Lectura 01
Lectura 01
Lectura 01
Abstract— This work presents a study on the use of the control actions for stability improvement are presented; in
synchrophasors in the remedial actions of the special protection Section III the proposed method is discussed and in Section IV
scheme associated to Itaipu 60Hz transmission system, in which the proposed control actions are detailed. Section V presents
generators are shed to prevent frequency, angle and voltage the computational experiments performed and the results
instabilities. Currently, these control actions are performed as obtained and Section VI gives the concluding remarks.
open loop automated actions (based on adjustments determined by
offline studies), which can result in excessive amount of generation
shedding due the conservative nature of the offline studies. The II. TRANSIENT STABILITY ENHANCEMENT USING SPECIAL
proposed scheme aims to incorporate closed loop actions in order PROTECTION SCHEMES AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS
to increase selectivity to the current protection scheme. Power system stability can be briefly defined as the
Experimental results show that synchronized measurements can capacity a power system has to recover to an equilibrium state
indeed fulfill this goal and also meet a set of dynamical criteria
after being subject to a disturbance. In a power system
defined by National System Operator of Brazil (ONS).
disturbance, stability analysis may be classified according to
Keywords— Synchronized Phasor Measurment, Special the nature of the predominant phenomenon (involving voltage,
Protection Scheme, Transient Stability. frequency or angle), duration (short or long term), and
disturbance intensity (large or small) [15].
I. INTRODUCTION The term transient stability is used for the types of
instabilities that occur after a large disturbance, in the short
n the last two decades, power system deregulation, aiming
term, and may cause loss of synchronism between generators
to create a market environment, has increased the
(angular nature). To prevent transient stability problems, SPS
uncertainty in power system operation, due to the separation
are commonly used.
of transmission and generation contracts [1]. Additionally,
The actions of an SPS can be classified as preventive or
environmental concerns put pressure on regulatory agencies to
emergency and, also, open or closed loop [16], as illustrated in
restrain construction of new facilities, pushing to a more
Figure 1.
efficient use of existing resources [2-3]. On top of this, the
experience with the latest blackout occurrences led to an
increased security level on power system operation [4-5].
The use of effective Special Protection Systems (SPS)
offers an alternative to mitigate and even prevent the damage
caused by events such as instabilities, allowing a safer power
transfer closer to the limits of an interconnected system [6-7].
Among the current technologies that present a potential for
power system operation improvement, the Synchronized
Phasor Measurement Systems (SPMS) are highlighted [8-10].
The SPMS allow dynamic phenomena recording with good
precision and high sampling rate, creating a new paradigm for
power system monitoring, protection, and control [11].
The application of synchrophasors in SPS has been Fig. 1 – Classification of SPS actions for the control of large disturbances.
discussed recently [12-13], but finding an effective way to
improve some power system aspects (in particular the The methods for transient stability margin calculations can
selectivity of protection and control actions) still remains an be broadly classified in time domain and direct methods.
open question [14]. Time-domain methods employ numerical solutions of the
In this context, this study depicts the applications of differential-algebraic set of equations that represents the
synchrophasors to the existing SPS associated to the Itaipu system. The results of time-domain methods are quite precise
60Hz Power Plant, pointing out the benefits it may bring. and, for this reason, they are the preferred approach from the
This paper is divided in the following sections: in Section industry viewpoint [17-18].
II the power system stability concepts and a general view of However, high computational burden is a common feature
of time-domain methods. For this reason, the so-called direct
J. R. Pesente, Itaipu Binacional / Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina methods were proposed, attempting to improve the
(UFSC), Foz do Iguacu, Brasil, pesente@itaipu.gov.br computational effectiveness of the transient stability margin
R. B. Otto, Itaipu Technological Park (PTI), Foz do Iguacu, Brasil, calculation. Most direct methods are inspired by concepts of
rodrigo.bueno@pti.org.br Lyapunov’s second theorem [19], which avoids the need to
R. A. Ramos, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Carlos, Brasil,
(scolarship of Itaipu Technological Park –PTI), rodrigo.ramos@ieee.org explicitly calculate the post-fault numeric solution.
0.8 (pre-disturbance)
through a fault impedance, simulated by the reactor
represented in Table 1, inserted during 80 ms; b) the short
circuit clearing and line opening, considering also the cases
Period with opening of two lines (N-2).
0 [s] Voltage
Table 1 – Equivalent reactor for short-circuit representation.
80 to 300 [ms]
0.4 to 2.1 [s]
Substation Z1[p.u.] Z0[p.u.] Reactor [Mvar]
2.1 to 9 [s]
Foz do Iguaçu (FI) 0.0039 0.0034 13749
Ivaiporã (IV) 0.0035 0.0057 10912
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Reactive Power [p.u. of the generator] Itaberá (IA) 0.0040 0.0124 6100
Fig. 4 – Voltage collapse event due OEL actuation in the Itaipu generators. Tijuco Preto (TP) 0.0037 0.0042 12602
After a 765kV line opening, the increase in the electrical For the simulation of Brazilian power system, 13 steady
power flowing through the remaining lines causes voltage state cases were considered, aiming to represent most of the
reductions in the substations, thus requiring additional reactive Itaipu configurations of interest. Given that assuming the
power from the generators. It follows that if the OELs actuate, existence of PMUs in all system substations is not realistic, an
the voltage decreases leading to a collapse in the transmission experiment with the SIME transient stability prediction error
system. In this case, generator shedding must be performed was performed and demonstrated that 36 PMUs are sufficient,
taking into account the monitoring of substation voltages and as shown in Table 2.
OEL actuations, which can be incorporated in the SPMS. The aspects of the different control actions were evaluated
Based on the previous explanation, this paper proposes separately, as follows.
open loop actions based in off-line simulations and SIME
Table 2 – Relation between measurements Table 5 – Comparison of total units
and stability margin error shed by proposed SPS and current SPS
Power Plant Percentual of Percentual of SIME FIPU FSE OL CLS CLM Total Total
with PMU generators total inertia error [MW] [MW] [NG] [NG] [NG] SPS Current
0.78 4800 4800 0 - 1 1 2
36 21.69% 75.21%
% 1 - 1 2 3
5200 5100
70 40.96% 88.77% 5400 5200 1 - 2 3 4
0.43 5400 5745 2 - 2 4 4
75 45.18% 90.43%
% 5850 6050 3 - 1 4 4
116 69.88% 96.47% -0.3 %
166 100.00% 100% -0.3 % D. Case study of the 07/04/2009 disturbance
A. Open Loop Control Actions (OL) In this subsection, the disturbance occurred at 07/04/2009
is used to illustrate the superiority of the proposed SPS
In the proposed SPS, the angle differences between performance. At 6:36 PM, logic 14 was triggered, shedding 4
substations are used as references, instead of power flows units (10, 11, 15 and 17) at Itaipu, and 2 units (5 and 17) at
references. A comparison of the generators to be shed in each Tucuruí, a large power plant in the northern part of Brazil. The
case is presented in Table 3. total amount of generation shed was 2867MW, causing power
Table 3 – Generator shedding comparison between current reversal in other 6 power plants. The 765kV transmission
SPS and proposed open-loop actions system was fully restored at 6:44 PM.
FI-IV This disturbance was reproduced considering a power
FIPU FSE OL shed Current SPS transfer of 3600MW in the Northeast-Southeast
[MW] [MW] [generators] shed [generators]
s] interconnection and 1600MW in the South-Southeast
4800 4800 11.1 0 2 interconnection. The sequence of events is presented in
5200 5100 11.6 1 3 Table 6.
5400 5200 11.9 1 4 Table 6 – Sequence of simulated events
5400 5745 12.1 2 4 Time Event
5850 6050 13.1 3 4 t0 Short-circuit
The conclusion of this study was that the angular t0 + 80ms Opening of circuits 1 and 2 of FI-IV line
difference is able to adapt to voltage and reactance variations t0 + 297ms Open-loop control action generator shedding
related to the amount of generators shed, being more sensitive t0 + 697ms Tucuruí generator shedding
to transient stability conditions than the current open loop t0 + 1080ms FI-IV 2 reclosing
control actions.
At that moment, Itaipu was generating 5581MW and was
B. Closed-Loop SIME-based Control Actions (CLS) transferring 5526MW to the respective HVDC. The
These simulations considered three scenarios to illustrate corresponding angular difference was 12.7o, which would
closed-loop stabilizing control actions in the situation of the result in 2 generators being shed according to the proposed
loss of synchronism, as presented in Table 4, where NG is the SPS scheme, as shown in Table 3. This control action is
number of generators shed by the control action. sufficient to maintain stability, as shown in Figure 6.
Angle of generators of 3 different Brazilian Powerplants
Table 4 – Test case of SIME-based control actions 50
FIPU FSE Description of the OL CL
[MW] [MW] simulated event [NG] [NG]
Generators' Angle [degree]