos n are homog sols then step up and try

pn = n(An2 + Bn + C)ein

n n
(3) Suppose fn = 2n sin (similarly for 2n cos )
2 2

One method is to try

n n
pn = 2n (A sin + B cos )
2 2

n n
But if 2n sin and 2n cos are homog sols then step up and try
2 2

n n
pn = n2n (A sin + B cos )
2 2

Another method is to try

pn= A 2n e2
n n
and take the imag part. But if 2n sin and 2n cos are homog sols then step
2 2
up and try
pn= A n2n e2

recurrence relations not included in this chapter

1. Linear rr's with variable coeffs such as n3 yn+2 + n yn+1 + 6yn = 8n2.

Superposition rules still hold but the idea of solving a characteristic equ to get
hn doesn't apply anymore. It is not correct to solve the "characteristic equ"
n3 2 + n + 6 = 0 for and use hn = A 1n + B 2n

Furthermore, trying pn of a certain standard form doesn't necessarily work when the
coeffs are variable.

2. Linear rr's with constant but non-real coefficients

The complex superposition rule doesn't hold in this case.
page 9 of Section 3.3

3. Nonlinear rr's such as yn+2 yn + yn = 5 or yn+2 + yn+1 _ yn = 2n.
In this case, superposition doesn't hold. Even if you could get hn and pn (which you
can't), the gen sol would not be yh + yp

The methods of this chapter are only for ayn+2 + byn+1 + cyn = fn
(plus similar equations of higher or lower order) where a,b,c are real constants.


1. Given yn - 2yn-1 = 6n with y1 = 2

(a) Find y4 recursively by first finding y2 and y3

(b) Find a formula for yn
(c) Use the formula from (b) to find y4 again as a check
(d) Rewrite the equation so that it involves yn+1 and yn instead of yn and yn-1

2. Solve (a) yn+2 - yn+1 - 2yn = 1 with IC y1 = 1, y2 = 3

(b) yn+2 + 2yn+1 - 15yn = 6n + 10 with IC y0 = 1, y1 = - 2

3. Find a general sol to yn+2 - 3yn+1 + yn = 104n

4. Solve yn+2 - yn+1 - 6yn = 18n2 + 2 with y0 = -1, y1 = 0

5. (a) Find a particular solution to yn+2 - 2yn = 5 cos n

(b) Oops, cos n is 1 if n is even and 0 if n is odd so it equals (-1)n.
So the forcing function in part (a) is 5(-1)n.
Find pn in part (a) again from this new point of view.
(c) Find a particular yn+1 - 2yn = 10 sin

6. Given the following forcing functions and roots of the characteristic equ.
What pn would you try
forcing function fn 's

(a) n4 + 2n i

(b) n4 + 2 1,1,1,1,3

(c) 62n 2, 6

(d) 62n 3, 6

(e) 3n 3, 3

(f) 5 cos i
(g) 5 cos 2i
page 10 of Section 3.3

1 n
7. Solve 2yn+1 - yn = (2) with y1 = 2

8. Solve yn+2 - 2yn+1 + yn = 1 with y0 = 1, y1 = 2

9. Let Sn be the sum of the first n squares, i.e.,

Sn = 12 + 2 + ... + n2

Find a formula for Sn by writing a recurrence relation plus IC and solving it.

10. (a) For yn+2 - 3yn +1 + 2yn = 62n you have hn = A2n + B so for pn you should

step up and try pn = Cn 2n. What happens if you forget to step up and try pn = A 2n

(b) For 2yn+2 + 3yn+1 + 4yn = 18n you should try pn = An + B . What happens if you
violate warning 1 and try pn = An

11. Solve yn+1 + 2yn = 3 + 4n with y0 = 2

12. Find a general real sol to yn+4 - 16yn = n + 3n

13. Solve yn+2 - yn+1 + yn = 2n with IC y0 = 1, y1 = 3

14. Solve yn+2 - 3yn+1 + 2yn = 8n3n with IC y0 = -16, y1 = -40

page 1 of review problems for Chapter 3


1. Find a general solution to yn+2 - 9yn = 56n2.

2. Find a gen sol to yn+2 - 2yn+1 + 4yn = 0.

3. Solve 2yn+1 + 4yn = 67n with IC y1 = 5.

4. Find a general solution to yn+2 + 5yn+1 - yn = 6.

5. Find a formula for the sum of the first n integers .

(Let Sn = 1 + 2 + ...+ n, find a rr and IC for Sn and solve.)

6. Find a gen sol yn+2 - 9yn = 53n.

7. Suppose you want to solve the rr

yn+2 - 2yn+1 = 0.

Following the rules you would solve 2 - 2 = 0 and get = 0,2 so the gen sol is

yn = A 0n + B2n = B2n

And you suddenly lost one of your two constants (which you would need if you were
going to satisfy two IC). You've always led a good clean life. How could something
like this happen to you and what are you going to do about it.

8. (The tower of Hanoi) The game begins with n rings in increasing size on peg 1.
The idea is to transfer them all to peg 2 but never place a larger ring on top of a
smaller ring at any stage of the game. Rings may be moved temporarily to peg 3 (the
storage peg) as they eventually go from peg 1 to peg 2.

peg 1 peg 2 peg 3

peg 1 peg 2 peg 3

The problem is to find the minimum number of moves it takes.

Let yn be the min number of moves required in a game with n rings; i.e., yn is the
min number of moves it takes to transfer n rings from a first peg to a second peg
when you have a third peg available for storage.

(a) Write a recurrence relation for yn and find IC.

(b) Solve the rr from part (a).

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