Meus Recortes
Meus Recortes
Meus Recortes
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Marcador na pgina 92 | Pos. 1396 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2
012 16h09min01s GMT-03:00
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Destaque na pgina 58 | Pos. 887-90 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 18 de junho de
2012 16h21min35s GMT-03:00
friendIve always felt robbed of my chance to compete with Tupac and Biggie, in the
best sense, and not just over first-week sales numbers. Competition pushes you
to become your best self, and in the end it tells you where you stand. Jordan sa
id the same thing about Larry Bird and Magic. Hed spent this whole career at Nort
h Carolina waiting to have the chance to play with them, and by the time Jordan
and the Bulls were really coming into their own, Bird and Magic both retired.
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Destaque na pgina 70 | Pos. 1061-64 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 18 de junho d
e 2012 16h56min28s GMT-03:00
It was symbolic of our whole gameit was the next shit. It told people that we wer
e elevating our game, not by throwing on a bigger chain, but by showing more ref
ined, and even slightly obscure, taste. We werent going to stick to whatever ever
yone else was drinking or what everyone expected us to drink. We were going to i
mpose our sense of what was hot on the world around us.
O Amor Fodido (Miguel Esteves Cardoso)
- Marcador Pos. 114 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012 11h00min28s
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 474 a 476 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012 12h09
min54s GMT-03:00
A idolatria meu rtulo para aquele estgio de inocncia semntica na qual a natureza con
clusiva e metafrica dos modelos e dos tneis de realidade esquecida, ou reprimida,
ou ainda no foi aprendida.
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 891 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012 13h47min39s
" perigoso entender coisas novas muito rapidamente."
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 943 a 947 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012 13h51
min50s GMT-03:00
Negar de forma dogmtica dizer que algo impossvel. Mas declarar isso reivindicar, t
acitamente, que voc j conhece o espectro completo do possvel. Em um sculo no qual to
das as dcadas tm trazido descobertas cientficas surpreendentes, essa uma f imensa, c
orajosa e audaciosa. Isso exige uma autoconfiana quase herica e uma ignorncia igual
mente gigantesca de histria intelectual recente.
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (Charles Yu)
- Destaque na pgina 40 | Pos. 610 a 613 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 22 de junho d
e 2012 11h43min08s GMT-03:00
Weak but detectable interaction between two neighboring universes that are other
wise not causally connected. Manifests itself in humans as a feeling of missing
a place one has never been, a place very much like ones home universe, or as a lo
nging for versions of ones self that one will never, and can never know.
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 9 | Pos. 136 a 138 | Data de adio: domingo, 24 de junho de 201
2 23h48min35s GMT-03:00
For you I bleed myself dry, sang their block-head vocalist, brilliantly informing
us that stars in the sky are, in fact, yellow. How am I going to compete with th
at shit? That sleepy-eyed bozo isnt even making sense. Hes just pouring fabricated
emotions over four gloomy guitar chords, and it ends up sounding like love.
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 12 | Pos. 170 a 174 | Data de adio: domingo, 24 de junho de 20
12 23h53min15s GMT-03:00
If we have learned anything from the mass media, its that the only people who can
make us happy are those who dont strike us as being particularly desirable. Whet
her its Jerry Maguire or Sixteen Candles or Whos the Boss or Some Kind of Wonderfu
l or Speed Racer, we are constantly reminded that the unattainable icons of perf
ection we lust after can never fulfill us like the platonic allies who have been
there all along.2 If we all took media messages at their absolute face value, w
ed all be sleeping with our best friends.
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
- Marcador na pgina 76 | Pos. 1153 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2
012 01h50min30s GMT-03:00
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 89 | Pos. 1.353 a 1.359 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 25 de j
unho de 2012 07h29min33s GMT-03:00
And heres something you only notice if youre as obsessive as I am: Kid Rock likes
to mention in interviews how he hates Radiohead; in his video for You Never Met a
Motherf**ker Quite Like Me, he actually wipes his arse with toilet paper that ha
s the word Radiohead embossed on every tissue. On the surface, that might seem l
ike a statement against pretension and elitism, almost as if Rock is saying hes t
he antiThom Yorke. However, it actually has to do with Mtley Cre. On page 358 of th
e Cre biography The Dirt, Tommy Lee mentions that Pamela threw a massive birthday
party for him when he turned thirty-three, and Lee says she cranked our favorite
band, Radiohead, on the sound system. I have no doubt that Pam has told Kid how
she and Tommy used to adore OK Computer, and it drives him crazy.
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Destaque na pgina 100 | Pos. 1.526 a 1.527 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 28 de j
unho de 2012 11h53min14s GMT-03:00
But in business, like they say, you dont get what you deserve, you get what you n
egotiate. So I mind my business and I dont apologize for it.
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Marcador na pgina 111 | Pos. 1691 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2
012 15h30min02s GMT-03:00
Meus recortes
- Destaque Pos. 89 a 94 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012 00h33min
09s GMT-03:00
And heres something you only notice if youre as obsessive as I am: Kid Rock likes
to mention in interviews how he hates Radiohead; in his video for You Never Met a
Motherf**ker Quite Like Me, he actually wipes his arse with toilet paper that ha
s the word Radiohead embossed on every tissue. On the surface, that might seem l
ike a statement against pretension and elitism, almost as if Rock is saying hes t
he antiThom Yorke. However, it actually has to do with Mtley Cre. On page 358 of th
e Cre biography The Dirt, Tommy Lee mentions that Pamela threw a massive birthday
party for him when he turned thirty-three, and Lee says she cranked our favorite
band, Radiohead, on the sound system. I have no doubt that Pam has told Kid how
she and Tommy used to adore OK Computer, and it drives him crazy.
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Destaque na pgina 165 | Pos. 2.523 a 2.527 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 29 de ju
nho de 2012 15h55min02s GMT-03:00
But this is one of the things that makes rap at its best so human. It doesnt forc
e you to pretend to be only one thing or another, to be a saint or sinner. It re
cognizes that you can be true to yourself and still have unexpected dimensions a
nd opposing ideas. Having a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other is t
he most common thing in the world. The real bullshit is when you act like you do
nt have contradictions inside you, that youre so dull and unimaginative that your
mind never changes or wanders into strange, unexpected places.
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Destaque na pgina 174 | Pos. 2.659 a 2.664 | Data de adio: sbado, 30 de junho de
2012 10h50min04s GMT-03:00
So I recorded a song called D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune). It wasnt because I was try
ing to destroy the career of anyone in particular. I wanted to kill Auto-Tune li
ke Kurt Cobain killed the hair bands. Its not a game. Musical genres have been kn
own to die, mostly because they lose their signature and their vitality, and let
other genres steal their fire. Wheres disco? Wheres the blues, for that matter? W
hats hip-hops greatness? Its a clich, but its greatness is that it keeps it real, in
the most complicated sense of reality. And that realness lives in the voice of
the MC. That will never change.
Book of Longing (Leonard Cohen)
- Destaque na pgina 76 | Pos. 1.157 a 1.161 | Data de adio: sbado, 30 de junho de 2
012 13h40min59s GMT-03:00
But dont be alarmed; you are not in the presence of a verbal fidget. If I strain
too easily to push a pun into a profundity, it is only because I am at the end o
f my tether. Ive taken too much acid, or Ive been too lonely, or Ive been educated
beyond my intelligence, or however you want to explain me away. Its a pity if som
eone has to console himself for the wreck of his days with the notion that someh
ow his voice, his work embodies the deepest, most obscure, freshest, rawest oyst
er of reality in the unfathomable refrigerator of the hearts ocean, but I am such
a one, and there you have it.
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 2.625 a 2.632 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 3 de julho de 2012 15h04
min30s GMT-03:00
O modelo do Dr. Leary afirma que a droga psicodlica cria choque e tenso mental, se
nsaes que decompem antigas impresses e condicionamentos. Ele afirma que, em um estad
o "normal" de conscincia, somos impressionados e condicionados a compreender some
nte: (1) necessidades de sobrevivncia biolgica; (2) jogos emocionais que nos atrib
uem status; (3) regras do jogo condicionadas de nossa cultura; e (4) gratificao se
xual; alm de no compreendermos outros sinais potencialmente disponveis. Assim, perm
anecemos em um nico tnel de realidade durante toda a nossa vida. Ao serem quebrada
s nossas impresses, ele sugere, a droga permite que compreendamos outros tneis de
realidade, incluindo o campo ou circuito "neurogentico", "filogentico" ou "morfoge
ntico", nos quais as "memrias" pr-nascimento so armazenadas.
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 3.199 a 3.209 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012 12
h23min58s GMT-03:00
Ento, podemos ver por esse exemplo que a viagem no tempo uma contradio lgica, ou ter
emos de retornar aos universos mltiplos do modelo de Gribbin, no qual "tudo real"
. H um universo no qual eu estou aqui, e um universo no qual eu no estou aqui, e v
iajando de volta no tempo e assassinando meu av, eu passei do universo um para o
universo dois. Meu av, como o gato de Schrodinger, est vivo e morto. Mas eu tambm e
stou. E voc tambm est. No vejo como os novos fundamentalistas podem sobreviver a ess
a alternativa. Em ltima anlise, isso leva possibilidade de viajarmos longe o basta
nte para interferir no Big Bang e criar universos com leis diferentes, incluindo
todas as leis caticas e absurdas que no podem existir no universo fundamentalista
. Talvez faamos isso e, conseqentemente, em certo sentido, j o tenhamos feito. Talv
ez o presente "universo" da experincia esteja entre o universo platnico ideal das
leis eternas que os fundamentalistas postulam e um dos universos caticos criados
pelo nosso futuro interferindo no passado.
Wilhelm Reich (Escuta Z Ninguem)
- Destaque Pos. 90 a 96 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012 10h01min
07s GMT-03:00
Voc difere de um grande homem sob apenas um aspecto: o grande homem foi um dia um
z- ningum, mas desenvolveu uma nica qualidade importante. Reconheceu a pequenez e
a estreiteza dos seus atos e pensamentos. Sob a presso de alguma tarefa qual atri
bua grande significado, aprendeu a ver como sua pequenez, sua insignificncia, punh
a em risco sua felicidade. Em outras palavras, um grande homem sabe quando e de
que forma ele um z-ningum. Um z-ningum no sabe que pequeno e tem medo de saber. Esco
de sua insignificncia e estreiteza por trs de iluses de fora e grandeza, da fora e da
grandeza de alguma outra pessoa. Sente orgulho dos seus grandes generais, mas no
de si mesmo. Admira uma idia que no teve, no uma idia que teve. Quanto menos entend
er alguma coisa, mais firme sua crena nela. E, quanto melhor entende uma idia, men
os acreditar nela.
Wilhelm Reich (Escuta Z Ninguem)
- Destaque Pos. 256 a 264 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012 11h05m
in06s GMT-03:00
Um grande homem cauteloso ao pensar mas, uma vez que se empenha em uma idia, ele
pensa longe. E voc, z-ningum, o trata como um pria quando sua idia se revela slida e d
uradoura, e a sua, z-ningum, fogo de palha. Ao transform-lo em pria, voc planta nele
a terrvel semente da solido. No a semente que gera grandes atos, mas a semente do m
edo, medo de ser mal compreendido e atacado por voc. Pois voc o povo, a opinio pblic
conscincia social. Algum dia voc parou para pensar na enorme responsabilidade que i
sso implica, z-ningum? Algum dia voc se perguntou (diga a verdade agora!) se, da pe
rspectiva do desenvolvimento social a longo prazo, da natureza ou de grandes rea
lizaes humanas - a de Jesus, por exemplo - seu pensamento est certo ou errado? No, v
oc nunca se pergunta se seu pensamento est certo ou errado. Voc se pergunta o que o
s vizinhos diro ou se, caso voc aja acertadamente, isso lhe custar dinheiro. isso q
ue voc se pergunta, z- ningum; isso e nada mais!
Wilhelm Reich (Escuta Z Ninguem)
- Destaque Pos. 325 a 331 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012 11h10m
in02s GMT-03:00
Voc advoga a felicidade na vida, mas a segurana tem para voc significado muito maio
r, mesmo que ela lhe custe dobrar a espinha ou arrase com sua vida inteira. Como
nunca aprendeu a agarrar a felicidade, a apreci-la e proteg-la, falta-lhe a corag
em da integridade. Ser que devo lhe dizer, z- ningum, que tipo de homem voc ? Voc ouve
propagandas no rdio, anncios de laxantes, cremes dentais, graxa para sapatos, des
odorantes e assim por diante. No se d conta, porm, da estupidez infinita, do abominv
el mau gosto dos cantos de sereia calculados para atrair sua ateno. Voc algum dia c
hegou a prestar ateno s piadas de um comediante de boate a seu respeito? A respeito
de voc, dele mesmo e de todo o seu mundo desgraado. Oua bem seus comerciais de pro
dutos para o melhor funcionamento dos intestinos e aprenda quem e o que voc .
Enchantment (Guy Kawasaki)
- Destaque Pos. 1.569 a 1.571 | Data de adio: sbado, 14 de julho de 2012 12h50min0
7s GMT-03:00
Im tired of hearing about money money, money, money, money. I just want to play t
he game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok. Shaquille ONeal
Enchantment (Guy Kawasaki)
- Destaque Pos. 1.753 a 1.758 | Data de adio: sbado, 14 de julho de 2012 13h16min4
6s GMT-03:00
Because we do not understand the brain very well we are constantly tempted to us
e the latest technology as a model for trying to understand it. In my childhood
we were always assured that the brain was a telephone switchboard. (What else cou
ld it be?) I was amused to see that Sherrington, the great British neuroscientist
, thought that the brain worked like a telegraph system. Freud often compared th
e brain to hydraulic and electro-magnetic systems. Leibniz compared it to a mill
, and I am told some of the ancient Greeks thought the brain functions like a ca
tapult. At present, obviously, the metaphor is the digital computer John R. Searl
Decoded (Jay-Z)
- Destaque na pgina 201 | Pos. 3.077 a 3.080 | Data de adio: domingo, 15 de julho
de 2012 20h35min21s GMT-03:00
Rappers refer to themselves a lot. What the rapper is doing is creating a charac
ter that, if youre lucky, you find out about more and more from song to song. The
rappers character is essentially a conceit, a first-person literary creation. Th
e core of that character has to match the core of the rapper himself. But then t
hat core gets amplified by the rappers creativity and imagination. You can be any
body in the booth. Its like wearing a mask.
Enchantment (Guy Kawasaki)
- Marcador Pos. 2485 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2012 11h54min58
s GMT-03:00
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 4.954 a 4.963 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012
11h42min19s GMT-03:00
Tenho sugerido em outros livros que a relatividade fsica de Einstein apenas um ca
so especial de uma relatividade neurolgica mais geral: o observador, com ou sem i
nstrumentos, sempre permanece como co-criador da observao. Para citar Nietzsche no
vamente: "Somos mais artistas do que percebemos." Cada sistema nervoso cria um g
rande trabalho de arte que comumente considerado a "realidade" real no sentido f
ilosfico e projeta-o para o exterior. Esses tneis de realidade, adotados como "rea
lidades" e experincias e compreendidos como "realidade", no so apenas to variados e
imaginativos quanto as pinturas de Rembrandt, de Van Gogh e de Picasso; so to mara
vilhosamente criativos quanto as msicas de Vivaldi, de Beethoven, de Wagner e de
Harry James, e o raga indiano, e os cantos polinsios. So to diversos quanto os esti
los ou "estruturas" de Jane Austen, James Joyce, de Raymond Chandler, Leon Tolsti
, de Lewis Carroll e de Samuel Beckett.
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 5.768 a 5.780 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012
18h17min21s GMT-03:00
do que Van Vogt chama de "terror interno", o sentimento que acompanha esses atos
. O "terror interno" um sentimento de total desamparo combinado com a certeza de
sempre estar certo. Parece um paradoxo, mas quanto mais um homem se torna total
mente certo, mais desamparado se sente. Isso se deve ao fato que estar certo sig
nifica saber ( gnose), e saber significa entender o Universo "real". Posto que o
Universo "real" , por definio, "objetivo" e encontra-se fora de ns, no constituindo
"uma criao nossa", tornamo-nos insignificantes por causa dele. No podemos agir, mas
somente re-agir. Conforme o Universo "real" nos empurra, ns o empurramos de volt
a. Mas ele muito maior e, conseqentemente, perderemos no fim. Nossa nica ---------
----------------------------------- Agnosticismo Criativo ----------------------
------------- 257 defesa reside em estar certo e lutar to desonestamente quanto p
ossvel. Considero que essa seja a forma sucinta da filosofia de Adolph Hitler. Es
sa a filosofia do Marqus de Sade ou de qualquer estuprador ou criminoso que voc po
ssa encontrar em qualquer priso do mundo. Onde a viso singular reina, onde o Unive
rso "real" est fora de ns e impessoal, esse mundo sombrio de violncia e horror segu
ir seu rastro.
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 5.809 a 5.814 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012
18h19min56s GMT-03:00
Adolph Hitler leu Nietzsche, interpretou o diagnstico como prescrio e continuou a r
epresentar o pior dos cenrios que Nietzsche poderia imaginar, ironicamente incorp
orando, precisamente, o nacionalismo e o anti-semitismo que Nietzsche mais despr
ezava. O mundo observou aterrorizado, nada aprendeu, e decidiu que Hitler era um
"monstro". Ento, o mundo continuou hipnotizado pelo mesmo determinismo biolgico m
aterialista que, para Hitler, havia justificado tanto a sua autocomiserao como a s
ua vingana.
88001952-A-Nova-Inquisicao-Robert-Anton-Wilson (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 6.124 a 6.143 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012 12h
02min29s GMT-03:00
Parece que, quando "Deus" ou a "natureza" nos presenteou com um crebro humano, no
recebemos instrues sobre o funcionamento desse maravilhoso instrumento. Como resul
tado, a maior parte de nossa histria resume-se na tentativa de aprender como us-lo
. Ao aprender que isso envolve assumir responsabilidade e estar envolvido, tambm
estamos aprendendo lies que no so simplesmente tecnolgi- cas, mas tambm estticas e "mo
ais". Parece que o mundo experienciado funciona holisticamente, e a separao que fa
zemos dele em departamentos ("cincia", "arte", "tica") mais confusa do que til. Usa
r o crebro de maneira eficiente (estarmos conscientes de onde estamos, do que est
amos fazendo e do que est acontecendo nossa volta) e assumir responsabilidade pel
as nossas apostas ou es- colhas (o que parece aumentar a "inteligncia" e a "criat
ividade"): isso no surpreendente. Quaisquer que sejam nossas definies tcnicas dessas
funes misteriosas, bvio que elas esto, de alguma forma, conectadas ao nmero de sinai
s apreendidos conscientemente e com a rapidez do processo de re viso. Quando um m
odelo est estaticamente entre ns e a nossa experincia, o nmero de sinais cai, no ocor
re nenhuma reviso, e a "inteligncia" ou "criatividade" correspondente declina. Qua
ndo muitos modelos esto disponveis e quando estamos conscientemente envolvidos em
nossas escolhas, o nmero de sinais conscientemente apreendidos aumenta e comporta
mo-nos mais "inteligentemente" e "criativamente". Mas o mesmo processo de envolv
imento, responsabilidade e escolha consciente tambm aumenta aquelas faculdades qu
e so tradicionalmente chamadas de estticas e morais. No h separao; a experincia um "
tinuum" . O que vemos e experienciamos mostra-nos as verdades mais ntimas a respe
ito de quem e o que somos, assim como a revelao aumenta a riqueza de "significado"
em toda transao existencial. Para citar Blake novamente: O tolo no v a mesma rvore q
ue o homem sbio v.
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 216 | Pos. 3.297 a 3.299 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 27 de
agosto de 2012 22h58min15s GMT-03:00
However, dying is always original. Its always a onetime limited engagement, and (
depending on your theology) its either the defining moment of existence or the fi
nal corporeal sensation in the universes most remarkable coincidence.
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 227 | Pos. 3.473 a 3.479 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 27 de
agosto de 2012 23h58min43s GMT-03:00
Hitler may have thought he was serving God. Stalin may have thought he was servi
ng God (or something vaguely similar). Im certain Osama bin Laden was positive he
was serving God. Its not hard to fathom that all of those maniacs were certain t
hat what they were doing was right. Meanwhile, I constantly do things that I kno
w are wrong; theyre not on the same scale as incinerating Jews or blowing up skys
crapers, but my motivations might be worse. I have looked directly into the eyes
of a woman I loved and told her lies for no reason, except that those lies woul
d allow me to continue having sex with another woman I cared about less. This ac
t did not kill 20 million Russian peasants, but it might be more diabolical in a l
iteral sense. If I died and found out I was going to hell and Stalin was in heav
en, I would note the irony, but I really couldnt complain. I dont make the fucking
Inside Steve s Brain, Expanded Edition (Leander Kahney)
- Destaque Pos. 999 a 1.001 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2012 20h
26min28s GMT-03:00
To celebrateand to acknowledge the artistry of the entire effortJobs held a signing
party, which was celebrated with champagne and the signing of the inside of the
case by key members of the team. Artists sign their work, Jobs explained.
Eating the Dinosaur (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 15 | Pos. 222 a 224 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 4 de setembro d
e 2012 17h36min24s GMT-03:00
Im a great believer in self-deception. If you asked me what makes the world go ro
und, I would say self-deception. Self-deception allows us to create a consistent
narrative for ourselves that we actually believe. Im not saying that the truth d
oesnt matter. It does. But self-deception is how we survive.
Eating the Dinosaur (Chuck Klosterman)
- Destaque na pgina 55 | Pos. 836 a 841 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 5 de setembr
o de 2012 14h29min37s GMT-03:00
People who want to travel through time are both (a) unhappy and (b) unwilling to
compromise anything about who they are. They would rather change every element
of society except themselves. This is how I feel. This is also why my long-stand
ing desire to build a time machine is not just hopeless but devoid of merit. It
has nothing to do with time. I dont think it ever does (for me, H. G. Wells, Shan
e Carruth, or anyone else). It takes a flexible mind to imagine how time travel
might work, but only an inflexible spirit would actually want to do it. Its the d
esire of the depressed and lazy.
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (Steven Johnson)
- Destaque Pos. 694 a 696 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2012 1
5h36min24s GMT-03:00
When the first market towns emerged in Italy, they didnt magically create some hi
gher-level group consciousness. They simply widened the pool of minds that could
come up with and share good ideas. This is not the wisdom of the crowd, but the
wisdom of someone in the crowd. Its not that the network itself is smart; its tha
t the individuals get smarter because theyre connected to the network.
O Heri de Mil Faces (Joseph Campbell)
- Destaque na pgina 28 | Pos. 426 a 436 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 16 de outubro d
e 2012 22h54min16s GMT-03:00
Ariadne procurou ento a ajuda do habilidoso Ddalo, cuja engenhosidade havia constr
udo o labirinto e havia permitido que sua me desse luz o seu habitante. Ddalo lhe d
eu simplesmente um rolo de fio de linho, que o heri visitante deveria prender ent
rada e ir desenrolando medida que entrasse no labirinto. Na verdade, precisamos
de muito pouco! Mas, se no tivermos esse pouco, a aventura no labirinto no nos dar
esperana. Esse pouco est ao alcance da mo. muito curioso que o prprio cientista, que
, a servio do rei pecador, foi o crebro criador do horror representado pelo labiri
nto, possa servir, com a mesma prontido, aos propsitos de liberdade. Mas o heri-cor
ao deve estar disponvel. Durante sculos, Ddalo representou o tipo do artista-cientist
a: aquele fenmeno humano, curiosamente desinteressado e quase diablico, que est alm
das fronteiras normais do julgamento social, dedicado moral da sua arte, e no mor
al do seu tempo. Ele o heri do caminho do pensamento de bom corao, dotado de corage
m e cheio de f no fato de que a verdade, tal como ele a conhece, nos libertar.
O Heri de Mil Faces (Joseph Campbell)
- Destaque na pgina 29 | Pos. 440 a 445 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 16 de outubro d
e 2012 22h55min11s GMT-03:00
Alm disso, nem sequer teremos que correr os riscos da aventura sozinhos; pois os
heris de todos os tempos nos precederam; o labirinto totalmente conhecido. Temos
apenas que seguir o fio da trilha do heri. E ali onde pensvamos encontrar uma abom
inao, encontraremos uma divindade; onde pensvamos matar algum, mataremos a ns mesmos;
onde pensvamos viajar para o exterior, atingiremos o centro da nossa prpria existn
cia; e onde pensvamos estar sozinhos, estaremos com o mundo inteiro.
November 16, 1961 (a)
- Destaque Pos. 334 a 341 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012 09h43m
in20s GMT-03:00
At all times revolt is the search for health and naturality. Revolt is a desire
to experience normal physiological processes that give pleasure of fullness and
expansion. The problems of the earth, or the enactions of life itself, are desir
e and hunger. The basis of all revolt in one phase or another is sexuality. The
Erotic impulse is the impulse to destroy walls and join units together in larger
and larger structures. That is the heat of Romance!! To create love structures,
the old visions, self-images, phorms and patterns must be disavowed or destroye
d. Anything that chains life to preconceived goals and preconceived reality must
go they threaten the meat itself.
Eeeee Eee Eeee (Tao Lin)
- Destaque Pos. 66 a 67 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012 11h11min
57s GMT-03:00
instead of talking out loud to real human beings that I can touch and look at I
talk in my head to humans from my past that I will probably never see again.
Eeeee Eee Eeee (Tao Lin)
- Destaque Pos. 174 a 176 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012 13h
11min41s GMT-03:00
She is Sara. She doesnt call me. I made her admit she liked me. She likes me. But
were too alike. When youre with someone and neither of you can stop saying good th
ings. Then you both get very aware that life will end soon. I think thats why we
dont talk that much. Do you understand what Im talking about?
Well Played 3.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning (Drew Davidson et al.)
- Destaque na pgina 5 | Pos. 75 a 79 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de
2013 16h18min42s GMT-03:00
Most tellingly, the primary learning task of excelling at Pokmon is not to memori
ze as much as you can, but to learn which bits of knowledge youd better have in y
our head, and which can safely be stored on the net, in your pocket, at your fin
gertips. As ubiquitous internet access continues to change our society, this ski
ll, being able to subconsciously determine which facts must be stored onboard an
d which can be left in our extended knowledge corpus, is likely to become a prer
equisite for success in technical work (if it isnt already) and its safe to say th
at this is not a focus in most elementary schools.
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (Steven Johnson)
- Destaque Pos. 1.193 a 1.197 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 201
3 12h19min37s GMT-03:00
Thatchers study suggests a counterintuitive notion: the more disorganized your br
ain is, the smarter you are. Its counterintuitive in part because we tend to attr
ibute the growing intelligence of the technology world with increasingly precise
electromechanical choreography. Intel doesnt advertise its latest microprocessor
s with the slogan: Every 55 milliseconds, our chips erupt into a blizzard of nois
e! Yet somehow brains that seek out that noise seem to thrive, at least by the me
asure of the IQ test.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 1 | Pos. 640 a 643 | Data de adio: domingo, 3 de maro de 2013 2
3h21min12s GMT-03:00
Our sun is less than halfway through its life. It formed 4.5 billion years ago,
but its got 6 billion more years before the fuel runs out. It will then flare up,
engulfing the inner planets and vaporizing any life that might then remain on E
arth. But even after the suns demise, the expanding universe will continue, perha
ps foreverdestined to become ever colder, ever emptier.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 2 | Pos. 654 a 657 | Data de adio: domingo, 3 de maro de 2013 2
3h23min43s GMT-03:00
So humans are surely not the terminal branch of an evolutionary tree but a speci
es that emerged early in cosmic history, with special promise for diverse evolut
ion. But this is not to diminish their status. We humans are entitled to feel un
iquely important, as the first known species with the power to mold its evolutio
nary legacy.
As 100 Melhores Histrias da Mitologia (A. S. Franchini e Carmen Seganfredo)
- Marcador na pgina 102 | Pos. 1555 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 12 de maro de 2013 1
7h14min10s GMT-03:00
The Immortalization Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death (Jo
hn Gray)
- Destaque Pos. 270 a 274 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 21 de maro de 2013 10h32mi
n20s GMT-03:00
Wallaces theory may not be very plausible. A glance at any human should be enough
to dispel any notion that it is the work of an intelligent being. Still, Wallac
e had raised questions that Darwin was extremely reluctant to confront. Darwin a
voided public discussion of his religious beliefs. He seems to have moved from t
heism to agnosticism mainly as a result of the death of his beloved daughter Ann
ie, rather than as a consequence of his discovery of natural selection. Yet the
implication of natural selection was clear. Humans had no special place in the s
cheme of things.
Linchpin (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 209 a 213 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 21 de maio de 2013 00h38min3
1s GMT-03:00
Heres the problem, which youve already guessed. If you make your business possible
to replicate, youre not going to be the one to replicate it. Others will. If you
build a business filled with rules and procedures that are designed to allow yo
u to hire cheap people, you will have to produce a product without humanity or p
ersonalization or connection. Which means that youll have to lower your prices to
compete. Which leads to a race to the bottom. Indispensable businesses race to
the top instead.
Linchpin (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 1.353 a 1.358 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013 15
h53min34s GMT-03:00
The alternative is to treasure what it means to do a days work. Its our one and on
ly chance to do something productive today, and its certainly not available to so
meone merely because he is the high bidder. A days work is your chance to do art,
to create a gift, to do something that matters. As your work gets better and yo
ur art becomes more important, competition for your gifts will increase and youll
discover that you can be choosier about whom you give them to. When a days work
does not equal a days pay, that means that at the end of the day, a bond is built
. A gift is given and received, and people are drawn closer, not insulated from
each other.
Linchpin (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 1.472 a 1.476 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2013 11h
13min22s GMT-03:00
If you dont pinpoint your audience, you end up making your art for the loudest, c
rankiest critics. And thats a waste. Instead, focus on the audience that you choo
se, and listen to them, to the exclusion of all others. Go ahead and make this s
ort of customer happy, and the other guys can go pound sand. In the words of Ev
Williams, founder of Blogger and Twitter, The core thing would be just do someth
ing awesome. Try not to get caught up in the echo chamber. That is probably the
toughest thing when you are trying to break out and do something original.
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Dave Eggers)
- Destaque Pos. 1.146 a 1.157 | Data de adio: sbado, 1 de junho de 2013 17h08min15
s GMT-03:00
His brain is my laboratory, my depository. Into it I can stuff the books I choos
e, the television shows, the movies, my opinion about elected officials, histori
cal events, neighbors, passersby. He is my twenty-four-hour classroom, my captiv
e audience, forced to ingest everything I deem worthwhile. He is a lucky, lucky
boy! And no one can stop me. He is mine, and you cannot stop me, cannot stop us.
Try to stop us, you pussy! You cant stop us from singing, and you cant stop us fr
om making fart sounds, from putting our hands out the window to test the aerodyn
amics of different hand formations, from wiping the contents of our noses under
the front of our seats. You cannot stop me from having Toph, who is eight, steer
, on a straightaway, while I take off my sweatshirt because suddenly its gotten r
eally fucking hot. You cannot stop us from throwing our beef jerky wrappers on t
he floor, or leaving our unfolded laundry in the trunk for, fuck, eight days now
, because we have been busy. You cannot stop Toph from leaving a half-full cardb
oard orange juice container under the seat, where it will rot and ferment and ma
ke the smell in the car intolerable, with that smells provenance remaining elusiv
e for weeks, during which the windows must be kept open at all times, until fina
lly it is found and Toph is buried to his neck in the backyard and covered in ho
neyor should have beenfor his role in the debacle. We cannot be stopped from looki
ng with pity upon all the worlds sorry inhabitants, they unblessed by our charms,
unchallenged by our trials, unscarred and thus weak, gelatinous. You cannot sto
p me from telling Toph to make comments about and faces at the people in the nex
t lane.
O gerente de projeto preguioso (Peter Taylor)
- Destaque Pos. 356 a 359 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013 12h33
min05s GMT-03:00
Um bom mtodo de manter o controle ter certeza de que as pessoas identificadas com
o provveis criadoras de problemas, tenham suas partes do trabalho para serem entr
egues no incio da durao do projeto. Assim sendo, caso acontea por acaso de terem uma
parte desafiadora que, talvez, eles no consigam entregar, ento, voc pode dizer melh
or assim. Se eles falharem, ento sero os malcriados desde o incio do projeto. No os d
eixem escapar de suas responsabilidades ou dos resultados finais esperados.
Make Your Idea Matter (Bernadette Jiwa)
- Destaque na pgina 12 | Pos. 180 a 182 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de julho
de 2013 10h24min52s GMT-03:00
Keep the home fires burning. Wherever the foundation of your business is, focus
there. If youve got a tiny bookstore or a chain of juice bars, make them the kind
of place that people seek out and want to come back to. If your business has a
virtual home online, make it the place where people come to be inspired, motivat
ed and educated.
Make Your Idea Matter (Bernadette Jiwa)
- Destaque na pgina 17 | Pos. 211 a 215 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de julho
de 2013 10h38min46s GMT-03:00
Why am I creating this product or service, and why now? Who exactly is the produ
ct or service for? Whats the competition? Do I need to worry about the competitio
n? How is this different and better? How do I research, test, launch, market, di
stribute, sell, build and scale my business idea? Do I need to research, test, a
nd scale, or should I just press Go? How will I know when Ive succeeded?
All Marketers are Liars (with a New Preface) (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 1.435 a 1.439 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013
16h02min54s GMT-03:00
Because they wanted to believe the story, they persuaded themselves that the emp
eror looked good. Thats why the kid who finally spoke up and said, Hey, the empero
r is naked! wasnt particularly popular. By telling the truth, he made his neighbor
s feel stupid and angry. Telling people that theyve believed a lie for a long tim
e is no way to make friends. If its a good lie, a lie that led people to enjoy th
emselves or to be productive, then taking that lie away is actually hurtful. I h
esitated to write a book about lies, just because we love these lies so much.
All Marketers are Liars (with a New Preface) (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 1.477 a 1.479 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013
16h35min44s GMT-03:00
If youre authentic, then all the details will line up. Your menu will match your
food, which will seamlessly integrate with your staff and your decor. If you com
mit to a story and live that story, the contradictions will disappear.
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 195 a 198 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013 18h16
min48s GMT-03:00
We want you to take from us. We want you, at first, to steal from us, because you
cant steal. You will take what we give you and you will put it in your own voice
and thats how you will find your voice. And thats how you begin. And then one day
someone will steal from you. Francis Ford Coppola
Culturematic: How Reality TV, John Cheever, a Pie Lab, Julia Child, Fantasy Foot
ball . . . Will Help You Create an (Grant McCracken)
- Destaque Pos. 499 a 503 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2013 15h35m
in24s GMT-03:00
I adopted a kind of Elizabethan strategyElizabeth the First, that is. She sent tho
usands of little ships down the Thames, and those sailors went all around the wo
rld. Some got boiled and eaten in the South Pacific. Others ran onto the rocks i
n New England. And in some cases, Elizabeth had to send the navy out to bring th
em back in chains. But somehow or other, they eventually got back home to the Th
amesafter three years, or thirteen years, or whatever. And that was my belief abo
ut this place. I thought we should try to encourage as many as possible who had
an idea to head down the Thames, and see what they would do with it.
Obra Crtica (Julio Cortzar)
- Marcador na pgina 38 | Pos. 576 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2
013 23h11min45s GMT-03:00
Culturematic: How Reality TV, John Cheever, a Pie Lab, Julia Child, Fantasy Foot
ball . . . Will Help You Create an (Grant McCracken)
- Destaque Pos. 2.511 a 2.515 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013
16h31min42s GMT-03:00
A mixture of curiosity, boredom, and absence of being dedicated to one big organ
ization or one big ideology. I guess I agree with [science fiction writer] Bill
Gibsons line that the future is already here; its just not evenly distributed. I l
ook for places where the future is turning up and look for a sense of if this pla
ys out, itll change the world. And I go hang out when its still taking shape. That
led me to hang out with psychedelic drug people, then personal computer people,
then MITs Media Lab.4
Franny and Zooey (J. D. Salinger)
- Destaque Pos. 203 a 204 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013 09
h14min01s GMT-03:00
I do like him. Im sick of just liking people. I wish to God I could meet somebody
I could respect.
Franny and Zooey (J. D. Salinger)
- Destaque Pos. 1.501 a 1.502 | Data de adio: domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013 09h
05min30s GMT-03:00
Yes, I have an ulcer, for Chrissake. This is Kaliyuga, buddy, the Iron Age. Anybo
dy over sixteen without an ulcers a goddam spy.
Franny and Zooey (J. D. Salinger)
- Destaque Pos. 1.640 a 1.641 | Data de adio: domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013 09h
34min07s GMT-03:00
He had a theory, Walt, that the religious life, and all the agony that goes with
it, is just something God sicks on people who have the gall to accuse Him of ha
ving created an ugly world.
Grande Serto: Veredas (Joo Guimares Rosa)
- Destaque na pgina 4 | Pos. 59 | Data de adio: domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2014 1
7h58min29s GMT-03:00
Quem muito se evita, se convive.
Grande Serto: Veredas (Joo Guimares Rosa)
- Destaque na pgina 6 | Pos. 85 a 87 | Data de adio: domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2
014 18h02min57s GMT-03:00
O diabo existe e no existe? Dou o dito. Abrenncio. Essas melancolias. O senhor v! e
xiste cachoeira; e pois? Mas cachoeira barranco de cho, e gua se caindo por ele, r
etombando; o senhor consome essa gua, ou desfaz o barranco, sobra cachoeira algum
a? Viver negcio muito perigoso...
Grande Serto: Veredas (Joo Guimares Rosa)
- Destaque na pgina 17 | Pos. 258 a 262 | Data de adio: domingo, 16 de fevereiro d
e 2014 18h29min55s GMT-03:00
O senhor... Mire veja! o mais importante e bonito, do mundo, isto! que as pessoa
s no esto sempre iguais, ainda no foram terminadas mas que elas vo sempre mudando. A
finam ou desafinam. Verdade maior. E o que a vida me ensinou. Isso que me alegra
, monto. E, outra coisa! o diabo, s brutas; mas Deus traioeiro! Ah, uma beleza de t
raioeiro d gosto! A fora dele, quando quer moo! me d o medo pavor! Deus vem vindo!
ngum no v. Ele faz na lei do mansinho assim o milagre. E Deus ataca bonito, se dive
rtindo, se economiza.
Fenomenologia do brasileiro (
- Destaque Pos. 381 a 383 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014 15
h20min22s GMT-03:00
Porque continua vlido para o Brasil que nele se concede um terreno muito amplo ao
inconsciente, ao emotivo e ao intuitivo, e que persiste uma desconfiana generali
zada do "mero" intelecto. O brasileiro homem do palpite genil, e no do planejamen
Fenomenologia do brasileiro (
- Destaque Pos. 385 a 389 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014 15
h24min45s GMT-03:00
O pensamento racional e dogmtico, o agarrar-se a teorias e esquemas majestosos, a
maneira cartesiana e positivista de racionar, no passam de tentativas de constru
ir contrapesos contra a tendncia mais fundamental para o misticismo. Isto faz com
que, por exemplo, o pensador brasileiro pendule constantemente entre a atrao mgico
-mstica e um escolstico academicismo. E quanto ao planejamento, Braslia e a Estrada
Transamaznica so exemplos gigantescos de como funciona. verdade, so projetos plane
jados e espelham o planejamento em todos os seus aspectos, mas, no fundo so fantst
icos e podem ser defendidos racionalmente com dificuldade.
Fenomenologia do brasileiro (
- Destaque Pos. 399 a 405 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014 15
h30min27s GMT-03:00
Pois o que pode significar ser brasileiro no melhor dos casos? Pode significar u
m homem que consegue (inconscientemente, e mais tarde conscientemente) sintetiza
r dentro de si e no seu mundo vital tendncias histricas e no histricas aparentemente
contraditrias, para alcanar uma sntese criativa, que por sua vez no vira tese de um
processo histrico seguinte. Portanto pode significar uma maneira concreta e viva
de ser homem e dar sentido sua vida, fora do contexto histrico, mas nutrido por
este. Neste melhor dos casos, pode significar o "novo homem" do Marx, sem no ent
anto continuar a ser determinado dialeticamente. Pode significar viver no "terce
iro imprio do Esprito Santo" de Schelling, sem que tal imprio signifique a plenitud
e dos tempos. Pode, em outros termos, significar que aqui est surgindo um homem q
ue supera a histria e se transforma em lugar no qual a histria criativamente absor
Fenomenologia do brasileiro (
- Destaque Pos. 549 a 555 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014
11h22min39s GMT-03:00
Porque o amor pelas palmeiras e pelos sabis, pelos prados e pelas flores, e em ge
ral pelo bero esplndido, no passa de subliteratura (descendente tardio e defasado d
e um romantismo francs que, ele prprio, j pose), de uma subliteratura que faz parte
da ideologia burguesa e ameaa transformar-se em chauvinismo (a parte paisagstica
do chauvinismo se chama, ultimamente, "tropicalismo"). Que se trata de sublitera
tura, prova-o a verdadeira literatura: na maioria das vezes nem sequer contempla
a natureza enquanto paisagem (Machado de Assis, por exemplo, cujos romances se
passam no Rio, nem sequer contempla o mar, a no ser para transform-lo em palco de
uma morte). A aparente grande exceo, Guimares Rosa, prova a tese aqui defendida. No
canta ele a natureza enquanto paisagem, mas descreve pelo contrrio como homem e n
atureza se fundem em todo mstico, de maneira que plantas e animais passam a ser a
ntropomorfos, e homens passam a ser animais e plantas.
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 30 | Pos. 448 a 450 | Data de adio: sbado, 8 de maro de 2014 22h
23min04s GMT-03:00
Como numa verso nova da antiga piada judaica: Voc bem-educado, ento por que age como
se fosse bem-educado?. Ento, a internet, onde supostamente expressamos nossas ver
dades mais profundas, no seria realmente o lugar da encenao de fantasias defensivas
que nos protegem da normalidade banal que a nossa verdade[16]?
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 50 | Pos. 1.310 a 1.313 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 13 de ma
ro de 2014 18h45min46s GMT-03:00
Marketers exploit the focusing illusion. When people are induced to believe that
they must have a good, they greatly exaggerate the difference that the good will
make to the quality of their life. The focusing illusion is greater for some goo
ds than for others, depending on the extent to which the goods attract continued
attention over time. The focusing illusion is likely to be more significant for
leather car seats than for books on tape.
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 54 | Pos. 823 a 824 | Data de adio: domingo, 23 de maro de 2014
17h13min15s GMT-03:00
O propsito da mente aberta, assim como da boca aberta, fechar-se sobre algo slido.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 267 | Data de adio: sbado, 5 de abril de 2014 14h41min06s GMT-03:0
From the force of cohesion would come the power of suggestion, and one of the th
ings suggested should be the existence of other voices.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 286 a 289 | Data de adio: sbado, 5 de abril de 2014 14h44min25s GM
There was never a time like now to be a lover of the arts. Mozart never heard mo
st of Bach. We can hear everything by both of them. Brahms was so bowled over by
Carmen that he saw twenty performances, but he had to buy twenty opera tickets
to do so. Manet never saw all his paintings in one place: we can. While Darcey B
ussell dances at Covent Garden, the next Darcey Bussell can watch her from Alice
Springs. Technology not only has given us a permanent present, but has given it
the furniture of eternity.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 561 a 564 | Data de adio: sbado, 5 de abril de 2014 18h00min47s GM
If we cant remember it all, we should at least have some idea of what we have for
gotten. We could, if we wished, do without remembering, and gain all the advanta
ges of travelling light; but a deep instinct, not very different from love, remi
nds us that the efficiency would be bought at the cost of emptiness. Finally the
reason we go on thinking is because of a feeling. We have to keep that feeling
pure if we can, and, if we ever lose it, try to get it back.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 699 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014 15h28min23s
love follows lust and grows through knowledge.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 712 a 714 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014 15h30
min55s GMT-03:00
Love has not been increased through intimacy with her qualities and might well,
had it happened, have been reduced by it. (Until Carmen made his life hell, Don
Jose thought she was heaven on earth.) In Shakespeare, the reward for adoration
is the interchange of enchanted speech, and for possession it is trouble and dea
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 730 a 734 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014 15h35
min36s GMT-03:00
Albert Camus, in the week before he was killed, wrote to five different women an
d addressed each of them as the great love of his life. He probably meant it eve
ry time, but had long ago learned the dire consequences for those he adored of m
aking them pay the emotional price for his laughably transferable fixation. His
women forgave him because his unforced charm was infinite and when it came to a
scene he was ready to concede that he was frivolous. A realistic self-appraisal
brought with it the blessing of a fair-minded benevolence: he might cast a prett
y young actress in one of his plays because she had gained his favour, but he ne
ver threw one out because she had lost it.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 853 a 856 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 8 de abril de 2014 10h35min5
0s GMT-03:00
Mechanisms of influence are hard to trace. Writers tend to think that the way th
ey write was influenced by literature, and of course scholars make a living by f
ollowing that same assumption. But a writers ideal of a properly built sentence m
ight just as well have been formed when he was still in short pants and watched
someone make an unusually neat sandcastle. He might have got his ideals of compo
sition, colour and clean finish from a bigger boy who made a better model aeropl
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 878 a 880 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 8 de abril de 2014 10h39min5
9s GMT-03:00
But there is only so much art can do against injustice, and the blues, from whic
h jazz took flight, were an embodiment of the sad truth that much beauty begins
as a consolation for what cant be mended.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 1.163 a 1.167 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014 1
5h20min29s GMT-03:00
when one reaches a suitable level of receptivity there is as much to be learned
from a soap advertisement as from a pense by Pascal. Mallarm did not consider hims
elf to be slumming when he got involved with womens fashion magazines. Baudelaire
, less afraid of the ephemerally chic than of the stultifyingly elevated, presag
ed the tradition by which to this day the most high-flown French artists and int
ellectuals show little reluctance when asked to be guest editor of Vogue. Just t
ry to stop them.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Marcador Pos. 1307 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2014 00h55min52s
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 1.336 a 1.338 | Data de adio: domingo, 13 de abril de 2014 11h05m
in02s GMT-03:00
It is commonly and truly said that young people who want to set the world to rig
hts learn later to be grateful that the world is not worse than it is; but if th
ey were convinced of that too early, we would lose their critical effect, and th
e world would be worse still.
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 87 | Pos. 1.329 a 1.333 | Data de adio: domingo, 13 de abril d
e 2014 17h03min22s GMT-03:00
A lista de Schindler, em seu nvel mais bsico, uma releitura de Jurassic Park (e, n
o mnimo, pior que o original), em que os nazistas so os monstruosos dinossauros, S
chindler (no comeo do filme) a figura paterna cnica, gananciosa e oportunista, e o
s judeus do gueto so as crianas ameaadas (sua infantilizao no filme espantosa). A his
tria que o filme conta a redescoberta gradual do dever paterno de Schindler para
com os judeus e sua transformao em pai carinhoso e responsvel.
A Short History of Decay (E.M. CIORAN)
- Destaque na pgina 13 | Pos. 190 a 195 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 22 de abril de
2014 17h02min07s GMT-03:00
To know, by all ones vitality, that one will die, and to be unable to conceal it,
is an act of barbarism. Any sincere philosophy renounces the claims of civiliza
tion, whose function consists in sifting our secrets and disguising them as rech
erch effects. Thus, frivolity is the most effective antidote to the disease of be
ing what one is: by frivolity we abuse the world and dissimulate the impropriety
of our depths. Without its artifices, how could we help blushing to have a soul
? Our skin-deep solitudes, what an inferno for other people! But it is always fo
r them, and sometimes for ourselves, that we invent our appearances. . . .
Patti Smith (Just Kids)
- Destaque Pos. 116 a 117 | Data de adio: sbado, 26 de abril de 2014 11h36min32s G
We used to laugh at our small selves, saying that I was a bad girl trying to be
good and that he was a good boy trying to be bad. Through the years these roles
would reverse, then reverse again, until we came to accept our dual natures. We
contained opposing principles, light and dark.
Shoplifting From American Apparel (Tao Lin)
- Destaque na pgina 6 | Pos. 81 a 85 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 28 de abril de
2014 11h51min52s GMT-03:00
I dont know what to do, said Luis. Do you wake up most days and your first thoughts
are of literature, you go to sleep thinking about literature. Yes, said Sam. That is
all I think about. If Im having a shitty time with Sheilas mom I think about writ
ing it in my novel later. I think about that the same time its happening. When Im ta
lking to someone I think can I use this dialogue in a book, said Luis. If the answer
is no I try talking to someone else.
Nos Cumes do Desespero (Emil Cioran)
- Destaque na pgina 3 | Pos. 32 a 34 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2
014 23h32min28s GMT-03:00
Estar cheio de si, no no sentido do orgulho, mas da riqueza; sentir-se feito de u
m infinito interior, numa tenso extrema - isto significa viver intensamente, inte
nsamente a ponto de sentir-se morrer de viver. To raro este sentimento, e to estra
nho, que ns deveramos viv-lo aos gritos. Preciso morrer de viver e me pergunto se e
xiste algum sentido em buscar explicaes.
A morte do pai: Minha luta 1 (Karl Ove Knausgrd)
- Destaque na pgina 25 | Pos. 373 a 377 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 10 de junho de
2014 10h53min36s GMT-03:00
a vida social no me traz nada. Nunca expresso o que realmente penso, o que realme
nte quero dizer, mas sempre concordo mais ou menos com o que meu interlocutor di
z, finjo que o que ele diz me interessa, a no ser quando bebo, nesse caso costumo
agir de maneira oposta e acordar no dia seguinte com a sensao de ter ultrapassado
os limites, algo que s tem aumentado com o passar dos anos, e agora pode se prol
ongar por semanas. Quando bebo, minha mente se turva e perco totalmente o contro
le sobre minhas aes, que com frequncia se tornam desesperadas e idiotas, mas sobret
udo desesperadas e perigosas.
Filosofia da Caixa Preta (Vilm Flusser)
- Marcador na pgina 11 | Pos. 160 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 10 de junho de 2014 1
2h29min12s GMT-03:00
Filosofia da Caixa Preta (Vilm Flusser)
- Destaque na pgina 6 | Pos. 78 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 10 de junho de 2014 12h
31min27s GMT-03:00
Realidade: tudo contra o que esbarramos no caminho morte, portanto, aquilo que n
os interessa.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 1.825 a 1.828 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2014 1
3h35min34s GMT-03:00
Hitler as a writer gave us Mein Kampf, which is worse than boring: Rudolf Hess,
who transcribed it as it poured from his heros lips, would have been driven mad i
f he had not already been that way anyway. Had Mein Kampf been even halfway read
able, more people would have actually read it, and the world would have been war
ned earlier.
Mulheres (Eduardo Galeano)
- Destaque na pgina 16 | Pos. 231 a 234 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 11 de junho
de 2014 23h53min37s GMT-03:00
Levo comigo o gosto do vinho na boca. (Por todas as coisas boas, dizamos, todas a
s coisas cada vez melhores que nos vo acontecer.) No levo nem uma nica gota de vene
no. Levo os beijos de quando voc partia (eu nunca estava dormindo, nunca). um ass
ombro por tudo isso que nenhuma carta, nenhuma explicao, podem dizer a ningum o que
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 2.011 a 2.013 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014 1
4h44min36s GMT-03:00
Steiner was right about the death of tragedy as a form, but only to the extent t
hat tragedy became formless by getting into everything, in the same way that the
ash from the chimneys got into the landscape.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 2.063 a 2.064 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014 1
4h53min39s GMT-03:00
Those who were reasonable have survived. Those who were passionate have lived.
Patti Smith (Just Kids)
- Destaque Pos. 753 a 754 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2014 20h24m
in14s GMT-03:00
Later he would say that the Church led him to God, and LSD led him to the univer
se. He also said that art led him to the devil, and sex kept him with the devil.
Patti Smith (Just Kids)
- Marcador Pos. 1435 | Data de adio: sbado, 28 de junho de 2014 14h04min41s GMT-03
Patti Smith (Just Kids)
- Destaque Pos. 2.439 | Data de adio: domingo, 29 de junho de 2014 14h40min27s GM
New scenery, new noise.
Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain (Ste
ven D. Levitt e Stephen J. Dubner)
- Destaque na pgina 35 | Pos. 522 a 523 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 1 de julho de 2
014 13h59min16s GMT-03:00
Once you embrace the spirit of experimentation, the world becomes a sandbox in w
hich to try out new ideas, ask new questions, and challenge the prevailing ortho
Graceful (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 78 a 86 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014 13h36mi
n56s GMT-03:00
Will inertia be your guide, or will you follow your passions? Will you follow do
gma, or will you be original? Will you choose a life of ease, or a life of servi
ce and adventure? Will you wilt under criticism, or will you follow your convict
ions? Will you bluff it out when youre wrong, or will you apologize? Will you gua
rd your heart against rejection, or will you act when you fall in love? Will you
play it safe, or will you be a little bit swashbuckling? When its tough, will yo
u give up or will you be relentless? Will you be a cynic, or will you be a build
er? Will you be clever at the expense of others, or will you be kind?
Tutameia (Joo Guimares Rosa)
- Marcador na pgina 40 | Pos. 600 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 201
4 14h00min16s GMT-03:00
Tutameia (Joo Guimares Rosa)
- Destaque na pgina 22 | Pos. 328 a 332 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de julho
de 2014 14h03min06s GMT-03:00
a maneira de um sujeito procurar explicar o que o telgrafo-sem-fio: Imagine um cach
orro basset, to comprido, que a cabea est no Rio e a ponta do rabo em Minas. Se se
belisca a ponta do rabo, em Minas, a cabea, no Rio, pega a latir... E isso o telgraf
o-sem-fio? No. Isso o telgrafo com fio. O sem-fio a mesma coisa... mas sem o corpo
o cachorro.
Tutameia (Joo Guimares Rosa)
- Destaque na pgina 27 | Pos. 410 a 411 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de julho
de 2014 14h07min14s GMT-03:00
O acar um pozinho branco, que d muito mau gosto ao caf, quando no se lho pe...
November 16, 1961 (a)
- Destaque Pos. 529 a 531 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014 16h21
min29s GMT-03:00
A blackness and sexuality and mystery cloudily surrounds all lambs of this worldth
ere is an intense secrecy to everything soft.
November 16, 1961 (a)
- Destaque Pos. 535 a 536 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014 16h21
min59s GMT-03:00
Lets give honor to beauty in all beings and set men and women free so they may mak
e their secret selves apparent
Lacrimae Rerum - Ensaios sobre Cinema Moderno (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 114 | Pos. 1.736 a 1.748 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 11 de ju
lho de 2014 17h04min14s GMT-03:00
parece que estamos obcecados pela aleatoriedade da vida e as verses alternativas
da realidade. Ou sentimos a vida como uma srie de mltiplos destinos paralelos que
interagem e so afetados de modo crucial por encontros contingentes sem significad
o, pontos de interseo nos quais uma srie influi em outra (ver Short Cuts, de Altman
), ou como uma repetio contnua de diferentes verses/desfechos do mesmo argumento (os
"universos paralelos" ou "mundos alternativos possveis"; vejam-se os filmes de K
ielowski, Sorte cega, A dupla vida de Vronique e A fraternidade vermelha; e at mesm
o historiadores "srios" publicaram recentemente a obra Histria virtual, uma interp
retao dos acontecimentos cruciais da era moderna, desde a vitria de Cromwell sobre
os Stuarts e a Guerra de Independncia dos Estados Unidos at a desintegrao do comunis
mo, como frutos de acasos imprevisveis e por vezes mesmo improvveis)[98]. Essa per
cepo da nossa realidade como um dos desfechos possveis muitas vezes nem sequer provv
eis de uma situao "aberta", essa ideia de que outros desenvolvimentos possveis no so
simplesmente eliminados, mas continuam a assombrar nossa realidade "verdadeira"
como um espectro do que podia ter acontecido e confere a ela um status de fragil
idade e contingncia extremas, colide implicitamente com as formas narrativas pred
ominantemente "lineares" da nossa literatura e do nosso cinema; parece exigir um
novo meio artstico, em que tudo isso j no seria um excesso excntrico, mas seu modo
de funcionamento "prprio".
Lacrimae Rerum - Ensaios sobre Cinema Moderno (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 138 | Pos. 2.113 a 2.119 | Data de adio: domingo, 13 de julho
de 2014 16h15min48s GMT-03:00
No podemos deixar escapar aqui o paradoxo de que o escravo (o servo) -o tanto mais
quanto mais entender (erradamente) sua posio como a de um agente autnomo; e o mesm
o aplica-se mulher a forma acabada de sua servido entender (erradamente) a si prpr
ia como um agente autnomo quando se comporta de um modo "feminino", submisso e se
nsvel. Por essa razo, o rebaixamento ontolgico weiningeriano da mulher enquanto mer
o "sintoma" do homem como a encarnao da fantasia masculina, como a imitao histrica da
verdadeira subjetividade masculina , quando admitido abertamente e assumido por
completo, muito mais subversivo do que a falsa afirmao da autonomia feminina. Talv
ez a atitude feminista por excelncia seja proclamar abertamente: "No existo em mim
mesma, sou apenas a encarnao da fantasia do Outro"[117]...
Lacrimae Rerum - Ensaios sobre Cinema Moderno (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 143 | Pos. 2.187 a 2.189 | Data de adio: domingo, 13 de julho
de 2014 16h25min04s GMT-03:00
Numa entrevista, afirmou o seguinte, a propsito de Solaris: "A misso de Kelvin em
Solaris tem talvez apenas um nico objetivo: mostrar que o amor do outro indispensv
el vida. Um homem sem amor deixa de ser um homem. O objetivo de toda a "solarstic
a" mostrar que a humanidade tem de ser amor"
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Marcador na pgina 72 | Pos. 1601 | Data de adio: domingo, 13 de julho de 2014 19
h04min03s GMT-03:00
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 8 | Pos. 115 a 119 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de julho
de 2014 16h27min35s GMT-03:00
No seu uso corrente, a palavra teso parece ter sensualizado tudo. E isso porque,
na poca atual, na conscincia do homem novo, a sensualidade a maior sinceridade das
coisas, o que realmente interessa. J foi o tempo do ascetismo, da inocncia, do sa
crifcio, da coerncia, da espiritualidade encarnada. Uma vez livre das represses soc
iais e polticas atravs do sexo, os jovens descobrem que a sensualidade a mais clar
a e intensa, a mais verdadeira e real sensao de estar vivo.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 15 | Pos. 223 a 235 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de julho
de 2014 16h40min34s GMT-03:00
Na cultura ocidental contempornea existem duas correntes de pensamento trgico que
ns, homens que optamos pela ludicidade de viver, devemos denunciar e combater: o
Catolicismo e a Psicanlise. O Catolicismo centra sua ao catequtica e sua liturgia na
perseguio, tortura, desespero e morte de Jesus Cristo, impondo como simbologia pr
incipal o filho de Deus crucificado, assassinado. Nada mais trgico, mais triste,
menos belo. Porm, a atrao e fascnio que exerce, deve ocorrer por conta de uma forma
de prazer sadomasoquista, prprio da f crist. Inclusive, a beleza mrbida e repugnante
que alguns crucifixos podem possuir, no disfara sua funo mrbida e cruel de fazer os
fiis sentirem, ao contempl-los, dor, culpa e remorso. Nascida do pensamento de um
homem genial, mas profundamente pessimista, triste, amargo e ressentido, a Psica
nlise reflete as caractersticas da histria da religio e da raa judaica no mundo. Sigm
und Freud era um homem que, segundo seu discpulo Wilhelm Reich, permitia-se pouca
convivncia com o prazer, com a beleza e com a alegria ldicos da existncia comum, o
que provam suas obras principais. Afirmar a existncia, no homem, de um instinto
de morte, supor ser a morte um mal, algo destrutivo e no simplesmente a ausncia, o
fim da vida. A sua afirmao de que a morte uma entidade equivalente da vida, parec
e coisa mais de sua formao religiosa que da cientfica, pois ela sujeita o homem aos
poderes polticos (via religio ou via cincia) para ser exorcizado do mal inerente s
ua natureza imperfeita. Isso os torna incompetentes e perigosos para a vida soci
al, sem proteo, tutela e controle permanentes. Enfim, dependncia, resultante da sup
osio de sua incapacidade natural para a autonomia e a autodeterminao.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 16 | Pos. 242 a 246 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de julho
de 2014 16h41min38s GMT-03:00
Estou querendo concluir que a religio judaica e a crist, bem como tudo aquilo que
a elas est ligado, direta ou indiretamente, como a Psicanlise, por exemplo, repres
entam o antiteso. Porque essas coisas existem apenas para combater e impedir o vi
ver natural ldico, e, sobretudo, o relativismo existencial que chamamos de liberd
ade. O teso, assim, tanto o de fundo inconsciente (individual e coletivo na pesso
a) quanto o consciente, a principal arma que dispomos para lutar contra todas as
tentativas de nos imporem as dependncias, as limitaes e as culpas que impedem as m
utaes existenciais e culturais, que fazem do homem um ser revolucionrio.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 19 | Pos. 280 a 282 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de julho
de 2014 16h52min32s GMT-03:00
Na luta interna entre as faces que constituem o poder econmico, as jogadas paranicas
e sadomasoquistas chegam ao limite da mais absurda perversidade, quer dizer, pa
ra se conquistar o controle mximo e total do Poder, a ameaa chantagista definitiva
que se faz a seguinte: ou tudo para mim ou o apocalipse universal para todos.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 25 | Pos. 378 a 381 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de julho
de 2014 17h15min13s GMT-03:00
A atitude relativista a busca do teso e o comportamento ldico dos protomutantes em
seu cotidiano libertrio pode ser encarada como imaturidade e irresponsabilidade
pelos tradicionalistas. As pessoas srias e que vivem sob e no controle de valores
absolutos, colocam o dever antes do prazer ou o dever em lugar do prazer. Talve
z o nico prazer possvel para eles seja a sensao aliviada e orgulhosa do dever cumpri
do a qualquer custo.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 26 | Pos. 399 a 403 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 15 de julho de
2014 10h38min12s GMT-03:00
Sendo desse jeito, quando me acusam de irresponsabilidade e percebo que a palavr
a foi usada no contexto da deformao semntica de seu significado original, ento eu ac
eito a acusao que passa a ter, para mim, sabor de elogio. Porque papel dos protomu
tantes atuarem irresponsavelmente na sociedade capitalista autoritria. Por exempl
o, eles devem se comportar de modo irritante e irresponsvel no combate ao desenvo
lvimento tecnolgico que fere e envenena o meio ambiente. Eles devem amar e gozar
irresponsavelmente e, irresponsavelmente, viver segundo o seu teso e a sua ludici
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 30 | Pos. 458 a 463 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 15 de julho de
2014 11h17min39s GMT-03:00
Outro caminho, alis o mais popular, com o qual se busca a felicidade, o do amor.
De uma certa forma, assemelha-se ao da religiosidade, sobretudo quanto sua ingen
uidade de um lado e o fanatismo de outro. O mais curioso a seu respeito, que o a
mor tem se demonstrado, atravs dos sculos e em todos os regimes polticos autoritrios
, to impotente quanto incompetente para realizar os sonhos de felicidade da maior
ia das pessoas. Entretanto, isso no lhe tira nem o prestgio nem a popularidade jun
to aos jovens amantes romnticos de todos os tempos. No de estranhar, pois, que sej
a aprovado e estimulado pelo poder poltico, alm de abenoado pelo poder da f.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 32 | Pos. 482 a 485 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 15 de julho de
2014 11h21min27s GMT-03:00
A realidade, pois, esta: pela chantagem amorosa, quando usamos o amor na forma d
e poder, podemos seduzir, dominar, nos apropriar, comandar, reprimir, castrar e
at matar as pessoas, apenas com ameaas de retirada, com a prpria retirada e com a p
erverso do nosso amor. Mas para que isso acontea, para que possamos manipular a vi
da das pessoas que nos amam e que dependem de ns, elas necessitam supor que somos
o melhor, o maior, o nico amante possvel em suas vidas. Essa ser a tarefa bsica da
seduo como instrumento de poder no amor.
Sem Teso Nao H Soluo (Roberto Freire)
- Destaque na pgina 33 | Pos. 495 a 502 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 15 de julho de
2014 11h23min44s GMT-03:00
a felicidade uma coisa impossvel de ser alcanada. Em verdade, acho que ela no exist
e e nem , sequer, necessria. Penso mesmo que sua ideologia deve ser fortemente com
batida tanto como estratgia poltica ou como delrio religioso e patolgico, produzidos
ora pela fome e ora pelo desespero, tanto pela misria quanto pela carncia amorosa
, mas sempre, em quaisquer situaes, manipulados pela parania autoritria do poder. Af
irmo que o sonho capitalista burgus de felicidade deve ser combatido de forma con
stante e efetiva, seja no plano poltico ou no plano psicolgico, porque a sua ideol
ogia nasce de pessoas incapacitadas para qualquer tipo de opo livre e que j se subm
eteram, voluntria ou involuntariamente, a uma vida de incompetncia e de impotncia o
rgstica vital. Assim, a esperana de vir um dia a ser feliz transforma-se, para ele
s, numa espcie de droga que os torna dependentes.
Serafims Pontes Grande (Oswald de Andrade)
- Destaque na pgina 9 | Pos. 135 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2014
11h43min39s GMT-03:00
A contribuio milionria de todos os erros. Como falamos. Como somos
Attempting Normal (Marc Maron)
- Destaque na pgina 9 | Pos. 129 a 132 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 31 de julho d
e 2014 16h41min59s GMT-03:00
I also have a strange heart quirk: I develop oddly deep emotional connections to
people in my life that are one-sided. I may be just a passing character to them
. I dont know what that is. I dont know why that is. I can have one encounter with
somebody and feel connected to them and read a lot into that. They become very
important people to me, but to them I may just be like, Oh yeah, we talked that o
ne time, right? To me its a life-changing moment that bonded us; to them, it was a
five-minute polite chat in passing.
Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain (Ste
ven D. Levitt e Stephen J. Dubner)
- Destaque na pgina 101 | Pos. 1.546 a 1.554 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 31 de j
ulho de 2014 23h25min00s GMT-03:00
So while designing the right incentive scheme certainly isnt easy, heres a simple
set of rules that usually point us in the right direction: 1.Figure out what peopl
e really care about, not what they say they care about. 2.Incentivize them on the
dimensions that are valuable to them but cheap for you to provide. 3.Pay attention
to how people respond; if their response surprises or frustrates you, learn fro
m it and try something different. 4.Whenever possible, create incentives that swit
ch the frame from adversarial to cooperative. 5.Never, ever think that people will
do something just because it is the right thing to do. 6.Know that some people will
do everything they can to game the system, finding ways to win that you never c
ould have imagined. If only to keep yourself sane, try to applaud their ingenuit
y rather than curse their greed.
Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain (Ste
ven D. Levitt e Stephen J. Dubner)
- Destaque na pgina 140 | Pos. 2.140 a 2.141 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 5 de agost
o de 2014 12h23min51s GMT-03:00
money is hardly the only resource that people toss into the sunk-cost trap. Thin
k about all the time, brainpower, and social or political capital you continued
to spend on some commitment only because you didnt like the idea of quitting.
Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain (Ste
ven D. Levitt e Stephen J. Dubner)
- Destaque na pgina 140 | Pos. 2.143 a 2.144 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 5 de agost
o de 2014 12h25min10s GMT-03:00
for every dollar or hour or brain cell you spend on one thing, you surrender the
opportunity to spend it elsewhere.
Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 88 a 89 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014 12h56min33
s GMT-03:00
I saw the Sex Pistols, said New Order frontman Bernard Sumner. They were terrible.
. . . I wanted to get up and be terrible with them. Raw enthusiasm is contagious.
Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 300 a 302 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014 15h22min
20s GMT-03:00
When she was young and starting out, Patti Smith got this advice from William Bu
rroughs: Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Dont make compromises. Dont worry
about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good
work . . . and if you can build a good name, eventually that name will be its o
wn currency.
Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 628 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014 15h59min56s GM
Compulsive avoidance of embarrassment is a form of suicide.
Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 736 a 738 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014 16h11min
24s GMT-03:00
Above all, recognize that if you have had success, you have also had luckand with
luck comes obligation. You owe a debt, and not just to your gods. You owe a debt
to the unlucky. Michael Lewis
The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) (Seth G
- Destaque na pgina 10 | Pos. 142 a 145 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 22 de agosto
de 2014 13h47min23s GMT-03:00
From a test-taking book: Skim through the questions and answer the easiest ones f
irst, skipping ones you dont know immediately. Bad advice. Superstars cant skip the
ones they dont know. In fact, the people who are the best in the world specializ
e at getting really good at the questions they dont know. The people who skip the
hard questions are in the majority, but they are not in demand.
The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) (Seth G
- Destaque na pgina 39 | Pos. 595 a 598 | Data de adio: sbado, 23 de agosto de 2014
17h41min02s GMT-03:00
Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, told me, We knew that Google was going to get b
etter every single day as we worked on it, and we knew that sooner or later, eve
ryone was going to try it. So our feeling was that the later you tried it, the b
etter it was for us because wed make a better impression with better technology.
So we were never in a big hurry to get you to use it today. Tomorrow would be be
The War of Art (Steven Pressfield)
- Destaque Pos. 394 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014 17h33min41
s GMT-03:00
Do the Work (Steven Pressfield e Seth (frw) Godin)
- Destaque na pgina 48 | Pos. 730 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de
2014 14h00min06s GMT-03:00
God hunt us all, if we do not hunt Moby Dick to his death!
O Amor Fodido (Miguel Esteves Cardoso)
- Destaque Pos. 173 a 177 | Data de adio: domingo, 14 de setembro de 2014 00h32mi
n49s GMT-03:00
Serei o teu lembrador, quem te lembra, quem te aproxima de quem eras. No falarei
com ningum, mas ai de quem vier falar comigo. Hei-de chatear toda a gente com a t
ua pessoa. Ai, as histrias que vou contar, nunca mais acabaro, sero feitas s de cois
as simples, como cafs e cinemas, nada de ntimo ou de interessante, s banalidades, d
aquelas que do cabo de mim, que no consigo esquecer por mais uma meu Deus, como vo
u chorar! Ningum se poder ir embora. Vai ser uma tortura. bem feito, para no se met
erem com quem no foi feito para viver.
O Amor Fodido (Miguel Esteves Cardoso)
- Destaque Pos. 181 a 183 | Data de adio: domingo, 14 de setembro de 2014 00h34mi
n13s GMT-03:00
Porque tens a impresso que vais dormir bem. Como que eu no te matei antes? Achava-
te graa. Os crimes que se evitam s porque se acha graa a algum. Se tivesse de escolh
er dentre todas as coisas bonitas que se podem achar de outra pessoa, escolheria
sempre a graa. Ento a tua.
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 113 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2014 18h42m
in07s GMT-03:00
Land and labor alone, and land, labor and capital together, can t produce new we
alth if they are all organized by a fallacious idea, such as searching for oil w
here oil is not. The real source of wealth is correct ideas: workable ideas: tha
t is, negative entropyInformation. The origin of these coherent (workable) ideas
is the human nervous system. All wealth is created by human beings using their n
eurons intelligently.
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 130 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014 11h02mi
n26s GMT-03:00
The most "idiotic" and "superstitious" taboos, from the Rationalist viewpoint, a
lways had some function when invented. For instance, the most "pointlessly" elab
orate (non-genetic) "incest" taboos, in which virtually everybody in the tribe b
ecomes unavailable sexually to everybody else, force exogamy (marriage outside t
he tribe). This creates affectional alliances (family ties) between tribes and d
ecreases warfare. Something like this primitive exogamy survived into very recen
t times, in the custom of marrying one royal family to another.
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 182 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014 09h49
min38s GMT-03:00
Most animals simply play most of the time, solve problems of survival when they
have to, or die of not solving the problems; only humans are conscious of strugg
ling, and hence worried and depressed about the Game of Life
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 226 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014 15h01
min25s GMT-03:00
The only sensible goal, then, is to try to build a reality-tunnel for next week
that is bigger, funnier, sexier, more optimistic and generally less boring than
any previous reality-tunnel. And once you have built that bigger, funnier, happi
er universe of thought, build a bigger and better one, for next month
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 258 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014 17h19
min18s GMT-03:00
Dr. Prigogine s work deals with the processes we have been discussing the emerg
ence of negative entropy (coherent order) out of stochastic processes but he has
taken a giant leap beyond the pioneering insights of Schrodinger, Weiner, Shann
on and Bateson. Any organized system, according to Prigogine, exists in dynamic
tension between entropy and negentropy, between chaos and information. The more
complex the system, the greater is its instability. Prigogine demonstrated this
mathematically, but in everyday terms, what he means is that, for instance, it i
s easier to lead two children through a department store than twenty children. O
r: A toothpick "house" of 101 pieces is less stable than a smaller toothpick "ho
use" of 10 pieces. Instability is not always bad: in fact, it is absolutely nece
ssary for evolution to occur. Inse ct societies are highly stable and have not e
volved at all in several million years. Human societies are highly unstable and
are in continuous evolution. Prigogine demonstrates the evolutionary value of in
stability by his concept of the " dissipative structure. " A dissipative structu
re is highly complex and therefore highly unstable. The more complex it is, the
more unstable it is, mathematically, certain/v; and the more unstable, the more
likely it is to change to evolve. All dissipative structures are teetering, perp
etually, between self-destruction and re-organization on a higher level of infor
mation (coherence). If that sounds grim, it isn t really. Prigogine s math is hi
ghly optimistic, He shows that the more complex structures such as our world-rou
nd human society today, midway between Second Wave indust-reality and the emergi
ng Third Wave are mathematically more likely, much more likely, to "dissipate" i
nto higher coherence than into self-destruction.
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 259 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014 17h20
min11s GMT-03:00
In other words, in the intellectual conflict between Utopians and Dystopians, th
e mathematical odds actually are on the side of Utopians. Our human world is so
information-rich (coherent) that it is almost certain to "collapse" into even hi
gher coherence, not into chaos and self-destruction. Prigogine is the mathematic
al demonstration of McLuhan s intuition that many seeming symptoms of breakdown
are actually harbingers of breakthrough. A note to confirmed pessimists: Prigogi
ne s analysis is based on probability-theory and, hence, is not certain. Thus, i
f you have found these lyrical pages unduly alarming, take comfort in the though
t that, although human success is highly probable, there is still a small chance
that we can blow ourselves up or that your favorite apocalyptic scenarios might
still occur, despite the general trend toward higher coherence and higher intel
ligence. Meanwhile, of course, even if humanity seems condemned to overall succe
ss, you can still mess up your personal life. Nothing in this book is an attempt
to prevent the really resolute miseryaddicts from continuing their pursuit of f
rustration and failure
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
- Destaque em Pgina 278 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014 19h45
min04s GMT-03:00
In brief, Intelligence Intensification means intelligence-studying-intelligence
(I2), and the first thing discovered by intelligence-studying-intelligence (the
brain studying the brain: metaprogramming) is that the more types of intelligenc
e you have, the more fun it is to try to develop even more subtle, sensitive, fu
tique levels of awareness; higher intelligence still. In summary, Intelligence I
ntensification is desirable, because there is not a single problem confronting h
umanity that is notPrometheus Rising 279 either caused or considerably worsened
by the prevailing stupidity (insensitivity) of the species: badly wired robots b
umping into and maiming and killing each other. Intelligence Intensification is
attainable, because modern advances in neuroscience are showing us how to alter
any imprinted, conditioned or learned reflex that previously restricted us. Inte
lligence Intensification is hedonic, because the more freedom and consciousness
you achieve, the more you want; the less willing you are to slip back to dumb, b
lind, mechanistic circuits
ultraculturejournalone (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 233 a 239 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014 10h
25min28s GMT-03:00
223.9. Exist and exit are the same. The Garden is filled with lies. 234.6. Sourc
e are rare. The original Garden was a refraction of a source of light; the sourc
e of that light was an illuminator of this hologram. Our original sin was to bel
ieve that a solid hallucination was more real than its source. We now know that
the source is more real than the original refraction. To eat knowledge is to gra
sp and consume solidity, our awareness instructing us that by absorbing into our
entire being this forbidden fruit, we invest each neurovisual particle of our f
lesh with an inclusion principle. As consciousness is fixed, so the individual i
s released. The source is swallowed in this synthesis, beginning a prophetic jou
rney into the means of perception unprecedented before the thermo-memetic experi
ultraculturejournalone (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 256 a 259 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014 10h
27min58s GMT-03:00
The blind may not lead the illuminated, rather they must be forced to surrender
all thought of vision to those who are their eyes and who dream the most dangero
us dreams of annihilation. We control things to eradicate them. Nothing matters
but the end of matter.
ultraculturejournalone (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 270 a 271 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014 10h
29min35s GMT-03:00
Space is our church, the stars our windows, our dreams navigate pathways, only a
n ancient map has been lost.
ultraculturejournalone (Desconhecido(a))
- Destaque Pos. 278 a 283 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014 10h
31min29s GMT-03:00
We have formed sounds, made names, trapping matter with language. We perpetuate
our tyranny and drown in a flood of speculation and false communication. To be r
eborn, immortal, outside time, we must look for ways to transmit infinite altern
ate realities, and choices of reality, to make them as real, more real than any
emasculating reductions that we inherit; yet not be corrupted and trivialized by
a belief in our singularity. Nothing is real, everything must go. Every inherit
ed construct, society, techno-patriotic political system that trades off believi
ng it exists, must be destroyed as fast as possible. We must make space to be sp
jargon (hacker)
- Destaque Pos. 40 a 44 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014 10h02mi
n25s GMT-03:00
Among hackers, though, slang has a subtler aspect, paralleled perhaps in the sla
ng of jazz musicians and some kinds of fine artists but hard to detect in most t
echnical or scientific cultures; parts of it are code for shared states of consc
iousness. There is a whole range of altered states and problem-solving mental st
ances basic to high-level hacking which don t fit into conventional linguistic r
eality any better than a Coltrane solo or one of Maurits Escher s trompe l oeil
compositions (Escher is a favorite of hackers), and hacker slang encodes these
subtleties in many unobvious ways. As
jargon (hacker)
- Destaque Pos. 317 a 320 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014 14h30
min12s GMT-03:00
What is common is to hear hardware or software talked about as though it has hom
unculi talking to each other inside it, with intentions and desires. Thus, one h
ears "The protocol handler got confused", or that programs "are trying" to do th
ings, or one may say of a routine that "its goal in life is to X". One even hear
s explanations like "... and its poor little brain couldn t understand X, and it
jargon (hacker)
- Destaque Pos. 810 a 813 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014 21h04
min23s GMT-03:00
airplane rule n. "Complexity increases the possibility of failure; a twin-engine
airplane has twice as many engine problems as a single-engine airplane." By ana
logy, in both software and electronics, the rule that simplicity increases robus
tness. It is correspondingly argued that the right way to build reliable systems
is to put all your eggs in one basket, after making sure that you ve built a re
ally good basket.
Davi e Golias: A arte de enfrentar gigantes (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Destaque na pgina 124 | Pos. 1.888 a 1.891 | Data de adio: domingo, 5 de outubro
de 2014 16h17min55s GMT-03:00
O domnio do medo produz euforia. E: O contraste entre a apreenso anterior e o alvio
e a sensao de segurana atuais promove uma autoconfiana que o pai e a me da coragem.
Coragem no algo que voc j tem e o torna destemido quando tempos difceis comeam. Corag
em o que voc conquista quando passou por tempos difceis e descobriu que no so to difc
is assim.
Proud Highway (Hunter S. Thompson)
- Destaque na pgina 20 | Pos. 300 a 303 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 20 de outub
ro de 2014 12h07min32s GMT-03:00
I think that the very fact that I wrote this letter and that I feel a need to wri
te it shows the value of putting words in order on a piece of paper, Thompson wro
te to a girlfriend while in the Air Force. I guess that is why I write as many le
tters as I do, because its the only wayoutside of actually getting to work and wri
ting fictionI can look at life objectively. Otherwise, Im so involved in it that I
forget that the rest of the world is merely a stage setting for my life.
Proud Highway (Hunter S. Thompson)
- Destaque na pgina 22 | Pos. 326 a 328 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 20 de outub
ro de 2014 12h13min22s GMT-03:00
I damn well intend to keep on living the way I think I should. And in that same no
te he also expressed two cardinal rules for aspiring writers. First, never hesita
te to use force, and second, abuse your credit for all its worth. If you remembe
r these, and if you can keep your wits about you, theres a chance youll make it.
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 140 | Pos. 2.141 a 2.146 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 23 de o
utubro de 2014 22h00min43s GMT-03:00
Essa a posio de sabedoria: o sbio sabe que no deve impor a realidade, que um tiquin
corrupo a melhor defesa contra a grande corrupo. O cristianismo, nesse sentido, uma
forma de antissabedoria par excellence: uma aposta maluca na Verdade, em contra
ste com o paganismo que, em ltima anlise, conta com a sabedoria (Tudo volta ao p, a
Roda da Vida gira para sempre...). A limitao fatdica dessa postura de sabedoria resi
de no formalismo pertencente noo de equilbrio, de evitar os extremos. Quando ouvimo
s frases do tipo no precisamos do controle total do Estado nem do liberalismo/indi
vidualismo totalmente no regulado, e sim da medida certa entre esses dois extremo
s, o problema com que deparamos de imediato a medida dessa medida; o ponto de equ
ilbrio sempre pressuposto em silncio.
O Ano em Que Sonhamos Perigosamente (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 40 | Pos. 604 a 610 | Data de adio: domingo, 26 de outubro de
2014 16h15min52s GMT-03:00
por um lado, a classe mdia contra a politizao ela s quer sustentar seu estilo de vid
a, poder trabalhar e viver em paz, e por isso que apoia golpes autoritrios que pr
ometem acabar com a louca mobilizao poltica da sociedade, para que todos possam vol
tar ao trabalho; por outro lado, os membros da classe mdia na forma da ameaada mai
oria moral trabalhadora e patriota so os principais instigadores da mobilizao em ma
ssa dos grupos de base na forma do populismo direitista, desde Le Pen na Frana e
Geert Wilders na Holanda at o Tea Party nos Estados Unidos. Em terceiro lugar, co
mo parte da passagem global do predomnio do discurso do mestre para o discurso da
universidade, surgiu uma nova figura, a do especialista (tecnocrtico, financeiro
), que supostamente capaz de governar (ou melhor, administrar) de uma maneira ps-id
eolgica neutra, sem representar nenhum interesse especfico.
- Destaque na pgina 40 | Pos. 601 a 614 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 27 de outub
ro de 2014 12h17min10s GMT-03:00
Cada causa para salvar o mundo tem uma lista de sugestes para o que cada um de ns p
ode fazer: ir de bicicleta ao trabalho, reciclar e assim por diante. Eu posso pro
por uma lista como esta, referente aos problemas que discuto neste livro: No poste
uma mensagem anonimamente a no ser que voc realmente esteja em perigo. Se voc se es
fora para ajudar na elaborao de artigos da Wikipdia, empenhe-se ainda mais para util
izar sua voz e expresso pessoais fora do wiki7 para ajudar a atrair pessoas que a
inda no sabem que podem se interessar pelos tpicos com os quais voc contribui. Crie
um website que expresse algo sobre quem voc e que no se encaixe no modelo disponvel
para voc em um site de rede de relacionamentos sociais. Publique de tempos em tem
pos um vdeo que levou cem vezes mais tempo para criar do que leva para assistir. E
screva em um blog uma mensagem que levou semanas de reflexo antes de voc ter ouvid
o a voz interior que exigia expresso. Se voc postar mensagens no Twitter, inove par
a encontrar uma maneira de descrever o seu estado interior em vez de eventos ext
ernos triviais para evitar o perigo cada vez maior de acreditar que voc definido
pela descrio de eventos objetivos, como se fosse uma mquina. Essas so algumas das co
isas que voc pode fazer para ser uma pessoa em vez de uma fonte de fragmentos a s
erem explorados pelos outros.
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 147 | Pos. 2.242 a 2.245 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 28 de outu
bro de 2014 15h06min33s GMT-03:00
Somente atravs do Estado o povo se constitui como povo; somente na resistncia ao E
stado o povo permanece povo. Portanto, assim como a democracia exige a crtica ant
idemocrtica para permanecer democrtica, o Estado democrtico talvez exija tambm a res
istncia democrtica, em vez da vassalagem, se no quiser tornar-se a morte da democra
cia. Do mesmo modo, a democracia pode exigir da teoria que fornea crticas insalubr
es e ideais inalcanveis.
Formas de voltar para casa (Alejandro Zambra)
- Destaque na pgina 29 | Pos. 430 a 433 | Data de adio: domingo, 9 de novembro de
2014 10h46min26s GMT-03:00
Mas fico muitssimo contente que voc tenha voltado a escrever, acrescentou. Gosto d
o que te acontece quando escreve. Escrever te faz bem, te protege. Me protege de
qu? As palavras te protegem. Voc procura frases, procura palavras, isso superbom,
disse ela.
A vida privada das arvores (Alejandro Zambra)
- Destaque Pos. 544 a 545 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014 15h03
min40s GMT-03:00
Tudo bem, era sem compromisso, como deve ser: ama-se para deixar-se de amar e se
deixa de amar para comear a amar outros, ou para ficar sozinho, por um tempo ou
para sempre. Esse o dogma. O nico dogma.
Maximize Your Potential: Grow Your Expertise,Take Bold Risks&Build an Incredible Ca
reer (The 99U Book Series) (Jocelyn K. Glei)
- Destaque Pos. 283 a 286 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014 13h
06min18s GMT-03:00
The moment you move to protecting the status quo instead of disrupting the status
quo, you put yourself at risk. Thats the challenge for businesses, and thats the c
hallenge for individuals: understanding the point at which you are protecting wh
at you know and defending what you know, instead of looking at what else you can
learn and how you can grow. ROBERT
Histria da Literatura Ocidental (Joaquim Campelo Marques)
- Destaque na pgina 204 | Pos. 3.122 a 3.123 | Data de adio: domingo, 16 de novemb
ro de 2014 15h16min51s GMT-03:00
Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.
Histria da Literatura Ocidental (Joaquim Campelo Marques)
- Destaque na pgina 243 | Pos. 3.724 a 3.734 | Data de adio: domingo, 16 de novemb
ro de 2014 15h40min01s GMT-03:00
a realidade. Mas os cultos, entre os romanos, no a sonharam assim, desde Cipio, o
Africano, e o seu crculo de graeculi, que se enamoraram da literatura grega. No su
portavam a companhia dos militares e burocratas. Quando, nos ltimos anos da Repbli
ca, a corrupo se introduziu entre os generais e governadores, e quando demagogos a
narquistas se aproveitaram da situao para arengar s massas urbanas, formadas pelo xo
do rural, dos latifndios, ento as elites cultas, vivendo da corrupo geral e no meio
dela, indignaram-se e se alegraram simultaneamente, como se dissessem: Esses sarg
entos e burocratas encontraro o fim merecido na revoluo social, que ser, no entanto,
o fim da nossa prpria vida, culta porque abastada. Eis o esprito, ambguo entre indi
gnao moral e corrupo espiritual, em que Salstio129 descreve as discusses turbulentas n
o Senado, na poca da revoluo anarquista de Catilina (De coniuratione Catilinae), e
a corrupo criminosa dos generais e governadores romanos, na poca da conquista da fri
ca (De bello Iugurthino).
Geek Sublime: The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty (Vikram Chandra)
- Destaque Pos. 155 a 156 | Data de adio: domingo, 16 de novembro de 2014 16h25mi
n15s GMT-03:00
Greg Wilson, the editor of Beautiful Code, an anthology of essays by programmers
about the most beautiful piece of code they knew,
I Wear the Black Hat: Grappling With Villains (Real and Imagined) (Chuck Kloster
- Destaque na pgina 20 | Pos. 300 a 301 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 25 de novembro
de 2014 09h12min35s GMT-03:00
(nobody writes about the intellectual class without latently placing themselves
in it, somehow).
I Wear the Black Hat: Grappling With Villains (Real and Imagined) (Chuck Kloster
- Destaque na pgina 66 | Pos. 998 a 999 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 27 de novemb
ro de 2014 19h40min06s GMT-03:00
heart (or, more accurately, the emotional part of the brain we like to pretend i
s living in the chest).
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 150 | Pos. 2.295 a 2.300 | Data de adio: domingo, 30 de novemb
ro de 2014 09h08min29s GMT-03:00
Brown, portanto, faz uma domesticao de Nietzsche, a transformao de sua teoria num ex
erccio de transgresso inerente: provocaes que no so realmente a srio, mas visam, p
e seu carter provocador, nos despertar do sono dogmtico-democrtico e, portanto, contr
ibuir para a revitalizao da prpria democracia... assim que o establishment gosta de
seus tericos subversivos: varejeiras inofensivas que nos picam e assim nos despert
am para as inconsistncias e imperfeies do empreendimento democrtico. Que Deus no perm
ita que levem o projeto a srio e tentem
Scrum - a arte de faze o dobro de trabalho na metade do tempo (Jeff Sutherland)
- Destaque Pos. 390 a 396 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014 1
2h20min20s GMT-03:00
uma galinha e um porco esto caminhando pela estrada, e a galinha diz: Ei, porco, e
u estava pensando que a gente devia abrir um restaurante. E qual vai ser o nome do
restaurante?, pergunta o porco. Que tal Presunto e Ovos? No, obrigado, responde o po
. Eu teria que me comprometer, mas voc s teria de se envolver.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 2.200 a 2.205 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 201
4 13h11min03s GMT-03:00
Science lives in a perpetual present, and must always discard its own past as it
advances. (If a contemporary thermodynamicist refers to the literature on phlog
iston, he will do so as a humanist, not as a scientist. Nor did Edwin Hubble nee
d to know about Ptolemy, although he did.) The humanities do not advance in that
sense: they accumulate, and the past is always retained. The two forms of knowl
edge thus have fundamentally different kinds of history. A scientist can revisit
scientific history at his choice. A humanist has no choice: he must revisit the
history of the humanities all the time, because it is always alive, and cant be
superseded. Two different kinds of history, and two different kinds of time.
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 2.211 a 2.212 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 201
4 13h14min01s GMT-03:00
The power of science is to transform the world in ways that not even scientists
can predict. The power of the humanitiesof the one and only cultureis to interpret
the world in ways that anybody can appreciate.
iWoz: A verdadeira histria da Apple segundo seu cofundador (Steve Wozniak e Gina
- Destaque Pos. 2.381 a 2.392 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 20
14 17h01min46s GMT-03:00
Eu e Steve Jobs fomos melhores amigos por muitos e muitos anos. Por algum tempo
tivemos os mesmos objetivos. E conseguimos realiz-los perfeitamente ao fundarmos
a Apple. Mas sempre fomos pessoas diferentes desde o incio. estranho, mas quando
comecei a trabalhar no que mais tarde se tornou a placa do Apple I, tive uma ide
ia sobre dois sujeitos que morrem no mesmo dia. Um deles realmente bem-sucedido
e passou a vida toda dirigindo companhias, gerenciando-as, garantindo que fossem
lucrativas e estabelecendo metas de vendas a toda hora. J o outro sujeito, tudo
que fez foi ficar preguiosamente por a, sem muito dinheiro, contando piadas, acomp
anhando as novas tecnologias, engenhocas e outras coisas que achava interessante
s no mundo, e simplesmente passou a vida rindo. Em minha cabea, o sujeito que pre
fere rir a controlar coisas o que ter a vida mais feliz. Essa minha opinio. Imagin
o que a felicidade a coisa mais importante na vida, na proporo de quanto se ri. O
sujeito que tem uma cabea que parece flutuar muito feliz. Esse sujeito sou eu. A
pessoa que eu sempre quis ser. Por isso nunca deixei que episdios como o do Break
out me incomodassem. Embora possa at discordar e at mesmo romper um relacionamento
, no necessrio guardar mgoas. As pessoas simplesmente so diferentes. Essa a melhor
aneira de viver a vida e de ser feliz.
Dirio da Tarde (Paulo Mendes Campos)
- Destaque Pos. 389 a 396 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015 09h18mi
n19s GMT-03:00
O Indispensvel 1) Homem indispensvel jamais recusa servio. 2) Homem indispensvel faz
trabalho de meia dzia. 3) Homem indispensvel no pede aumento. 4) Homem indispensvel
no cobra horas extras. 5) Homem indispensvel contra greve. 6) Homem indispensvel a
lmoa sanduche. 7) Homem indispensvel leva garotada de chefe ao parque de diverses. 8
) Homem indispensvel no tira frias. 9) Homem indispensvel adoece mas no fica na cama.
10) Homem indispensvel dispensa flores no enterro dele.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 41 | Pos. 1.193 a 1.214 | Data de adio: domingo, 18 de janeiro
de 2015 15h15min45s GMT-03:00
Technologies Have Biases DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF Media theorist; documentary writer; au
thor, Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age People like to th
ink of technologies and media as neutral and that only their use or content dete
rmines their effect. Guns dont kill people, after all; people kill people. But gu
ns are much more biased toward killing people than, say, pillowseven though many
a pillow has been utilized to smother an aging relative or adulterous spouse. Ou
r widespread inability to recognize or even acknowledge the biases of the techno
logies we use renders us incapable of gaining any real agency through them. We a
ccept our iPads, Facebook accounts, and automobiles at face valueas preexisting c
onditionsrather than as tools with embedded biases. Marshall McLuhan exhorted us
to recognize that our media affect us beyond whatever content is being transmitt
ed through them. And while his message was itself garbled by the media through w
hich he expressed it (the medium is the what?), it is true enough to be generali
zed to all technology. We are free to use any car we like to get to workgasoline-
, diesel-, electric-, or hydrogen-poweredand this sense of choice blinds us to th
e fundamental bias of the automobile toward distance, commuting, suburbs, and en
ergy consumption. Likewise, soft technologies, from central currency to psychoth
erapy, are biased in their construction as much as in their implementation. No m
atter how we spend U.S. dollars, we are nonetheless fortifying banking and the c
entralization of capital. Put a psychotherapist on his own couch and a patient i
n the chair and the therapist will begin to exhibit treatable pathologies. Its se
t up that way, just as Facebook is set up to make us think of ourselves in terms
of our likes and an iPad is set up to make us start paying for media and stop pro
ducing them ourselves. If the concept that technologies have biases were to beco
me common knowledge, we could implement them consciously and purposefully. If we
dont bring this concept into general awareness, our technologies and their effec
ts will continue to threaten and confound us.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 47 | Pos. 1.268 a 1.271 | Data de adio: domingo, 18 de janeiro
de 2015 15h27min22s GMT-03:00
Mischel refers to this skill as the strategic allocation of attention, and he argu
es that its the skill underlying self-control. Too often, we assume that willpowe
r is about having strong moral fiber. But thats wrong. Willpower is really about
properly directing the spotlight of attention, learning how to control that shor
t list of thoughts in working memory. Its about realizing that if were thinking ab
out the marshmallow, were going to eat it, which is why we need to look away.
Como fazer Amigos e Influenciar Pessoas (Dale Carnegie)
- Destaque Pos. 838 a 839 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015 11h3
1min57s GMT-03:00
Passarei por este caminho uma s vez; por isso, se existe qualquer bem ou qualquer
gesto de bondade que eu possa fazer em benefcio do ser humano, que eu faa j. Que eu
no o adie ou negligencie, pois por aqui jamais passarei.
Silogismos da amargura (Emil Cioran)
- Destaque Pos. 55 | Data de adio: domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2015 18h13min29s GM
A histria das ideias a histria do rancor dos solitrios.
Silogismos da amargura (Emil Cioran)
- Destaque Pos. 75 | Data de adio: domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2015 18h14min39s GM
S os espritos superficiais abordam as ideias com delicadeza.
Silogismos da amargura (Emil Cioran)
- Destaque Pos. 140 a 143 | Data de adio: domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2015 18h20mi
n21s GMT-03:00
O talento o meio mais seguro de falsear tudo, de deformar as coisas e de equivocar
-se quanto a si mesmo. S possuem uma existncia verdadeira aqueles a quem a naturez
a no sobrecarregou com nenhum dom. Por isso seria difcil imaginar universo mais fa
lso que o universo literrio ou homem mais desprovido de realidade que o homem de
Silogismos da amargura (Emil Cioran)
- Destaque Pos. 218 a 219 | Data de adio: domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2015 18h27mi
n50s GMT-03:00
No encontrei no edifcio do pensamento nenhuma categoria sobre a qual descansar a m
inha cabea. Em compensao, que travesseiro o caos!
Odisseia (Homero)
- Marcador Pos. 2087 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2015 23h46m
in00s GMT-03:00
O Leilo do Lote 49 (Thomas Pynchon)
- Destaque na pgina 16 | Pos. 234 a 237 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 3 de maro de 201
5 13h01min20s GMT-03:00
Ocorreu-lhe que a estrada era na verdade uma agulha hipodrmica, inserida mais adi
ante na veia de uma auto-estrada que ia alimentar a viciada Los Angeles, mantend
o-a feliz, coerente, protegida da dor ou do que quer que significasse dor para u
ma cidade. Mas, se dipa fosse um simples cristal dissolvido de herona urbana, Los
Angeles, na verdade, no estaria menos drogada na ausncia dela.
- Destaque na pgina 79 | Pos. 1.202 a 1.205 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 3 de maro de
2015 13h33min55s GMT-03:00
Esse um exemplo simples de como os designers digitais poderiam escolher ser mode
stos em relao a suas pretenses de compreender a natureza dos seres humanos. Designe
rs esclarecidos deixam em aberto a possibilidade de uma caracterstica metafsica di
stintiva nos seres humanos ou no potencial de processos criativos imprevistos qu
e no possam ser explicados por ideias, como a evoluo, que j acreditamos ser capazes
de traduzir em sistemas de software. Esse tipo de modstia a marca de qualidade de
uma abordagem centrada no ser humano.
O Olho e o Esprito (Maurice Merleau-ponty)
- Destaque Pos. 35 a 40 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 4 de maro de 2015 13h20min25
s GMT-03:00
Quando vejo atravs da espessura da gua o revestimento de azulejos no fundo da pisci
na, no o vejo apesar da gua, dos reflexos, vejo-o justamente atravs deles, por eles
. Se no houvesse essas distores, essas zebruras do sol, se eu visse sem essa carne
a geometria dos azulejos, deixaria de v-los como so, onde esto, a saber: mais longe
que todo lugar idntico. A prpria gua, a fora aquosa, o elemento viscoso e brilhante
, no posso dizer que esteja no espao: ela no est alhures, mas tambm no est na piscina.
Ela a habita, materializa-se ali, mas no est contida ali, e, se ergo os olhos em d
ireo ao anteparo de ciprestes onde brinca a trama dos reflexos, no posso contestar
que a gua tambm o visita, ou pelo menos envia at l sua essncia ativa e expressiva.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Marcador na pgina 74 | Pos. 1629 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 5 de maro de 2015
22h47min31s GMT-03:00
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 78 | Pos. 1.676 a 1.680 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 5 de maro
de 2015 22h58min43s GMT-03:00
In every room, in every house, in every street, in every city, movements, relati
ons, and spaces are also defined with regard to logics of sexual attraction-repu
lsion between individuals. Even the most insurmountable ethnic or religious barr
iers can suddenly disappear in the furor of intercourse; even the warmest and mo
st cohesive community can rapidly dissolve in the absence of erotic tension. To
understand how our cosmopolitan and multigendered cities work, we need a proxemi
cs of urban sexuality.
Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction in
Life and Markets (John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 6 | Pos. 87 a 92 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 6 de maro de 2015
13h39min30s GMT-03:00
Each neuron is imprisoned in your brain. I now think of these as cells within ce
lls, as cells within prison cells. Realize that every neuron in your brain, ever
y human cell in your body (leaving aside all the symbionts), is a direct descend
ant of eukaryotic cells that lived and fended for themselves for about a billion
years as free-swimming, free-living little agents. They fended for themselves,
and they survived. They had to develop an awful lot of know-how, a lot of talent
, a lot of self-protective talent to do that. When they joined forces into multi
cellular creatures, they gave up a lot of that. They became, in effect, domestic
ated. They became part of larger, more monolithic organizations. My hunch is tha
t thats true in general.
Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction in
Life and Markets (John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 7 | Pos. 96 a 101 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 6 de maro de 201
5 13h41min02s GMT-03:00
Maybe a lot of the neurons in our brains are not just capable but, if you like,
motivated to be more adventurous, more exploratory or risky in the way they comp
ort themselves, in the way they live their lives. Theyre struggling among themsel
ves with each other for influence, just for staying alive, and theres competition
going on between individual neurons. As soon as that happens, you have room for
cooperation to create alliances, and I suspect that a more free-wheeling, anarc
hic organization is the secret of our greater capacities of creativity, imaginat
ion, thinking outside the box and all that, and the price we pay for it is our s
usceptibility to obsessions, mental illnesses, delusions, and smaller problems.
Em Defesa Das Dausas Perdidas (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque na pgina 160 | Pos. 2.447 a 2.454 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 9 de m
aro de 2015 13h04min42s GMT-03:00
Em contraste com o judasmo e o cristianismo, as outras duas religies do Livro, o i
slamismo exclui Deus do domnio da lgica paterna: Al no pai, nem mesmo um pai simblico
; Deus, como Um, no nascido nem gera criaturas: no h lugar para uma Sagrada Famlia n
o islamismo. por isso que o islamismo enfatiza tanto o fato de o prprio Maom ser rfo
; por isso que, no islamismo, Deus intervm exatamente nos momentos de suspenso, re
cuo, fracasso, blecaute da funo paterna (quando a me ou o filho so abandonados ou igno
rados pelo pai biolgico). Isso significa que Deus permanece totalmente no domnio d
o Real impossvel: Ele o Real impossvel alm do pai, de modo que h um deserto genealgic
entre o homem e Deus[111]. (Esse era o problema do islamismo para Freud, j que to
da a sua teoria da religio se baseia no paralelo entre Deus e o pai.)
Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction in
Life and Markets (John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 13 | Pos. 197 a 210 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 10 de maro de 20
15 09h14min49s GMT-03:00
I blame the pastors, but where do they get their ideas? Well, they get them from
the hierarchies of their churches. Where do they get their ideas? Up at the top
, I figure theres some people that really should be ashamed of themselves. They k
now better. Theyre lying, and when I get a chance, I try to ask them that. I say,
Doesnt it bother you that your grandchildren are going to want to know why you th
ought you had to lie to everybody about evolution? I mean, really. Theyre lies. Th
eyve got to know that these are lies. Theyre not that stupid, and I just would lov
e them to worry about what their grandchildren and great-grandchildren would say
about how their ancestors were so craven and so arrogant. Its a combination of a
rrogance and cravenness. We now have to start working on that structure of exper
ts and thinking, why does that persist? How can it be that so many influential,
powerful, wealthy, in-the-public people can be so confidently wrong about evolut
ionary biology? How did that happen? Why does it happen? Why does it persist? It
really is a bit of a puzzle, if you think about how embarrassed theyd be not to
know that the world is round. I think it would be deeply embarrassing to be that
benighted, and theyd realize it. Theyd be embarrassed not to know that HIV is the
vector of AIDS. Theyd be embarrassed to not understand the way the tides are pro
duced by the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun. They may not know the
details, but they know that the details are out there. They could learn them in
20 minutes if they wanted to. How did they get themselves in the position where
they could so blithely trust people who theyd never buy stocks and bonds from? T
heyd never trust a childs operation to a doctor who was as ignorant and as ideolog
ical as these people. It is really strange. I havent gotten to the bottom of that
Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction in
Life and Markets (John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 28 | Pos. 421 a 429 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 10 de maro de 20
15 13h57min23s GMT-03:00
we know from elementary behaviorism as well as from work in organizational learn
ing is that rats, people, and organizations do respond to rewards and punishment
s. If an organization has been recently clobbered for making a false-positive pr
ediction, that organization is going to make major efforts to make sure it doesnt
make another false positive. Theyre going to be so sure that they might make a l
ot more false negatives in order to avoid that. Were going to make sure were not go
ing to make a false positive even if that means were going to underestimate the I
ranian nuclear program. Or Were going to be really sure we dont make a false negativ
e even if that means we have false alarms of terrorism for the next 25 years. The
question becomes, is it possible to set up a system for learning from history t
hats not simply programmed to avoid the most recent mistake in a very simple, mec
hanistic fashion? Is it possible to set up a system for learning from history th
at actually learns in our sophisticated way that manages to bring down both fals
e positives and false negatives to some degree? Thats a big question mark.
Os inovadores Uma biografia da revoluo digital (Walter Isaacson)
- Destaque Pos. 118 a 123 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 17 de maro de 2015 14h32min16
s GMT-03:00
Por fim, fiquei impressionado com o modo pelo qual a mais verdadeira criatividad
e da era digital veio daqueles que foram capazes de ligar as artes e as cincias.
Eles acreditavam que a beleza importava. Sempre me vi como uma pessoa da rea de hu
manas quando era garoto, mas gostava de eletrnica, Jobs me contou quando embarquei
em sua biografia. Ento li algo dizendo que um de meus heris, Edwin Land, da Polaro
id, falou sobre a importncia de pessoas que eram capazes de permanecer na interseo
das humanidades com as cincias, e decidi que era isso que eu queria fazer. As pess
oas que ficavam confortveis nessa interseo das humanidades com a tecnologia ajudara
m a criar a simbiose homem-mquina que o centro dessa histria.
Violncia (Slavoj iek)
- Destaque Pos. 364 a 371 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 19 de maro de 2015 12h20mi
n15s GMT-03:00
A clebre frase de Adorno precisaria aparentemente ser corrigida: no a poesia que i
mpossvel depois de Auschwitz, mas a prosa[3]. A prosa realista fracassa ali onde
a evocao potica da atmosfera insuportvel de um campo de concentrao bem-sucedida. Ou s
ja, quando Adorno declara que a poesia impossvel (ou antes um exerccio da barbrie)
depois de Auschwitz, esta impossibilidade portadora de uma capacidade: a poesia
sempre, por definio, sobre alguma coisa que no pode ser nomeada diretamente, apenas a
ludida. No deveramos temer dar um passo adiante e retomar o velho ditado segundo o
qual a msica chega onde as palavras faltam. Deve haver alguma verdade na ideia s
egundo a qual, numa espcie de premonio histrica, a msica de Schnberg articulou a afli
os pesadelos de Auschwitz antes mesmo de seu trgico acontecimento.
Violncia (Slavoj iek)
- Destaque Pos. 483 a 498 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 20 de maro de 2015 16h05min
34s GMT-03:00
H uma anedota bem conhecida em que um oficial alemo visitou Picasso em seu estdio e
m Paris durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Chocado com o caos vanguardista da Guern
ica, perguntou a Picasso: Foi voc que fez isto?. Ao que Picasso replicou, calmament
e: No, isto foi feito por vocs!. Atualmente, muitos liberais, ao serem confrontados
com exploses violentas como as desordens de 2005 nos subrbios de Paris, perguntam
aos poucos esquerdistas que ainda apostam numa transformao social radical: No foram
vocs que fizeram isto? isto que vocs querem?. E ns deveramos responder, como Picasso:
No, foram vocs que fizeram isto! Este o verdadeiro resultado da sua poltica!. H uma
elha piada sobre um marido que volta do trabalho para casa mais cedo do que o co
stume e encontra a mulher na cama com outro homem. A mulher, apanhada de surpres
a, exclama: Por que que voc voltou mais cedo?. E o marido responde furioso: O que qu
e voc est fazendo na cama com outro homem?. Calmamente, a esposa retruca: Eu te fiz
uma pergunta primeiro no tente se safar mudando de assunto![4]. O mesmo vale para
a violncia: a tarefa precisamente mudar de assunto, passar do desesperado apelo d
e SOS humanitrio para acabar com a violncia anlise desse outro SOS, que a interao co
plexa dos trs modos de violncia: subjetiva, objetiva e simblica. A lio aqui que devem
os resistir ao efeito de fascnio da violncia subjetiva, da violncia exercida por ag
entes sociais, indivduos malficos, aparelhos repressivos disciplinados e multides f
anticas: a violncia subjetiva to somente a mais visvel das trs.
Os inovadores Uma biografia da revoluo digital (Walter Isaacson)
- Destaque Pos. 406 a 412 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 24 de maro de 2015 09h08min51
s GMT-03:00
Para isso, adaptou uma ideia que o matemtico francs Gaspard de Prony teve nos anos
1790. Para criar tbuas de logaritmo e de trigonometria, De Prony decomps as operaes
em passos muito simples que envolviam apenas adio e subtrao. Ento deu instrues fceis
dezenas de trabalhadores humanos, que pouco sabiam de matemtica, de modo que eles
pudessem desempenhar essas funes simples e repassar as respostas para o prximo gru
po de operrios. Em outras palavras, ele criou uma linha de montagem, a grande ino
vao da era industrial que foi memoravelmente analisada por Adam Smith em sua descr
io da diviso do trabalho em uma fbrica de alfinetes. Depois de uma viagem a Paris em
que soube do mtodo de De Prony, Babbage escreveu: Concebi de repente a ideia de a
plicar o mesmo mtodo em um trabalho imenso que estava me sobrecarregando, e manuf
aturar logaritmos como outros manufaturam alfinetes.
Os inovadores Uma biografia da revoluo digital (Walter Isaacson)
- Destaque Pos. 440 a 445 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 24 de maro de 2015 09h12min41
s GMT-03:00
Mas a seguir ele estudou, como Ada fizera, o tear automtico inventado em 1801 por
um francs chamado Joseph-Marie Jacquard, que havia transformado a indstria de tec
elagem de seda. Teares criavam um padro ao usar ganchos para erguer fios selecion
ados da trama, e ento uma haste empurrava um fio de tecido por baixo. Jacquard in
ventou um mtodo que consistia em usar cartes com perfuraes para controlar esse proce
sso. Esses buracos determinavam quais ganchos e hastes seriam ativados em cada p
asso da trama, automatizando a criao de padres intricados. Cada vez que a lanadeira
era trocada para criar um novo trecho da trama, um novo carto perfurado entrava e
m ao.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 80 | Pos. 1.703 a 1.708 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 24 de maro d
e 2015 10h48min07s GMT-03:00
Wrapped up in the idea of embracing failure is the related notion of breaking th
ings to make them betterparticularly complex things. Often the only way to improv
e a complex system is to probe its limits by forcing it to fail in various ways.
Software, among the most complex things we make, is usually tested for quality
by employing engineers to systematically find ways to crash it. Similarly, one w
ay to troubleshoot a complicated device thats broken is to deliberately force neg
ative results (temporary breaks) in its multiple functions in order to locate th
e actual dysfunction. Great engineers have a respect for breaking things that so
metimes surprises nonengineers, just as scientists have a patience with failures
that often perplexes outsiders. But the habit of embracing negative results is
one of the most essential tricks to gaining success.
Os inovadores Uma biografia da revoluo digital (Walter Isaacson)
- Destaque Pos. 5.451 a 5.459 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 26 de maro de 2015 12h
56min26s GMT-03:00
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace [Mquinas de amorosa graa a velar por to
dos]. 11 Comeava assim: Gosto de imaginar (e quanto antes, melhor!) um prado cibe
rntico, onde mamferos e computadores vivem em harmonia mutuamente programvel, como g
ua pura tocando cu claro. STEWART
Os inovadores Uma biografia da revoluo digital (Walter Isaacson)
- Destaque Pos. 5.465 a 5.470 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 26 de maro de 2015 12h
58min03s GMT-03:00
O comunalismo e a poltica libertria dos hippies foram as razes da ciber-revoluo moder
na []. A maior parte da nossa gerao desprezava computadores, como smbolos do control
e centralizado. Mas um minsculo contingente que viria a ser chamado depois de hack
ers adotou os computadores e comeou a transform-los em ferramentas de libertao. Este
acabou sendo o caminho mais fcil e direto para o futuro [] jovens programadores de
computador, que de maneira deliberada conduziram o resto da civilizao para longe
dos computadores de grande porte centralizados. 12
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 90 | Pos. 1.843 a 1.846 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 31 de maro d
e 2015 12h50min28s GMT-03:00
[E]ach generation of fisheries scientists accepts as a baseline the stock size a
nd species composition that occurred at the beginning of their careers, and uses
this to evaluate changes. When the next generation starts its career, the stock
s have further declined, but it is the stocks at that time that serve as a new b
aseline. The result obviously is a gradual shift of the baseline, a gradual acco
mmodation of the creeping disappearance of resource species.
The C Programming Language Ritchie & Kernighan (sdf)
- Marcador em Pgina 18 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2015 15h29min50
s GMT-03:00
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 99 | Pos. 1.975 a 1.978 | Data de adio: sbado, 11 de abril de 2
015 12h33min43s GMT-03:00
Nowaks work contains a deeper message. Previously there were only two basic princ
iples of evolutionmutation and selectionwhere the former generates genetic diversi
ty and the latter picks the individuals best suited to a given environment. We m
ust now accept that cooperation is the third principle. From cooperation can eme
rge the constructive side of evolution, from genes to organisms to language and
the extraordinarily complex social behaviors that underpin modern society.
This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
(John Brockman)
- Destaque na pgina 101 | Pos. 1.995 | Data de adio: sbado, 11 de abril de 2015 12h
37min41s GMT-03:00
Structured Serendipity
Constelao de gnios: Uma biografia do ano de 1922 (Kevin Jackson)
- Destaque Pos. 78 a 79 | Data de adio: sbado, 18 de abril de 2015 17h20min52s GMT
a primeira performance de Ubu Rei, de Jarry, em 1896 (Depois de ns, o Deus Selvage
m, escreveu W. B. Yeats, que testemunhou aquela noite tumultuada);
Hackers Heroes of the Computer Revolution (25th Anniversary Edition-Honest)
- Destaque Pos. 767 a 772 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015 11h32
min44s GMT-03:00
And wouldnt everyone benefit even more by approaching the world with the same inq
uisitive intensity, skepticism toward bureaucracy, openness to creativity, unsel
fishness in sharing accomplishments, urge to make improvements, and desire to bu
ild as those who followed the Hacker Ethic? By accepting others on the same unpr
ejudiced basis by which computers accepted anyone who entered code into a Flexow
riter? Wouldnt we benefit if we learned from computers the means of creating a pe
rfect system, and set about emulating that perfection in a human system? If ever
yone could interact with computers with the same innocent, productive, creative
impulse that hackers did, the Hacker Ethic might spread through society like a b
enevolent ripple, and computers would indeed change the world for the
Os inovadores Uma biografia da revoluo digital (Walter Isaacson)
- Destaque Pos. 5.809 a 5.812 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2015
13h55min42s GMT-03:00
Ele estava projetando um computador como humanista e tambm como engenheiro. Foi b
uscar inspirao num tipgrafo italiano do comeo do sculo XVI chamado Aldo Mancio, que de
scobriu que livros pessoais deveriam caber em alforjes e, assim, produziu volume
s de tamanhos que hoje so comuns. Da mesma forma, Kay reconheceu que o computador
pessoal ideal no deveria ser maior do que um caderno.
Coisas que o povo diz (Lus da Cmara Cascudo)
- Destaque Pos. 166 a 172 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015 15h27
min28s GMT-03:00
Certamente esse processo de consultar a vontade divina atravs das vozes dispersas
da multido podia ter determinado a frase Vox populi, vox Dei, lembrada por Marti
ns Sarmento, o grande arquelogo de Guimares, e no a indeterminada convergncia intemp
oral da opinio pblica. A voz do povo a voz de Deus, o Deus dos cristos, como o fora
de Hermes ou Mercrio, agora na inteno das frmulas rogativas de Santa Rita dos Impos
sveis, ou do profeta Zacarias, ou do apstolo So Pedro. O orculo de Acaia a mais anti
ga forma dessa tcnica. Consulta-se a Deus e o Povo responde, transmitindo a mensa
gem. Voz do povo, voz de Deus, evidentemente nessa acepo.
Violncia (Slavoj iek)
- Destaque Pos. 580 a 596 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 12 de maio de 2015 17h55min2
5s GMT-03:00
Numa descrio perspicaz, Olivier Malnuit enumera os dez mandamentos do comunista li
beral: Fornea tudo de graa (acesso livre, ausncia de copyright), cobrando apenas pel
os servios adicionais, o que te far ainda mais rico. Transforme o mundo, no se limi
tando a vender coisas: a revoluo global, uma transformao da sociedade, far com que as
coisas sejam melhores. Preocupe-se em compartilhar e tome conscincia das respons
abilidades sociais. Seja criativo: concentre-se na concepo, nas novas tecnologias
e cincias. Diga tudo: no devem existir segredos. Assuma e pratique o culto da tran
sparncia, os fluxos livres de informao; toda a humanidade deve colaborar e interagi
r. No trabalhe com um horrio fixo e rgido das-nove-s-cinco. Simplesmente empenhe-se
em estabelecer canais de comunicao inteligentes, dinmicos e flexveis. Volte aos estu
dos e aposte na formao permanente. Aja como uma enzima: no trabalhe s para o mercado
, mas promova novas formas de colaborao social. Morra pobre: devolva suas riquezas
queles que delas necessitam, uma vez que ter acumulado mais do que jamais poder ga
star. Defenda o Estado: pratique parcerias entre empresas e o Estado[7].
A Mind For Numbers (Barbara Oakley)
- Destaque Pos. 1.129 a 1.135 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2015 13
h50min51s GMT-03:00
Mathematics is amazingly compressible: you may struggle a long time, step by step,
to work through the same process or idea from several approaches. But once you
really understand it and have the mental perspective to see it as a whole, there
is often a tremendous mental compression. You can file it away, recall it quick
ly and completely when you need it, and use it as just one step in some other me
ntal process. The insight that goes with this compression is one of the real joy
s of mathematics. 26 William Thurston, winner of the Fields Medal, the top award in m
- Marcador em Pgina 35 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015 14h28min28s
O Som de Pasquim (Trik de Souza)
- Destaque Pos. 68 a 70 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 26 de maio de 2015 09h20min14s
Caetano carrega na autocrtica. No tenho uma musicalidade excepcional. O meu negcio f
oi que eu tinha algumas idias sobre o problema da msica popular no Brasil e coloqu
ei essas idias em ao. E, dialtico, diagnostica o impasse tropicalista: Me interessei p
elas coisas que o cerco do bom gosto da bossa nova deixava de fora. Mas o mau go
sto ficou na moda, ento, virou a mesma coisa que a bossa nova.
O Som de Pasquim (Trik de Souza)
- Marcador Pos. 100 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 26 de maio de 2015 09h22min14s GMT
- Marcador em Pgina 206 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015 15h13min4
4s GMT-03:00
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 303 a 306 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015 18h41
min33s GMT-03:00
fcil perceber que h algo errado nesse raciocnio: no esse um Deus estranho, que sacri
ica seu prprio filho, aquilo que mais lhe importa, apenas para impressionar os hu
manos? As coisas se tornam ainda mais inusitadas se focamos a ideia de que Deus s
acrificou seu Filho para nos unir a Ele atravs do amor: o que estava em jogo era,
ento, no apenas o amor de Deus por ns, mas tambm seu desejo (narcisista) de ser amad
o por ns humanos.
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 415 a 423 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015 13h33
min33s GMT-03:00
um histrico percebe a falta no Outro, sua impotncia, sua inconsistncia, sua falsida
de, mas ele no est pronto para sacrificar a parte de si que completaria o Outro, q
ue preencheria sua falta. Essa recusa a sacrificar sustenta a eterna queixa do h
istrico de que o Outro ir, de algum modo, manipul-lo e explor-lo, us-lo, priv-lo de se
u bem mais precioso Mais precisamente, isso no significa que o histrico desminta su
a castrao: o histrico (neurtico) no recua diante de sua castrao (ele no um psicti
perverso, i. e., ele aceita completamente sua castrao); ele simplesmente no quer func
ionaliz-la, coloc-la a servio do Outro, i. e., aquilo diante do que ele recua fazer d
e sua castrao aquilo que falta ao Outro, quer dizer, algo positivo, que a garantia
dessa funo do Outro. (Em contraste com o histrico, o perverso prontamente assume es
se papel de sacrificar-se, i. e., de servir como objeto-instrumento que preenche
a falta do Outro como Lacan o coloca, o perverso se oferece lealmente ao gozo do
Melhores poemas Murilo Mendes (Seleo Luciana Stegagno Picchio)
- Destaque Pos. 146 a 151 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2015 13h5
7min38s GMT-03:00
As namoradas no namoram mais porque ns agora somos civilizados, andamos no automvel
gostoso pensando no cubismo. A noite uma soma de sambas que eu ando ouvindo h mu
itos anos. O tinteiro caindo me suja os dedos e me aborrece tanto: no posso escre
ver a obra-prima que todos esperam do meu talento.
- Destaque na pgina 91 | Pos. 1.381 a 1.384 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 15 de j
unho de 2015 15h17min58s GMT-03:00
Novos padres de conexo social exclusivos da cultura on-line ajudaram a disseminar
o moderno terrorismo em rede. Se voc olhar um bate-papo on-line sobre qualquer te
ma, como violes, poodles ou exerccios aerbicos, ver um padro consistente: um bate-pap
o sobre o jihadi muito parecido com um bate-papo sobre poodles. Uma matilha cria
da, e voc ou contra ela ou a favor dela. Se voc entrar na matilha, passa a fazer p
arte do dio ritualstico coletivo.
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 815 a 828 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 16 de junho de 2015 13h59min
44s GMT-03:00
Todos conhecemos o Tamagotchi, o brinquedo que reduz o outro com quem nos comuni
camos (geralmente um animal domstico) a uma presena puramente virtual em uma tela
brincamos com ele como se houvesse uma criatura viva real atrs da tela, nos anima
mos, choramos com ele, etc., embora saibamos muito bem que no h nada atrs, apenas u
ma rede digital sem significado. Se levarmos a srio o que acabamos de dizer, no po
demos evitar a concluso de que a Outra Pessoa com quem nos comunicamos tambm, em lt
ima instncia, uma espcie de Tamagotchi: quando nos comunicamos com outro sujeito, r
ecebemos sinais, observamos seu rosto como uma tela, mas ns, parceiros na comunic
ao, nunca sabemos o que est por trs da tela o mesmo vale para o prprio sujeito conce
do, i. e., o prprio sujeito no sabe o que est [lies] atrs da tela de sua conscincia(-
de-si), que tipo de Coisa ele no Real. A conscincia(-de-si) uma tela de superfcie
que produz o efeito de profundidade, de uma dimenso debaixo dela; ainda assim, essa
dimenso acessvel apenas do ponto de vista da superfcie, ela uma espcie de efeito de
superfcie: se efetivamente alcanarmos o detrs da tela, o prprio efeito de profundidade
de uma pessoa dissolve-se, ficamos apenas com um conjunto de processos neuronais
, bioqumicos, etc. sem sentido. Por essa razo, a polmica habitual sobre os respecti
vos papis dos genes versus ambiente (da biologia versus influncia cultural, da natur
eza versus nutrio) na formao do sujeito deixa escapar a dimenso chave, aquela da inte
rface que conecta-e-distingue os dois. O sujeito emerge quando a membrana, a superfci
e que delimita o Dentro do Fora, em vez de ser somente o meio passivo da interao e
ntre eles, comea a funcionar como mediador ativo deles.
========== (
- Destaque Pos. 35 a 38 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 16 de junho de 2015 14h01min56
s GMT-03:00
Technology and its manifestations such as machines or AI is an illusion, which a
ppeals to human arrogance, ambition and vanity. It multiplies confusion in poet
T.S. Elliot s"wilderness of mirrors." The human species is simply too small, insi
gnificant and inadequate to fully succeed in anything that we think we can do. T
hinking about machines that think merely confirms that inconvenient truth.
edge1 (
- Destaque Pos. 221 a 229 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 16 de junho de 2015 14h13min
10s GMT-03:00
The greylag goose Anser anser tenderly cares for her eggsunless a volleyball is n
earby. She will abandon her offspring in vain pursuit of this supernormal egg. T
he male jewel beetle Julodimorpha bakewelli flies about looking to mate with a f
emaleunless it spies just the right beer bottle. It will abandon the female for t
he bottle, and attempt to mate with cold glass until death do it part. Human int
elligence also passes the baton. Einstein isquoted as saying, "Two things are in
finite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about
the universe." Some limits of human intelligence cause little embarrassment. Fo
r instance, the set of functions from the integers to the integers is uncountabl
e, whereas the set of computable functions is countable. Therefore almost all fu
nctions are not computable. But try to think of one. Turns out it takesa genius,
an Alan Turing, to come up with an example such as the halting problem. And it
takes an exceptional mind, just short of genius, even to understand the example.
Poesia Total (Waly Salomo)
- Destaque Pos. 117 a 121 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 13h42
min41s GMT-03:00
Que os cordeiros tenham horror s aves de rapina, compreende-se; mas no uma razo par
a querer mal s aves de rapina que arrebataram os cordeirinhos. E se os cordeiros
dizem: Estas aves de rapina so ms, o que for perfeitamente o contrrio, o que for par
ecido com um cordeiro bom, nada teramos que responder a esta maneira de erigir um
ideal. Apenas que as aves de rapina respondero com um ar de troa: Ns no queremos mal
a estes bons cordeiros, seno pelo contrrio, os apreciamos muito: to saborosa como a
carne deles no h nada.
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 848 a 851 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 13h55
min33s GMT-03:00
no caso de clones humanos (ou, j nos dias de hoje, de gmeos idnticos), o que respon
de pelo carter nico de cada um deles no simplesmente a exposio a ambientes diferentes
, mas o modo pelo qual cada um deles formou uma estrutura nica de autorreferncia a
partir da interao entre sua substncia gentica e seu ambiente.
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 873 a 886 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 14h29
min39s GMT-03:00
A natureza catica, imprevisvel, da dinmica complexa implica que a subjetividade mais
emergente do que dada, distribuda mais do que localizada somente na conscincia, e
merge de e integra-se a um mundo catico mais do que ocupa uma posio de mestria e co
ntrole afastada dele.51 assim que Edwin Hutchins52 respondeu triunfantemente ao f
amoso argumento do quarto chins, de John Searle, contra a Inteligncia Artificial (um
a pessoa que no sabe uma palavra de chins est presa dentro de um quarto; textos escr
itos em chins so passados por uma abertura na porta; ela tem no quarto cestas com c
aracteres chineses e um livro de regras correlacionando os smbolos escritos nos t
extos com outros smbolos nas cestas; usando o livro de regras, ela rene sries de car
acteres e os passa para fora da porta embora os interlocutores chineses fora do
quarto tenham lido suas respostas como formulaes inteligentes, a pessoa dentro do
quarto no tem nenhuma ideia do significado dos textos que ela produziu e exatamen
te o mesmo vale para um computador53): no a pessoa (o agente nico dentro do quarto)
que compreende chins, mas todo o quarto, em sua interao corporificada com seu meio c
ircundante. Se, seguindo o mesmo raciocnio, se olhar dentro de um crebro humano, t
ambm no haver nenhum ponto de entendimento consciente, apenas operaes neuronais: todo
o crebro, em sua interao corporificada com o mundo externo, que pensa. Contudo, embor
a essa abordagem fornea uma resposta putativa questo da emergncia da vida, ainda no
claro como ela pode explicar a emergncia da conscincia a partir da vida.
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 887 a 892 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 14h32
min25s GMT-03:00
Entre os cientistas cognitivos contemporneos, o modelo preferido para a emergncia
da conscincia(-de-si) aquele de mltiplas redes paralelas cuja interao no dominada po
qualquer controlador central: o microcosmo de agentes em interao d origem espontane
amente a um padro global que estabelece o contexto de interao sem estar encarnado e
m qualquer agente particular (o Self verdadeiro do sujeito). Os cientistas cogniti
vos reiteram que nossas mentes no possuem uma estrutura de controle centralizado
que funcione de cima para baixo [top-down], executando tarefas de uma maneira li
near: nossa mente , antes, uma bricolagem de mltiplos agentes que colaboram lateral
mente e de baixo para cima [bottom-up], i. e., cuja organizao cambiante, oportunist
a, robusta, adaptativa, flexvel
O amor impiedoso (Slavoj Zizek)
- Destaque Pos. 900 a 909 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 14h34
min43s GMT-03:00
Fica-se tentado, assim, a aplicar aqui a inverso dialtica de um obstculo epistemolgi
co em uma condio ontolgica positiva: e se o enigma da conscincia, seu carter inexplic
contiver sua prpria soluo? E se tudo o que tivermos de fazer for transpor a lacuna
que torna a conscincia (como objeto de nosso estudo) inexplicvel para a prpria conscin
cia? E se a conscincia (ou a percepo-de-si) ocorrer apenas na medida em que ela apar
ece a si mesmo como uma emergncia inexplicvel, i. e., apenas na medida em que ela
no reconhece suas prprias causas, a rede que a gera? E se o paradoxo derradeiro da
conscincia for que a conscincia o prprio rgo da percepo s pode ocorrer na medid
a no percebe suas prprias condies? Consequentemente, o status da conscincia basicamen
e o de liberdade em um sistema de determinismo radical? Somos livres apenas na me
dida em que no reconhecemos as causas que nos determinam? Em outras palavras, temo
s que nos voltar para a noo, de Spinoza-Hegel, de liberdade como necessidade conceb
ida e reivindicar que nossa experincia da liberdade se apoia, sempre e por definio,
em alguma necessidade no reconhecida?
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 2.908 a 2.910 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 1
5h09min05s GMT-03:00
If I dont like what they write, I get into my Ferrari and I drive away. MILES DAVI
Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
- Destaque Pos. 2.917 a 2.920 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 1
5h10min59s GMT-03:00
His wealth was his whip hand. The concept can be recommended to aspiring artists
in all fields; it is the same principle that applies to feminism; if you are vu
lnerable economically, you are vulnerable all along the line. If you have please
d the public enough to have transferred some of its money into your own bank acc
ount, however, you can afford to ignore your detractors.
O Som de Pasquim (Trik de Souza)
- Destaque Pos. 2.398 a 2.403 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015 1
5h22min35s GMT-03:00
Voc disse que de uma certa forma se fez no Brasil uma espcie de maneirismo tropica
lista. Nesse artigo eu dizia que inevitavelmente acontecia a confuso das caracters
ticas pessoais, estilsticas de um artista com a verdadeira informao nova que ele tr
azia. Ento, as pessoas confundiam a novidade da inovao com a novidade do estilo do
sujeito. O Joo Gilberto tem, e, claro, todo mundo tem, uma srie de coisas muito pe
ssoais e que chamaram a ateno de todo mundo quando a bossa nova explodiu. As prime
iras coisas que foram seguidas foram os maneirismos pessoais, estilsticos do Joo G
ilberto, e no a nova informao que ele trazia.
- Destaque na pgina 108 | Pos. 1.647 a 1.650 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 19 de ju
nho de 2015 13h22min54s GMT-03:00
possvel traar uma correlao entre as melhorias histricas da situao econmica de pesso
muns e uma ascenso na pirmide de Maslow. Uma consequncia da ascenso no progresso tec
nolgico, como aconteceu rapidamente durante a industrializao, foi que grandes nmeros
de pessoas passaram a ganhar seu sustento dedicando-se a satisfazer necessidade
s alheias cada vez mais elevadas na hierarquia de Maslow. Uma grande classe mdia
de professores, contadores e, sim, reprteres e msicos surgiu onde havia apenas alg
uns servos das cortes reais e igrejas.
O Som de Pasquim (Trik de Souza)
- Destaque Pos. 2.647 a 2.648 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2015 17
h48min24s GMT-03:00
SRGIO CABRAL Martinho, a Elis Regina (j comeo com uma intriga) disse que voc um dia
vai acabar e no vai entender por qu. Esse problema te preocupa?
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 206 a 207 | Data de adio: sbado, 27 de junho de 2015 10h07min04s G
It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and ma
kes us unique.
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 455 a 456 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de junho de 2015 14h27min
59s GMT-03:00
Youre only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with.
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative (Austin Kle
- Destaque Pos. 462 a 463 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 30 de junho de 2015 14h28min
54s GMT-03:00
If you ever find that youre the most talented person in the room, you need to fin
d another
Radiohead's Kid A (Marvin Lin)
- Destaque na pgina 4 | Pos. 49 a 53 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 31 de agosto d
e 2015 10h18min37s GMT-03:00
I wanted music to sweep me away, to transport me to a new plane of existence, to
make me feel like nothing in the world mattered except that all-enveloping, tra
nscendent musical moment. Transcendence was more than just an entertaining way t
o pass the time; in fact, it was during these moments when time itself seemed utte
rly inconsequential, when schedules were forgotten and all I could do was surren
der to the music. It was rapture without guilt, ecstasy without drugs, and Id spe
nd much of my formative years trying to recreate the feeling, if only because it
was so rare, so transient.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 10 | Pos. 143 a 146 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 4 de setembro
de 2015 09h22min34s GMT-03:00
what is history anyway? Is history simply a matter of events that leave behind t
hose things that can be weighed and measurednew institutions, new maps, new ruler
s, new winners and losersor is it also the result of moments that seem to leave n
othing behind, nothing but the mystery of spectral connections between people lo
ng separated by place and time, but somehow speaking the same language?
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 29 | Pos. 443 a 446 | Data de adio: sbado, 5 de setembro de 201
5 14h14min38s GMT-03:00
If one can stop looking at the past and start listening to it, one might hear ec
hoes of a new conversation; then the task of the critic would be to lead speaker
s and listeners unaware of each others existence to talk to one another. The job
of the critic would be to maintain the ability to be surprised at how the conver
sation goes, and to communicate that sense of surprise to other people, because
a life infused with surprise is better than a life that is not.
O Som de Pasquim (Trik de Souza)
- Destaque Pos. 2.694 a 2.705 | Data de adio: domingo, 6 de setembro de 2015 16h1
2min02s GMT-03:00
Olha, do Silas de Oliveira todo mundo gosta. Voc no acha um cara que no goste dele,
sabe por qu? Porque o Silas no incomoda ningum. Ele fica l em Madureira, faz o samb
a dele na Imprio Serrano, no ganha dinheiro, no faz show em boate, no faz entrevista
, no vai televiso de igual pra igual com todo mundo, ento, se voc perguntar, de Elis
Regina at o cara l do Em Cima da Hora, todo mundo acha o Silas genial. Agora se o
Silas conseguir fazer um disco, ou gravar uma srie de msicas, ou ento fazer boas e
ntrevistas pra crtica achar ele um cara que sabe das coisas, e passar a ser comen
tado no meio artstico pelo primeiro time, vo surgir mil inimigos, que vo comear a ac
har que no nada disso, porque o pessoal gosta muito do sambista s na Avenida. Acha
genial, lindo, que um absurdo, que devia ter melhor chance etc. Mas quando o ca
ra vai devagar, (porque eu vou devagarzinho, se o cara no d colher de ch, eu fico n
a minha, tranqilinho, mas quando eu vejo que j conta) e s reage quando sente que j es
t na posio exata, eu ento tomo esta, numa posio boa, ento, vem logo a reao. Isso n
orque voc no pode agradar a gregos e troianos. A nica coisa chata, atualmente, que
antes a minha guerra era contra as mil guitarras, que ns conseguimos diminuir bas
tante, e conseguimos praticamente vencer essa guerra. Agora eu tenho, de vez em
quando, que me defrontar com gente da antiga que era do samba, de quem eu gostav
a muito, mas que por despeito, por no ter conseguido o que eu consegui, ento criti
ca e a gente tem que dar troco sem querer.
O Som de Pasquim (Trik de Souza)
- Destaque Pos. 2.730 a 2.734 | Data de adio: domingo, 6 de setembro de 2015 16h1
4min57s GMT-03:00
E eu at hoje s tenho criado polmicas com caras difceis de criar. Como o meio artstico
pra mim um troo que vai passar mesmo, ento eu no preciso fazer concesso, n? Se eu fo
sse um cara que fosse viver s de msica, um cantor, ento eu no podia aborrecer voc e t
al, ir de encontro a nada que fosse seu, porque voc um cara da imprensa e tal e,
se for meu inimigo, prejudicial. Mas acontece que no, n? O que eu j fiz j est bacana,
tremenda onda, n, que eu tirei. Se passar porque tem que passar mesmo, porque ni
ngum derruba ningum, a gente passa, acaba, mas no ningum que destruiu.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 50 | Pos. 754 a 756 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de setemb
ro de 2015 11h57min07s GMT-03:00
People pay to see others believe in themselves, Kim Gordon of the New York punk ba
nd Sonic Youth wrote in 1983. On stage, in the midst of rock n roll, many things ha
ppen and anything can happen, whether people come as voyeurs or come to submit t
o the moment.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 50 | Pos. 760 a 764 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de setemb
ro de 2015 12h00min30s GMT-03:00
The fact that they were so bad suddenly hit me with such force that I began to re
alize, Im laughing, Im talking to these guys, Im looking at them, and Im laughing wit
h them; and I was suddenly impressed by the fact that I was no longer concerned w
ith whether you could play well. Whether you were able to even know about rock n r
oll to the extent that you were able to write songs properly wasnt important any
longer...The Dolls really impressed upon me that there was something else. There was
something wonderful. I thought how brilliant they were to be this bad.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 50 | Pos. 766 a 767 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de setemb
ro de 2015 12h00min55s GMT-03:00
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 52 | Pos. 796 a 804 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de setemb
ro de 2015 20h54min06s GMT-03:00
Boredom was a haze, a confusion, and finally the ultimate mode of control, self-
control, alienation perfected: a bad conscience. In modern society, leisure (Wha
t do I want to do today?) was replaced by entertainment (What is there to see to
day?). The potential fact of all possible freedoms was replaced by a fiction of
false freedom: I have enough time and money to see whatever there is to see, wha
tever there is to see others do. Because this freedom was false, it was unsatisf
ying, it was boring. Because it was boring, it left whoever was unsatisfied to c
ontemplate his or her inability to respond to what, after all, was a hit show. I
ts a good show, but I feel dead: my God, whats wrong with me? It was leisure cultu
re that produced boredomproduced it, marketed it, took the profits, reinvested th
em. So the world was going to be changed, announced the first number of Internat
ionale situationniste in June 1958, because we dont want to be bored...raging and ill-
informed youth, well-off adolescent rebels lacking a point of view but far from
lacking a causeboredom is what they all have in common. The situationists will ex
ecute the judgment contemporary leisure is pronouncing against itself.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 54 | Pos. 818 a 822 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de setemb
ro de 2015 21h25min00s GMT-03:00
The situationists announced themselves as revolutionaries, interested only in fr
eedom, and freedom can mean the license to do anything, with consequences that a
re indistinguishable from murder, theft, looting, hooliganism, or litteringphenom
ena that, lacking anything better, the situationists were almost always ready to
embrace as harbingers of revolution. But freedom can also mean the chance to di
scover what it is you truly want to do: to discover, as Edmund Wilson wrote in P
aris in 1922, for what drama ones setting is the setting.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 69 | Pos. 1.055 a 1.058 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 7 de se
tembro de 2015 23h36min15s GMT-03:00
The art of the critic in a nutshell, Walter Benjamin wrote in 192526 in One-Way Str
eet: to coin slogans without betraying ideas. The slogans of an inadequate critic
ism peddle ideas to fashion. This was Benjamins careful absolutismthe pre-pop, anti
-pop conviction that you cant have it both ways. It was an absolutism an anarchis
t gold digger like McLaren could have never shared, and didnt have to.
A Iluso de caro (Seth Godin)
- Destaque Pos. 842 a 850 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 8 de setembro de 2015 12h08m
in05s GMT-03:00
Sua dor real a dor da possibilidade, da vulnerabilidade e do risco. Se voc deixar
de senti-la, ter perdido a melhor oportunidade de fazer a diferena. O caminho mai
s fcil para evitar a dor alivi-la encontrando um emprego que o deixe anestesiado.
Logo, a dor do artista ser substituda por um tipo diferente de dor, a dor do subal
terno, a dor de algum que sabe que seus dons esto sendo desperdiados e que seu futu
ro est fora de controle. No um negcio que valha a pena. Nas palavras de Joseph Camp
bell, voc cria arte pela experincia de estar vivo. A alternativa ficar paralisado, a
nestesiar-se com a falsa sensao de segurana oferecida pela promessa do raro emprego
bem remunerado no qual voc est competindo com outra pessoa. A dor faz parte do fa
to de estar vivo. A arte a narrativa de estar vivo. Como o estiro do crescimento
de um adolescente, a dor de encarar o vazio onde mora a arte faz parte do negcio,
de nossa extenso para nos tornarmos melhor.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 77 | Pos. 1.176 a 1.178 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 9 de set
embro de 2015 12h10min52s GMT-03:00
Banishing the love song, people discovered what else there was to sing about. Th
e love song had draped their lives in cheap poetry; maybe now other matters migh
t poeticize their lives. As faddists, punks played with Adornos negative dialecti
cs, where every yes turns into a no; they straddled their unstable equations.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 79 | Pos. 1.203 a 1.209 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 9 de set
embro de 2015 12h17min19s GMT-03:00
The punks who made records in 1977 didnt know what chords came nextand they hurled
themselves at social facts. The sense that a social fact could be addressed by
a broken chord produced music that changed ones sense of what music could be, and
thus changed ones sense of the social fact: it could be destroyed. That was what
was new: there was no sense of the end of the world in 1950s rock n roll. There i
s a feeling in the best punk 45s that what must be said must be said very fast,
because the energy required to say what must be said, and the will to say it, ca
nt be sustained. That energy is going to disappear, that will is going to shattert
he idea will go back in the ground, the audience will get up, put on their coats
, and go home.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 89 | Pos. 1.351 a 1.354 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 9 de set
embro de 2015 12h54min22s GMT-03:00
Thirty-two years had not taught me what I learned that night: when youre pushed,
push back; when a shove negates your existence, negate the shove. I felt distant
from nothing, superior to nothing. I also felt a crazy malevolence, a wish to s
mash people to the ground, and my eyes went to the ground, where I saw small chi
ldren (what sort of parents would bring little kids to a place like this, I wond
ered, thinking of my own at home), and thought of smashing them.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 136 | Pos. 2.072 a 2.074 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 21 de
setembro de 2015 02h32min47s GMT-03:00
abundance is dangerous to power, and privation, if carefully managed, is safe. A
mammoth debt encourages fear, which is never revolutionary; a high level of une
mployment ensures a ready pool of strike breakers, translates the curse of a bad
job into a blessing.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 159 | Pos. 2.432 a 2.435 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 5 de o
utubro de 2015 10h33min57s GMT-03:00
Their underlying philosophy, Christopher Gray wrote of the LI in Leaving the 20th
Century, was one of experiment and playbut play with all of culture, and the city i
tself as the field. Why not? Seek for food and clothing first, then the Kingdom o
f God shall be added to you, Hegel said; it was time for the kingdom, past time. S
uffice it to say that in our view the premises for revolution, on the cultural a
s well as on the strictly political level, are not only ripe, they have begun to
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 176 | Pos. 2.695 a 2.700 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 12 de
outubro de 2015 12h16min41s GMT-03:00
Yes, Lefebvre had said, he preferred dada to surrealism, which only bets small ch
angeliterary reputations. Against the careerist pretensions of Andr Breton and his
group, easily satisfied by scandal for scandals sake, by the applause or catcalls
of tout le monde, dada at least reached for an absolute: the end of the world. Bu
t it was a puerile absolute, solely the spirit-that-says-no, vainly proclaiming the
sovereignty of the instant, a pseudo-sorcery: As Dada moves to escape all definitio
ns, its negation defines itself all too powerfully as its own negation. As philos
ophy dada was a slipknot, your basic Sophistry 1-A: everything I say is a lie.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 186 | Pos. 2.842 a 2.844 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 12 de
outubro de 2015 13h30min37s GMT-03:00
My ultimate vocation in life is to be an irritant. Not something actively destruc
tive, but someone who irritates, who disorientates. Someone who disrupts the dai
ly drag of life just enough to leave the victim thinking theres maybe more to it
all than the mere humdrum quality of existence. Elvis Costello, 1978
Os ntimos (Ins Pedrosa)
- Destaque na pgina 6 | Pos. 79 a 83 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 12 de outubro
de 2015 14h39min31s GMT-03:00
O amor uma coisa que comea velha, uma forma de demncia que nos leva a concentrar o
s corpos e rostos que desejmos num s. O amor. Esta massa esponjosa, doente, que ta
nto me excitava. Curei-me por causa do que sofri por esta mulher. Horas infindvei
s de solido com as agulhas do cime moendo-me pele e vsceras e crnio e corao. Dias e no
ites triturando tudo o que eu era, com um rigor de tanque de guerra. Eu era to po
uco. Um garoto deslumbrado com a descoberta do corpo de uma mulher. Acreditava q
ue aquela mulher era nica, e que seria minha para sempre. Desculpa, tenho de cort
ar mais do que pensava, Elisa.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 198 | Pos. 3.033 a 3.035 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 16 de ou
tubro de 2015 16h05min31s GMT-03:00
art had to be destroyed, he said, because it was a moral safety valve, a mechanism
for the unlimited ability of the human mind to turn its worst fantasies into re
al-life atrocities, then to turn its worst atrocities into pretty pictures.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 204 | Pos. 3.122 a 3.128 | Data de adio: tera-feira, 20 de outu
bro de 2015 09h12min31s GMT-03:00
There is a figure who appears in this book again and again. His instincts are ba
sically cruel; his manner is intransigent. He trades in hysteria but is immune t
o it. He is beyond temptation, because despite his utopian rhetoric satisfaction
is the last thing on his mind. He is unutterably seductive, yet he trails bitte
r comrades behind him like Hansel his breadcrumbs, his only way home through a t
hicket of apologies he will never make. He is a moralist and a rationalist, but
he presents himself as a sociopath; he leaves behind documents not of edificatio
n but of paradox. No matter how violent his mark on history, he is doomed to obs
curity, which he cultivates as a sign of profundity. Johnny Rotten/John Lydon is
one version; Guy Debord is another. Saint-Just was an ancestor, but in my story
Richard Huelsenbeck is the prototype. God only knows what he was like as a psyc
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 213 | Pos. 3.266 a 3.271 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 2 de de
zembro de 2015 09h05min51s GMT-03:00
The dadaist is a man of reality who loves wine, women and advertising, he said in
1920; soon enough advertising would be dada, dada would be everywhere he looked,
dogging his footsteps, and so like the rest he would run from it. The great goa
l of dissolving all boundaries between art and life would be realized, which mea
nt there was nothing left to do but contemplate the strange way in which the rea
lization of the great goal had not granted everyday life the transformative powe
r of art, but only dissolved arts power and produced nothing to replace it, conte
mplate that, or talk about the legend, for a fee, those days in Zurich, I was th
ereor remember that before there was dada, there was an ad for Dada Shampoo.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 215 | Pos. 3.297 a 3.298 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 2 de de
zembro de 2015 09h12min26s GMT-03:00
To be a dadaist was to be a man of reality who loved wine, women, and advertisin
g; to have a smile on your lips, a song in your heart, and a skull in your pocke
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 225 | Pos. 3.441 a 3.444 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 3 de de
zembro de 2015 13h15min47s GMT-03:00
It is less easy to demonstrate that, as a constellation of hidden desires, the t
ime during which those desires remained hidden, and the magic of rediscovering b
oth the desires and the time, all of this was blindly coded in certain rhythmic
shifts and turns of phrase, so that each gesture and accent bespoke the negation
of an old world and a reach for a new onebut that is why every good punk record
can sound like the greatest thing youve ever heard.
Meus documentos (Alejandro Zambra)
- Destaque Pos. 1.442 a 1.443 | Data de adio: domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2015 17h4
0min06s GMT-03:00
Parei de fumar por causa das enxaquecas, mas talvez no tenha sido o motivo princi
pal. Acontece que sou covarde e ambicioso. Sou to covarde que quero viver mais. Q
ue coisa mais absurda, realmente: querer viver mais. Como se eu fosse, por exemp
lo, feliz.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 227 | Pos. 3.471 a 3.476 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 9 de de
zembro de 2015 09h11min50s GMT-03:00
Human beings were sinners because Original Sin separated them from God; in that
separation was the ubiquity and permanence of sin, its guarantee as the first pr
inciple of human life. This was the source of all other separations: patriarchy,
authority, hierarchy, the division of humanity into rulers and ruled, owners an
d workers, the separation of every individual from everyone else, of oneself fro
m oneself. But gnosticism, in its countless forms, over thousands of years, had
always denied that any of this was so. There was no necessary separation of huma
n beings from God, the gnostics said, because even as God created human beings,
human beings created God, and whoever achieved this knowledge became not a Christ
ian, but a Christ. The root of evil and suffering was ignorance of this first pri
nciple of human lifeand such ignorance was the only sin.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 229 | Pos. 3.508 a 3.512 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 9 de de
zembro de 2015 09h18min58s GMT-03:00
Our school, Isou later wrote, has gone beyond synchronism, and even beyond harmonious
asynchronism (what, apparently, Elvis movies would begin to offer with G.I. BluesJ
ailhouse Rock and other 1950s Presley films were synchronized), and has revealed
total antisynchronism, or discrepant montage, which breaks the, unity of the two
pillars of film, the sound and the picture, and presents them in divergence one f
rom the other.
Isso e arte_ 150 anos de arte m - Will Gompertz (
- Destaque Pos. 59 a 61 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015 22h0
9min03s GMT-03:00
O grande escritor David Foster Wallace comparou seus escritos de no fico com uma in
dstria de servios em que se d a uma pessoa de razovel inteligncia tempo para investig
ar algo em benefcio de outras com coisas melhores a fazer.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 240 | Pos. 3.671 a 3.675 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de
dezembro de 2015 09h22min00s GMT-03:00
Throughout his early and mid-twenties his great role was to bring out the fanati
c in anyoneespecially in young people convinced of their own unacknowledged geniu
s. In any time, this means a lot of young people; in Paris in the late 1940s the
alternatives to lettrism included hanging out at the Deux Magots in order to le
arn what brand of cigarettes Simone de Beauvoir smoked. A few years later, Franoi
se Sagan and J. D. Salinger would offer young people self-pity and narcissism; I
sou offered them heroism, comradeship, and, perhaps most important, their names
in print.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 241 | Pos. 3.695 a 3.702 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de
dezembro de 2015 09h27min58s GMT-03:00
Photographs of wartime American female factory workers reveal smiles unlike any
to be seen in the photojournalism of the years that followed: strong, almost sur
prised smiles radiating shared purpose, autonomy, and self-worth. With the war o
ver the women who owned those smiles were returned to a subservient life. The pr
oject of the postwar Westwhich can be read most clearly as a project in Betty Fre
idans The Feminine Mystique, the history of a propaganda campaign far more sophis
ticated than the concurrent demonization of communismwas to prove that real life
was back, and to restrict the definition of real life to the pleasurable consump
tion of material goods within a system of male supremacy and corporate hegemony.
The new freedoms discovered during the war were cut off from words and cut out
of pictures; the most intense and complete days many had lived, at home and away
, were turned into an anomaly, and those who could neither get over them nor, ac
cording to the new rules, talk about them, were charted as deviant cases.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 243 | Pos. 3.712 a 3.717 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de
dezembro de 2015 09h34min52s GMT-03:00
Earlier popular black harmony groupsthe 1930s Mills Brothers, the early-1940s Ink
spots, the 1947 Ravensmade their music according to the rules of well-ordered rhy
thms, close ensemble singing, shaped tones, recognizable lyrics. These were whit
e, bourgeois, altogether orderly modes of communication. They suggested definiti
on, suppressed ambiguity, presented the listener with a finished factand a finish
ed fact says all is well or it says theres nothing you can do about it. The Orioles so
und reached the listener as the voice of another world; it demanded that you fin
ish the sound, fill in the silences with your own wishes, fears, fantasies. With
its falling sighs, its constant hesitations, the sound implied that against eve
ry accepted promise, everything was in doubt.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 252 | Pos. 3.856 a 3.859 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 14 de
dezembro de 2015 19h02min15s GMT-03:00
If economic facts defined youth, then youth could not be defined strictly by age
. Rather, youth was a concept, and it could be enlarged to include anyone who was
excluded from the economyand anyone who, through volition, or for that matter dis
sipation, refused to take a preordained place in the social hierarchy. It was on
ly among those who, whatever their age, were not encumbered by the routines of f
amily and wage labor that one could find the source of revolution.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 264 | Pos. 4.044 a 4.048 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 16 de d
ezembro de 2015 07h23min25s GMT-03:00
We would force ourselves to keep quiet at the mention of our old dreams, accept
the ruins and be happy in them, and become ruins ourselves, self-conscious, self
-satisfied ruins. We had reached the point where we systematically went out of o
ur way to find ugliness, evil and error in everything, but for most of us this w
as undoubtedly only a desperate show of bravado, a mask to conceal our disappoin
tment at not having found truth, beauty and good.
Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology (David Graeber)
- Destaque na pgina 25 | Pos. 381 a 385 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 20 de janeir
o de 2016 13h08min01s GMT-03:00
A lot of the ideological work, in fact, of making a revolution was conducted pre
cisely in the spectral nightworld of sorcerers and witches; in redefinitions of
the moral implications of different forms of magical power. But this only underl
ines how these spectral zones are always the fulcrum of the moral imagination, a
kind of creative reservoir, too, of potential revolutionary change. Its precisel
y from these invisible spacesinvisible, most of all, to powerwhence the potential
for insurrection, and the extraordinary social creativity that seems to emerge o
ut of nowhere in revolutionary moments, actually comes.
Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology (David Graeber)
- Destaque na pgina 26 | Pos. 386 a 401 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 20 de janeir
o de 2016 13h09min28s GMT-03:00
1) Counterpower is first and foremost rooted in the imagination; it emerges from
the fact that all social systems are a tangle of contradictions, always to some
degree at war with themselves. Or, more precisely, it is rooted in the relation
between the practical imagination required to maintain a society based on conse
nsus (as any society not based on violence must, ultimately, be)the constant work
of imaginative identification with others that makes understanding possibleand t
he spectral violence which appears to be its constant, perhaps inevitable coroll
ary. 2) In egalitarian societies, counterpower might be said to be the predomina
nt form of social power. It stands guard over what are seen as certain frighteni
ng possibilities within the society itself: notably against the emergence of sys
tematic forms of political or economic dominance. 2a) Institutionally, counterpo
wer takes the form of what we would call institutions of direct democracy, conse
nsus and mediation; that is, ways of publicly negotiating and controlling that i
nevitable internal tumult and transforming it into those social states (or if yo
u like, forms of value) that society sees as the most desirable: conviviality, u
nanimity, fertility, prosperity, beauty, however it may be framed. 3) In highly
unequal societies, imaginative counterpower often defines itself against certain
aspects of dominance that are seen as particularly obnoxious and can become an
attempt to eliminate them from social relations completely. When it does, it bec
omes revolutionary. 3a) Institutionally, as an imaginative well, it is responsib
le for the creation of new social forms, and the revalorization or transformatio
n of old ones, and also, 4) in moments of radical transformationrevolutions in th
e old-fashioned sensethis is precisely what allows for the notorious popular abil
ity to innovate entirely new politics, economic, and social forms. Hence, it is
the root of what Antonio Negri has called constituent power, the power to create c
4 Horas Para o Corpo (Timothy Ferriss)
- Marcador Pos. 1483 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2016 13h21min1
7s GMT-03:00
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 322 | Pos. 4.926 a 4.929 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 27 de j
aneiro de 2016 15h08min54s GMT-03:00
The only modern phenomena comparable to Dada are the most savage outbreaks of juv
enile delinquency, Vaneigem said. He thought the role of the Situationist Interna
tional was to apply the violence of the delinquents on the plane of ideas. The Let
trist International began by applying its ideas on the plane of delinquency. Run
ning down the street in slogans, taking aim at the unconscious agents of the spe
ctacle-commodity economyit must have seemed like an idea at the
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 323 | Pos. 4.939 a 4.949 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 27 de j
aneiro de 2016 15h20min18s GMT-03:00
Having spent a few years doing nothing, in the common sense of the term, we can
speak of our social attitude as avant-gardebecause in a society still provisional
ly based in production, we have sought to devote ourselves seriously only to lei
sure. If this question is not openly posed before the collapse of current econom
ic development, change will be no more than a bad joke. The new society which on
ce again takes up the goals of the old society, without having recognized and im
posed a new desirethat is the truly utopian tendency of socialism. Only one task
seems to us worth considering: the perfecting of a complete divertissement. More
than one to whom adventures happen, the adventurer is one who makes them happen
. The construction of situations will be the continuous realization of a great g
ame, a game the players have chosen to play: a shifting of settings and conflict
s to kill off the characters in a tragedy in twenty-four hours. But time to live
will no longer be lacking. Such a synthesis will have to bring together a criti
que of behavior, a compelling town planning, a mastery of ambiances and relation
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 326 | Pos. 4.989 a 4.990 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 27 de j
aneiro de 2016 23h38min00s GMT-03:00
To tell the truth, the only reason one fights is for what one loves, said the phil
osopher of the Terror. Fighting for everyone else is only the consequence.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 333 | Pos. 5.091 a 5.095 | Data de adio: segunda-feira, 1 de f
evereiro de 2016 10h04min12s GMT-03:00
we want to act; we dont care what comes of our actions; this is our idea of happi
ness, a good way to live. Transposed into the negative, Oblivion is our ruling pa
ssion was an affirmation of absolute subjectivity; a version of Chtcheglovs Everyon
e will live in his own cathedral, of Saint-Justs The only reason one fights is for
what one loves, of fighting for everyone else as the only way to make a city wher
e one could find what one loved, or find out what that wasto make a city where on
e could discover for what drama ones setting was the setting.
O teste do psicopata: Uma viagem pela indstria da loucura (Jon Ronson)
- Marcador Pos. 1890 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2016 11h03mi
n08s GMT-03:00
- Destaque na pgina 113 | Pos. 1.730 a 1.732 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 24 de f
evereiro de 2016 08h54min45s GMT-03:00
Se voc quiser saber o que realmente est ocorrendo em uma sociedade ou com uma ideo
logia, preste ateno no dinheiro. Se o dinheiro estiver fluindo para a publicidade
e no para msicos, jornalistas e artistas, ento a sociedade est mais interessada em m
anipulao do que na verdade ou na beleza. Se o contedo no tiver valor algum, as pesso
as se tornaro ignorantes e vazias.
- Destaque na pgina 114 | Pos. 1.736 a 1.739 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 24 de f
evereiro de 2016 08h56min14s GMT-03:00
Existem histrias de sucesso extensamente celebradas, mas excepcionais, que incorp
oraram qualidades msticas. Essas histrias s so possveis por estarmos em um perodo de t
ransio, no qual alguns poucos sortudos conseguem se beneficiar ao mesmo tempo do m
elhor de dois mundos o mundo da velha mdia e o mundo da nova mdia e do fato de sua
s origens improvveis poderem ser estendidas a uma narrativa de marketing ainda or
- Marcador na pgina 116 | Pos. 1766 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro
de 2016 08h58min05s GMT-03:00
A vontade radical (Susan Sontag)
- Destaque na pgina 150 | Pos. 2.298 a 2.305 | Data de adio: sexta-feira, 4 de maro
de 2016 20h32min51s GMT-03:00
Como qualquer polemista talentoso (o que Bergman no ), Godard tem a coragem de sim
plificar a si mesmo. Essa qualidade de simplificao em grande parte de sua obra tan
to uma forma de generosidade com relao ao seu pblico quanto uma agresso contra este;
e, em parte, apenas o transbordamento de uma sensibilidade inesgotavelmente viv
a. A atitude que Godard traz ao meio flmico com frequncia denominada, de maneira d
epreciativa, literria. O que em geral se quer significar com essa acusao, como quando
Satie foi acusado de compor msica literria, ou Magritte de fazer uma pintura lite
rria, uma preocupao com as ideias, com a conceitualizao, em detrimento da integridade
sensria e da fora emocional da obra mais geralmente, o hbito (uma espcie de mau gos
to, supe-se) de violentar a unidade essencial de uma dada forma de arte atravs da
introduo de elementos estranhos a ela.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 350 | Pos. 5.353 a 5.355 | Data de adio: sbado, 12 de maro de 20
16 22h42min58s GMT-03:00
There are always two reasons for anything, she said. There is always the good reaso
n, and there is always the real reason. But even if I remembered the real reason
, I wouldnt tell
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 352 | Pos. 5.390 a 5.393 | Data de adio: sbado, 12 de maro de 20
16 22h46min12s GMT-03:00
Chtcheglov and de Barn were living in a loft, and every night the light from the E
iffel Tower would shine in their eyes. They decided to blow it upnot as a politica
l act, not as a nihilist affirmation, but because it kept them awakeand they were
arrested. With the dynamite. It was in all the papers. I dont know if they were r
eally going to do it. Of course they had talked about it to everybody.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 353 | Pos. 5.406 a 5.408 | Data de adio: domingo, 13 de maro de
2016 08h30min32s GMT-03:00
Throughout the LI and SI years, Bernstein worked as a horoscopist (I made it all
up), a race-horse horoscopist (That too), a publishers assistant, and finally a succ
essful advertising director (To us, you understand, it was all spectacle; adverti
sing was not worse than anything else. We took our money where we could find it).
Against Self-Criticism (
- Destaque Pos. 16 a 22 | Data de adio: domingo, 27 de maro de 2016 15h13min19s GM
We are ambivalent, in Freuds view, about anything and everything that matters to
us; indeed, ambivalence is the way we recognise that someone or something has be
come significant to us. This means that we are ambivalent about ambivalence, abo
ut love and hate and sex and pleasure and each other and ourselves, and so on; w
herever there is an object of desire there must be ambivalence. But Freuds insist
ence about our ambivalence, about people as fundamentally ambivalent animals, is
also a way of saying that were never quite as obedient as we seem to be: that wh
ere there is devotion there is always protest, where there is trust there is sus
picion, where there is self-hatred or guilt there is also self-love. We may not
be able to imagine a life in which we dont spend a large amount of our time criti
cising ourselves and others; but we should keep in mind the self-love that is al
ways in play. Self-criticism can be our most unpleasant our most sadomasochistic
way of loving ourselves.
Against Self-Criticism (
- Destaque Pos. 23 a 25 | Data de adio: domingo, 27 de maro de 2016 15h15min36s GM
A life without a so-called critical faculty would seem an idiocy: what are we, a
fter all, but our powers of discrimination, our taste, the violence of our prefe
rences? Self-criticism, and the self as critical, are essential to our sense, ou
r picture, of our so-called selves.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 115 a 117 | Data de adio: domingo, 27 de maro de 2016 17h34min18s
Repetition, for instance: repetition in music works best when the quality of rep
eated tones and their patterning remind you of breathing or walking or running.
Crucially, the effect of repetition depends not on one figure being repeated ide
ntically and unaccompanied, but on a relative change moving against a relative c
onstant, which is really the key to lifes riddle of time and gratification.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 404 a 406 | Data de adio: domingo, 27 de maro de 2016 18h28min48s
Shostakovichs String Quartet no. 15 was completed in 1974, a year before his deat
h; every movement is marked adagio, and his instruction to musicians was, Play th
e first movement so that flies drop dead in mid-air and the audience leaves the
hall out of sheer boredom.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.117 a 1.120 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016 14
h04min59s GMT-03:00
Do they have everything? Not always. Uncertainty can create extraordinary knowle
dge. Great skill can block uncertainty. Sarah Vaughan and Art Tatum didnt have ev
erything. They didnt have the chain of sidestepping strategies that comes with mo
desty. They werent great at yielding and undercutting themselves. In performance
they were perhaps more formally subtle than honestly subtle.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.133 a 1.136 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016 14
h07min26s GMT-03:00
She sang every note that exists and some that dont exist, Dylan said. Talk about man
gling a melody. Take a one-syllable word and make it last for fifteen minutes. S
he was doing vocal gymnastics like she was a trapeze act. If I can imagine a perf
ect response to this comment, it would be Marsha Ambrosius recording a forty-min
ute version of Masters of War, a cappella, full of intent, for home listening, and
full of as much melisma as she likes.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.272 a 1.279 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016 16
h06min33s GMT-03:00
The writer Albert Murray, in his 1973 book The Hero and the Blues, expressed the
idea that the blues wasnt an act of sadness, but an act of defiance and survival
; that the great skill of black American culture was the ability to improvise a
way out of the suicidal impulse. It seemed counterintuitive at the time: werent t
here plenty of examples in black American music of voices or instruments that we
re actually mimicking the sound of crying or disappointment? (Billie Holidays Im a
Fool to Want You, Etta Joness Im Through with Love, Robert Johnsons Stones in My Passw
y, Howlin Wolfs Smokestack Lightning.) But Murray was probably right. Bent notes and
in-between notes, the key ingredients of that music, cant be notated, because the
yre not clinical examples of music; theyre clinical examples of living and minute-
to-minute choice. They cut unusual paths. They are not singing from the page; th
eyre full of individual will.
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 406 | Pos. 6.213 a 6.217 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 14 de a
bril de 2016 15h36min25s GMT-03:00
The sectors of a city are, at a certain level, legible. But the meaning they hav
e had for us, personally, is incommunicable, like the clandestinity of private l
ife, of which we possess nothing but pitiful documents...And only a few encounters w
ere like signals emanating from a more intense life, a life that has not really
been found. Guy Debord, Critique of Separation, 1961
Lipstick Traces (Greil Marcus)
- Destaque na pgina 413 | Pos. 6.321 a 6.326 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 14 de a
bril de 2016 16h33min17s GMT-03:00
If the spectacle was bad art, the creation of situations was the good. We have to
multiply poetic subjects and objects, Debord wrote in 1957, as the LI dissolved
itself into the SI, and we have to organize games of these poetic objects among t
hese poetic subjects. This is our entire programand the entire program it was. In
Internationale situationniste the facts of life were removed into a poetic dimen
sion, where they could be reseen, and remade, by anyone, by everyone; during May
68, it had seemed as if the game had begun. If you looked you could see it happe
n: every gesture was extended, every street redrawn, every building demolished a
nd rebuilt, every word part of a new language. But this is also what happened wi
th punk.
Psicologia Quntica (Robert Anton Wilson)
- Destaque Pos. 1.694 a 1.699 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2016 1
6h57min10s GMT-03:00
Aristteles s notou que a afirmao Eu vejo significa realmente Eu vi. A Neurocincia mo
revela que Eu vejo (ou Eu percebo) significa realmente Fiz uma aposta. No tempo trans
corrido entre a chegada dos sinais ao olho, ou a outro rgo receptor, e o surgiment
o de uma imagem ou ideia em nossos crebros, realizamos muito trabalho artstico criat
ivo. Geralmente, realizamos esse trabalho to depressa que no notamos. Portanto, es
quecemos o jogo em cada percepo e nos surpreendemos (ou at nos aborrecemos) sempre
que nos manifestamos contra a evidncia de que os outros no vem o que vemos.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.336 a 1.340 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016 1
1h39min56s GMT-03:00
And thats the best way to listen to Celtic Frost, or Enslaved, or Yob: alone, but
feeling that youre part of a group based on common interests that go beyond musi
c. The reason that there are so many kinds of metal, wide enough apart that you
can like some and not like others, is that metal is a disposition. Its deep hyste
riathe rightness of being fundamentally wrong. And like all great contradictions
in musiclike complicated simplicity, or agitated joy, or jaded youth, or artful s
loppinessit pulls listeners in, makes them want to make sure they understand. It
makes us listen harder.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.412 a 1.417 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016 1
5h02min42s GMT-03:00
The party is above her level. Shes closed up with fear; she lacks cultural self-c
onfidence. And then, hearing what she likes, acknowledging it through repetitionn
ot twice but, crucially, three times (when the DJ dropped my favorite tune / and
the Britney song was on / and the Britney song was on / and the Britney song was
on), she finds a tunnel in the music. (Nodding my head like yeah / Moving my hips
like yeah.) Its a song about biding time with low expectationsapprehension, doubt,
second-guessingbefore entering a physical space of great possibility, and then, o
nce inside the physical space, gaining psychological entry to the music that thr
ills you. Finally, it is a song about listening: one of the greatest ever made.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.663 a 1.666 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016 1
4h10min01s GMT-03:00
Both listening to his records and soldiering through his performances ends, for
me, with the same feeling of hurt and admiration and, ultimately, self-reliance.
Theres no defined place to stand in relation to it. You fend for yourself. The G
rateful Dead makes enveloping narratives; Merzbow makes negative atmospheres. Yo
u dont disappear in the great beauty of them; you assert your humanity in relatio
n to their blasted nothingness.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.715 a 1.719 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016 1
4h36min28s GMT-03:00
Castiglione used the term sprezzatura, which means a cultivated indifference. Its t
he notion of I could give you exactly what you want in the quantity that you want
, and I might, but I will also show you how little effort that takes, and how qu
ickly I will forget what I just did. It is a dark cousin of generosity, which is
effortfully offering something of mutually agreed-upon value. It implies a seemi
ngly impossible thought: that the artist doesnt even need an audience, or that he
has been put in front of it by random circumstances. It is fantastically powerf
ul for music.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 1.973 a 1.978 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016 08h
38min56s GMT-03:00
Olivier Messiaens Turangalla Symphony, for a good example. Its so big and churning.
Even in the introductionand certainly in the most organized high point of the wo
rk, the Joie du Sang des toilesso much happens, by means of so many instruments: cym
bal crashes, harmonized trumpet and tuba, lightning-hammer piano chords, glocken
spiel, celesta, vibraphone, ondes Martenot, full string-orchestra chords. Its th
eme, we may find out later, is love, the kind that cant be contained or sublimate
d without dangerous or violent results. Its about an interior force that is not t
o be understood but which makes you larger, which connects you to things outside
of it. And so the music describes such a force in kind.
Every Song Ever (Ben Ratliff)
- Destaque Pos. 2.055 a 2.059 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016 08h
57min08s GMT-03:00
A musicians impulse to improvise comes first from a sense of identity: in humans,
or birds, its what children do when theyre already launched on their course of le
arning from a parent. Theyre learning how to talk in such a way that will broadca
st their family, their tribe. At the same time, they are learning that the chang
ing of a note can create a profound effect. Differences teach them continuities.
Getting outside the patterns teaches them more about the patterns. Later they b
egin to understand that improvisation becomes a mode of survival, a method of sh
owing power or flexibility.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 278 a 280 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016 07h35m
in32s GMT-03:00
Its an idea thats hanging over a theoretical abyss because theres no compelling rea
son to assume the laws of nature are permanent in an evolving universe. If the u
niverse is evolving, then the laws of nature may be evolving as well. In fact, t
he very idea of the laws of nature may not be appropriate. It may be better to t
hink of the evolving habits of nature.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 331 a 333 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016 07h55m
in42s GMT-03:00
The model we all take for granteddeep time, the time of geologywas only discovered
in the nineteenth century. Its cosmically ennobling to think of the universe as
a thing of great age, but I think its time to put in place, next to the notion of
deep cosmic time, the notion of chaotic sudden change, unexpected flux, sudden
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 357 a 361 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016 08h05m
in55s GMT-03:00
Rupert and I were chatting last night in our room about the aboriginal nature of
God, the idea that somehow time is the theater of Gods becoming. From the point
of view of a higher-dimensional manifold, Gods existence is a kind of fait accomp
li. This is a paradox but not necessarily a contradiction, because in these onto
logically primary realms we must avoid closure and hold on to the notion of a co
incidentia oppositorum, a union of opposites. A thing is both what it is and wha
t it is not, and yet it somehow escapes contradiction. Thats how the open system
is maintained. Thats how the miracle of life and mind is possible.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 365 a 370 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016 08h08m
in29s GMT-03:00
History is the track in the snow left by creativity wandering in the Divine Imag
ination. In the history departments of modern universities, it is taught that th
is track in the snow is going nowhere. The technical term is trendlessly fluctua
ting. Were told that history is a trendlessly fluctuating process: It goes here,
it goes there. We just wander around. Its called a random walk in information the
ory. This is all very interesting, for weve begun to see, through the marvel of t
he new mathematics, that random walks are not random at allthat a sufficiently lo
ng random walk becomes a fractal structure of extraordinary depth and beauty. Ch
aos is not something that degrades information and is somehow the enemy of order
, but rather it is something that is the birthplace of order.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 377 a 379 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016 08h20m
in43s GMT-03:00
the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, the idea that the cosmos must have been co
nstituted so that it allowed the evolution of carbon-based life on at least one
planet and then allowed the evolution of human intelligence so that it could giv
e rise to human cosmologists. Other people are a kind of by-product.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 517 a 523 | Data de adio: sbado, 28 de maio de 2016 11h40min55s GM
I assume that psychedelics somehow change our channel from the evolutionarily im
portant channel giving traffic, weather, and stock market reports to the one pla
ying the classical music of an alien civilization. In other words, we tend to tu
ne to the channel that has a big payback in the immediate world. It seems obviou
s to me that there are channels of the imagination that are not so tailored for
human consumption. I think youre correct, that memories and hence all objects of
cognition are not in the wetware of the brain. They are somehow plucked out of a
superspace of some sort via very subtle quantum mechanical transductions that g
o on at the molecular level. The Divine Imagination is the reality behind appear
ance. Appearance is simply the local slice of the Divine Imagination.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 837 a 842 | Data de adio: domingo, 29 de maio de 2016 17h01min54s
Written language creates the illusion for us of an independent world. The notion
of a transcendent eternal world of Forms couldnt have arisen until written langu
age did, because written language provides the model for it. By what I think of
as a kind of idolatry, human-made symbols and structures, when written down, are
imagined to endure forever in some other realm. Spoken language is far older th
an written language, but is a process that happens in time. The memory involved
in oral cultures is carried in stories that are continually retold and that evol
ve as they are transmitted. The spoken record, the story, develops organically a
s time goes on, and theres nobody around to say, Well, youve got the story wrong; i
n the book its written like this.
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 5 | Pos. 67 a 75 | Data de adio: quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2
016 08h23min10s GMT-03:00
Em um estudo sobre os aspectos da vida quotidiana,4 Trotsky argumenta que o operr
io est preso entre a vodca, a igreja e o cinema. Embora veja as trs coisas como na
rcticos que prejudicam o proletariado, ele separa o cinema das duas primeiras. Co
mparando o cinema a frequentar uma taberna para se embebedar ou ir a uma igreja
onde o mesmo drama encenado perpetuamente por fora do hbito e de rituais montonos,
Trotsky prefere o cinema, cujo papel totalmente diferente. O encontro com a tela
de cinema proporciona uma teatralidade de alcance muito maior que aquela propor
cionada pela igreja, que usa milhares de anos de experincia de palco para seduzir
. Trotsky afirma que o cinema suprime todo desejo de religio, que a melhor maneir
a de se opor taberna e igreja. Ele sugere que o cinema seja assegurado como inst
rumento de controle da classe trabalhadora. Em outras palavras, Trotsky sente qu
e o espetculo sedutor essencial para o discurso e a prtica da revoluo.
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 30 | Pos. 459 a 464 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho d
e 2016 15h14min42s GMT-03:00
O senhor dos anis, de Tolkien, no seria a maior prova desse paradoxo? Somente um d
evoto cristo poderia ter imaginado um universo pago to magnificente, confirmando as
sim que o paganismo o sonho cristo supremo. Por isso os crticos cristos conservador
es, que expressam sua preocupao quanto ao modo como O senhor dos anis solapa o cris
tianismo com seu retrato da magia pag, no capta o principal, ou seja, a perversa c
oncluso inevitvel aqui: voc quer gozar do sonho pago de uma vida prazerosa sem pagar
por isso o preo da tristeza melanclica? Ento escolha o cristianismo!
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 34 | Pos. 515 a 518 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho d
e 2016 15h23min31s GMT-03:00
por isso que a propaganda contra a poltica emancipatria radical cnica por definio
o sentido simples de no acreditar em suas prprias palavras, mas num nvel muito mais
bsico: ela cnica precisamente na medida em que acredita em suas prprias palavras,
pois sua mensagem uma convico resignada de que o mundo em que vivemos, se no for o
melhor de todos os mundos possveis, o pior deles, de modo que toda mudana radical
s tem a pior-lo.
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 35 | Pos. 536 a 541 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho d
e 2016 15h24min14s GMT-03:00
21 Em conversas particulares, Wagner foi bastante explcito quanto obscenidade pag
subjacente de Parsifal numa recepo particular na vspera da primeira apresentao, ele a
descreveu como uma missa negra, uma obra que representa a Santa Comunho [...] todo
s vocs que esto envolvidos no espetculo devem se assegurar de que tm o mal dentro de
si, e todos vocs que esto presentes como espectadores devem garantir que acolhero
o diabo em seus coraes!. Citado por: KOHLER, Joachim. Richard Wagner: The Last of th
e Titans. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. p. 591.
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 37 | Pos. 561 a 567 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho d
e 2016 15h37min48s GMT-03:00
um breve exame de nossa paisagem moral confirma que muito mais apropriado descre
ver o universo dos hedonistas liberais ateus: eles dedicam a vida busca dos praz
eres, mas como no h nenhuma autoridade externa que lhes garanta o espao para essa b
usca, eles acabam intricados numa densa rede de regras autoimpostas e politicame
nte corretas, como se um supereu muito mais severo que o da moral tradicional os
controlasse. Eles se tornam obcecados com a ideia de que, ao buscar seus prazer
es, eles podem humilhar ou violar o espao dos outros, por isso regulam seu compor
tamento em regras detalhadas de como evitar assediar os outros, isso sem mencionar
regras menos complexas relacionadas ao cuidado de si (ginstica, alimentao saudvel,
relaxamento espiritual...). Na verdade, nada mais opressor e regulado que um sim
ples hedonista.
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 37 | Pos. 567 a 575 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho d
e 2016 15h38min38s GMT-03:00
A segunda coisa, estritamente correlata primeira observao, que, hoje em dia, tudo
permitido para aqueles que se referem a Deus de uma maneira brutalmente direta,
percebendo-se como instrumentos da vontade de Deus. So os chamados fundamentalist
as que praticam uma verso pervertida do que Kierkegaard chamava de suspenso religi
osa do tico: para cumprir uma misso de Deus, tem-se permisso para matar milhares de
inocentes... Ento por que testemunhamos hoje o aumento da violncia justificada re
ligiosamente (ou eticamente)? Porque vivemos numa poca que se considera ps-ideolgic
a. Como as grandes causas pblicas no podem mais ser usadas como fundamentos para a
violncia em massa (ou guerra), isto , como nossa ideologia hegemnica nos incita a
gozar a vida e compreender nossos Eus, difcil, para a maioria, superar essa repul
sa pela tortura e pelo assassinato de outro ser humano. A grande maioria das pes
soas espontaneamente moral: torturar ou matar outro ser humano profundamente tra
umtico para elas. Ento, para que elas o faam, preciso uma Causa sagrada maior, uma Ca
usa que faa qualquer preocupao individual mnima em relao matana parecer trivial.
O sofrimento de Deus: Inverses do Apocalipse (Boris Gunjevic e Slavoj iek)
- Destaque na pgina 43 | Pos. 660 a 665 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho d
e 2016 16h09min04s GMT-03:00
a nica maneira que ainda temos de apreender o Sagrado pelos atos despropositados
da destruio que subtraem algo do curso utilitarista-funcional das coisas. Uma cois
a sacralizada quando destruda por isso que as runas do 11 de Setembro (Marco Zer
agradas... (Aqui Marion acrescenta uma subdiviso a esse sacrifcio negativo-destrut
ivo: o sacrifcio asctico de todos os bens materiais patolgicos ou todas caractersticas
do Si para afirmar o prprio Si em sua autonomia autrquica. Afina, o que sacrifica
do aqui o contedo patolgico no essencial, que permite a autoapropriao da autonomia a
uica do Si ao fazer o sacrifcio, eu no perco nada, ou seja, apenas aquilo que irre
levante em si mesmo.)
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 933 a 940 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016 16h30m
in16s GMT-03:00
This is the link between chaos and the imagination. The repression of chaos, and
the resulting obstruction of imagination, has led to the development over thous
ands of years of the serious, perhaps fatal, ecological problems that we have to
day. The growth of this problem beyond all bounds, with few people even trying t
o do anything about it, suggests denial and a lack of imagination. This is an ar
tifact of a cultural flaw that came along with the patriarchy. Im not saying that
patriarchal culture is bad because its patriarchal. Im saying its bad because it h
as repressed chaos. Patriarchy has made chaos bad and it has made Marduk boss: t
he god of law and order. We must reject this view of chaos so that the planet an
d life and love can be saved. Now, lo and behold, an event has come along that i
s as positive, perhaps, as the discovery of the wheel was negative. Without givi
ng up the wheel, or our automobiles, we are regaining chaos for potential partne
rship with the wheel. Chaos and order. Chaos and cosmos. Chaos and the imaginati
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 952 a 965 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016 16h34m
in09s GMT-03:00
We must become aware of the astonishing fact that as a species we are the victim
s of an instance of traumatic abuse in childhood. As human beings, we once had a
symbiotic relationship with the world-girdling intelligence of the planet that
was mediated through shamanic plant use. This relationship was disrupted and eve
ntually lost by the progressive climatic drying of the Eurasian and African land
masses. This was the literal force behind our fall into history, our expulsion
from Eden. All the primary myths of the Golden Age found and lost point to the f
act that once we lived in dynamic balance with naturenot as animals, but as human
beings in a unique way that we have lost. How have we lost it, and what have we
lost? Psychoactive compounds that were brought into the expanding human diet du
ring the early part of our evolution inhibited the formation of the ego, promoti
ng instead collectivist, tribal partnership values operating intuitively in a re
ciprocal feedback relationship with the feminine vegetable matrix of the biosphe
re. In other words, nothing was verbalized and everything was felt. Everything w
as intuited. Regularly, at the new and full moons, small groups of hunter-gather
ers and pastoralists took hallucinogenic plants and dissolved their boundaries,
engaging in group sex and annealing irregularities that had cropped up in their
personal self-imaging since the last session. These practices kept cultural real
ity grounded on the plane of group and species values, which was in dynamic bala
nce with the ecosystem. When these practices were disrupted as supplies of these
plants diminished, new religious forms arose, and the time between these great
festivals grew longer and longer. The ego began to take hold, first as a kind of
cancerous aberration, then quickly becoming a new style of behavior that elimin
ated other styles of behavior by suppressing access to the sources of chaos.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 978 a 981 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016 16h37m
in26s GMT-03:00
My model for the psychedelic experience is the night sea journeyyourself as the l
one fisherman on a tropical sea with your nets. Sometimes, something tears throu
gh your nets and leaves them in shreds, so you just row for shore and put your h
ead under your bed and pray. Other times, what slips through the nets are the mi
nutiae, the minnows of this icthyological metaphor of idea chasing. Sometimes yo
u actually bring home something that is food for the human community, from which
we can sustain ourselves and go forward.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 993 a 1.000 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016 16h4
4min31s GMT-03:00
The imagination is an auric field that surrounds the transcendental object at th
e end of time. As we close distance with it, all of our cultural expression and
self-awareness takes on a curiously designed quality. The world is very heavily
designed in a way that it never was before. Morphogenetic fields of great size a
nd scope, in the form of international schools of architecture and design, touch
whole continents. Entire cities are given certain ambiences. This is the summon
ing of imagination into the human scale. Its like a god that we call down and dra
w to Earth. William Blake called it the Divine Imagination. Its the four-gated ci
ty, the flying saucer. We are on a journey to meet the great attractor, and as w
e close the distance it is more and more a multifaceted mirror of our own images
of beauty. This journey is an ascending learning curve that is becoming asympto
tic; at that point, we are face to face with a living mystery that is within eac
h and all of us.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 1.031 a 1.048 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016 16
h56min12s GMT-03:00
Do you think its because the ego is basically on a control trip and must become t
he center of the space in which it operates? Egomaniacs control women and resour
ces. They believe vigilance is the key, as in the national motto of Albania, Fear
it is that guards the vineyard. Our culture definitely takes an egocentric domin
ator view. The fear of the psychedelic experience is quite literally the fear of
losing control. Dominator types today dont understand that its not important to m
aintain control if you are not in control in the first place. In a tribal societ
y, for instance, where there is no property and there are no assigned sleeping p
laces, everyone behaves according to something that we can only call whim. Whim
has been replaced by mine, yours, my spot, your spot, my food, your food, which ha
s led to the dissolution of the psychedelic collectivity. The world has become v
ery threatening and everything is up for grabs. Now we have to rely on the inter
pretation of group values instead of on felt intuition. The ego is paranoia inst
itutionalized. Ralph: I guess its a package deal. We have the dominator, the patr
iarchy, and the ego, which in our culture we can see as a male disease like test
osterone poisoning. Terence: I dont see it as a male disease. I think everybody i
n this room has a far stronger ego than they need. The great thing that Riane Ei
sler, in her book The Chalice and the Blade, did for this discussion was to de-g
enderize the terminology. Instead of talking about patriarchy and all this, what
we should be talking about is dominator versus partnership society. Ralph: I ag
ree with you; its a good service she has done. However, the problem were faced wit
h is how to get back to the partnership paradigm. One practical suggestion is yo
ur missionary appeal for psychedelic usage. The ego aspect of the problem arose
not only through the suppression of psychedelic usage in ritual but through the
gradually increasing interval between festivals. This process was similar to the
cooling of the universe, out of which different material forms crystallized. Th
e dominator society sort of crystallized out through the gradual increase in the
interval between partnership rituals.
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness (Rupert Sheldrake)
- Destaque Pos. 1.053 a 1.059 | Data de adio: quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016 16
h57min51s GMT-03:00
Ralph: Do you think that the Eleusinian mysteries could be reinstituted? Or has
this possibility been irrevocably lost to progress? Terence: The psychedelic reviv
al is an effort to find our way back to something like the mysteries. We are not
the first nor the most eminent to suggest this kind of reengineering of the hum
an animal. I call attention to the words of Arthur Koestler, the great anticommu
nist freedom fighter and scientific intellectual. In a book called The Ghost in
the Machine, he concluded that there has to be mass pharmacological intervention
to change human behavior. He envisioned a drug that inhibits territoriality. Ou
r reflexes and our mental set are highly and well adapted to the stoning to deat
h of woolly mastodons, but, since we so rarely do that, we need to retool for li
ving in peace while managing limited resources. The dissolving of boundaries by
psychedelics certainly makes them candidates for antiterritoriality drugs.