SAMPLE ISO Course Syllabus NEW
SAMPLE ISO Course Syllabus NEW
SAMPLE ISO Course Syllabus NEW
Credit hours
Program(s) in which the course is offered
Associate Degree of Science in Mechanical Maintenance Technology
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Faculty members responsible for the course
Engr.Haqqani Arshad
Course Coordinator
Dr.Saji Varghese
Program Coordinator
Subject Matter Expert
Head of Department
Level at which this course is offered
Special Program
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
This course introduces the principles of manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys,
thermal insulating, and corrosive resisting materials. The course covers the basics of physical
metallurgy, powder metallurgy, shaping, forming, casting, plastic molding, heat treatment processes
and joining techniques of industrial materials. Laboratory applications focus on physical microstructure
examination of engineering materials. The student receives appropriate practical experience in carrying
out heat treatments and the study of their effects on the material, microstructures and mechanical
The contribution of the course is analytical looked into by mapping course learning outcomes (CLOs) with course
objectives. The course objectives are consistent with programs, and college goals to prepare its graduates for a profession
ready employment.
Mapping Matrix (Curriculum Matrix)
Mapping of course learning outcomes (CLOs) to Program(s) goals
Mapping of CLOs
ABET/ETAC Student Outcomes / Program Specific Criterions
to College goals
Accountability (k)
Teamwork (e)
CLO 1.01
(Enter 5-8 maximum) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
CLO 1.02
CLO 2.01
CLO 2.02
CLO 3.01
CLO 3.02
CLO 4.01
CLO 4.02
CLO 5.01
CLO 5.02
CLO 6.01
CLO 6.02
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. 05 Recognize
Cognitive Skills
Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies and Activities Assessment Methods
2.02 Rate Four quizzes, four
different engineering materials to their Active Learning assignments, one
mechanical properties. midterm
examination and
ve Learning
Critical Thinking one Final
Discussion Strategies examination.
Technology Tools
2.03 Analyze
Active Learning
the different heat treatment methods for Collaborative/Cooperati
steel Four quizzes, four
the micro structure of metallic materials ve Learning assignments, one
Critical Thinking midterm examination
Discussion Strategies and one Final
Technology Tools examination
2.05 Contrast
Active Learning
the different joining
Collaborative/Cooperati Four quizzes, four
assignments, one
the various manufacturing ve Learning
midterm examination
processes Critical Thinking
and one Final
Discussion Strategies
Technology Tools
4.03 Assess
5.06 Show
Active Learning
And evaluate the mechanical properties
ve Learning
of heat treated specimens.
Critical Thinking one midterm
Discussion Strategies laboratory
Technology Tools examination
Projects and and one Final
presentations lab
Problem solving examination
C. Course Components
Total Contact Hours and Credit Hoursper Semester
Lecture Laboratory Tutorial Practical Other Total
Contact Hours 2 3 0
Credit Hours
Forms and Schedule of Assessment Tasks During the Semester
Form of assessment Proportion of final
Assessment task Week due assessment
Summative Formative
Assignments 6 5%
Assignments 10
Assignments 13
Quizzes 4
Quizzes 7
Quizzes 11 10%
Quizzes 14
Topics to be Covered
List of topics Weeks Contact
Introduction to Materials Technology: History of materials 1 2
Classification of Engineering Materials, structure of materials, bonding in materials 2 2
Mechanical Properties of Materials: Hardness, Fatigue, strength 3 2
Iron & Steel: Smelting, Steel making, Composition of steel. 4 2
Alloy Steels: Constructional Steels, Tool & Die Steels, Stainless Steel, Principal effects of 5 2
alloying elements
Cast Iron: Composition of cast irons, influence of cooling rate. 6 2
The Crystal Structure of Metals: Lattice structure, solidification 7 2
Alloys: Eutectics, Solid solutions, crystalline & polycrystalline arrangement. 8 2
Essential References/RecommendedBooks
Title and ISBN Author(s) Publication year Edition Publisher
Materials of Science and 1999. John Wiley & Sons,
Engineering, William Callister 4th edition Inc
Materials for Engineering Raymond A. Higgins 1987 5th Edition Edward Arnold
Technicians Publishing
Other Resources
Head of Head - Curriculum
Developer Development Unit
Department(s) Development Dept.
Name Engr.Haqqani Arshad Dr.Fahad Alhujaili Dr.Liaqat Hayat
Received Date
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