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Progress Lighting Catalog 1966

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CIIANDELIERS (pages 2 through 21). The heart of today,s new lreedom

in home decorating. Versatile, vivid and vital decorative fixtures Ior any
room, hall, stairway or foyer. Many with matching wall and ceiling stytes.

DINETTDS (pages 22 through 30). Exciting pull-down and chain-hung

flxtures provide the new flexibility favored by today's floor ptans.(They
even travel on traverse racks !)At home in kitchen, dining room, library,
family room or den;over sofa or cocktail table as $/ell.
PENDANTS (pages 31 through 3?). cay, colorlut and dramatic! Use
them individually or in clusters in a room, entrance hall, foyer or stairwell.

DECORATM WALL LIGHTING (pages 38 through 41). AuthenticaIy-

detailed wall sconces help create .ooms of grace and distirction.
IIALL AND FOYER (pages 42 through 45). Exquisiie lightjng fixtures
to introduce and enhance your decorating theme with grace and charm.

DECORATOR BULBS (pages 46 and 4?). Choose from 67 TOWN AND

COUNTRY styles to enhance chandeliers and matching fixtures.
ALL.PURPOSE LIGHTING (pages48 through 53). Fixturesfor kitchen.
laundry room, game room, workshop or om.p in a wider range rhan
ever before.

BATH & VANITY (pages 54 throush 59). The look of high tashion
returns to a prominent rank in bath-and-vanity lighting.


Taste{ully decorated shapes for bedrooms, dinettes, kitchens, bath and
Iamily rooms.
RECESSED LIGHTING (pases 62 throush 67). For general ittumi-
nation and decorating accents, subtle ceiling fixtures vrith concealed
light sources.

OUTDOOR LIGHTING (pages 68 through 80). Decorative drama lor

entrances, dtiveways, walkways, patios and porches. New dimension lor
gardens, laldscaping and architectural themes.


81 through 95). Outstanding values with the attractive look of luxury.
Built to the same exact standards as all Progress lighting products.
PROGBESS QUALITY CHECX LIST (pace 96). Fifteen important
Ieatures that ensure products of lasting beauty.



Your search for decorative lighting

is about to become an adventure
in home decorating, as you turn
the pages of this new lrogress
Lighting Catalog.
Whatever your lighting wish, you
will discover better, more original
avenues to guide 1'our selection.
If yc-ru have a definite mood in
mind, we can show you ho\\ to
create it. If your stvling direction
is as yet not established, rve will
help I'ou choose it.
Progress has interpreted today,s
nel' spirit of freedom in home
dpcoraring rrirh briiliancp end ri
1a lil) . Luxury ereganne
informalir5 versarili15
warnth .Baie1l- 1'.5oursfor
anJ pa ol J our homp . . . insiclp o-
uut. Thp possibi ilip. arp L"parh-
Progress firtures lrp !tJlF,l qill
an artist's talent ancl produced
uilh a maslnr nraftsnan s ski I

Wider s' Iprri,,n. tuo: From ele-

gant chandeliers to statelJ. outdoor
lanterns. Even decorntor bulbs to
enhance your chandeliers.

Don't overlook the help your

Progress lighting flxture dealer
oflers. His experience anci judge-
ment are valuabie assets, his inter
est genuine. Let him guide you as
your search for decorative lighting
becomes an adventurc in horne
P 4305

The most uersatile, o,il,id, and ui,tal oJ all d,ecorut'iae objects'is the clt andelier.
Bg d,ag or night, the heart of tod,a11's new Jreed,om,in home decorating.
Select a neu personal'itg for anA room, hall, stairwall or Joyer . . .
inject d,romn, rornance . . . grace, warmth or gaietl1 into l1our home.
Let gour creat'iue imagination take an ,inspirat'ional journey
as our repertoire of fasc'inating fifiures unfol.d,s.
P 4430 P 4300

Rich Old Workl induences impart P 43O5 (opposite page) craceful P 443O Handsome fixture unitjng
ageless charm and robust dignity arms of antiqued soJid brass burst hand-crated b dch iron sLrorlwork
to these dramatic Mediterranean from hand-carved fruitwood in a and exquisite truitwood Dra.22,,;
chandelier of dramatic sym m etry. Bodv Ht.20": Overart Ht.42,'. I,ve
chandeliers. A deep beauty to add Dia. 28"; Body Ht. 24"; Overa Ht. flame type candelabra lamps.
warmth and grace to any setting. 42". Six flame-type candelabra lam ps.
I q t ,,,tut,l,t, s,l,"ti,rt ol .!,,\a,tt,,t
P 43OO Sweepine black wroueht tron P 4342 Captures the mood of a lrllr t,,ttltn', ,L,';,,L,t,,., ,,..
scrollwork accents a majestic fruit hardy era in hand-forged wrought pttlcs 16 a tl 17. ','tu
wood chandelier. Dia.30"; Body Ht. ian. Dia. 25"; Body Ht. 23"; Over-
26": Oveta)l Ht. 42"- Six flametype all Ht. 42" . Six flame type candelabra
ca ndelabra larnps. lam ps.

P 4342


P 4544


.,. !


P 4540

P 4307 The early Florentine mood

in a stately chandelier of hand-rubbed
fruitwood, antiqued gilding. Dia. 22";
Body Ht. 19"; Overall Ht. 42". Five
fla m e'type candelabra lamps. :t
P 4540 Shjmmering imported crys-
tals ablaze in swirling Venetian metal-
work with antiqued gildlne. Dia. 20";
Body Ht. 20"; Overall Ht. 42". Five
Jlame type candelabra lamps.
P 4544 Dramatic Mediterranean .1
white chandelier with lavish antique
gold finish on hand hammered leaf- t.'r
wotk. Dia.22"; Body Ht. 19"; Overall
Ht. 42". Five flame-type candelabra
la m ps.

P 4307

i Chandeliers of dramatic contrast.

shaped rvith consummate skill by
master artisans. Classical in their
simplicity, and sparkling with lus-
trous accents, these f,xtures create
a feeling of gracious hospitality.

Lt ,t ,,,tn1,1,t, :,.!,di,,n ol ,ttj1 ,tt,tt.

tutth t,,,nltrn,,.rrttrt tlurnt,,ti, t *,.
yrgcs 16 ond 17.

P 3795

;_-i lrR

P 4395

P 3795 A perfect fixture for smaller

areas with hand-crafted wrought iron,
glittering lead crystat, antjqued giJt
leafwork. Dia. 14"; Body Ht. 19,,;
Overall Ht. 42". Four flame-type can
delabra lamps.

P 4395 Graceful wrought iron arms

and geornetric shapes wjth antiqued
gilt leafwork in a crystat studded
chandelier of
Renaissance jnspira-
tion. Dia.26"; Body Ht.25,,; Overatl ti \:
Ht. 42". Eight flame type candela
bra lamps.
s {)
Achieae the summi't oJ elegance 'in your d'ini'ng room
with a magnif.cent chandelier insp'ired bg the great homes oJ h'istorg.
Grace, beauty and' d,istinct'ion are erpressed,
in the grand tradit'ion i'n a sEmphong oJ br'ill'iance and, Iuster.
P 4308
P 4309

P 4308 (opposite pase) The artistrv .' 4309 Master craftsmanship in a p 4310 crimmering hand-cut
of hand'chased cast bronze create; .r,u"Juri". por-
a feeling of elegance and gEndeur "i #"i].rrlrllt.".t
bronze- in antique c"rJ finiJ *itt,
ished crystar and finery chased cast
bronze enhance this eiquisite chan.
when expressed in the eracetuJ cascading hand-cut p-ori.rr"a
curves and generous proportions of Dia. 241r2,,i
this majestic chanderier. sparkrins, ut. +2".'st* Body
"1y.tur.. o"ir,i"r"
Ht. 18.-;-6;era
,iin" i"tioi,l""u",o ri",.r,.
Dia.2Z,,:"Body Ht. 17,,; Overa Ht.
hand-cut, polished crystal prisms lamps.
lLri"-tvp" 42,,. Five frame-type canderabra
mirror the rich antique gotd finish. Iamps.
For a comptete setet:tion oJ decorator butbs to enhance yottr
;3i:11#l see Pages 46 and 47.

P 4310
P 4530



P 4532

'-;>.tt.-!. ;- {,

. .s.



Visions lrom the grand paiaces of Versailles !

Lavish chandeliers worthy of the most luxuri-
ous decorating themes-fascinating, flashing.
P 4530 Finely chased cast bronze fixture in an-
tiqued gold to unite transitional ateas. Dia. 12";
Body Ht. 18"; Overall Ht. 42". Six flame-type
candelabra lamps.

Handsomely trimmed with full-faceted, hand-

cut, wood-wheel polished lead crystal.
t*--it': P 4531 Exquisite elegant fixture ablaze with
imported crystals. Hand-chased bronze in antique
gold f:nish. Dia. 22": Body Ht. 18"; Overall
Hl. 42". Fiue llame-type candelabra lamps.
P 4532 Hand-chased bronze chandelier in an'
tique gold finish brill,antly accented by hand-cut
lead crystals on sweeping arms. Dia. 25"i Eody
Ht. 21"; Overall Ht. 42". Eight flame'type can-
delabra lamps.

I ar-ishl1'-cletailed companion fix-

'urp- i,,r hall :rr,l io)nr r,, irrr,,
ducc or coordinate thc excilirlg
themes set b1 l)rogress crystal ancl
bronze chandeliers.

P 3662 Beautifutly detailed and fin.

r\l-Pd ca-t b.onrp w tl- i dnd., ut .fs
tdl ,yliroFr. Did. B / :Body Ht. 11,,,
Over"ll dt. 3b'. rour 1,"-nc typp (a.
delabra lam ps.
P 3663 Deeply cut crystal in cast
bron.,e d'lt.que gola lin.5r . Dt".
^it HI.
8r . : Body t J'; Ov.r Ht. 36'
Two fjame-type candelabra lamps.
P 3664 Hand cut Jead crystal urn
\^ith d.L bronz. nng drd \, ro t., dn
tique gold finish. Dia. 101!,,; Bodv
Hr. I6': Overdtj hr 3b,. t-oJr f dme
type candelabra Jamps.
P 3665 Gracefully shaped bronze
ir,/rJ.p,1 dnt,qJF gotd,^t,1 \pn. h lrn-
curved panels. Dra. 1I,', Bodv Ht.
171 2 ";
Overa I Ht. 36 '. Three fiame-
type candelabra lamps.

h 1..,,t,,' t,t.t,,,1.,.!t,,.t .,t .t.,..tr,t,..r

t,t,ll . t.,,t,1.,t,,,, \\r,t ,t, ,,t.1;,r. ,.,.
1tt!!: lt, untl 1,.

P 3662

P 3745 Elegant fixture of polished

l" brass with bright crystal beads and

crystal prisms. Dta. 11,,: Body Ht.
19"; Overall Ht. 36". Three ftame-
type candelabra lamps.
P 3845 lmported crystal and pot
ished brass walt bracket with switch
H Dia. 12"; Body Ht. t5,,; Two ftame-
F.t type candelabra lamps.

il P 4O4O-1O Statety chandetier shim-

mering with imported hand.cut crys-
ri tals on sculpturesque arms and
scrolls of polished brass. Dra. 21,,;
Body Ht. 16"; Overa Ht. 42,,_ Five
flame-type candelabra lamps.
,t P 4O4O-31, same as p 4O4O-1O, ex-
cept in satin black.
il P 4445 Sparkline showers of crys-
i tal beads and hand-cut crystal prisms
spring from a rich polished brass
i ,i fountain. Dia. 2O"; Body Ht. 26";
Overall Ht. 42". Five flame,type can-
delabra lamps.
: For a cnmplete selection of ilecorator
bulbs to enhance your chanilelier,
,* pages 46 awl
? 47.

P 3A45

|i] ii
yt 1S

P 3745
P 4o40-LO
P 4040-31

P 4536 Glittering imported crystal
enriches a cast bronTe chandelipr in
ant:que gold. Dia. 19"; Body Hl. 17";
Overall Ht.42". Six tlame.type can-
delabra Iamps.
P 4537 Majestic chandelier resple4.
dent wrth antrque eold finish on cast P 4536
bronze and studded with imported
crystal. Dia. 2312"; Body Ht. 19":
Overall Ht. 42". EighL flame.type
candelabra lamps.

P 4538 Sweeprng arms gracefully

enhance the sparkle ot rmportec I
crystal on a cast bronze chandelier
with antique gold finish. Dia. 24";
Body Ht. 19"; Overall Ht. 42". Ten
flame-type candelabra lamps. Y

fot 't ,ompl.to selerrinn of decorotor

hulhs to enhance you.r chandelio', see
pa$es ,1,6 anl 17.

P 4537




L. .t 1


P 3440


J,ong cclellrrted in song irnrl prr-'se.

the stirring suglr ol early ,,\melica
is norv preserlr.t,cl in autlientic fi\-
turcs th21t, lell 21 stotl'of \\'armth
end hospitalil.l- all their r.rrvn.

P 38LO Companion wall bracket

wlth antjque brass, polished pine and
milk white hobnail glass. On.off
switch. Body Ht. 10"; Extends 9".
One 75-watt Edison-base lam p.
P 3840 Matching polished pine wall
bracket with antique brass, amber
optic glass, on.off switch. Body Ht.
11"; Extends 8". One flarne.type can
delabra lamp.
P 411O Warm, mellow antique brass
chandelier with generously propor.
tioned milk white hobnajl giass
shades, polished pine founts- Dia.
26"; Body Ht. 18"; Overal Ht. 42".
Five 75 watt Edison.base lamps.
P 4340 Hand blown amber optic
glass shades enrich subtle contrasts
in a chandelier with antique brass oiI
founts and hand-turned polished pine
column. Dia. 26"; Body Ht. 18";
Overall Ht. 42". Five tlame type can-
delabra lam ps.

l,r ,t 'on,1l'r' -l,,tiun "l 'l',"t'ttot

lrttl" r,' ,t,lnr," '',t, ,l ,l'tt4. ",
lttgr:s 16 and 17.
P 3819-lO Gteaming polished brass
wall fixture with clear shade and
switch. Extends 6y2"; Body Ht. 12".
One flame-type Edison-base tamp.
P 3al9-11 Same as p 3919.10, ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 3a2l-10 Classic wall sconce in
polished brass with switch. Extends
7"; Overall Ht. 12,,. One ftame-type
candelabra lamp.
P 3421-11 Same as p 3821 IO, ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 3822-10 Polished brass sconceto
dramatize a wall. On-off switch. Width
72"; Overcll Ht. 12,,. Two ftame-type
candelabra lamps.
P 3822-ll Same as p 3822-tO, ex- P 4019.10
cept in antique brass. P 4019-11
P 4O19-1O Crystal-clear hurricane
shades enhance the luxurious glow
of this graceful polished sotid brass
chandelier. Dia. 22": Bodv Ht. 1,7".
overall Ht. +2". rive rLm6-tvpe iail
son-base lamps.
P 4Ol9-11 Same as p 4OI9-1O, ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 4O2O-1O Cotonial tradition lives
anew in the classic symmetry of this
polished brass chandelier- 6ie 22',.
Body Ht. 17,,; Overa Ht.42,,. Five
flame-type candelabia lamps.
P 4O2O-11 Same as p 4O2O-10, ex,
cept in antique brass.



P 3a22-10 li P 3a2r-lo
P 3a22.11 P 3a21-11

P 4020-10
P 4o2o-tr,
P 3aa6

'Ihe charrn of the golden gaslight

era re-established in a graclous
groulring aglou \\'ith sPirit and
soIt shatlows.
P 3786 Finely detailed antique
brass ceiling fixture, opal glass
globe. Width 10"; Overall Ht. 14".
One 60 watt lam p.
P 3886 Matchine wall bracket with
switch. Antique brass with opal glass.
Extends 6"; Body Ht. 10". One 60'
watt lam p.
P 4486 lmpressive antique brass
chande ier with opal glass globes.
Dia. 25": Body Ht. 17"; Overall Ht.
42". Five 60-watt larnps.

P 3aA9
Versatile llansitional fi xtures that
pror irle welcome llexibility
maximum decorating creatility.

P 3789 Cra,ptul ,ar,'ng Jr^tr-e ot

po ished brass. Dia.6"; Overall Ht.
11". one f lame type lamp.
I P 3889 Match ng polished brass
,' i,l wdll o'dL"Ft w th svvttcl_. f.tends 6";
Body Ht. 9". One flametYPe an'lP.
P 4489:moothly ", u PtJ ed wd'nut
column wa rm ly a cce nts Po ished
bras5 fr{ture \^rll l-and blo\tr arbc'
optlc glass shades. Dia. 22"; BadY
Hr. 14'; Overdll Ht. lb'. Tive flrne
P 44A9 type lamps.
P 3AO7


Rekindle the glow of romantic

Americana with autheniically de-
tailPd 6xtures adapted lor today.

P 3807 Companion antiqLre brass

P 4LO4 :' wall bracket with switch. 10,, opal
glass shade over frosted chimney.
Extends 7Ot/2"; Body Ht. 14t/2" . One
100 watt lamp.
P 4103 Traditional flavor in an an-
tique brass chandelier with 10,, opal
glass shades over frosted chimneys.
Dia. 26"i Body Ht. 18"; Overa Ht.
42" . Thtee 1oo-watt lamps.
P 4104 Pull-down ceiting fixture
wjth three-way switch. Antique brass
with 12" opal glass shade over
frosted chimney. Width 141/2"; Body
Ht. 19"; Overall Length 32" to 68,,.
One 50/200/250-watt lamp.
P 4105 Exquisite antique brass ceil-
ing fixture. 12" opal glass shade over
'tn frosted chimney. Three-way switch.
Dia. 14y2"; Body Ht. 19"; Overalt Ht.
42". One 50/2OO/250 watt lamp.
P 4106 Matching ceiling fjxture. An-
tique brass with 10" opalglass shade
over trosted chjmney. Dia. 74"i Body
Chain'hung tixtures on these
pages can be swag mounted. Ht. 14y2"; Overall Length 18" to
See page 35 io.catalog numbel 32". One 1oo-watt lamp.
and finish.
,''* -lt ,

P 3437

tl P 4037
,..:g .t.
I lt
'.] lil
P 3737 {f!
I Itt


'l'he r:loilucnt )re:Lutt ol sintplicitv

cltarnaticlrllr_ e\l)r(,s.rc(l in e Lhentt_'
:. I,.,, n i itrti. ,, ,t.. ,, Ii,,
sitionlrl morLes.
,-r F,.,
P 3737 Twln satif triptex gtass
.l-dd'. o nol,\.r'd Iid...,,..r .

l-,, W,Jt I 10 OL, " ht. l- P 3841

Two 60 watt laJnps.
P 3837 l\4dr |..r o lot|
wa I bracket with switch. Satin triplex i:1
glass. Extends 6"; Body Ht 9,,. One
60.watt amp.
P 4037 Iall shades of satrn tnplex r.l
g ass accent rectnnllrlar po ishecl
I'ro orn ,r L|L D.d i.!
2a . Ba.t, hl. ,o' ova"rqt
12" Ft,re 6A waii lamps. ;.'l

P 4041
For otrl Iloirse or Sul)Ltrl)il!
\-f..1"' ,\trt-... , -,..,t*, ,,.1r1
:rncl ltrillialce I

P 3841 Polished brass wali bracket

with smoke optic shadc arrcl switch.
Extends 7"; Body Ht. 9" One 40 \i/att
flaffe type larlrp.
P 4047 G /tterins smoke oDtic
slrades enharl.e tl e luster of pol
rshcd brass a rs rnd coluIrn. Dra
22ri"; Bady Ht. 12"; Overa I Ht.
42". Jj ve 4o.vr'att flame type iarnps_
P 4347-19

P 4347-34

P 4345

P 4367
(opposite page)
P 4345 cracefu y shaped scro -
work in a black iron finish with the
/ooh of ulJ V. wrd'h 21,,: Body Ht.
l8 ": Ove.alr hr. 36'. rrvp I dl'r..
type candelabra lam ps.
P 4347-79 Intricate Acanthus leaf
detail imparts sculptu red elegance
to antique gold chandetier with black
accents. Dia. 2IV"; Body Ht. 16":
Overalj Ht. 36". Sj^ flarrFtype.dr..
dejabra larrps.
P 4347-34 Same as p 4347 19. but
\^/i{n d.slressed watnut ltnish and jet
black a rms.
P 4367 The splendor of a cotorful
bygone era reflected in a fixture of
gleaming poJished brass. Dia. 21,,j
Body.Ht. 16"; Overa Ht. 42,,. Five
flame-type candeJabra lamps.
Iot u conplcrc x:lutirn of lecorator
bttlhs ro arhaa'tou clundclier- stc
1niles l6 utrl 1i.

From the robust da1,.s of Jrontier

America, a spirited fixture series
to set rooms agiow wiih vivid
P 3875-14 Antique copper wa ll
bracket with frosted glass chimney
and s\ ttch. f,(tFnd\ 9": Eody Ht.
.13". One 60 !tualt ldison basp tar-p.
I l
P 3a75-lo Same as 3875 t4: er
cept in polished brass.
P 4O75-lO Rustic mapte ,l,oode,
r'r'a8on whpe,
' handet,e, with polrshed
bra(s trtr. d1d (hadps. kostpd grdss
cTrm'le/s Dia 28"t Body ht 20,,;
Overail Ht.42'. T.lrea 60 wdrt Ldiion P 3475-L4
base lam ps. P 3 a75-10
P 4O75-L4 Same as p r'075.t0, ex. ;,.
cept in antique copper.
P 4O76-L4 Antro.re,coppe. shades I
r'l,ood€, "Jtl'Fr t,, rJst,
wagon wheel fixture.
rrap F
glass chimneys. Dla 31,,: Bodv Ht
20"; Overall Ht. 42"- Five 6olwatt P 4075-lO
Edison base lamps P 4075-L4
P 4076-10 Sarne as P 4076-14, ex-
cept in poJished brass.


. *..
.i ,.- l- .&

r--*qlrllE t q!:F:L.l
Inriting , 'neta t'istas'in home rlecorat'ing,
born. of totla,y's neu spiri.t oJ Jreedom, attd, rercaled uiaidly
in the l'ight of rcr sati,le pull-rLown, attd
chai:n-hun g Jit:tures. I)ramati.calLy o,ccent a soJa or coclttd"il tdble . . .
brightLg transt'orm lihrarg, family roo'm or den . . .
graceJullg enhance a. ditt'irt.g area . .
wiith selecti,ort s Jrom this imag'i'nat'itte Progress collect'ion.


o P 4!42

P 4467

P 4462

P 4149

s: Frxiures on these pages can be
swag mounted. See pape 35 for
P4 L45 catatog number and finlsh.

P 4742 Eatly Ame can ant que P 4148 (Opposite page) Shades of
brass pul/-down, opal ch mney, wood P 4461 Elegant French Tote deslgn
serendipityl coJd and btack wrought of ustrous white hand.flnlshed in
fount, three-way sw tch. Dia. 19,,: iron fi,rture qlows ga y wrth 8, opal gold, with opal glass diffuser under
Body Hl. 19r/?"; Overa Ht. 28,, to gd\s globe drd b'ue, erpen. amoer metal shade. Chain hung. Three-way
64". One 50/2AO/250 watt lamp. and wine textured glass. Dja. lg,,i switch. Dia. 15"; Body Ht. 19,,; Over
P 4744 Frcm gaslight days, antique Body Ht. 19"; Overa Ht.42,,_ OJle al Ht. 42". One 5A/2OO/25O.watt
brass chain hung 'Tiffany" fjxture 100 watt lamp. la rn p.
with colorful glass shade, opal g ass
globe. Dia. 20"; Body Ht. 16"; Over- P 4149 Mediterranean majesty jn P 4462 Pul) down version of p4461.
an antique gold chain hung with Overall Ht- 31" to 65". One 5a/2AO/
al Hl. 42". One 100.watt larnp. 250.watt
colorful textured glass. Dia. 77t/2" l lam p.
P 4145 Shimmering antique brass Body Ht. 19"; Overalt Ht. 42".Ihree
transitional pull down. th re e.way flame type candelabra larnps.
switch. Dra. 21"; Bodv Ht tO',: Ovcr-
all Ht 19" to 55,,. Four 60 watt
la m ps.
P 4131-14
P 4131-11

P 4130-11
P 4130.14

P 434L P 4L32.L4
'1i'# P 4L32.TL

P 4133.14
P 4133-11

P 4522-t4 Chain-hung fixtores on these

P 4522-lO pages cafl be swag mounted.
P 4522-LL See page 35for catalog number
and finish

P 4523-tL
P 4523-10
P 4523-L4
P 45a4-10
P 45A4- L!
The days of early America, with
a glamou. unique to our heritage,
shine anew in authentically de_
tailed fixtures.
P 4IOa-11 Authentic ,,smoke be ,,
graces this antique brass chain-hung
fixture. Opal hobnail shade, frosted
chlmney, three-way switch. Dia. 19,,1
Body Ht. 22"i Overa Ht. 42,,. One
50/20Ol250.watt tamp.
P4585 Antique brass chain_hung
with rectangular shade and pine col.
umn. Dia. 10,,x I8,,i Body Ht. 15,,j
Overa| Ht.36,,. Two tOo.w;tt tamps.

(opposite page)
P4130-11 Antique brass pult.down,
opal glass chimney. Th ree-way switch.
Dia. j7r/2": Body Ht. 17,,; overalt Ht.
26" to 63". One 50/2ool250-watt
Edison-base lamp.
P 4130-14 Same as p 413O-1.[, ex.
cept in antique copper.
P 4L3L-L4 Chain-hune version ot
P 4130 in antique copper finish.
rhree.way switch. Overa Ht. 36,,.
One 50/2@/2so.watt Edison-base
P 4131-f 1 Same as p 4l3t .14. ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 4L32-L4 Antique copper ceiling
fixture, white glass diifuser. Dia.
17 t/2": Overa Ht. 9%,,. Four60.watt
Edtson-base lam ps.
P 4132-ll Same as p 4132-14, er
cept in antique brass.
P 4133-14 pull-down version of
P 4132 in antique copper finish,
tnree.way switch. Overa| Ht. 26,, to
63". Four 60-watt Edison-base lamps.
P 4133-11 Same as p 4133-14, ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 4341 Hand blown amber optic
grass chtmneys adorn this antique
brass chain.hung fixture. Dia. 21,,.
Body Ht. uy2;.. o*ruir Hi. qi".
Switch, Three flame-type candelabra
P 4522-14 Antique copper chain-
hung fixture with three-way switch.
Dia. 15"; Body Ht. 17,,; O;era Ht.
36". One 50/2OO/250-watt Edison-
base iamp_
P 4522-LO Same as p 4522 14. ex.
cept in polished brass. P 41()a-11
P 4.522-lL s,ame as p 4522.14. ex.
cept tn antique brass.
P 4523-11 pull-down version of
P 4522 in antique brass finish. Three.
way switch. Overa Ht. 29" to 65,,
One 5Ol20Ol25o_watt tamp.
P 4523-10 Same as p 4523.11. ex-
cept in polished brass.
P 4523-14 Same as p 4523-t l ex-
cept jn antique copper,
P 45a4-lO Hand-btown opat hob.
nail shade and opal chimney enhance
polished brass fixture. ihree-wav
switch. Dia. 14"; Body Ht. .19,,: Ovei
all Ht. 42". Or,e SO/ 2OO/ 2s}.v,tatt
P 45A4-Ll Same as p 4584-lO. ex-
cept in antique brass.

P 4tA2-L4
P 41A2-LL

;. .z+s'f,.,
'' ..\a!t;r=t",;

Fixtures oo these pages can be

swag mounted. See page 35 for
calalog number and finish.
P 3654 Graceful elegance for your
contemporary or traditionat dinlnB
rooln, hall or denl thts tinply.detd,red
poirshed brass Itxture wtth hand cut
star patterns sparkling on bevelecl
gjass panets. Dia. 15,,: Body Ht .19,,;
Ovprall Ht 42,,. Sjx flametype cdn
delabra lam ps.

ln n ,"n1'ler, ,el,.eri,,n ,,[ ,t,.e,t,trot

I'ulh, rc ,nhun", vrtr ,.trtn,trti,.r. -,.
IluA.5 u' dntt L.

(opposite page)
P 3871 Antique copper . rancher..
wall fixture wtth opal glass chtmney.
pierced metdl shadp, on.oft swjtch.
Fxtends 8rr"; Body Ht. lO,. One
l00.watt lamp.
4c43 tdsy intormality refieLted
rn an antique brass purl down with
opal glass chimney. Cordpy ( hina
rount. lhree.way switch. Dra. 2t,,.
Body Ht. 22"; o;era1 Ht. 27 " iA3" .
One 50/ 2OO/25O watt tamp.
P 47a2-L4 Antrque .opper pu -
down wtlh opal glass chimnev, three.
way swrtch. Dia. 18,,t Body Ht. t5,,;
Uverall Ht. 26" to 62". Onc 56126O,
250-watt lamp.
P 47a2-LL Sdme as p 4 I82 14. ex
cept in antique brass.
P 41a2-1O Same as p 4lg2-t4, e\-
cept tn polished brass
P 4467 Antique copper ,,rancher,,
ceiling ftxture. opal gldss, pterced
metal shade. Dta. 14,,; OveralJ Ht.
la". One 1so-watt tam p.
P 4468 Antiquc .opper chdrn.hunp
e with opaJ gJass.f,,mnuv]
prerced- metal shadF, three-way
swrtch. Dia. I4',: Body Ht. l/,,: ovei
all Ht. 36". One 50/2OOl 2so-watr
lam p.
P 4469 Antique .opper pult.down
verston of P 4468. Dta. 14,,i Bodv Ht
I7r 2": Overa Ht. p9" to 65,,.'One
50/200/250.watt tam p
P 4470 Antrque copper ceitrnp fix-
ture. opdt gtass. Dia. 8tla"., OJerall
Ht. 14r/2". One 1Oo-watt tamp.
P 4510 Smart antjqLre copoer ou .
down. black strap harp, threeiwov
switch. Dja. 21"i Body Ht. 16,,: Ovei-
all Ht. 2/' to 63,,. Four 6o-watt
lamps. P 3654
Br'ing a Jresh, new glow to L'ibrarg,
d'en or stud'g ui,th the soJt, contemporary look
'in I'ighting Jor todag-and tomorrow.
HaruJ,some hnrmonll to bri,ghten and lighten whateaer Asu d'o !

P 4346 The crisp form of th is classic

pendant provides dramatic accent,
showering soft light over a horizontal
su#ace. Concentric louvers control
brightness. Matte white finish. Three-
way switch. Dia. 17": Body Hl.9y2";
Overall Ht. 54Yr " max. Three 6o-watt


t' ) e qzzz

P 4220-37
P 4220-30

P 422L


P 4OOO-IO Polished brass Traverse

Track. Pendants, puJl downq qlide
along six-loot trach. Connects to-.ert
ing or wall ou et. 15 foot cord and
P 4OOO-3O Same as p 4OOO.lO, e' {..:
cept in matte white.
P 422O-3L Vprsdtrte Du -down. pot
rshed b'dss dnd b,ack, perforaLed
crown, white grd5s dtfiuspr, three-\,,"av
switch. Djd. 18' , Body Ht.9-;Overait
Ht. 20" to 56 . Three bo.watt tamps.
P 422O-3O Sdme as p 4220-J i, er
cept in poljshed brass and white.
P 422! LeganL doubte wh;te etass
pulJ down with brass and walnut trim.
Tl-rep wdV swrtch. Dia. I/r-,,; Body
Ht. 10 "; Overalt Ht. 20,,to 56,,. Thre;
60'watt lamps_
""""rw &
P 4222 Smatt polished brass pu ,
down, double bent te\tured Rlass.
clear gJass oversltrt. Three-wav
swrtch. Walnut trrm. Dra. Ig,,; Bodv
Ht 10": Overa/J Ht. 20,, to 56,, Threp P 450O Dramdtic potished brass
60-watt lamps pull down, textured glass dome,
P 4231 Ceiting fixture with double threeway swjtch. Dia.21',i Bodv Ht. P 4500
white glass, brass and walnut trim. 11y2": Overall Ht. 20,, to 56,,. iour
Dia. 77y2,'; Overalt Ht. 10,,. Three 60-watt lamps.
60 watt lamps. P 4501 Exquisite one-piece opal
P 4232 Potishecl brass ceitine fjr pJastic shade enhances Dolishe.i
ture, clear glass over double bent brass pulJ-down with swiich. Dia.
textured gIass, walnut shaft. Dia. 24": Bodv Ht. 73"i Overall Ht. 22,,
18"; Overall Ht. 9r2,, Three 6o-watt to 58". One 150-watt tamp.
lam ps.
il tll P 4026-70 Polished brass ceiling
fixture with satin etched glass dit-
fuser- Dia. 17"; Hl. 47/s". Four 60-
<-} watt lam ps.
P 4026"LO P 4026- 14 Same as P 4026'10, ex-
P 4026-14
P 4026-30
#i cept in antique copper.
P 4026-30 Same as P 4026'10,
cept in wh jte.

P 4121 Smaft contemporary pull-

down in perforated polished brass.
Three-way switch. Dia. 21"; Body HI.
P 4147-10 9"; Overall Ht. 20" to 56". Four 60-
P 4L47 -L4 watt lamps.
& P 4L47-7O Beautiful pull down with
slotted polished brass top, walnut

tlltl il
trim, white satin etched glass dif'
I \\\\\ fLrser, three way switch. Dia. 17";
Body Ht. 7"; Overall Ht. 20" lo 56"
Four 60-watt lamps.
P 4L47-14 Same as P 4147 10, ex'
cept in antique copper.
P 4313-1O Polished brass pull'
/') down with three way switch. Dia. 18";
Badv Ht- 71/2": Overall Ht. 18" to
54". Four 60-watt lamps.
P 4r2l P 4313-13 same as P 4313 10, ex-
cept in polished copper.
P 4314-1o Fashionable ceiling fix-
ture in polished brass. Dia. 18";
Body Ht. 7". Four 60 watt lamPs.

J P 43L4-L3 Same as P 4314-10, ex'
cept in polished copper.
P 4586 Warm contemporary style
pull-down wit h walnut laminated
tiberglas shade. White plastic dif"
fuser. Three-way switch. Dia. 19";
Body Hl. 9Y2": Overall Ht. 20" to
56". Three 60-watt lamPs.
P 4589 Dramatic ceiling fixture with
etched glass diffLrser, walnut lami-
nated fiberglas shade. Dia. 18";
Body Ht. 6". Four 60-watt lamPs.

P 4546 9-
(opposite page)
P 43t4-lo Clusters of light bring brilliant ac-
P 4314-73 cents to a variety of settings in a
vivid, colorful, creative way.
Spectacular cluster of pendants in
soft white triplex glass contrasted
with crystal-clear prismatic glass in
a choice of amber, green, blue and
smoke. Diameter 7"; Body Ht. 13".
One 100'watt lamp.
P 5006-61 Amber;
P 5006-62 S m oke;
P 5()06-66 Green;
P 5OO6-67 B lue. CI
(Each catalog number includes pend_
ant, canopy,50" cord and socket. For
two- and three'light spreaders and

r-l P 4313-10
P 4313-13
swag kits, see page 35.)

P 5006-61 P 5006-62 P 5006-66 P soo6-67

It's fun. to f e:r gour crea,tite .ingoru,,ity u:illt go,y, colctrJu,L

. unrl tl,ru,.nntic pe.ntlants or clu sters. Cct.ptluri attettti.on
llii itt u. room, tpprorittg olan.ces i,rt e .trdt.t(:e lnlt., foyer or stairu:eLl.
Creo.tr:s a Jestiz,e roont tLit,ider. Adorn e (:o1.ner..
A u;orld oJ decorating ,ideas rtu.:ai.l !
Happy colors in a gay cluster of im_ Re-creations of Venetian glass artis'
pofted thumb print TripLex glass pen- try with white, am ber and smoke glass
dants in white, green, blue or yellow- hand blown lnto a ceramic black wire
Dia.9"; Body Ht. 11%". One 100 cage. Dia. 6t/2" : Body Ht. 14r2 ". One
watt lam p. 100 watt lam p.
P 5004-60 White P 5009-60 White
P 5004-64 Yellow P 5009-61 Amber
P 5004-66 Green P 5009-62 Smoke
P 5004-67 Blue

page 35-
catalog number includes pendant, canopy, 5A" catd and sacket. Fat twa and three-light spreaders, see

Shimmering pools of amber, smoke CIear prisrnatic jeweled forms radiate A rainbow of radiant pendants with
and olrvF green. set ablate by clear colorful shafts of light jn these spar- amber, smoke and olive green outer
jewel-like prismatic glass inner cylin. kling pendants created for d.amatic glass, clear jewel like prismatic glass
ders. WalnuI trjm. Dta. 9lz": Body accent. cylinders and walnut accent. Dja.
Ht. 13". One 100-watt lamp. P 5011 Dia. 1OY2": Bady Ht. 77y2" . 93/a"; Body Ht. 1,2y2" . One 100.watt
P 5007-61 Amtrer 100-watt iamp. lamp.
P 5007-62 Smoke P 5Ol2 Dia. al2"; Body Ht. 123/4" . P 5008-61 Amber
P 5007-66 Olive sreen 100.watt lam p. P 5008-62 Smoke
P 5008-66 Olive green

Catalog numbet includes pendant, canopy, so, cord and sacket. Fot two and three-light sprcaders, see page 35.
(Opposite Page)
Colorful halos of gentle light shower
from textured glass spheres in choice
of amber, orange or smoke. Dia. 10"_
One 1oo.watt lamp.
P 5005-61 Amberi
P 5OO5-62 Smoke;
P 5OO5-63 Orange.
P 5O1O-19 A pendant of classic
grace with richly-carved antique gold
molded filagree panels over opal
glass globe. Dia.6y2" squarc; Body
Ht. L31/t". One 100-watt lamp.
P 5OlO-33 Same as P 5010-19, ex-
cept in white and gold.
P 50 l3 -61 Dramatic octagon
shaped polished brass pendant with
softly-sh immering circles of 3,tone
translucent amber. Dia. 7"; Body Ht.
13". One 60 watt larnp.
Catalog number includes pendant, can-
opy, 54" cotd ard sockef. For twa and
thtee-light spteaders, see page 35-

(Th is Page)
Imported Triplex glass pendants
-white, orange, yellow and tur-
quoise-in handsome sizes and
shapes lor mix-or-match harmony
in contemporary and traditional
Diamond teardrop pendants. Dia. 6";
Body Ht. 13". One 100-watt lamP.
P 5OOO-60 White;
P 5000-63 Orange;
P 5OOO-64 Yellow;
P 5000-65 Turquoise-
Ta pered cylinder pendants. Dia.
5r/2", Body Ht. 13". One 100-watt
P 5001-60 White;
P 5001-63 Orange;
P 5001-64 Yellow;
P 5OO1-65 Turquoise.
Teardrop pendants. Dia. BY2": BodY
Ht. 13V". One 100-watt lamp.
P 5002-60 Wh ite;
P 5002-63 orange;
P 50o2-64 Yellow:
P 50O2-65 Turquoise.
Oval pendants. Dia. 12r .": Body Ht.
14". One 1oo'watt iamp.
P 5003-60 White;
P 5003-63 Orange;
P 5003-64 Yeliow;
P 5003-65 Turquoise.

Catalog number includes pendant, can-

opy, 50" cotd and sacket. Fot twa and
three-liqht spreaders, see page 35.
I oo
I @€D
(Opposite Pace)
P 4361 Lavishly detailed pendant in
rich French gold with hand screened
gold tableau on satin etched white
Triplex glass. Patterned cast chain,

il matching canopy. Dia. 9"; Body Ht.

7812": Ouerall Length 43r1". One
100 watt lanrp.
P 4362 Swag verslon of P 4361 with
15' patterned cast chain, 20' cord,
plug, on off switch. Cast ceiling hooks.
Dia. 9"; Body Ht. 18t1". One 100
watt lamp.

#,k P 4363 IMatching cluster, ceiling

cover, cast canopy, patterned cast
chain. Width I7"; Bady Ht. 151/2";
Overa I Height 41" maximum. Three
100 watt lam ps.
P 4364 Matching pendant with cast
chain, canopy. Dia. 7r/4"; Body Hl.
75y2"; Ovetall Ht. 41". One 100 watt
P 4442-33 lntricate cast metal
:ii scrollwork in soft whlte and gold
fin sh witlr white diffusing cy inder.
Matching canopy and chain. Dia. 10";
Bady Ht. 12Yp": Overa I Length 48".
Olle 1oo.watt lamp.
P 4443-33 Swag version of P 4442.
P 4352-61 33, with 15' chain, 20' cord, plug,
P 4352-62 on off switch. Dia. 10"; Body Ht.
l2r/2". ane lO0 watt lamp.

, (This Page)
,spgl-F P 4351-62 Dramatic pendant fin'
X lshed in luxurious French gold, in
P 4353-61 spired by master carvings. Hand-
P 4353-62 blown smoke optrc glass, Patterned
cast charn, matching canopy. Dia.
,i 91/a" t BodV Ht. 18"; Overall Length
42". fhree {lame type candelabra
la rn ps-
P 4351-61 Same as P 4351 62 ex
cept with anrber optic glass.
\J P 4352-61 Swag version of P 4351
t I 62. Hand-blown amber oPtic giass,
1 15' patterned cast chain, 20' cord,
P 435L-62 T\J, rj I
plrg dno o1 of .^rL, 1,. Cd't r Fil ng
P 4351-61 i.. r'f
hooks. Dia. 9t;"; Bcrdy Ht. 18".
Three f ame type candelabra lamPs.
-!n: {r' P 4352-62 Same as P 4352 61 ex

cept with snroke optic glass-

/r,'qN ( P 4353-6I lrprp.\r,,/F tl-ree l"l I
,.1 cluster shaped from or ginal carvings.
t/ Fa-d hlo,\n dr.bPr opr g dsr. Ceil
ing cover, cast canopy, Patterned
il '7{ {)
d\r ,l-d n. D J LB': BodY Ht. 16"i
Ov' ral Lenltl rb' Tl-'F. 100 \^dlt
,,j \*dr ii( Edison base lamps-
iF P 4353-62 Sdrre ns P 43i 61 P'
P 4354-62 cept w th smoke optic glass-
P 4354-67 P 4354-62 I\4atching pendant in
hdlla blo^n r_1or,e opl e d\. Cd\t
chain and canopy. Dia. 7r/a"t Body
',) Ht- 16"; overall length 36". One
t,t . 1o0 watt Edison base lamp.
i., P 4354-GL Sdn r dr P 4:54 62 c '
P 4440-33 cept with alnber optic g ass.
P 4440-33 Cast scro Lwork in soft
white and gold finish, wllite diffuslng
.y r'ldpr. Mdt.'l,ng ca_opy drd.hd:n.
P 4441'33 Drd. 8 Oveta l'r. 45 . Or" I00
watt Edison.base lam p.
P 444L-33 Cluster version of
o 4AAA 33 D,a. 17t-': overalr Ht.
Catalog numbers include canapy, chain and sacket. 441/2". Ihrce 1oo.watt Edison'base

D(0 i,*
l] '
il :

' ll|'i:l. i.",, I


',[l'i :

r., :a
: . ..
\- ,:
C r',
' , i)/'
: iit_'
' : t',

lt't @
| P 436r

P 4364 ,g, P 4363

qb ts
w Calaloq numbet\ include.anapy, <hdtn dnd soLke!.
P 4362
P 3900

Th,e new shope oJ dramat'ic decorot'ing accents

for rooms of gra,ce atd cli,sti,nction! Elega'nt, mold,ed reproductiorts u'ith
authentic iletai,Ls let you create a unique theme
or i,nj ect 'impressiae dimensi'on into trad:itinnal settings.
The uea,l.th of dist'inctite personalities suggested on the Jollou'ing pages
tnill stir gour imag'ination artd spark aour spirit.
P 3906



P3902-19 P 3902_34
From the elegant grandeur of an P 39O7 (Right-hand) Romantic P 39O6 Exquisjte antique eotd
opulent era, molded reproductions Rococo styling in an antique gold romantique sconce with sweeping
of classic wail sconces lavishly de- sconce. Use singly or at right of arms and graceful ornamentatjon.
P 3900, identical in fine detail, orna On.off switch. Wrdth 36,t Ht.22t.":
tailed to impart gracious accent mentation and dimensions. Ertends 77-". Frve ltame tvpe cin
to a wealth of settings. (This page) delabra larnps.
P 3902-19 lnspjred by 18th century P 8712 Sconce Hanger Kit availabte
(Opposite Page) master carvings, the Acanthus leaf for portable mounting of sconces on
in a lustrous antique gojd sconce. the wall (except p3905). Contains
P 39OO (Left-hand) Traditionat an On off switch. Width 15,,; Ht. 1ay2,': braided silk wire cord with otup
ith tjque gold Rococo with rich carved
detail. Use singly or at ieft of p 3907.
Extends 5%". Two flame-type can hang.straight werght.
I On-off switch. Width tO%,,; Ht.
delabra lamps.
P 3902-34 Same as p 3902 19, ex
21y2"; Fxtends 5y2" . Three flame. cept in mellow distressed walnut
type candelabra lamps. finish. t
P a772
P 39()4-19 P 3904-35
(Opposite Page)
A wealth of tradition richly re-
flected in molded wail sconce
reproductions ol lasling beau ry.
P 3903-17 The hardy Clipper Ship
sails again on a pewter finished Colo-
nial plate with drip-pans. On.oft
switch. Width I4Y2": Ht. 12": Ex'
tends 5". Two tlame-type candelabra
P 3903-35 Same as P 3903 17, ex-
cept in nutmeg and brass.
P 39O4-19 The Federal Eagle graces
this bull's-eye mirror with gleaming
antique gold finish. On-off switch.
Width 16"; Ht. 16"; ExtPnds 5t1".
Two Jlame-type candelabra lam ps.
P 3904-35 Same as P 3904-19, ex-
cept in nutmeg and brass.

(This Page)
Dramatic and distinctive molded
reproductions, re-setting spidted
flames of a romantic Castiliar
P 39O1-19 faithtcr y-detailed an-
tique gold wall sconce with crackted
amber glass cylinders. On off swrtch P 390s-19
Width 15": Ht. 161/2"i E\tends 47a,,.
Two flame type Edison base lamps.
P 3901-36 Same as p 3901.19, ex-
cept in rich cranada iron finish.
P 3905-19 Vivid replica of a Span-
ish wall torch with crackled amber
glass cylinder and Iustrous antjoue
gold finish on torch bracket and
plaques. On-off switch. Width 6,,; Ht.
27"i Extends 71/4". One ftame{ype
Edison-base lam p.
P 3905-36 Same as p 3905.19, ex.
cept in rich Granada iron finish.
P 390s-36
P 8712 Sconce Hanger Kit Avaitable. see pase 39.
P 3653

First 'impressi'ons are lasting !

Bid your gue.sts a, uarm and cord'ial welcome
ui,th erqui,s'itely-detailed li,ghtin,g Jirtures
that bespeak your grac'ious hospitali'tg,
o,nd i,ntrocJuce et:c'iting, inuiting decorati'ng the'mes.
P 377A-to
P 377A-t a

'r,-, P 3719-10
_]t P 3719-11

P 3650


P 366()

P 3 671 P 3651
P 3670 ,


(Opposite Page)
P 3652 Exquisite lantern with star
cut beveted gtass punur", poiiJ"i
brass finish. Width 2,,; Body Ht.
14t/2"; Ove.all Ht. 42,,. Four ftame-
type candelabra iamps.
P 3653 Six hand-cut beveled glass
panels in finely-detailed poljshed
brass lantern. Width 8y2,,; Body Ht.
75y2": Ovetall Ht. 42". Three ftame- P 3670 Polished brass lantern with P 3771 Polished brass lantern with
type candelabra lamps. sparkling clear design on glass smoke optic glass. Dia. 8,,; Bodv Ht.
panels. Width 10,, sq.; Body Ht. 14": Overall Ht. 36,,. Three fl;me-
(This Page) IOVz"; Overall Ht. 3O',. Two ftame- type candelabra lamps.
P 3650 Gleaming potished brass type candelabra lamps.
hall lantern with star-cut beveled P 3671 Ceiting adaptation of P 3775 Elegant Renaissance impon
glass. Width 53/4": Body Ht. I2',i P 3670. Width 10,, sq.; Overa Ht. lantern in antique brass finish with
Overall Ht. 42". Two flame-type can- 1Oy2". Two flame"type candelabra amber glass. Width 11,,; Body Ht.
delabra lamps- lamps. 18"; Overall Ht.42,,. Three flame.
P 3651 Ceitjng fixture adaptation of type candelabra lamps.
P 37f9-1O Traditionat potished
P 3650. Wrdth 53/4"; Oveft| Ht. 13". brass fixture, crystal shade and P 377a-lo Ctose-to-the.ceiling ver-
Two flame.type candelabra lamps. smoke bell.Dia.8V": Bodv Ht. 15,,: sion of P 3719-.10. Dia.8r/,',: Overcll
P 3660 Ctose-to-the-ceiling tixture. Overall Ht. 36,,. Three flame-type Ht. I2r/2". Three flame-type cande-
ha nd.c ut beveted glass, potished candelabra Iamps. Iabra Iamps.
brass finish. 91/2" sq.; Overall Ht. 4',. P 3719-11 Same as p 3719-tO ex.
Iwo flame-type candelabra lamps. P 377A-lL Same as p 3779_10 ex_
cept in antique brass. cept in antique brass.

P 3672

P 3760-62

'- 3672 Gleaming polished brass
i..i P
ceiling fixture with white opal glass.
',{,NJ Dia. 8"; Overall Ht- 10%". One 60-
watt Edison.base lam p.
P 3762
w P 3673 Dramatic wrought iron
chain-hung lantern of Mediterranean
heritage. Dia.8"; Body Ht. 13%";
Overall Ht. 42". Ihree flametype
candelabra lam ps.
P 3674 Maiestic Medite rranean
wrought iron hall lantern glittering
with blue, green, amber and wine
textured glass, and antiqLle gilt leaf
a work. Dia- 7" sq.; Body Ht. 12Y2":
Overall Ht. 42". One 60 watt Edison
base lam p.
P 37O3-1o Polished brass ceiling
il fixture with white hobnail glass bowl.
.u Dia- 6": Overall Ht. 11". One 60-watt
(t-l' Edison base Iam p.
P 3703-11 Same as P3703-10 ex
r cept in antique brass.
'--\ P 373a-33 White and gold swivel
I mounted cast ceiline fixture with in_
\.l\tt,! (,( \ \,i
ner diffusing cylinder. Dia. 8"; Over-
all Ht.
base lamp.
1,O3/a". One 100-watt Edison-

t'al' .\ i\\ P 3760-61 classic cast ceiling fix

.\./t ture in French gold with hand-blown
--F.r_ii t'i
arnber optic glass. Dia- 7r/1": Ove(
< .*'l*.-.2 al Ht. 12". One 100watt Edison-
-\ base lamp.
P 3760-62 Same as P 3760-61 ex-
cept with smoke optic glass.
./l P 3762 Delicate gold tableau on
, /,4 J ,l', wh te satin etched Triplex glass en-
iaoT f,,r'r hances this cast ceiling fixture with
French gold finish- Dia. /Y4"; Ove(
_ '& IJ
"' ..'I.

P 3703-10
P 3703-11 itl
-.\ri l, ,t,
all Ht.
12 ". One 1oo-watt Edison.base

P 3779 Sparkline hand cut imported

1\ crystal shade graces this polished
brass hall fixture. Dia. 7t/2": Body
i f,r- p iziJss Ht 11":Overall Ht 30" Threefame-
type candelabra lam ps.
De il,

P 3262
)1 -i

\SE p gzer

",,'. _ ;it '' l',:,,

;, '.,

P 3260

P 3260 Antique Cotd cast ceitine tix-

ture with delicate gold desien- on P 3790
white satin etched Triplex glass. Dia.
6"; Overall Ht. 10,,. One 6o-watt lamp_
P 3261 Ctose-to-the.ceiling fjxture
with white satin etched Triptex gtass
and rich gold embellishment. Antique
Cold finish. Dia. 11,,; Overa Ht. 7,,.
Two 6o-watt tamps.
P 3262 Larger version of p326t. .i,
P 3792
Dia. 13"; Overalt Ht. 7,,. Three 60_
watt lamps.
P 379O Shimmerjne, gtittering
jeweled swag ftxture with genuine cut
crystal ball, polished brass accents
and inside chrome reflector. Dia
63/a"; Overall Ht. 9,,_ One 6o-watt
clear lamp.
P 3791 Larger version of p3790.
Dia. gya": Overait Ht. 8r
2,,. Two 60
watt clear lamps.
P 3792 Latget version ot p3791
Dia. lo1/a"t Overalt Ht. 8,,. Two 75-
watt clear lamps.
P 4705 Sparltrng ceiling frxture with
jewelFd pflsms, genuine cut
ballr polished brass accents and while
satin etched Triptex glass. Dia. 15,,.
Overall Ht. 7t7a',. f hree 6e.walt
| .or. *o. | *o''r | "o.' I
P 7600 15 Ca ndela bra Pett Teardrop Clear
P 7601 15 Ca ndela bra Petti Teardrop Frost
P 7602 i5 Ca ndela bra Pett Teardrop Wh te
P 7609 25 Candelabra Tea rd rop Clear
P 7610 25 Candelabra Tea rd r op
P 76lt 25 Candelabra 'I-eard rop W hite
P 7612 40 Candelabra Clear
P 7613 4A Candelabra Teardrop
,1 ,
P 7614 4o Candelabra Teardrop W hite
P 7 6t5 Teardrop Clear
P 76T6 60 Teardrop Frost
P 76t7 60 Candelabra Teardrop Wh te
P7618 25 Ed is on Teardrop Clear
P7619 25 Ed is on Tearcl rop
P7620 25 Ed is on Te a rd rop
P 762L 40 Ed ison Teardrop Clea r
P 7 622 40 Ed is on Tea rd roD
P 7 623 40 Edison Tea rd rop
r aar P 7 624 60 Ed is on Teardrop C ear
P 7 625 60 Ed ison
P 7 626 60 EdisoJl Teardrop White
P 7700 10 Clear
P 77OI 10 Frost
P 7702 i5 Clea r
P 7703 15 Candeiabra
P 7704 15 Candelabra Petti.Flame
P 77rl 25 CandeLabra Clear
P 7712 25 Candelabra Frost
P 7713 ?5 Candelabra Wh te
P 7714 40 Candelabra Clea r
P 7715 40 Ca nde a bra Frost
ai: P 7716 40 Wh ite
P 77 L7 60 Clear
P 77 t8 60 Ca ndela bra
P 7719 60 Ca ndela bra
P 7720 25 E d ison
P 772I 25 Ed is on
P 7722 25 Ed is of
P 7723 40 Ed rso n Clea r
P 7724 40 Ed rso n
P 7725 40 Ed iso n White
P 7726 60 Ed ison Flame
P 7727 60 Ed iso n Fia me
P 7724 Ed iso n FIa me

Deeorutor Bulhs Tlrc uowning touch for all Progress chatzdeliers

and matching firtwes-Town and Country d'ecorator bulbs!
Choose from 67 exqu'isite stgles to help enhance
anq decorat'ing theme. And' be assured, of hi'ghest qualitg
uith a 1 ,000-hour guarantee pri'nted on euerg bor (ercept the 2 Hi'-Intens'itg bulbs).

I "or. n.o. I *o"s ]


P TaOO 15 Ca ndela bra Petti Spiry Clear
P 7801 15 Petti Spiry
P 7AO2 25 Ca ndela bra Petti Splry Clea r
P 7803 25 Candelabra Pettr.Sp ry Frost
P 7AO5 40 Candelabra Spiry Clear
P 7806 40 Spiry
? 7Ar2 60 Ca nd ela bra Spiry
v P 7a13 60
Candelabra S plry

P 7A40 7t/: Candelabra Candle Tip Clear
P 7841 71, Candelabra Candle Tip Frost
P 7A42 Ca ndela bra Candie Ttp Frost-Ye ow
W &-s
,t F[-{CK F:a?
'l P 7A50 3 Ed son Flic ke r Clea r
P 7As1
l=: 3 Ca ndela bra (l lea r

-.it {:c} M i3 t_ Eit:(."} Ft

P 7860 25 Ca ndeia bra I %" Complexion Pif k.W h ite
P 7A6l 15 Ca ndela bra 2" Com piex on
P 7A62 25 Ca ndela bra 2" omple rton
C P nk White

P 7A70 40 Ed rso n Chrmney
P 7A7l 60 Ed lso n Ch jm ney Frost

t:* P 78AO I Candelabra Gloesce nt Clear
P 7AA1 15 Ca ndela bra Gloescent
P 7Aa2 25 Ca ndeJa bra Gloescent Clear
P 7490 12 volts Bayonet Hrgh lr te nsrty J
lli rl
F1 P 7a91 6 volts Bayonet High lntensity

. Every bulb pre-tested

. 1,000-hour guarantee':,
. Gas-filled
. Single coil construction Each bLrlb
individ uatty
*except Hi-lntensity bulbs,
in a coiorful
which are guaranteed 3OO hours. plastic-coated box.
P 7LO4
P 7105


- '-irilr,,o

- ? TLoL

-- P 7LO2

Y{idth overall flt. Length Bright, shad,owless light bri,ngs
P 7100 Two 20w Surtace modular Trigger, LPF llv4' 4' 26'
Ii,relu spirit and, spaciousness
lluorescent fixture;
tapered solid walnut
to kitchen, laundry roorn, garne
3'dimensional Plexi' room, workshop or ffice.
glas diffuser snaps out
for easy relamping These fluorescent fintures by
P 7101 Two 40w Rapid;HPF-ETL ll/4' 50'
P 7102 Four 20w Triggerj LPF t3Y,', 26', Progress offer a range of stgles
P 7103 aou.40w Rapid; HPF'ETL t3/,, 50'
P 7104 lwo circlines,
Same as P 7100
serjes except for
Rapid 15',
w'i.d,er than euer beJore.
circline lamps
P 7105 Two circlines, Rapid t8" 4',
32w'40w sq.
P 7ta5

P 7ta3 ..-. :

I .!'|

-/.--. -\-r
P 7183
P 71a6


P 7193
P 7196
l{o. Finish Lamps Description gallast Width Depth Length
P 7183 White Two 20w Crystal-clear, Trigger, l1' 3%' 24'
color-stabilized LPF
polystyrene diffuser,
snap-out wiring
cover. Can be mounted
individually o. in
continuous run-
P 7186 White lwo 40w Same as P 7183 Rapid, 11' 3%' 48'
P 7193 White Four 20w Same as P 7183 Itigger, 17, 3%' 24'

P 7196 White Four40w Same as P 7183 Rapid, L7, 3/q" 48'

E.T.L. test repo(s supplied upon .equest.

P 32aO

P 32a1

P 4593

Choose one of these walnut-framed Finish

fixtures and add a touch of rich P 3280 Four 60w White glass; I6'sq.
warmth to your kitchen, den, fam-
ily room or bedroom. 'lhe white P 3281 Four 60w White glass; l€," x 24"
glass diffuser spreads bright, even
liEht throughout the room, P 459t) Fou r 60w cold lined white l6Yr'sq. 5Y,'
textured glass;

P 3270-1t
P 3270-L4
P 4033

- -$q.r'

P 4026-70
P 4026-L4
P 4026-30

D? P 4024-14
P 4024-LO
P 4024-30

P 4021-10
P 4021-t4 P 3223
P 402r-30

P 3222
Two 60w
Drop opalglass; gYr" sq. 5%'
meta' frame;
torsion springs;
P 3223 Walnut Three 60w sufface moontsd l2'sq. s%,
P 3270-11 Ant. Brass Three 60w White glass; 14'sq.
surlace rrounted
P 3270-14 Ani. Copper
P 4021-10
P 4021-14
Pol. Brass
Ant. CoDDer
Two 60w Satin etched Rlass lI*, 4'
P 4021-30 White s!rface mounted
P 4024-10 Pol. Brass Three 60w 14' 4yr,
P 4024-14 Ant. Copper
P 4024-30 White
P 4026-f0 Pol. Brass Fou r 60n, tl, 4%'
P 4026-14 Ant. Copper
P 4026-30 Whrle

P 4033 Pol. Brass Three 75w Hobnail shades, 20, 10,

maple accents
P 3731-1() {r}]a
P 3731-16

P 3529 P 3730-16
P 3730-10


P 3527 Vror'on sPRrNGs FoR EASY REtArlrPrNG

P 3525 P 372r-l0
P 3721-L6

P 3s2a
I 1'


P 3720-16
P 372()-10
P 3526
P 3524

No. Finish Lamps Description Dia. Ht.

P 3524 0ne 75w Satin etched white 8%" 4V"

Iriplex glass,
torsion springs
P 3526 Two 60w t0%" 4/r"
P 3528 Three 60w 12%' 4yr'
P 3525 0ne 75w Satin etched white 8%'sq. AYr'
Triplex glass,
torsion springs
P 3421 Two 60w sq.
10%" 4Yr'
P 3529 Three 60w l2%'sq. 41,4'

P 3720-10 Pol. Brass Two 60w Concealed torsion \Vz" sq. 4'
P 3720-16 Satin Alum. springs;drop opal
P 3721-10 Pol. Brass Three 60w 12" sq. 4',
P 3721-16 Satin AIum-

P 3730'10 Pol. Brass Two 60w Concealed torsion 8V?' sq. 4'
P 3730-16 Satin Alum. springs; drop opal
P 373I-10 Pol. Brass Three 60w l2,,sq.
P 3731-16 Satin Alum.
P 444A-12
P 444A-16 P 4447-t6
P 4449-L6 P 4447-72
P 4449-12

P 4451-]2
P 4451-16

\, . P 3214


-,' i
'\ -f r P 3210

* p 3208
F; -f-al
r_*!J _
P 3206

;x- t-11 *:'' -*"- ..,

, f,'{

k'&, P 5560
P s561

P 5540
P 5541

P 5551
P 5550
*P 3208

*P 3210
*P 3212 Two 75w t0.
Three 60w 12"
+P l2td Three 75w t4'
P 44t7 -12 Satin Brass one 100 w opalglobe, hang
P 4447"16 Satin Alum. straighl assemblv,
6" & 12" slems in.ltrdFd
P4448-12 Satin Brass one l50w n.
P4448-16 Salin Alum
P 4449-12 Satin Brass one 200w
P 4449-16 Satin Aluo.
P 4451-12 Satin Brass one 200w
P {451-16 Satin Alum.
14" 21"

T 5540-- satr'"Atunl ffi3,//. indoor or outdoor use.

p 5bS0
p 5560 sprins mounted white 5,.r 9"
Tripler glass. Wall or 9,, so.
ceiling jnsiallation
Die'c?st aluminum for 9"
indoor or outdoor use
P 5551 sprins mounted crvst;t
P 5561
*Torsion springs for easy slass Wall or ceili;p 9" sq.

P 3O53-19 (4-Lite) P 3054-19 (6-Liie)

P 3053-33 P 3054-33

E:tquisite ligltt'ing
returns to 'its rightJul ra'nk
hr, tlrc order oJ bath-Latt'ity decorati'ng glamour !
Here u,re Jirtures uith tlte look oJ high Jashion,
that brirLg uarmtlt, artd beauty to cr,mport 'iLlumi,nqt'iort.
A weaLth of slto,pes att'd' stgles owait to'irtsp'ire attd guicle 11ctu,.
t. &

rl I
P 3026-33

ii' 1
P 3025,33

P 3171-10


r\! I P 3()25-19
i I r,l a

P 3026-r9
P 3170-10
P 3170-1s

i'ii P 3154

P 3161

Finish Lamps Description Width Body Ht. Extends

(This Pase)
P 3025'19 cold orre 75w Cast m€laLtorch; 7Yz"
P 3025-33 While & Triplex glass shade;
Gold K.0. for switch;
G d. Conv outlei
P 3026-13 Gold 0n€ 75w Cast netal torch; t Y,"
P 3026-33 White & Trip ex I dss rhadej
Gold K.0 ior lwrt.h
P 3154 0ne 60$/ Po ished, beveled syr" 12t4"
Gnd. Conv- 0utlet
0ne i00w Hand scre€n€d gold
lableau on satin
6" 1r" 8y4,,
el.h€d white Tr/plei
gld!!, cdsl brdrk€t.
canopy;cnd_ Conv.
P 3161 Two 100w 151r"
P 3170-10 Pol.Brass one l00w Die cast €nd caps, Syr" 4%" sy,"
P 3170-15 Chrome extruded aluminum
P 3171 10 Pol Brass Two l00w cofstructron; tty," 4%" 5y,"
P 3171-15 Chrome Clear prismatic
P 3172,10 Pol. Brass Three l00w glass bottom; 26" 4%" 5y,"
P 3172-15 Chrome Gnd. Conv.0utlet

(0pposite Pase)
P 3053-19 cotd Four 25w Uolded reoroductro0 28', ton! 3%"
P 3053-33 White & c,rnd." dbra ot orierndl carvtng

P 3054,19 Gold Si 25w Nlo ded reDroduLhon j6 to|s 3%"

P 3054,33 White & cand.ldbra of oagina Ldrvrng
P 3027-!9



iii :i
,ll :,. L-,*,1
-r .i
| ..\fi
-,- -,- \**D I
i \:r'
i j:
r. l,Yidth Ht. Ext-
P 3018 White & one 75w Yes Cast filigree, kiplex
P 3018 cold glass, switch

P 3019 White & Two 75w Yes Cast filigree, triplex 16' 61/2'
Gold glass, switch

Four 75w Yes Castfiligree, triplex 33' 11, 6V,"

glass, switch

Two 75w Yes Wrought iron trame; 19" l%', 4v,',

pafterned bent glass;
K. 0. Ior switch

Two 60w Yes Opalglass;liligree 16/4' 6yt" 4%"

K, 0. for switch
P 3027-33 White & Gold

P 3028 Walnut & Two 75w Yes White bent glass; 19' 63/a' 4V1
Brass U/alnut wood lrame;
perforated brass end
caps; X. 0. for switch

P 3()51-33 P -19 (6-Lite

P 3050-19 coid Folr 25w lvlolded,carved 4%,

com0lexion deta I rose cs
candelabra base Gnd. conv. outiet
P 3050-33 White & Gold

P 3051-19 cold Six 25w t\lolded, carved

complexion detailrosettes;
ardelabra oase Gnd. co1v. ou er P a703
P 3051-33 Whrte & cotd

l4allp lvhile.0rner b,d!l.el lor lorlng p 3050 a1d p 3051

lrxlure combtldl ols for ar0und tl e.nIror illum natton
---:=-:- -
';;:- P"too2 P70o4
t- ? =. P7oo3


& P700a

P7 t60 P7L64
P7L6T P7L65
P7L62 P7166
Finish Lamps Description Eallast Extends Lenqth Ht.

P 7000 Baked white one 8w T'8 0n€ piece duo-tone Reg!lar Ayr,, 12%"
enamel polystyrene difiuser;
cnd. Corv. Outlet;
keyhole slots ior under-

mo!nting, starter switch

P i001 Same as P 7000 except
with cord
P 7004 Staftertype without
sw tch and cord.

P 7002 Baked white one 15w T-8 0n€ piece duo tone Regulal 4yx" t8,/s" 1%"
P TOOO Series Undercabinet lites polydyren€difflrser; LPF
provide splendid light for work sur- Gnd. Conv.0uti€t,
starter swilch; keyhole
faces in the kitchen. TheY are also slols tor under'cabrnet
ideal for study when used as a shell or cantilever mo!nling,
light or bed lamp. Mounted either stader switch
under a shelf or cantilevered fiom a P 7003 Same as P 7002 excepl
wall these "Slendalites" are a tlexi' with cord.
ble and useful light source. P 7005 Starter type withoul

P 7160 Spries uses eithFr single or P 7006 Baked while One i5w T-I2 0fe-piece duo tone Trigger 5y," 18" 2"
double T-12 fluorescent lamps. They polystvrenedrlfuser. LPF
are designed for horizontal or vertical P 7007 ofe 20w T-12 h ochouls or G_d. Il,RBPr \t i -4'
wall or ceiling mounting. Handsome Conv. Outlet, switch or LPF
cord and plug Rapid syr" 36" 2"
fixtures with abundant light for bath- P 7008 one 30w T 12 TPF
room, corridor or utility room. Rapld 5Yr" 48"
P 700s one 40w T 12 IPF

P 7160 Chrom€ 0ne 20w T-12 Duo tone polystyrene Trlgger 5y," 24" 4%"
diffuser;ch.ome end LPF
P 7161 One 30w T'12 plates;Gnd. Conv Rapid 5y," 36" 4%"
P 7162 One 40w T 12 Rapid 5yr" 48" 4y!"

P 7163 Two r5wT-12 Trigger 5y," 18" 4'A"

P 7164 Two 20w T-12 Trigger 5Y," 24" 414"

P 7165 Two 30w T 12 Rapid 5Y," 36" 4%"

P 7166 Two T 12 Rapid 5y?" 48" 4ta"

ll P3150
l, esrsr
)t P3ts2
no^ )
.rq ) ' FOR



l{o. finish Lamps Width Ht. [xtends
P 3150 Chrome Two 100W White gltss;chrome end caps;
X.0. tor swikhi
4" t3" 4yr,'
hrnEed tor P3a54
easy relamping. Gnd. Conv.
P 3151 Four l00W 4" 24" 4Yz"
P 3152 Sir 100W 4" 36' 4V,"
P 3m3 White I Two 60W Whrte I eotd extrdded 1" l3yr" stA"
cotd ,jluminum:spi trghl effect
P 3854 Pol- Brass one 60W Delicatety patterned giass; 4%" rrt/i'
on,off switch
P 3951-10 Pol. Brass 0ne l00W Swivet-mounted tor wa or 5%" S%"
0r 75WlR 30) ceiIns. on-off swrtch
P 3951-30 Wh,tP

P 395?-30 Whrle Two J00W Same as p 3951 series exceDt ?r, 9%"
or /5W !R 30) w,th two swivet.mounted fiiiures
P 3952-10 Pol. Brrss

P 7150-34 Walnut orp 40W uorescent.wd washer,.tor Lensth 6%., s%,,

tJuorescent indrvtduat o, continuous ru n. q},i,,,
Knockouts for portable cord,
pu -chain and cnd. Co,rv.oullet.
R.oid ba dsL LpF
P 7150-10 Pol Bnss
P 7152-34 Walnut 0ne 20W Fluorcscent'wallwashef'for Lensth
tJuorescent ,ndivrdual or contrnuous run. 24tir" 6h,' 5%'.
l,\nochauis for podable cord,
Dull.chain and Cnd conv o,nlFl
Trigger brllast LPF
P 7152-10 Pol. Brass
llD ,, ,.

P 4Aa6 i).

. t.
P 4AA7

P 4a55
P 4854

.x' .:=&;'-.
P 4a1a

P 4AA4

P 4654

Lamp Description
P 4658 Three 60w Sweeping outer glass
with inner bowl
P 4818 Four 60w Gold applique
on white lucent glass

P 4855 Three 60w Satin.frosted white glass 15',

with brass edging
P 4858 Four 60w 18'
P 4884 Three 60w Fluted glass with
slimline ribbed design

P 4885 Three 60w Cut design simulated 15'

onfluted glass
P 4886 Three 60w Mediterranean design
on white glass

P 4887 Three 60w l\4editerranean design 13"

on white glass sq.
6 .r${
f " c3tg
u.LJ_l P 4942
.J P 4944
P 4946

P 495a


No- Lamp Description size

P 4620 Four 60 W Semi-llush with white & gold wood frame. 15'sq.
white textured glass diffuser
P 4630 Four 60 W Semi-flush with Walnut frame, 15" sq.
white textured glass drffuser
P 4693 Two 60 W Cut design simulated on glass 13'
P 4695 Three 60 W 15,
P 4713 Two 60 W Silver applique design t3'
? 47t5 Three 60 W 15,
P 4942 Two 60 W Satin etched design 12'
P 4944 Three 60 W l5'
P 4S46 Four 60 W lt'
P 4958 Three 60 W C.ystal highlights 0n white hobnail glass 153/d,
750-Watt Pre-Wired Square, IO" x 7O"
P5712 Two-piece construction permits complete ceiling
access. One-piece parabolic reJlector. Junction box (32 cu.
in., with removable lront and back covers) has Yz" and 3/a"
combination knockouts; approved {or 60"C supply conduc. FLAT ALBALITE GLASS
tors. Die.formed, contoured frames attached by concealed 15OW Fran-re 1114' Sq.
torsion springs. Entirely pre-assembled, ready tor installa-
tion. Two adjustable "no-notch" hanger bars included.
P664O-lO Polished Brass
P6640-13 Polished Coppcr
P664O-15 Chrome
P664O-29 Whiie
l00W Frame 97-r" Sq.
P563O-10 Po ished Brass
P663O-13 Pollshed Copper
P663O'r5 Chrome
P663o-16 Satin Alum n!m
P663O-29 White


15OW Frame I rlt' Sq
P6641-1O Por shed Brass
P6641-13 Polished Copper
P6641-15 Chrome
P6641-16 Satin A uminun
P6641"29 !ryhita
1O0W Frame 9l/r" Sq
P6631-1O Pol shed Erass
P6631-13 Pol slred Copper
P6631-15 Chrome
P6631-16 Sat n A um num
P6631"29 Wh te
700-Watt Pre-Wired Square, B" xB"
P6702 Two-piece construction permits complete ceiling
access. One-piece parabolic reflector. Junction box (32 cu.
in., with removable front and back covers) has lz', and 3/a,'
combination knockouts; approved for 60'C supply conduc
tors. Die-Iormed, contoured lrames at'tached by concealed
'torsion springs. Entirely pre-assembled, ready tor installa. ALL GLASS
tion. Two adiustable "no.notch,'hanger bars included. l5OW Frame r2" Sq.
P6643 8Lo,,,rn Opal
100W Frame 1O" Sq.
l2t/1 P6633 B own Opal

l5OW Frame-11'Sq.
P6644 With Albalte Glass
100W Framc- 9" Sq
P5634 W ih Albal,i., Glass

Beeessed Lightutg
The d,ramatic rtersatiLity oJ light
for general i,Ilum'in ation and as a decorati.ng element i,s lyours
with Progress recessed ligllt;ng lirtures.
Concealed abote the ce'iling with only the trim or gloss in uiew,
these subtle I'ight sources cart proa,ide owrall Lightirtg
or create Jasc,inati,ng accents to enhance
or spot|igh,t keg areas of a room and, i.ts d,ecor.
Tile'o Square, I73/rtt x I7:]/q't FLAT ALBALITE GLASS
200W Frame, 13,'Sq
P6721 Aluminum pyram! P66aO-1O Polished Brass
dal retlector. J unction box P668O-15 Chrome
(32 cu. in-, with removable

Dft ," iront and back covers) has

Yr' and %' combination
knockouts, approved for
60'C supply conductors.
P66aO-29 White

Die - formed, contoured

frames attached by con- DROP OPAL GLASS
cealed torsion springs. En- 200W Frame, 13,,Sq.
tirely pre-assembled, ready P6641-1O Polished Brass
for installatron. Two adjust, P6681-15 Chrome
able "no-notch" hanger P66a1-29 White
bars included.

7 S-Watt Pre-Wired Housing, 6r/e,, x 9t/2"

P6731 Aluminum pyrami-
dal reJlector. Junciion box FLAT ALBALITE GLASS
(32 cu- in., with removable 75V\l Frame 7./,', x IO\/?',
front and back covers) has P665O-tO Polished arass
Y." and t1o" combjnation P6650-15 Chrorne
knockouts, approved for P665O-29 Wh te
60"C supply conductors-
Die-formed, contoured
frames attached by con-
cealed torsion springs. En-
tirely pre-assembled, ready DROP OPAL GLASS
for installation- Two adjusi' 75W Frame, 7 /2,, x 10\/!,
able "no-notch" hanger P6651-1O Pollshed Brass
bars included. P6651-15 Chrome
P6551"29 White

! 1 !.-.W"lt P r e -W ir ed, S quar e -R ound,

773/.t" x 173/a;' $
:ruw F dn F. -t2 . Drd
P684O-10 oo, sh-d Br"ss
P68OO Aluminum reflector, P684O-15 Chrome
t4* sq ua re houstng, baked ' ..t P6a4O-29 Wh ie
white finish. J unction box
(32 cu. in.. with removable
front and back covers) has
Y2" and 3/^" combination ALL GLASS
knockouts, approved for P6a42 Blown Opat
60'C supply lzla'
I'7h 1- Die-formed, contoured

frames attached by con-

cea led torsion sp rin gs.

I Entirely pre-assembled, DROP OPAL GLASS

ready for installation. Two lsOW Franes-12'/,'Dia
ble "no'notch"
4- ll3z. 3/4
a dju sta
hanger bars inciuded.
P6a4t-1O Polished B rass
P6a41-15 Chrome

. ,-<-il P6a4r-29 Whir-.

SoO-Watt Pre-Wired Squctre, I 5O -Watt Pre-Wired, Square,

773/a" xxIlr/i'
77r/,r " x II:j/d"
P683O-29 Adjustabte,,eveba ,, P6831- I6 Satin
with white tinish, and Withoui alum. finish. Same ii
louver. Roiates 360". tilts 45. as P6a3 O series
SqLrare housing, baked whiie itn-
ish. Junciion box (32 cu. in., with
shown at left, except t4Z li
{or wattage change
removable lront and back coversr and use of louver.
has tJ' and 34" knockorts; apl Maximum 150W
proved for 6O.C supply conduc- R40.
tors. Dte-formed. contourc.J
P6a31-29 Same as
frames attached by concealed tor
sion spnngs. Entirely pre.assem-
bJed, ready for instatiation. Two
adjustable "no-notch" hanger bars
P6831,16, except in
I, t-

l, 3lf>-l
included. lMaximum 3OOW R40.

.< P6a3O-16 Same as P6830,29, ex-

cept "eyeball" and exposed trim
are Satin Aluminum- .tt
Style Downlights
Pre-wired and un-wired frame-in kits.

New Progress Downlights are de-

signed for indoor or outdoor use-
They are easy to install in new or
old construction.
: -l -' ln new ceilings, use either P 6900
or P 6901 frame-in kits. Exposed
*'-I decorator trim snaps into either
?*. frame-in kit after ceiling construc-
t tion is fanished. Order P 6901 for
existing ceilings, using retaining clips
supplied with the kit, and using the
tu plaster frame only as a template-
{{c, r
The exploded diagram on the right
describes details.
P 6900 Pre'wired frame-in kit (see
Removable "J" box covers
exploded view), includes plaster
frame; adjustable "no'notch" hanger
o with Y2" and 3/4" K.O.'s fo(
easy wiring.
P 6900
bars; junction box with attached
Greenfield, wired to socket
socket cup, Ceiling opening 67a".
o Rugged plaster f rame.

o AdjustabIe''no-notch''
hanger barswith self'nailers.

o Twin'position socket holder

permits four lamp types to
be used.

.' o Anodized reflector provides
permanent-peak reflectivity
. . . lets you use the low-cost
general service lam ps l
\- f,l.l
t"+ Rellector slots provide up to
act 7r/a" ol vefttcal adjustment
for ceilings of varied thick-

P 6901 Regular frame

cludes plaster frame, socket and
in kit.

socket cup with Y?" Greenfield con-

nector and 54" of #I4 AF wire, and
Snap in baffle/trim is
of fou r beautiful finishes
to install . . . and your choice
\--/ (
\_---,,\( \-/ ),
mounting clips tor Lrse in existing Maximum recessed height is 71//s". 100w 150W 150W t50w
ceilings. Ceiling opening 63/4" . Can be used in ceilingswith 8" rafters. A-19 R-40 A-2t PAR-38

Interchangeable f)ecorator'I'r ims

for Style Dounlights, Complete u:ith. Refl,ector

; h
.r, € :S; ,* *.
r,.kd@"*. ",v;
'fule**Q. /;6ff-*"*-S'.
P 69O4 Die cast louver P 6905 Satin goLd ano P 6906 Satin aluminu m P 6907 Po lish ed brass
wLth satin black finish Dia. dized. Dia.8"; exposed Ht. a nod ized. Dia. 8"; exposed with red, green, blue jewels-
8"; exposed Ht. 7s ". Ht. Ys" Dia. 8r/4"; ex posed Ht.
Recess rounds with I il"ro*r,0, ,r*,*r,
interchang eable frames 1l ron tlsv tttc
RtL e ntp

D 1 a



P 6585 Pre-wired housing. Levetizer socket adjusts ver, P 6695 Un,wired housing. Levelizer socket adjusts ver-
tically to accommodate 75w (R-30), 15Ow (R 4Oi or lOOw
tically to accommodate 75w (R-30), 15Ow (R,40) or lOOw
lamps. Junction box (32 cu. in. with removabte front and
back covers) has l)" and ,a,, knockouts. approved for
lamps. Die-formed, contoured trames attached by con,
cealed torsion springs. pre,assembled, ready for i;stalla-
bu"U. supply conductors. Die.formed. contoured trames
attached by concealed torsion springs. pre assembled, tion. Two adjustable "No,Notch" bar hangers, square pjas-
ter frame, clips for new or old construction incjuded.
ready for instailation. Two adjuslable ,No-Notch. bar
ndngers, square pjaster frame included

\i'' +Y
Dn 100W.8%"
P 6660-1O
Outside Dia.
Polished Brass Frame
100W 8%" Outside Dia.
100W. B%" Outside Dia.
P 6661-1O Polished Brass Frame P 6662-10 Polished Brass Frame
P 6660-15 Chrorne Frarne P 6661- 15 Chrome Frame P 6662-15 Chrome Frame
P 6660-29 Whrte Frame P 6661-29 White Frame P 6662-29 White Fra me


150W (R.40). Btla" outside ALL GLASS
75W (R 30). 8%" Oirtside P 66a3 100W. Opat c/ass i
Dia. Dia.
P 6671-1O Polishecl Brass 8r/a" Dia.,l Ta " exposed Ht.
P 6672-LO Potished Brass
P 6671-15 Chrorne P 6672-15 Chrome tl
P 6671-29 White P 6672-29 White




rl l00W Frame, with 2y2" pin-

hole opening
8ya" Outside
P 6664-10 Polished Brass
75W Frame (R,30) with adjust-
able "eyeball," cast aluminum
louveF--8ya " Outside Dia.
P 6677-12 Satin Brass
75W (R-30) Frame with adjust-
able "eyeball"-87a,, Outside
P 6676-12 Satin Brass
75W (R-30). 7s% " Outside Dia.
P 6644-1O Polished Brass
P 5684-15 Satin Atuminum
P 6684-29 White

P 6664-29 White P 6677-16 Satin Aluminum P 6676-16 Satin Atuminum

P 6677-29 White P 6676-29 White
Recessed Hi-Hats and Shower Ligh'ts

.-7: .1-'
fi)T l
.+ ,,. t
a a
// / .-! .F_

() '() !,)
P 6919 1S0-watt (R40). Polished P 6917 75'watt (R-3O). Polished P 6921 Pre-wired 75'watt (R-30).
aluminum trim- Outside Dia. 75 "; aluminum trim. Outside Dia.57s"; Polished aluminum trim. Outside Dia.
Housing Dia. 5Y4"; Ht.7". No ex' Housing Dia. 4r/4"; Ht. 53/4" . No ex' 57/s"i Housing piu. 4t7o"; Hl. 5Y+" .

posed ht. lncludes plaster frame, posed ht. lncludes Plaster frame, lncludes plaster frame.
4Y2 ft. AF wire, connector. 4Y2 tt. AF wire, connector.

: .. *

P 6920 1so-watt (R 40).

aluminum trim, die cast louver.
P 6918 75-watt (R'30). Polished
aluminum trim, die cast louver. Out'
P 6922 Pre-wired 75.watt (R-30).
Polished alum'num trim, die_cast
side Dia.75 "; Housing Dia.5ya";Ht. side Dia. 57 "; HousingDia.4y2"; Ht. loLrver. Outside Dia. 57s"; Housing
832". No exposed ht. lncludes plaster 7%". No exposed ht. lncludes plaster Dia.4\/a"; Ht. 7r1". lncludes plaster
Itame,4t/2 ft. AF wire, connector. ltame,4Y2 ft. AF wire, connector- frame.

P 7950 lnfra-red Heater

Lieht :
250-watt 40"type infra"red
heat lamp. Outside Dia.6%";
Housing Dia. 5Y2": Ht. 7Y2".
Pre-wired j u nctio n box, aP_ ==:'
proved for 60'C Supply Con-
ductors. Po lis hed aluminum P 6815 Step/ Night Light
trim. Two 18" bar hangers. Costs less than %'cent a day to operate! Uses 7%-watt
or 1s'watt lamp. On off switch. White louvered frame;
\Nidth a"; Ht. 4r/,".

P 6915 Recessed Shower

. €i-' 75-watt opal glass diffuser, P 8717 Hi-Hat Adaptor Kit
wate rt ig ht gasket, polish ed For replacing older Hi Hatswith
**CL new fixture of any style. Dia.

aluminum finish. Outside Dia-
7 r/s" ; E,!.pased Ht. 174";Hous'
ing Dia. 4Ys"; Ht. 51/4t'. ln tl
7Ys"; fiafte white finish. Four
self-tapping screws, male screw nl
/,s E> ?
z cludes plaster frame.
P 6915 Same as P6915 ex
plug with 12" leads, strain relief.

- l" - cept pre'!vired.
P 6913 Surtace mounted
shower light (not illustrated),

see page 89.

- unrts-I-ached ullth, t7 ouStn$t
Chrorne Frame & Glass "i
i'ror'o* rr*n*
-rtece.s.s 4%"
All boxes onty deep

Dry Ce jlins Construction. H gh y pol shed vr' de

Wood Frame Openings. conioured chrome trinr s
Holes in flansed bottorn for 0!t ho e in fin shed cc I fg.
lnstrll set of 4 E.Z Cil)s secured with conccated
quick rrstallation wlth ra
D'o or scrcws, n wood frarned
from ,rsrde recess box.
Cl ps (P a700) ava iabte .s
tors on spnngs. Pot shed
ref ecior assures rnaxi-
mum I ght outpui, w de dis

t .#,, I
+ -'.,t', ,
rt' A/

,, ." /'\'
I /"
\ "-
\)" \-/ {,/
Square-Flat White class Square-Drop Opal
Rectangular-Flat White Glass
60 P 6412 Housingsize6%" sq., P 6422 Housingsize6%"sq., P 6413 Housing size 42a,, x
WATT framesrze 8%" sq., one 60w lamp. frame size 8/a" sq., one60w tamp. 7 %", f ftne size 6%" x93 6". one 60
60w Iamp. WATT
100 P 6414 Housing size 8" sq., P 6424 Housing size 8" sq., P 6415 Housins size 6%,,r
WATT lftne size 9t4" sq., one i00w lftne sjJe g\a" sq., one l00w 103A" . ftarne size \Ya" x 123A6,' ,
iamp. lamp. one 100w lamp_ WATT
lso P 6415 Housing size 10" sq , P 5426 Housins size 10" sq.,
WATT fftne size l1%" sq., one 150w lnme size 11\" sq., one t50w 150
lamp. lamp. WATT

) n AN.WIRED ../ NJ

<r\,-,..,.,/ (,/
\** --'
Square-Flat White Glass Square-Drop Opal Rectangular-Flat \4thite Glass
60 P 6402 Housinssize6/,r" sq.. P 6432 Housingsize6{"sq.,
P 6403 Horsing size 47a" x
WATT frame size8'/a" sq., ore 60w lamp. l%", ltame sl7e 6t4" x 93/16", 60
frame sieS'/" sq., one 60w lamp.
one 60w lamp. WATT
100 P 6404 Housins size 8" sq.. P 6434 Housing siz€ 8" sq., P 6405 Horsing size 6%" x
WATT ftane size 9%" sq., one 100w frame size 9%" sq,, one l00w 1A%" , f'ar,le size 8%" x t23A6''. 100
lamp. lamp. on€ l00w lanp. WATT
150 P 6406 Housins size 10" sq., P 6436 Housing size 10" sq-,
WATT l'an:'e sirc 1l'4" sq., one 150w Inme size llya" sq., one 150w 150
lamp. lamp. WATT

'ror'or rr*n* Ileces sed. Flu o rescenl

Ribbed, white polystyrene djffuser;
torsion hjnged chrome frame for easy
access to housing_ Overall: Length
257/a"; Width 85/s". Ho!s'ng: Length
2+": Ht. 4ya": Width 63la". Uses two
20 watt lamps.

)n 'r: P 721O Regular Baltast

P 7211 Trigger Ballast

P 72LO P 7231 Same as P 7211

P 72IL except with "3 Dimen
sional" smooth,.white
polystyrene diffuser.

P 5575,11
P 5575-L4
P 5575-30
P 5575-31

P 54Oa-31 Satin b ack cast P 547O-3O White wlth

a umlnum post lantern with polished brass accents.
frosted ch mney. width 10%: P 547O"37 Black with
Bady Ht. 22". AD polished brass accents. t8?,
P 54Oa-3O Same as P 5408 P 5575 Cast Colonial chain.
31 except in white.
hung antern with star cut bev-
P 5409-31 Ralsed diamond eled panels. Width 77a"; Body
"mosaic" crystal glass in satin Ht. L8t/+"; Overall Ht. 42".
black cast alumin!m post lan Fou r fla rn e'ty pe candelabra
tern. Width 11"; Body Ht. 23^ lamps.
a, @
P 5575-11 Antlque brass.
P 5575-74 Antique copper.
P 54O9-3o Same as P 5409-
31 except in white. P 5575-3O White with
polished brass accents.
P 5470 Eiegant cast Colonial
post lantern wjth po ished brass P 5575-31 B ack wlth
po ished brass accents.
eage and trim, frosted chirn
ney, star cut beveled panels. Post lanterns on this page fit
Width 7 r/4,' : Body Ht. 21%,1@ 3" diameter posts shown on
pages 72 and 73.
P 547O-L! Antique brass.
Cast alumtnum fixtures guat
P 5470-74 Antique copper- .nle.d nrsl ftee fot ltfe

P 5470-3L
P 5470-11

P 5470-L4
P 5470-30

The drama and uormth of n'ight light'ing

uill enhance your home wi,tlz beauty that enri,ches Junction.
Driaetoags, walkwaas, pati,os and porches g\ow toi,th generous hospital'ita. 6?l
Gardens, Iand,scapi,ng and archi,tectural themes
sparkle with neu d'imens'ion. Let light uork wonders Jor you
uith these t'imeless firtures by Progress.
D'[ P s473 >

P 5406-3r

P 5407-31

P 5406-31 Cotoniat etegance in a satin black

cast aluminum post lantern with frosted glass
chimney and clear glass panets. Width 10%,,;
Body Ht. 23".
P 54O7-3L tnglish tudor.style cast atu;i
num post lantern with djstjnctjve imported
amber glass panets. Satjn black finish. Width
13"; Body HI.27".
P 5473 Exciting cast atuminum Medjter;;, @
nean post lantern with satin btack finish and
hammered amber cathedral panels. Width
43,/a"; Body Ht. 793/4" .

P 5520-31 Handsome chain-hung version--of

P 5406. Width 103/+"; Body flt. 22": Oveta|

ii.,t?";,".". on thjs pase tit g,, aiameg

posts shown an pages 72 and j3.

@ or-.,- rixtures sDaranteed rust.f.ee ta. tire.

P 54Ol-3O Cheery white coach-style
cast aluminum post lantern with
frosted glass chimney and clear glati
panels. Width 10%"; Body Ht.17".(8t
P 5401-31 Same as P 5401.30 ex' mt
cept in black.
P 5402 Dramat'c satin b,ack cast
aluminum post lantern with clear
crystal globe. Dia. 10%"; BodY tt
201,/2" . a4
P 5403-31 Quaint cast alumin!m
post lantern w;th white ribbed glass
dome, clear crystal globe and satin
black frnrsh. Dia. 11"; Body HL
23t s". aD
P 54O3-3O Same as P 5403-31 ex'
cept in white.
P 5421-31 P 5421-31 Textured glass panels in
a satin black cast aluminum chain_
hung lantern. Width 1074"; Body H.t
14 Y4 "; Overall Ht.3O". AD
P 5424-30 Exquisite white Colonial
post frosted glass chimney,
polished and beveled plate glass,
solid brass construction. Width 8%";
l Body HI. 21V2" .
P 542a-31 Same as P 5428'30 ex-
cept in black.
-:t ? !1- P 543a-31 Distinctive solid brass
post lantern with frosted glass chim-
ney, polished and beveled plate glass,
I a t I r:__ satin black finish. Width gys"; Body
Ht. 14".
P 543a-3O
cept in white.
Same as P 5438-31 ex-

Post lanterns on this page fjt 3"

diameter posts shown on page 73.
Cast aluminum f ixturcs guatanteed

P 5401-30
P 5401,31


P s42a-30
P 542a-31

).r .:: l,

:: -: ::


F 54115 Coriir.,rir.- '..r-w r-_ )l-c-

r ,loo
!.'itlr \:vlrri., oti::i :t:.: :ttIt,: rtdir
P i4;O Dr:i .i ri ::L' i.i ntl[| rr]'t
P a i, .

,:5:?..i ,.
3o' @
f.sr5 !l.rr, t:t; t1, .:, ,'a .r.:t /..

C:isl :rLrfi i,rLir iiri|..t !u:'.:iii-F-p.r


P 5446

P 5436


P 541O Contemporary satin black

P 5426 post lantern, polished brass trim,
spun aluminum reflector, hi-impact
Lexan.q diffuser. Dia. 20"; Body Ht.
P 5423 Satin black cast aluminum
post lantern wath louvered body and
concealed center light source. Dia.
21"; Body Ht. 1O".
Dramatjc post lights with vjrtually un-
breakable white plastic sphere atop
matte white cast alLrminum slip fitter.
P 5426 Dia. 12": Bodv Ht. 13" One
IOO-watt lamp. @
P 5436 Dia. 14"; Bodv Ht. 15". O;
15o watt lamp. @
P 5446 Dia. 16"; Bodv Ht. 17". One
2OO ltatt ldmp.
Tapered aluminum (direct burial)
posts have satin finish. Dia-,3".
P 53lO 7'Overall Ht.
P 5311 10' Overall Ht. 6.11 I
Cast aluminum lixturcs guannteed
P 5311 > <P5310>
Authenticajly-detailed posts for use
with all progress post lanterns.
P 53OO-31 Sotid aluminum tele-
scoping post, satin black finish. Dia.
3"; Overa Ht. 4y2' to e'.
P 53OO-3O Same as p 53OO-31 ex.
cept in white.
P 53O1-3O Same as p 5300,30 ex-
cept with U.L. approved 3-wire
weatherproof grounded convenience
outlet with snap-on cast alatminum
P 53O1-31 Same as p 5301,30 ex-
cept in black.
P 53O3-3O Solid aluminum tete,
scoping sculptured post. White finish.
Dia. 3.,; Overa| Ht. 7, to 8,.
P 5303-31 Same as p 5303-30 ex-
cept in b,ack.
P 5304-31 Same as p 5303-31 ex,
cept with 3%,,square base.
P 5309 Elegant satin black wrought
iron post with swirling scrollwork.
Dia. 5V+" sg.with 3,, collar: Ov€rafi
/1.t Ht. 7'.
It P 53()4-31 P 5303-30 P 5309 P 5300-31 P 5301-30
P 5303-31 P 5300-30 P s301-31

lantern brackets
and controls
Brackets with a classic look for adapt
rng a post lantern to other mount.
ings. Cast aluminum construction.
P 4725-31 Black wa bracket. fx.
tends 8%". (CD
P e726-3O White surface bracket.
Width 6"; Body At. +4". @fi
P A726-3L Same as p 8726 30 ex.
cept in satin btack. 6D
P A727-3L _Btack a6rner brdcket
Extends 8". fcA)
P a75O-31Xite cuard automatic
lantern control for post mountinp.
Satrn black, wjth hermeticallV seal;
photo-electric cetl. Fits any ;tandard
3" post. Color coded connections.
Body Ht. 6". 3oo-watt capacrty. Sotid
alumtnum sleevF
P a75O-3O Same as p 8750.3I ex-
cept in white.
P a7so,31
P 8750-3()
@ Cast aluninum f htures guaranteed tust.tree fat tife.
a P 55aO .l P s5a1

From the gracious era

when eleg ant carriag es trundled rhgthm'icollg
touard statelg toun houses,
richlll -detaiLed lanterns bg Proyress
to adorn l1our walls w'ith beautg and brill'iunce.
v P 55a3 P 55a5
ffiffi ffi
ffiffi ffi
iir: T6
:i:1 :'.; ffi
.: i::*j

- .. .:l , .,, rj
'.:- .rL; fd ;l"9i
.^. 19* ffi
(opposite page) P 5584 Cast colonial ceiting lantern P 5583 Cast wa version of p 5582.
P 5580 Cast coach lantern replica with star-cut beveted panets. Width Width 5/a"; Body Ht. 137a,,; Extends
with polished brass reflector. cast 51/a": Bady Ht. 1Oy2" . 7V2".
eagle, brass trim. star-cut beveled P 55a4-11 Antrque brass.
panels. Width 53/t": Body Hl. 23y"" P 55a3-11 Antique brass.
Extends 8".
P 5584-14 Antique copper. P 5583-14 Antique copper.
P 5580-11 Antique brass. P 5584-30 White with brass. P 5583-3O White with brass.
P 558O-14 Antique copper. P 5544-31 Black with brass. P 55a3-31 Black with brass.
P 5580-3O White with brass.
(this page) P 5585 Charming cast chain lantern
P 55aO-31 Black with brass. \ with star-cut beveled panels. Width
P 5582 Sweeping cast scrollwork
P 5581 Stately cast coJonial lantern graces 18th Century lantern replica sya": Body Ht. 123/+": Overall Ht_
with bull's-eye lens, star,cut beveled with polished brass reflector and trim. (ca)
panels, polished brass reflector and cast eagle. Star-cut beveled panels. P 55a5-11 Antrque brass.
trim. Wjdth 53/4": Body Hl. 23Vt"; Overail Width 26"; Body Ht. 133//a": P 5585-14 Antique copper.
Extends 87a". Eltends 8". 6i) P 5585-30 White with brass.
P 55a1-11 AntiqLle brass_ P 55a2-11 Antique brass. P 5585-31 Black with brass
P 5581-14 Antique copper. P 5582-14 Antique copper.
P 5581-3O White with brass. P 5582-3O White with brass.
Cast alum j n u m f i xtu tes .t
P 55a1-31 Black with brass P 55a2-31 Black with brass uaran teed
60 1


P 5719-3O Elegant whjte Victorian

cast aluminum wall lantern with clear @(
crystal globe, white ribbed glass
dome. Dia. 7 tA" ; Ovetall Ht. 15Y2";
Extends 8". @
P 5719-31 Same as P 5719-30 ex.
cept in black.
P 5721 Satin black colonial'style
wall lantern with amber glass panels,
cast aluminum constrLlction. Width
7"; Body Ht. 1O1/2"i Extends 41/2 .
P 5719-30 a4
P 5722 Antique hammered finish
P 5719-31 adds distinctive dimension to cast
alLlminum wall lantern with stippled,
tluted glass globe. Dia. 6"; Overall
Ht. 1 1"; Extends 7".
P 5723 Smart traditional cast alu-
minum wall lantern with clear crystal
globe, satin black finish. Dia. 7"i
Overall Ht. 14r/2": Exlends 7 3/a" .QD
P 5724-31 Crisp frosted gJass

'su'' chimney and clear glass panels en

hance cast aluminum wall lantern in
satin black. width 8%": Overall Ht.
l3r/2 " i Extends 9". @
P 5722 P 5724-30 Same as P 5724-31
cept in white. @
P 5824 Regal cast aluminum wall
lantern with sat;n black finish, amber
optic glass. Dia. 6Vz"a Overall Ht.
77"i ExlendsTl/2'.
@ r0., .'rr,nur
iixtur€s guaranteed rustJre€



P 5522-31 Sweeping scrollwork

dramatizes cast aluminum wall fix.
ture with frosted glass chimney and
clear glass panels. Overall width 26";
Body Ht. 16"; Extends 8%". 6D
P 5607-31 Dramatic tudor-styl-e
cast aluminum wall Jantern in satin
black with imported textured amber
glass in a diamond pattern. Dia. 10";
Overall Ht.21"; Extends lOt/2".6
P 5673 Cast aluminum MediGT-
ranean wall lantern with hammered
amber cathedral panels, satin black
finish. Width 7y2"; Overall Ht.22".,
Extends 1174". 6D
P 5726-31 Frosted glass chimni!,
clear glass panels, pollshed brass
trim on cast aluminum satin black
colonial wall lantern. Width 8"; Over-
all Ht. 16"; Extends 8yr"

@Cu"t ,lrrlnrr {ixtures guarant€ed rust free


P 5603
P 5959

-') P 5604
P 5a75-30
P 5875-31
P 5603 Decorative biack wall lan-
tern with amber glass. Width 474";
Bady Ht. 9!/a"i Exlends 33/4".
P 5604 Solid aluminun'l wall fixture
in black with scroll detail and white
ceramic glass. Width
8": Extends 4Y2" .
5%"; BodY Ht.
P 5720 Casl aiuminum wall fixture
in satin black with oPalescent
molded glass. Width 5rlr"; BodY !!
10"; Extends 5". A4)
P 5a46-30 White coach lantern with
polashed beveled pa nels, polished
brass trim. Width 5%"; BodY Ht
173/a"; Extends 7".
P 5a46-31 same as P 5846 30 ex
P 5969 P 5446-30 cept in black.
P 5a46-31 P 5a75-3O Handsomewhite lantern,
polished beveled panels. Width 5%";
Body Hl. 123/a"; Extends 6"-
P 5875-31 same as P 5875-30
except in black.
P 5959 Antique hammered cast
aluminLrm ceiling fixture with stip
pled glass panels. width 93/4"1 Body
Ht. 3t/2t'.Iwo 6o'watt lamps.
P 5967 Polished fluted crystal glass
on an antique hammered cast alu_
P 5720 rninum wall lantern. Width 5%";
Body Ht- 8"; Extends 6r/+". @
P 5969 Antique hammered cast alu.
minum fixture with clear pebbled
glass. Width 7Ye": Body Ht.8";
Extends 8".
P 597O Satin black outdoor wall fix-

ture with French molded crystal glass.
Widlh 43/a"; Body Ht. 8"; Extends 4".

Cast aiuminum fixtures guata.teed

P s970

P 5967
Garden Lighting

P 523() P 5231

Provides subtle and dr&matic

lighting eflects for gardens and
walkways at night. Use in a series,
or isolated for special drama.
Progress garden fixturps arc de
signed for permanent or portable
installal ion. For porlable inslalla-
tion, fixrurp scre$s into P 5233
spike. For permaneat installation,
threaded fitting screws into
Driueway and Path Lights standard cast junction box buried
P 522a Solid cast aluminum drive-
way light in lustre green finish, with
amber high'light. 18" wire leads sup,
pljed. Accommodates V2" conduit.
Dia. 6"; Overall Ht. 9". One 4o-watt
ramp (r.10). @
P 523O Charming "umbre a-
shaped" garden fixture in lustre g.een
finish. Dia. 15"; Body Ht.8"; Overa
Ht. 34". One 1oo-watt lamp.
P 5231 craceful "betl-shaped',
garden fixture. Lustre green finish.
Dia. 11"; Body Ht. 7,,; OveraI Ht_
P 5226 34". One 1oo.watt lamp.
P 5232 Decorative cast aluminum
P 5226 Driveway lightin lustregreen outdoor garden spotlight in lustre
finish, with scalloped reflecto.s, clear green finish. Dia.6"; Body Ht.87a,,.
crystal glass. 18" wire leadd supptied. One 1so.watt lamp (Par 38).
Accommodates y2" conduit. Dia. P 5233 7' cast aluminum spike for
6Y2"; Overalt Ht. 8%,.. One IOo-watt portable installation of p 5228,
lamp. P 5230, P 5231, P 5232. tncludes 15,
P 5227 Pottable version of p 522G_ rubber covered cord and weather-pro-
with 7" cast alumlnum spike, weath- tected grounded convenience ouflet.
erproof convenience ouflet. 15, cov-
ered cord and plug. Body Ht. gy,,,. 6E
plus 7" spike.
Cast aluminum fixtures guatanteed
P 56t7

P s616

Die cast aluminum walland ceiling
P 5618 fixtures that are guaranteed rust-
{ree for life. 'Ihey feature screw-
type opal glass in a variety of
shapes, satin iinish, vapor-proof
gaskets, and porceiain sockets.
P 5510 Ceiling lixture. Dia. 4Y2"',
Overall Ht. 7". Ooe 1oo-watt lamP.

P 5614
P 5511 Wall fixturc. Dia. 4Y2";
Overall Ht. 8Y2"; Extends 53/4". One
100 watt lamp.
P 5512 Two-light wall fixture. Dia.
@ '!
{ffi P 5613
4r/r": Ovetall Ht. 13%"; Extends
53/4". Two loo-watt
lamps. @
5613 Ceiling fixture. Dia. 6";
OverallHt.8". One 1oo.watt lamP.

P 5614 Wall fixture. Dia. 6"i Overall

Ht. 9Y2": Exlends 7". One 100 watt
P 5615 P 5615 Two-light wall fixture. Dia.
6"; Overall HL. 15Y2"; Extends 7".
Two 1oo'watt lamps. @
P 5616 Ceiljnc fixture. Dia. 6";
Overall Ht. 8". One 100-watt lamp.

P 5617 wall fixtLrre. Dia.6";Overall

Ht.9rl2"; Extends 7". One loo-watt
lam p. e99

P 5618 Two-light wall fixture. Dia
6'; Overall Ht. 15r/2": Ertends 7"
Two 100-watt lamps. ac,
Solid aluminLrm outdoor wall fixtures
in matte black finish with hi-impact
white plastic spheres.
P 5626 Dia. 8"; Overall Ht. 15";
Extends 10". One 75.watt lamp.
P 5s11 P 5636 Dia. 10"; OveralL Ht. 17";
Extends 12". One 1oo'watt lamP. fJ{
P 5512
P 5510 @ liu *.t
rost lree for lle.
aluminum fxtures guaranie€d d




' progress - motion" budget


fl rrl

f .-;,+r, P 3830
'[.4J I
'/lt tlil
/t tii
'lqt t: \';'/l;
'lr1iI ll,7
f,- --

f rEtt-l i' tr

P 3677

P 40to

P 3759
Eody overall
Finish Description Dia- Ht. Ht-

P 3677 Ant. Brass one 75w Quilted amber 8%" - 8'

glass shade

P 3759 Pol. Brass one 75w Etched Colonial 8V' \ve',


P3830 Pol- Brass one 75w EtchedColonial Extends 8t?,

shade, on'off switch 4%'
P 3877 Ant. Erass one 75w Quilted amber glass Extends 9'
shade, on-ofl switch 6/4'

P 4006 Black with Five flame' Walnutlinished 20Yr'

Walnuf type candelabra wood column,
scalloped d.ip pans

P 4007 Art. Srass

and Fruitwood
File 60w Quilted amber
glass shades
19, l6V,' 36' f,ft
P 4010 Pol. Brass Five 60w ftched Colonial lSYr' I7' 36'
shades, crystal
glass column

I 0

P 4070 -14 X


Description Dia. Ht. - Ht.

Bodv 0verall
No. Finish
P 4009 Pol. Brass Five flrme, Colonial chandelier t8%', 11, 36,
type candelabra

P 4059 Pol. Srass Five 60w Satin opal shades 22' I3%' 42,
P 4070-14 Anl. Copper Three 60w Wood-grarned 24' 20, 42,
plastic wagon
wheel wilh three
lanterns, frosted
glass chimneys.

P 4071-14 Ant. Copper Six 60w Wood,grained

plastic wagon
wheel with six
lanierns, frosted
glass chimneys.



.tg .?. ;{
-) t
P 4012-10
P 40L2-tL


Body 0verall
Finish Lamps Description Dia. Ht. Ht.

P 3702-10 Pol- Brass one 75 W Nlilk white hobnail glass 8' 9'
P 3702-11 Ant Brrss

P 3735 Pol. Brass one 40 WClear optic glass 6t/?" i0'


P 3832-10 Pol. Brass one 75 W lviilk whit€ hobnail glass; gvr"

P 3832-11 Ant. Brass

P 3835 Pol. Brass one 40 WClear optic glass; switch 9/r" Exl.6'
flame type

w glass 22'' 15'

Pol. Brass
Ant. Brass
Five 75 lvlilk white hobnail 36'
P 4015 Pol. Brass Five 40 W Clear optic glass; 22', 15', 36'
ilame-type Walnrt column


P 45L9-14
P 4519-10

P 4521-I4
P 4521-10

P 4520-10
P 4520-14

P 4224-L4
P4224_Lo r,-si?,r2i>

Body 0verall
No. Finish Lamps Dia. Ht. Length
P 3736 Pol. Brass Three 40 W Clear optic glass 18' - t2,
flame type
P 4013-10 Pol. Brass One 100 W [4ilk white hobnz lglobe; 13 i1" 36" P4013-11
ekhed glass ch mn€y
P 4013-11 Ant. Brass

P 4223-10 Pol. Brass one 100 W Satif frosted glass 12' lA%' 30'
P 4223-14 Ant. Copper
!P 1i?{-11 A"r. Copper 01e 100 w Sat,r trosrpd gtass L2', 9,
4224-10 PoJ. Brass
P 4519-14 Ant. Copper One 30r70/100 W Satin frosled glass 12', 14', 26" to6?'
P 4519-10 Pol. Brass Three-wav switch
P 4520-10 Pol. Brass one 100 W Satin frosted glass L2', t4'
P 4520-14 Ant. Copper
452I-14 Alt. Copoer One 100
4521-10 Pol. Bra!s
W Salin irosted Sldss 12' , t4%'

P 4227



|l! i Fz, !-
1I l\ ;{

I at,
P 4454 {
P 422A

P 44LO-62
P 4457 P 4410-61
P 4410-63

Lamps Description Dia. Body Ht. overall Ht.

P 4221 Pol- Brass One 100W Cord pendant, doric I bbed
opal glass

P 4228 Pol. Srass Three 100W Tripte cord pendari; 12" ln 54"
doric_ribbed opat gtass
P 4410,61 0ne l00W Textured glass;embossed 10,,
P 4410-62 Smoke Clear aniique brass trinr.
P 4410-63 0range Complete wrth canopy,
cord and charn

P 4411-61 Amber one l00W Swag version of P 4410 10"

P 4411-62 Smoke Clear series, with 15' antique
P 4411-63 0range bras! charn 20' cord, pluq,
on-ofl swrkh.2 cerhfp
P 4457 Salin Alum. 0ne 100W Cord pendant. white opal 8/," 40"
P 4458 S,il - A Lm orp l50W fo'o oenddnt. rhrte op. I0 1ayr" 42"
a- ,..
P 3749-L5
P 3749-t4
I ,--L
*J-- -rF- *r/
P 3749"LO
P 3714 -/ri I
.( \1,.
.) P 3727

_ il{r
rzNl P 3726
P 3747-LO
P 3747-L4
P 3747-15
.\\ |/.,/
P 37L7 \Lz-"
P 3756

.'*t .z z\
r':.. 't ::4 f: ,'

Iamps Description Dia. Ht.

P 3506'14 Ant. Copper 0ne 60 W Ceramic flred glass; 6%" 4yr"

K.0. for swilch
P 3506'15 Chrome
P 3508-14 Ant- copper Two 60 W
P 3508-15 Chrome
P 3510-14 Ant. Copper

P 3510

P 3111

P 3718
15 Chrome

Pol. Brass

Pol. Brass
0ne 75

0ne i5
SimuLated cut glass

Simulated cut glass



P 3723-10 Pol Brass 0ne 100!ry Whiie hobnail qlass 5h"

P 3723-14 Ant. Copp€r
P 3506-14 P 3124 Pol Erzss 0ne 100W Siippled, louvered crysial 5y," 6%"

P 3506-15 P 3126 0ne 60 W Blown, hand-cut crysial 6h" 4t4"

P 350a-14 P 3127 Pol. Brass one 60 W Satin crystal globe tY,"
P 3504-15
P 3510-14 P 3747-10 Pol. Brass 0ne 60 W Drop opal glass 6%" 4yr,,
P 3747-14 Ant. Copper
P 3510-15 P 3747-15 Chrome

P 3749-10 Pol. Erass One 100 w Drop opal glass 8%"

P 3749-14 Ant. copper
P 3749-15 Chrome
P 1152 Pol. Erass one 75 W French crysial glass 5%" 61
P 3753 Pol. Brass 0ne 100 W Polished ilut€d crystal glass 6%"

P 3756 Pol. Brass one 60 W Frefch crysial glass tt" AYr"

P 3516
P 3514
P 3520 P 3300-12
P 3300-16
P 3301-15
P 33()1-12

P 30ao
P 3081
P 3346 P 3090 P 30a3
P 3344 P 3092
P 3350

P 5913-16
P 3755-12
P 3755-r6
P 3064
P 3440
P 3442
Lamps Description Dia. Ht.
P 3064 one l00w White opalescent glass; cnd. 4%" 6/s
conv. outlet;switch
P 3080 0ne 100w CeramicJired glass;cnd. 4%" 5%"
conv. outlet
P 3081 Same as p 3080,less C.0.
P 3083 Gnd. conv. outlet; pull,chain
P 3090 Chrome 0ne 100w Ceramic fired glass;cnd_ 5%" 4%"
conv. outlet
P 3092 Same as p 3090, with pulJ chajn

P 3300-12 Satin Brass one 100w Triplex opal glass gYz"

P 3404-15 P 3300-16 Satin Alum
P 340A-10
P 3410
P 3301-12
P 3301,16
Satin Erass
Satin Alum
0n€ I50w Triplex opal gldss r3k" ro\4"

P 3346 Chrome One 60w Ceramic.lired gJass drum 6%"

P 3348 Two 60y{
P 3350 Two 75w
tlh" 5k'
P 3408-10 Pol. Bmss one 60w opalglobe;K.0. for switch 4%"
P 3408-15 Chrome
P 3410
P 3440 Chrome 0ne 100w Cerarnrc fired stass 51/r" 6yi'
P 3442 0n€ l50w 1Ya"
P 3516 Chrome one 60w Blown opaldrum
P 3518 Two 60w
6%" 4%"
P 3520 Two 75w
10%" 5%"
P 3522-15 P 3522-10 Pol. Brass Four 60w Satin etched glass 13y+" 5y4"
P 3522-10 P 3522-15
P 3522-34

P 3522-34
P 3755-12 Satin Brass 0ne i00w Pierced metal cylinderi 5%" 5%"
or R-30 Solid rlumin!m
P 3755-16 Satin Alum.
P 6913-16 Satin Aium. 0ne l00w 0pal glass shower lisht: 41/s" 63/n"
Water{ight gasket -
P 7502 P 7503 P 7604
. swivel {eature lor directional lighting. r.tic
1. {
P 7522 P 7523 P 7524

P 7425 P 7437 P 7449


l{o. Lamps Ballast Size Outlet Svritch Retlector Diffuser
P 7425 one 20w Trigger 3V$" x 26%" K.0. K.0. P 7502 P 1522
P 7437 One 30w Rapid 3YE" x 38%" x.0. K.0. P 7503 P 7523
P 7449 one 40w 3V6" x 501s" K.0. K.0. P 750rt P l52t
P 7451 one 14w Regular 3" x 16%" Gnd. P 7m0 P 7520
P 7456 one 15w Regular 3" x \9%" Gnd. yes P 7501 P t52t
"t*''-l *Swivel feature for directional light

P 7500 P 7520
P 7501 P 752r
P 7451
P 7456


P 7329 -15 ,.....
P 7352
P 7333-15
P 7333-30

Lamps Ht,
P 7323 0ne 22w Circline Rapid 9%. 2%"
P 7329"15 Chrome Two Circlin€s, Rapid 4%"
22w and 32w
P 7333-1s Chrome 0ne 32w Circline Rapid
P 7333-31) White
P 7357 Two Circlines, Rapid
32w and 40w
P 7353 Three Circlines, Rapid
22vt , 32w , AAw
'6P 3155
P 3156
P 3157


P 3073 *P 3075 *P 3077

*P 3012 P 3024

- ---'i}-,'":t=
No. Lamps Description Width Ht. €xtends
*P 3012 Chrcme Tw0 75W 13"
Ribbed design on channel stdts; 5%"
Gnd. Conv- 0utlet
P 302{ Chrome Four 75W K.0- for switch 23" 5t4"
P 3030 Two 100W White opalescent glass' K.0_ ior llyr- 5%" 4%"
switch: Gnd. Conv. outlet
P 3033 t%" 5Y1"

P70 Two 100W Adj!stab e end !aps; K.0. for 5%"

swilch: Gnd. Conv. outlet
P 3073 Chrome tour 75W Pebbled white bFnl glass, c0ld ZaV" 5y,,,
design; X.0. {or s$/ikh. cnd.
.P 3075 Chrome Two 75W \Ayr" 5y/, 4yr,,
,P Wl Chrome Two 75W Sam€ a! P 3075, except with
on-oft swil.h
P 3085-33 White & Two 60W HorDonlalor vertrcdt mountinS; 4Yr" 13"
Gold opal elass; cnd. Conv. 0utlet Dia.

'P 3155 White & Two 60W Ceramic fir€d white b€nt glass; 18r," 1y,"
Gold perforated and embossed
aluminum reflector; cnd. Conv.
outlet; K.0. fo. swjtch
P 3156 White & Four 60W 21Y?" th" P 3942-12
P 3157 White & Six 60W 38%- 7y1', 5" P 3942-16

P 3813 Pol. Brass one /5W While ceramrc glass; on-off 7%" 5)^"

P 3941'12 Satin Erass One l00W Adjuslabledirect-o-lite;indoor 4%" l%" 10"

orR30 or outdoor;solid aluminum Dia.
P 3941-t6 Satin Alum.
P 3942-12 Satin Brass fwo l00W ta" 75/i' n"
P 3!42-16 Satin Alum.
or R,30 P 3941-16
P 3941-12
.These fixtures have round back plat€
4%,,in dia.
<15' _.,1
P 4962
P 4953
: ,'::

P 46A2.AL
P 4682-aO
P 4644

d No. Lamps Description Size

P 4672 Two 60w Flo.al patiern on textured glass 12',

P 4a42
P 4444 P 4682"80 Two 60w Srlver applrque desrgn on lerlured glass i2'
P 4682-81 Gold appIque design on textured glass t2,
P 4684 Gold applique desiEn on iextured glass 14',

P 4742 Two 60w White ceramlc design on t€xtured glass 12',

P 4744 T4'
P 4143 Same as P 4742 except wlth pull chain 12'

,\ trj P 4842 Two 60w Silver applique design on textured glass I2'

-:E- P 4844

P 4952
P 4954
Three 60w

Three 60w
60w Satin etched design

P 4932 P 4956 Four 60w 16',

P 4954 P 4962 Two 60w Delicate design on white ceramic glass 12',
P 4956 P 4964 Two 60w t4'
P 4976 Three 60w 16'
P 4963 Two 60w Same as P 4962 excepi wlth pull'chain 12'

t' L. P 6453
./ u P 6455
'.. tlf
t ,'
P 6452-15 .././

P 6452-29 /" rl /
P 6454-1s
P 6454-29
ttame Frame Housing Body
.l No. Finish Lamps Description size Size Ht.
P 6452-15 Chrome 0ne 60w Square recess box; BYa " sq. 6% " sq. 4Yi"
P 6452'29 White torsion springs;
cerarnic whlte glass
'tk P 6454'15 Chrome 0ne 100w 9'/,l " sq. 8'sq. 4%"
P 6454-29 White
P 6456'15 Ch.ome 0ne 150w 111/' sq. 10" sq. 4Y!"
P 6456-29 Whrle
P 6453 Chrome 0fe 60w Rectaigular recess 6ya" x 93/rE" 43,\' x,1%" A%"
bo,.tor(.0a p.t rq\

cerarnic-flred white
P 64s6-15 P 6455 Chrome one l00w 8y4" x 12%E' 6%" \ l0%" 4*"
P 6456-29
P 5481-31
P 54al-30
P 5491

) 0 P 5425
P 5391
P 5392


. . . weatherproof . . . U.L. ap-
p.oved, 3-wire grounded with
snap'on cast aluminum cover.
P 5475

No. Finish Description Dia./Width Body Ht.

P 5391 Satin Black 0ne pc. all-alurnlf um post 3" Dia.
P 5392 Satrr Black Same as P 5391 except \\,ith Gnd. 3,,Dta.
P 5425 Satif Black Solid aluminum post lantern; 13U' tzy,"
ribbed white glass
P 5475 Satir Black Post and laflern comb nalion 1%" l5yt"
Post 2'' dia., 7' ht.
P 5481-30 Solid alumtf!m posi lantern; gYz' t6%,
P 5481,31 Satin BJack clear cryslal glass panels;
lrosted glass chlmney
P 5491 Satin Black 9y1, 19'
P 5490 Sztif Blach Solid a urn num posl lanterf; 8', 1.51h
clear crystal giass panels;
frosled qirss chtmfev

P 572A
P 5954 P 5730

P 5962

P ssgs


P 5960-31

P 5964

P s94a-31

Description Ht. Extends

P 5598 Satin Black white ceramic slass;one 75w 4%" 3%',

P 5727-31 Satin Elack Pebbled glassr 0ne 60W lVz" sa. 3%"
P 5729-31 Tv,/o 60W 9%" sq. 3t4"

P 5964 P 5728 Satin Black Amber glass; 0ne 60W 1%" sq. 3%"
P 5730 Two 60W 9%" sq. 3Y1"

P 5948-31 Satin Black Flui€d crystal globe 4%" dia. 71A" syi'
P 5958 Salin Black Amber Class panels 1yr" 5y,"

P 5960-31 Satin Black ScIeen€x crystal glass 1y," 5y,"

P 5962 Satin Black Cl€ar crysial glass 1%" 8%"

P 5964 Satin Black Clear cryslal glass 81,4" 9%"

P 5965 Saiin Black chain-huflg version of P 5962

P 5s68 satii Black Satin Irosted panels; plastic numerals 7yr" gys"

) c

P 5597-31
P 5597-40

P 5735

P 5915
P 5974

P s6()0-31
P 56()0-40 P 5602

Finish Description Width OverallHt.

P 5589 Satin Black Crystal gtobe with beaded swirts 5%"
P 5597-31 srn0"a marrne cvlinder 1%" 5%"
P 5597,40 !3!;"8;;""r "t*r
P 5600-31 Satin Black Clear marine cvtrnder t%' s%"
P 5600 40 Coppertofe

P 5e]{)l-31 Satin 8lacl. Clear ma ne cllrnder 8%"

P 5602 Salin Black Cl€ar quiti€d prismatic gtass gyr" tYr"
P 5605 Satii Black Quilted amber stass 7Y1" 8%" 73"
P 5735 Satin Black Screenex crysial glass

P 5915 Satin Black S0lid aluminum; amber-hued textured 814" 414"

glass, diamond pait€rn

P 5966-30 Crystalglobe with ceramic tired b€veled

P 5366-31 Satin Black
P 5974 Satin Black French crystal cylinder 4tA" 67/e" 4y1',
progre$s quality checklist

Cat. No. Paee Cat. No, Page


thicke. through double plating and copper undercoating, P 3012 9l P 3650 43
P 3018 56 P 365r 43
P 3019 56 P 3652 42
2 IIIATCHED CoMPoNENTS AND METAL PARTS. . . Can- P 3020 56 P 3653 42
opies, chains, pulleys and even screw heads are unitorm for P 3022 56 P 3654 27

Y> greater beauty and appearance.

P 3024
P 3025
P 3'126

P 3663 9
P 3027 56 P 3664 9
3 CoNCEALED ToRS|0N SPRINGS . . . A patented featu.e P 3028 56 P 3665 9
that makes maintenance and re-larhpihg easier,
P 3030 91
P 3033 91 P 3670. 43
P 3671 43
P 3050 57 P 3672 44
P 3051 57 P 3673 44
4-CANoPY LoCK-UP DISICN . . . For pulleys and chain P 3053 54 P 3674 44
pendants. Eliminates unsightly screw heads, cuts installation P 3054 54
time. P 3064 a9 P 3677 82
P 3070 91 P 3702 a4
P 3703 44
P 3073 91 P 3713 1a
P 3075 9l
5 SoLID BRASS CHANoELIERS. . , For solid, durable beauty P 3077 9l P 3114
P 3717
in a variety of styles and Iinishes. P 3080 89
P 30al a9 P3t\A 88
P 3083 a9 P 3719 43

3720 52
Lifetime P
P 3721 52
construction . . . cast aluminum guaranteed not to corrode P 3092 89 P 3723 aa
or rust. P 3150 59 P 3124 8a
P 3151 59 P 3726 aa
P 3/27 88
P 3t52 59
7 PERMANENT DECoRAToR FINISHES . . . Hand applied P 3154 55 P 3730 52
9l P 3731
and baked-on to prevent fading or rubbing oll for a lifetime. P 3155 P 3735 a4
P 3156 9l P 3736 a5
P 3157 91
P 3737 l9
I 8 IMPoRTED TRIPLEX GLASSSHADES... Unsurpassedfor P 3160 55 P 3734 44
I P 316r 55 P 3745 11
high light output and even diffusion. P 3170 55 P 3147 8a
P 3171 55
P 3172 55 P 3749 aa
P 3750 13
9-QUALITY C0NTR0L AND INSPECTI0N . . . Every Progress P 3206 53 P 3752 aa
P 3208 53 P 3753 a8
fixture identified and registered to assure satisfaction. P 3210 53 P 3754 a6
P 3212 53
P 3214 53 P 3755 a9
P 3222 51 ? 3759 a2
ln materia, or manufacturing, with Progress replacement
P 3223 5I P 3760 44
policy. P 3260 45 P 3762 44
P 3261 45
P 3262 45 P 3771 43
11-EASY-T0-USE INSTRUCTI0N SHEETS. .. Clearly written P 3270 5l P 3775 43
P 3774 43
and simple to understand, they make installations easier, P 3240 50 P 3119 44
faster. P 3241 50 P 3746 16
P 3300 89 P 3789 16
P 3301 a9
12 HIGH-TEST PRoTECTIVE CARToNS . . . Specially de" P 3346 89 ? 3790 45
P 3344 a9 P 3791 45
signed to specification; prevent damage in handung and P 3350 a9 P 3792 45
shippinc. P 3795 5
P 3408 a9 P 3aO3 59
P 3410 89 P 3807 17
13 . . . 0n all P 3440 89 P 3al0 14
Progress fixtures (where applicable) assures you of rigid P 3414 18
safety standards. P 3506 a8
P 3508 aa P 3419 15
P 3510 aa P 3821 15
P 3a22 l5

$$ Your protection against damage and personal injury caused

by a defective fixture properly installed.
P 3432
P 3a35

P 3437
P 3525 52 P 3840 I4
15 HAND DETAILING lnfinite and time-consumins P 3841 19
attention to fine woodwork, intricate ornamentation and P 3526 52 P 3445 t1
P 3527 52 P 3a50 13
hand-chased castings. P 3524 52
P 3529 P 3A54 59
P 3A7T 26 P 4238 a6 P 4590 50 P 5421 70
2t P 4239 P 5964 94 P 6913 a9
P 3875 86 P 4593 50 P 5423 72 P 5965 94
P 3477 a2 P 5424 P 6915 66
77 P 5966 95 P 6916 66
P 3886 16 P 4300 3 P 4620 61 P 5425 93 P 5967 7A P 6977 66
P 3889 16 P 4302 10 P 4630 6l P 5426 l2 P 69 ta 66
P 4304 10 P 4658 60
P 4305 2 P 4672
P 5968 94
P 3900 38 92 P 5428 70 P 5969 7a P 6919 66
P 3901 41 P 4307 4 P 4642 92 P 5436 72 P 6920
P 4308 P 5970 7a 66
P 3902 39 6 P 4684 92 P 5438 70 P 6921 66
P 3903 40 P 4693 6t P 5446 /2 P 5974 95 P 6922 66
P 3904 40 P 4309 7 P 4695 61 P 5470 68
P 3905 41 P 4310 7 P 6402 P 7000
P 3906 P 4313 30 P 4705 45 67 P 7001
39 P 5473 69 P 6403 67 58
P 3907 3A P 43t4 30 P 47 t3 61 P 5415 93 P 7002 58
P 4324 P 6404 67
a6 P 47) 5 6t P 5481 93 P 6405 6l P 7003 5a
P 3941 9l P 4325 86 P 4f42 92 P 5490 93 P 7004 5a
4/ 43
P 6406 67
P 3942 91 P 92 P 549L 93 P 7005
P3951 59 P 432a a6 5A
P 4340 74 92
P 6412 67 P 7006 58
P 3952 59
P 4347 24 P 4ala 60
P 5510
P 5511
a0 P 6413 6l P 7007 5a
P 4342 80 P 64t4 67 P 7008 58
4000 29 3 P 4a42 92 P 55t2 80
4345 P 6415 67 P 7009 58
P 4006 a2 P 20 ? 4844 92 P 5520 69 P 64t6 67
P 4007
P 4346 2a P 4455 60 5522 7'l
a2 P P T IOO 48
P 4009 83 P 485a 60 P 6422 67 P 71OI 4a
P 4010 a2 P 4347 20 P 5540 53 P 6424 Pi 702
P 4350 13 67 4A
P 4072 a4 P 48a4 60 P 5541 53 P 6426 67 P7 tO3 4a
P 4013 a5 P 4351 36 P 4485 60 P 5550 53 tO4
P 4352 36 P 6432 67 P7
P 4aa6 60 P 5551 53 P 6434 67
P 4353 36 4aa7 P7lO5 4a
P 4014 la P 4354 36
P 60 P 5560 53
P 4015 84 P 4942 6t P 5561 53 P 6436 6f P 59
P 4019 15 P 4361 37 P 6452 92 P7752 59
4020 P 4944 61 P 5575 68 P 6453 92 P7160 5a
P 402t
P 4362 3l P 4946 61 P 5580 74 P 6454 92 P 7t6t 58
P 4363 37 55al l4 P lt62 58
P 4024 51 P 4364 3l P 4952 92 P
P 4954 92 P 5582 f5 P 6455 92 P 7163 58
P 4367 20 P 55a3 P 7164 58
P 4026 30 51 P 4395 75 P 6456 92
5 5584 74
P 4033 51 P4956 92 P
55a5 75 P 7165 5a
P 4037 19 'P4470 a7 P 495a 60 P P 6630 62 P 7766 58
P4040 Il P 447I a7 P 4962 92
55a9 95
P 6631 62
P 404t 19 P 4430 3 P 4963 92 P P 6633 62 P 7143 49
P 4964 P 5597 95 6634 P fta6
P 4440 36 92
P 5594 94
P 62 49
P 4043 26 P 4441 36 P 4976 92 P 7193 49
P 5600 95 P 6640 62 P 7796
P 4059 83 P 4442 3f P 5601 95
P 4070 a3 P 4443 P 5000 34 P 6641 62
37 P 5602 95 P 6643 62 P 7210 67
P 5001 34
P 4A71
P 4015
2t P 4445 P 5002 34 P 6644 62 P f2lt 67
P 4076 2t P 4447
53 P 5003 34 P 5603 P 6650 63 P 7231 6l
P 5004 32 P 5604 7a P 665I 63
P 444a 53 P 5605 95 P 7323 90
P 4103 17 P 4449 53 P 5005 35 P 7329 90
P 4704
P 5607 77 P 6660 65
17 P 4451 53 P 5613 ao P 6661 P 7333 90
P 4105 tf P
33 P 5614 ao P 6662
65 P 7352 90
P 4106 17 P 4457 AJ P 7353 90
P 4108 P 500a 33 P 6664 65
25 P 445A a7 P 5615 ao
P 4110 t4 P 5009 32
P 446t 23 P 5010 35 P 5616 80 P 667 1 65 P 1425 90
P 4127 30 P 4462 23 P 7437 90
P 5011 33 P 5617 80 P 6672 65
P 4467 26 P 5012 33 P 5618 ao P 6676 65 P 7449 90
P 4130 24 P 4468 26 P 5013 35 P 6677 65 P 7457 90
P 4131 24 P 4469 26 5626 P 6680 63 P 7456 90
P 4132 24 P 4470
P ao
P 4133
26 P 5226 l9 P 5636 ao P 6681 63
P 7500 90
P 5227 79 P 5673 77
P 4142 23 P 4446 16 522a 6683 P 750t 90
P 4744 23
P 79 P 57 t9 76 P 65
P f502
P 4489 t6 P 5230 79 P 5720 fa P 6644 65 90
P 4500 29 P 5231 l9 P 7503 90
P 4145 23 P 4501 29 P 5232 79 P 5f21 76 P 6645 65 P /504 90
P 414/ 30 P 4510 26 P 5233 79 5722
4148 22
P 76 P 6695 65 P 7520
P P 5723 :16 90
P 4T49 23 4519 a5 P 5300 73 P 7527 90
P 4742 26
P 5301
P 5724 /6 P 6702 62 P 7522 90
P 4520 85 73 P 5726 77 P 67 72 62
P 4521 a5 P 5303 l3 P 6721 63 P /523 90
P 42IO 35 P 4522 24 P 5304 73 P 5'127 94 P 6731 63
P 7524 90
P 4217 35 P 4523 24 P 5309 73 P 5724 94
P 4212 35 P 5310 72 P 5f29 94 P 7600
P 42t6 P 4530 a P 5311 l2 P 5730 94
P 6aOO
P 6815
P 4218 a6 P 4531 a P 5391 93 P 5735 95 P 7897
P 4219 a6 P 5392 93 P 6830 63 (Decorator
P 4532 8 P 6431 63
P 4536 t2 P 5401 70 P 5824 76 P 6840 63 Bulbs) 46-47
P 4220 29 P 4537 l2 P 5402 70 P 5446 7A
P 4221 29 P 453a t2 P 5403 70 P 5475 7a P 6A4l 63 P 7950 66
P 4222 29
P 4223 P 5405 J1 P 6442 63 4703 57
85 P 4540 4 P 5406 P 5915 95 P
P 4224 a5 P 4544
69 P 8772 39
4 P 5407 69 P 5944 94 P 6900 64
P 45a4 24 P 5954 94 P af 1/ 66
4227 a7 4585
P 6901 64
P P 25 P 540a 68 P 5959 /8 P 6904 64 P 4725 73
P 422A a7 P 45a6 30 P 5409 68 P 5960 94
P 423t 29 P 5410 72
P 6905 64 P 4726 f3
4232 P 6906 64 P 4727 73
P 29 P 45a9 30 P 5420 71 P 5962 94 P 6907 64 P a750 73

Pnited in U.S A. Copyrishi Dec€mbe. 1966

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