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AAMCoG Guide To Integrated Strategic Asset Management

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AAMCOG Guide to Integrated Strategic Asset Management | Version 2.0 | 28 March 2012

This guide is based on the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council > APCC
Inc.s (APCC) publication, Asset Management 2001. It reflects advances in
asset management since the previous guide was developed and aims to bring
it in line with the contemporary asset management environment. APCCs
role in developing the previous guide and contribution to this update is
greatly appreciated.

The Australian Asset Management Collaborative Groups (AAMCoG) > AAMCoG

contribution to this updated Guide is also appreciated. The main aim of
AAMCoG is to collaborate nationally on asset management strategies
between all asset management groups.

This guide has been produced as a result of practice needs identified within > CIEAM
the membership of the Cooperative Research Centre for Infrastructure and
Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM) and was developed with their
support and assistance. CIEAM is dedicated to improving the efficiency and
sustainability of infrastructure and engineering asset management, and the
profitability of Australian industry.

Project Team
Prof. Kerry Brown, Southern Cross University
Dr. Martin Laue, Southern Cross University
Assoc. Prof. Robyn Keast, Queensland University of Technology
Ms Jane Montgomery-Hribar, APCC

AAMCoG acknowledges the additional support of

CPA Australia in producing copies of this Guide.

AAMCoG Members

Designed by Hannah Murphy

ISBN: 978-0-9874699-2-2 (e-book)
ISBN: 978-0-646-56734-1 (print)
Date: 28 March 2012
Place: Brisbane, Australia
AAMCoG Guide to Integrated Strategic Asset Management | Version 2.0 | 28 March 2012

Table of Contents
Introduction: An Integrated Approach to Strategic Asset Management.......... 2
What is Asset Management?........................................................................... 2
Challenges........................................................................................................ 3
The Integrated Strategic Asset Management Approach................................... 4
Principles.......................................................................................................... 5
Integrated Strategic Asset Management (ISAM) Framework........................... 6
Environmental Factors...................................................................................... 7
Community Needs and Expectations............................................................... 8
Whole-of-Government Policy Framework........................................................ 9
Organisational Strategic Management........................................................... 10
Service Delivery Strategic Planning................................................................ 11
Service Delivery Tactical and Operational Planning........................................ 14
Service Delivery.............................................................................................. 15
Evaluation....................................................................................................... 16
Knowledge Management............................................................................... 17
Organisational Management.......................................................................... 18
Conclusion...................................................................................................... 19

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Introduction: An Integrated Approach

to Strategic Asset Management
The reported value of built assets across Commonwealth, state and territory > Strategic
governments at June 2010 exceed $600 billion dollars. These assets are Management of
crucial for the nation to function. Replacement of these built assets is an Assets
expensive and major undertaking and is not often widely considered, planned
or budgeted for; as a result their strategic management is critical.

This Integrated Strategic Asset Management Guide (The Guide) provides a > The Guide
contemporary outline to assist those responsible for delivering and managing
built assets to meet community and service delivery needs. The Guide also
highlights the need to minimise risk, achieve value-for-money, and promote
sustainability. It articulates key strategies to assist in this undertaking.

Integrated Strategic Asset Management (ISAM) brings together economics, > Integrated Strategic
engineering, information technology, sustainability and human elements Asset Management
to form a holistic approach to the delivery of built assets. This approach
recognises the combination of these elements into a greater whole as well
as their interrelationships and interdependencies. It focuses on the long term
direction for overall management of infrastructure and engineering assets,
while considering the immediate operational matters. The Guide provides a
basis for decision-making and implementation of asset management.

This Guide focuses on an integrated approach to managing built assets. It takes > Scope of Guide
into account the built form and considers human and ecological elements.
It also highlights that organisations can work together to deliver maximum

What is Asset Management?

Asset management is the process of organising, planning, designing and > Definition
controlling the acquisition, care, refurbishment, and disposal of infrastructure
and engineering assets to support the delivery of services. It is a systematic,
structured process covering the whole life of physical assets.

The objective of asset management is to optimise the service delivery > Objective
potential of assets and to minimise related risks and costs and ensure positive
enhancement of natural and social capital over an asset life cycle. Good
governance and the intelligent deployment of business systems, processes
and human resources are key aspects of this endeavour.

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Society is facing the serious and compounding challenges of increasing > Scope of Challenges
resource scarcity, degrading environments, and climate change. An ageing and
increasing population with growing demands for energy and material wealth
exacerbates these challenges, and is pushing our natural environments ability
to support the economy to its limits. Furthermore, the public is expecting
more from its assets. The potential for litigation against asset owners and
managers is increasing.

Infrastructure, and asset providers, owners and operators need to be

cognizant of these increasing stresses on society so that their assets do not
add to adverse impacts on the environment or society.

Well designed, well maintained and operated assets can and should contribute > Sustainability
positive improvements to our natural and social capital as well as providing
economic benefit. Asset managers need to understand the significance of
sustainability as it relates to all aspects of the ISAM framework.

Sustainability for asset managers is not simply about prolonging the life of
their assets, and ensuring that they operate efficiently and economically. It is
also about considering how the delivery and operation of their asset impacts
on the environment and on society.

As population increases, the demand for more assets and their increased > Growing Population
utilisation will create greater environmental pressures, such as increased
resources, water, energy and land consumption, and a subsequent increase in
waste and pollution to land, water and the atmosphere.

It is now universally accepted that despite efforts to mitigate the causes, > Climate Change
climate change is inevitable. This situation will bring a range of challenges
to asset managers such as an increase in average temperatures, increasing
frequency and intensity of severe weather events, ocean acidification, and
rising sea levels with the intrusion of salt water into vulnerable assets.

Infrastructure, and asset providers, owners and

operators need to be cognizant of these increasing
stresses on society so that their assets do not add to
adverse impacts on the environment or society.

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The Integrated Strategic Asset

Management (ISAM) Approach
There has been a shift from a reliance on individual agencies/organisations > Context
as the sole provider of built assets. The complexity of the current operating
environment means that people and agencies are no longer able to work
in isolation. Instead a more integrated or collective approach to asset
development and management has come to the fore. Such an approach
allows organisations to access additional knowledge, expertise and resources
to create collaborative advantage. This approach is not business as usual and
necessarily requires a shift in the way in which infrastructure projects are
developed, delivered and managed.

In this Guide an integrated approach incorporates and extends the previous > New Issues in Asset
framework with additional elements which should now be considered: Management
Environmental: Greater appreciation of the interaction between built
assets and the natural environment.
Sustainability: Ensures that the social, economic and environmental
needs of a community are met and kept healthy for future generations
(Sustainability Victoria, 2010)
Resilience: Increased emphasis on the asset, environment and the
community to respond to and recover from external impacts.
Whole of life asset management: Requires that decisions and actions
across the entire lifecycle of the asset from design to disposal be
Increased community demands: information and communication
technology (ICT) advances have led to higher citizen expectations for
immediate and localised services. Closer alignment of policies, resources
and projects will deliver better quality, more efficient and timely built
Information management: Information needs and capabilities are more
demanding and complex.
Expanded governance arrangements: Assets are now owned, governed
and operated by an expanded set of decision-makers. Thus alongside
conventional governance forms, there is now an array of hybrid models
such as public-private partnerships, alliance and relational contracts.
More innovative and variable governance approaches are required for
these different models to manage the unique risks and opportunities
associated with them.

The International Standard for Asset Management provides an overview of > International
principles, concepts, attributes and capabilities of assets, asset management Standard for Asset
and asset management systems. Management

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The following principles guide how Strategic Asset Management integrates > Principles of Strategic
with broader government and organisational planning: Asset Management
Assets exist to support service delivery. Therefore non-asset solutions
should be considered.
Agencies should manage assets consistent with whole-of-government
policy frameworks and take into account whole of life costing, future
service demands and, balance between capital expenditure and
maintenance requirements.
Asset management should be integrated with agency strategic and
corporate planning.
Asset management decisions should holistically consider sustainability
outcomes: environmental, social, economic and governance.
Governance arrangements should clearly establish responsibility for
functional performance of, and accountability for, the asset and service

An integrated approach enables agencies

to access additional knowledge, expertise
and resources to create collaborative
advantage. This approach is not business
as usual and necessarily requires a shift in
the way in which projects are developed,
delivered and managed.

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Integrated Strategic Asset

Management (ISAM) Framework
The following framework reflects the increasingly complex and interconnected > Integrated Strategic
processes which government and its agencies need to take into account when Asset Management
delivering services. The framework demonstrates that ISAM is cumulative Framework
and each component is interdependent. A logical progression through each
component is required for maximum service delivery outcomes.

Whilst this ISAM framework focuses on the public sector, it is equally > Sector Scope
applicable to any organisation or sector.

The next sections in this guide explain each part of the framework in more > Detailed ISAM
detail. Framework

Environmental Factors Community Needs and Expectations

Whole-of-Government Policy Framework

Organisational Strategic Management

Service Delivery Planning

Strategic Planning

Asset Management Policy

Organisational Management

Asset Management Objectives

Knowledge Management

Asset Management Strategy

Tactical and Operational Planning

Asset Management Plans

Acquisition Operations Maintenance Disposal

Plan Plan Plan Plan

Service Delivery


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Environmental Factors

Since the publication of the previous APCC Guide in 2001, environmental > Environmental
concerns have been amplified. There is a greater need to take into account Factors
environmental impacts and more urgency to consider sustainability
management. ISAM takes into account environmental, social and economic
issues as well as governance.

The environment affects assets, their functions and their safety. Climate > Risk Management
change now needs to be considered in asset management risk identification
and planning. Risk Management provides a systematic way of identifying
and analysing potential risks, and helps to create and implement adequate

Human-caused environmental changes have created the need for > Sustainability
organisations to apply sound environmentally and ecologically sustainable Management
management practices to reduce the ecological footprint; the human demand
on the Earths ecosystems.

There is a greater need to take into

account environmental impacts
and more urgency to consider
sustainability management.

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Community Needs and

Understandably the community expects governments in particular to > Community
deliver their services expeditiously and at the local level. This higher level of Needs and
expectation has largely been facilitated by rapid advancements in ICT. As a Expectations
result of this people are acutely aware of what is available to other citizens and
are utilising ICT as a means to make demands for better and more localised

Appropriate solutions for service delivery depend on a range of stakeholders, > Stakeholder
which may include for example, other government agencies, asset users and Management
the broader community. Stakeholders exhibit a range of levels of interest
and influence, and some stakeholder requirements and needs cannot be
addressed in the same way as for other stakeholder group. This situation
means different approaches may be required for key stakeholders to properly
consider the impact of assets on the community, the environment and society
at large.

The community expects

governments to deliver their services
expeditiously and at the local level.

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Whole-of-Government Policy
Limited resources mean governments have to exercise sound financial, > Whole-of-
social and environmental management and make prudent decisions to best Government
prioritise services to meet community needs and expectations. Policy

This service delivery approach is achieved through a whole-of-government > Whole-of-

model comprising: Government
plans, service delivery strategies and standards
capital and recurrent budgets and
government institutions; and
partnerships including with working groups, community based
organisations and private providers.

This Guide is designed to assist effective and accountable service delivery

across all levels of government as well as within the private and community

This service delivery approach is

achieved through a
whole-of-government model.

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Organisational Strategic Management

Organisational Strategic Management gives effect to whole-of-government > Organisational

policy through service delivery. The organisation is responsible for delivering Strategic
the service; therefore it needs to determine how this should occur and what Management
is required.

This involves considering the following components: > Components of

service delivery strategy and planning, including identification of risks,
whole-of-life operation and maintenance of the assets
the need for new or reused built assets
requisite budgetary allocation and monitoring
organisational capability including skills, expertise and knowledge
the ability to access and leverage existing social and organisational
relationships; and
the local environmental context (physical, social and political).

Organisational Strategic
Management is the conduit
between whole-of-government
policy and service delivery.

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Service Delivery Strategic Planning

Service delivery is indicated by the Level of Service (LOS) provided by an asset. > Service
A Service Delivery Strategy translates the broad aims of an organisation into Delivery
specific service outcomes. It clearly outlines the plans to deliver services Strategic
and the overall strategy that will be adopted to satisfy community needs Planning
and obtain value for money. There are multiple vehicles to deliver a service,
ranging from non-asset solutions including contracted services supplied by
external parties, the re-use of existing assets to the provision of a new asset.

The service delivery strategy acknowledges the high level of inter-connection > Service Delivery
between both the core stages of the service delivery process and the various Strategy
provider components.

Service delivery rarely occurs through a single-agency or siloed approach.

The increasingly complex nature of services required and inter-dependencies
between providers, calls for more cooperative and innovative planning both
within and among organisations.

Service delivery planning is fundamental in defining each aspect of the > Service Delivery
services to be provided, their boundaries and development of the required Planning
strategies to deliver the outcomes. This planning should facilitate service
delivery options within prevailing resource constraints whilst also exploring
new and creative service delivery solutions.

To assist the achievement of high value service delivery outcomes a number > Achieving High Value
of aspects need to be considered including: Service Delivery
intra- and inter-agency planning to facilitate seamless and complementary
delivery of all government services
alignment of policies, budgetary priorities and resource allocation with
the overall strategic direction of service delivery
challenging accepted assumptions and practices
considering organisational capability including skills, expertise and
examining new ways of thinking and creative responses provided by
integrated information systems; and
utilising business processes and knowledge-based decision making in
the evaluation of service delivery options.

Organisations should consider sustainability management when developing > Sustainability

their policies, objectives, strategies and plans by including for instance Management in
sustainability principles. They should also commit to sustainable asset Service Delivery
management and use.

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An Asset Management Policy is the translation of the Corporate Strategy for > Asset Management
the process area of Asset Management; as such it is based on the Corporate Policy
Policy and Corporate Objectives. It has to be consistent with the Government
Policy Framework and the Government Objectives, and has to help to satisfy
the Community needs and expectations.

An Asset Management Policy is the overall basis of all Asset Management

decisions and activities and, like the Corporate Policy, it includes a Vision and
a Vision Statement, a Mission and a Mission Statement, and Principles for the
area of Asset Management.

Asset Management Objectives are indicators for the implementation of the > Asset Management
Asset Management Policy and the achievement of the Asset Management Objectives
Strategy. They are derived from the Government Objectives and Corporate
Objectives and on a functional level they can relate to the required
performance or condition of an asset.

Asset Management Objectives should detail how each objective is measured

over time to evaluate the organisations performance. Objectives should

the attribute to be measured (e.g. share of market, or customers/clients

the scale on which the attribute is to be measured (e.g. percentage
a goal (level of the attribute desired)
a specified period of time to achieve the goal.

The Asset Management Strategy (Organisations Service Delivery Strategy) > Asset Management
follows the specifications of the Asset Management Policy and sets out Strategy
activities, which help to achieve the Asset Management Objectives. In essence
it also supports the Corporate Strategy and the achievement of the Corporate

How an organisations Asset Management responds to Community needs

and expectations is guided by the Asset Management Strategy which outlines
the development of an asset portfolio, risk management strategies and asset
performance measures.

The Asset Management Strategy identifies any requirements needed

(gaps) to support services and outlines the organisations response to
these by identifying appropriate acquisitions (planned capital investment),
maintenance and disposal (such as replacement and/or upgrading).

Viljoen J, Dann S (2000): Strategic Management: planning and
implementing successful corporate strategies, 3. Edition, Pearson Education

12 CIEAM 2012
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The Asset Management Strategy:

outlines how the organisations asset portfolio will support its service
develops an asset portfolio to support service delivery
sets asset management priorities
undertakes gap analysis to identify difference between the existing and
required assets
identifies asset-related risks which may potentially affect service delivery
sets asset performance levels needed to achieve efficient service
provides the basis for the more detailed Asset Management Plans
(acquisition plan, operations plan, maintenance plan, and disposal plan)
meets international and national Standards for Asset Management.

The Asset Management Strategy supports the

Corporate Strategy and the achievement of
the Corporate Objectives.

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Service Delivery Tactical and

Operational Planning
Service Delivery Tactical and Operational Planning is the implementation of > Service Delivery
an organisations asset management strategy. Tactical and
Operational Planning
The acquisition, operations, maintenance and disposal plans underpinning > Asset Management
the asset management strategy detail how the organisation will effectively Plans
and efficiently manage its assets across their full life-cycle to achieve service

Specific activities include:

Acquisition plan: decisions to acquire assets are based on consideration > Acquisition Plan
of options including non-asset alternatives, risks, life-cycle costs,
and are demonstrably linked to an organisations service delivery
requirements, budgeting processes, and work schedules.
Operations plan: asset condition and performance is actively monitored > Operations Plan
and managed and operational costs are accounted for in line with
clearly defined responsibilities and standards.
Maintenance plan: planned and unplanned maintenance occurs and > Maintenance Plan
optimises the useful life of assets and the achievement of service
delivery needs and performance standards established within the
operations plan.
Disposal plan: Appropriate disposal strategies are developed and > Disposal Plan
implemented for surplus assets based on a consideration of alternatives
including non-disposal options. Where appropriate, disposal activities
focus on optimising the financial return on functionally inadequate or
under-utilised assets including funds available for subsequent capital

The acquisition, operations, maintenance

and disposal plans underpinning the asset
management strategy detail how the
organisation will effectively and efficiently
manage its assets across their full life-cycle
to achieve service objectives.

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Service Delivery

Service delivery comprises the actual provision and maintenance of services, > Service
in accordance with the strategic and tactical plans, and the operational Delivery

Service delivery activities would generally comprise the creation, maintenance, > Service Delivery
renewal/upgrading and disposal of the assets but may also include operational Activities
activities. For example a building comprising an aquatic centre would require
ongoing expenditure on maintenance and upgrade of facilities as well as
expenditure on operating activities such as staff, chemicals and utilities.

For optimal service delivery clear assignment of responsibility and > Optimal Service
accountability should be established for each asset and its related operations. Delivery

This includes the identification of assets, the capture of information and the
assessment of performance against the agreed level of service.

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Evaluation is the measuring, reporting and reviewing of asset performance > Evaluation
against asset management, organisational and government objectives.
Contemporary evaluation now incorporates not only the evaluation of the
asset but also the evaluation of the impact of the asset on the environment
and society.

Assets deliver services to the community to meet demand. By measuring asset > Asset Performance
performance agencies can determine how effectively assets support services. Measurement
Agencies can measure costs, use, value and condition. An evidence-based
assessment provides the tool to affirm and assure quality service delivery and
to support internal and external reporting.

Decision-makers use comprehensive information on service delivery and asset > Management
management performance. Organisations also need to carefully measure the Reporting
performance of contracted providers to assure they are delivering services
according to contract.

Organisations need to regularly review the performance of their assets and > Review
their management to ensure these align with asset management service
delivery objectives and that outputs meet service delivery requirements. The
review typically involves processes such as strategic analysis, gap analysis,
demand management and risk management.

Audits can lead to improvements in asset management. Auditors assess > Audit
whether or not the organisation is complying with regulatory frameworks and
whether services are being delivered efficiently and effectively.

Evaluation is the measuring, reviewing and reporting

of asset performance against asset management,
organisational and government objectives.

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Knowledge Management
In the current knowledge rich environment, the management of information > Knowledge
and information systems is a central task. Integrated information systems and Management
effective knowledge management processes underpin the capacity to develop
new ways of thinking and the creative responses necessary to improve
decision-making, and increase productivity.

Assets exist to support service delivery and must be accounted for and > Asset Register
depreciated correctly. Asset Registers, integrated into information systems,
are integral components of a functional knowledge management process. An
asset register is a fundamental resource allowing for items to be readily cross-
referenced and retrieved.

Asset data and information includes details on asset characteristics, > Asset Data
categorisations and asset valuations. While ICT systems can assist in the
management of information it is important that professional information
managers are involved. They add value by carefully assessing the information
needs of staff, the way staff access and use information and how the integrity
of shared data can be maintained.

Integrated information systems and effective knowledge

management processes underpin the capacity to develop
new ways of thinking and the creative responses necessary
to improve decision-making, and increase productivity.

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Organisational Management
Managers at all levels need to be proactive in their support for strategic asset > Organisational
management to enable its effective integration into organisational structures, Management
and to optimise service and asset management outcomes.

A challenge for strategic asset managers is to motivate employees to align > Leadership
their individual goals with organisational and asset management objectives.
They therefore need the personal and social competence to lead successfully,
as well as the professional skills and techniques needed for their own jobs.

Sometimes an organisation has to change its culture, aspects of work or > Change Management
employee behaviour to achieve corporate asset management goals. The
transition is called change management and needs to be led from the top of
an organisation.

This integrated approach requires an ability to layer traditional management > Organisational
and leadership skills on top of emergent and necessary cross-boundary Competencies and
capacities and capabilities. To achieve this, organisations will need to audit Skills
their current skill sets to identify any gaps and the resources required.

An organisational ethos that promotes optimal asset management outcomes > Asset Management
often requires significant and deliberate cultural change. Pushing cultural Culture
boundaries may be necessary to embed a sustainable asset management

Asset management integration into the

organisation is now a fundamental issue
concerning organisational performance.

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Integrated strategic asset management has never been more crucial or > Integrated Strategic
challenging. Modern societies rely on a well connected system of purposeful Asset Management
and functional assets to maximise their wellbeing. Economic modelling Conclusion
demonstrates that developing and replacing existing and often aging public
assets is an increasingly expensive process; drawing on already constrained
budgets. Coupled with this economic imperative is a growing appreciation
of the importance of embedding a consideration of the sustainability of the
environment in which assets are located. Together these elements call for
a more holistic conceptualisation of public assets and how they combine to
provide a comprehensive system of service outcomes.

This Guide contains a contemporary set of practices to assist those responsible

for the delivery and management of assets. Rapid advances in knowledge and
technologies mean that asset management practice, and therefore this Guide,
will be subject to continued evolution and change.

Integrated strategic asset

management has never been more
crucial or challenging.

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For more information

For more information about this publication or other related
material please visit:
AAMCoG website:
CIEAM website:
You can also email us at:
If you are interested in adapting this guide for your organisation
please contact Kerry Brown: kerry.brown@scu.edu.au
For more information
For more information about this publication or other related
material please visit:
AAMCoG website:
CIEAM website:
You can also email us at:
If you are interested in adapting this guide for your organisation
please contact Kerry Brown: kerry.brown@scu.edu.au

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shironosov; racheldonahue; BartCo; doram; KtSimage; Yuri_Arcurs; TommL

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