X traordinary4XMassWorkout PDF
X traordinary4XMassWorkout PDF
X traordinary4XMassWorkout PDF
com Presents
Training for X-treme Muscle Size
by Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
The 4X Mass Workout was written to help you achieve a
muscular physique with sensible bodybuilding strategies.
Weight training and dieting can be demanding activities,
however, so it is highly recommended that you consult your
physician and have a physical examination prior to beginning.
Proceed with the suggested exercises and routines at your own
Workout programs in printable PDF format
Our mantra has always been one small change can trigger
bigger gains, and total-4X training is definitely a big switch
from what you're used to. It also eases up on the stress
accelerator, balancing it with more volume.
Whoa! Don't let that last statement scare you. This isn't
about adopting the marathon workouts of the over-drugged
present-day pro bodybuilders. It's about doing more work in
less time, but with slightly less intensity.
Doing, say, four sets per exercise with the same medium
weight so that only the last set is all out, can do incredible
things for muscle growth. That's especially true if you use
that style of training as a follow-up to an extensive high-
intensity training phasesix to 10 all-out sets per bodypart,
as many of our other programs suggest. A total-4X program
is also ideal when you're in the midst of a low-calorie diet
and muscle-eating stress hormones are running rampant.
Unfortunately, bodybuilders
have been brainwashed into
thinking that they must use
heavy-weight, lower-rep sets (power) for growth all the
time. That's a fallacy and one of the big reasons muscle
gains are very slow for the majority. It's also the reason
that when they add something like the 10-sets-of-10-reps
method (10x10), they get a massive growth spurt. Why?
Cortisol reduction
also improves one of your key muscle-building hormones,
Dr. Hans
Selye called this
the General
Syndrome, stating that when your body encounters a
repeated stress, like high-intensity weight training, it goes
through three levels of response:
The growth
threshold is the
point at which the
level of fatigue
in the muscle is
high enough that
a growth response
is elicited. Your
goal during a
workout should
be to fatigue the
target muscles you
are training more
and more with
each succeeding
set. In other
words, you want
Lee Labrada. the muscles to
1 2 3 4
Not all exercises will require the one lighter warmup set.
We recommend it for most big midrange exercises in the
basic program and most stretch-position exercises in the
Positions-of-Flexion program in the next chapter. Let's
look at the Big, Basic 4X Mass Workout so you can get
growing with this amazing mass-building method.
Exercise Poundage
Bench presses*, 4 x 10
Cable crossovers, 3 x 12
Incline presses*, 4 x 10
Rack pulls, 4 x 10
Dumbbell presses*, 3 x 10
Lateral raises, 3 x 12
Lying extensions*, 4 x 10
Pushdowns, 3 x 12
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
Exercise Poundage
Leg presses*
or Squats*, 4 x 10
Leg extensions, 3 x 12
(flat back), 4 x 10
Leg curls, 3 x 10
raises*, 4 x 15
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
Exercise Poundage
or Chins*, 4 x 10
Stiff-arm pulldowns, 3 x 12
Bent-over rows*, 4 x 10
Bent-arm bent-over
laterals, 3 x 12
4 x 10
Concentration curls
or Spider curls, 3 x 12
Incline kneeups, 4 x 12
Full-range crunches, 4 x 15
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
Fiber recruitment. By
incorporating an exercise that
puts the target bodypart in an
overextended, or stretched,
state, like flyes for chest or
pullovers for lats, you can better
activate what is known as
the myotatic reflex. When the
muscle is stretched, the nervous
system sends an emergency
response signal to the brain and
a maximum number of muscle
fibers are recruited. Using
this prestretch reflex can help
you get to fibers you couldnt Sissy squats, the stretch-position
recruit with other exercises. For exercise for quads.
example, after you do squats
or leg presses, you move to sissy squats (pictured at
right), a stretch-position exercise for your quads, to jolt
reserve fibers into action. [Note: Stretch overload has also
been linked to hyperplasia, or fiber splitting, and anabolic
hormone release in muscle tissue.]
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
[Note: You can see our current program and how it's
evolving by visiting our X-Rep Training Blog at: http://
Week 1
Monday: W1 (chest, back, abs)
Tuesday: W2 (legs)
Wednesday: W3 (delts, arms)
Friday: W1 (chest, back, absinclude deadlifts)
Week 2
Monday: W3 (delts, arms)
Tuesday: W2 (legs)
Wednesday: W1 (chest, back, abs)
Friday: W3 (delts, arms)
Sissy squats
Spider curls
Leg curls
Machine standing calf raises
Bench presses
Undergrip pulldowns
Machine rows
Overhead presses
Dumbbell upright rows
But pushing your fourth set into the pain zone with X
Reps isn't totally taboo, especially the last few weeks of a
4X training phase. That will boost intensity for new growth.
We prefer partials to full-range forced reps because X
Reps are less destructive to the nervous system.
Exercise Poundage
Bench presses*, 4 x 10
S: Flat-bench flyes, 4 x 10
Cable crossovers, 4 x 12
Incline presses*, 4 x 10
Rack pulls, 4 x 10
Dumbbell presses*, 4 x 10
Lateral raises, 4 x 12
Lying extensions*, 4 x 10
S: Overhead extensions, 4 x 10
Pushdowns, 4 x 12
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
Exercise Poundage
Leg presses*
or Squats*, 4 x 10
S: Sissy squats, 4 x 12
Leg extensions, 4 x 12
(flat back), 4 x 10
Leg curls, 4 x 10
raises*, 4 x 15
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
Exercise Poundage
Pulldowns*, 4 x 10
S: Pullovers*, 4 x 10
Stiff-arm pulldowns, 4 x 12
Bent-over rows*, 4 x 10
Bent-arm bent-over
laterals, 4 x 12
4 x 10
S: Incline curls, 4 x 10
Concentration curls
or Spider curls, 4 x 12
Incline kneeups, 4 x 12
Full-range crunches, 4 x 15
* Do one light warmup set with 50 to 70 percent of the weight you will
use for your 4X or 3X sequence.
Lying extensions, 4 x 10
Overhead extensions, 4 x 10
Pushdowns, 4 x 12