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EDUC 302 Module-2

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Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Topic 1


Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this topic, you must be able to:

1. Prepare assessment tools in accordance with the advice provided in the

relevant Assessment Guidelines.


Reflecting on your skills in the training workplace and overall work

performance, particularly in competency-based training, is necessary to
continue learning. Assessment is a way of reflecting and helps you to grow
professionally. When assessment is used to look earnestly at strengths and
learning gaps, competency becomes a work in progress. Competency
assessment tools can be used to gauge growth, learn from missteps and
problem-solve to avoid future mistakes.

Moreover, assessment tools include those evidences to validate

candidate’s competency in relevant skills; during competency-based training
as a part in assessing performance evaluation; or when considering trainee for
a level of training within the assessment center.

This lesson will help you understand the factors to be considered in preparing
competency-based assessment tools.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Information Sheet 2.1

Competency-based assessments is about creating opportunities for demonstration of

important skills in authentic contexts. The purpose of these assessments is to focus less on
collecting data for the trainer and more on allowing trainee or candidate to demonstrate what
they’ve learned, reflect on how they’re doing, and perform task into the real life scenario.


Assessment tools comprise various instruments and procedures. These tools are largely
used in educational institutions, non-profit organizations and in corporate settings. The success of
designing and developing assessment tools is brought about by using scientific methods.

Competency assessment tools can bridge the gap between trainee’s existing skill set and
the skills required for success the training by assisting both the trainee and the trainer in identifying
areas of weakness and improvement. Once these needs are identified, customized training programs
can be developed, allowing the training center to invest in the most relevant and impactful training
delivery and support for each unique trainee.


In developing assessment instruments, the candidates to be assessed should always be kept in mind
at each step of the process. Different scenarios to be assessed call for different tools and modes of
evaluation. Ensure that the instruments and procedures for assessing are relevant to the audience,
the skills and the task for which they are being evaluated.

 Setting Assessment Benchmarks

A benchmark is an assessment standard or a set of standards that is used as a point of

reference for evaluating performance or a level of quality. When creating the related
benchmark, take into account all the factors, attributes and competencies that to be
measured and improve upon. Ensure that the benchmarks established are specific and
operational to the assessment. Operational benchmarks will also help you carry out realistic
improvements after the assessment is completed.

• Establishing Evidence Gathering Methods

Next, establish the assessment methods for gathering the related evidence. Assessment tools
are functional only to the extent that they are able to gather cognitive, behavioral and
statistical outputs of those being assessed. Consider designing a tool that clearly indicates
the competencies, skills, attributes and behaviors of candidates against the benchmarks.
These specific tools may include comprehensive questionnaires like a SWOT (Strength,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis and specific diagnostic models.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

• Adhering to Assessment Principles

Adhere to the principles of assessment, which include the following: validity, reliability,
flexibility and fairness. Validity is the extent to which evidence gathered can be supported
from the design assessment tools. Reliability follows as the consistency that tools used for
one set of candidates can be used to assess other candidates of the same competencies and
generate the same results. Flexibility allows assessment candidates ample time to
understand the terms of the assessment. Finally, the element of fairness means criteria
should not discriminate against an individual or group of candidate.

• Establishing Assessment Evaluation Method

Within the developing assessment tools model process, establish a method for assessing and
evaluating outcomes against the benchmarks. Effective assessment tools should be able to
interpret the outcome of the measurements and data taken during the assessment.
Depending on the purpose of the assessment, consider using the three major forms of
evaluation: goal-based, outcome-based and process-based.

Competency Assessment Inventory

Assessment inventories are tools for reflection. They can encourage greater competence if
the follow-up involves new planning and adjusted direction. As a guide for development,
assessment inventories overview what resources are needed to become more confident and build
new skills. Workers rate themselves in categories such as “Acceptance by others as your supervisor”
“Actively attempts to solve problems.” If ratings are low, they’re identified as areas for

Competency Checklist

The competency checklist uses criteria similar to an inventory, but no rating or judgment is
involved. For example, each category on the checklist lists actions necessary to reach the objectives,
such as “Supplement continuing education programs with rigor.” Objectives and standards are
checked off as they’re acted upon, such as “Demonstration of new objectives” or “Video review for
data management competencies.”

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Figure 1. Performance Criteria Checklist Sample

Competency Self-Questionnaire

Self-assessment questionnaires are designed to evaluate and analyze training protocols,

interventions, strengths and weaknesses. Because questions force us to think, analyze and dig for
answers, the self-assessment questionnaire is a powerful assessment tool. Attitudes, policies and
regular practices are considered when testers develop questions for the questionnaires and when
responses are analyzed. Questions focus on opportunities, group differences, team interaction, team
strengths and any workplace social problems.


Self-Check 2.1
Activity 1. Discussion

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Compare and contrast assessment tools from assessment methods in terms of application
to CBT delivery.

2. What assessment tool is best or appropriate to use in assessing student or trainee who
demonstrates roughing in procedure in Plumbing? Elaborate your answer

3. Assessing student in technical-vocational class is quite different in language class. Do you

think teacher could give the same assessment tool like scoring rubrics? Explain by citing

4. How would you assess a trainee after he/she has performed written test, demonstration
and oral interview?

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302


Task Sheet 2.1

Task Sheet 1. Assessing Scenario

Different scenarios to be assessed call for different tools and modes of evaluation. One way of
evaluating candidate’s performance in a particular task is thru Rubrics. Based from your chosen
learning outcome or element, design your own rubric in relation to the performance criteria of your
chosen element.

Your answer here:

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Topic 2


Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this topic, you must be able to:

1. Identify the factors to consider in validating assessment tools.

2. Check the draft assessment tools against evaluation criteria

The competency-based training of TESDA is undertaking continuous validation of
the assessment tools through their actual use, for purposes of improving the
competency-based assessment. It is important that the assessment should always be
validated based on the criteria of evaluating the candidate’s performance in the
Validating assessment tools is essential to ensure that they are valid, reliable
sufficient, current and authentic evidence to make reasonable judgements about the
CBT delivery whether the performance criteria have been met.
This lesson will help you understand why and how assessment tools are validated in
accordance with the provision of the Assessment Guidelines set by the TESDA.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302


Information Sheet 2.2


Evaluation Criteria are the standards used in assessing the CBT delivery by which
the effectiveness of the outputs (both technical and operational) be assessed in accordance
with the TESDA’s assessment policies and guidelines.

Below are the different factors to be considered in validating assessment tools.

1. effectiveness and relevance to the competency standards

Competency standards refers to industry-determined specification of performance,

which sets out the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to operate effectively in
employment. In vocational education and training, competency standards are made up
of units of competency, which are themselves made up of elements of competency,
together with performance criteria, a range of variables, and an evidence guide.
Competency standards are an endorsed component of a training package.

2. the assessment tool meets the principles of assessment

There are four Principles of Assessment, namely;

Fairness is based on the individual learner’s needs being considered during the CBT
assessment process.

Flexibility, much like the fairness principle, involves considering the various needs of
individual learners during the CBT assessment process. Assessment in the CBT delivery
is flexible and considers the individual learner by:
• Reflecting their needs
• Assessing their skills no matter how or when they were acquired
• Considering a range of assessment methods and using those that best fit the
context, unit, assessment requirements and the individual learner

Validity ensures that the CBT is based on the evidences of performance. Essentially, it
means that the assessment process does what it claims, assesses the competency of the
trainee. In order for this process to be valid, the following is required:

a. Assessments cover the broad range of skills and knowledge required for
competent performance

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

b. Assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with practical application
c. Assessment concludes that the learner can demonstrate skills and knowledge
when required
d. Competence is based on learner performance being aligned to unit/s of
competency and assessment requirements
e. Assessment tool must adequately cover all requirements of each unit, and be
able to confirm repeatability of performance. To be valid, the assessment must
not omit anything from the unit, nor expect anything above and beyond unit

Reliability refers to the consistency of the assessment outcomes, meaning that given
the same conditions for the same unit of competency, all assessors should reach the
same conclusion regarding the competency of the learner.

3. the assessment tool meets the rules of evidence

Rules of Evidence are the rules by which an assessor justifies his/her assessment
decision. Each piece of evidence must be valid, authentic and current to be considered
acceptable and sufficient evidence to allow an assessor to make a judgement of

4. the assessment tool is appropriate to selected assessment methods

Assessment methods are listing of all the methods of gathering evidences used in the
course to measure the attainment of the learning outcomes. In competency-based
training, these includes the following:
a. Observation Checklist
b. Practical Demonstration. Project.
c. 360º Feedback. Case Study.
d. Oral presentation
e. Journal
f. Problem Solving
g. Project.
h. Video or Audio Tapes.
i. Certificate of Award or Employment

5. assessment tool is appropriate to the target group/assessment context

The process of designing and developing assessment tools begins with a critical
analysis of the assessment context. You need to identify the target group for the

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

assessment, the benchmarks that will be used to judge performance and the various
organisational factors that impact on the assessment process. It is important to
remember that, as competency-based assessment occurs (wherever possible) in actual
workplaces, you need to understand the systems, policies and procedures of workplaces
and training organisations.
The assessment context can be described as being made up of the following:

Assessment context:
 The physical and operational factors
 The assessment system within which assessment is carried out
 Opportunities for gathering evidence in a number of situations
 The purpose of the assessment
 Who carries out the assessment
 The period of time during which it takes place

6. the assessment tool provides guidance on reasonable adjustments

Assessment processes must be designed to address the individual needs of
candidates; this may require the reasonable adjustment of assessment methods, such
as allowing a candidate to answer questions orally rather than in writing.
Reasonable adjustment or work place adjustment is a change to a work process,
practice, procedure or environment that enables trainee with disability to perform their
task in a way that minimises the impact of their disability.
Workplace adjustments allow a person to:
• perform the inherent or essential requirements of their job safely in the
• have equal opportunity in recruitment processes, promotion and ongoing
• experience equitable terms and conditions of employment  maximise

7. the assessment tool enables the candidate to demonstrate current competency

Current competencies are the skills and knowledge of your new trainees
obtained through formal training, work experience or life experience. These
should be determined before you can prepare your session plan, so as not include the
same competencies where the trainees are already competent.
Current competencies can be determined by using self-assessment checklist,
portfolio assessment such as employment certificates, and pre assessment result.

Why determine current competencies?

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

a. To identify the competencies to be covered in the training plan.
b. To assess the trainee’s current competency in comparison to the stated
standards of competence required
c. To identify which relevant skills the trainee possesses and does not possess, so
that the training program can be tailored accordingly

8. level of engagement and direct participation of candidates and appropriateness

of language and literacy used for intended audience

Assessors have a duty of care to candidates and must take all reasonable steps to
ensure that assessment activities promote the health and safety of those involved in
Candidate profiles should also be considered they have any issues or a situation that
needs to be taken into account when administering the assessment instrument; for
example, Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) issues; their familiarity with technical
language; cultural issues; a remote location; they have a disability; they have low levels
of education; they come from non-English-speaking backgrounds; or are mature age

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302


Self-Check 2.2
Activity 1. Assessing Target Groups
Assessment of tools is also appropriate for every target groups. Fill-out the table below by
evaluating the things you need to consider in developing assessment tools for target client
groups in CBT.
Target group Considerations
Workplace trainees 1. (write your answer here)

Community groups

International students

Apprentice students

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Activity 2. Interpretive Exercise
Write a comprehensive explanation on the picture below by identifying its implications to
assessing tools used the CBT delivery.


Task Sheet 2.2

Activity 3. Evaluating Assessment Tools
The following is an example of a checklist you could use to evaluate the alignment of the
assessment tool to the unit of competency. Suppose you are in the process of assessing the
assessment tools using an evaluation criteria, fill-out the sample form below comprehensively
by writing action/suggestions you can give to your assesse. Write your answers on the spaces
provided. Use separate sheet of paper if needed.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302

Evaluation criteria Yes No Comments/Actions
1. Does the assessment tool clearly Write your answers here
identify the unit/s of competency
from the endorsed training package
to which it relates?
2. Does the assessment tool
address all aspects of the unit of
competency such as the:
• elements and
• knowledge evidence
• foundation skills  performance
• assessment conditions?
3. Does the assessment tool reflect
industry characteristics through use of
appropriate industry terminology?
4. Do the assessment instruments

a. reflect the dimensions of

competency by reflecting realistic
working conditions such as:
– task skills
– task management skills –
contingency management skills
– job/role environment skills?

b. reflect the rules of evidence of:

– valid
– sufficient
– current
– authentic?
5. Does the contextualisation of
elements maintain the integrity of the
unit of competency?

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302


1. https://medium.com/@ejhudson/how-to-design-a-competency-based-assessment-
39f312235bde https://www.theclassroom.com/competency-assessment-
tools7658070.html https://acqnotes.com/acqnote/tasks/evaluation-criteria

2. Competency-Based Learning Material. Conduct Competency Assessment. National

TVET Trainers Academy Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.
Marikina City (2012).

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education EDUC 302


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