Cfamnl 10 2013
Cfamnl 10 2013
Cfamnl 10 2013
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News Updates Our Mission Emphasis Tools of Evangelism: CORN GRINDER $500.00 HARVEST KIT $300.00
Dear Pastors, Prayer Partners & Donors, Greetings in the Name of Jesus.
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33.
What a blessed promise to know that amidst the chaos in the world today, Our Savior has overcome the world. Daily we are bombarded with newsflashes of wars, flooding, earthquakes, extreme events worldwide countries in financial crisis humanitarian outreaches to refugees in many different countries, is becoming a common sight on the news. It doesnt seem to phase the public as it used to because we have become accustomed to seeing and hearing all these horrible events, and it is ongoing. One thing is certain, that we are living in the end times. The Bible speaks of this, in John 16:33, we have the assurance that although we are in the world, and there will be tribulation, we must be of good cheer, because Jesus has overcome the world.
BICYCLE $100.00
Jesus is coming soon Hallelujah Are we ready to meet Him? Our Mission vision, is to keep our eyes on Christ, continue to share this life saving message while we have time, with all who are hurting, and all who will hear the message in Africa. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Heb. 12:2a.
Christ for Africa Ministries prays, works, spreading Good News as Jesus did. We need to preach the Good News, but we also need to show Gods love through good deeds, confirmed by signs of Gods provision and power. This month we have included our Harvest Kit Brochure to let you know what your gift of $300.00 for one Harvest Kit is made up of: In the past, the hearts of our prayer partners have been touched to be able to send a Harvest Kit like this, to a graduating Bible School Student, to help them as they begin their ministry to win souls to Christ, disciple and baptize the new converts, and work hard to plant their first church in the area they go to minister in. HARVEST KITS:
After graduation, CFAM supports each 3rd year graduate, for 1 year at $50.00 per month, to help them. After the first year in the field, when they have enough members for a church, they get ordained. This process continues from the time of their conversion, through discipleship training, getting selected to attend Bible School for 3 years, thereafter working for 1 more year to plant a church with new converts, taking almost 6 years, and then only are they ordained in the Ministry. Their dedication pays great dividends, we are so proud of these young people, because they have persevered to obtain their ordination. They are very committed to the ministry, and have learned well how to trust God by faith to supply all their needs.
Their focus then, is to build a pole barn church, mainly from wood cut from trees in the area, elephant grass for the roof, and walls sealed with mud and cow manure, to strengthen and waterproof the building. When the young pastor gets married, he will build a small house in the same manner. The new converts are always eager to help with construction, and are happy that they have a place of worship, their own pastor to pray/encourage them, to join in discipleship training. A Soul winner/Street Evangelist will witness to three or four people a day. Approximately 10 20 people a week will accept Christ as their Savior/baptized/discipled and become part of the local assembly adding to the set apart body of believers.
Please Help us Equip Native Missionaries Lets provide the Tools They so Desperately Need
OCTOBER 28, 1953 OCTOBER 28, 2013 John Newton was saved on October 28, 1953, - He surrendered to preach in February 1954. Celebrating 60 years in Gods Service.
Extra Christmas Love Gift: We prayerfully ask you to consider sharing your love again this year by sending an extra $100.00 love gift for Christmas. This blesses our Indigenous Pastors and their families. Please designate your early gift, and we will forward it to them before Christmas. Thank You God Bless you. Bibles: This is the time of the year that we ask you to help us supply much needed Bibles to new converts, as well as Study Bibles, for Pastors and their Wives. Your gifts make a significant difference in the lives of converts and our Indigenous workers in Southern Africa. Bicycles: A vital Tool of Evangelism in the ministry of Indigenous Pastors. They travel to and from their villages to evangelize their area. Bicycles last about 5 years, with minor repair/regular maintenance; Pastors need new bicycles to continue their outreach ministry. Bicycles are purchased for $100.00 each in South Africa (R1,000.00 African Rand), financially out of reach for the Indigenous worker. By supplying this Tool of Evangelism, we will help them to preach the gospel, and ease the burden of this expense. Graduating students get a bicycle as part of the Harvest Kit when they graduate. Special Prayer Requests: Tools Harvest Kits; Corn Grinders; Donkey Taxis; Bibles; Bicycles; Sewing Machines; Pray for the Womens Outreach Ministry to reach out to unsaved women; Extra Christmas Offering Love Gifts to Indigenous Pastors and their family; Indigenous Pastors, Evangelists; Bible School Students; Church Planting; Increased reading of scripture & lasting formative impact on lives; Prison Ministry; Widows; Orphanages;
Our Newsletter is sent with Prayer that it may continue to bless the lives of our readers, to strengthen your spirit knowing that although you cannot GO you are helping to send those who can GO Further, that your gifts be used of God, bringing the lost to Christ, encouraging them to be more dedicated in the service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. E-MAIL ADDRESS: SEND US YOUR NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS IF YOU HAVE MADE A RECENT CHANGE. If you do not have email, we will continue sending your newsletter by mail. In His Service, Because Africa Needs Jesus,
We prayerfully distribute your designated gifts, & undesignated gifts go Where Needed Most to the field. FINANCES-100% goes directly to the field. No with-holding for office expenses.
Your Prayer requests prayed for daily including needs for the field in Africa.