Protocol Design Issues in Implementing Security For Wireless Body Area Network
Protocol Design Issues in Implementing Security For Wireless Body Area Network
Protocol Design Issues in Implementing Security For Wireless Body Area Network
Protocol Design Issues in Implementing Security for Wireless Body Area Network
f) Assistance to disable person: The WBAN can also be known to the particular sensor but public key is known to all.
useful for the person with disabilities like blindness, speech Encryption is done by the public key and decryption is done
disability etc. by secrete key. So, it is not required to send the keys securely.
There are various algorithms present in public key
cryptography to secure BAN. RSA and Elliptic curve
cryptography (ECC) [12] are two known algorithm for the
public key cryptography. But it requires more memory and is
computationally expensive. So, it is not well suited for
Data modification: Attacker may modify or delete data on C) Hybrid key based protocols in WBAN
the network. It may result failure of system.
This cryptography is either a combination of both asymmetric
Replaying: Resend the information for misleading the and symmetric key or use the concept of two keys like
observer. preloaded key and master key. In [16] a hybrid security
protocol for WBAN is proposed to support securing
Authenticity: It is a challenge to make the network communication wireless channel. This protocol has a good
authenticate otherwise it leads to data loss. tradeoff between security and resource constraints. A hybrid
type of key management technique [16] is proposed which is a
Denial of service: It is necessary to make network Dos free. combination of physiological values and preloaded keys. The
Denial of service may lead improper working of network Local Binary Pattern (LBP) used by ECG based agreement to
generate common keys to be agreed upon for encryption and
The security solutions which are used for WSN are not decryption to make the inter sensor communication more
applicable to WBAN because various resource constraints secure. The two main concepts of this approach are feature
like energy, memory etc. To make BAN secure we have to generation and key agreement. Master key is preloaded in the
work in the area of confidentiality, authorization, remote medical server of the WBAN to authenticate personal
authentication, non repudiation, integrity control. As we have server. If a personal server is compromised by an adversary,
discussed above that WBAN has three tiers architecture so medical server revokes the existing key of personal server.
there are different security requirement for each tier. In tier 1, Personal server is recovered by using the master secret key
the security can be on the sensors and their communication
and to Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or smart phone. The V. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT SECURITY PROTOCOLS
security solutions on tier 1 should be lightweight because of
Security mechanisms are processes that are used to detect,
the constraint on the sensor because these are energy
prevent and endure security attacks. This sub-section
constraints. In tier 2, and 3 the security can provide on the
discusses the problems regarding existing security
communication from PDA to the medical server through
mechanisms, as follows:
internet. The security on PDA and medical server may not be
lightweight because they are not energy constraint. The data
1) Cryptography
which is sense by the sensors of BAN is critical so we need to
As wireless body area sensor networks alter sensitive
encrypt the data with the help of security key. The security
physiological info, sturdy cryptographic functions are unit
may be of symmetric, asymmetric or hybrid.
preponderating necessities for developing any secure
attention application. These cryptographic functions give
patient privacy and security against several malicious attacks..
A) Asymmetric key based protocols in WBAN Further, the selection of cryptography system depends on the
This is a public key cryptography were there are two keys computation and communication capability of the sensor
private key and public key. The private key is a secrete key nodes. Some argue that asymmetric crypto systems are
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-12, December 2014
2) Key Management
Key management protocols are measure basic necessities to
develop a secure application. These protocols are used to set
up and distribute varied forms of cryptographic keys to nodes
within the network. Generally, there are three styles of key
management protocols, namely, trusty server, key
pre-distribution and self imposing [15].
3) Secure Routing
In home care or disaster eventualities sensor devices might
require sending their data to alternative devices outside their
immediate radio vary [16]. Therefore, routing and message
forwarding could be a crucial service for end-to-end
communication. So far, several of routing protocols are
projected for sensor networks; however none of them are
designed with strong security as a goal. Karlof-Wagner
mentioned the actual fact that routing protocols suffer from
several security vulnerabilities, like associate degree offender
may launch denial-of-service attacks on the routing protocol.
Protocol Design Issues in Implementing Security for Wireless Body Area Network