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Ios 2015 Kickoff - Key

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Learn iOS

Programming 2015
Pittsburgh CocoaHeads / SwiftFeet

WiFi: Preciousss / cocoaheads

(My phone. Be gentle.)

The Book
Chris Adamson

Janie Clayton

Beta 4 is current
Beta 5 Real Soon Now
The Tools

Version 6.1 Swift

(not beta) (moving target)


As of February 12, 2015. These will change over the next couple of months as newer versions of Xcode, and hence
Swift, come out.
The Procedure
Each Month here at CocoaHeads

review of the previous 4 chapters

kick-off for the next 4 chapters

You all read through and work on the next 4


Repeat until we run out of book!

Got Questions?
@borkware (AIM, Twitter, Skype)

@mccuneware (Twitter)
pghcoder@mac.com (IChant, AIM)

Google Group

The Project Page

We'll post the keynotes and hopefully videos too.


You got questions? We've got blank stares!

ASK US QUESTIONS! This is the value-add. One thing I find when I work through a book or something is I get stuck.
Some compiler error. Some thing I just don't understand. I'd much rather spend 5-10 minutes to save you an hour of
banging your head against the wall.
Granted, head-banging can be useful, but it has diminishing returns. Think about a problem, and if you don't get it -
drop one of us a line. I'm typically around during regular business hours and over the weekends if you have a live
question, or drop one of us an email. Don't bug Chris or Janie :-)
The Realities
Programming is hard! (let's go shopping!)
If you have zero programming experience, expect to work

The tools are moving targets

#ilyxc hashtag
Swift undergoing changes that break code

The book is beta, and is chasing the same targets

It is a fun platform, though


Anyone who writes books about Apple platforms are insane in the membrane. Apple feels no compunction when
they make changes, sometimes blatantly gratuitous, to existing tools, procedures, and with Swift, the fundamental
programming language.
The Book's Approach
Mix of

Programming Language and Tools


Software topics (refactoring, debugging, testing)

Single sample Twitter app throughout


This is the approach that Chris and Janie take with the book.
It's not an exhaustive tour of programming interfaces - those were 600 page books way back in 2009! But more of a
"here's how the platform works, here's some stuff and how it works, and here's some skills to get you going in your
own direction"
Other Resources
Big Nerd Ranch iOS Bootcamps

Apple's Swift Book

Dan Steinberg's Swift Kickstart


Apple's Developer Forums


Erica Sadun
Blog - http://ericasadun.com
IRC - #swift-lang on irc.freenode.net


There are lots and lots of resources.

Apple's swift book is the closest we come to a description of the language. You can
get it from the app store
I like Dan Steinberg's stuff. His Swift Kickstart is good
The swift folks hang out in apples dev forums
Erica Sadun has been a prolific writer in the ios space. She's got a blog that's chock full of swift fun, and she
"moderates" (as close as any irc group can be moderated) the irc channel.
The Agenda

The Agenda: February

Playing Around with Xcode

Building Adaptive User Interfaces

Programming in Swift for iOS

Testing Apps

The Agenda: March 12

Presenting Data in Table Views

Waiting for things to happen with closures

Doing two things at once with closures

Growing the Application

The Agenda: April 9

Navigating between View Controllers

Taking Advantage of Large Screens

Recognizing Gestures

Working with Photos

The Agenda: May 14

Launching, Backgrounding, and Extensions

Debugging Apps

Publishing to the App Store

Added bonus, source code control!

February's Fun

Suggested Approach
for February

Week 1 - Playing Around with Xcode

Week 1 - Building Adaptive User Interfaces

Week 2 and 3 - Programming in Swift for iOS

Week 4 - Testing Apps


Chapter 3, "Programming in Swift for iOS" is by far the largest chapter in the book. The first two are kind of short,
and very straightforward in getting you oriented to Xcode and the built-in Interface Builder stuff.
Week 4's chapter covers some software engineering practices - how and why to test, and intro to test driven
Two kinds of Nothing
Difference between "nothing" and "no value"

Data field for "fax machine number"

There's a big difference between

I don't know if this user has a fax number
this user has no fax number

BUILD -> data field for fax machine number

BUILD -> big difference
database systems have a NULL value, along with all the joy of that.

var a : Int!
var x : Int?!
if let realX = x {!
// use realX becuase it exists!
Yay Xcode!


And now a demo showing playgrounds, a little swift, and IBActions and IBOutlets

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