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The document discusses strategies for muscle growth after age 40 without using steroids or drugs.

Sissy squats, one-arm cable laterals, pushouts, and dumbbell pullovers are some unfamiliar exercises described.

Positions of muscle contraction discussed include midrange, stretch, and contracted.


The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual was written to help
you achieve a muscular physique with sensible bodybuilding
strategies. Weight training and dieting can be demanding
activities, however, so it is highly recommended that you
consult your physician and have a physical examination prior to
beginning. Proceed with the suggested exercises and routines at
your own risk.

Studio photography by Michael Neveux

Other photography by Steve Holman & Jonathan Lawson

Cover model: Jonathan Lawson (photo by Steve Holman)

Copyright © 2018 by Homebody Productions, Inc.

All rights reserved.

The material in this document may not be reproduced in whole

or in part in any manner or form without prior written consent
from the publisher/copyright holder.

Homebody Productions, Inc.

P.O. Box 2800, Ventura, CA 93002


The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual


Chapter 1—My 10-Week Size Surge Results......6

Chapter 2—Positions of Flexion:

Weapon of Mass Construction.......12

Chapter 3—The X-Rep Mass-Building


Chapter 4—The Anabolic After-40 Workout......32

Chapter 5—Freak-Physique Density


Appendix—The POF Mass-Move Matrix............48

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Like most teenagers who start bodybuilding, I wanted to be
so big, ripped and freaky that jaws would drop when I walked
on a beach. Whether you’re young or old, a muscular physique
is a great way to get noticed and elevate self-esteem. I also
had dreams of competing onstage in bodybuilding.

After I’d been lifting weights for a few years and had
progressed to a respectable level of size and strength, that
dream seemed to be a little closer, but many told me I needed
“extra” help to get there. I didn’t listen. I refused to resort to
bodybuilding drugs. They were out of the question for me (and
still are in my 40s) because the rewards simply weren’t worth
the risk. I decided to rely solely on training and nutrition.

At age 19 I entered my first contest and didn't win. Then I

competed again and did even worse. I knew I needed more
muscle size if I wanted to make a strong showing, but I didn't
want to do it "artficially." I wanted to succeed without drugs.

It wasn't easy to avoid steroids. The bodybuilders at my gym

who used such drugs continued to tell me I couldn’t compete
successfully without them. I tried not to listen, but their words
echoed through my mind almost daily. Rather than give in to
the temptation, however, I used their words to fuel my workout
intensity and the conviction that I could do it drug-free.

While I did improve my physique, the real size I was seeking

didn’t materialize no matter what I tried. I began to think that
the drug users at the gym were right, that it was impossible to
build exceptional size and strength without anabolic steroids.

Rather than risk my health and convictions, I let my training

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
gradually slack off and fall by the wayside. By the time I was 21,
my bodyweight had leveled off at a soft 190 pounds at 5’11”
(pic on the left below), and I began to refocus my priorities.

Then I got a job in the product division of Iron Man magazine

and met Steve Holman, the editor in chief. He told me he had
just developed a training program that could add pounds of
muscle to just about anyone’s frame in a few months.

Talking to Steve motivated me to start training hard again,

and here’s the real kicker: I then convinced him to train with
me. When he agreed, I felt a wave of motivation unlike any I’d
ever felt before. Steve had developed the Positions-of-Flexion
muscle-building system, so I had a good feeling that he could
help me take my muscle size and strength over the top.

The 10-Week Size Surge program worked like mass-building

magic for me,
packing on
20 pounds of
muscle to my
frame. Keep in
mind that I was
in my early 20s
at that time and
regaining some
muscle I had
previously. Still,
the gains were
amazing. Now
it's not a program I would recommend for me now in my 40s,
which is why I'm writing this book. I will show you my training
evolution and the best programs—from Size Surge in my 20s, to
X-Reps in my 30s and now XRX in my 40s, all with a common
size-building thread: Positions-of-Flexion. Let's start with Size

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
My 10-Week Size Surge Results

I was 21 years old when I took the Size Surge challenge—

and it paid off big! As I mentioned, this is not a program for the
older bodybuilder, but the program I currently use in my 40s is a
version of it, as you'll see. Let's rewind more than two decades
and review my results, which shocked even me:

Bodyweight: 191 pounds
Bodyfat: 11 percent (according to AccuMeasure calipers)
Arms: 16 3/4 inches
Waist: 33 inches
Thighs: 25 1/2 inches
Squat: 205 x 8
Bench press: 200 x 10

10 Weeks later
Bodyweight: 209 pounds
Bodyfat: 10 percent (according to AccuMeasure calipers)
Arms: 18 inches
Waist: 32 inches
Thighs: 27 inches
Squat: 335 x 7
Bench press: 290 x 6

I added almost 20 pounds in 2 1/2 months. My bodypart

measurements and strength increases also amazed me: arms,
up 1 1/4 inches; thighs, up 1 1/2 inches; waist, down one inch;
bench, up from 200 x 10 to 290 x 6; squat, up from 205 x 8
to 335 x 7. Unbelievable—and I did all that in 10 weeks with
no steroids, just hard, sensible training, a regimented eating

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
schedule and a few choice supplements (see my diet and
supplements in my 20 Pounds of Muscle ebook). Considering
my sputtering progress in the past, these gains were miraculous.

Adding new muscle that quickly felt incredible. While I was not
the ripped bodybuilder yet, it was a giant step in that direction,
primarily thanks to Positions of Flexion training, which I'll
explain in detail later. As I said, it's the common anabolic thread
throughout my decades of training.

POF was the second five weeks, or Phase 2. The first five
weeks, Phase 1, I used a basic-move strength-building routine.
It's more of an anabolic primer designed to prepare every
muscle for full-range POF, a true trigger of hyper-hypertrophy.
Here are both programs:

Phase 1: Monday
Five weeks; first week stop a rep or two short of failure on all work sets.

Exercise Poundage x Reps

Squats*, 2 x 7-9
Leg extensions, 1 x 7-9
Semi-stiff-legged deadlifts*, 1 x 7-9
Leg curls*, 1 x 7-9
Bench presses*, 2 x 7-9
Flat-bench flyes, 1 x 7-9
Incline dumbbell presses, 2 x 7-9
Chins or pulldowns*, 2 x 7-9
Bent-over rows*, 2 x 7-9
Dumbbell presses*, 2 x 7-9
Dumbbell upright rows, 2 x 7-9
Leg press or donkey calf raises, 2 x 12-18

*Do one to two light warmup sets with about 50 percent of your work weight on the first and 80
percent on the second prior to your two work sets.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Phase 1: Wednesday
Five weeks; first week stop a rep or two short of failure on all work sets.

Exercise Poundage x Reps

Deadlifts*, 2 x 7-9
Standing calf raises, 2 x 12-18
Barbell curls*, 2 x 7-9
Concentration curls, 2 x 7-9
Lying triceps extensions*, 2 x 7-9
Pushdowns or kickbacks, 2 x 7-9
Wrist curls, 1 x 12-18
Hammer curls, 1 x 7-9
Incline kneeups, 2 x 7-9
Ab Bench crunch pulls, 2 x 7-9

*Do one to two light warmup sets with about 50 percent of your work weight on the first and 80
percent on the second prior to your two work sets.

Phase 1: Friday
Five weeks; first week stop a rep or two short of failure on all work sets.

Exercise Poundage x Reps

Squats*, 2 x 7-9
Leg extensions, 1 x 7-9
Leg curls, 2 x 7-9
Seated calf raises*, 2 x 12-18
Bench presses*, 2 x 7-9
Flat-bench flyes, 1 x 7-9
Incline dumbbell presses, 2 x 7-9
Chins or pulldowns*, 2 x 7-9
Bent-over rows*, 2 x 7-9
Dumbbell presses*, 2 x 7-9
Dumbbell upright rows, 2 x 7-9

*Do one to two light warmup sets with about 50 percent of your work weight on the first and 80
percent on the second prior to your two work sets.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Phase 2
Five weeks; first week stop a rep or two short of failure on all work sets.

Workout 1
Midrange: Squats*, 2 x 7-9
Stretch: Sissy squats, 1 x 7-9
Contracted: Leg extensions, 2 x 7-9
Midrange & Stretch: Semi-stiff-legged deadlifts*, 1 x 7-9
Contracted: Leg curls, 2 x 7-9
Stretch: Donkey calf raises, 2 x 12-18
Contracted: Standing calf raises, 2 x 12-18
•Lower chest
Midrange: Bench presses*, 2 x 7-9
Stretch & Contracted: Crossovers, 1 x 7-9
•Upper chest
Midrange: Incline dumbbell presses, 2 x 7-9
Stretch & Contracted: Incline cable flyes, 1 x 7-9
Midrange: Lying triceps extensions, 2 x 7-9
Stretch: Overhead extensions, 1 x 7-9
Contracted: Dumbbell kickbacks, 1 x 7-9

Workout 2
Midrange: Pulldowns to the front*, 2 x 7-9
Stretch & Contracted: Machine pullovers, 2 x 7-9
Midrange: Behind-the-neck pulldowns*, 2 x 7-9
Stretch: One-arm dumbbell rows, 1 x 7-9
Contracted: Bent-over bent-arm laterals, 2 x 7-9
•Upper traps
Stretch & Contracted: Forward-lean shrugs, 2 x 7-9
Midrange: Dumbbell upright rows*, 2 x 7-9
Stretch: Incline one-arm laterals, 1 x 7-9
Contracted: Lateral raises, 2 x 7-9
Midrange: Dumbbell curls*, 2 x 7-9
Stretch: Incline dumbbell curls, 1 x 7-9
Contracted: Nonsupport concentration curls, 1 x 7-9
Midrange & Lower Contracted: Incline kneeups, 1 x 7-9
Stretch & Upper Contracted: Ab Bench crunch pulls, 2 x 7-9
*Do one to two light warmup sets with 50 percent of your work weight on the
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
first and 80 percent on the second prior to your two work sets.
It may not look like a lot at first glance—only a couple of sets
per bodypart. But I can say from experience that it was brutal.
Remember, all sets listed are to muscular failure, usually after a
couple of lighter warmup sets. Those heavy work sets after the
warmups take a toll, which is why I don't recommend this for
over-40 bodybuilders.

Some could handle it, no doubt, but there's a much better,

safer way to pack on muscle after 40, which I'll get to. And I
will even plug it into a program very similar to the above so
you can start stretching the sleeves of your T-shirts almost
immediately—no ultra-heavy joint-jarring poundages necessary.
The keys are total-fiber-type hypertrophy and Positions of

Since you have a snapshot of POF in Phase 2 on the previous

page, allow me to give you a brief explanation of this powerful
mass-building protocol. POF has you do specific exercises,
usually three, that train each muscle through its entire range
of motion, or ROM, to trigger extraordinary fiber recruitment
at every workout. That means faster, more complete muscle
development from fewer sets.

Don’t misunderstand: Full-ROM training isn’t doing an

exercise through its complete stroke, which is normally what
you think when “full-range training” is mentioned; instead, it’s
training each muscle with the right exercises, so that with one
you hit the target from a full-stretch position, with another you
blast the contracted position with continuous tension, and you
also hit one position in between, usually with a compound,
or multijoint, exercise, to get power-packed muscle synergy.
In other words, POF allows you to work a muscle’s full arc of
flexion—and build mass fast! You’ll feel it happening!

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Interesting that almost three decades after Steve created POF,
scientists are verifying how and why it works. In fact, respected
researcher Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., recently identified his three
key hypertrophy factors, and they coincidentally coincide with
Positions-of-Flexion exercises...

1) Mechanical tension (with heavier training) = POF

midrange moves: squats, bench presses, etc.

2) Metabolic stress (by blocking blood flow during

sufficient tension time for cell swelling) = POF contracted
moves: leg extensions, machine flyes, etc.

3) Muscle damage (via microtears in the fibers) = POF

stretch moves: sissy squats, DB flyes, etc.

POF triceps training is a perfect example (I'll break out each

muscle with POF in the next chapter):

POF triceps: close-grip bench presses, overhead extensions and pushdowns.

Midrange = Mechanical

Stretch = Muscle Damage

Contracted = Metabolic

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
POF: Weapon of Mass Construction

I was surprised, shocked actually,

after putting POF to the test for the first
time. It almost felt like my skin might
tear because the influx of blood was so
crazy. That excited me because I knew
it was a direct result of extreme muscle
fiber recruitment when a target muscle
is trained thoroughly and completely.
Full-range training produces an
immediate size surge via a full-blown
Me in my 30s after various
The target muscles get so much POF programs and intensity
stimulation that there’s a massive tactics, like X Reps.
blood flow to the area after only a few
sets. It’s a condition bodybuilders strive for—and not just because
Arnold compared it to an orgasm in “Pumping Iron.” The pump
can be a signal that the muscle has been stressed enough to
grow, it helps create an environment in which more of the muscle
fibers can fire (occlusion research proves that) and it can also help
stretch the fascia, the muscle-fiber encasements, that can restrict
growth if they’re left to remain tight.

You saw the three triceps movements in the last chapter. Let’s
look at POF biceps, one of Arnold’s favorite routines: barbell or
dumbbell curls, incline dumbbell curls and concentration curls.

Arnold no doubt instinctively realized that those three exercises

hit the target from three key positions/angles, for complete ROM
(range of motion):
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
•Biceps midrange: upper
arms slightly in front of the torso.
Barbell, dumbbell or cable curls
hit the midrange position and
train the biceps with synergy
from the front delts. When
muscles work together, the
overload and fiber activation are
much greater in most cases.
•Biceps stretch: arms
angled back behind the torso.
Incline dumbbell curls hit the
stretch position and activate
the myotatic reflex due to
extreme biceps elongation,
which heightens muscle fiber stimulation. (More recent studies
link stretch overload to hyperplasia, or fiber spitting, with one
achieving a 300 percent increase in animal muscle tissue after
only 30 days of stretch-induced stress!)
•Biceps contracted: arms up and away from the torso.
Concentration curls hit the contracted position with resistance at
the point of maximum contraction, but that contracted position
is actually the target muscle’s weakest point. The real key to
contracted-position effectiveness is continuous tension, no rest
during the set, which blocks blood flow to the muscle. That
occlusion is a powerful anabolic stimulus and also produces
a potent anabolic jolt, especially after the heightened fiber
activation created by the stretch-position movement.



13 Contracted
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Once you understand the full-range concept, you can see
why POF works and why it creates a skin-stretching pump
in only a few sets. You totally stimulate the muscle fibers
by triggering the stretch reflex in a routine that trains each
bodypart through its complete arc of flexion.

Muscle physiology dictates that full ROM and the myotatic

reflex, along with occlusion and muscle synergy, can combine
to ignite an extreme hypertrophic adaptation—or as Brad
Schoenfeld, Ph.D, categorizes these: mechanical tension,
muscle damage and metabolic stress.

Okay, let’s start from the top—or the middle, in this case—
with the POF midrange position, where you get the most fiber
involvement. I'll also I.D. a midrange exercise for each major

Midrange. The first exercise in a standard POF approach is

a midrange movement. The mass-building exercises, as they’re
known, train the majority of the target-muscle fibers with heavy
weight—giving them max-force overload—so it makes sense
to give them priority most of the time. These core exercises
are so powerful for good reason: Midrange movements involve
muscle teamwork, which means that a number of muscle
structures gang up to move the weight, with the target muscle
as the prime mover, or leader of the pack. For example, the
squat is a midrange exercise for the quads, and the glutes,
hamstrings, lower back and even calves get in on the action to
help the quads power up heavy iron for tremendous front-thigh

You can see why these exercises are at the core of every
POF routine—they build mass, plain and simple. Here’s a list of
some of the best midrange movements for each bodypart:

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Quads: squats
Hamstrings: feet-forward Smith-machine or hack squats
Calves: weight-bearing cardio (treadmill, hill setting),
knee-extension (loose-form) leg presses
Lats: V-handle chins, parallel-grip chins or front pulldowns
Midback: trained with lat midrange or rows
Delts: overhead presses (anterior/medial heads),
upright rows (medial-head emphasis)
Chest: bench presses (decline is best) or wide-grip dips
Biceps: barbell/dumbbell curls or
close-undergrip pulldowns or chins
Triceps: lying extensions or close-grip bench presses
or elbows-flared pushdowns or dips
Abdominals: incline kneeups

Synergy, multiple muscles working together, allows you to

ignite tremendous firepower because muscles work most
efficiently as part of a team. It’s the way the body is designed
to function in most cases. POF midrange movements all have
synergy, and you can build impressive muscle size and strength
in each bodypart just by using them alone; but you can get even
better results when you follow your midrange exercises with
movements that target the stretch and contracted positions.

Stretch. Stretch-position movements, the second exercise in

standard POF protocol, are excellent at activating the myotatic
reflex. Training the target body­part at its maximal point of
elongation—for example, incline curls for the biceps or overhead
extensions for the triceps—can force an emergency response
from the target muscle and bring new fibers into the action, ones
the midrange movement may have missed—and that means a
bigger, better growth response. Here’s how the phenomenon is
defined in the book Explosive Power, published by Health For
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
“The stretch reflex originates deep inside each muscle
fiber with a structure called the muscle spindle. The
muscle spindle is a complex construction of muscle
protein, fluid and nervous system receptors. Within this
structure is a special type of muscle fiber that does not
have the contractile qualities normally associated with
muscle. These special fibers, called intrafusal fibers,
are wrapped with nerve cells that relay information from
muscle to the central nervous system. When a muscle
is stretched quickly, the tension in the intrafusal fibers
stimulates these nerve cells, sending messages out to
the central nervous system at great speed. In response,
the central nervous system triggers a muscle reflex that
generates a fast and powerful contraction. This myotatic,
or stretch, reflex is a protective mechanism that provides
an extra burst of strength to resist force encountered
suddenly. When the reflex is triggered, a very
large proportion of the muscle’s fibers suddenly

When you use a stretch-position exercise, such as flyes for

the chest or pullovers for the lats, the target muscle reacts with
an emergency response, which can cause more muscle fibers
to fire. The reason an emergency reaction occurs is that you’re
training the muscle in a somewhat vulnerable position—at a
point of full elongation.

By activating more fast-twitch fibers in the target muscle,

you stimulate faster development. Stretch-position exercises
are also believed to trigger more anabolic hormone release,
such as IGF-1 and more force production, but not as much as
midrange exercises in most cases. And don’t forget about the
possibility of fiber splitting; Jose Antonio, Ph.D., et al., did a
study that produced a 300 percent muscle-size increase
in bird-wing muscle from only progressive-stretch overload.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Amazing! Here’s a list of powerful stretch-position exercises for
each muscle group:

Quads: sissy squats

Hamstrings: semi-stiff-legged deadlifts (a.k.a. Romanian
deadlifts) or flat-back hyperextensions
Calves: donkey calf raises or leg-press calf raises
Abs: cable crunches with low-back support
or end-of-bench crunches
Chest: dumbbell flyes
Lats: barbell or dumbbell pullovers
Midback: close-grip cable rows or
one-arm dumbbell rows or chest-supported DB rows
Delts: incline one-arm laterals or one-arm cable laterals
Biceps: incline curls
Triceps: overhead extensions or cable pushouts (in a
forward-lunge position, pictured below)

You’ll really feel these exercises in the target muscle, especially

when you do them after a big midrange movement. The pump

The cable pushout is a more elbow-friendly triceps stretch move

than overhead extensions for many trainees.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
and burn will be unreal—
and in some cases almost
unbearable. What's interesting
is that the latest research
shows that even moderate-
load stretching produces
muscle growth.

In the 2017 study “Stretch

Training Induces Unequal
Adaptation in Muscle Fascicles
and Thickness,” researchers
found that, "Stretch training
is a viable modality to alter
muscle architecture…
decreasing pennation angles
and increasing muscle Sissy squats = Quad stretch
thickness.” [Scand J Med Sci
Sports, 2017, Jan 30: Epub ahead of print]

What the heck does that mean? According to researcher


Incline one-arm lateral raises = medial-delt stretch

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
“At least some of the growth was due to the addition of
sarcomeres in series—as opposed to in parallel growth, which
is predominant in traditional training protocols.”

In other words, stretching and stretch-position exercises

can trigger significant new muscle mass on a whole new level.
Exciting stuff!

To finish off the target muscle and complete the full-range

ROM chain, you follow the stretch-position exercise with
a contracted-position movement for that final growth jolt
(although keep in mind that in some POF programs you don’t
work all positions at every workout; in fact, you'll see that as
we've gotten older, Steve and I have both opted for training only
one position for each muscle at every workout. More on that in
a later chapter).

Contracted. The last exercise in a standard POF bodypart

routine is the contracted-position movement, which trains the
target muscle group at the point of complete contraction with
resistance and continuous tension—for example, leg extensions
for the front thighs after squats (midrange) and sissy squats

An exercise with resistance in the completely contracted

position really finishes off a target muscle after as many fibers
as possible have been activated with the midrange- and
stretch-position movements. Most bodybuilders instinctively
crave a final squeeze on a pumped muscle to finish it off, and
contracted-position exercises provide that—but they do much

The continuous tension also maxes out the pump for that
skin-as-tight-as-a-drum feeling. That excessive fullness is due

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
to occlusion, which creates a bodypart bloodbath immediately
after the set. That's because continuous tension blocks blood
from flowing into the muscle until the set is done. Here’s a list of
contracted-position exercises for each muscle group:

Quads: leg extensions

Hamstrings: leg curls
Calves: standing calf raises
Abs: crunches
Chest: cable flyes, cable crossovers or machine flyes
Lats: stiff-arm pulldowns or machine pullovers
Midback: bent-arm bent-over laterals
Upper midback (upper traps): shrugs
Delts: lateral raises
Biceps: concentration curls
Triceps: pushdowns or kickbacks

Bent-arm bent-over lateral raises = midback contraction

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
So the underlying concepts of POF are simple: If you hit a
muscle from three specific angles that cover the full range of
motion of that muscle, you stimulate more fibers to grow and
create a number of anabolic cascades in the body. POF is
efficient, effective mass training!

Remember, the key point is that the angles you cover with
your chosen exercises should complement one another so
together they complete the full-ROM chain. Using triceps as
an example, decline close-grip bench presses (midrange),
overhead extensions (stretch) and kickbacks (contracted).

Each position can involve different fibers and different

recruitment patterns, producing full, extreme development
quickly. Exciting stuff, especially to the hardgaining
ectomorphic bodybuilder with genetics more like Steve's than
mine (see his before and after photos below).

POF creator Steve Holman took his toothpick physique to

bodybuilding impressiveness with full-range mass training.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Here’s a quote from Designing Resistance Training Programs
by Steven J. Fleck, Ph.D., and William J. Kraemer, Ph.D., two
of the most respected researchers in the strength-training field,
that corroborates this multi-angular mass-building approach:

“If the body position is changed, the order of recruitment

can also change (Grimby and Hannerz 1977). The order of
recruitment can also change for multifunctional muscles
from one movement or exercise to another. Recruitment
order in the quadriceps for the performance of a knee
extension is different from that for a squat. The variation
in recruitment order provides some evidence to support
the belief that to completely develop a particular
muscle it must be exercised with several
different movements or exercises.”

POF for the lats: pulldowns for midrange work, pullovers for stretch
and stiff-arm pulldowns for contraction.

Advanced bodybuilders do more than one exercise per

bodypart for that very reason—to develop as many fibers as
possible to extraordinary levels. Keep in mind, however, that a
lot of advanced bodybuilders use the shotgun approach when
it comes to multi-angular training, with no rhyme or reason
to their exercise selection, which can lead to overlap, wasted
effort and overtraining if you don’t have pharmaceutical help
(that’s the reason so many use steroids—to recover and grow
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
from the excessive training they think they need to “cover all the

Full-range-of-motion POF works because it produces complete

target-muscle stimulation with the minimal amount of work. If you’re
still not convinced multi-angular training is necessary, consider the
following quote from Jaci Van Heest, renowned exercise physiologist
at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs,

“Muscles contract when tiny levers on myosin, a muscle

protein, fit into grooves on actin, another protein, and push it
forward exactly like a ratchet wrench. But myosin can latch
onto actin in any of several positions, not all of them ideal.
Only when the myosin heads are in the right register can the
muscle have the optimal tension. But optimizing every actin-
myosin pairing is less an achievable goal than a Platonic ideal.”
(Newsweek, July 22, 1996: “How High? How Fast?”)

You need more than one exercise to optimize as many actin-

myosin pairings in the target muscle as possible. A midrange-,
stretch- and contracted-position exercise for each muscle gets you
there, triggering extraordinary muscle growth.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
The X-Rep Mass-Building
After years of growing
with standard Positions of
Flexion and its variations—
changing exercise order,
etc.—I needed something
to take my physique to the
next level.

After doing some research

and gym experimentation,
My back pose, which even shocked me,
Steve and I discovered was the result of getting some of the
something that did just best gains of my life with POF + X Reps,
that—a relatively simple no steroids or growth drugs necessary.
concept we call "X Reps"
because it extends a set with pulsating, piston-like partials in the
target muscle's semi-stretch range of the stroke.

It works so well at triggering new mass because of a few things

science reveals: First, every time you hit failure on an exercise,
it’s your nervous system that balks, not the muscle. You can do
set after set to try to get around or over that roadblock, but with
each set, your nervous system stops you early, and there are many
muscle fibers left understimulated and completely unused.

The X-Rep technique, which you’ll soon learn about, is one way
around that roadblock. It allows you to leapfrog nervous system
failure, significantly improve the anabolic stimulation of any set and
grow at an astounding rate.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
So to repeat, every set you do, even if you push it as hard
as you can, lacks max hypertrophic punch because of nervous
system failure. It’s the very reason bodybuilders do set after set
after set and get only small increases in muscle. It has to do
with what’s known as the Size Principle for recruitment of motor
neurons, which goes something like this...

In a standard set, the type 1 slow-twitch fibers are recruited

first, and the faster-growing type 2 fibers last. That's why so
many bodybuilders consider the last few reps of a set critical;
however, usually your nervous system shuts down before much
anabolic stimulation of those fast-growing fast-twitch fibers

We came to the conclusion about nervous system failure after

looking at the scientific evidence presented by Steven J. Fleck,
Ph.D., and William J. Kraemer, Ph.D., in their book Designing
Resistance Training Programs. They discuss a study by Dudley
and Harris done in 1992 that demonstrated the activation of knee
extensors by the central nervous system during maximal efforts.
One of their conclusions was that the CNS “limits force by
engaging inhibitory mechanisms that are protective in nature.”

Fleck and Kraemer say that inhibitory mechanisms appear

to be especially active when large amounts of force are
developed, such as maximal force development at slow speeds
of movement. That’s precisely what happens toward the end of
a set of eight to 12 reps to failure—and even more so with lower-
rep sets.

They cite studies by Caiozzo, Perrine and Edgerton 1981;

Dudley et al. 1990; and Wickiewicz et al. 1984 when they
conclude that “neural protective mechanisms appear to
have their greatest effect in slow-velocity, high-resistance
movements.” Once again, that describes the reps at the end of a
set to failure perfectly.
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
So it’s the inhibitory mechanisms of the CNS that stop each
and every set to failure—it’s the reason you can no longer do a
full-range rep.

The solution is X Reps, partial pulses that allow you to

override nervous system failure and make each set much more
effective than conventional sets at stimulating those highly
anabolic fast-twitch fibers. That’s because X Reps, or extended
repetitions, extend the tension time on those key fibers in the
optimal position of an exercise at the end of a set for a dramatic
anabolic surge—the fast-growing fibers keep firing.

What is the "optimal position" for max-fiber recruitment? The

semi-stretch range along the exercise's stroke. For example,
when you can’t get another rep on incline presses, you lower
the bar to a point
a few inches off
your chest and do
eight-inch partial
reps in that position,
between the low
and midpoint of the
stroke to extend the
tension time on the
pecs’ fast-twitch

Those three to six

pulsing partials can
drastically reduce Here Steve spots me on my end-of-set
your time in the gym X-Rep partials. Pictured is the very top of
and provide some of the partial; I lower only about eight inches
from that midpoint. So at the lowest spot the
the best raw muscle bar is still well above touching my chest.
gains of your life.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
But isn't the peak contracted position, like the top of a leg
extension, where the most muscle fibers fire? Not according to
the research. Fleck and Kraemer state the contracted-position
is the worst place for muscle fibers to generate their maximum
force because the fibers are very bunched up, so much so that
they can’t produce as much tension as when the muscle is in
a more lengthened state. Since mechanical tension/force is
one of the three key hypertrophic triggers, that means X-Rep
partials will produce best results when the muscle is slightly
stretched, such as near the bottom of a chinup or near the top
of a pulldown. Some observations back up that belief:
Donkey calf
raises: One 1) Many trainees have
of the best trouble building calf size.
stretch- Notice that the majority
rarely use a full range of
moves for
calves—if you motion, choosing instead
perform it to bounce near the top
correctly with position rather than
upper body at
allowing their heels to move
90 degrees to
the legs. down past the footplate.
Could it be that their calf
problems are partly due
to the fact that they miss
training the muscle when
it’s near full elongation, or

Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia, said that he remembers

changing gyms and using a different apparatus for donkey
calf raises, an exercise where you bend at the waist, rest your
forearms on a high bench or table and someone sits on your
hips so you can do calf raises on a high calf block (see photo
above). He began losing size in his lower legs, until he realized
that the reason was due to the placement of his upper body on
the new setup.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
The angle of his torso was above 90 degrees to his legs—he
wasn’t bent over enough—which lessened the stretch on his
calves. Once he positioned his torso at a 90-degree angle to
his legs and performed a full-range movement, his hamstrings
pulled his calves into a more stretched position, and his calves
started growing again.

2) When Steve was in the early stages of developing

Positions-of-Flexion training, he noticed that trainees made
quantum leaps in mass when they incorporated a stretch-
position exercise for each bodypart—incline curls for biceps,
overhead extensions for triceps, stiff-legged deadlifts for
hamstrings and so on. Was the reason for the new surge
in growth due to the target muscle getting work near full
elongation? The most likely answer is yes, and it’s also the
reason that donkey calf raises and leg press calf raises are
considered the best calf exercises—because the movement,
if performed correctly through a full range, forces the
gastrocnemius muscles into optimal stretch due to the angle of
the trainee’s torso, which should be at 90 degrees to the legs, to
trigger a severe pull on the calf muscles.

Dumbbell flyes,
the ultimate
exercise for chest.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
3) Arthur Jones, creator of Nautilus machines, suggested that
to get best results with one-set-to-failure training, the trainee
should go to failure on an exercise and then pull or push up as
high as possible and hold for a few seconds—that is, perform
an isometric hold at a point along the range where the target
muscle is somewhat elongated. For example, on leg curls the
hold would occur about a third up from the bottom, the sticking
point and a spot where the hamstrings are somewhat stretched.
Most trainees never perform that isometric hold. That’s too bad
because it may be a key to making high-intensity training much
more effective. (Just doing that can trigger new mass gains from
your workout—exciting stuff!)

And we believe that using partial pulses, or X Reps, instead

of a hold in that position can make any exercise significantly
more effective from a growth standpoint. Why? We've seen it
happen—but also because
While a static of a statement gathered by
hold at the researcher Robert Thoburn
end of a set is
good, partial
from Dr. Phillip Gardiner of
movement, as the University of Manitoba:
with X Reps,
is better in “The nervous system is
most cases for
extreme mass
tuned to the performance
stimulation. of tasks, not just
generation of force, so
it can be easier to get
complete recruitment
of muscles if something

Partial-rep pulses
offer significantly better
gains than just holding

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
the weight statically, especially after a set of dynamic full-
range contractions. They simply force more fast-twitch fiber
recruitment due to movement. It’s a better way of leapfrogging
nervous system failure, the reason you stop an all-out
conventional set—it’s your nervous system that craps out, not
the muscle.

X Reps force the nervous system to keep firing the muscle

fibers with the most growth potential at the critical point in an
exercise’s stroke so you get three to five times the anabolic
stimulation compared to what you get with conventional sets.
That’s mass-building dynamite!

So why not do only X Reps and forget the preliminary

conventional reps? X Reps are most effective at the end of
a regular set as opposed to by themselves as partials-only
sets because of the way muscle fiber activation occurs. It has
to do with the aforementioned size principle of muscle fiber
recruitment—it’s like a domino effect in which the low-threshold
motor units fire first followed by the intermediates followed by
the high-threshold motor units—so you develop as many fiber
types as possible for maximum muscle size.

Fastest gains in mass depend

on developing all fiber types to their
maximum! That’s the reason one-rep
maxes don’t do a lot for building size for
most people—they emphasize only fast-
twitch fibers, not to mention the nervous
system craps out almost immediately.

To build a muscle to the extreme, you

have to train and build all fiber types—
slow, intermediate and fast. POF plus X
Reps make that happen.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
The full X-Rep workouts Steve and I used appear in our first
ebook The Ultimate Mass Workout. I'm not including it here
because I'm focused on over-40 trainees, and that program
would be too much for most older guys.

In fact, I made much better gains on it than Steve did,

who was close to 40 when we used it. Steve burned out on it
quickly—it was a three-way split training five days a week.

So while that style of training worked in my 30s like a charm.

As I got closer to my 40s, I knew that the heavy weights plus X
Reps on every exercise would do more harm than good.

In fact, just doing full POF, usually three exercises per muscle,
was too much. I needed more of a split-positions approach and
a method that would allow me to continue packing on muscle
without bone-crushing, joint-jarring poundages.

Steve had been feeling the same way for a while, and he
began going back to old school moderate-poundage "density"
methods—settling on 4x10—four sets of 10 reps with short rests

We called it 4X, using the same weight on all four sets with
only the fourth—or sometimes the third and the fourth—to
failure. We used a weight that we could get 15 reps with, but
only did 10; rest 35 seconds, and then do it again—and so on
for four sets. On the fourth set we went to failure—and if we got
more than 10, we increased the weight at the next workout.

That is one of the best ways to train if you're over 40—but

recently we tweaked it to a method we call STX, or slow-twitch
exhaustion. It's based on current research out of Brazil—and it
works big time!

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
The Anabolic After-40 Workout
Slow-Twitch X-haustion is
a mass method that Steve
and I explained in detail in the
Anabolic Reload ebook, so I
will just summarize here (I highly
recommend you go to Steve's
read-me page for more here).

STX is based on a Brazilian

study that showed doing a high-
rep set first, before your heavier
sets, and with only a short rest,
triggered significantly more

That’s because the preliminary

Getting older but still growing thanks
to slow-twitch-exhaustion POF. high-rep set pre-exhausted the
endurance slow-twitch fibers,
activating more fast-twitch high-growth fibers during the heavy-
set action more quickly and thoroughly—more mass faster.

Interesting that the first high-rep set did the same job as the
first few lower-intensity 10-rep sets in 4X—pre-exhausted the
slow-twitch fibers, which primes the fast-twitch growth fibers to
fire with a vengeance on the last set or two. That's good news
for me because I do not like high-rep sets.

In addition, the high-rep set produced growth in the slow-

twitch fibers for another layer of mass, something many
bodybuilders neglect. Jerry Brainum, a trusted bodybuilding
authority for more than 40 years, said:

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
"Emerging evidence shows that the muscle fibers most affected
when training with lighter loads and higher reps are the type-1
muscle fibers. These fibers are often referred to as 'endurance
fibers,' since they are slower to fatigue compared to the type-
2 muscle fibers. In the past, it was thought that most muscular
growth resulted from a hypertrophy of type-2 muscle fibers.
While this is still true, it's now known that type-1 fibers are
also capable of showing a significant level of muscular

The high-rep set also produces a higher lactic acid component—

the burn—for anabolic hormone release.

Luckily you also get that burn and slow-twitch hypertrophy from
the first few lower-intensity sets with 4X—as long as you keep the
rest between those sets short, about 30 seconds.

Why am I singing the praises of 4X so hard? Because, as I said,

I'm not a fan of high reps. Yes, I will use the high-rep STX method
every so often, but I can't stand it for more than a week or two.
Instead I use 4X with my own variation, something I call XRX. That
stands for X-Rep X-celeration. Here's the drill...

Use your 15RM weight (one you could get 15 reps with)...
Set 1: 10 reps (fairly easy)
Rest 30 seconds
Set 2: 10 reps (getting hard)
Rest 30 seconds
Set 3: 8-10 reps, max out to failure (hard)*
Rest 10 seconds
R/P XRX Add-on: Fast, piston-like X-Rep partials

*If you get 10 reps on set 3, use a slightly heavier weight at your
next workout for the exercise.

Set 1 emphasizes slow-twitch fibers; Set 2 begins by firing

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
mostly slow-twitch, with fast-twitch getting primed toward the
end; Set 3 emphasizes fast-twitch as you go to muscular failure.
Then you blast past the growth threshold with XRX...

The 10-second rest gives the

fast-twitch fibers a slight breather
before you hammer them again
with X-Rep X-celeration—that's
moving the weight as quickly as
you can while staying in control,
through the bottom third of the
stroke—X-Rep partials.

If you can't manage any X

Reps, just do a static hold for
as long as you can. On some
exercises, the static hold may be
the best option. And on stretch-
position day, it's all you will
use, as those exercises are the
most dangerous. In other words,
If you train with a partner, he or she when you do stretch-position
can help you with bottom-range exercises, do not do fast X Reps;
X-Rep partials. If not, you may have instead add a static hold to your
to opt for a static hold near the
bottom instead of X Reps. last set at or near the stretch
point—no rest/pause.

Keep in mind that the add-on, be it X Reps after a rest/pause

or a static hold tacked on to the last set, is very important, a
key to building the most freaky muscle size quickly. Studies
show that the quick shift at the turnaround, where you move
from the negative to the positive stroke, helps activate more
growth fibers, even dormant ones. We're talking a hyper-
hypertrophy trigger. Just don't bounce or throw the weight—
stay in complete control of the weight at all times.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
As Olympic coach and muscle-building expert Charles
Poliquin says, one of the least-used hypertrophic stimulators
is changing rep tempo—and he's absolutely right. While you
should use the 1/3 cadence most of the time, lifting in one
second and lower in three, other tempos can spur new anabolic
reactions quickly—as you'll see when you try it.

What about the Anabolic After-40 split? Do you do the above

with all three POF exercises for every muscle when you train it?

Sounds like a lot—and it is, too much for older trainees for
sure. Steve and I both discovered that hitting one position at
each workout while training the muscles three times a week is a
much more effective mass-building protocol, one of the best for
the past-40 bodybuilder looking for muscle mass fast.

So now I do one exercise per muscle with XRX—or STX for

a week or two if I'm feeling the need for high reps. My “Pure-
Positions” weekly workouts are as follows:

Monday: All Contracted

Wednesday: All Midrange

Friday: All Stretch

Note that stretch-position movements provide the most

muscle damage, so you get two full rest days after, Saturday
and Sunday, before you train all muscle groups again. Also, to
repeat: the stretch moves are the most dangerous, so no XRX;
instead, add a static hold or short pulses near the stretch for as
long as possible at the end of the last set.

Also notice that the Wednesday midrange workout, which

includes all big exercises like bench presses, pulldowns, rows,

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
etc., does not contain any direct arm work. Why? Because the big
compound moves give your arms plenty of growth stimulation—
bench presses hit triceps, rows hit biceps, etc.

Even so, I like to add some semi-direct arm work, with a

superset or two of dumbbell pullovers and hammer curls.
Pullovers train the triceps long head for massive sweep and
hammers hit the brachialis as well as biceps for sky-high peak.

In case you're concerned about three full-body workouts per

week being too "old school" compared to the current trend of
training each muscle only once a week, there's new-school
research that says otherwise.

Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., conducted a study that compared a

workout program that trained each target muscle once a week
and the less popular full-body workout performed on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. The trainees were doing the SAME
VOLUME of work for each muscle...

In other words, if the once-a-week-per-muscle group did 12 sets

for chest, the three-times-per-week group did 4 sets for chest at
each workout—still 12 total sets but over three workouts instead
of all at one. After 12 weeks…

The group that trained each target muscle three times a week
(full-body, more frequency) got better muscle gains than the group
that trained each muscle only once a week.

Okay, it's time for the workout. If you apply the principles
right, eat properly and get enough rest, you should grow like
never before (in the next chapter you'll see how a legendary pro
bodybuilder applied this "density" training method to become one
of the most massive short competitors of all time)...

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Anabolic After-40 XRX Program

Exercise, sets x reps Poundage

Leg extensions, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Standing calf raises,
2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Leg curls, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Machine flyes, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Stiff-arm pulldowns,
2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Midback (upper)
Shrugs, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Midback (middle)
Bent-arm bent-over laterals,
2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Seated laterals, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
V-bar pushdowns, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Concentration curls,
2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX
Crunches, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX

*Use your 15-rep max weight: Set 1, 10 reps, rest 35 secs.; Set 2, 10 reps, rest 35 secs.; Set 3,
max reps; rest 10 seconds, then do speed X Reps, fast piston-like partials through the semi-stretch
positions, the bottom third of the stroke. If you get 10 on your third set of the 3X sequence, use a
heavier weight at your next workout.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Anabolic After-40 XRX Program
Wednesday: MIDRANGE

Exercise, sets x reps Poundage


Squats, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 3 (no XRX)


Seated calf raises, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX


Hyperextensions, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX


Bench presses, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX


Chest-supported DB rows,

2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX


Pulldowns, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX


DB presses, 2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX

Arms superset

DB pullovers, 3x10

Hammer curls, 3x10


Bench knee pull-ins,

2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX

Incline kneeups,

2x10, 1xMax + R/P 7 XRX

*Use your 15-rep max weight: Set 1, 10 reps, rest 35 secs.; Set 2, 10 reps, rest 35 secs.; Set 3,
max reps; rest 10 seconds, then do speed X Reps, fast piston-like partials through the semi-stretch
positions, the bottom third of the stroke. If you get 10 on your third set of the 3X sequence, use a
heavier weight at your next workout.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Anabolic After-40 XRX Program

Exercise, sets x reps Poundage


Sissy squats, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Leg press calf raises, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Semi-stiff-legged deadlifts,

2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Flat flyes, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Pullovers, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Close, parallel-grip cable rows,

2x10, 1xMax + StatX


One-arm cable laterals,

2x10, 1xMax + StatX


DB incline extensions, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Incline curls, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX


Full-range crunches, 2x10, 1xMax + StatX

*Use your 15-rep max weight: Set 1, 10 reps, rest 35 secs.; Set 2, 10 reps, rest 35 secs.; Set 3, max
reps; when you can't get another full rep, hold in the stretch position for as long as possible. Slight
pulses are acceptable in the stretch. If you get 10 or more on set 3, use a heavier weight at your next

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Anabolic After-40 XRX Workout
Tips and Reminders
1) Rep tempo. Lift in 1 second, lower in 3 on all reps in the
3X sequence. This "power cadence," 1/3, produced the most
mass in a comprehensive 2009 hypertrophy study: Int J Sports
Med. 30(3):200-204. The slow lowering produces more muscle
damage in the target muscle, while the more explosive positive
activates more growth fibers due to the myotatic reflex.

2) Warmups. Warmup sets are not required. The first two

lower-intensity sets for each exercise act as a specific warmup
as well as pre-exhausting slow-twitch fibers and triggering
anabolic hormone release via lactic acid accumulation.

3) Rest. On 3X sequences, rest 30 to 40 seconds between

sets. After set 3, rest 10 seconds, then do controlled acceleration
partial reps, X-Rep X-celeration, from near the bottom, or
turnaround, of the stroke to the halfway point. Move as fast as
possible while staying in control—no throwing or heaving the
weight. (XRX is not possible on free-bar squats.) No XRX on
stretch day; instead, when you hit failure on set 3, lower to near
full stretch and pulse-hold for as long as possible.

4) Progression. When you can get 10 reps on all sets in a 3X

sequence, increase the weight slightly at your next workout for
that exercise—so reps go something like 10, 10, 8 or 10, 9, 7.

5) Duration. You can use this program for four to six weeks.
After that, you could stick with it but switch to the high-rep-set-
first STX method on all exercises (see the Pure Positions STX
Workout in the Freak-Physique Stretch Overload ebook). Or
try Steve's over-40 STX workout in Anabolic Reload.

Note: For one-arm or one-leg exercises use no rest—do a set

for one side, then hit the other for a set then back again. That
keeps the rest for each side at 30 to 40 seconds.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Anabolic XRX
The X-Rep X-celeration Method
Step 1: After your last regular full-range (dynamic) set to
positive failure, which should occur around rep nine on most
exercises, rest 10 seconds.
Step 2: With the same weight start with the bar, machine lever
arm, dumbbells or foot plate in the semi-stretch position, which
is just above the lowest stretch point, and drive to just before
the midpoint of the stroke as quickly as possible while staying in
control of the weight.
Step 3: Do four to six up-and-down pulses through that
X-Rep stroke. Those piston-like partials should be in a range of
six to 10 inches, depending on the exercise. You should feel the
target muscle screaming for relief, which indicates massive fiber
activation and extreme growth stimulation.
Step 4: Terminate the set when you can no longer do
accelerated pulses with the resistance. Take a few deep breaths,
stretch and contract the target muscle and feel the blood rushing
in. You’ve triggered some kick-ass hyper hypertrophy.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
Freak-Physique Density Training

I began this book explaining the mass-training discoveries,

methods and workouts that have evolved in my muscle-building
arsenal over the years with Steve's guidance. But I'd like to rewind
a bit to where 3X and 4X came from—and discuss a legendary
trainer and then a pro bodybuilder who used it.

More than 15 years ago one

Gironda. of the most famous Hollywood
trainers of the ’60s, ’70s and
’80s would come into the Iron
Man offices where we worked.
This true trainer of champions
and movie stars had closed
his celebrated gym in Studio
City, California, gone into semi-
retirement in his 80s and made it
a point every so often to drop by
IM and regale Steve and I with
stories, exercise techniques,
assorted expletives and his
methods that he'd honed in his
gym over the decades—which he said was the only right way to
produce the fastest muscle results possible.

His tirades—did we mention he was usually on the edge of

berserk?—made some sense, but Steve, being somewhat of a
workout authority as Iron Man's editor in chief, never really took
the man's so-called "density" method too seriously—lighter
weights, short rests between sets. It didn't add up—it just wasn't
heavy enough or intense enough—or so we thought.
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
As fate would have
it, the legendary
trainer passed
away, and his wife
asked if she could
store much of his
belongings at the
IM warehouse. John
Balik, IM publisher at
the time and a former
gym employee of the
trainer back in the late
’60s, okayed it.

In came furniture,
crates of trophies
the trainer had won,
Vince maintained his impressive physique pictures that hung in
even as he aged, thanks to his moderate-
poundage, high-fatigue training methods.
his legendary Vince's
Gym and boxes of
dusty documents,
booklets and log books. Yes, buried in all of this stuff were
the exact workouts and methods he had used to get those
incredible results he always talked about.

Unfortunately, while the training guru was alive we never

tried his moderate-weight, high-fatigue method—that's
because we "knew" real results were all about pushing
more weight (we were dead wrong). And we had the "war
injuries"—chronic aches and pains—to prove it, including bum
shoulders, tweaked knees and backs that would go out for no
reason, even bending over to pick up a fork. Funny that the
old-school trainer had none of those problems, even in his
80s. All of that got us thinking—finally....

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
We began pouring over
the documents outlining
the trainer's muscle-
building methods he used
on Hollywood actors and
star bodybuilders alike,
including the very first Mr.
Olympia Larry Scott. A light
bulb went off in Steve's
head, as he realized
that the current science,
which included triggering
fat-burning and muscle-
building hormones via
muscular fatigue, verified
the trainer's methods.

Maybe the old Iron Guru

was freaking right! So we began to experiment in the gym with
some of what was in his programs, revising the methods along
the way. Then we'd do more research, filling in the gaps with
recent scientific findings.

The eventual results were incredible! The pieces fell into place,
and we realized exactly how and why our slightly revised version
of the trainer's methods worked so quickly—it hit the muscles
completely with cumulative stress to reach the growth threshold,
triggered size increases in ALL fiber types, and it produced a
hormonal cascade that packed on muscle and burned fat like a
blowtorch—without overtraining or joint stress.

Our results were some of the best we'd ever had—staying

leaner and getting more muscular with much shorter, less
stressful workouts. We started writing about it in Iron Man and

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
released an e-book about it, The 4X Mass Workout. Our new
growth spurt with the method was not a fluke.

Others began to use it with

plateau-smashing success,
including Mr. America Doug
Brignole, now almost 60, who
shaped it into his own method, a
higher-rep strategy we call Super-
TORQ (an interview with Doug on
his method, along with his workout,
is in the Power/Density ebook).

We got reports of stunning

progress—all with no joint
stress—in fact, any residual joint
pain disappeared. And workouts
usually lasted less than an hour.
Mr. America Doug Brignle, in his (The legendary gruff trainer
late 50s. insisted those short workouts
were necessary so key anabolic
hormones stayed at full-throttle and the metabolism would burn
white hot—all so important for older bodybuilders, as we learned

We've now refined 4X into the high-rep-first STX (Slow-Twitch

X-haustion, Steve's favorite) and XRX (X-Rep X-celeration, my
after-40 training choice). Our metabolisms are stoked 24/7 and
joint aches and pains are now fading memories—and we're
staying leaner all year long. Our only regret is that we didn't
discover the system sooner, due to ego and stubbornness; but
now we can pass it on to you.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Vince Gironda, that cranky,

quirky trainer to the stars and the first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott,

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
because his methods were
the spark that may have
saved us from giving up on
weight training later in life—
or becoming orthopedic
nightmares. Density training is
your key to fast, huge muscle-
building success without joint
stress as you age.

Yes, there is absolutely

another way other than
pounding your body with joint-
crushing weights—it's the
Size Principle of Muscle Fiber
Recruitment and the slow-
twitch exhaustion methods
we've discussed.
Padilla. That's precisely how
legendary bodybuilder Danny
Padilla built mass. He was
known for his classic, no-flaws
physique—at only 5'2", and his nickname was "the Giant Killer"
because his perfect mass-symmetry combo allowed him to beat
bodybuilders who were much taller and larger than he was.

The method that helped him place in the top five of many pro
contests back in the '80s was 5 sets of 12—same weight on
every set, with short rests between sets—about 45 seconds.
When he was able to do 12 on all five sets, he would up the
weight a bit. The first sets were fairly easy; the last few were
brutally hard, activating the high-growth fast-twitch fibers...

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
So the first few sets were exhausting primarily slow-twitch
fibers—and getting them to grow. The last two or three sets
were very difficult and had him activating primarily fast-twitch
growth fibers. A very efficient way to train—a double-barreled
growth effect—extreme hypertrophy in multiple fiber types.

We refined Danny's training method to four sets per exercise

and less overall volume, as he was on "special supplements"
during his competition phase, we were not. Plus, now we're
older. The point is we embraced moderate poundages and
short rests between sets for some of the best gains of our lives.

The bottom line, and best news for over-40 trainees who want
to build ultimate muscle size is that you don't have to use joint-
crushing poundages—the weights for 4x10, 4x12 or 5x12 are
moderate due to the fatigue/exhaustion factor created by short
rests between sets.

Now it's up to you. Take

what is here, get to the
gym and apply it with
consistency and intensity.
Even at age 40, 50 and
beyond, you can stimulate
hyper hypertrophy and
build your very own jaw-
dropping physique.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
POF Mass-Move Matrix
Position Exercises for Legs, Chest, Triceps

Midrange: Squats, hack squats, Smith machine squats, leg presses, lunges
Stretch: Sissy squats
Contracted: Leg extensions

Midrange: Feet-forward Smith machine squats or front squats or
hack squats
Stretch: Stiff-legged deadlifts, flat-back hyperextensions. seated leg curls
Contracted: Leg curls; one-leg leg curls

Midrange: Knee-flexion leg press calf raises, some cardio work
Stretch: Donkey calf raises, leg press calf raises
Contracted: Standing calf raises, one-leg calf raises

Upper Midrange: Incline presses, incline dumbbell presses
Upper Stretch: Incline flyes
Upper Contracted: Incline cable flyes, hands-high machine flyes,
high cable flyes

Lower Midrange: Decline presses, wide-grip dips, bench presses

Lower Stretch: Decline flyes, flat-bench flyes
Lower Contracted: Low cable flyes, cable crossovers, machine flyes

Midrange: Elbows-flared pushdowns, decline close-grip bench presses,
decline extensions, dips (arms close to torso)
Stretch: Overhead extensions, high-cable pushouts (forward-lunge position)
Contracted: Pushdowns (one-arm version is best), dumbbell kickbacks

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
POF Mass-Move Matrix
Position Exercises for Back, Delts, Biceps, Abs

Midrange: Pulldowns to front or chinups to front
Stretch: Dumbbell pullovers, machine pullovers
Contracted: Undergrip pulldowns, undergrip rows,
machine pullovers, stiff-arm pulldowns

Midrange: Covered with lat midrange work
Stretch: One-arm dumbbell rows, V-handle cable rows
Contracted: Bent-arm bent-over laterals,
shoulder-width-grip cable rows

Midrange: Close-grip upright rows
Stretch & Contracted: Forward-lean dumbbell shrugs

Midrange: Wide-grip dumbbell upright rows, rack pulls,
overhead presses (front head emphasis)
Stretch: Incline one-arm lateral raises, one-arm cable laterals
Contracted: Forward-lean lateral raises, machine lateral raises

Midrange: Undergrip pulldowns or chins, barbell or dumbbell curls
preacher curls, cable curls
Stretch: Incline dumbbell curls
Contracted: Concentration curls, double-biceps cable curls, spider curls

Midrange & Lower Contracted: Incline kneeups
Stretch & Upper Contracted: Ab Bench crunches, full-range crunches

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual
STX Anabolic Reload Workout
Unfamiliar Exercises
1) <-- Sissy squats (quads, stretch).
Hold onto the side of the leg extension
machine or stable upright for balance.
Squat, keeping your thighs and torso on the
same plane until your hamstrings meet your

2) One-arm cable laterals (delts,

stretch). If possible, set the pulley at just
below waist height so that at the bottom the
pull is almost horizontal on the lateral-delt
head. Alternate arms for standard sets. If
you ever use it for STX (20, 8 R/P 5), work
all sets for one arm before moving to your
other arm. That's necessary to maintain short rests (density).

3) Pushouts -->
(triceps, stretch). Grab
the pushdown handle or
rope, face away from the
machine and lunge forward
until your torso is parallel
to the floor. Extend the bar
from behind your head to
out in front of the top of your head.

4) <-- DB pullovers (lats, stretch—also

triceps long head). With a DB in each hand,
recline on a bench (do not lay crosswise). With
the dumbbells at arm's length over your face,
lower back in an arc behind your head until
the DBs are on the same plane as the bench.
Without pausing in the stretch position, retrace
the arc and pull the dumbbells back over your
face. Immediately begin the next rep.

The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual

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