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Dream Vacation On A Budget

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The Vacation of a Lifetime (Planning

sheet: required to be completed as part of the

project, use for gathering research)
Name_Samuel MacCulloch_ Date_26/05/17_

Total Points Earned

157 Total Points Possible

Directions: Answer the following questions based upon the research for the
vacation. Remember to stay within your budget of $2,500 or $5,000.

1 Vacation destination (1 point): Montserrat, Caribbean

2 Why are you traveling to this place (2 points)? Location and cheap price
3 Number of people vacation is planned for (1 point): one, me

4. Budget amount (1 point): 2,500

5. Dates for the trip (1 point): 26th may 2017 to 3rd 2017

6. How many days and nights (1 point)? 8 days, 9 nights

1 Characteristics of typical weather (3 points): typical Caribbean sun, mainly clear with few

2 Source (1 point): google

3 For the climate you are vacationing to, what 3 specific items will you need to pack (3 points)?
Sunhat, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc

4 Do you already own these items? If not, estimate how much this will cost to be figured into
the budget (2 points). I already own these items

Distance (From your home, to the airport, to the destination) Use

1. Number of miles (round trip) (1 point): 12,958 miles round trip

2. Source (1 point): google

1. Fill in the chart according to the transportation option (24 points):

Price per Cost to get Dates/Time Convenie Total Cost Source

ticket/rent to nearest s nt (yes or
al station no)
Airplane 1600 0 26th may, Yes for $2200 Triphobo
there 2nd speed,
600 back no for
Taxi service $33.00 canadian $33 main mode of lengthy transportation
varies, about 150-200


2. C

and record the mode of transportation you will use to travel round trip to the vacation
destination, figure the total cost and explain why (4 points). Travel by flight there, then taxi
services or plainly walking while Im there, the island is small and the cities can be
navigable by bike easily.

1. How much do you have budgeted for food for each day (per person) (1 point)? About $30-40 a

2. Fill in the chart with the specific information about restaurants while on vacation (18 points).
3. Average the price range of breakfast, lunch, and dinner from the chart (3 points).

4. Choose one restaurant, plan an evening meal, and calculate the total cost. Include all food
(appetizers, entres, desserts, and drinks), tips, and applicable tax (5 points). (Check to see if
there is a continental breakfast at your hotel or any vouchers included in your deal)
went to jjs cuisine, had a nice assortment of the local meats
and fruit there, cost about 20.00, with about 10% tax, so about $22 in total.


Breakfast Dinner
Name of Lunch Price Additional
Price Price Source
Restaurant Range Information
Range Range
1. good eats $3.99 to $5.00 to Same as a more Goodeatsdin
$10.00 $10.00 lunch brunchy er
2. Jjs cuisine $3.00 to $5.00 to $10.00 to An Facebook
$10.00 $10.00 $15.00 authentic
3. hilltop coffee $5.00 to $7.00 to $15.00 A good tripadvisor
house $10.00 $12.00 breakfast
Lodging (hotel, condo)
1. Fill in the chart with possible lodging options (21 points):

Lodging Name Location Special Price Per Price of Total Source

Amenities Night Taxes & Cost
3. hibiscus Woodlands None $50 Included $50 triphobo

2. sweet lime Plymouth None $94 Included $94 triphobo


3. cottage montserrat None $72 included $72 triphobo

2. Which lodging did you choose (1 point)? I chose the hibiscus appartments,

3. Why did you choose it (2 points)? Because it was the cheapest and closest to the main cities.

4. What was the total cost (1 point)? It was about $100 because of staying there 2 nights

Transportation During Vacation

1. Fill in the chart with transportation options for during the vacation (24 points):

2. Which option(s) seem useable (2 points)?

3. Give an estimate the total cost for all chosen options (1 point).

Other Fees?
Accessibili (tips for
Options Price Estimated Source
ty people,
taxes, etc.)
1. Bike/ walk free Limited to none 0.00 google
2. $33 Full $3.00 tip $36.00 google

Itinerary (Outline what you would do each day and how much it would cost)
1. Fill in the chart with possible activities for the vacation (20 points):

Activity Price Description Source






2. Which activities would you choose and how much would the total cost be (3 points)?

1. Total cost of trip (1 point): (Transportation to/from, transportation during, activities, food, +
$150.00 for souvenirs)

2. Did you stay within the budget? What was the dollar difference (2 points)?

3. If you under-budgeted, what will happen with the extra money (2 points)?

4. If you over-budgeted, what changes did you have to make (2 points)?

5. After researching the vacation destination, would you still like to go there? Why or why not
(2 points)?

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