Free Energy Generator
Free Energy Generator
Free Energy Generator
The main title of this project is Investigation on Free Energy Magnet Motor
where the main objective is to investigate on the feasibility of the magnet motor
which used its natural properties which are attraction and repulsion of the
magnet poles to create a perpetual motion which can be harnessed to do a useful
The objective of this work is to study the free energy permanent magnet
motor, where the natural repulsion or the attraction characteristic of magnet
poles creates a perpetual motion which can be harnessed by the magnet motor.
In the present work, a magnetic motor employing two parts of stator and rotor
was designed and its operation was analyzed. The essential idea of this work
have started by taking advantage of permanent magnet properties in these
machines when replacing electric coils by permanent magnets, to build a free
energy magnetic motor. These magnets were selected according to the
characteristics and influencing factors such as temperature and stored energy. A
two dimensional computer model of the motor was designed in order to perform
a finite element magnetic analysis.
The building engineering models using simulation software
(FEMM4.2) ,Then implementation the prototype by putting a disc(internal rotor
part) between two discs (external stators parts), the two motor's parts consist of
magnets type (Nd Fe 38) which spaced by equal distances. Series of internal and
external parts were organized with different opposite polarity that created a
series of free movement of rotor.
Keywords: Attraction, Flux Density, Free Energy, Permanent Magnet Motor &
There is no such thing as Free Energy. Any electric power from Solar
cells, Wind, Tidal, Geothermal, Hydro-electric is only free, after we starting up
these methods for generating electric power by providing some capital cost.
Energy becomes free only after some point since we do not have to pay charges
for electric power generated through these non-conventional methods for
generating electric power. Hence the concept of using magnets in generation of
electricity has been around us from a long time. For many years simple magnets
have been used for their magnetic field to produce electric power. They are
placed in the inside core of motors & generators. The basic principle of power
generation lies under the magnetic effect. It states that “When a conductor is
rotated in a magnetic field, a voltage is induced in the conductor”. So here we
will be dealing with such conductors Magnet Engine free energy generator is an
easy device to generate electrical energy. It works on the principle of
Neodymium Magnets.
The Magnet motor ( free energy generator) is a respectable, intense and well-looking
topology of a free energy generator. It takes a shot at a guideline of the capable neodymium
permanent magnets. In the standard engine, the magnetic field is created by the electric curls,
normally made of copper (Cu) or frequently aluminum (Al). Since both copper and aluminum
are not superconductors (their resistance is not zero), the customary electric motor
persistently needs the electric energy to keep up the magnetic field.
The coils are squandering the force, transforming it into a heat, as a result of their
resistance. The electric energy needs to ceaselessly stream into the system, rewarding the
energy losses. The Magnet motor has no coils and accordingly no power losses and can be
utilized even as a free energy generator. It is utilizing the permanent magnetic field of the
magnets to create the force moving the rotor
.Simulation of new designed electric machines are carry out in order to fault of design
could be discovered before manufacturing of prototype.
Design and Simulation of Free Energy Permanent Magnet Motor (FEPMM)
124.There are some programs for computing technical issues than commercial ones, like
(FEMM) Finite element method program that requirements for users’ skills are also less.
Another advantage of is fully sufficient for solving some technical problems in industry
The objective of the thesis is to investigate the impact of intelligently controlled short
term fast acting energy storage devices on the power quality of stand alone power
In order to maintain the power quality of these stand alone power systems under
various types of perturbations like power disconnections, load disturbances, wind