Autoclaves - Generic Assessment - L Use of Autoclaves
Autoclaves - Generic Assessment - L Use of Autoclaves
Autoclaves - Generic Assessment - L Use of Autoclaves
Hazards and potential harm (Risks) involved Who might be Actions to prevent or control harm (control measures) Risk assessment
in the task harmed score
(What are the dangers and likely injuries?) (including training, maintenance, servicing) (see below)
1. Electrical hazard causing electric shock User and those in 1. Ensure all electrical equipment is PAT tested, report any faults 2x4=8
close proximity
2. Explosion due to failure of pressure vessel User and those in 2. Ensure properly inspected, maintained and serviced, fitted with 2x3=6
causing impact injuries close proximity pressure release valve. Records must be kept 3x2=6
3. High pressure steam, steam, hot liquids and User 3. Training, Interlock fitted, use PPE, follow bio-hazard guidelines 3x2=6
4. Chemical hazard of substances prior to User 4. See COSHH Assessments for safety control measures See COSHH
autoclaving see COSHH assessments
5. Glass sharps causing cuts to hands User 5. Use gloves, see SOM018 2x2=4
Does this procedure require an Out-of-Hours working permit? YES / NO Is this procedure authorised for Lone working? YES / NO
Reference Number: Is this procedure authorised for Out-of-Hours working? YES / NO
If Probability or Severity = 4 Stop work immediately, review control measures
4.Probable / likely 4..Fatal or injury causing long term or permanent absence from work Risk Assessment Action
3..Possible 3..Major injury greater than 3 days incapacity from work Score
2..Remote possibility 2..Minor injury causing up to 3 days incapacity from work 16..Stop work immediately, review control measures, seek advice
1..Virtually impossible 1..Minor injury or illness, no absence from work 12 or above..Stop work review control measures to reduce risk, monitor regularly
8 or 9...Review control measures to try to reduce risk
Probability x Severity = Risk Assessment Score less than 8..Low priority, but still try to reduce risk
Regulations, Standards, Codes of Practice and guidance notes can be found in the School Safety Policy and on the School web site (School Senior Safety Advisor) room C15, Materials Science Building, Ext. 63596