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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2016

On the possibility of constructing devices capable of

extracting energy from the forces of nature
S. K. Ghoshal, Madhusree Kole

Abstract- The possibility of constructing new kinds of atomic energy, energy stored in fuels, food staffs and other
energy-generating machines by making use of the magnetic, chemicals to name a few. In modern era scientists and
buoyant, and electrostatic forces has been explored. A simple technologists not only have invented hundreds of varieties
device capable of extracting energy from the permanent of energy-generating machines and devices but also
magnets has been fabricated. It makes use of both the directed their efforts to find out newer sources of energy or
attractive and repulsive forces between the pole-pieces of an
to bring about improvement in the performance of the
electromagnet and those of a set of permanent magnets in
sequential order to impart a unidirectional motion to a disc machines with ever-increasing efficiency through skillful
rotor along the rim of which pole-pieces of the permanent applications of the energy ideas.
magnets are fixed pair-wise with regular spacing. The Unfortunately, our technological powers are confronted
possibility of energy extraction by making use of antigravity by an almost insurmountable limitation. The frictional
forces has been demonstrated by another working device. The forces in the cases of mechanical machine systems, the
working of the contraption is based on the buoyant forces wasteful processes in heat engines and the ever-opposing
experienced by a float with the rise of water level in a tank, Lenzs law as in the cases of electrical machines (viz.,
and translating this movement of the float into useful work motors, generators, transformers) come into play thwarting
through a lever and a crank-shaft system. Charging metal
our efforts to achieve perfect (100%) energy efficiency.
plates through electrostatic induction and subsequent
discharging of the charged plates to generate electricity has Fortunately, nature has been so generous in rendering to
been the basic principle of the third type of energy generating the mankind her greatest gift, some inexhaustible sources
unit. The construction and working of these devices as well as of energy but in a subtle way. Such sources of energy are
their limitations and future prospects are discussed in this the forces of nature: the gravitational forces, magnetic
paper. forces, and the electrostatic forces. The earths gravitational
forces are eternal and inexhaustible, so do the attractive and
Index terms- energy extraction, permanent magnets, repulsive forces between the charged bodies in the sense
antigravity buoyant force, electrostatic induction. that charged particles are eternal and indestructible. The
attractive and repulsive forces between the pole-pieces of
permanent magnets, though not eternal in true sense, but
I. INTRODUCTION could be made very powerful and long-lived. These natural
forces or the sources of energy are independent of the
The concept of energy is the most central concept in dictum of the laws of thermodynamics, and hence, from the
science perhaps. The most remarkable feature of the law of conservation of energy (which stems from the laws
energy-concept is its inter-convertibility between various of thermodynamics), and are also free from the influence of
forms. Material bodies in motion, heat, electromagnetic the Lenzs law. If these inexhaustible sources of energy are
radiation, electricity, magnetic fields are the phenomena skillfully harnessed for energy generation by constructing
that embody energy, all of which can be converted into devices and machines appropriate for the purpose, it may
other forms, and most importantly, into useful work. The prove to be a great step towards solving the energy crisis
doctrine that governs such conversion of one form of that our modern society is going to face in near future.
energy into another is the principle of conservation of
energy. There exists a bewildering variety of sources of Driven by this viewpoint, we undertook project works to
energy in nature. explore the possibility of constructing simple models of
some devices capable of extracting energy from the
aforesaid forces of nature. We designed and fabricated a
few of the prototype working models of such devices in our
S.K. Ghoshal: Professor, Physics Department, Dr. B.C. Roy laboratory. Preliminary reports of the design and working
Engineering College, Fuljhore, Jemua Road, Durgapur-713206, West of some of these models have already been presented in a
Bengal, India, Mobile No. +91 9432323379, (email ID:
National Conference [1, 2] The details of the design, the
Madhusree Kole: Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Dr. B.C. principle of the techniques and the shortcomings that the
Roy Engineering College, Fuljhore, Jemua Road, Durgapur-713206, West models suffer, as well as the possible improvements that
Bengal, India, (email ID: madhusree.777@gmail.com) could be carried out to construct larger-size machines
Gravitational energy, solar energy, energy of an electric
current, energy stored in an electric or a magnetic field,

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On the possibility of constructing devices capable of extracting energy from the forces of nature

capable of generating energy for useful purposes, have repulsive force between the pole-pieces of the
been discussed in this article. electromagnet and that of the permanent magnet further
drives the rotor in the same direction. As the process
II. CONSTRUCTION OF A DEVICE CAPABLE OF repeats automatically for each of the pole-pieces of the
EXTRACTING ENERGY FROM PERMANENT permanent magnets, the disc eventually gains higher and
MAGNETS higher rotational speed and finally acts like a fly-wheel. A
small dc generator coupled through pulleys with the shaft
A powerful permanent magnet can be considered to be a of the rotor generates a small amount of electrical power.
storehouse of unlimited energy in the sense that it can keep
on exerting attractive and repulsive forces on pole-pieces of
other magnets or magnetic materials (and thereby doing
work) repetitively without losing significantly any of its
attractive or repulsive power. This remarkable ability of the
magnets to influence motion at a distance without any
apparent energy source has long appeal to inventors. It is
tempting to support that there must be some way of
arranging and extracting energy from them. In fact a review
of the literature [3-5] reveals that there have been many
attempts for over a century by many inventors primarily
focusing their efforts to fabricate perpetual motion
machines by making use of either the attractive or repulsive
forces of the permanent magnets. Unfortunately, no
inventors have ever been entirely successful in making
such devices.
The lesion that we have learnt is that in order to build
such machines harnessing magnetism, it is necessary that
one should make use of both the attractive and repulsive
forces of the magnets in sequential order so as to impart a
unidirectional motion to the moving part of the machine. In
order to achieve this, we need to have a combination of
both electromagnets and permanent magnets arranged in a
particular way.
A schematic diagram of the home-built device is shown
in Figure 1. It consists of sixteen pieces of U-shaped Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the important
permanent magnets (~1000 gauss) rigidly fixed with components of the device for extracting energy from the
regular spacing in between two circular Bakelite discs permanent magnets. 1-1-Bakelite discs, 2-polepieces of
constituting the rotor. The slightly convex surfaces of the the permanent magnets, 3-3-Switching system, 4-shaft, 5-
pole-pieces of the magnets almost match the curvature of electromagnet, 6-Battery (24 V), 7- pulley, 8- dynamo, 9-
the rim of the rotor. The rotor can freely rotate in a vertical ballbearing housing, 10-ammeter.
plane about an axle which also houses a switching device.
The switching device is made up of a thick circular Teflon When the rotor is in full speed, it is found to be revolving
disc. On the rim of it sixteen copper wires are embedded. at a rate of 1.2 rotations per second. Since, the rotor
These wires are electrically connected to the brass axle of contains sixteen magnets, and the electromagnet gets
the rotor and an adjustable electrical contact point which activated momentarily once for each permanent magnet per
can slide over the Teflon disc and makes the electrical revolution, the electromagnet remains effectively switched
circuit close when come in contact with the wire. A U- on for (1/19.2)th part of a second. The total resistance of the
shaped electromagnet having laminated iron core is rigidly two coils of the electromagnet is found to be 26 ohms. If
fixed at position below the bottom level of the rim of the the current flows through the coils in a continuous manner,
rotor with its pole-pieces in close proximity of the pole- the power consumption from a 24 V battery would be:
pieces of the permanent magnets. The coils of the
electromagnet are connected to a 24 battery through the
switching device. Since the currents flows through the coil for about
When no current is passed through the coils, the force of (1/19.2)th part of a second, the actual power consumption
attraction between the pole-pieces of a closely approaching must be smaller by a factor of 1/19.2. Therefore, the actual
permanent magnet and the iron core drives the rotor so as power consumed = . When the rotor of
to bring it to the position of maximum attraction between the device is coupled to a dynamo through pulleys, it
them. As soon as the rotor moves beyond this position, the produces a voltage of 10 and a current of 125 . Or, the
switching device switches on the power supply to the coils output power generated is equal to 1.25 . Thus, it is quite
of the electromagnet and it gets actuated. Then a strong evident that the output power produced by the device is

91 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2016
slightly greater than the input power. This, extra power schematically in Figure 2. It consists of a working tank
definitely comes from the energy stored in the permanent made up of plastic and is equipped with inlet and outlet
magnets. water gates and a float which can freely move in upward
Although this home-made small model is rather crude and downward directions while floating on water. A big
and can produce only a small amount of electrical power, plastic bucket filled with water acts as a water reservoir. A
there do exists plenty of scope for its improvements. The controlled water drainage system is made by inserting a 10
principle of the technique employed in fabricating the cm diameter pipe at the bottom level of this reservoir and
device also seems promising since it works without any connecting this with a flexible pipe and a coupler to the
dictum of the Lenzs law, and, therefore, any performance inlet water gate of the working tank which is kept at a
efficiency can be achieved. It is envisioned that if a much lower level by ~30 cm relative to the reservoir. The lifting
larger version of the machine equipped with larger and up and coming down of the float with the rise and fall of
more powerful permanent magnets and electromagnets the water level in the working tank is converted into
with a clever design is constructed, the performance movement of the arm of a lever. One end of the lever is
efficiency of the machine would increase to such an extent coupled to a freely movable stem rod which is fixed
as to generate output energy far exceeding that of the input. symmetrically at the top of the float. The other end is
coupled to a wheel in conjunction with a crank-shaft. A
III. ENERGY GENERATION BY MAKING USE OF pair of mechanically operated devices is attached to the
ANTIGRAVITY FORCES shaft of the wheel at proper positions to actuate the opening
and closing of the water gates in sequential order. The
Earths gravitational force is well known to be eternal but device consists of a thick double circular disc whose each
primarily attractive. However, in specific situation, it may half circle has different radius of curvature. A lever, one
manifest itself into its own antigravity forces viz., the end of which is equipped with a roller, slides on the rim of
buoyant forces which could be exploited for energy the disc and the other end of the arm is connected to the
generation. In designing and developing the contraption of brass plate of the gate. When the arm of the lever slides
energy generation, we are guided by the idea that if the over the rim of the disc of larger radius, it moves up and
buoyant force acting on a float and its up and down the brass plate gets lifted up, as a consequence. The arm of
movements in accordance with the rise and fall of water the lever remains in this position till the end of the arm
level in a tank be transmitted through a lever and crank- slides on the disc of smaller radius. This makes the other
shaft system to rotate a wheel, then it would be possible to end of the arm as well as the brass plate to go down hence
generate some amount of mechanical energy, provided closing the gate. At this time point, the second such device
such movements of the float are maintained in sequential gets actuated to open the second gate from its closing
order by regulating the inflow of water into the tank and position. The brass plates of both the gates moves up and
outflow of water from it. down within the channels lubricated with grease.
The salient features of the working model for extracting
energy from the earths gravitational force is shown

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the contraption which makes use of the buoyant forces for energy generation. R-reservoir, WT-
working tank, F-float, G1-water inlet gate, G2-water outlet gate, SR-stem rod, L-lever, S-shaft, S1 and S2 are mechanically
operated gating system for G1 and G2, respectively, FW-flywheel, BH1 and BH2-ball bearing housings.

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On the possibility of constructing devices capable of extracting energy from the forces of nature

Since the sequence of operations (i.e., opening up of one unlimited number of charged bodies can be created from a
gate while the other remains closed and vice-versa) is single inducing charged body without any loss of inducing
periodically repeated, the float in the working tank moves charge [6-9]. We have explored the possibility of
up and down periodically and makes the wheel to keep on constructing a simple electrostatic machine for electricity
rotating. However, any attempt to convert the mechanical generation by making use of the phenomenon of
energy into electrical energy makes the system to come to a electrostatic induction as the working principle.
halt. This is primarily attributed to the mechanical losses. An attempt has been made to construct a simple working
The magnitude of the buoyant force that keeps the float model of an electrostatic machine for generating electricity.
moving up and down is also not sufficient enough to give The machine consists of four (A, B, C and D) pieces of
any extra energy other than just to keep the system running. identical rectangular aluminium plates (of dimension 60 cm
Moreover, all movements the system undergoes are rather X 30 cm X 0.4 cm) which are pair-wise fixed on two
slow. In order to keep the machine running, the reservoir of bakelite plates symmetrically. One of the bakelite plates (of
the system needs to be replenished by water to maintain its dimension 150 cm X 90 cm X 0.6 cm), which rests in
water level. perfectly horizontal position on rigid supports, constitutes
Although our laboratory working model is not the base plate. The other bakelite plate (of dimension 130
sufficiently large enough to produce extra energy, it does cm X 90 cm X 0.6 cm) is made freely movable with the
demonstrate the possibility of generating energy by making help of a set of ball-bearing arrangement and it constitutes
use of the buoyant forces. Since the buoyant force that acts the top plate. The aluminium plates A and B of the base
on a float is directly proportional to the surface area of the plate and C and D of the top plate face each other with a
float, we can choose a float having an arbitrarily large gap of ~0.2 cm in between them. The aluminium plates are
surface area at our will. The energy output from such a fixed on the base plate symmetrically leaving 30 cm of
kind of contraption could be enhanced to a great extent by Bakelite space open from both ends and a gap of 30 cm in
proportionately increasing the dimensions of all the between the two plates. While in case of the top plate the
components, viz., the float, the working tank, the water aluminium plates are fixed leaving a space of 10 cm from
reservoir, etc. It is concluded therefore, should a giant size both ends and a gap of 30 cm in between them. All the
machine of this kind be constructed, generation of quite a aluminium plates have their individual electrical
substantial amount of energy would be made possible. connection with flexible conducting wires.
It would be worthwhile to note in this context that the
origin of the enormous amount of hydroelectric power
being generated worldwide could be traced back to the
cumulative effect of the buoyant forces that are operative at
the molecular level. Being much lighter than the other
constituent molecules of air, the atmospheric water
molecules are continuously acted upon by a kind of
buoyant force which slowly drifts the water molecules
towards the upper levels of the atmosphere. Eventually, the
water molecules reach to a height where the conditions
become conducive for their precipitation and finally they
come down to earth as rain and snow. Storage of water at
higher altitude and converting the potential energy of the
water stored into hydroelectric power is a known
technology. It is of interest to note that in driving the water
molecules towards the upper level of atmosphere, the Figure 3a. Schematic diagram of the process employed for
gravitational field does work against its own attractive charging the metal plates through electrostatic induction. P-
forces in a very subtle way, enabling us to generate a huge Variable voltage power supply, S1- Manually operated
amount of hydroelectric power. Such plentiful of pollution- electrical switch, BP-Base plate (Bakelite), TP-Top plate
free energy is a great gift of nature to mankind that we (Bakelite), A,B,C,D- identical aluminium plates fixed
perpetually harness without expending any input energy. symmetrically on Bakelite plates.


ELECTROSTATIC INDUCTION Charging of the aluminium plates is done with the help of
a variable voltage dc power supply as shown in Figure 3a.
Electrostatic induction offers an easy and economic way Position of the top plate is adjusted such that the plates C
to create charged bodies which can be subsequently be used and D are just above the plates A and B
for electricity generation. This is so because an almost

93 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2016

respectively. Under this condition, the wire connecting to

the plates A and D are connected to the positive terminal of V. CONCLUSION
the power supply through switches. Similarly, the wires to In conclusion, we have explored the possibility of new
B and C are connected to the neutral terminal of the power ways of energy generation by employing some simple but
supply. The power supply voltage is then gradually innovative techniques. In this direction we are guided by
increased up to 900 V. Both the plates A and D will be the fact and also by our own firm belief that some of the
charged with positive charges while B and C will acquire forces of nature such as the magnetic forces, earths
negative charges, because the plates A & C and B & D will gravitational forces and the electrostatic forces are eternal
be acting as parallel plate capacitors. As the plates become and inexhaustible and could be conceived as a store house
fully charged all their connections to the power supply are of enormous amount of energy and there must be some
switched off manually. Now, the top plate is displaced with ways to extract energy from these natural sources.
the help of a step-down dc motor to one side such that the To achieve this goal, we have designed and fabricated
plates C and D arrive at the gap space of the base plate. At three different types of working devices. But, these models
this point the power supply to the motor is switched off and are rather crude and suffer from imperfections. However,
another switch system connects the wires connecting to the the amazing performance of these home-built models
plates C and D to a high voltage (1000 V) large value ~400 clearly demonstrates that the methodologies adopted for
F capacitor (Figure 3b). The discharge current due to them have worked. Even at this preliminary stage we can
these charged plates through the capacitor charges it. The say with a fair degree of confidence that should much
top plate is then driven back so that the plates C and D get larger size machines are constructed with cleverly
charged again. Then the above sequence is repeated and the improved design and equipped with more number of
capacitor is charged once more. powerful magnets, floats having much larger surface areas,
When the capacitor becomes almost fully charged, we and much larger surface of the chargeable metal plates,
can isolate it from the system and can use it as a source of then the energy generating capacity of the machines could
electrical power. However, since the amount of charges be enhanced to a larger extent. It is towards this end our
initially accumulated on the plates A and B get diminished efforts are now being directed.
with time, we have to make use of the dc power supply REFERENCES
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Figure 3b. Schematic diagram of the process employed for

charging the capacitor due to the discharging current of the
charged plates through it. BP-Base plate (Bakelite), TP-Top
plate (Bakelite), A,B,C,D- identical aluminium plates fixed

symmetrically on Bakelite plates, CS-Copper strip fixed on

appropriate position on the base plate, BR-Brass roller which
is connected to the top plate and rolls on the CS, S2- Switching
system for charing the capacitor.

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