A Novel Control Strategy Using Fuzzy Technique For Single Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter For Photovoltaic System
A Novel Control Strategy Using Fuzzy Technique For Single Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter For Photovoltaic System
A Novel Control Strategy Using Fuzzy Technique For Single Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter For Photovoltaic System
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A Novel Control Strategy Using fuzzy Technique for Single Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter for
Photovoltaic system
transforms a measurement into a valuation of an objective iii. Implication from the antecedent to the consequent (Then
input space to fuzzy sets in certain input universes of part of the rule).
discourse. In fuzzy control applications, the observed data are iv. Aggregation of the consequents across therules.
usually crisp. Since the data manipulation in a fuzzy logic v. Defuzzification.
controller is based on fuzzy set theory, fuzzification is Generally there will be a matrix of rules similar tot eh ES rule
necessary in an earlier stage. matrix for Ex: There are 7MF for input variables x and MF
for input variable y then there will be all to get her35 rules.
D. Membership functions
Fuzzy system uses 4 different shapes of MFs., those are G. Implication method
Triangular, Gaussian, Trapezoidal, sigmoid, etc., The implication step (3) introduces to evaluate the individual
i. Triangular membership function rules.
The simplest and most commonly used membership functions Methods:
are triangular membership functions, which are Symmetrical 1) MAMDANI
and asymmetrical in shape Trapezoidal membership functions 2) SUGENO
are also symmetrical or asymmetrical has the shape of 3) LUSING LARSON.
truncated triangle i. Mamdani
ii. Gaussian membership function Mamdani, one of the pioneers in the application of FL in
Two membership functions Triangular and Trapezoidal are control systems, proposes this implication method. This
built on the Gaussian curve and two sided composite of two Mamdani method is most commonly used method. The
different Gaussian curves. outputs of the Mamdani method is truncated Signals of the
inputs; this output is depending on the minimum values in the
E. Fuzzy system inputs.
The fuzzy interface system Fuzzy system basically consists of Ex: If X is zero (ZE) AND y is positive (PS) Then Z is
a formulation of the mapping from a given input set to an negative.
output set using Fuzzy logic. The mapping process provides ii. Sugeno
the basis from which the interference or conclusion can be
made. The sugeno or Takgi-Sugeno-Kang method of implication
was first introduced in1985. The difference here is that unlike
F. Steps for A Fuzzy interface process the Mamdani and Lusins Larson methods, the output MFS are
i. Fuzzification of input variables. only constants or have linear relations with the inputs with a
ii. Application of Fuzzy operator.(AND, OR, NOT) In the IF constant output MF (Singleton), it is defined as the Zero-order
(antecedent) part of the rule. Sugeno method; whereas with a linear relation, it is known as
iii. Implication from the antecedent to the consequent(Then first order Sugeno method. The outputs of the sugeno method
part of the rule). have a constant minimum value in the input.
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2016
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A Novel Control Strategy Using fuzzy Technique for Single Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter for
Photovoltaic system
A filtering inductance Lf was used to filter the current injected S4 is ON, connecting the load negative terminal to ground.
into the grid. Proper switching of the inverter can produce All other controlled switches are OFF; the voltage applied to
seven output-voltage levels (Vdc, 3Vdc /4, Vdc /2, Vdc/4, 0, the load terminals is 3Vdc/4.
Vdc, 3Vdc /4, Vdc/2, Vdc/4) from the dc supply voltage. Half of the positive output (Vdc/2): The bidirectional switch
S6 is ON, connecting the load positive terminal, and S4 is
ON, connecting the load negative terminal to ground. All
other controlled switches are OFF; the voltage applied to the
load terminals is Vdc/2.
One-fourth of the positive output (Vdc/4): The bidirectional
switch S7 is ON, connecting the load positive terminal, and
S4 is ON, connecting the load negative terminal to ground.
All other controlled switches are OFF; the voltage applied to
the load terminals is Vdc/4.
Zero output: This level can be produced by two switching
combinations; switches S3 and S4 are ON, or S1 andS2 are
ON, and all other controlled switches are OFF; terminal ab is
a short circuit, and the voltage applied to the load terminals is
Fig.8.Proposed single phase nine-level grid-connected
inverter for photovoltaic systems.
71 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2016
grid current Igrid, was sensed and fed back to a comparator
that compared it with the reference current Igridref .
Igridref is the result of the inverter current . The error from the
comparison process of Igrid and Igridref was fed into the
fuzzy controller. The output of the fuzzy controller, also
known as Vref, goes through an anti windup process before
being compared with the triangular wave to produce the
switching signals for S1S7 Eventually, Vref becomes Vref1;
Vref2; Vref3 and Vref4 can be derived from Vref1 by shifting
the offset value, which was equivalent to the amplitude of the
triangular wave. Fig 13 inverter output voltage
Multilevel inverters offer improved output waveforms and
lower THD. This paper has presented a novel PWM switching
scheme for the proposed multilevel inverter. It utilizes four
reference signals and a triangular carrier signal to generate
PWM switching signals.
The behavior of the proposed multilevel inverter was
analyzed in detail. By controlling the modulation index, the
desired number of levels of the inverters output voltage can
be achieved.
Fig 11 inverter voltage and current From the simulataion shows the less THD in the
nine-level inverter compared with that in the seven- level is an
attractive solution for grid-connected PV inverters
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A Novel Control Strategy Using fuzzy Technique for Single Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter for
Photovoltaic system
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