Progress Lighting Catalog 1966
Progress Lighting Catalog 1966
Progress Lighting Catalog 1966
BATH & VANITY (pages 54 throush 59). The look of high tashion
returns to a prominent rank in bath-and-vanity lighting.
The most uersatile, o,il,id, and ui,tal oJ all d,ecorut'iae objects'is the clt andelier.
Bg d,ag or night, the heart of tod,a11's new Jreed,om,in home decorating.
Select a neu personal'itg for anA room, hall, stairwall or Joyer . . .
inject d,romn, rornance . . . grace, warmth or gaietl1 into l1our home.
Let gour creat'iue imagination take an ,inspirat'ional journey
as our repertoire of fasc'inating fifiures unfol.d,s.
P 4430 P 4300
Rich Old Workl induences impart P 43O5 (opposite page) craceful P 443O Handsome fixture unitjng
ageless charm and robust dignity arms of antiqued soJid brass burst hand-crated b dch iron sLrorlwork
to these dramatic Mediterranean from hand-carved fruitwood in a and exquisite truitwood Dra.22,,;
chandelier of dramatic sym m etry. Bodv Ht.20": Overart Ht.42,'. I,ve
chandeliers. A deep beauty to add Dia. 28"; Body Ht. 24"; Overa Ht. flame type candelabra lamps.
warmth and grace to any setting. 42". Six flame-type candelabra lam ps.
I q t ,,,tut,l,t, s,l,"ti,rt ol .!,,\a,tt,,t
P 43OO Sweepine black wroueht tron P 4342 Captures the mood of a lrllr t,,ttltn', ,L,';,,L,t,,., ,,..
scrollwork accents a majestic fruit hardy era in hand-forged wrought pttlcs 16 a tl 17. ','tu
wood chandelier. Dia.30"; Body Ht. ian. Dia. 25"; Body Ht. 23"; Over-
26": Oveta)l Ht. 42"- Six flametype all Ht. 42" . Six flame type candelabra
ca ndelabra larnps. lam ps.
P 4342
P 4544
.,. !
P 4540
P 4307
P 3795
;_-i lrR
P 4395
P 4308 (opposite pase) The artistrv .' 4309 Master craftsmanship in a p 4310 crimmering hand-cut
of hand'chased cast bronze create; .r,u"Juri". por-
a feeling of elegance and gEndeur "i #"i].rrlrllt.".t
bronze- in antique c"rJ finiJ *itt,
ished crystar and finery chased cast
bronze enhance this eiquisite chan.
when expressed in the eracetuJ cascading hand-cut p-ori.rr"a
curves and generous proportions of Dia. 241r2,,i
this majestic chanderier. sparkrins, ut. +2".'st* Body
"1y.tur.. o"ir,i"r"
Ht. 18.-;-6;era
,iin" i"tioi,l""u",o ri",.r,.
Dia.2Z,,:"Body Ht. 17,,; Overa Ht.
hand-cut, polished crystal prisms lamps.
lLri"-tvp" 42,,. Five frame-type canderabra
mirror the rich antique gotd finish. Iamps.
For a comptete setet:tion oJ decorator butbs to enhance yottr
;3i:11#l see Pages 46 and 47.
P 4310
P 4530
P 4532
'-;>.tt.-!. ;- {,
. .s.
P 3662
P 3A45
|i] ii
yt 1S
P 3745
P 4o40-LO
P 4040-31
P 4536 Glittering imported crystal
enriches a cast bronTe chandelipr in
ant:que gold. Dia. 19"; Body Hl. 17";
Overall Ht.42". Six tlame.type can-
delabra Iamps.
P 4537 Majestic chandelier resple4.
dent wrth antrque eold finish on cast P 4536
bronze and studded with imported
crystal. Dia. 2312"; Body Ht. 19":
Overall Ht. 42". EighL flame.type
candelabra lamps.
P 4537
L. .t 1
P 3440
P 3a22-10 li P 3a2r-lo
P 3a22.11 P 3a21-11
P 4020-10
P 4o2o-tr,
P 3aa6
P 3aA9
Versatile llansitional fi xtures that
pror irle welcome llexibility
maximum decorating creatility.
P 3437
tl P 4037
,..:g .t.
I lt
'.] lil
P 3737 {f!
I Itt
P 4041
For otrl Iloirse or Sul)Ltrl)il!
\-f..1"' ,\trt-... , -,..,t*, ,,.1r1
:rncl ltrillialce I
P 4347-34
P 4345
P 4367
(opposite page)
P 4345 cracefu y shaped scro -
work in a black iron finish with the
/ooh of ulJ V. wrd'h 21,,: Body Ht.
l8 ": Ove.alr hr. 36'. rrvp I dl'r..
type candelabra lam ps.
P 4347-79 Intricate Acanthus leaf
detail imparts sculptu red elegance
to antique gold chandetier with black
accents. Dia. 2IV"; Body Ht. 16":
Overalj Ht. 36". Sj^ flarrFtype.dr..
dejabra larrps.
P 4347-34 Same as p 4347 19. but
\^/i{n d.slressed watnut ltnish and jet
black a rms.
P 4367 The splendor of a cotorful
bygone era reflected in a fixture of
gleaming poJished brass. Dia. 21,,j
Body.Ht. 16"; Overa Ht. 42,,. Five
flame-type candeJabra lamps.
Iot u conplcrc x:lutirn of lecorator
bttlhs ro arhaa'tou clundclier- stc
1niles l6 utrl 1i.
. *..
.i ,.- l- .&
r--*qlrllE t q!:F:L.l
Inriting , 'neta t'istas'in home rlecorat'ing,
born. of totla,y's neu spiri.t oJ Jreedom, attd, rercaled uiaidly
in the l'ight of rcr sati,le pull-rLown, attd
chai:n-hun g Jit:tures. I)ramati.calLy o,ccent a soJa or coclttd"il tdble . . .
brightLg transt'orm lihrarg, family roo'm or den . . .
graceJullg enhance a. ditt'irt.g area . .
wiith selecti,ort s Jrom this imag'i'nat'itte Progress collect'ion.
o P 4!42
P 4467
P 4462
P 4149
s: Frxiures on these pages can be
swag mounted. See pape 35 for
P4 L45 catatog number and finlsh.
P 4742 Eatly Ame can ant que P 4148 (Opposite page) Shades of
brass pul/-down, opal ch mney, wood P 4461 Elegant French Tote deslgn
serendipityl coJd and btack wrought of ustrous white hand.flnlshed in
fount, three-way sw tch. Dia. 19,,: iron fi,rture qlows ga y wrth 8, opal gold, with opal glass diffuser under
Body Hl. 19r/?"; Overa Ht. 28,, to gd\s globe drd b'ue, erpen. amoer metal shade. Chain hung. Three-way
64". One 50/2AO/250 watt lamp. and wine textured glass. Dja. lg,,i switch. Dia. 15"; Body Ht. 19,,; Over
P 4744 Frcm gaslight days, antique Body Ht. 19"; Overa Ht.42,,_ OJle al Ht. 42". One 5A/2OO/25O.watt
brass chain hung 'Tiffany" fjxture 100 watt lamp. la rn p.
with colorful glass shade, opal g ass
globe. Dia. 20"; Body Ht. 16"; Over- P 4149 Mediterranean majesty jn P 4462 Pul) down version of p4461.
an antique gold chain hung with Overall Ht- 31" to 65". One 5a/2AO/
al Hl. 42". One 100.watt larnp. 250.watt
colorful textured glass. Dia. 77t/2" l lam p.
P 4145 Shimmering antique brass Body Ht. 19"; Overalt Ht. 42".Ihree
transitional pull down. th re e.way flame type candelabra larnps.
switch. Dra. 21"; Bodv Ht tO',: Ovcr-
all Ht 19" to 55,,. Four 60 watt
la m ps.
P 4131-14
P 4131-11
P 4130-11
P 4130.14
P 434L P 4L32.L4
'1i'# P 4L32.TL
P 4133.14
P 4133-11
P 4523-tL
P 4523-10
P 4523-L4
P 45a4-10
P 45A4- L!
The days of early America, with
a glamou. unique to our heritage,
shine anew in authentically de_
tailed fixtures.
P 4IOa-11 Authentic ,,smoke be ,,
graces this antique brass chain-hung
fixture. Opal hobnail shade, frosted
chlmney, three-way switch. Dia. 19,,1
Body Ht. 22"i Overa Ht. 42,,. One
50/20Ol250.watt tamp.
P4585 Antique brass chain_hung
with rectangular shade and pine col.
umn. Dia. 10,,x I8,,i Body Ht. 15,,j
Overa| Ht.36,,. Two tOo.w;tt tamps.
(opposite page)
P4130-11 Antique brass pult.down,
opal glass chimney. Th ree-way switch.
Dia. j7r/2": Body Ht. 17,,; overalt Ht.
26" to 63". One 50/2ool250-watt
Edison-base lamp.
P 4130-14 Same as p 413O-1.[, ex.
cept in antique copper.
P 4L3L-L4 Chain-hune version ot
P 4130 in antique copper finish.
rhree.way switch. Overa Ht. 36,,.
One 50/2@/2so.watt Edison-base
P 4131-f 1 Same as p 4l3t .14. ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 4L32-L4 Antique copper ceiling
fixture, white glass diifuser. Dia.
17 t/2": Overa Ht. 9%,,. Four60.watt
Edtson-base lam ps.
P 4132-ll Same as p 4132-14, er
cept in antique brass.
P 4133-14 pull-down version of
P 4132 in antique copper finish,
tnree.way switch. Overa| Ht. 26,, to
63". Four 60-watt Edison-base lamps.
P 4133-11 Same as p 4133-14, ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 4341 Hand blown amber optic
grass chtmneys adorn this antique
brass chain.hung fixture. Dia. 21,,.
Body Ht. uy2;.. o*ruir Hi. qi".
Switch, Three flame-type candelabra
P 4522-14 Antique copper chain-
hung fixture with three-way switch.
Dia. 15"; Body Ht. 17,,; O;era Ht.
36". One 50/2OO/250-watt Edison-
base iamp_
P 4522-LO Same as p 4522 14. ex.
cept in polished brass. P 41()a-11
P 4.522-lL s,ame as p 4522.14. ex.
cept tn antique brass.
P 4523-11 pull-down version of
P 4522 in antique brass finish. Three.
way switch. Overa Ht. 29" to 65,,
One 5Ol20Ol25o_watt tamp.
P 4523-10 Same as p 4523.11. ex-
cept in polished brass.
P 4523-14 Same as p 4523-t l ex-
cept jn antique copper,
P 45a4-lO Hand-btown opat hob.
nail shade and opal chimney enhance
polished brass fixture. ihree-wav
switch. Dia. 14"; Body Ht. .19,,: Ovei
all Ht. 42". Or,e SO/ 2OO/ 2s}.v,tatt
P 45A4-Ll Same as p 4584-lO. ex-
cept in antique brass.
P 4tA2-L4
P 41A2-LL
;. .z+s'f,.,
'' ..\a!t;r=t",;
(opposite page)
P 3871 Antique copper . rancher..
wall fixture wtth opal glass chtmney.
pierced metdl shadp, on.oft swjtch.
Fxtends 8rr"; Body Ht. lO,. One
l00.watt lamp.
4c43 tdsy intormality refieLted
rn an antique brass purl down with
opal glass chimney. Cordpy ( hina
rount. lhree.way switch. Dra. 2t,,.
Body Ht. 22"; o;era1 Ht. 27 " iA3" .
One 50/ 2OO/25O watt tamp.
P 47a2-L4 Antrque .opper pu -
down wtlh opal glass chimnev, three.
way swrtch. Dia. 18,,t Body Ht. t5,,;
Uverall Ht. 26" to 62". Onc 56126O,
250-watt lamp.
P 47a2-LL Sdme as p 4 I82 14. ex
cept in antique brass.
P 41a2-1O Same as p 4lg2-t4, e\-
cept tn polished brass
P 4467 Antique copper ,,rancher,,
ceiling ftxture. opal gldss, pterced
metal shade. Dta. 14,,; OveralJ Ht.
la". One 1so-watt tam p.
P 4468 Antiquc .opper chdrn.hunp
e with opaJ gJass.f,,mnuv]
prerced- metal shadF, three-way
swrtch. Dia. I4',: Body Ht. l/,,: ovei
all Ht. 36". One 50/2OOl 2so-watr
lam p.
P 4469 Antique .opper pult.down
verston of P 4468. Dta. 14,,i Bodv Ht
I7r 2": Overa Ht. p9" to 65,,.'One
50/200/250.watt tam p
P 4470 Antrque copper ceitrnp fix-
ture. opdt gtass. Dia. 8tla"., OJerall
Ht. 14r/2". One 1Oo-watt tamp.
P 4510 Smart antjqLre copoer ou .
down. black strap harp, threeiwov
switch. Dja. 21"i Body Ht. 16,,: Ovei-
all Ht. 2/' to 63,,. Four 6o-watt
lamps. P 3654
Br'ing a Jresh, new glow to L'ibrarg,
d'en or stud'g ui,th the soJt, contemporary look
'in I'ighting Jor todag-and tomorrow.
HaruJ,some hnrmonll to bri,ghten and lighten whateaer Asu d'o !
t' ) e qzzz
P 4220-37
P 4220-30
P 422L
tlltl il
trim, white satin etched glass dif'
I \\\\\ fLrser, three way switch. Dia. 17";
Body Ht. 7"; Overall Ht. 20" lo 56"
Four 60-watt lamps.
P 4L47-14 Same as P 4147 10, ex'
cept in antique copper.
P 4313-1O Polished brass pull'
/') down with three way switch. Dia. 18";
Badv Ht- 71/2": Overall Ht. 18" to
54". Four 60-watt lamps.
P 4r2l P 4313-13 same as P 4313 10, ex-
cept in polished copper.
P 4314-1o Fashionable ceiling fix-
ture in polished brass. Dia. 18";
Body Ht. 7". Four 60 watt lamPs.
J P 43L4-L3 Same as P 4314-10, ex'
cept in polished copper.
P 4586 Warm contemporary style
pull-down wit h walnut laminated
tiberglas shade. White plastic dif"
fuser. Three-way switch. Dia. 19";
Body Hl. 9Y2": Overall Ht. 20" to
56". Three 60-watt lamPs.
P 4589 Dramatic ceiling fixture with
etched glass diffLrser, walnut lami-
nated fiberglas shade. Dia. 18";
Body Ht. 6". Four 60-watt lamPs.
P 4546 9-
(opposite page)
P 43t4-lo Clusters of light bring brilliant ac-
P 4314-73 cents to a variety of settings in a
vivid, colorful, creative way.
Spectacular cluster of pendants in
soft white triplex glass contrasted
with crystal-clear prismatic glass in
a choice of amber, green, blue and
smoke. Diameter 7"; Body Ht. 13".
One 100'watt lamp.
P 5006-61 Amber;
P 5006-62 S m oke;
P 5()06-66 Green;
P 5OO6-67 B lue. CI
(Each catalog number includes pend_
ant, canopy,50" cord and socket. For
two- and three'light spreaders and
r-l P 4313-10
P 4313-13
swag kits, see page 35.)
page 35-
catalog number includes pendant, canopy, 5A" catd and sacket. Fat twa and three-light spreaders, see
Shimmering pools of amber, smoke CIear prisrnatic jeweled forms radiate A rainbow of radiant pendants with
and olrvF green. set ablate by clear colorful shafts of light jn these spar- amber, smoke and olive green outer
jewel-like prismatic glass inner cylin. kling pendants created for d.amatic glass, clear jewel like prismatic glass
ders. WalnuI trjm. Dta. 9lz": Body accent. cylinders and walnut accent. Dja.
Ht. 13". One 100-watt lamp. P 5011 Dia. 1OY2": Bady Ht. 77y2" . 93/a"; Body Ht. 1,2y2" . One 100.watt
P 5007-61 Amtrer 100-watt iamp. lamp.
P 5007-62 Smoke P 5Ol2 Dia. al2"; Body Ht. 123/4" . P 5008-61 Amber
P 5007-66 Olive sreen 100.watt lam p. P 5008-62 Smoke
P 5008-66 Olive green
Catalog numbet includes pendant, canopy, so, cord and sacket. Fot two and three-light sprcaders, see page 35.
(Opposite Page)
Colorful halos of gentle light shower
from textured glass spheres in choice
of amber, orange or smoke. Dia. 10"_
One 1oo.watt lamp.
P 5005-61 Amberi
P 5OO5-62 Smoke;
P 5OO5-63 Orange.
P 5O1O-19 A pendant of classic
grace with richly-carved antique gold
molded filagree panels over opal
glass globe. Dia.6y2" squarc; Body
Ht. L31/t". One 100-watt lamp.
P 5OlO-33 Same as P 5010-19, ex-
cept in white and gold.
P 50 l3 -61 Dramatic octagon
shaped polished brass pendant with
softly-sh immering circles of 3,tone
translucent amber. Dia. 7"; Body Ht.
13". One 60 watt larnp.
Catalog number includes pendant, can-
opy, 54" cotd ard sockef. For twa and
thtee-light spteaders, see page 35-
(Th is Page)
Imported Triplex glass pendants
-white, orange, yellow and tur-
quoise-in handsome sizes and
shapes lor mix-or-match harmony
in contemporary and traditional
Diamond teardrop pendants. Dia. 6";
Body Ht. 13". One 100-watt lamP.
P 5OOO-60 White;
P 5000-63 Orange;
P 5OOO-64 Yellow;
P 5000-65 Turquoise-
Ta pered cylinder pendants. Dia.
5r/2", Body Ht. 13". One 100-watt
P 5001-60 White;
P 5001-63 Orange;
P 5001-64 Yellow;
P 5OO1-65 Turquoise.
Teardrop pendants. Dia. BY2": BodY
Ht. 13V". One 100-watt lamp.
P 5002-60 Wh ite;
P 5002-63 orange;
P 50o2-64 Yellow:
P 50O2-65 Turquoise.
Oval pendants. Dia. 12r .": Body Ht.
14". One 1oo'watt iamp.
P 5003-60 White;
P 5003-63 Orange;
P 5003-64 Yeliow;
P 5003-65 Turquoise.
, (This Page)
,spgl-F P 4351-62 Dramatic pendant fin'
X lshed in luxurious French gold, in
P 4353-61 spired by master carvings. Hand-
P 4353-62 blown smoke optrc glass, Patterned
cast charn, matching canopy. Dia.
,i 91/a" t BodV Ht. 18"; Overall Length
42". fhree {lame type candelabra
la rn ps-
P 4351-61 Same as P 4351 62 ex
cept with anrber optic glass.
\J P 4352-61 Swag version of P 4351
t I 62. Hand-blown amber oPtic giass,
1 15' patterned cast chain, 20' cord,
P 435L-62 T\J, rj I
plrg dno o1 of .^rL, 1,. Cd't r Fil ng
P 4351-61 i.. r'f
hooks. Dia. 9t;"; Bcrdy Ht. 18".
Three f ame type candelabra lamPs.
-!n: {r' P 4352-62 Same as P 4352 61 ex
/r,'qN ( P 4353-6I lrprp.\r,,/F tl-ree l"l I
,.1 cluster shaped from or ginal carvings.
t/ Fa-d hlo,\n dr.bPr opr g dsr. Ceil
ing cover, cast canopy, Patterned
il '7{ {)
d\r ,l-d n. D J LB': BodY Ht. 16"i
Ov' ral Lenltl rb' Tl-'F. 100 \^dlt
,,j \*dr ii( Edison base lamps-
iF P 4353-62 Sdrre ns P 43i 61 P'
P 4354-62 cept w th smoke optic glass-
P 4354-67 P 4354-62 I\4atching pendant in
hdlla blo^n r_1or,e opl e d\. Cd\t
chain and canopy. Dia. 7r/a"t Body
',) Ht- 16"; overall length 36". One
t,t . 1o0 watt Edison base lamp.
i., P 4354-GL Sdn r dr P 4:54 62 c '
P 4440-33 cept with alnber optic g ass.
P 4440-33 Cast scro Lwork in soft
white and gold finish, wllite diffuslng
.y r'ldpr. Mdt.'l,ng ca_opy drd.hd:n.
P 4441'33 Drd. 8 Oveta l'r. 45 . Or" I00
watt Edison.base lam p.
P 444L-33 Cluster version of
o 4AAA 33 D,a. 17t-': overalr Ht.
Catalog numbers include canapy, chain and sacket. 441/2". Ihrce 1oo.watt Edison'base
D(0 i,*
l] '
il :
',[l'i :
r., :a
: . ..
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C r',
' , i)/'
: iit_'
' : t',
lt't @
| P 436r
P3902-19 P 3902_34
From the elegant grandeur of an P 39O7 (Right-hand) Romantic P 39O6 Exquisjte antique eotd
opulent era, molded reproductions Rococo styling in an antique gold romantique sconce with sweeping
of classic wail sconces lavishly de- sconce. Use singly or at right of arms and graceful ornamentatjon.
P 3900, identical in fine detail, orna switch. Wrdth 36,t Ht.22t.":
tailed to impart gracious accent mentation and dimensions. Ertends 77-". Frve ltame tvpe cin
to a wealth of settings. (This page) delabra larnps.
P 3902-19 lnspjred by 18th century P 8712 Sconce Hanger Kit availabte
(Opposite Page) master carvings, the Acanthus leaf for portable mounting of sconces on
in a lustrous antique gojd sconce. the wall (except p3905). Contains
P 39OO (Left-hand) Traditionat an On off switch. Width 15,,; Ht. 1ay2,': braided silk wire cord with otup
ith tjque gold Rococo with rich carved
detail. Use singly or at ieft of p 3907.
Extends 5%". Two flame-type can hang.straight werght.
I On-off switch. Width tO%,,; Ht.
delabra lamps.
P 3902-34 Same as p 3902 19, ex
21y2"; Fxtends 5y2" . Three flame. cept in mellow distressed walnut
type candelabra lamps. finish. t
P a772
P 39()4-19 P 3904-35
(Opposite Page)
A wealth of tradition richly re-
flected in molded wail sconce
reproductions ol lasling beau ry.
P 3903-17 The hardy Clipper Ship
sails again on a pewter finished Colo-
nial plate with drip-pans. On.oft
switch. Width I4Y2": Ht. 12": Ex'
tends 5". Two tlame-type candelabra
P 3903-35 Same as P 3903 17, ex-
cept in nutmeg and brass.
P 39O4-19 The Federal Eagle graces
this bull's-eye mirror with gleaming
antique gold finish. On-off switch.
Width 16"; Ht. 16"; ExtPnds 5t1".
Two Jlame-type candelabra lam ps.
P 3904-35 Same as P 3904-19, ex-
cept in nutmeg and brass.
(This Page)
Dramatic and distinctive molded
reproductions, re-setting spidted
flames of a romantic Castiliar
P 39O1-19 faithtcr y-detailed an-
tique gold wall sconce with crackted
amber glass cylinders. On off swrtch P 390s-19
Width 15": Ht. 161/2"i E\tends 47a,,.
Two flame type Edison base lamps.
P 3901-36 Same as p 3901.19, ex-
cept in rich cranada iron finish.
P 3905-19 Vivid replica of a Span-
ish wall torch with crackled amber
glass cylinder and Iustrous antjoue
gold finish on torch bracket and
plaques. On-off switch. Width 6,,; Ht.
27"i Extends 71/4". One ftame{ype
Edison-base lam p.
P 3905-36 Same as p 3905.19, ex.
cept in rich Granada iron finish.
P 390s-36
P 8712 Sconce Hanger Kit Avaitable. see pase 39.
P 3653
'r,-, P 3719-10
_]t P 3719-11
P 3650
P 366()
P 3 671 P 3651
P 3670 ,
(Opposite Page)
P 3652 Exquisite lantern with star
cut beveted gtass punur", poiiJ"i
brass finish. Width 2,,; Body Ht.
14t/2"; Ove.all Ht. 42,,. Four ftame-
type candelabra iamps.
P 3653 Six hand-cut beveled glass
panels in finely-detailed poljshed
brass lantern. Width 8y2,,; Body Ht.
75y2": Ovetall Ht. 42". Three ftame- P 3670 Polished brass lantern with P 3771 Polished brass lantern with
type candelabra lamps. sparkling clear design on glass smoke optic glass. Dia. 8,,; Bodv Ht.
panels. Width 10,, sq.; Body Ht. 14": Overall Ht. 36,,. Three fl;me-
(This Page) IOVz"; Overall Ht. 3O',. Two ftame- type candelabra lamps.
P 3650 Gleaming potished brass type candelabra lamps.
hall lantern with star-cut beveled P 3671 Ceiting adaptation of P 3775 Elegant Renaissance impon
glass. Width 53/4": Body Ht. I2',i P 3670. Width 10,, sq.; Overa Ht. lantern in antique brass finish with
Overall Ht. 42". Two flame-type can- 1Oy2". Two flame"type candelabra amber glass. Width 11,,; Body Ht.
delabra lamps- lamps. 18"; Overall Ht.42,,. Three flame.
P 3651 Ceitjng fixture adaptation of type candelabra lamps.
P 37f9-1O Traditionat potished
P 3650. Wrdth 53/4"; Oveft| Ht. 13". brass fixture, crystal shade and P 377a-lo Ctose-to-the.ceiling ver-
Two flame.type candelabra lamps. smoke bell.Dia.8V": Bodv Ht. 15,,: sion of P 3719-.10. Dia.8r/,',: Overcll
P 3660 Ctose-to-the-ceiling tixture. Overall Ht. 36,,. Three flame-type Ht. I2r/2". Three flame-type cande-
ha nd.c ut beveted glass, potished candelabra Iamps. Iabra Iamps.
brass finish. 91/2" sq.; Overall Ht. 4',. P 3719-11 Same as p 3719-tO ex.
Iwo flame-type candelabra lamps. P 377A-lL Same as p 3779_10 ex_
cept in antique brass. cept in antique brass.
P 3672
P 3760-62
'- 3672 Gleaming polished brass
i..i P
ceiling fixture with white opal glass.
',{,NJ Dia. 8"; Overall Ht- 10%". One 60-
watt Edison.base lam p.
P 3762
w P 3673 Dramatic wrought iron
chain-hung lantern of Mediterranean
heritage. Dia.8"; Body Ht. 13%";
Overall Ht. 42". Ihree flametype
candelabra lam ps.
P 3674 Maiestic Medite rranean
wrought iron hall lantern glittering
with blue, green, amber and wine
textured glass, and antiqLle gilt leaf
a work. Dia- 7" sq.; Body Ht. 12Y2":
Overall Ht. 42". One 60 watt Edison
base lam p.
P 37O3-1o Polished brass ceiling
il fixture with white hobnail glass bowl.
.u Dia- 6": Overall Ht. 11". One 60-watt
(t-l' Edison base Iam p.
P 3703-11 Same as P3703-10 ex
r cept in antique brass.
'--\ P 373a-33 White and gold swivel
I mounted cast ceiline fixture with in_
\.l\tt,! (,( \ \,i
ner diffusing cylinder. Dia. 8"; Over-
all Ht.
base lamp.
1,O3/a". One 100-watt Edison-
P 3703-10
P 3703-11 itl
-.\ri l, ,t,
all Ht.
12 ". One 1oo-watt Edison.base
P 3262
)1 -i
\SE p gzer
P 3260
P TaOO 15 Ca ndela bra Petti Spiry Clear
P 7801 15 Petti Spiry
P 7AO2 25 Ca ndela bra Petti Splry Clea r
P 7803 25 Candelabra Pettr.Sp ry Frost
P 7AO5 40 Candelabra Spiry Clear
P 7806 40 Spiry
? 7Ar2 60 Ca nd ela bra Spiry
v P 7a13 60
Candelabra S plry
P 7A40 7t/: Candelabra Candle Tip Clear
P 7841 71, Candelabra Candle Tip Frost
P 7A42 Ca ndela bra Candie Ttp Frost-Ye ow
W &-s
,t F[-{CK F:a?
'l P 7A50 3 Ed son Flic ke r Clea r
P 7As1
l=: 3 Ca ndela bra (l lea r
P 7A70 40 Ed rso n Chrmney
P 7A7l 60 Ed lso n Ch jm ney Frost
t:* P 78AO I Candelabra Gloesce nt Clear
P 7AA1 15 Ca ndela bra Gloescent
P 7Aa2 25 Ca ndeJa bra Gloescent Clear
P 7490 12 volts Bayonet Hrgh lr te nsrty J
lli rl
F1 P 7a91 6 volts Bayonet High lntensity
- '-irilr,,o
- ? TLoL
-- P 7LO2
Y{idth overall flt. Length Bright, shad,owless light bri,ngs
P 7100 Two 20w Surtace modular Trigger, LPF llv4' 4' 26'
Ii,relu spirit and, spaciousness
lluorescent fixture;
tapered solid walnut
to kitchen, laundry roorn, garne
3'dimensional Plexi' room, workshop or ffice.
glas diffuser snaps out
for easy relamping These fluorescent fintures by
P 7101 Two 40w Rapid;HPF-ETL ll/4' 50'
P 7102 Four 20w Triggerj LPF t3Y,', 26', Progress offer a range of stgles
P 7103 aou.40w Rapid; HPF'ETL t3/,, 50'
P 7104 lwo circlines,
Same as P 7100
serjes except for
Rapid 15',
w'i.d,er than euer beJore.
circline lamps
P 7105 Two circlines, Rapid t8" 4',
32w'40w sq.
P 7ta5
P 7ta3 ..-. :
I .!'|
-/.--. -\-r
P 7183
P 71a6
P 7193
P 7196
l{o. Finish Lamps Description gallast Width Depth Length
P 7183 White Two 20w Crystal-clear, Trigger, l1' 3%' 24'
color-stabilized LPF
polystyrene diffuser,
snap-out wiring
cover. Can be mounted
individually o. in
continuous run-
P 7186 White lwo 40w Same as P 7183 Rapid, 11' 3%' 48'
P 7193 White Four 20w Same as P 7183 Itigger, 17, 3%' 24'
P 32aO
P 32a1
P 4593
P 3270-1t
P 3270-L4
P 4033
- -$q.r'
P 4026-70
P 4026-L4
P 4026-30
D? P 4024-14
P 4024-LO
P 4024-30
P 4021-10
P 4021-t4 P 3223
P 402r-30
P 3222
Two 60w
Drop opalglass; gYr" sq. 5%'
meta' frame;
torsion springs;
P 3223 Walnut Three 60w sufface moontsd l2'sq. s%,
P 3270-11 Ant. Brass Three 60w White glass; 14'sq.
surlace rrounted
P 3270-14 Ani. Copper
P 4021-10
P 4021-14
Pol. Brass
Ant. CoDDer
Two 60w Satin etched Rlass lI*, 4'
P 4021-30 White s!rface mounted
P 4024-10 Pol. Brass Three 60w 14' 4yr,
P 4024-14 Ant. Copper
P 4024-30 White
P 4026-f0 Pol. Brass Fou r 60n, tl, 4%'
P 4026-14 Ant. Copper
P 4026-30 Whrle
P 3529 P 3730-16
P 3730-10
P 3525 P 372r-l0
P 3721-L6
P 3s2a
I 1'
P 3720-16
P 372()-10
P 3526
P 3524
P 3720-10 Pol. Brass Two 60w Concealed torsion \Vz" sq. 4'
P 3720-16 Satin Alum. springs;drop opal
P 3721-10 Pol. Brass Three 60w 12" sq. 4',
P 3721-16 Satin AIum-
P 3730'10 Pol. Brass Two 60w Concealed torsion 8V?' sq. 4'
P 3730-16 Satin Alum. springs; drop opal
P 373I-10 Pol. Brass Three 60w l2,,sq.
P 3731-16 Satin Alum.
P 444A-12
P 444A-16 P 4447-t6
P 4449-L6 P 4447-72
P 4449-12
P 4451-]2
P 4451-16
\, . P 3214
-,' i
'\ -f r P 3210
* p 3208
F; -f-al
r_*!J _
P 3206
k'&, P 5560
P s561
P 5540
P 5541
P 5551
P 5550
*P 3208
*P 3210
*P 3212 Two 75w t0.
Three 60w 12"
+P l2td Three 75w t4'
P 44t7 -12 Satin Brass one 100 w opalglobe, hang
P 4447"16 Satin Alum. straighl assemblv,
6" & 12" slems in.ltrdFd
P4448-12 Satin Brass one l50w n.
P4448-16 Salin Alum
P 4449-12 Satin Brass one 200w
P 4449-16 Satin Aluo.
P 4451-12 Satin Brass one 200w
P {451-16 Satin Alum.
14" 21"
E:tquisite ligltt'ing
returns to 'its rightJul ra'nk
hr, tlrc order oJ bath-Latt'ity decorati'ng glamour !
Here u,re Jirtures uith tlte look oJ high Jashion,
that brirLg uarmtlt, artd beauty to cr,mport 'iLlumi,nqt'iort.
A weaLth of slto,pes att'd' stgles owait to'irtsp'ire attd guicle 11ctu,.
t. &
rl I
P 3026-33
ii' 1
P 3025,33
P 3171-10
r\! I P 3()25-19
i I r,l a
P 3026-r9
P 3170-10
P 3170-1s
i'ii P 3154
P 3161
(0pposite Pase)
P 3053-19 cotd Four 25w Uolded reoroductro0 28', ton! 3%"
P 3053-33 White & c,rnd." dbra ot orierndl carvtng
iii :i
,ll :,. L-,*,1
-r .i
| ..\fi
-,- -,- \**D I
i \:r'
i j:
r. l,Yidth Ht. Ext-
P 3018 White & one 75w Yes Cast filigree, kiplex
P 3018 cold glass, switch
P 3019 White & Two 75w Yes Cast filigree, triplex 16' 61/2'
Gold glass, switch
P 3028 Walnut & Two 75w Yes White bent glass; 19' 63/a' 4V1
Brass U/alnut wood lrame;
perforated brass end
caps; X. 0. for switch
& P700a
P7 t60 P7L64
P7L6T P7L65
P7L62 P7166
Finish Lamps Description Eallast Extends Lenqth Ht.
P 7000 Baked white one 8w T'8 0n€ piece duo-tone Reg!lar Ayr,, 12%"
enamel polystyrene difiuser;
cnd. Corv. Outlet;
keyhole slots ior under-
P 7002 Baked white one 15w T-8 0n€ piece duo tone Regulal 4yx" t8,/s" 1%"
P TOOO Series Undercabinet lites polydyren€difflrser; LPF
provide splendid light for work sur- Gnd. Conv.0uti€t,
starter swilch; keyhole
faces in the kitchen. TheY are also slols tor under'cabrnet
ideal for study when used as a shell or cantilever mo!nling,
light or bed lamp. Mounted either stader switch
under a shelf or cantilevered fiom a P 7003 Same as P 7002 excepl
wall these "Slendalites" are a tlexi' with cord.
ble and useful light source. P 7005 Starter type withoul
P 7160 Spries uses eithFr single or P 7006 Baked while One i5w T-I2 0fe-piece duo tone Trigger 5y," 18" 2"
double T-12 fluorescent lamps. They polystvrenedrlfuser. LPF
are designed for horizontal or vertical P 7007 ofe 20w T-12 h ochouls or G_d. Il,RBPr \t i -4'
wall or ceiling mounting. Handsome Conv. Outlet, switch or LPF
cord and plug Rapid syr" 36" 2"
fixtures with abundant light for bath- P 7008 one 30w T 12 TPF
room, corridor or utility room. Rapld 5Yr" 48"
P 700s one 40w T 12 IPF
P 7160 Chrom€ 0ne 20w T-12 Duo tone polystyrene Trlgger 5y," 24" 4%"
diffuser;ch.ome end LPF
P 7161 One 30w T'12 plates;Gnd. Conv Rapid 5y," 36" 4%"
P 7162 One 40w T 12 Rapid 5yr" 48" 4y!"
ll P3150
l, esrsr
)t P3ts2
no^ )
.rq ) ' FOR
l{o. finish Lamps Width Ht. [xtends
P 3150 Chrome Two 100W White gltss;chrome end caps;
X.0. tor swikhi
4" t3" 4yr,'
hrnEed tor P3a54
easy relamping. Gnd. Conv.
P 3151 Four l00W 4" 24" 4Yz"
P 3152 Sir 100W 4" 36' 4V,"
P 3m3 White I Two 60W Whrte I eotd extrdded 1" l3yr" stA"
cotd ,jluminum:spi trghl effect
P 3854 Pol- Brass one 60W Delicatety patterned giass; 4%" rrt/i'
on,off switch
P 3951-10 Pol. Brass 0ne l00W Swivet-mounted tor wa or 5%" S%"
0r 75WlR 30) ceiIns. on-off swrtch
P 3951-30 Wh,tP
P 395?-30 Whrle Two J00W Same as p 3951 series exceDt ?r, 9%"
or /5W !R 30) w,th two swivet.mounted fiiiures
P 3952-10 Pol. Brrss
P 4Aa6 i).
. t.
P 4AA7
P 4a55
P 4854
.x' .:=&;'-.
P 4a1a
P 4AA4
P 4654
Lamp Description
P 4658 Three 60w Sweeping outer glass
with inner bowl
P 4818 Four 60w Gold applique
on white lucent glass
P 495a
l5OW Frame-11'Sq.
P6644 With Albalte Glass
100W Framc- 9" Sq
P5634 W ih Albal,i., Glass
Beeessed Lightutg
The d,ramatic rtersatiLity oJ light
for general i,Ilum'in ation and as a element i,s lyours
with Progress recessed ligllt;ng lirtures.
Concealed abote the ce'iling with only the trim or gloss in uiew,
these subtle I'ight sources cart proa,ide owrall Lightirtg
or create Jasc,inati,ng accents to enhance
or spot|igh,t keg areas of a room and, i.ts d,ecor.
Tile'o Square, I73/rtt x I7:]/q't FLAT ALBALITE GLASS
200W Frame, 13,'Sq
P6721 Aluminum pyram! P66aO-1O Polished Brass
dal retlector. J unction box P668O-15 Chrome
(32 cu. in-, with removable
l, 3lf>-l
included. lMaximum 3OOW R40.
o AdjustabIe''no-notch''
hanger barswith self'nailers.
.' o Anodized reflector provides
permanent-peak reflectivity
. . . lets you use the low-cost
general service lam ps l
\- f,l.l
t"+ Rellector slots provide up to
act 7r/a" ol vefttcal adjustment
for ceilings of varied thick-
; h
.r, € :S; ,* *.
r,.kd@"*. ",v;
'fule**Q. /;6ff-*"*-S'.
P 69O4 Die cast louver P 6905 Satin goLd ano P 6906 Satin aluminu m P 6907 Po lish ed brass
wLth satin black finish Dia. dized. Dia.8"; exposed Ht. a nod ized. Dia. 8"; exposed with red, green, blue jewels-
8"; exposed Ht. 7s ". Ht. Ys" Dia. 8r/4"; ex posed Ht.
Recess rounds with I il"ro*r,0, ,r*,*r,
interchang eable frames 1l ron tlsv tttc
RtL e ntp
D 1 a
P 6585 Pre-wired housing. Levetizer socket adjusts ver, P 6695 Un,wired housing. Levelizer socket adjusts ver-
tically to accommodate 75w (R-30), 15Ow (R 4Oi or lOOw
tically to accommodate 75w (R-30), 15Ow (R,40) or lOOw
lamps. Junction box (32 cu. in. with removabte front and
back covers) has l)" and ,a,, knockouts. approved for
lamps. Die-formed, contoured trames attached by con,
cealed torsion springs. pre,assembled, ready for i;stalla-
bu"U. supply conductors. Die.formed. contoured trames
attached by concealed torsion springs. pre assembled, tion. Two adjustable "No,Notch" bar hangers, square pjas-
ter frame, clips for new or old construction incjuded.
ready for instailation. Two adjuslable ,No-Notch. bar
ndngers, square pjaster frame included
\i'' +Y
Dn 100W.8%"
P 6660-1O
Outside Dia.
Polished Brass Frame
100W 8%" Outside Dia.
100W. B%" Outside Dia.
P 6661-1O Polished Brass Frame P 6662-10 Polished Brass Frame
P 6660-15 Chrorne Frarne P 6661- 15 Chrome Frame P 6662-15 Chrome Frame
P 6660-29 Whrte Frame P 6661-29 White Frame P 6662-29 White Fra me
.-7: .1-'
fi)T l
.+ ,,. t
a a
// / .-! .F_
() '() !,)
P 6919 1S0-watt (R40). Polished P 6917 75'watt (R-3O). Polished P 6921 Pre-wired 75'watt (R-30).
aluminum trim- Outside Dia. 75 "; aluminum trim. Outside Dia.57s"; Polished aluminum trim. Outside Dia.
Housing Dia. 5Y4"; Ht.7". No ex' Housing Dia. 4r/4"; Ht. 53/4" . No ex' 57/s"i Housing piu. 4t7o"; Hl. 5Y+" .
posed ht. lncludes plaster frame, posed ht. lncludes Plaster frame, lncludes plaster frame.
4Y2 ft. AF wire, connector. 4Y2 tt. AF wire, connector.
: .. *
aluminum finish. Outside Dia-
7 r/s" ; E,!.pased Ht. 174";Hous'
ing Dia. 4Ys"; Ht. 51/4t'. ln tl
7Ys"; fiafte white finish. Four
self-tapping screws, male screw nl
/,s E> ?
z cludes plaster frame.
P 6915 Same as P6915 ex
plug with 12" leads, strain relief.
- l" - cept pre'!vired.
P 6913 Surtace mounted
shower light (not illustrated),
t .#,, I
+ -'.,t', ,
rt' A/
,, ." /'\'
I /"
\ "-
\)" \-/ {,/
Square-Flat White class Square-Drop Opal
Rectangular-Flat White Glass
60 P 6412 Housingsize6%" sq., P 6422 Housingsize6%"sq., P 6413 Housing size 42a,, x
WATT framesrze 8%" sq., one 60w lamp. frame size 8/a" sq., one60w tamp. 7 %", f ftne size 6%" x93 6". one 60
60w Iamp. WATT
100 P 6414 Housing size 8" sq., P 6424 Housing size 8" sq., P 6415 Housins size 6%,,r
WATT lftne size 9t4" sq., one i00w lftne sjJe g\a" sq., one l00w 103A" . ftarne size \Ya" x 123A6,' ,
iamp. lamp. one 100w lamp_ WATT
lso P 6415 Housing size 10" sq , P 5426 Housins size 10" sq.,
WATT fftne size l1%" sq., one 150w lnme size 11\" sq., one t50w 150
lamp. lamp. WATT
) n AN.WIRED ../ NJ
<r\,-,..,.,/ (,/
\** --'
Square-Flat White Glass Square-Drop Opal Rectangular-Flat \4thite Glass
60 P 6402 Housinssize6/,r" sq.. P 6432 Housingsize6{"sq.,
P 6403 Horsing size 47a" x
WATT frame size8'/a" sq., ore 60w lamp. l%", ltame sl7e 6t4" x 93/16", 60
frame sieS'/" sq., one 60w lamp.
one 60w lamp. WATT
100 P 6404 Housins size 8" sq.. P 6434 Housing siz€ 8" sq., P 6405 Horsing size 6%" x
WATT ftane size 9%" sq., one 100w frame size 9%" sq,, one l00w 1A%" , f'ar,le size 8%" x t23A6''. 100
lamp. lamp. on€ l00w lanp. WATT
150 P 6406 Housins size 10" sq., P 6436 Housing size 10" sq-,
WATT l'an:'e sirc 1l'4" sq., one 150w Inme size llya" sq., one 150w 150
lamp. lamp. WATT
P 5575,11
P 5575-L4
P 5575-30
P 5575-31
P 5470-3L
P 5470-11
P 5470-L4
P 5470-30
P 5406-3r
P 5407-31
P 5401-30
P 5401,31
P s42a-30
P 542a-31
).r .:: l,
:: -: ::
,:5:?..i ,.
3o' @
f.sr5 !l.rr, t:t; t1, .:, ,'a .r.:t /..
C:isl :rLrfi i,rLir iiri|..t !u:'.:iii-F-p.r
P 5446
P 5436
lantern brackets
and controls
Brackets with a classic look for adapt
rng a post lantern to other mount.
ings. Cast aluminum construction.
P 4725-31 Black wa bracket. fx.
tends 8%". (CD
P e726-3O White surface bracket.
Width 6"; Body At. +4". @fi
P A726-3L Same as p 8726 30 ex.
cept in satin btack. 6D
P A727-3L _Btack a6rner brdcket
Extends 8". fcA)
P a75O-31Xite cuard automatic
lantern control for post mountinp.
Satrn black, wjth hermeticallV seal;
photo-electric cetl. Fits any ;tandard
3" post. Color coded connections.
Body Ht. 6". 3oo-watt capacrty. Sotid
alumtnum sleevF
P a75O-3O Same as p 8750.3I ex-
cept in white.
P a7so,31
P 8750-3()
@ Cast aluninum f htures guaranteed tust.tree fat tife.
a P 55aO .l P s5a1
- .. .:l , .,, rj
'.:- .rL; fd ;l"9i
.^. 19* ffi
(opposite page) P 5584 Cast colonial ceiting lantern P 5583 Cast wa version of p 5582.
P 5580 Cast coach lantern replica with star-cut beveted panets. Width Width 5/a"; Body Ht. 137a,,; Extends
with polished brass reflector. cast 51/a": Bady Ht. 1Oy2" . 7V2".
eagle, brass trim. star-cut beveled P 55a4-11 Antrque brass.
panels. Width 53/t": Body Hl. 23y"" P 55a3-11 Antique brass.
Extends 8".
P 5584-14 Antique copper. P 5583-14 Antique copper.
P 5580-11 Antique brass. P 5584-30 White with brass. P 5583-3O White with brass.
P 558O-14 Antique copper. P 5544-31 Black with brass. P 55a3-31 Black with brass.
P 5580-3O White with brass.
(this page) P 5585 Charming cast chain lantern
P 55aO-31 Black with brass. \ with star-cut beveled panels. Width
P 5582 Sweeping cast scrollwork
P 5581 Stately cast coJonial lantern graces 18th Century lantern replica sya": Body Ht. 123/+": Overall Ht_
with bull's-eye lens, star,cut beveled with polished brass reflector and trim. (ca)
panels, polished brass reflector and cast eagle. Star-cut beveled panels. P 55a5-11 Antrque brass.
trim. Wjdth 53/4": Body Hl. 23Vt"; Overail Width 26"; Body Ht. 133//a": P 5585-14 Antique copper.
Extends 87a". Eltends 8". 6i) P 5585-30 White with brass.
P 55a1-11 AntiqLle brass_ P 55a2-11 Antique brass. P 5585-31 Black with brass
P 5581-14 Antique copper. P 5582-14 Antique copper.
P 5581-3O White with brass. P 5582-3O White with brass.
Cast alum j n u m f i xtu tes .t
P 55a1-31 Black with brass P 55a2-31 Black with brass uaran teed
60 1
P 5603
P 5959
-') P 5604
P 5a75-30
P 5875-31
P 5603 Decorative biack wall lan-
tern with amber glass. Width 474";
Bady Ht. 9!/a"i Exlends 33/4".
P 5604 Solid aluminun'l wall fixture
in black with scroll detail and white
ceramic glass. Width
8": Extends 4Y2" .
5%"; BodY Ht.
P 5720 Casl aiuminum wall fixture
in satin black with oPalescent
molded glass. Width 5rlr"; BodY !!
10"; Extends 5". A4)
P 5a46-30 White coach lantern with
polashed beveled pa nels, polished
brass trim. Width 5%"; BodY Ht
173/a"; Extends 7".
P 5a46-31 same as P 5846 30 ex
P 5969 P 5446-30 cept in black.
P 5a46-31 P 5a75-3O Handsomewhite lantern,
polished beveled panels. Width 5%";
Body Hl. 123/a"; Extends 6"-
P 5875-31 same as P 5875-30
except in black.
P 5959 Antique hammered cast
aluminLrm ceiling fixture with stip
pled glass panels. width 93/4"1 Body
Ht. 3t/2t'.Iwo 6o'watt lamps.
P 5967 Polished fluted crystal glass
on an antique hammered cast alu_
P 5720 rninum wall lantern. Width 5%";
Body Ht- 8"; Extends 6r/+". @
P 5969 Antique hammered cast alu.
minum fixture with clear pebbled
glass. Width 7Ye": Body Ht.8";
Extends 8".
P 597O Satin black outdoor wall fix-
ture with French molded crystal glass.
Widlh 43/a"; Body Ht. 8"; Extends 4".
P s970
P 5967
Garden Lighting
P 523() P 5231
P s616
Die cast aluminum walland ceiling
P 5618 fixtures that are guaranteed rust-
{ree for life. 'Ihey feature screw-
type opal glass in a variety of
shapes, satin iinish, vapor-proof
gaskets, and porceiain sockets.
P 5510 Ceiling lixture. Dia. 4Y2"',
Overall Ht. 7". Ooe 1oo-watt lamP.
P 5614
P 5511 Wall fixturc. Dia. 4Y2";
Overall Ht. 8Y2"; Extends 53/4". One
100 watt lamp.
P 5512 Two-light wall fixture. Dia.
@ '!
{ffi P 5613
4r/r": Ovetall Ht. 13%"; Extends
53/4". Two loo-watt
lamps. @
5613 Ceiling fixture. Dia. 6";
OverallHt.8". One 1oo.watt lamP.
P 5618 Two-light wall fixture. Dia
6'; Overall Ht. 15r/2": Ertends 7"
Two 100-watt lamps. ac,
Solid aluminLrm outdoor wall fixtures
in matte black finish with hi-impact
white plastic spheres.
P 5626 Dia. 8"; Overall Ht. 15";
Extends 10". One 75.watt lamp.
P 5s11 P 5636 Dia. 10"; OveralL Ht. 17";
Extends 12". One 1oo'watt lamP. fJ{
P 5512
P 5510 @ liu *.t
rost lree for lle.
aluminum fxtures guaranie€d d
fl rrl
f .-;,+r, P 3830
'[.4J I
'/lt tlil
/t tii
'lqt t: \';'/l;
'lr1iI ll,7
f,- --
f rEtt-l i' tr
P 3677
P 40to
P 3759
Eody overall
Finish Description Dia- Ht. Ht-
I 0
P 4070 -14 X
P 4059 Pol. Srass Five 60w Satin opal shades 22' I3%' 42,
P 4070-14 Anl. Copper Three 60w Wood-grarned 24' 20, 42,
plastic wagon
wheel wilh three
lanterns, frosted
glass chimneys.
.tg .?. ;{
-) t
P 4012-10
P 40L2-tL
Body 0verall
Finish Lamps Description Dia. Ht. Ht.
P 3702-10 Pol- Brass one 75 W Nlilk white hobnail glass 8' 9'
P 3702-11 Ant Brrss
P 3835 Pol. Brass one 40 WClear optic glass; switch 9/r" Exl.6'
flame type
P 45L9-14
P 4519-10
P 4521-I4
P 4521-10
P 4520-10
P 4520-14
P 4224-L4
P4224_Lo r,-si?,r2i>
Body 0verall
No. Finish Lamps Dia. Ht. Length
P 3736 Pol. Brass Three 40 W Clear optic glass 18' - t2,
flame type
P 4013-10 Pol. Brass One 100 W [4ilk white hobnz lglobe; 13 i1" 36" P4013-11
ekhed glass ch mn€y
P 4013-11 Ant. Brass
P 4223-10 Pol. Brass one 100 W Satif frosted glass 12' lA%' 30'
P 4223-14 Ant. Copper
!P 1i?{-11 A"r. Copper 01e 100 w Sat,r trosrpd gtass L2', 9,
4224-10 PoJ. Brass
P 4519-14 Ant. Copper One 30r70/100 W Satin frosled glass 12', 14', 26" to6?'
P 4519-10 Pol. Brass Three-wav switch
P 4520-10 Pol. Brass one 100 W Satin frosted glass L2', t4'
P 4520-14 Ant. Copper
452I-14 Alt. Copoer One 100
4521-10 Pol. Bra!s
W Salin irosted Sldss 12' , t4%'
P 4227
|l! i Fz, !-
1I l\ ;{
I at,
P 4454 {
P 422A
P 44LO-62
P 4457 P 4410-61
P 4410-63
P 4228 Pol. Srass Three 100W Tripte cord pendari; 12" ln 54"
doric_ribbed opat gtass
P 4410,61 0ne l00W Textured glass;embossed 10,,
P 4410-62 Smoke Clear aniique brass trinr.
P 4410-63 0range Complete wrth canopy,
cord and charn
_ il{r
rzNl P 3726
P 3747-LO
P 3747-L4
P 3747-15
.\\ |/.,/
P 37L7 \Lz-"
P 3756
.'*t .z z\
r':.. 't ::4 f: ,'
Iamps Description Dia. Ht.
P 3510
P 3111
P 3718
15 Chrome
Pol. Brass
Pol. Brass
0ne 75
0ne i5
SimuLated cut glass
P 30ao
P 3081
P 3346 P 3090 P 30a3
P 3344 P 3092
P 3350
P 5913-16
P 3755-12
P 3755-r6
P 3064
P 3440
P 3442
Lamps Description Dia. Ht.
P 3064 one l00w White opalescent glass; cnd. 4%" 6/s
conv. outlet;switch
P 3080 0ne 100w CeramicJired glass;cnd. 4%" 5%"
conv. outlet
P 3081 Same as p 3080,less C.0.
P 3083 Gnd. conv. outlet; pull,chain
P 3090 Chrome 0ne 100w Ceramic fired glass;cnd_ 5%" 4%"
conv. outlet
P 3092 Same as p 3090, with pulJ chajn
P 3522-34
P 3755-12 Satin Brass 0ne i00w Pierced metal cylinderi 5%" 5%"
or R-30 Solid rlumin!m
P 3755-16 Satin Alum.
P 6913-16 Satin Aium. 0ne l00w 0pal glass shower lisht: 41/s" 63/n"
Water{ight gasket -
P 7502 P 7503 P 7604
. swivel {eature lor directional lighting. r.tic
1. {
P 7522 P 7523 P 7524
l{o. Lamps Ballast Size Outlet Svritch Retlector Diffuser
P 7425 one 20w Trigger 3V$" x 26%" K.0. K.0. P 7502 P 1522
P 7437 One 30w Rapid 3YE" x 38%" x.0. K.0. P 7503 P 7523
P 7449 one 40w 3V6" x 501s" K.0. K.0. P 750rt P l52t
P 7451 one 14w Regular 3" x 16%" Gnd. P 7m0 P 7520
P 7456 one 15w Regular 3" x \9%" Gnd. yes P 7501 P t52t
"t*''-l *Swivel feature for directional light
P 7500 P 7520
P 7501 P 752r
P 7451
P 7456
P 7329 -15 ,.....
P 7352
P 7333-15
P 7333-30
Lamps Ht,
P 7323 0ne 22w Circline Rapid 9%. 2%"
P 7329"15 Chrome Two Circlin€s, Rapid 4%"
22w and 32w
P 7333-1s Chrome 0ne 32w Circline Rapid
P 7333-31) White
P 7357 Two Circlines, Rapid
32w and 40w
P 7353 Three Circlines, Rapid
22vt , 32w , AAw
'6P 3155
P 3156
P 3157
*P 3012 P 3024
- ---'i}-,'":t=
No. Lamps Description Width Ht. €xtends
*P 3012 Chrcme Tw0 75W 13"
Ribbed design on channel stdts; 5%"
Gnd. Conv- 0utlet
P 302{ Chrome Four 75W K.0- for switch 23" 5t4"
P 3030 Two 100W White opalescent glass' K.0_ ior llyr- 5%" 4%"
switch: Gnd. Conv. outlet
P 3033 t%" 5Y1"
'P 3155 White & Two 60W Ceramic fir€d white b€nt glass; 18r," 1y,"
Gold perforated and embossed
aluminum reflector; cnd. Conv.
outlet; K.0. fo. swjtch
P 3156 White & Four 60W 21Y?" th" P 3942-12
P 3157 White & Six 60W 38%- 7y1', 5" P 3942-16
P 3813 Pol. Brass one /5W While ceramrc glass; on-off 7%" 5)^"
P 46A2.AL
P 4682-aO
P 4644
,\ trj P 4842 Two 60w Silver applique design on textured glass I2'
-:E- P 4844
P 4952
P 4954
Three 60w
Three 60w
60w Satin etched design
P 4932 P 4956 Four 60w 16',
P 4954 P 4962 Two 60w Delicate design on white ceramic glass 12',
P 4956 P 4964 Two 60w t4'
P 4976 Three 60w 16'
P 4963 Two 60w Same as P 4962 excepi wlth pull'chain 12'
t' L. P 6453
./ u P 6455
'.. tlf
t ,'
P 6452-15 .././
P 6452-29 /" rl /
P 6454-1s
P 6454-29
ttame Frame Housing Body
.l No. Finish Lamps Description size Size Ht.
P 6452-15 Chrome 0ne 60w Square recess box; BYa " sq. 6% " sq. 4Yi"
P 6452'29 White torsion springs;
cerarnic whlte glass
'tk P 6454'15 Chrome 0ne 100w 9'/,l " sq. 8'sq. 4%"
P 6454-29 White
P 6456'15 Ch.ome 0ne 150w 111/' sq. 10" sq. 4Y!"
P 6456-29 Whrle
P 6453 Chrome 0fe 60w Rectaigular recess 6ya" x 93/rE" 43,\' x,1%" A%"
bo,.tor(.0a p.t rq\
cerarnic-flred white
P 64s6-15 P 6455 Chrome one l00w 8y4" x 12%E' 6%" \ l0%" 4*"
P 6456-29
P 5481-31
P 54al-30
P 5491
) 0 P 5425
P 5391
P 5392
P 572A
P 5954 P 5730
P 5962
P ssgs
P 5960-31
P 5964
P s94a-31
P 5727-31 Satin Elack Pebbled glassr 0ne 60W lVz" sa. 3%"
P 5729-31 Tv,/o 60W 9%" sq. 3t4"
P 5964 P 5728 Satin Black Amber glass; 0ne 60W 1%" sq. 3%"
P 5730 Two 60W 9%" sq. 3Y1"
P 5948-31 Satin Black Flui€d crystal globe 4%" dia. 71A" syi'
P 5958 Salin Black Amber Class panels 1yr" 5y,"
) c
P 5597-31
P 5597-40
P 5735
P 5915
P 5974
P s6()0-31
P 56()0-40 P 5602
P 3663 9
P 3027 56 P 3664 9
3 CoNCEALED ToRS|0N SPRINGS . . . A patented featu.e P 3028 56 P 3665 9
that makes maintenance and re-larhpihg easier,
P 3030 91
P 3033 91 P 3670. 43
P 3671 43
P 3050 57 P 3672 44
P 3051 57 P 3673 44
4-CANoPY LoCK-UP DISICN . . . For pulleys and chain P 3053 54 P 3674 44
pendants. Eliminates unsightly screw heads, cuts installation P 3054 54
time. P 3064 a9 P 3677 82
P 3070 91 P 3702 a4
P 3703 44
P 3073 91 P 3713 1a
P 3075 9l
5 SoLID BRASS CHANoELIERS. . , For solid, durable beauty P 3077 9l P 3114
P 3717
in a variety of styles and Iinishes. P 3080 89
P 30al a9 P3t\A 88
P 3083 a9 P 3719 43
3720 52
Lifetime P
P 3721 52
construction . . . cast aluminum guaranteed not to corrode P 3092 89 P 3723 aa
or rust. P 3150 59 P 3124 8a
P 3151 59 P 3726 aa
P 3/27 88
P 3t52 59
7 PERMANENT DECoRAToR FINISHES . . . Hand applied P 3154 55 P 3730 52
9l P 3731
and baked-on to prevent fading or rubbing oll for a lifetime. P 3155 P 3735 a4
P 3156 9l P 3736 a5
P 3157 91
P 3737 l9
I 8 IMPoRTED TRIPLEX GLASSSHADES... Unsurpassedfor P 3160 55 P 3734 44
I P 316r 55 P 3745 11
high light output and even diffusion. P 3170 55 P 3147 8a
P 3171 55
P 3172 55 P 3749 aa
P 3750 13
9-QUALITY C0NTR0L AND INSPECTI0N . . . Every Progress P 3206 53 P 3752 aa
P 3208 53 P 3753 a8
fixture identified and registered to assure satisfaction. P 3210 53 P 3754 a6
P 3212 53
P 3214 53 P 3755 a9
P 3222 51 ? 3759 a2
ln materia, or manufacturing, with Progress replacement
P 3223 5I P 3760 44
policy. P 3260 45 P 3762 44
P 3261 45
P 3262 45 P 3771 43
11-EASY-T0-USE INSTRUCTI0N SHEETS. .. Clearly written P 3270 5l P 3775 43
P 3774 43
and simple to understand, they make installations easier, P 3240 50 P 3119 44
faster. P 3241 50 P 3746 16
P 3300 89 P 3789 16
P 3301 a9
12 HIGH-TEST PRoTECTIVE CARToNS . . . Specially de" P 3346 89 ? 3790 45
P 3344 a9 P 3791 45
signed to specification; prevent damage in handung and P 3350 a9 P 3792 45
shippinc. P 3795 5
P 3408 a9 P 3aO3 59
P 3410 89 P 3807 17
13 . . . 0n all P 3440 89 P 3al0 14
Progress fixtures (where applicable) assures you of rigid P 3414 18
safety standards. P 3506 a8
P 3508 aa P 3419 15
P 3510 aa P 3821 15
P 3a22 l5
P 3437
P 3525 52 P 3840 I4
15 HAND DETAILING lnfinite and time-consumins P 3841 19
attention to fine woodwork, intricate ornamentation and P 3526 52 P 3445 t1
P 3527 52 P 3a50 13
hand-chased castings. P 3524 52
P 3529 P 3A54 59
P 3A7T 26 P 4238 a6 P 4590 50 P 5421 70
2t P 4239 P 5964 94 P 6913 a9
P 3875 86 P 4593 50 P 5423 72 P 5965 94
P 3477 a2 P 5424 P 6915 66
77 P 5966 95 P 6916 66
P 3886 16 P 4300 3 P 4620 61 P 5425 93 P 5967 7A P 6977 66
P 3889 16 P 4302 10 P 4630 6l P 5426 l2 P 69 ta 66
P 4304 10 P 4658 60
P 4305 2 P 4672
P 5968 94
P 3900 38 92 P 5428 70 P 5969 7a P 6919 66
P 3901 41 P 4307 4 P 4642 92 P 5436 72 P 6920
P 4308 P 5970 7a 66
P 3902 39 6 P 4684 92 P 5438 70 P 6921 66
P 3903 40 P 4693 6t P 5446 /2 P 5974 95 P 6922 66
P 3904 40 P 4309 7 P 4695 61 P 5470 68
P 3905 41 P 4310 7 P 6402 P 7000
P 3906 P 4313 30 P 4705 45 67 P 7001
39 P 5473 69 P 6403 67 58
P 3907 3A P 43t4 30 P 47 t3 61 P 5415 93 P 7002 58
P 4324 P 6404 67
a6 P 47) 5 6t P 5481 93 P 6405 6l P 7003 5a
P 3941 9l P 4325 86 P 4f42 92 P 5490 93 P 7004 5a
4/ 43
P 6406 67
P 3942 91 P 92 P 549L 93 P 7005
P3951 59 P 432a a6 5A
P 4340 74 92
P 6412 67 P 7006 58
P 3952 59
P 4347 24 P 4ala 60
P 5510
P 5511
a0 P 6413 6l P 7007 5a
P 4342 80 P 64t4 67 P 7008 58
4000 29 3 P 4a42 92 P 55t2 80
4345 P 6415 67 P 7009 58
P 4006 a2 P 20 ? 4844 92 P 5520 69 P 64t6 67
P 4007
P 4346 2a P 4455 60 5522 7'l
a2 P P T IOO 48
P 4009 83 P 485a 60 P 6422 67 P 71OI 4a
P 4010 a2 P 4347 20 P 5540 53 P 6424 Pi 702
P 4350 13 67 4A
P 4072 a4 P 48a4 60 P 5541 53 P 6426 67 P7 tO3 4a
P 4013 a5 P 4351 36 P 4485 60 P 5550 53 tO4
P 4352 36 P 6432 67 P7
P 4aa6 60 P 5551 53 P 6434 67
P 4353 36 4aa7 P7lO5 4a
P 4014 la P 4354 36
P 60 P 5560 53
P 4015 84 P 4942 6t P 5561 53 P 6436 6f P 59
P 4019 15 P 4361 37 P 6452 92 P7752 59
4020 P 4944 61 P 5575 68 P 6453 92 P7160 5a
P 402t
P 4362 3l P 4946 61 P 5580 74 P 6454 92 P 7t6t 58
P 4363 37 55al l4 P lt62 58
P 4024 51 P 4364 3l P 4952 92 P
P 4954 92 P 5582 f5 P 6455 92 P 7163 58
P 4367 20 P 55a3 P 7164 58
P 4026 30 51 P 4395 75 P 6456 92
5 5584 74
P 4033 51 P4956 92 P
55a5 75 P 7165 5a
P 4037 19 'P4470 a7 P 495a 60 P P 6630 62 P 7766 58
P4040 Il P 447I a7 P 4962 92
55a9 95
P 6631 62
P 404t 19 P 4430 3 P 4963 92 P P 6633 62 P 7143 49
P 4964 P 5597 95 6634 P fta6
P 4440 36 92
P 5594 94
P 62 49
P 4043 26 P 4441 36 P 4976 92 P 7193 49
P 5600 95 P 6640 62 P 7796
P 4059 83 P 4442 3f P 5601 95
P 4070 a3 P 4443 P 5000 34 P 6641 62
37 P 5602 95 P 6643 62 P 7210 67
P 5001 34
P 4A71
P 4015
2t P 4445 P 5002 34 P 6644 62 P f2lt 67
P 4076 2t P 4447
53 P 5003 34 P 5603 P 6650 63 P 7231 6l
P 5004 32 P 5604 7a P 665I 63
P 444a 53 P 5605 95 P 7323 90
P 4103 17 P 4449 53 P 5005 35 P 7329 90
P 4704
P 5607 77 P 6660 65
17 P 4451 53 P 5613 ao P 6661 P 7333 90
P 4105 tf P
33 P 5614 ao P 6662
65 P 7352 90
P 4106 17 P 4457 AJ P 7353 90
P 4108 P 500a 33 P 6664 65
25 P 445A a7 P 5615 ao
P 4110 t4 P 5009 32
P 446t 23 P 5010 35 P 5616 80 P 667 1 65 P 1425 90
P 4127 30 P 4462 23 P 7437 90
P 5011 33 P 5617 80 P 6672 65
P 4467 26 P 5012 33 P 5618 ao P 6676 65 P 7449 90
P 4130 24 P 4468 26 P 5013 35 P 6677 65 P 7457 90
P 4131 24 P 4469 26 5626 P 6680 63 P 7456 90
P 4132 24 P 4470
P ao
P 4133
26 P 5226 l9 P 5636 ao P 6681 63
P 7500 90
P 5227 79 P 5673 77
P 4142 23 P 4446 16 522a 6683 P 750t 90
P 4744 23
P 79 P 57 t9 76 P 65
P f502
P 4489 t6 P 5230 79 P 5720 fa P 6644 65 90
P 4500 29 P 5231 l9 P 7503 90
P 4145 23 P 4501 29 P 5232 79 P 5f21 76 P 6645 65 P /504 90
P 414/ 30 P 4510 26 P 5233 79 5722
4148 22
P 76 P 6695 65 P 7520
P P 5723 :16 90
P 4T49 23 4519 a5 P 5300 73 P 7527 90
P 4742 26
P 5301
P 5724 /6 P 6702 62 P 7522 90
P 4520 85 73 P 5726 77 P 67 72 62
P 4521 a5 P 5303 l3 P 6721 63 P /523 90
P 42IO 35 P 4522 24 P 5304 73 P 5'127 94 P 6731 63
P 7524 90
P 4217 35 P 4523 24 P 5309 73 P 5724 94
P 4212 35 P 5310 72 P 5f29 94 P 7600
P 42t6 P 4530 a P 5311 l2 P 5730 94
P 6aOO
P 6815
P 4218 a6 P 4531 a P 5391 93 P 5735 95 P 7897
P 4219 a6 P 5392 93 P 6830 63 (Decorator
P 4532 8 P 6431 63
P 4536 t2 P 5401 70 P 5824 76 P 6840 63 Bulbs) 46-47
P 4220 29 P 4537 l2 P 5402 70 P 5446 7A
P 4221 29 P 453a t2 P 5403 70 P 5475 7a P 6A4l 63 P 7950 66
P 4222 29
P 4223 P 5405 J1 P 6442 63 4703 57
85 P 4540 4 P 5406 P 5915 95 P
P 4224 a5 P 4544
69 P 8772 39
4 P 5407 69 P 5944 94 P 6900 64
P 45a4 24 P 5954 94 P af 1/ 66
4227 a7 4585
P 6901 64
P P 25 P 540a 68 P 5959 /8 P 6904 64 P 4725 73
P 422A a7 P 45a6 30 P 5409 68 P 5960 94
P 423t 29 P 5410 72
P 6905 64 P 4726 f3
4232 P 6906 64 P 4727 73
P 29 P 45a9 30 P 5420 71 P 5962 94 P 6907 64 P a750 73