This program demonstrates basic CRUD operations on a sample Business Object (BO) called /BOPF/DEMO_CUSTOMER using the BOPF API. It defines a local class LCL_DEMO with methods to create, change, and display a customer record. The create_customer method builds the necessary data structures and uses the BOPF service manager and transaction manager to create a new customer record.
This program demonstrates basic CRUD operations on a sample Business Object (BO) called /BOPF/DEMO_CUSTOMER using the BOPF API. It defines a local class LCL_DEMO with methods to create, change, and display a customer record. The create_customer method builds the necessary data structures and uses the BOPF service manager and transaction manager to create a new customer record.
This program demonstrates basic CRUD operations on a sample Business Object (BO) called /BOPF/DEMO_CUSTOMER using the BOPF API. It defines a local class LCL_DEMO with methods to create, change, and display a customer record. The create_customer method builds the necessary data structures and uses the BOPF service manager and transaction manager to create a new customer record.
This program demonstrates basic CRUD operations on a sample Business Object (BO) called /BOPF/DEMO_CUSTOMER using the BOPF API. It defines a local class LCL_DEMO with methods to create, change, and display a customer record. The create_customer method builds the necessary data structures and uses the BOPF service manager and transaction manager to create a new customer record.
*& Created By: James Wood ( * *& Created On: 01/16/2013 * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Description: This program demonstrates the BOPF API by showing how * *& to perform basic CRUD operations on a sample BO * *& called /BOBF/DEMO_CUSTOMER. * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zbopf_demo. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Selection Screen Definition * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* PARAMETERS: p_custid TYPE /bobf/demo_customer_id. SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP. PARAMETERS: p_create TYPE c DEFAULT 'X' RADIOBUTTON GROUP mode, p_change TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP mode, p_view TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP mode. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Local Class Definitions * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_demo DEFINITION CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: create_customer IMPORTING iv_customer_id TYPE /bobf/demo_customer_id, change_customer IMPORTING iv_customer_id TYPE /bobf/demo_customer_id, display_customer IMPORTING iv_customer_id TYPE /bobf/demo_customer_id. PRIVATE SECTION. "Instance Attributes: DATA mo_txn_mngr TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_transaction_mgr. DATA mo_svc_mngr TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_service_manager. DATA mo_bo_conf TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_frw_configuration. "Instance Methods: METHODS: constructor RAISING /bobf/cx_frw, get_customer_for_id IMPORTING iv_customer_id TYPE /bobf/demo_customer_id RETURNING VALUE(rv_customer_key) TYPE /bobf/conf_key RAISING /bobf/cx_frw, get_node_table IMPORTING iv_key TYPE /bobf/conf_key iv_node_key TYPE /bobf/obm_node_key iv_edit_mode TYPE /bobf/conf_edit_mode DEFAULT /b obf/if_conf_c=>sc_edit_read_only RETURNING VALUE(rr_data) TYPE REF TO data RAISING /bobf/cx_frw, get_node_row IMPORTING iv_key TYPE /bobf/conf_key iv_node_key TYPE /bobf/obm_node_key iv_edit_mode TYPE /bobf/conf_edit_mode DEFAULT /bob f/if_conf_c=>sc_edit_read_only iv_index TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(rr_data) TYPE REF TO data RAISING /bobf/cx_frw, get_node_table_by_assoc IMPORTING iv_key TYPE /bobf/conf_key iv_node_key TYPE /bobf/obm_node_key iv_assoc_key TYPE /bobf/obm_assoc_key iv_edit_mode TYPE /bobf/conf_edit_mode D EFAULT /bobf/if_conf_c=>sc_edit_read_only RETURNING VALUE(rr_data) TYPE REF TO data RAISING /bobf/cx_frw, get_node_row_by_assoc IMPORTING iv_key TYPE /bobf/conf_key iv_node_key TYPE /bobf/obm_node_key iv_assoc_key TYPE /bobf/obm_assoc_key iv_edit_mode TYPE /bobf/conf_edit_mode DEF AULT /bobf/if_conf_c=>sc_edit_read_only iv_index TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(rr_data) TYPE REF TO data RAISING /bobf/cx_frw, display_messages IMPORTING io_message TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_frw_message. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_demo IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. "Obtain a reference to the BOPF transaction manager: me->mo_txn_mngr = /bobf/cl_tra_trans_mgr_factory=>get_transaction_manager( ). "Obtain a reference to the BOPF service manager: me->mo_svc_mngr = /bobf/cl_tra_serv_mgr_factory=>get_service_manager( /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_bo_key ). "Access the metadata for the /BOBF/DEMO_CUSTOMER BO: me->mo_bo_conf = /bobf/cl_frw_factory=>get_configuration( /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_bo_key ). ENDMETHOD. " METHOD constructor METHOD create_customer. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lo_driver TYPE REF TO lcl_demo. DATA lt_mod TYPE /bobf/t_frw_modification. DATA lo_change TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_change. DATA lo_message TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_frw_message. DATA lv_rejected TYPE boole_d. DATA lx_bopf_ex TYPE REF TO /bobf/cx_frw. DATA lv_err_msg TYPE string. DATA lr_s_root TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_customer_hdr_k. DATA lr_s_txt TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_short_text_k. DATA lr_s_txt_hdr TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_longtext_hdr_k. DATA lr_s_txt_cont TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_longtext_item_k. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_mod> LIKE LINE OF lt_mod. "Use the BOPF API to create a new customer record: TRY. "Instantiate the driver class: CREATE OBJECT lo_driver. "Build the ROOT node: CREATE DATA lr_s_root. lr_s_root->key = /bobf/cl_frw_factory=>get_new_key( ). lr_s_root->customer_id = iv_customer_id. lr_s_root->sales_org = 'AMER'. lr_s_root->cust_curr = 'USD'. lr_s_root->address_contry = 'US'. lr_s_root->address = '1234 Any Street'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_mod ASSIGNING <ls_mod>. <ls_mod>-node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root. <ls_mod>-change_mode = /bobf/if_frw_c=>sc_modify_create. <ls_mod>-key = lr_s_root->key. <ls_mod>-data = lr_s_root. "Build the ROOT_TEXT node: CREATE DATA lr_s_txt. lr_s_txt->key = /bobf/cl_frw_factory=>get_new_key( ). lr_s_txt->text = 'Sample Customer Record'. lr_s_txt->language = sy-langu. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_mod ASSIGNING <ls_mod>. <ls_mod>-node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root_text. <ls_mod>-change_mode = /bobf/if_frw_c=>sc_modify_create. <ls_mod>-source_node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root. <ls_mod>-association = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_association-root-root_ text. <ls_mod>-source_key = lr_s_root->key. <ls_mod>-key = lr_s_txt->key. <ls_mod>-data = lr_s_txt. "Build the ROOT_LONG_TEXT node: "If you look at the node type for this node, you'll notice that "it's a "Delegated Node". In other words, it is defined in terms "of the /BOBF/DEMO_TEXT_COLLECTION business object. The following "code accounts for this indirection. CREATE DATA lr_s_txt_hdr. lr_s_txt_hdr->key = /bobf/cl_frw_factory=>get_new_key( ). APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_mod ASSIGNING <ls_mod>. <ls_mod>-node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root_long_tex t. <ls_mod>-change_mode = /bobf/if_frw_c=>sc_modify_create. <ls_mod>-source_node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root. <ls_mod>-association = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_association-root-r oot_long_text. <ls_mod>-source_key = lr_s_root->key. <ls_mod>-key = lr_s_txt_hdr->key. <ls_mod>-data = lr_s_txt_hdr. "Create the CONTENT node: CREATE DATA lr_s_txt_cont. lr_s_txt_cont->key = /bobf/cl_frw_factory=>get_new_key( ). lr_s_txt_cont->language = sy-langu. lr_s_txt_cont->text_type = 'MEMO'. lr_s_txt_cont->text_content = 'Demo customer created via BOPF API.'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_mod ASSIGNING <ls_mod>. <ls_mod>-node = lo_driver->mo_bo_conf->query_node( iv_proxy_node_na me = 'ROOT_LONG_TXT.CONTENT' ). <ls_mod>-change_mode = /bobf/if_frw_c=>sc_modify_create. <ls_mod>-source_node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root_long_text. <ls_mod>-source_key = lr_s_txt_hdr->key. <ls_mod>-key = lr_s_txt_cont->key. <ls_mod>-data = lr_s_txt_cont. <ls_mod>-association = lo_driver->mo_bo_conf->query_assoc( iv_node_key = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root_long_text iv_assoc_name = 'CONTENT' ). "Create the customer record: CALL METHOD lo_driver->mo_svc_mngr->modify EXPORTING it_modification = lt_mod IMPORTING eo_change = lo_change eo_message = lo_message. "Check for errors: IF lo_message IS BOUND. IF lo_message->check( ) EQ abap_true. lo_driver->display_messages( lo_message ). RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. "Apply the transactional changes: CALL METHOD lo_driver->mo_txn_mngr->save IMPORTING eo_message = lo_message ev_rejected = lv_rejected. IF lv_rejected EQ abap_true. lo_driver->display_messages( lo_message ). RETURN. ENDIF. "If we get to here, then the operation was successful: WRITE: / 'Customer', iv_customer_id, 'created successfully.'. CATCH /bobf/cx_frw INTO lx_bopf_ex. lv_err_msg = lx_bopf_ex->get_text( ). WRITE: / lv_err_msg. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD create_customer METHOD change_customer. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lo_driver TYPE REF TO lcl_demo. DATA lv_customer_key TYPE /bobf/conf_key. DATA lt_mod TYPE /bobf/t_frw_modification. DATA lo_change TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_change. DATA lo_message TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_frw_message. DATA lv_rejected TYPE boole_d. DATA lx_bopf_ex TYPE REF TO /bobf/cx_frw. DATA lv_err_msg TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_mod> LIKE LINE OF lt_mod. DATA lr_s_root TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_customer_hdr_k. "Try to change the address on the selected customer: TRY. "Instantiate the test driver class: CREATE OBJECT lo_driver. "Access the customer ROOT node: lv_customer_key = lo_driver->get_customer_for_id( iv_customer_id ). lr_s_root ?= lo_driver->get_node_row( iv_key = lv_customer_key iv_node_key = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node -root iv_edit_mode = /bobf/if_conf_c=>sc_edit_exclusi ve iv_index = 1 ). "Change the address string on the customer: lr_s_root->address = '1234 Boardwalk Ave.'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_mod ASSIGNING <ls_mod>. <ls_mod>-node = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node-root. <ls_mod>-change_mode = /bobf/if_frw_c=>sc_modify_update. <ls_mod>-key = lr_s_root->key. <ls_mod>-data = lr_s_root. "Create the customer record: CALL METHOD lo_driver->mo_svc_mngr->modify EXPORTING it_modification = lt_mod IMPORTING eo_change = lo_change eo_message = lo_message. "Check for errors: IF lo_message IS BOUND. IF lo_message->check( ) EQ abap_true. lo_driver->display_messages( lo_message ). RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. "Apply the transactional changes: CALL METHOD lo_driver->mo_txn_mngr->save IMPORTING eo_message = lo_message ev_rejected = lv_rejected. IF lv_rejected EQ abap_true. lo_driver->display_messages( lo_message ). RETURN. ENDIF. "If we get to here, then the operation was successful: WRITE: / 'Customer', iv_customer_id, 'updated successfully.'. CATCH /bobf/cx_frw INTO lx_bopf_ex. lv_err_msg = lx_bopf_ex->get_text( ). WRITE: / lv_err_msg. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD change_customer METHOD display_customer. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lo_driver TYPE REF TO lcl_demo. DATA lv_customer_key TYPE /bobf/conf_key. DATA lx_bopf_ex TYPE REF TO /bobf/cx_frw. DATA lv_err_msg TYPE string. DATA lr_s_root TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_customer_hdr_k. DATA lr_s_text TYPE REF TO /bobf/s_demo_short_text_k. "Try to display the selected customer: TRY. "Instantiate the test driver class: CREATE OBJECT lo_driver. "Lookup the customer's key attribute using a query: lv_customer_key = lo_driver->get_customer_for_id( iv_customer_id ). "Display the header-level details for the customer: lr_s_root ?= lo_driver->get_node_row( iv_key = lv_customer_key iv_node_key = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_node -root iv_index = 1 ). WRITE: / 'Display Customer', lr_s_root->customer_id. ULINE. WRITE: / 'Sales Organization:', lr_s_root->sales_org. WRITE: / 'Address:', lr_s_root->address. SKIP. "Traverse to the ROOT_TEXT node to display the customer short text: lr_s_text ?= lo_driver->get_node_row_by_assoc( iv_key = lv_customer_key iv_node_key = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c =>sc_node-root iv_assoc_key = /bobf/if_demo_customer_ c=>sc_association-root-root_text iv_index = 1 ). WRITE: / 'Short Text:', lr_s_text->text. CATCH /bobf/cx_frw INTO lx_bopf_ex. lv_err_msg = lx_bopf_ex->get_text( ). WRITE: / lv_err_msg. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD display_customer METHOD get_customer_for_id. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lo_driver TYPE REF TO lcl_demo. DATA lt_parameters TYPE /bobf/t_frw_query_selparam. DATA lt_customer_keys TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key. DATA lx_bopf_ex TYPE REF TO /bobf/cx_frw. DATA lv_err_msg TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_parameter> LIKE LINE OF lt_parameters. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_customer_key> LIKE LINE OF lt_customer_keys. "Instantiate the test driver class: CREATE OBJECT lo_driver. "Though we could conceivably lookup the customer using an SQL query, "the preferred method of selection is a BOPF query: APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_parameters ASSIGNING <ls_parameter>. <ls_parameter>-attribute_name = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_query_attribute -root-select_by_attributes-customer_id. <ls_parameter>-sign = 'I'. <ls_parameter>-option = 'EQ'. <ls_parameter>-low = iv_customer_id. CALL METHOD lo_driver->mo_svc_mngr->query EXPORTING iv_query_key = /bobf/if_demo_customer_c=>sc_query-root-select _by_attributes it_selection_parameters = lt_parameters IMPORTING et_key = lt_customer_keys. "Return the matching customer's KEY value: READ TABLE lt_customer_keys INDEX 1 ASSIGNING <ls_customer_key>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. rv_customer_key = <ls_customer_key>-key. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD get_customer_for_id METHOD get_node_table. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lt_key TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key. DATA ls_node_conf TYPE /bobf/s_confro_node. DATA lo_change TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_change. DATA lo_message TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_frw_message. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_key> LIKE LINE OF lt_key. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_data> TYPE INDEX TABLE. "Lookup the node's configuration: CALL METHOD mo_bo_conf->get_node EXPORTING iv_node_key = iv_node_key IMPORTING es_node = ls_node_conf. "Use the node configuration metadata to create the result table: CREATE DATA rr_data TYPE (ls_node_conf-data_table_type). ASSIGN rr_data->* TO <lt_data>. "Retrieve the target node: APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_key ASSIGNING <ls_key>. <ls_key>-key = iv_key. CALL METHOD mo_svc_mngr->retrieve EXPORTING iv_node_key = iv_node_key it_key = lt_key IMPORTING eo_message = lo_message eo_change = lo_change et_data = <lt_data>. "Check the results: IF lo_message IS BOUND. IF lo_message->check( ) EQ abap_true. display_messages( lo_message ). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD get_node_table METHOD get_node_row. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lr_t_data TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_data> TYPE INDEX TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_row> TYPE ANY. "Lookup the node data: lr_t_data = get_node_table( iv_key = iv_key iv_node_key = iv_node_key iv_edit_mode = iv_edit_mode ). IF lr_t_data IS NOT BOUND. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. "Try to pull the record at the specified index: ASSIGN lr_t_data->* TO <lt_data>. READ TABLE <lt_data> INDEX iv_index ASSIGNING <ls_row>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. GET REFERENCE OF <ls_row> INTO rr_data. ELSE. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD get_node_row METHOD get_node_table_by_assoc. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lt_key TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key. DATA ls_node_conf TYPE /bobf/s_confro_node. DATA ls_association TYPE /bobf/s_confro_assoc. DATA lo_change TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_change. DATA lo_message TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_frw_message. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_key> LIKE LINE OF lt_key. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_data> TYPE INDEX TABLE. "Lookup the association metadata to find out more "information about the target sub-node: CALL METHOD mo_bo_conf->get_assoc EXPORTING iv_assoc_key = iv_assoc_key iv_node_key = iv_node_key IMPORTING es_assoc = ls_association. IF ls_association-target_node IS NOT BOUND. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. ls_node_conf = ls_association-target_node->*. "Use the node configuration metadata to create the result table: CREATE DATA rr_data TYPE (ls_node_conf-data_table_type). ASSIGN rr_data->* TO <lt_data>. "Retrieve the target node: APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_key ASSIGNING <ls_key>. <ls_key>-key = iv_key. CALL METHOD mo_svc_mngr->retrieve_by_association EXPORTING iv_node_key = iv_node_key it_key = lt_key iv_association = iv_assoc_key iv_fill_data = abap_true IMPORTING eo_message = lo_message eo_change = lo_change et_data = <lt_data>. "Check the results: IF lo_message IS BOUND. IF lo_message->check( ) EQ abap_true. display_messages( lo_message ). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD get_node_table_by_assoc METHOD get_node_row_by_assoc. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lr_t_data TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_data> TYPE INDEX TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_row> TYPE ANY. "Lookup the node data: lr_t_data = get_node_table_by_assoc( iv_key = iv_key iv_node_key = iv_node_key iv_assoc_key = iv_assoc_key iv_edit_mode = iv_edit_mode ). IF lr_t_data IS NOT BOUND. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. "Try to pull the record at the specified index: ASSIGN lr_t_data->* TO <lt_data>. READ TABLE <lt_data> INDEX iv_index ASSIGNING <ls_row>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. GET REFERENCE OF <ls_row> INTO rr_data. ELSE. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_dac. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD get_node_row_by_assoc METHOD display_messages. "Method-Local Data Declarations: DATA lt_messages TYPE /bobf/t_frw_message_k. DATA lv_msg_text TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_message> LIKE LINE OF lt_messages. "Sanity check: CHECK io_message IS BOUND. "Output each of the messages in the collection: io_message->get_messages( IMPORTING et_message = lt_messages ). LOOP AT lt_messages ASSIGNING <ls_message>. lv_msg_text = <ls_message>-message->get_text( ). WRITE: / lv_msg_text. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. " METHOD display_messages ENDCLASS. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& START-OF-SELECTION Event Module * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION. "Run the demo program: IF p_create EQ abap_true. lcl_demo=>create_customer( iv_customer_id = p_custid ). ELSEIF p_change EQ abap_true. lcl_demo=>change_customer( iv_customer_id = p_custid ). ELSE. lcl_demo=>display_customer( iv_customer_id = p_custid ). ENDIF.