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Post-Disturbance Transient Stability Status Prediction Using Synchrophasor Measurements

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Post-Disturbance Transient Stability Status Prediction

Using Synchrophasor Measurements
Dinesh Rangana Gurusinghe, Student Member, IEEE, and Athula D. Rajapakse, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractThis paper presents a novel method to early pre- rather complicated and expensive [4]. As SPSs are event based
dict the transient stability status of a power system after being control systems that activate controls in response to occurrence
subjected to a severe disturbance. The proposed technique of some pre-identied set of disturbances, any modications to
is based on rate of change of voltage vs. voltage deviation
ROCOV V characteristics of the post-disturbance voltage the system requires alteration of the control logic [5]. Response
magnitudes obtained from synchrophasor measurements. Con- based wide area protection and control (WAPaC) systems are
verging and diverging nature of the post-disturbance trajectories the best alternative for SPSs as they can potentially be simpler
on ROCOV V plane is used to recognize the transient stability while being effective [5][7]. Response based WAPaC system
status. The proposed technique is computationally simple and fast can be implemented using wide area synchrophasor measure-
compared to the rotor angle based transient stability prediction
methods. Ofine simulations and real-time experimental studies ments. With phasor measurement units (PMUs) conforming to
carried out for the IEEE 39-bus test system showed over 99% new synchrophasor standard [8], more predictable and consis-
overall success rate under symmetrical and asymmetrical faults tent synchrophasor measurements can be obtained during the
as well as changes in pre-disturbance conditions and network post-disturbance period.
topology changes. In literature, there are four basic approaches to predict the
Index TermsPost-disturbance trajectory, real-time digital sim- transient stability status a power system: 1) time-domain simu-
ulation, stability status prediction, synchrophasor measurements, lations, 2) transient-energy-function (TEF) methods, 3) curve-
transient stability, wide area protection. tting techniques, and 4) machine-learning based classication
The time-domain simulation is the most straightforward
routine where a set of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs)
representing the power system are solved using step-by-step
T HE operational changes brought about by economic and
environmental pressures force large interconnected power
systems to operate near to the limits of stability. The risk of
numerical integration [9], [10]. The simulation duration is nor-
mally limited to about 3 to 5 seconds following the disturbance
[3], [11]. In [12][14], post-disturbance rotor angle trajectories
such a power system entering into unstable state following a
are obtained faster than real-time with the aid of various tools
large disturbance such as a fault is very high. In order to pre-
and techniques. This approach requires specialized computing
vent blackouts initiated by instabilities, early prediction of the
resources and needs accurate network conguration during and
potentially dangerous conditions is essential [1]. Fast recogni-
after a disturbance, which is difcult to get in real-time without
tion of instabilities provides opportunity to initiate emergency
a specialized scheme similar to those of SPSs. TEF methods
control actions [2].
are based on the direct method of Lyapunov stability principle,
Large disturbance rotor angle stability, which is commonly
which allows determining the stability of a system without
known as the transient stability, is the ability of synchronous
explicitly integrating the differential equations [15], [16]. The
machines of an interconnected power system to maintain syn-
power system stability assessment is done by constructing
chronism when subjected to a severe disturbance [3]. The sta-
an energy function (Lyapunov function), which contains the
bility status after a disturbance depends on the pre-disturbance
kinetic energy and potential energy, comparing with respect to
system operating condition, the form of disturbance, and the
a critical energy level for a given disturbance [17]. In practical
post-disturbance network conguration [3]. Transient stability
power system, however, it is hard to determine the levels of
is a fast phenomenon and a generator or group of generators
kinetic and potential energy under certain disturbances.
can potentially lose the synchronism in few seconds after a dis-
Application of curve-tting techniques to predict the future
turbance, depending on their inertia. In order to prevent poten-
behavior of post-disturbance trajectories, especially of the rotor
tial transient instability, it is common practice to provide con-
angles, is another approach used for predicting transient insta-
trols referred as special protection systems (SPSs), which are
bilities [18][20]. Even though the curve-tting methods do not
need the knowledge of the network conguration and parame-
Manuscript received March 02, 2015; revised August 06, 2015; accepted Oc-
ters of power system, they are sensitive to the startup time of
tober 20, 2015. Paper no. TPWRS-00287-2015.
The authors are with the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T5V6, prediction and the sampling period, thus prediction accuracy is
Canada (e-mail: umgurusi@myumanitoba.ca; Athula.Rajapakse@umani- poor. The transient instability can be predicted with post-fault
power system variables such as voltages, phase angles, real and
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. reactive power injections using classiers trained with various
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2496302 machine learning techniques such as articial neural networks

0885-8950 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


(ANN), decision trees (DT), fuzzy logic, and support vector ma-
chines (SVM) [7], [21][27]. Training of robust classiers ap-
plicable to all operating conditions is a time consuming task
and needs experts well versed in both power system behavior
and machine learning techniques. Power industry is generally
reluctant to apply black-box type machine learning solutions,
especially in real-time control and protection applications. Fig. 1. SMIB system with the initial steady-state power ow solution.
In [7] and [27], post-disturbance recovery voltage magni-
tude measurements have been successfully used to predict the
rotor angle instability status using SVM classiers. In [7], the
measured bus voltages are compared with a set of pre-identi-
ed voltage variation trajectory templates to evaluate a fuzzy
membership that indicate the similarity between the measured
voltage variations and the templates. The similarity values are
input to the trained SVM to make the classication. In contrast,
the SVM in [27] directly uses a sequence of sampled values of
the post disturbance voltages measured at selected buses. The
work in these two references establishes that the post-distur-
bance recovery voltage magnitude measurements have a strong
relationship with the post-disturbance transient stability status
[7], [27]. Based on that premise, a new approach that does not
rely on machine learning is developed in this paper for early Fig. 2. Variations of rotor angle and voltage magnitude following a fault.
prediction of the transient stability status of power system. The
proposed technique monitors the loci of the post-disturbance
requires to be updated in each measurement instant, and this cal-
voltage magnitudes on rate of change of voltage vs. voltage
culation requires the connectivity status of all generators. The
deviation ROCOV plane, and declares instability con-
voltage magnitudes do not need such a reference except for nor-
dition if it crosses a predened boundary. The voltage measure-
malizing to a per unit (pu) quantity [4], [27].
ments are obtained from PMUs. This method is simple to imple-
In order to examine the use of generator terminal voltage
ment and capable of predicting rst-swing transient instabilities
magnitudes as an indicator of the post-disturbance transient in-
as well as multi-swing transient instabilities of a power system
stability of a power system, consider the single machine in-
following a severe disturbance. In addition, the proposed new
nite bus (SMIB) system shown in Fig. 1. It is simulated in
method can recognize the most critical generator(s), which is
PSCAD software with the 555 MVA, 24 kV, 60 Hz, three-phase,
vital for initiating emergency control actions. The proposed ap-
2-pole synchronous generator given in [10]. The parameters of
proach could be implemented as the basis for a response-based
the generator, its excitation system with automatic voltage reg-
WAPaC scheme against transient instability.
ulator (AVR) and power system stabilizer (PSS) are also given
in [10]. When the generator delivers 500 MVA at 0.9 power
factor (lagging) the initial steady-state power ow solution pro-
Rotor angles of generators are the direct indicators of tran- vides the generator terminal voltage as pu. At 1.0
sient stability status of a power system as the energy imbalance s, a three-phase to ground fault is applied at the midpoint (loca-
in a generator due to a perturbation causes the rotor angle vari- tion F) of one of the parallel transmission lines and the fault is
ations [3]. Generator terminal voltage magnitudes are also af- cleared by removing the faulted line. Fig. 2 shows the variations
fected due to a perturbation. Although the terminal voltage of a of the rotor angle and the terminal voltage magnitude obtained
generator does not directly indicate its stability status, the ter- for different fault durations. It is observed that the power system
minal voltage dip during a fault and a slow rate of voltage re- is stable when the fault duration is less than 490 ms whereas the
covery after clearing the fault restrict the generator electrical power system is unstable when it is 500 ms.
power output during the transient period. Thus, the generator Two transient stability indicators investigated in this paper
terminal voltage magnitudes have a critical impact on the tran- are the generator terminal voltage deviation and the rate of
sient stability following a fault and can be used as an indicator change of after clearing a fault. They are calculated as:
of the transient stability status of a power system [4], [7], [27].
As a transient stability status indictor, terminal voltage mag- (1)
nitudes have several advantages over the rotor angles. Time
tagged voltage magnitude measurements can directly be ob-
tained through PMUs installed at the generator terminals. In where is the measured voltage magnitude in pu, and
contrast, the rotor angle of a generator needs to be derived from ROCOV is rate of change of voltage (pu/s). With time syn-
other indirect measurements or measured with a specially de- chronized measurements from PMUs, and ROCOV can be
ployed optical or magnetic sensor [8]. The rotor angles should easily determined. At the measurement:
be expressed relative to a common reference such as the center
of inertia (COI) angle in order to be meaningful. The COI angle ROCOV (3)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



In multi-machine systems, it is assumed that time synchro-
nized generator terminal bus voltage measurements are avail-
able from PMUs, and the measurements are sent to a central
location such as a load dispatch center (LDC) through a dedi-
cated telecommunication infrastructure. At the LDC, the data is
collected by a phasor data concentrator (PDC) which then time
aligns, does the quality checks and feeds the processed measure-
ments to the transient stability status prediction algorithm.
Fig. 3. Plot of ROCOV vs. .
The development of the proposed transient stability status
prediction scheme for a multi-machine system involves three-
where is the PMU reporting rate given as frame/s or fps. i) Identication of contingencies that makes each generator
The post-disturbance trajectories of the operating point on marginally unstable through dynamic simulations
ROCOV plane are shown in Fig. 3. When the system is ii) Determination of stability boundary for each generator
stable, the operating point takes a spiral trajectory and con- iii) Detection of severe disturbances to trigger the transient
verges to a point on the axis. When the power system is stability status prediction algorithm
unstable, the trajectory diverges; the operating point moves
away from the origin farther into the 2nd , 3rd or 4th quadrant of A. Identification of Marginally Critical Contingencies
the ROCOV plane. From the simulation experiments, it
was evident that a stability boundary can be dened as shown in It is important to identify marginally stable/unstable contin-
Fig. 3. If a post-disturbance operating point trajectory crosses gencies for each generator considering credible contingencies
the stability boundary from the stable region to unstable region, applied in dynamic simulations. The easiest way is to apply a
the power system can be declared as unstable. bolted fault at the generator terminal bus and increase the fault
The proposed method of determining the transient instability duration until the generator becomes unstable. This routine
is useful only if the stability status can be predicted sufciently works for most generators; however, occasionally the neigh-
in advance to enable automatic emergency control actions. In- boring generators can become unstable before the generator
stant at which a multi-machine power system become unstable under consideration. This happens when the generator being
can be identied using the transient stability index, , calculated considered is much stronger than the neighboring generators.
from the generator rotor angles [28]: In such cases, the pre-disturbance operating conditions can be
modied, for example, by increasing the load on the strong
generator while reducing the load on the neighboring weak
(4) generators. Identication of the marginally stable/unstable
cases need to be performed by the study engineers well familiar
with the particular power system, especially when the power
where is the maximum angle separation between any system has HVDC infeeds and FACTS devices.
two generators during the post-disturbance. When the transient
stability index , the power system is considered as stable;
B. Determination of Stability Boundary
otherwise the power system is transiently unstable. Thus, this
index is directly proportional to the maximum rotor angle sep- The post-disturbance trajectories of ROCOV vs. plots
aration and declares the power system as transiently unstable of marginally stable and unstable cases for each generator can
when . If this criteria is applied to the SMIB be made similar to the plot shown in Fig. 3. Determination of
system, considering the rotor angle of the innite bus remains the stability boundary for each generator involves the following
at zero, the system would be declared unstable at . steps:
In this simple SMIB system, out-of-step condition can directly a) Apply a short circuit fault at the generator terminal bus
be determined using the trajectory of impedance (measured at and increase the fault duration until the generator becomes
the generator terminal) on R-X plane. This method predicts oc- unstable. It is appropriate to increase the fault duration in
currence of pole slipping at 2.023 s. In the approach proposed one cycle steps as the highest standard PMU reporting rate
in this paper, the operating point trajectory crosses the stability is 50 fps for a 50 Hz system and 60 fps for a 60 Hz system
boundary on ROCOV plane at 1.632 s. This is about 390 [8]. Establish the marginally stable case by reducing the
ms earlier than the other methods could predict, which is an fault duration by one cycle. A suitable dynamic simula-
important advantage in deploying automatic emergency con- tion program with accurate system model can be used for
trol against transient instability. As each individual generator in this purpose.
a multi-machine system also subjected to terminal voltage dip b) Plot the trajectory of marginally stable case on the
during a fault more or less similar to a machine connected to an ROCOV plane.
innite bus, the above method can be extended to a multi-ma- c) Locate point just outside (to the left) of the left
chine system. most point of the trajectory. Draw the left side vertical
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Stability boundary on ROCOV plane.

line AB parallel to the ROCOV axis. The stable post-dis-

turbance trajectories are always located to the right of this
vertical line AB, which is the rst segment of the stability
boundary on the ROCOV plane shown in Fig. 4.
d) Locate point , just below the lowest point of the
marginally stable trajectory. Draw the horizontal line seg-
ment CD parallel to the axis. The stable trajectories
always located above the line CD, and it is the third seg-
ment of the stability boundary.
e) Draw an ellipse that passes through B and C in such a way
that the left most point of ellipse coincides with point B
and the bottom most point of ellipse passes through point
C. The elliptical segment BC is the second segment of the
stability boundary, and it is the most important segment Fig. 5. Severe disturbance detection logic.
because the trajectory often crosses the boundary through
that segment.
Thus, the stability boundary is a combination of 3 piecewise the ROCOV values. If the minimum ROCOV value of any
continuous functions and dened as generator bus (say generator ) drops below a pre-specied
threshold and the voltage magnitude of that generator bus
ROCOV (i. e. generator ) continues to decrease for two consecutive
ROCOV measurement intervals, a severe disturbance is declared. Once,
the faulty element is isolated, the voltage starts to recover. At
ROCOV that instance, sudden change in ROCOV values in the positive
ROCOV ROCOV (5) direction can be experienced. If the maximum ROCOV value
of any generator bus rises above a pre-specied threshold
This procedure is followed for each generator to nd their sta- it is assumed that the fault is cleared. The transient stability
bility boundaries. prediction algorithm is triggered after receiving two measure-
ments following the clearance of the disturbance to ensure that
C. Detection of Disturbances the post-disturbance trajectories on ROCOV plane start
from the stable region.
When implemented as a real-time system, the proposed
scheme continuously monitors generator voltage magnitudes
and calculates the respective ROCOV values, but the status IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
prediction algorithm is launched only after detecting a severe The IEEE 39-bus test system (New England power system)
disturbance (fault). The disturbance detection logic used in [17] shown in Fig. 6 was used to demonstrate and validate the
this paper is shown in Fig. 5 where is the voltage proposed transient stability prediction approach, as it has been
magnitude of the th
generator at time t, ROCOV is the popularly used for evaluating transient stability related applica-
rate of change of voltage of th generator at time t, is the tions. This test system comprises 39 buses, 10 generators, 19
PMU reporting rate in fps, and is number of generators. loads and 34 transmission lines. The generator at bus-39 repre-
The time difference between two consecutive reportings, is sents the aggregation of a large system. Thus, the bus-39 was
given as used as a reference bus and rotor angles of other generators
were measured with respect to the rotor angle of this reference
(6) generator. The required dynamic simulations were performed in
commercial software TSAT, which is a phasor-domain sim-
After a severe fault, the voltage magnitudes measured at ulation tool [28]. TSAT was rst used to identify the transient
the buses close to the fault depress with a sudden drop in stability boundary for all nine generators (the generator at
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



The results of this simulation experiment are shown in

Table I. The prediction accuracy was always 100% for the
contingencies that resulted in transient instability. The overall
accuracy was more than 99%. Out of 558 stable contingencies,
only one stable contingency was wrongly predicted as an un-
stable. The average early prediction time advantage was around
Fig. 6. IEEE 39-bus test system [17]. 700 ms. The control strategy may involve load shedding, gen-
erator tripping, and FACTS or HVDC control depending upon
the system conguration and available resources. Furthermore,
bus 39 represents an equivalent system) following the proce- the proposed technique was able to accurately identify the
dure described in Section III. TSAT has a capability to simu- generator(s) that loses the synchronism.
late numerous contingencies in batch mode. This facility was After the proposed transient stability status prediction method
utilized to evaluate the performance of the proposed method showed satisfactory performances with the base case load and
for a variety of credible contingencies under different operating generation, its robustness was next tested for new cases ob-
conditions. Having tested the proposed concept through ofine tained by randomly changing the pre-disturbance generations
phasor-domain dynamic simulations in TSAT, the transient sta- and loads around the base case [29], [30]. For the th pre-dis-
bility status prediction algorithm was evaluated with the aid of turbance operating point, active power injection and voltage at
real-time simulations and a laboratory scale synchrophasor net- the th generator bus were calculated as [29]
work consisting of a single PDC. This enabled to demonstrate
the practicality of the proposed approach with actual PMU mea- (7)
A. Testing With TSAT Simulations
where and are the active power and voltage at the
The contingencies considered in the experiment included th
generator in the base case, and are fractional
three-phase-to-ground faults on the buses and ve different perturbation of active power and voltage allowed at the th gen-
locations on the transmission lines (at 5%, 25%, 50%, 75% erator bus and and are uniform independent random
and 95% of the length). It was assumed that line faults were variables between 0 and 1. Similarly, for the th pre-disturbance
cleared after the standard fault duration of 6 cycles (100 ms) operating point, active and reactive power consumption at the
by removing the faulted line. Bus faults were assumed as th
load bus were computed as [30]
temporary faults. This gave 209 simulation cases, of which 186
were stable and 23 were unstable. Additional (9)
simulation cases were obtained by repeating the same contin-
gencies with fault durations of 5 cycles (83.33 ms) and 7 cycles (10)
(116.67 ms). Of the new simulation cases,
were stable and were unstable. where and are the real and imaginary power at
In this paper, two performance measures are considered: (i) the th load in the base case, and are fractional per-
the prediction accuracy and (ii) the early prediction advantage. turbation of real and imaginary powers allowed at the th load
The early prediction advantage is dened as the difference be- bus and and are uniform independent random vari-
tween the time when the proposed method predicts an unstable ables between 0 and 1. In this paper, maximum random changes,
condition and the time when the instability is declared when ap- , , and were set to 10%, while the maximum
plied the criterion given in (4). When implementing a practical random change for was set to 2%. Each randomly gener-
WAPaC scheme, early prediction advantage can be considered ated pre-disturbance operating condition was screened by run-
as the total time available for communication, data processing ning a load ow study and discarding the case if it violates the
in PDCs and application program, and taking any control action. voltage limit.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Using the above method, 10 random operating conditions

were generated. The same 627 contingencies applied to the base Fig. 7. RTDS and laboratory scale synchrophasor network.
case were repeated for each random pre-disturbance condition.
The most important feature of this test is that the same sta-
bility boundaries determined for the base case were used to
predict the stability status under different pre-disturbance op-
erating conditions. Table II summarizes the results. The perfor-
mances were almost similar to the base case results: the overall
accuracy is over 99% and the average early prediction time
advantage is around 700 ms. Transient instability prediction
accuracy is again 100% (625/625) for unstable contingencies.
This conrmed the robustness of the proposed method. Only
31 out of 5645 stable contingencies were predicted as unstable.
Careful analysis of these false detections showed that they all
are marginally stable contingencies. Experiments showed that
these misclassications could be reduced by adjusting the tran-
sient stability boundary; however, it then reduced the early pre-
diction time advantage. The selection of the transient stability
boundary is a tradeoff between the accuracy and the early pre- Fig. 8. Variations of voltage magnitude and ROCOV for a 6 cycles fault.
diction time advantage.

B. RTDS Simulation in the Experimental Setup transient stability status of the power system in this real-time
The aim of this experiment is to validate the algorithm under system.
practical synchrophasor measurements. The arrangement of the 1) Disturbance Detection: The results shown in Fig. 8 vali-
experimental setup is shown in Fig. 7. The 39-bus test system date the disturbance detection logic described in Section III-C.
was implemented in the RTDS real-time simulator. The real- The thresholds and of the detection logic were se-
time simulation model was cross-validated against the phasor- lected considering 5% voltage drop/rise within two consecutive
domain model used in TSAT to ensure accuracy. The RTDS sim- PMU reportings (i.e., and
ulator used in this experiment was equipped with a GTNET at 60 frames/s reporting rate).
hardware board which can emulate 24 PMUs reporting positive In the presented case, a three-phase to ground fault was applied
sequence phasor measurements [31]. The voltage and current at 50% of Line 2-25 and the fault was cleared by removing the
signals at the generator buses in the simulated power system line after 6 cycles. The fault was applied when the coordinated
were input (internally) to the PMU modules. The P-class PMU universal time (UTC) is around 21:22:47.833 and it was cleared
model was selected as it is preferred for the applications re- when UTC is around 21:22:47.933. The variations of the gen-
quiring fast response [8]. A SEL-2407 GPS clock [32] was used erator bus voltage magnitudes as reported by the PMUs and the
to provide inter-range instrumentation group time code format ROCOV values computed from the reported measurements are
B (IRIG-B) time signal to the RTDS simulator via a GTSYNC shown in Fig. 8. The dots on the curves represent the instants at
card. All PMU modules use this signal for time synchronized which the PMUs reported new synchrophasors.
sampling and time stamping. The PMUs in the RTDS were con- It can be observed that the minimum value of ROCOV at
gured to report synchrophasors at 60 fps through a TCP/IP net- 21:22:47.850 (the rst reporting followed by the fault) was less
work. The synchrophasor data were collected by the openPDC than threshold and it was reported by the PMU at
v2.0 [33] PDC, and provided to the transient stability status pre- the generator at bus 37. Thus the disturbance must be close to
diction algorithm. The same transient stability boundaries de- bus 37. During the two consecutive reporting periods after the
termined using TSAT simulations were applied to predict the fault, the voltage magnitude measured at generator bus 37 is
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


decreasing. It takes two reporting intervals to observe the im-

pact of a fault on voltage magnitude due to P-class lter used in
PMUs. Based on the observations, the proposed disturbance de-
tection logic concludes that it detected a fault at 21:22:47.850.
Then detection logic looks for a sudden change in ROCOV in
positive direction. At 21:22:47.950 (the rst reporting followed
by fault clearance), the maximum observed ROCOV exceeded
the threshold and thus, the disturbance detection logic
concluded that the fault was cleared at 21:22:47.950. After the
assigned delay of two reporting periods, the transient stability
prediction algorithm was launched at 21:22:47.983. During the
experiments, the proposed disturbance detection logic recog-
nized all faults, including high impedance faults, which lead to
generator instability. Only a few high impedance single-line-to-
ground faults could not be recognized, but those faults posed no
risk to the system transient stability.
2) Performance Under Symmetrical Faults: The effec-
tiveness of the proposed transient stability status prediction
method was validated with 25 selected three-phase-to-ground
contingencies, of which 18 were stable and 7 were unstable.
The overall accuracy was 100% and the average early predic-
tion time advantage was around 700 ms (minimum 300 ms,
maximum 1100 ms).
In order to examine the detailed working of the algorithm,
consider the case of three-phase-to-ground fault applied on Line
16-17 (at 25% of the length from bus 16). The fault was cleared
by removing the line after 6 cycles. The corresponding varia-
tions of the rotor angle and the voltage magnitudes are shown
in Fig. 9(a). The power system was transiently stable after this
contingency. The post-disturbance trajectories of generators on
ROCOV plane are shown in Fig. 9(b). The trajectories of
all nine generators remained within the stable region. Therefore,
the proposed transient stability prediction algorithm declared
the power system as stable.
In the second example, a three-phase-to-ground fault was
applied on line 2-25 (at 50% of the length) when UTC is
Fig. 9. (a) Variations of rotor angles and voltage magnitudes, (b) ROCOV vs.
21:22:47.833 and cleared by removing the line after 6 cycles. for a 6 cycles fault on line 16-17 (25% of the length).
Following the fault, the generators at bus 37 and bus 38 became
unstable as can be seen in Fig. 10(a). This is a multi-swing
instability, the generators do not become unstable during the phase-to-phase-to-ground faults, and (iv) three-phase-to-ground
rst swing. The proposed transient stability status prediction faults. In the test, 225 contingencies were created for each fault
algorithm declared the power system as unstable at UTC of type and the fault durations were varied in the range of six to ten
21:22:50.616, and identied generator at bus 37 as the unstable cycles. In total, 900 cases were created in RTDS. The results of
generator. The corresponding post-disturbance trajectories of this test are summarized in Table III. It can be observed that the
the generators on ROCOV V plane are shown in Fig. 10(b). overall accuracy is over 99% for all fault types. The average
It can be seen from these plots that the trajectory of generator at early prediction time advantage varies in the range of 600700
bus 38 also approaching the stability boundary. When the rotor ms.
angle separation criterion given in (4) was applied, instability Despite the ltering provided by PMUs, if a voltage transient
was declared at 21:22:51.916 (UTC). Therefore, for this case, with signicant magnitude pu occurs during a post-dis-
the proposed approach has an early prediction time advantage turbance period where the transient stability status prediction
of 1300 ms. algorithm is in-operation, the ROCOV trajectory can tem-
3) Performance Under Asymmetrical Faults: It is important porary enter the unstable region for a duration of two to three
to investigate how the proposed transient stability status predic- reporting intervals. Declaration of false instability condition due
tion algorithm performs under asymmetrical faults, which are to such transients can be avoided by delaying the decision for
less severe in nature, but more probable in power systems. Ini- several consecutive reporting periods, but that will reduce the
tial investigations showed that positive sequence voltages were early prediction time advantage.
sufcient to predict the stability status under all types of faults: 4) Impact of the Topology Changes: The robustness of the
(i) single-phase-to-ground faults, (ii) phase-to-phase faults, (iii) proposed transient stability prediction algorithm was tested by
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.




These topology changes altered the pre-fault operation condi-

tions and thus, the post-disturbance trajectories. In total, 300
contingencies including both symmetrical and asymmetrical
faults with different fault durations in the range of 610 cycles
were simulated for each topology change. The results of the
test are summarized in Table IV.
It can be observed that the overall accuracy remains over 99%
for all three scenarios, despite the use of original stability bound-
aries determined using TSAT simulations under base case sce-
nario. The average early prediction time advantage varied in the
range of 600700 ms. This test further proves that the proposed
method is capable to predict the transient stability status even
when the network topology is changed from that used for deter-
mining the stability boundaries.

A novel synchrophasor based approach for early prediction of
the transient stability status of a power system after being sub-
jected to a severe disturbance was proposed. The method of im-
plementation was described and the algorithm was thoroughly
validated using both ofine simulations and a real-time system.
Based on the results of numerous experiments, it can be con-
cluded that using the post-disturbance trajectories of generator
Fig. 10. (a) Variations of rotor angles and voltage magnitudes, (b) ROCOV vs.
terminal buses on ROCOV plane, stability status of the
for a 6 cycles fault on line 2-25 (50% of the length), (c) enlarged view of system can be determined. The stability boundaries can be deter-
ROCOV vs. plot of generator Gen.-37. mined using phasor-domain dynamic simulations following the
systematic procedure described in the paper. The so determined
boundaries can be directly used for implementing real-time sta-
evaluating its performance under three different topology vari- bility status prediction system, and generally valid for range of
ations from the base case. The topology changes considered operating conditions and under minor topology changes. The
were: proposed technique is computationally simple and fast com-
i) Line 5-8 out of service pared to other rotor angle stability prediction methods. The pro-
ii) Line 22-23 out of service posed technique is capable of early predicting the rst-swing as
iii) Line 25-26 out of service well as multi-swing transient instabilities. Furthermore method
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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