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Assesment 2

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102086 Designing Teaching & Learning 1H 2017

Assignment 2: APST and QT Analysis Template

Section 1: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Only standards
directly addressed in Designing Teaching & Learning that are relevant to this assignment have been included. However,
this does not mean the other standards are irrelevant to lesson planning and evaluation more generally.

Evaluation score 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)

Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Know students and how they learn

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

12345 Comments: Students will be able to engage with the lesson and its content, as music is a language in
Rating; 4 itself and also attain an understanding of how the circle of fifths operate. Since music is a large part
of most cultures and religions, the students should have no trouble engaging with the topic and its
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

12345 Comments: The lesson plan rates poorly, as there is no strategy geared towards Aboriginal and Torres
Rating : 1 Strait Islander students, however the overall student engagement with the activity suggests that these
Indigenous students will not be left out, nor neglected.

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities

12345 Comments: Here the lesson plan really doesnt specify how to address nor provide adequate
Rating: 2 differentiation to the teaching strategy of the lesson. However the systems used by the teacher in this
plan to teach key concepts like the order of flats and sharps can be modified to help students ways to
remember information and give clearer understanding of the key concepts.
1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The plan generally has all students engaged in activities throughout, however there is
Rating: 2 little to no strategy regarding disabled students.

2 Know the content and how to teach it

2.2 Content selection and organisation

12345 Comments: The content of the lesson is overall strong, with a clearly organised structure that delivers
Rating: 4 the concepts to the students however, it could benefit from a little more formatting towards not just
the activity but the content being covered.

2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The plan seems to not have much relation to any curriculum standard, nor any reporting
Rating: 1 aspect, however the activity sheet can serve as the assessment to help the teacher attain who is
understanding the topic, and who is struggling. However the lack of curriculum guidelines means this
lesson plan is not the strongest as it sets no clear goal of achieving student goals.

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The use of ICT in the lesson is fairly straightforward, however the use of a projector is a
Rating: 3 bit antiquated, and there would be programs available that would better serve to demonstrate the
topic, especially in the with the use of smart boards.

3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

3.1 Establish challenging learning goals

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The outline of the lesson establishes the main objective, for students to demonstrate their
Rating : 4 knowledge of key signatures to fill in the Major key of the circle of fifths. The outline also poses
discussion outlines, about how students can use their knowledge of key signatures to understand the
topic of the lesson.
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs

12345 Comments: The plan and sequences of the lesson promote students to use their previous learnt skills
Rating: 5 to answer questions. The structure of the plan at times out paces the timing of the lesson, and
accounts for extra time.

3.3 Use teaching strategies

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The teaching strategy is creating solutions, and the challenge of the new concept. The
Rating : 4 lesson uses a strategy of previous knowledge, about key signatures and applying it to the new
concept of the cycle of fifths. Overall we see an effective use of teaching strategy that engages and
stimulates the students in the lesson.
3.4 Select and use resources

12345 Comments: The plan makes use of multiple resources including the whiteboard so students may
Rating: 3 participate with the whole class as well as a worksheet for them to fill out. However the use of a
drawn keyboard on the whiteboard goes unused throughout the lesson. While this can be used to
demonstrate the location of flats and sharp, notes, the plan does not explicitly use this resource in the
4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

4.1 Support student participation

12345 Comments: The lesson plan encourages student participation by getting them involved directly with
Rating: 5 content, getting them to identify the solution for the task, and then working together as a class with
the teacher and peers to fill out the cycle of fifths.

4.2 Manage classroom activities

12345 Comments: This lesson plan lays out the timing of the activities of the lesson, making sure ample
Rating: 5 time is given for revision at the beginning of the lesson, and working through the new tasks that are
given. The lesson plan also allows for extra time to add a discussion element about the topic of
enharmonic key signatures which was not covered, yet this concept evolves out of the circle of fifths.
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: While the lesson plan does well to keep the students engaged and focus, where it may
Rating: 2 experience some difficulty with challenging behaviour can be the students who finish earlier then
others will then proceed to distract others or students who find the task difficult.

4.4 Maintain student safety

12345 Comments: There is no inherent risk in the task, and the topic is a theoretical part of music, and
Rating: 4 student safety in the classroom environment is at no risk of being dangerous while seated. This is not
to say that the group dynamic of the students undertaking the lesson wont come into play however,
the lesson plan aims to keep them engaged at all times.
4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The use of ICT is fairly simple throughout the lesson, with no ethical issues coming into
Rating: 5 the forefront. The use of the whiteboard and the projector in the lessons context is used responsibly
and only in context of the topic and to provide students vision of the main element of the lesson
which is the cycle of fifths.
5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.1 Assess student learning

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The plan assesses the students learning through the completion of the worksheet and
Rating: 4 students working with each other to figure out the order in which the sharps and flats go. However
the plan not only covers treble clef, but bass clef, assessing their familiarity with the clefs can be
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Feedback for the students on their learning can be done through the task. Their
Rating: 4 knowledge of key signatures and demonstration of how this knowledge will apply to the topic The
cycle of fifths helps them with finding where they may lack knowledge of key concepts and how they
couls improve by identifying patterns that are prevalent in the material.

Section 2: NSW Quality Teaching Model

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements.

Evaluation score refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element
Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Intellectual quality

1.1 Deep knowledge

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The task set out in the lesson plan focuses on the key concepts of order of sharps and
Rating: 4 flats and the cycle of fifths. The lesson articulates the relationship of knowledge of key signatures
and how it relates to the key concepts presented in the lesson.

1.2 Deep understanding

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The lesson outlines that using their knowledge of key signatures, through learning about
Rating: 4 the cycle of fifths, they will gain a deeper understanding of how key signatures are used through

1.3 Problematic knowledge

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The students ability to construct the cycle of fifths is dependent on their ability to
Rating: 3 recognise the unique relation of scales both sharp and flat, and their use in scales.

1.4 Higher-order thinking

12345 Comments: Students use the pneumonic devices to memorise the order of flats and sharps, and the
Rating: 4 task requires them to synthesise the information and evaluate how it fits into the concept, and then
apply it to the task and attain knowledge of how the order of sharps and flats interact with the cycle
of fifths.

1.5 Metalanguage

12345 Comments: The task requires use of the subject matters metalanguage, in which musical terms are
Rating: 4 utilised in regards to the explanation of the cycle of fifths concept and the use of key signatures in

1.6 Substantive communication

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: While the lesson plan does allow for discussion in class, the teacher must maintain
Rating: 3 control over the direction of the discussion and moderate student response.

Quality learning environment

2.1 Explicit quality criteria

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The lesson plan does not contain any marking rubric, and therefore doesnt give students
Rating: 1 expectations of the criteria of quality that is required.

2.2 Engagement

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: There is no introductory line that really draws the student into the topic through a
Rating: 2 compelling line of enquiry. Rather the topic draws upon previously attained knowledge.

2.3 High expectations

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The task maybe challenging for students who are not musically inclined. The lesson is
Rating: 3 not geared towards taking a conceptual risk, rather pointing towards working out the function of the

2.4 Social support

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Students are provided with the worksheets and tools to help achieve the outcomes of the
Rating: 3 lesson. The task where students write on the board figuring out the order of sharps and flats on the
staff line can be altered to have input from fellow classmates in filling out the staff line with not only
the correct order of sharps and flats but their position on the staff line.

2.5 Students self-regulation

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Students have an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge by ordering the flats and
Rating: 3 sharps in the treble clef, then on the bass clef. This shows where students are achieving the outcome
or moving away from it.

2.6 Student direction

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The lesson is more tailored as an exercise thats directed by the teacher rather then giving
Rating: 1 the student self-direction towards how they approach it. This could be altered by giving the students
their own use of words to remember the order of flats and sharps, allowing them to use their own

3 Significance

3.1 Background knowledge

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: This lesson rates highly on background knowledge as the prior knowledge of the order of
Rating: 5 flats and sharps gives them the tools to tackle the unknown concept they are dealing with, the cycle
of fifths and how these ordered sharps and flats work in regards to musical scales.

3.2 Cultural knowledge

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Since the lesson is focused on a theoretical concept of music, while the origin of the
Rating: 1 system which comes from the development of Western Art music throughout the various periods of
time and many diverse cultures, the lesson has very little to do with addressing any cultural
groupings within the class

3.3 Knowledge integration

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: The concepts covered play a key role when integrated into other areas of music, and
Rating: 5 understand the scale system and how its done is important

3.4 Inclusivity

12345 Comments: The lesson plan allows for all students to participate in the task, however could be altered
Rating: 3 further to allow students to work together in pairs and present their answers on the order of sharps
and flats on the staff line.

3.5 Connectedness

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: This lesson and its task serve to enhance the students abilities with using scales and if
Rating: 2 any of them playing instruments, play them with a more in-depth understanding of how they function
in music.

3.6 Narrative

1 2 3 4 5 Comments: This task does employ a discussion of how the circle of fifths is useful to musicians, but
Rating: 1 the overall task does not use a narrative in regards to the concepts presented.

Section 3: Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identify the two APST standards and two NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.


1) Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting 2) Select and use resources

QT model

1) Student Direction 2) Inclusivity

Lesson Plan

Topic area: Circle of Stage of Learner:

Fifths - Scales and Stage 5
Key Signatures

Date: N/A Location Booked: Lesson Number: 1/1
Time: 30 minutes Total Number of Printing/preparation:
students 25 Exercise sheet
Manuscript paper
Prepare Whiteboard,
Projector and
Projector Sheets

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

- Students will - Complete Activity - Order of Key Signatures - Identify the order of flats
demonstrate their sheet - Circle of Fifths and sharps
knowledge of key - Hand in - Scales through key - Identify the scales based
signatures by filling in Manuscript paper signatures off key signatures
the Major key circle of - using fifths to gain
fifths familiarity with the circle
of scales.

Using English comprehension to - Concept of Cycle of Fifths

come up with pneumonic devices to - Will assist understanding of Pitch
remember order of sharps and flats.

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centre

Intro Review pneumonic devices to remember Teacher: Write out the
the order of Sharps and Flats order of flats and sharps
using the Father Charlie
Sharps: Father Charlie Goes Down And rhyme. Hand out
Ends Battle manuscript paper for
students to write on as well
Flats: Battle Ends And Down Goes Charlies as the activity paper
Student: Set up in pairs in
Exercise: Create your own rhyme to preparation for the next
remember sequence of sharps and flats. task
(5 minutes)
Resources: Whiteboard

Body Students in pairs work together to write Teacher: Guides students to

the correct order of sharps and flats on pairs, writes out staff lines
the staff line. One student will do sharps on the board
and the other flats. After students have
finished, pick at random different Student: Takes turns in
students to fill in the staff line on the providing answers for the
board to attain the correct answer, and to task given.
demonstrate their knowledge they have
learnt, and to correct any errors. (10 Resources: White board
minutes) marker, White Board

Now students must use their manuscript Teacher: Answering
paper to copy down the treble clef order questions, then write the
of sharps and flats and then determine answer to the bass clef on
their position in the Bass clef. Once the board.
completed, they will check their answers
with the board and mark themselves. (5 Student: Sitting at desks,
minutes) now working by

Resources: Manuscript

Hand out to students the activity sheet, Teacher: Hands out activity
(Note: The sheet would be altered to give sheet, writes out the name
students the middle C scale at the top of of the keys and then writes
the circle) Starting with the middle C, go out the key signatures and
around the musical alphabet by 5 steps to the pattern.
figure out the letter name of the next key
in the circle. Proceed to write in the key Student: Take sheet to fill
signatures and ask if any students can out and look at the
identify the patterns (10 minutes projector

Resources: Activity Sheet,


Once the pattern is filled, discuss the F# Teacher: Finish filling in the
and Gb are the same notes, the crossing pattern and field questions
point where we switch from sharps to and answers about the
flats. (5 minutes) circle of fifths

Student: Ask questions

about the circle of fifths,
hand in manuscript and
activity sheets

Resources: N/A

Conclusi What are the patterns that we noticed Teacher: Finishes class by
on with the circle of fifths? Why is this useful collecting activity sheets
for musicians and for identifying pitch and manuscripts for
harmony. Hint towards Minor keys and marking and to maintain
their relation to major keys. assessment. Asks
conclusive questions to

Student: Conclude the

lesson by answering and
asking questions

Resources: N/A

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when
preparing this lesson?

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

- Identify order of key - Manuscript paper with their answers filled in,
signatures and handed into the teacher
- Identify scales and - Activity sheet hand-in
their key signatures
- Using fifths to go - Activity sheet hand-in
through the circle of

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be
reduced/eliminated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support
documents as well as other WHS policy- Outline the key WHS
considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?
There were no risk issues to be eliminated in the lesson. The lesson
was low-risk with no major issue to WHS.

Changes to the lesson from the original plan and Justification.

From the NSW Quality Teaching Model
I added in an exercise task that allowed students to be creative and come
up with their own rhyme to remember the order of sharps and flats,
encouraging them to think outside the box and use their English skills.
While the original lesson plan was quite inclusive I went one step further
and paired the students to work together and work out the answer to the
task provided, where the key signatures are positioned on the staff line.

From the APST

I added in the curriculum standards, relating it to the NSW music syllabus
and one of the key concepts that make up the 7 concepts of music, Pitch
Harmony. While I havent changed the material used in the original lesson
plan, the changes were to allow the neutral key of C Major to be marked
at the top of the circle giving the students a launch point to write the flats
and sharps in their respective directions which lead to an overlap which
gets discussed.

Board of Studies, Music 7-10 Syllabus June, 2003

Original Lesson Plan: Rachel Gluzband 11/14/11

Musicianship Lesson Plan Circle of Fifths

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