orto take 3 ays any 30 days and pony for out
Batons yout,
‘caltto me and wil show you great and mighty
things. eremiah 333)
ach dain this30-dy guid includes 3
Serplare verse and genet equets art of
ig an ecco eing 9 God a
[Evoke you fay cy or communtiy you
[veto mises day ortwo do give To amg
bakin and canyon. prep Kae
fb edo elf henna
An pooner of A pene Bune pis ofthe
led stand rm snd forever the parpoves of is heart
‘ough al gecesi 8)
stro keke frie youth for mon,
ryt oe ton woul be sed by hr
young people who wallsn the loves fea ofthe Lord
GEM har owe.
12 Ae shine for your gts come, and he
{loathe Lord rier spon you. Se, darknese
Sovke Ge tarth and thick dusts sever the
opie butte Lard apo ow nd ry
Eppear over ou. lai 6ot3)
Pry fr out mals youth tobe elesed om
thee afin and arkoeer and come tos ating
Wowledge af Jus Chr
‘Pay th the over milion mide and igh
schoal age relent wile avs in anand pats
thelight and glory of our nsen Savio.
{he Lard. aap your hands towards hm forthe
fof your dldren. (Lamentations 219)
‘hry that our ears would beled with love and
ccmposion bt oo ate youth
“Pry that we would be convicted and convinced of
the eed spend me praying dal: them.
3 Pour out your heats ike water before the face of
One generation vail commend your works to
A soaker they ltl of your mighty sete. (zal
ea) '
workdrsand yointees who ae nhl teaching the
Ward of God
Pray for our malin pastors and church leadership
tose the Importance a teaching outa outs hee
Sitch end emanates
Lord, Thave head of you fame: stand in awe of
5 your deeds O ord enew them n ou dain
‘utime make them known. (abuse 32)
Piay tat we wal revo cnning rng of you
«tS rr oot aon
nal cable and resrvauegs wold rene your
power and presence in heir
May the God who gies endurance and
telatagetoet Be yora pit ofan among
vost ywtlio Gee mane)
bee Unprecedented unity in working gether in tie
°F toprecedened aportanties fer them
wat lopibel Bbatag Ue fone
77 ee ound te myo you name il
{he earth, Your loryrigher han the heavens
foshsve tug ces
you pra (Bsa 81:5)
Payor thors whe teach our youth on Senda
soralogy, weciy Bible studies, youl group mecingy,
Youth ofgniation meetings, camps aad conferences
ay our youth ale a sound detsne
ad develop «dep iove for Goas Word
fersng tates give
Fathers do not embiter your len, o they
wil become dicouraged (Colesiane 1)
“Pray fr the stsngthenig of os fares rore
shan a of mariage ene tp divorce, whch deeply
tes youth una ape of herve
Pray at fathers aos the pation would turn dele
ear their chen ane low Chit ang
tel hien
‘litte your children, and let your children ell
Ito ther children and thee erento the next
Feneraton: oe)
Pe forenourgenst nd seegbening of
‘tape Flores
Pray at Chrean familie wos be alight other
(nisin har aighburboods tad atte
LO ocodiakiial dwaling God seu thelondy
in familes. (Psalm 645-6)
ay forthe 401000 you and children who ive in
senate vee
andes Godt word panel Gos ny
“Though my father and mother foreke me, the
11 Lordi seceive me (Pvalm 27210)
ray for the two lion youth who az ving onthe
“Pry forthe dhurches and organizations reaching out to
theminth Godriowe “s
Hehas sent me to bind wp the brokenheated, to
D procs treedom fr the captives and release lor
ibgpeioners (bah 613)
‘hry fore 7.90 youth who ae joven detention
‘Pry that they woul sespond tothe Good Nee and
ine bees unseen
1am ending you to open their yes and trn
13 teas om disktess tollgatand fom the power
af Stan to Gods aothat they may receive forgienet of
Slnsunds pce song hots whe oacubed by ath
ine (Aco 2618)
1 Pay for eur middle choo! and highschool students
haste more han 65,00 pubic or pe
‘Py that all school would have
youth ergnizaton ministering tot
“A Soe tord "To netinon
1 ee ee a ee
feta peta mp ae os eto
‘shape eyo Bomba aes
Ie bien sues tbebeln share be
aa tera ane coe
Be abe iaas vhs dni td me
ub, church or
‘Lge then, fst of a that request, prayers,
115 intBessi and hankagving beak
svdeyone-for kings and all hove in auto, that we
Staylve pace an quiet ves inal goin and
Ales inothy 2)
‘Pry for tne admiteraton principal eacert and
safe incence our youth a tat shock
Pray that they would become flowers of Chit and
sake an impact tsehoo.
16 gitef God whieh sein you trough the laying 08
omy hands For God dient gies aspirto m
futvapiat ot power oflove aad sal acpine
Fry for oar youth who attend Christan schoals
vine boas an
“Pry th they wo havea passionate and preonl
‘id tad be equpped to inpect the comme nd
the woreetyour conrersaton be aways fall of grace
1.7 stodtnedwathsalt so tat you ay kao howto
‘afer everyone (Calossans 48)
Fry fr Chrtianeducnos pubic and private
Pry that they wou have daily, creative opporenities
‘Schutte fe * a
18 isi id deceptive plop which pends
‘on oman radon sed the basi prints of
‘wed rather than 9a Cs. (Colosiaas 28)
cfadoperc tin nfiaegicns eee
“cB ft TV and deo game potas who
19 agpesctey tuted, be ed withthe Holy
ee ng
sgh NE cen ets
a hath filed wh hve
20 rare tc ae
Fy ef eaghndcoungroinine'e
“Therefore, there enw no condemnation for
2 Livesewte atin Chest fous because rough
‘Sheer he ae ofthe Spat of set me free fom
hela of in upd death (Romans £12)