Lightolier Contemporary Coordinates Brochure 1969
Lightolier Contemporary Coordinates Brochure 1969
Lightolier Contemporary Coordinates Brochure 1969
Table Contents
New The'Bare Bulb' Look (Circular). Crisp white
halo forms, punctuated by sparkljng points
Ferceptlons ot light.3 sizes Ior coordinated design
Flexibility in
Lighting Design 3246 . ... ... 13
3247 .......13
...... 18
Whether the need is to focus attention, direct 3248.......13 40773 ...... a
3250.......13 40774 ...... I
traffic, emphasize a dimension or establish a 4046.......18 40784 ...... 7
mood, the pages that follow detail a host of
4164.......21 407a5 ...... 7
creative tools lor designing with light. The 4180.......21 40796 ... ... 6
thoughtlul design th roughout assures 4343.......17 40797 ...... 6
malntenance-f ree service, qual jty materials 4344.......17 40798 .. . .. . 6
4350.......17 40799...... 6
and lasting tinishes-all typical of and backed
by Lightolier's more than 65 years of lighting 4428.._....13 40804......18
leadersh ip.
4450.......22 40807......15
4647 ....... I 40808......15
4651 .. ... .. I 40809......15
4653 . ... ... I 40810 .. ... . 15
Lytespan Track: ror creating a line of
5 arm spreadet 10 arm spreader lights from a single outlet. Track can be
recessed, surface or stem mounted. Straight
runs, L, T and X, intersections, and ion spe-
cial order) custom-curved runs lorm patterns
for the arrangement of Iighting units.
:::.-:: (For lull details,
merchandise d isplays, provides excellent 5503 Matte white 7t/2" dia. 111/2" - 150 W.
surface illuminatjon from desks to dining 5504 Jade bronze. 14" dia. 13" - 150 W.
5505 Burnt bronze. 14" dia. 13" - 150 W.
tables. Deeply regressed bulb, qlass diffuser.
5506 lvlatte white 14" dia.
'Eternalum is a regisiered Trade
George lndustries, Los Angeles, Calil
13" - 150 W.
Pendants supplied with 72" cord, except 4-digit numbers (52" cord).
Do m e ffi ::iiJ:"::,:::l: :'"'i? l;lili,l H;:",.
3246 Pol. brass,
DOWnliqhtinq Alternating bands of vivid color that kindle
white, teak 16111" 10" 1-100w.
' with inter-reflected light. Translucent acrylic
forms with diffusing opal globes, set ofi by 3247 Yellaw, o range, teak 161/2" 10"
gleaming chrome. And a classic opaque 3248 B lue, turquoise, teak 161/t" 10'' 1-100w.
dome with conceniric louvers to control 3250 Black, copper, teak 161/2" 10" 1- I00w.
sou rce brightness. 4428 White 17" A" 3- 75W..
5520 Red acrylic,
opal, chrome 16" 12rlz" 1 - 10O\N.
5521 Green acrylic,
opal, ch rome 16" 121/2" 1 - 1O0 \N.
dth Lenqth (max wattaae)
113/t" - 100 w.
The gleaming polished melal contrastswith
- -'- ; --s-.- the olowinq ruminous opal globesw,thin.A 5510 Pol. chrome 16" 113/i' - 100 w.
5511 Pol. brass 20" 13" - 150 W.
LOOI( com"plete cj"esiqn family - domes. spheres
5512 Pol. chrome 20" 13" - 150 W.
close-to-ceiling units - in sizesforvirtually 5513 Pol. brass 14" 171/t" - 100 w.
any application. Appropriately used in 5514 Pol. chrome 14" 17,/2" - 100 w.
clusters as well as individuallY. 5515 Pol. brass 20" 24" - 150 W.
5516 Pol. chrome 20" 24" - 150 W.
5517 Pol. brass 731t" 731a" - 100 w.
5518 Pol. chrome 731a" 731a" - 100 w.
Pendants supplied with 72" cord, except 4-digit numbers (52" cord)
The dramatic lighting effects oi doo, .g '
Light lnterplay selt lluminated metal sculptures create a
F nish
40807 Matte wh te
widrh Length
16" 15)li'
(max wattage)
200 w.
rnood of mUled exCirel.tent. lf,a ingeniOUS
design blocks direct glare and creates 40808 Matte white 22" 21)li' 300 w.
intriguing variations of light intensities on 40809 Satin brass 16' 15r/.r" 200 w.
Pendants supplled wllh 72" cord, except 4-digit numbers (52" cord)
Cyl i nder il:i';ff :ilX",jffi?::;i:'ln":T"''n"'' Widlh
Body Llqhts
Lenath imax wattaael
4A46 7)/t" 9)/2"
So p h i sti ca tes g:?3;: T:fl ': ff ;: ::,"j: ! L1;?" ;i ?;:',,
brass 1 - 150 W.
40714 whtlel
warm look of teakwood . . . the sleekness of black/b rass 6" 121/2" - 100 w.
polished chrome. . the sheen of the brass 40719 teak 6" 12" - 150 W.
double cone, slotted and plerced for sparkle 40804 white/
black/b rass B" 18" 1 - 150 W.
40817 pol. ch rome Br/r 8"1 - 100 w.
w. R-30
40844 pol. ch rome 5" 12" '1
- 75 W.
Pendants supplled wilh 72" cotd, except 4 digil numbers (52" cord)
Designed for v sua lnterest . . . to add a B.lry Ltrs
iin sh W.llh Lenglh lma! satia!.r
sc nt Lat ng spark e to the srnart inierior.
Slender intricate y iaceted crystal tubes . .
40700 matie black, f iz' 11tiz" 1 - 40 W.
small spheres of solid. hand bLown crysta crystaL F 15 cleai
wiih myriads of twinkling air bubb es
40713 black/brass-
opa g ass 5/,'t 14 1 - 75 !V.
g lowing wh te opal set oif by elongated maite
40721 !t un metal,
black lubes. . . and a sophistjcated goblet crystal 2) l. 19" 1 40 \rJ.
of g ttering amber glassware. clea r ilame
40822 sat n brass/
arnber glass 63rr" 1-25W.
G-l6r,/, cLear
cand base
,f ilil
.-_ +---
The ever-contemporary luminous globe - in
Luminous rich matte-surface elcl-ed opal glass. These F nish
booy Lq
Widlh Lerg|r (rnax iattage)
SphgfeS "t""",i"i,r"'ro,".hapesareappropriate
5596 sat. aluminum/opal glass 6" 65/a" 1 - 100 W.
for any decor. Used individually, they deliver 40826 bone white/opal glass 12" 12112" 1 - 150 W.
full and glare-free light. With spreaders or 40827 bone white/opal glass 14" 141/t" 1 - 300 W.
rn groupings. they are versatile design
e lements.
40832 bone white/opal glass 8" 8t/2" 1 - 75 W.
40835 bone white/opal glass 10" 11" 1 - 150 W.
40836 bone white/opal glass 12" 13" 1 - 150 W.
40a42 bone white/opal glass 14" 15" 1 - 150 W.
Pendarrs sLop eo w lh 72" cord. e^cept 4-d g I ru.noers cord).
--BoAt - -- Lfsits
An architectural collection of glowing design
Luminous elemenis:satin opal glass . . . opal within
Widlh Lenglh {max. watlage)
Geometry siriped clear glass. . . new heavy foam crystal 4164 opal g lass 6tlt" 12112" 1 - 100 W.
Lig ht ng to look at ard lightlng to see by for BcdY L J'l'
botll commerc al and residential interlors. Frnisli V/ ililr t {r.!l1a lnax vrattalel
Co orflrl, brightly patterned oi simple 4450 waln!t
ur-n noLrsshades w th sty ish accents of veneerwhite 173/i" 10' 1
chrome, teak or wa n ut. Cast ng a llood of H -Lo switch
down ght on table or disp ay through a 5s24 black & wh te
d fiuser bowl ol washab e, unbreakab e
pr nt/ch ro m e 13, 12 1 - loow 0
5525 po ypropy ene/
polypropy ene. Cord length adjuster chrome 1 - 100
15" 12" w.
supplled. 5526 grassc oth,/teak 13 ,1r' 12 1- 100w.
5527 linen/teak 16" 12" 1 100 w.
polka dot
p rln t,/te a k 16" 12" 1-100w.
Pendants supp ied with 72" cord excepl .1-d q i numbers (52" cord).
; i il
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Some projects call for the individuality
and prestige of custom lighting to fully
express the overall design concept
and to tailor the lighting to fit the
special needs of a particular space.
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