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E-Link Gateway

Installation Instructions
Part No. 24-10404-9, Rev. D
Issued November 2, 2011
Supersedes April 29, 2011

Refer to the QuickLIT Web site for the most up-to-date version of this document.

Applications North American Emissions Compliance

The E-Link Gateway provides Johnson Controls and United States
YORK mechanical equipment, such as chillers and
rooftop units, with Building Automation System (BAS) This equipment has been tested and found to
networking connectivity. It is designed with three active comply with the limits for a Class A digital device
serial ports: Port 1 and Port 4 are used for BAS pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
networking, Port 2 is reserved for connecting to the are designed to provide reasonable protection
equipment, and Port 3 provides access for auxiliary against harmful interference when this equipment is
monitoring and control. operated in a commercial environment. This
To simplify the installation and setup, the E-Link equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
Gateway comes pre-configured with a series of chiller frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
and rooftop equipment profiles that you can choose by accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
selecting the correct DIP switch settings. harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
Several E-Link Gateway models are available for likely to cause harmful interference, in which case
connection to various types of input voltage and the user will be required to correct the interference
equipment. For chillers using the OptiView or at his/her own expense.
Latitude Micro Panel, the E-Link Gateway consists of a
single circuit board attached to four studs inside the Canada
Micro Panel, using the accessory mounting kit. The
panel supplies 12 VDC input power, eliminating the This Class (A) digital apparatus meets all the
need for an external power supply. requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing
Equipment Regulations.
For chillers using the IPU-II based Micro Panel, the
E-Link Gateway is installed inside the Micro Panel and Cet appareil numrique de la Classe (A) respecte
requires an additional transformer to supply power to toutes les exigences du Rglement sur le matriel
the E-Link Gateway. The transformer is included in the brouilleur du Canada.
E-Link IPU-II Installation Kit. (This kit is not available in
Europe. Use E-Link Gateway YK-ELNKE00-0.) Installation
For other types of chillers, the E-Link Gateway is The E-Link Gateway is supplied as a circuit board that
packaged in its own enclosure. In addition to the E-Link can be installed directly into the equipments enclosure,
Gateway circuit board, a transformer is included inside or can be supplied pre-mounted in an enclosure ready
the enclosure that converts a 120- or 240-volt input to for line voltage. Accessory mounting kits are used to
24 VAC power. mount the E-link Gateway directly into OptiView
Latitude, and IPU-II based Micro Panels.

IMPORTANT: Do not install the E-Link Gateway

directly into an equipments enclosure without the
use of an approved installation kit.

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 1

Table 2: E-Link Gateway Product Code Numbers
IMPORTANT: The E-Link Gateway is intended to
provide an input to equipment under normal Description Product Code
operating conditions. Use this E-Link Gateway only
as an operating control. Where failure or malfunction E-Link with Serial Outputs (BACnet YK-ELNK100-0
of the E-Link Gateway could lead to personal injury Master-Slave/Token-Passing [MS/TP],
Modbus Remote Terminal Unit [RTU],
or property damage to the controlled equipment or and N2)
other property, additional precautions must be
E-Link with LONWORKS as an Output YK-ELNK101-0
designed into the control system. Incorporate and
maintain other devices, such as supervisory or E-Link with Serial Outputs in YK-ELNKE00-0
alarm systems or safety or limit controls, intended to Enclosure
warn of or protect against failure or malfunction of E-Link with LONWORKS Output in YK-ELNKE01-0
the E-Link Gateway. Enclosure
E-Link OptiView/Latitude Panel YK-ELNKOLK-0
Table 1: YORK Chiller Models (Current Installation Kit
E-Link IPU-II Panel Installation Kit YK-ELNKSTK-0
Board Language Chiller Model (not available in Europe)
Number1 (Native)
031-02550 BACnet, YCWL, YCUL, YCAL,
YORK Talk 2,
4,800 bits per
second (bps)
031-01095 YORK Talk 2, YCAS, YCWS, YCRS
4,800 bps
031-02478 YORK Talk 2, YCAV, YCIV, YVAA
4,800 bps
031-01065 YORK Talk 2, YIA, YPC, YG, YB
1,200 bps
031-01730 YORK Talk 3 YN, OM RETROFITS,
031-02430 YORK Talk 3 YK, YT, YS, YR, YST,
331-02496 BACnet YPAL
YORK-003 Modbus RTU YEWS-D1, YEAS,

1. Installing technician must verify board number in unit

prior to installation.
2. Software edition of YEWS-D1 (RHSYEWSD1) V1.08 or
later), YEAS (RHMASB V1.06 or later), YGAS
(RHMYGAS V1.03 or later) are supported.

2 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock.
Disconnect or isolate all power supplies
! before making electrical connections.
More than one disconnect or isolation
may be required to completely de-
energize equipment. Contact with
components carrying hazardous voltage
can cause electric shock and may result
in severe personal injury or death.

OptiView Panel Installation

1. Attach the E-Link Gateway board to the studs
provided inside the chiller enclosure (Figure 1 or

Figure 2), using the four screws and washers
provided in the OptiView/Latitude installation kit.
2. Connect the communications cable (included with
the kit) from Port 2B on the E-Link Gateway to J2 Figure 1: OptiView Micro Panel Connected to
on the OptiView Micro Panel. Ensure that wires are E-Link Gateway
connected according to Table 3.
3. Check for stray wire strands, which could cause
short circuits, and ensure all components are
4. Connect the BAS network to Port 1 (if the protocols
are transported by RS-485) or Port 4 (if the BAS
network is LONWORKS).
Note: For RS-485 2-wire operation, connect a 100
ohm 1 W resistor between COM and the E-Link
Gateways TB5 COM (see Figure 24).
5. Ensure jumper JP27 is set for RS-232 (see
Figure 20).
6. Connect the power harness (included with the kit)
from J2 on the E-Link Gateway to J21 on the

Optiview Micro Panel (see Figure 20).
The E-Link Gateway is now ready to be configured
using Quick Start; see the Commissioning a Standard
Application section in this document.
Table 3: OptiView Wiring - E-Link Port 2B Figure 2: OptiView Micro Panel for YMC2
Connected to E-Link Gateway
E-Link Port 2B OptiView Port Wire Color
RX GTX Black
TX GRX Red Table 4: BAS Wiring - E-Link Port 1

REF N/A Shield/Drain E-Link Port 1 BAS Wire Color

+ + White
- - Blue

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 3

IPU-II Panel Installation 4. Connect the transformer to the terminal block.
(Installation Kit Not Available in Europe) 5. Connect the transformer to E-Link. Secure the
1. Attach the E-Link Gateway board to the panel in wiring with tie-wraps.
the upper right side of the enclosure using the four
6. Connect the resistor if the RS-485 2-wire operation
expansion screws and nuts provided in the IPU-II
is required.
Panel Installation Kit (see Figure 3).
7. Connect the communications cable shielded
2. Attach the 24 VAC transformer to the panel to the ground to the ground screw.
left of the E-Link board using two screws (see
Figure 3). The E-Link Gateway is now ready to be configured
using Quick Start; see the Commissioning a Standard
3. Connect the communications cable (included with
Application section in this document.
the kit) between the E-Link board and IPU-II Micro

Sheet Expansion Expansion

Metal Nut Nut
Screw Screw

Primary Power
Wiring Harness 24 VAC
Transformer E-LINK

Terminal block location

for YCAL-C, YCWL, and
The Resistor is used for BAS YCUL-C.
RS485 2 Wire Connection. TB2
Connect one end of the TB5
Resistor to the COM of
TB5 (24 VAC) and the other TB5
to Port 1 COM.
Use this resistor only if the Com
Transformer Resistor Ground
BAS wiring utilizes a 2 WireSecondary
communication trunk Ground Secondary T B1
Wiring Wiring Harness
Harness Tie
Communication Wiring Harness:
Connect to Micro Board Wrap
Micro Board
TB1 as Follows: TB 1 RS485
Wire Color / Terminal
Red / +
Black / -
TB5 li
G :I

Terminal block location

for YCAL-D, YCAL-E, and YLAA.

Figure 3: IPU-II Panel Installation (Installation Kit Not Available in Europe)

4 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Other Chiller Panel Installation 3. Locate and remove the two plastic caps in the
For all other applications, the E-Link Gateway includes bottom of the E-Link Gateway enclosure.
an optional enclosure. The optional enclosure does not 4. Mark an appropriate place on the enclosure for a
include communication cables due to the variety of matching set of knock out holes. Mark and drill, or
types and lengths that may be required. punch, two holes in the Micro Panel.

IMPORTANT: Never install the E-Link Gateway 5. Using two bulkhead pipe couplers, attach the
outside the confines of a building unless within E-Link Gateway enclosure to the Micro Panel.
another enclosure rated IP 65/NEMA 4x or higher. 6. Complete wiring as described in the Applying
Power section in this document.
The E-Link Gateway can be mounted as a stand-alone
enclosure either on the outside surface of the chiller IMPORTANT: Be careful not to damage the E-link
Micro Panel (close coupled), or on a smooth surface Gateway or Micro Panels circuit boards during the
within close proximity of the chiller panel enclosure. installation. Protect all circuit boards from metal
For mounting on a Micro Panel, the line voltage power chips, which may cause short circuits if left on the
is supplied by a power source in the Micro Panel. boards at startup.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the cover is securely Note: Use of bulkhead pipe couplers provides
fastened to the enclosure and the internal ground sufficient clearance to allow removal of the E-Link
wire is attached before placing the Gateway in Gateway cover.
operation. These steps help to minimize Radio E-LINK
Frequency Interference (RFI) from being generated Enclosure
and picked up.

Mounting on a Micro Panel

YORK Chiller
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock. Micro Panel
Disconnect or isolate all power supplies
! before making electrical connections.
More than one disconnect or isolation
may be required to completely
de-energize equipment. Contact with
components carrying hazardous voltage
can cause electric shock and may result
in severe personal injury or death.

IMPORTANT: When attaching the E-Link Gateway

to a Micro Panel, ensure the E-Link Gateway does
not impede access to other components.

To mount the E-Link Gateway on a Micro Panel:

1. Disconnect power to the chiller Micro Panel.
2. Make sure the E-link Gateway enclosure fits
properly and that no obstructions, such as internal

boards, switches, or external conduit, prevent Mounting
mounting or servicing of the panel. See Figure 4 for Locations
examples of good mounting locations. Figure 4: Mounting on the Equipment

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 5

Wall Mounting Applying Power
To mount the E-Link Gateway on a wall: When using an enclosure type of E-Link Gateway,
power can be supplied from either a separate power
IMPORTANT: When wall mounting, make sure supply or the main terminal strip in the chiller panel.
there is no interference with other components in the Locate the power source within 0.9 m (3 ft) of the
near vicinity. Use appropriate conduit to connect the E-Link Gateway, and protect it with a suitable fuse or
power and communications wiring. circuit breaker. Ensure the power is supplied from a
dedicated source and not controlled by a programmed
1. Check for proper clearances for the necessary switch.
electrical and communications cable runs.
If the enclosure is mounted on a wall, the wiring from
2. Ensure that power and communications wiring is in the power source to the E-Link Gateway must always
compliance with all local, national, and regional run in a suitable conduit. To obtain the best
codes, and customer requirements. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and
3. Select a suitable location and mark the anchor Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) performance,
points. Ensure that the enclosure is level. See ensure that the conduit is bonded to the metal of both
Figure 5 for an example. enclosures. Scraping the paint around the knockouts
usually helps provide a better electrical connection
4. Drill the appropriate holes in accordance with the
between the joining parts.
type of wall anchor used.
5. Install the enclosure on the wall. WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock.
Disconnect or isolate all power supplies
IMPORTANT: Be careful not to damage the circuit
boards during installation.
! before making electrical connections.
More than one disconnect or isolation
may be required to completely
6. Check that the mounting is secure and the wiring de-energize equipment. Contact with
connections are correct and tight. Check that no components carrying hazardous voltage
loose wire strands or other metal objects that could can cause electric shock and may result
cause a short circuit are on the circuit board. in severe personal injury or death.
7. Complete wiring as described in the Applying
Power section. CAUTION: Risk of Property Damage.
Do not apply power to the system before
YORK Chiller
Micro Panel
! checking all wiring connections. Short
circuited or improperly connected wires
may result in permanent damage to the

1. Connect a 1.29-1.02 mm (16-18 AWG) wire from a

reliable ground reference to the E-Link Gateways
incoming power ground lug. Do not remove the
existing wire that connects the ground lug to the
enclosure cover.
2. On 120 VAC applications, connect the Hot wire to
Template for Mounting
on a Wall TB2 and the Neutral wire to TB1. Connect the
ground wire to a ground lug.

On 240 VAC applications, connect the Hot wire to

TB3 and the Neutral wire to TB1. Connect the

ground wire to a ground lug.

Figure 5: Wall Mounting IMPORTANT: Use copper conductors only.

Make all wiring connections in accordance with
local, national, and regional regulations. Do not
exceed the E-Link Gateways electrical ratings.

6 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

1. Apply power and verify that the red power
Light-Emitting Diode (LED) on the IPU-II board is
on. Make sure the T-switch is set to OFF, and then
set the required Media Access Control (MAC)
address. Set the MAC address in accordance with
the system integrator to ensure that a unique
address is used. If any non-standard setup is
required, refer to the E-Link Commissioning and
Troubleshooting Guide (LIT-12011238) for more
Table 5: Allowable MAC Addresses
Protocol Max Allowable Switch
Settable MAC
BACnet MS/TP 1 127
N2 1 127
Modbus RTU 1 127

2. Based on the equipment to be integrated (see

Table 8) and the required BAS output protocol (see
Table 9), select the appropriate settings on
GROUP A and GROUP B switches. For equipment
points lists, refer to the Johnson Controls Portal
(Products and Services>Delivery>Products/
Service Field Support>Equipment
Integration>YORK Equipment Data Maps).
3. Press, hold a few seconds, then release the push
button shown in Figure 11. The status LED flashes
quickly. After the E-Link Gateway re-initializes, the
commissioning is complete.
4. When commissioning a LONWORKS BAS output
protocol, disconnect the BAS network and cycle

the power on the E-Link Gateway to activate the

Quick Start and the LONWORKS FTT10 ProtoCessor.
The ProtoCessor does not recognize the push
Figure 6: Power Connection Shown as 120 VAC button as a trigger to reset and load the correct
conversion file. Wait a minimum of 10 minutes
before reconnecting the BAS network.
Commissioning a Standard Application
5. Check the E-Link Gateways LEDs. First, check the
Once the E-Link Gateway has been mechanically and
STATUS LED; if the E-Link Gateway has no errors,
electrically installed (that is, it has been located in its
it flashes continuously (1/2 second on, 1/2 second
enclosure, wired, and terminated appropriately), it may
off). If the LED is not flashing continuously, see
be Quick Commissioned.
Table 6 for possible reasons.

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 7

6. Place the equipment in remote operating mode to The first release of the E-Link was positioned to
accept commands from the E-Link Gateway. Refer provide the equivalent functionality as offered by the
to the equipment installation literature for the YORK MicroGateway. That release requires you to
proper configuration settings. reference point lists which are version J or earlier. All
Table 6: LED Status indication subsequent E-link releases use point lists version K or
Flash Rate Status LED Indication
Table 7: E-Link Releases
LED Off No database configuration is loaded, or no
input power is present. Firmware/Database Revision Point Lists
1 Flash Terminal mode has been invoked (Switch SSM4567 JCF0003BL.BIN J and earlier only
T is on). SSM4567 JCF0008BL.BIN J and earlier, or K
2 Flashes An equipment to E-Link communications
error has occurred.
Quick Starts 1 through 16 all use the J version point
3 Flashes A Quick Start has a configuration error. lists, whereas Quick Starts 17 through 33 use the K
LED On No errors with custom/field modified version. The primary difference between the two
application. categories is that Quick Starts 1 through 16 have
Flashing No errors with factory standard limited network visible points. In this case, the available
Continuously application. points are those which were originally available at the
time when the MicroGateway was first released.
For all chillers that use the YORK Talk protocols, check Quick Starts 17 and higher offer a much richer
that the Port 2 communication LEDs, Red (TX) and equipment point compliment that is more reflective of
Green (RX), are flashing. This scenario indicates that what the equipment currently makes available today.
the chiller panel is being polled and is responding. See These Quick Starts also create profiles that use more
Figure for the location of Port 2 communication LEDs. descriptive BACnet point names, use engineering
What You Should Know before units, and follow the BACnet Testing Laboratories
Using Quick Starts (BTL) guidelines for compliance as a B-ASC controller.
The E-Link is designed to use a set of predefined data In most cases, using a Quick Start that corresponds to
maps to associate equipment data with a set of fixed the equipment being integrated is sufficient to configure
BAS network variables. You are not able to make any the E-Link Gateway for operating on the BAS network;
field changes to these data maps; attempting to do so however, in some circumstances, you will be required
results in the automatic reversal of any edits that you to provide further customizing by connecting a laptop
may have made. For any field patches, refer to your computer onto Port 3 and then accessing the User
local FSC (Field Support Center) for guidance. Reports (refer to the E-Link Gateway Commissioning
and Troubleshooting Technical Bulletin [LIT-12011238]
The data maps used by the E-Link Gateway are based
for more information).
on a collection of version controlled equipment point
lists, which are supplied by the equipment business for
the purpose of integrating equipment into BAS
networks. Unless noted otherwise, the equipments
data is available in these supported BAS protocols:
BACnet MS/TP, N2, LONWORKS, and Modbus RTU.

8 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Table 8: Equipment Quick Start Selections
APP Group Switch A Equipment Profile Quick Starts
Switch Settings 32 16 8 4 2 1 Functionality
11 0 0 0 0 0 1 YK with SSS Imperial (YORK Talk-III) J version points
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 YK with VSD Imperial (YORK Talk-III) J version points
31 0 0 0 0 1 1 YT with SSS Imperial (YORK Talk-III) J version points
4 0 0 0 1 0 0 YT with VSD Imperial (YORK Talk-III) J version points
51 0 0 0 1 0 1 YS / YR with SSS Imperial (YORK Talk-III) J version points

61 0 0 0 1 1 0 YK with SSS Metric (YORK Talk-III) J version points

7 0 0 0 1 1 1 YK with VSD Metric (YORK Talk-III) J version points
81 0 0 1 0 0 0 YT with SSS Metric (YORK Talk-III) J version points
9 0 0 1 0 0 1 YT with VSD Metric (YORK Talk-III) J version points
101 0 0 1 0 1 0 YS / YR with SSS Metric (YORK Talk-III) J version points
11 0 0 1 0 1 1 YORK Talk II, 1200, 1 Section (YORK Talk-II) J version points
12 0 0 1 1 0 0 YORK Talk II, 4800, 1 Section (YORK Talk-II) J version points
132 0 0 1 1 0 1 YORK Talk II, 4800, 2 Sections (YORK Talk-II) J version points
14 0 0 1 1 1 0 YD Imperial (YORK Talk-III) J version points
15 0 0 1 1 1 1 YD Metric (YORK Talk-III) J version points
16 0 1 0 0 0 0 ECO2 / YPAL / S100 (BACnet MS/TP via an IPU-I)
17 0 1 0 0 0 1 YK with SSS Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
18 0 1 0 0 1 0 YK with VSD Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
19 0 1 0 0 1 1 YT with SSS Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
20 0 1 0 1 0 0 YT with VSD Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
21 0 1 0 1 0 1 YS / YR with SSS Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
22 0 1 0 1 1 0 YK with SSS Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
23 0 1 0 1 1 1 YK with VSD Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
24 0 1 1 0 0 0 YT with SSS Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
25 0 1 1 0 0 1 YT with VSD Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
26 0 1 1 0 1 0 YS / YR with SSS Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
27 0 1 1 0 1 1 YST Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
28 0 1 1 1 0 0 YIA Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
29 0 1 1 1 0 1 YST Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
30 0 1 1 1 1 0 YIA Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
31 0 1 1 1 1 1 YEWS-D1/YEAS/YGAS (Modbus native)
32 1 0 0 0 0 0 YD Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
33 1 0 0 0 0 1 YD Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
34 1 0 0 0 1 0 YMC2 Imperial (YORK Talk-III) K version points
35 1 0 0 0 1 1 YMC2 Metric (YORK Talk-III) K version points
63 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reserved for Field adjustments

1. A Quick Start that references a Solid State Starter (SSS) is also applicable to a mechanical starter.
2. Two sections are required for equipment equipped with three or more compressors, or two systems.

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 9

Table 9: BAS Output Protocol Quick Start Selections
APP Group Output Protocol Quick Starts
Switch B
Switch Settings 8 4 2 1 Port 1 Port 3 Port 4
01 0 0 0 0 MS/TP, AUTO, N, 8, 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 1 Terminal

1 2, 5 0 0 0 1 MS/TP, AUTO, N, 8, 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 1 Terminal

2 2, 5 0 0 1 0 MS/TP, AUTO, N, 8, 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 2 Terminal

3 2, 5 0 0 1 1 MS/TP, AUTO, N, 8, 1 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 Terminal

4 2, 5 0 1 0 0 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 MS/TP, 38,400, N, 8, 1 Terminal

5 2, 5 0 1 0 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 1 MS/TP, 38,400, N, 8, 1 Terminal

6 2, 5 0 1 1 0 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 2 MS/TP, 38,400, N, 8, 1 Terminal

7 2, 5 0 1 1 1 Modbus, 9,600, E, 8, 1 MS/TP, 38,400, N, 8, 1 Terminal

8 2, 5 1 0 0 0 Modbus, 9,600, N, 8, 1 MS/TP, 38,400, N, 8, 1 Terminal

9 3, 5, 6 1 0 0 1 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 1 LONWORKS Pass through

10 4, 5, 6 1 0 1 0 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 1 LONWORKS Conversion

11 3, 5 1 0 1 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 2 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 LONWORKS Pass through

12 4, 5 1 1 0 0 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 2 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 LONWORKS Conversion

13 2, 5 1 1 0 1 Modbus, 9,600, E, 8, 1 Modbus, 19,200, N, 8, 2 Terminal

14 2, 5 1 1 1 0 MS/TP, 38,400, N, 8, 1 N2, 9,600, N, 8, 1 Terminal

15 7 1 1 1 1 Reserved Reserved Terminal

1. When making edits to User Report 4 (Port Configuration), Group Application Switch B must be set to zero. This setting
ensures that the edits are stored. Otherwise, the edits are overwritten to the default values assigned to the particular Group
Switch B setting the next time E-Link is reset, or power is cycled. Edits made in any other User Reports do not require
alterations to either bank of Group Application switches. For standard set-up, not requiring modifications via User Report 4,
use application switch B, settings 1 to 14.
2. The Terminal setting on Port 4 is restricted for factory use only.
To comply with the LONMARK specification, all data transmitted on the LONWORKS network must be expressed in SI units
(metric units). The LONWORKS ProtoCessor performs no unit conversions; it assumes that the data supplied is already
correctly expressed.
3. Use Quick Start 9 and 11 if the equipment is supplying the data in SI units (the E-Link is not required to perform any
conversions, so it operates in pass-through mode).
4. Use Quick Start 10 and 12 if the equipment is supplying the data in Imperial units and the E-Link is required to convert these
units into SI.
5. Setting Switch T = ON, on the MAC address, forces TERMINAL mode of Port 3, at 57,600 baud, N, 8, 1. This setting is only
required to debug the E-Link Gateways operation, or access the User Reports.
6. Select Quick Starts 9 and 10 when connecting the E-Link Gateway to an ECO2 unit.
7. Quick Starts 15 on APP Group B, and 63 on APP Group A, are reserved for field adjustments.

10 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Wiring Grounding
For the enclosure style, a ground wire must be
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock.
connected directly to the enclosure supply power
Disconnect or isolate all power supplies
! before making electrical connections.
ground lug at the point of entry. A small label (Figure 7)
identifies this grounding point. This ground wire should
More than one disconnect or isolation
be connected through a continuous ground circuit to
may be required to completely
the incoming ground at the source transformer.
de-energize equipment. Contact with
components carrying hazardous voltage GRD
can cause electric shock and may result
in severe personal injury or death.

CAUTION: Risk of Property Damage. Figure 7: Grounding Label
Do not apply power to the system before
! checking all wiring connections. Short Note: Besides providing safety protection, the ground
circuited or improperly connected wires connection plays an extremely important part in the
may result in permanent damage to the operation of the communication circuitry.
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock.
IMPORTANT: Make all wiring connections in Ground the E-Link Gateway enclosure
accordance with local, national, and regional ! according to local, national, and regional
regulations. regulations. Failure to ground the E-Link
Gateway may result in electric shock and
Install the wiring so it does not cause a hazard, and is severe personal injury or death.
protected against electrical and mechanical damage.
Protection of Communication Ports
When using RS-485 technology, it is possible that
The E-Link Gateway circuit board is powered from
electrical disturbances, such as voltage spikes, can
either a 12 VDC, or a 24 VAC, Class 2 power source.
damage a circuit board. The E-Link Gateway includes
When used with an OptiView chiller, the Micro Panel
tranzorbs on each RS-485 port to protect against
supplies low-voltage power via a power harness
damaging electrical spikes and stray voltage.
supplied by the OptiView/Latitude installation kit. If the
E-Link Gateway circuit board is installed in its own The equipment panel should also be equipped with
enclosure, a transformer is included in the enclosure. protection against electrical disturbances. Whereas
Line voltage may be supplied using an external power OptiView Micro Panels are equipped with onboard
source, or drawn from the input voltage terminal strip tranzorbs, other equipment panels may require the
inside the equipment. Be sure the capacity of the addition of an external board. Refer to the equipment
power conductors supplying the equipment is rated for documentation for details. Port 1 of the E-Link Gateway
the additional power (VA) required by the E-Link is also electrically isolated, providing a means of
Gateway. Use a wire that is one size larger than mitigating common mode voltage induced problems.
required for the amperage draw (maximum 400 mA) to
connect the line voltage feed to the E-Link Gateway.
High Noise Environments
For the line voltage power source, use a dedicated line Electrical equipment that employs high speed
(with a separate fuse) that is isolated (using a control switching circuits (Variable Speed Drives [VSD], Solid
transformer) from other equipment in the plant room State Starters [SSS], and computing equipment)
that may generate Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). generates Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) noise
and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), which can
generate transient voltage between ground points in
the communication wiring. The RS-485 circuitry is
designed to withstand some low transient voltage, but if
this difference exceeds certain limits, it can
permanently damage the RS-485 circuitry.

IMPORTANT: Ensure that the Micro Panel and the

E-Link Gateway are powered from a source with a
true earth ground.

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 11

IMPORTANT: Do not run communication cables in Setup and Adjustments
close proximity to, or parallel with, high-voltage There are a number of settings that you may make on
power cables (maintain at least 457.2 mm [18 in.] of an E-Link Gateway or to the connected equipment.
separation, or use a grounded metal conduit).
Network Termination
Electrical Noise Mitigation to Equipment Terminate all End-of-Line (EOL) devices at either end
The likelihood of transient voltage is greatly reduced if of the RS-485 bus (that connect to only one set of
the E-Link Gateway is close-coupled to the Micro RS-485 network wires). EOL termination provides
Panel. Close-coupling requires that the E-Link biasing of the network, and assists in returning the
Gateway and Micro Panel share the same line voltage signal to a normal state in the event of voltage
power source and are physically close to one another. transients. If the E-link Gateway happens to be the
Typically, the E-link Gateway is mounted on the Micro end-of-line device, terminate the network by setting the
Panel enclosure. This scenario ensures a short EOL switch located above each of the
communication cable, which is usually protected E-Link Gateways RS-485 ports to the ON position.
entirely within the two enclosures.
Electrical Noise Mitigation
for E-Link to BAS
When the E-Link is used in an electrically hostile
environment (for example, with VSD-enabled
equipment), a double-shielded cable should be used to
help mitigate the adverse effects electrical noise can
have on the system. The double-shielded cable should Figure 8: RS-485 EOL Switches
connect the E-Links BAS port (Port 1 or Port 4) to the
next controller(s) in the daisy-chained network. IMPORTANT: Ensure that the EOL switches are
The outer shield of the double-shielded cable should not set to the ON position for controllers that do not
be grounded directly at the low noise end (the end terminate the RS-485 network.
most distant from the VSD), and ideally, indirectly
Media Access Control (MAC) Address
through an appropriate capacitor at the high noise end
(the end closest to the VSD). If a capacitor is not The E-Link Gateways network hardware address is set
available, the outer shield may be left unconnected, or on a single 8-way DIP switch. Switch 8, the T switch, is
tied directly to ground. The best results on the site reserved to invoke Terminal mode on Port 3, leaving
determine the specific termination strategy employed. the remaining 7 switches for setting the address. Refer
to the E-Link Gateway Commissioning and
The inner shield of the double-shielded cable should be Troubleshooting Technical Bulletin
grounded directly at the low noise end (the end most (LIT-12011238) for more details.
distant from the VSD), and left open at the high noise
end (the end closest to the VSD).
Types of Communication Ports
The E-Link Gateway uses three communication
protocols to connect to other devices: RS-485 and FFT
are used for multi-drop networking, whereas RS-232 is
primarily used for point-to-point connectivity. Figure 9: MAC Dip Switch

RS-485 The network address is binary weighted, allowing you

The RS-485 standard uses three conductors to to set up to 127 unique addresses.
connect network nodes: two signal wires and a
APP Group A
reference. The E-Link Gateway uses either a third wire
for the reference or the buildings infrastructure. The APP Group A uses a 6-way DIP switch to select the
wiring method depends on the port being used: an desired equipments profile. This switch is also binary
electrically isolated Port 1 typically uses a third wire, weighted, allowing up to 63 unique selections.
whereas Ports 2 and 3 normally use chassis or building
ground for the reference.

12 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

APP Group B Setting the Rotary Switch on Chiller Panels
APP Group B uses a 4-way DIP switch to select the Some Micro Panels use a rotary switch to set their
desired output protocol. This switch is also binary YORK Talk II address (YORK Talk address = Rotary
weighted, allowing up to 15 unique selections. Switch setting + 1). Since the E-Link Gateway uses a
one-to-one relationship with the chiller panel, this
switch is normally set to 0 (YORK Talk address 1).
However, in a master/slave configuration, set the
master Micro Panel rotary switch to 0, and the slave
Micro Panel to 1. If the chiller Micro Panel is not
equipped with a rotary switch, the YORK Talk address
Figure 10: APP A and APP B DIP Switches may be set using the Micro Panel keypad. In most
cases, you can configure the setting, but some models
are fixed and cannot be changed (refer to the
Push Button
equipment documentation for specific details).
The E-Link Gateway uses a push button (Figure 11) as
a means of activating any user selections on APP
Group A and APP Group B switches.

Figure 12: Micro Panel Rotary Switch

Network Topology
The E-Link Gateway has three serial communications
ports and an optional LONWORKS port to connect
Figure 11: E-Link Gateway Push Button
equipment to a BAS system. Port 1 and Port 4 are
designed as the BAS ports, with Port 1 used to support
Note: Refer to the E-Link Gateway Commissioning all RS-485 based communication protocols, and Port 4
and Troubleshooting Technical Bulletin used for LONWORKS connectivity with the addition of a
(LIT-12011238) for more details. LONWORKS ProtoCessor module.
Equipment Configuration Note: See Figure 24 and Figure 25 for additional
Different pieces of equipment sometimes require a information.
specific hardware configuration (jumper/switch
settings) to enable communication with the E-Link
Gateway. Refer to the equipments installation literature
for the proper configuration settings.

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 13

4 Position 4 Position
Connector Connector

(OptiView / Latitude) 3/8 in. Screw
(OptiView / Lattitude) 8 x 32

Tap Thread
(Latitude) (Latitude)

2 Position 4 Position
Connector Connector

YMC2 Communication Cable


4 Position 4 Position
Connector Connector


Figure 14: E-Link OptiView/Latitude

Installation Kit (YK-ELNKOLK-0)

Figure 13: E-Link Gateway Component


14 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

120 VAC

24 VAC
24 VAC



100 OHM


Tie Communication
Wrap Wiring Harness

Sheet Expansion Expansion

Metal Nut Nut
Screw Screw

Figure 15: E-Link IPU-II Panel Installation Kit

(YK-ELNKSTK-0 Contents)

Unit #1 Unit #2 Last Unit

PORT 3 RS485 PORT 3 RS485 PORT 3 RS485

+ - C M SHLD + - C M SHLD
+ - C M SHLD + - C M SHLD


Figure 16: BAS Trunk Shield Wiring

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 15







NOTE: If the EPROM used in the board is dated prior

to 11/2000, the chiller ID is fixed at 0.
If the EPROM used is dated after 11/2000, the chiller
ID is software selectable through the micro panel



Equipment Connections

NOTE: The chiller ID is software-selectable through the

micro panel keypad. Set the Chiller ID to 0 to make network
address to 1.

Figure 17: E-Link Gateway to YORK Talk II Equipment Connections

(See Table 1 for board cross-reference.)

16 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Figure 18: E-Link Gateway to YORK Talk II Equipment Connections (Continued)
(See Table 1 for board cross-reference.)

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 17



Frick Q2 Board


Equipment Cable
York Talk 2
(4800 baud)





Frick Q3 Board


PL20 COM 1 Equipment Cable

York Talk 2
Jumpers RS485
(4800 baud)




Port 2 Port 1 SHIELD

Equipment Cable
Jumpers York Talk 2
(4800 baud)
U5 U4 E-Link
RWBII Rev. B and Lower + - COM SHLD

Frick RWBII Plus

NOTE: Requires ISN EPROMs in locations U4 and U5. (Open)
The transfer rate on the chiller must be set to 4800 baud.
Equipment Cable
York Talk 2
RWBII Rev. C and Higher RS485
(4800 baud)
Figure 19: E-Link Gateway to YORK Talk II Equipment Connections (Continued)
(See Table 1 for board cross-reference.)

18 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Equipment Cable
York Talk 3


Optiview Microboard SHIELD




+12 VDC



Optiview Microboard

Equipment Cable
York Talk 3






+12 VDC

Note: JP1 on the

031-02478-xxx board
must be set to the
RS485 position when
the E-Link BAS Equipment Cable
communication is York Talk 2
required. RS485 Note: Enabling any of
031-02478-xxx (4800 baud)
E-Link the Latitudes PRINT
Latitude PORT 2A RS485
E-Link functions will disrupt
+12 VDC _
E-Link communications.
Power See YORK Equipment
Form 201.21-NMx in the
1 2 3 4 5
Installation, Operation &

Maintenance (IOM)
Air-Cooled Screw Liquid
Chillers manual for more
(Open) information.

Figure 20: E-Link Gateway to OptiView and Latitude/YCAV/YCIV/YVAA Equipment Connections

(See Table 1 for board cross-reference.)

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 19

031-02497-xxx (I/O Board)


J4 P3-

Equipment Cable

BACnet E-Link

(38400 baud) + - COM SHLD


331-02496-101 (Open)



YPAL (ECO2) Setup for MS/TP Bus:

Figure 21: E-Link Gateway to YPAL (EC02) Equipment Connections

20 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

T 1 RS485

031-02550-xxx (I/O Board) E-Link



(IPU II Board) Communication
Wiring Harness
(Includes a pre-wired E-Link
Port 2 Terminal Block)
(4800 baud)

IPU-II P1 Setup for York Talk 2:

Figure 22: E-Link Gateway to IPU-II Equipment Connections

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 21


Figure 23: E-Link Gateway to Wuxi STC YEWS-D1/YEAS/YGAS Equipment Connection

22 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Figure 24: E-Link Gateway Communication Port Connections to a BAS System

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 23

Figure 25: E-Link Gateway Communication Port Connections to a BAS System (Continued)

Note: Connect a ground strap between the panel's Repair Information

ground path and the E-Link's common path only if this
If the E-Link Gateway fails to operate within its
connection has not been made elsewhere in the
specifications, replace the unit. For a replacement
E-Link Gateway, contact the nearest Johnson Controls

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 24

Technical Specifications
Power Requirements External to Equipment (Inside Enclosure): 120/240 VAC Primary 50/60 Hz, 24 VAC
Secondary Transformer (+10%/-15%), 400 mA, Nominal 12 VA
Internal to Equipment E-Link Gateway Board Assembly: 24 VAC (15%), 50/60 Hz,
400 mA, Nominal 12 VA, 12 VDC (+50%/-2%), 400 mA, Nominal 12 VA
Addressing Addressing is selectable by the MAC Address Switch 8 Position Dip Switch using
Switches 1 through 7.
BACnet MS/TP Valid Addressing 1 to 127
Modbus RTU Valid Addressing 1 to 127
N2 Valid Addressing 1 to 127
Installation Environment Indoor, Dry
Ambient Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 to 85C; (-40 to 185F)
Humidity: 0% to 95% Noncondensing
Ambient Storage Conditions Temperature: -40 to 90C (-40 to 194F)
Humidity: 0 to 95% RH, Noncondensing
Power External to Equipment (Inside Enclosure): One 3-Position Terminal Block for 120/240
VAC Supply Power
Internal to Equipment E-Link Gateway Board Assembly: Removable Terminal Plug
for 24 VAC Supply Power and Removable Terminal Plug for 12 VDC Supply Power
Communication Wiring Equipment Protocol is selectable by the APP Switch Group A 6-Position Dip Switch.
Terminations Port 2A: RS485 Equipment Port Supporting BACnet MS/TP and YORK Talk II
Protocols with Available EOL Termination Switch
Port 2B: RS232 Equipment Port Supporting YORK Talk 3 Protocol
BAS Protocol is selectable by the APP Switch Group B 4-Position Dip Switch.
Port 1: RS485 BAS Port Supporting BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU, N2 Protocols
With Available EOL Termination Switch
Port 3: RS485 BAS Port supporting BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU, N2 Protocols With
Available EOL Termination Switch; When Selected by Switch 8 of the MAC Address
Dip Switch, Terminal Communications
Port 4: RS485 BAS Port Supporting the LONWORKS FTT10 Protocol
Wiring Network Cable: 0.51 mm (24 AWG) (3 Cores Plus Shield)
Power Cable: 1.02 mm (18 AWG) Copper Wire Rated for 10 Amperes Per Core
at 250 VAC
Materials External to Equipment:
Metal Enclosure with Removable Lid, E-Link Gateway Board Assembly, Power
Internal to Equipment E-Link Board Assembly:
E-Link Gateway Board Assembly
Mounting External to Equipment: Screw Mount Enclosure
Internal to Equipment: E-Link OptiView/Latitude and IPU-II installation kit
Dimensions External to Equipment: 241.3 x 136.5 x 63 mm (9-1/2 x 5-3/8 x 2-1/2 in.)
Internal to Equipment: 102 x 152 x 25.4 mm (4 x 6 x 1 in.)
Shipping Weight External to Equipment: 2 kg (4.5 lb)
Internal to Equipment: 227 g (8 oz)
Compliance United States UL Listed 916/FCC Part 15 Conducted and Radiated
Europe CE Mark - Johnson Controls, Inc. declares that this product is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
and Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. for application of conditions beyond these
specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or
misuse of its products.

E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions 25

Building Efficiency
507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Metasys and Johnson Controls are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
All other marks herein are the marks of their respective owners. 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.

26 E-Link Gateway Installation Instructions

Published in U.S.A. www.johnsoncontrols.com

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