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Lightolier Contemporary Coordinates Brochure 1969

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Table Contents
New The'Bare Bulb' Look (Circular). Crisp white
halo forms, punctuated by sparkljng points
Ferceptlons ot light.3 sizes Ior coordinated design

ln Lighting The 'Bare Bulb' Look (Square). A variety

of modules which can be used singly, or
Light is a creative medium - linked to create lighling patterns as in a
perhaps the most powerful of all,
because most of what we know of Spreader Syslems For Lighting Elements. A
our environment comes to us diversified group of structural frameworks
enabling the designer to compose clusters
through our eyes, and because the of light from among a wide range of lighting
way we see things depends on how
they are lighted. There is light to Flair Oownlights. Sleek shapes with spill
ease the task. . . enhance color, light to dramatize the rich finishes. For
highlighting displays and illuminating hori-
sparkle, texture . . . enlarge space
... creat intimacy . . . stimulate or
tranquilize. . . to look at and enjoy. Dome Downlighting. ln a var;ety of decora-
The collection presented here is tive designs. Alternating bands ol color.
Translucent acrylic with opal globes. And a
primarily lighting to look at - classic opaque dome.
glitter or glow - which helps define
an ambience, in lorms which have The 'See-Through' Look. Airy glowing forms,
their own special beauty. set ofl by polished metal spokes, provides
large scale without bulk, generous light with-
It is also lighting to see by - out glare. Complete design family - domes,
assisting in the perception ol our spheres, close-to-ceiling units. Page l4
interiors, their inhabitants,
furnishings and possessions . . . Light lnlerplay. lnterwoven bands of metal
block direct glare, create inlriguing varia-
although today this function is tions of light on multiple surfaces. Self-illu-
increasing ly performeb by adding mjnating metal sculptures. Page 15

lighting which is architecturally

integrated. Together - lighting to Glitter, Smoke-tinted transparent enclosures
mute the gljtter of clear bulbs . . . refine the
look at and lighting to see by glow of opal globes . . . delicately restrain
should be coordinated to create the the liery sparkle of crystal. A wide array of
forms and sizes, both suspended and close-
total lighting scheme. Pages l6-17

This brochure is one ol several Cylinder Sophislicales. Varied downlight

decorative lighting collectjons by designs, most with an uplight component.
Lightolier. See the Lightolier The warmth of teakwood . . . the sleekness
Handbook tor all your decorative and of polished chrome. . . the sheen of brass.
Page 18
architectural lighting requirements.

Sparkling Cluslers, Designed for visual in-

terest. Crystal in slender tubes and in small
air-bubble spheres. An amber glassware
goblet. Glowing opal set oft by elongated
black tubes. For sophisticated interiors.
Paqe 19

Luminous Geometry. Varied collection of

glowing design elements: the classic sphere
and teardrop forms . . . opal within striped
clear glass . . . new iced opal ... dramatic
black ornamental grille setting ofl white

Suspended Lamps. Brightly pailerned or

simple luminoLrs shades with accents of
chrome, teak or walnut. Warm uplight, well-
diifused downlight for areas where portable
lamps are not desired or where table space

Flexibility in
Lighting Design 3246 . ... ... 13
3247 .......13
...... 18
Whether the need is to focus attention, direct 3248.......13 40773 ...... a
3250.......13 40774 ...... I
traffic, emphasize a dimension or establish a 4046.......18 40784 ...... 7
mood, the pages that follow detail a host of
4164.......21 407a5 ...... 7
creative tools lor designing with light. The 4180.......21 40796 ... ... 6
thoughtlul design th roughout assures 4343.......17 40797 ...... 6
malntenance-f ree service, qual jty materials 4344.......17 40798 .. . .. . 6
4350.......17 40799...... 6
and lasting tinishes-all typical of and backed
by Lightolier's more than 65 years of lighting 4428.._....13 40804......18
leadersh ip.
4450.......22 40807......15
4647 ....... I 40808......15
4651 .. ... .. I 40809......15
4653 . ... ... I 40810 .. ... . 15

4671 . .. .... 9 40811 ......17

4673 ... .. . . 9 40812......17
4674 ....... I 40813 ...... 21
4676 .. ... .. 9 40814......21
4923.......17 40815 ...... 21

5501 .......'12 40816......17

5502.......12 40817 . ... .. 18
5503.......12 40822......19
5504 . ... . .. 12 40826......20
5505 .. . .. .. 12 40827......20
Composition: This extensive collection of lighting enables the 5506.......12 40832......20
creative professional to compose individualized lighting ar- 5509.......14 40835......20
rangements called for by the particular interior.
5510.......14 40836......20
5511 .. ... .. 14 40837......16
5512.......14 40838......16
5513 ....... 14 40839 . .. ... 16
5514 .. ... .. 14 40840......16
5515 . ... ... 14 40841 . ..
.. . 16
5516.......14 40842......20
5517 .......14 40844......18
5518 .. ... .. 14 40847 ......16
5519.......16 40848...... 9
5520........13 40849 . .. ... I
5521 . ... ... 13 40850 . , .. 9
5522.......13 40852 ... .. . 9
Modularily: Many of the designs can be joined and interlocked
to create patterns of light tailored to a speciiic space - and yet
retain their beauty when used singly.
5523.......16 40853...... I
5524.......22 40854 . .. ... 9
5525.......22 40855 . .. ... I
5526.......22 40856....4&5
5527.......22 40857....4&5
5528.......22 40858....4&5
5595.......17 40860...... 9
5596.......20 40862 .. ... . I
7594.......16 40863...... 9
7599 ... ... . 9 40864...... 9
40700.......19 40865 .. . .. .I
40713 ...... 19 41130 . ... .. 9
Custom Oesigns: A special service for the prestige interior,
where ihe design objective requires comptetely original lighF
ing designs to express the project concept with singularity and
The'Bare Bulb' Look :ffi::l:l;fi"TilJlfl1"l;?,,11 fT "'
repetitive multiplicity that fascinate the eye,
quicken the spirit. ln sweeping circular forms
of utter simplicity. And in square shapes
(shown on subsequent pages) radiating
sheen and elegance.
Ca rn ival i#:i":il: ;l ::i:HfJ":l:ili,'ff iff ' 26" /," 24 6W.
ceiling. A versatile design element, the form 40856 9t
40857 38,, gt 12" 6S6
is unadorned geometric simplicity. Use clear
40858 50" 911," 48 cand. base
bu lbs for glitter and sparkle; frosted lamps
to create a soft radiance. Additional30" Finish: matte white
siem supplied. r-rGl'rr0l-lER
Body No.
T i I e- Li g hts ; : :? ilI. frl'j'3 l;i""ll"iiii#3 i?,iil l?1"" 40796 Pol. brass
Lsngih Lights

modular squares can be joined to form 12" Sq. 9

arresling patterns of sparkling lights in linear, 71/zW.

rectangular or random tormations. Shallow 40797 Pol. chrome 12" Sq. 13/4' 9 s-11
design minimizes the effect of lower ceiling clear
40798 Pol. brass 16" Sq. 1z1o' 16 medium
heights. Conneclor suPPlied.
Tho domineliko modulr 40799 Pol. chrome 16" Sq. 13/a' 16
lOhling pallems in lin..r,
L ig ht Ce II s ll "# :?X': ilfl ejTi",i ;-1i""",1fi 3 i3i !iil, 40784 17 sq. s'li' I I 15or25W. G-16rb
restrained elegance. Unique design
provides striking visual interest in public
40785 22" sq. 5'/r" 16 | clear. cand. base
areas, shops, restaurants and wherever a @
sophisticated tone is desired. Units may be
joined to create patterns of light.
Connector supplied.

Th6dom iol ke modu s

ghl ng pallerns in lin63r,

Glowing geometry: intriguing light source Body
Glow Cells that glows and casts a rich, luminous aura.
Lenqth Liqhts
Here each cell performs as a retlector. 40773 Sal. gold & 24" sq. s) 15w
When the regressed lamps are shielded & matte black
(atshallow viewing angles) the effect is 40774 Pol. chrome 24" sq.
& matte black
o',," nj*;lJl:"
soothing and intimate. May be joined to
create modular patterns. Connector
The domino- ik modules can be loi.ed io creale
rctaigularor iig! ar light ng palterns n
Radial Arm Spreaders. Pendant cords Ceiling Disc, (with blind knockouts). Use Bar Spreader, For 3 rights.
can be totally concealed. Creates airy ex-
pansive contemporary chande lie r. Depth
to suspend - at spiraling, even or staggered
ol pendants in compact 40848:Width:36". Body length:33/a".
Ievels -
g roupings
Finish: matte black, pol. and satin
Mrtle hlack chrome.
Maite black, polished & C. 10 C Use ior Dia.
Salin brass Satin chrome
40849: Same in matte black, satin brass.
Diameler 4673 2, 3 or 6 pendants 11"
d1 -
40852 40862 6 arms 30' 4674 5 or 10 pendants '15"
! =_.=:_: rl
40853 40863 10 arms 48" 4676 3,4,6 o.12 pendants 20' [ -..::i_.=1_
40854 40864 12 arms 60" Finish: Bone white, pol- brass knobs. I
40855 40865 16 arms 72"

Lytespan Track: ror creating a line of
5 arm spreadet 10 arm spreader lights from a single outlet. Track can be
recessed, surface or stem mounted. Straight
runs, L, T and X, intersections, and ion spe-
cial order) custom-curved runs lorm patterns
for the arrangement of Iighting units.
:::.-:: (For lull details,

12 arm spreader Canopy - and - Fell u les. Pe rm its

straighFline, radial or random patterns of
light. Pendant cords feed through ferrules, t-
attach to central canopy.
4647: 2-lt. canopy, 2 ferrules.
4651:3-lt. canopy, 3 ferrules. l
4653: 6-lt. canopy, 6 ferrules.
Bone white canopy 6%6" dia., white ferrules.
Lytespan Pendanl Adapter, Enables
any pendant to be easily attached at any
point along the electrified track.
7599r Length 2?a". Width 2". Depth 1".
Finish: silver gray.
-- -.:i!:
Tree Spreader. Multi-tiered system for -. tr''
providing dramatic chandelier lorms.
+--d- r
arm,3 tier. Body height 29rlr". C.
to c. dia. 39'/r". overall length 68".
Finish: matte black, satin brass.
1.r r- 6nighl Cord Adapter Kil. Permits pendants to
be suspended from any ceiling Jocaiion de-
40860r Same in matte black, satin and pol- sired using baseboard outlet. No ceiling out-
ished chrome- ,-t : let required.
4671: 20' white cordset,
switch, ceiling
Universal Brackel Arm. use with any
pendant (max. 13" dia.) for attractive wall
41130: Height 20".Width 5".
Ext.7rlr". Finish: po1. brass.

Pendant Lighting Elements For Design Flexibili*

The extensive collection of lighting elements select the appropriate pendant elements lrom
which follow enable the creative designer to the wide variety ol sizes, shapes, colors and
compose ind ivid ualized lig hting arrangements types. He will then choose the spreader that
to serve the style, spatial and lighting satisfies the proportions of the space to be
requirements ol the particular interior. Ten lighted. Pendants may be suspended at
groups of lighting elements are described, uniform levels or at staggered heights. The
each providing a dislinct character ol lascinating effects created are limited only by
illumination. The thoughtful designer will first the horizons of the imagination.
..F la! t' ""u" l, ;T:''i,1:,s"*T, fi l,?l'"',ii,
5501 Jade bronze* 71/t" dia.
Widlh Length (max. wattage)

DOWnliqhts Spirr tighlrom corJar accents the rich patina.

5502 Burnt 6ronze* 71/t" dia.
111h" - 150 W.
- 150 W.
Sr r ong punch of downlight adds impact to 11112"

merchandise d isplays, provides excellent 5503 Matte white 7t/2" dia. 111/2" - 150 W.
surface illuminatjon from desks to dining 5504 Jade bronze. 14" dia. 13" - 150 W.
5505 Burnt bronze. 14" dia. 13" - 150 W.
tables. Deeply regressed bulb, qlass diffuser.
5506 lvlatte white 14" dia.
'Eternalum is a regisiered Trade
George lndustries, Los Angeles, Calil
13" - 150 W.
Pendants supplied with 72" cord, except 4-digit numbers (52" cord).
Do m e ffi ::iiJ:"::,:::l: :'"'i? l;lili,l H;:",.
3246 Pol. brass,
DOWnliqhtinq Alternating bands of vivid color that kindle
white, teak 16111" 10" 1-100w.
' with inter-reflected light. Translucent acrylic
forms with diffusing opal globes, set ofi by 3247 Yellaw, o range, teak 161/2" 10"
gleaming chrome. And a classic opaque 3248 B lue, turquoise, teak 161/t" 10'' 1-100w.
dome with conceniric louvers to control 3250 Black, copper, teak 161/2" 10" 1- I00w.
sou rce brightness. 4428 White 17" A" 3- 75W..
5520 Red acrylic,
opal, chrome 16" 12rlz" 1 - 10O\N.
5521 Green acrylic,
opal, ch rome 16" 121/2" 1 - 1O0 \N.

I 5522 White acrylic,

opal, ch rome 16" 121/2" 1-100\N.
I '3 way sw ich
Light and airy forms provide large scale
- rody afdlts
The 'See- without bu lk, generous light wiihout glare.
5509 Pol. brass

dth Lenqth (max wattaae)
113/t" - 100 w.
The gleaming polished melal contrastswith
- -'- ; --s-.- the olowinq ruminous opal globesw,thin.A 5510 Pol. chrome 16" 113/i' - 100 w.
5511 Pol. brass 20" 13" - 150 W.
LOOI( com"plete cj"esiqn family - domes. spheres
5512 Pol. chrome 20" 13" - 150 W.
close-to-ceiling units - in sizesforvirtually 5513 Pol. brass 14" 171/t" - 100 w.
any application. Appropriately used in 5514 Pol. chrome 14" 17,/2" - 100 w.
clusters as well as individuallY. 5515 Pol. brass 20" 24" - 150 W.
5516 Pol. chrome 20" 24" - 150 W.
5517 Pol. brass 731t" 731a" - 100 w.
5518 Pol. chrome 731a" 731a" - 100 w.

Pendants supplied with 72" cord, except 4-digit numbers (52" cord)
The dramatic lighting effects oi doo, .g '
Light lnterplay selt lluminated metal sculptures create a
F nish
40807 Matte wh te
widrh Length
16" 15)li'
(max wattage)

200 w.
rnood of mUled exCirel.tent. lf,a ingeniOUS
design blocks direct glare and creates 40808 Matte white 22" 21)li' 300 w.
intriguing variations of light intensities on 40809 Satin brass 16' 15r/.r" 200 w.

multiple surfaces. These luminous spheres

40810 Satin brass 22" 21)/.r" 300 w.

singly or ln groups, add a note of distinction t-tGt'tT0t-ilil?

in any interior.
Subtle smoke-tinted transparent
Gtitter enclosures mute the glitter of clear Width -;at----- rqrrts
Lefqlh {max. waltaoe)
bulbs . . . and the fiery sparkle of 4343 Smoke glass/crystal 91/2" 131/t" 1 - 100 W.
crystal. A wide array of forms and 4344 Smoke glass/crysIal 131/2" 'l4tlt" 1 - 1OO W.
sizes, with suspended designs 4350 Smoke glass/crystal 91/t" 83lt' 1 - 100 W.
unusually effective when clustered in
4923 Smoke acrylic/cryslal 71/a" 9" 1 - 100W.
multiple compositions. 7594 Adapter
clips to Lytespan track to create a 5519 Smoke acrylic/
linear pattern. This number and opal/pol. chrome 16" 1211t" 1- 100W.
40847 utilize exposed spherical Smoke acrylic/
bulbs (not supplied). cryslal/pol. chrome 18" 91/2" 1-100W.
acrylic /opal 71/t 73/a' 1-100W.
Widrh Length Lights

7594 l\ilatte white 2" - 25l4OW. 40838 Smoke glass/

G-25 or 251 pol. chrome 8" 1O3/t" 1 - 40 W. clear
60h00 w. G-40 40839 Smoke glass/
4081 1 Smoke acrylic / pol. chrome 10" 121/t" 1 - 100 W. clear
crystal B" 11" 1- 75W.
40840 Smoke g lass/
40812 Smoke acrylic/ pol. chrome 12' 1411t" 1 - 100 W. clear
crystal/sat. brass 22" 11" 2- 75W. 40841 Smoke glass/
40816 Smoke pol. chrome 14" 16112" 1 - 100 W. clear
glass/crystal 71/2" 9" 1 - 100 W.
40847 Pol. ch rome 41/2" 21/a" 1 - 60 W. G-40
40437 Smoke glass/
pol. chrome 8" 10" 1- 40W.

Pendants supplled wllh 72" cord, except 4-digit numbers (52" cord)
Cyl i nder il:i';ff :ilX",jffi?::;i:'ln":T"''n"'' Widlh
Body Llqhts
Lenath imax wattaael
4A46 7)/t" 9)/2"
So p h i sti ca tes g:?3;: T:fl ': ff ;: ::,"j: ! L1;?" ;i ?;:',,
brass 1 - 150 W.
40714 whtlel
warm look of teakwood . . . the sleekness of black/b rass 6" 121/2" - 100 w.
polished chrome. . the sheen of the brass 40719 teak 6" 12" - 150 W.
double cone, slotted and plerced for sparkle 40804 white/
black/b rass B" 18" 1 - 150 W.
40817 pol. ch rome Br/r 8"1 - 100 w.
w. R-30
40844 pol. ch rome 5" 12" '1
- 75 W.

Pendants supplled wilh 72" cotd, except 4 digil numbers (52" cord)
Designed for v sua lnterest . . . to add a B.lry Ltrs
iin sh W.llh Lenglh lma! satia!.r
sc nt Lat ng spark e to the srnart inierior.
Slender intricate y iaceted crystal tubes . .
40700 matie black, f iz' 11tiz" 1 - 40 W.
small spheres of solid. hand bLown crysta crystaL F 15 cleai
wiih myriads of twinkling air bubb es
40713 black/brass-
opa g ass 5/,'t 14 1 - 75 !V.
g lowing wh te opal set oif by elongated maite
40721 !t un metal,
black lubes. . . and a sophistjcated goblet crystal 2) l. 19" 1 40 \rJ.
of g ttering amber glassware. clea r ilame
40822 sat n brass/
arnber glass 63rr" 1-25W.
G-l6r,/, cLear
cand base

,f ilil
.-_ +---

The ever-contemporary luminous globe - in
Luminous rich matte-surface elcl-ed opal glass. These F nish
booy Lq
Widlh Lerg|r (rnax iattage)

SphgfeS "t""",i"i,r"'ro,".hapesareappropriate
5596 sat. aluminum/opal glass 6" 65/a" 1 - 100 W.
for any decor. Used individually, they deliver 40826 bone white/opal glass 12" 12112" 1 - 150 W.
full and glare-free light. With spreaders or 40827 bone white/opal glass 14" 141/t" 1 - 300 W.
rn groupings. they are versatile design
e lements.
40832 bone white/opal glass 8" 8t/2" 1 - 75 W.
40835 bone white/opal glass 10" 11" 1 - 150 W.
40836 bone white/opal glass 12" 13" 1 - 150 W.
40a42 bone white/opal glass 14" 15" 1 - 150 W.
Pendarrs sLop eo w lh 72" cord. e^cept 4-d g I ru.noers cord).
--BoAt - -- Lfsits
An architectural collection of glowing design
Luminous elemenis:satin opal glass . . . opal within
Widlh Lenglh {max. watlage)

Geometry siriped clear glass. . . new heavy foam crystal 4164 opal g lass 6tlt" 12112" 1 - 100 W.

for soft glitter. . . and a dramatic black

4180 bone white/
opal glass 831a" 15" 1 - 150 W.
O ornamental grille adding dimension io the
glowing cylinder form. Open bottom permits
40813 matte black/
pol. brass 7.14" 16" 1 - 100 w.
easy relamping. Use singly or in multiples. 40814 matte black/
pol. brass 10" 21" 1 - 150 W.
40815 foam-crystal
glass 7'/r" 811t" 1 - 100 W.
c lear

Lig ht ng to look at ard lightlng to see by for BcdY L J'l'
botll commerc al and residential interlors. Frnisli V/ ililr t {r.!l1a lnax vrattalel
Co orflrl, brightly patterned oi simple 4450 waln!t
ur-n noLrsshades w th sty ish accents of veneerwhite 173/i" 10' 1
chrome, teak or wa n ut. Cast ng a llood of H -Lo switch
down ght on table or disp ay through a 5s24 black & wh te
d fiuser bowl ol washab e, unbreakab e
pr nt/ch ro m e 13, 12 1 - loow 0
5525 po ypropy ene/
polypropy ene. Cord length adjuster chrome 1 - 100
15" 12" w.
supplled. 5526 grassc oth,/teak 13 ,1r' 12 1- 100w.
5527 linen/teak 16" 12" 1 100 w.
polka dot
p rln t,/te a k 16" 12" 1-100w.

Pendants supp ied with 72" cord excepl .1-d q i numbers (52" cord).


; i il
d @
1;'g[[:lg A

Some projects call for the individuality
and prestige of custom lighting to fully
express the overall design concept
and to tailor the lighting to fit the
special needs of a particular space.

Utilizing the services of Lightolier's

Custom Division, the professional has
two options. One approach demands
the ultimate in exclusivitY-a
completely original design. The less
critically demanding project maY
feature a similarly u n ique lighting
design, but one utilizing existing
components in new configurations,
new proportions, new combinations
or applications. f::t.
Specialists in creative lighting for
custom interiors, Lightolier's Custom *,j_t
Division has proven to be a reliable L
source for complete and PromPt lfl
design service, with singularlY &it 'l}+@' e#r

discriminating standards of quality

craftsmanship and materials. l.r' k i4l,::

,''. sd: s'fu
&*li$ &*#
*+ . ,ts % i-F ffi"s #-e ffi ffi


MANUFACTURING AND WAREHOUSTNG: Jersey City, N.J. O73O5i Etein, ll1. 60120i Vernon, Cat. 9OO58.
SHOWROOMS: 11 East 36th St., New ./ork, 1OO16; 1266 Merchandise Mart, Chicago,6()654r
1714 Hi_Line Dr', Dallas,752o7; 2515 south Broadwav, Los angetes, goooTi 6s7 Mission st., san Francisco, 94105.
CUSTOM DIVISION: 150 West 25th St., Los Angetes, Cat. 9OOO7.
Lightolier-Canada, Ltd., 4935 BourC St., Vitle St. Laurent, Montreat, p. e., Canada.




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