Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Simple
We use the Present Perfect We use the Past Simple tense to talk
We use the Present Perfect Simple
Continuous to talk about: about an action or a situation - an
USE to talk about:
1. past action recently- event - in the past. The event can
1. Unspecified point in the past
stopped be short or long:
2. An action that occurred in the 2. past action still-continuing 1. the event is in the past
past, but has a result in the 2. the event is completely finished
present (now) 3. we say (or understand)
3. Talking about general the time and/or place of the event
experiences (ever, never) .
4. Events that recently occurred
5. Events that have occurred up to
now (yet)
6. Events that occurred before
you expected (already)
7. Events that began in the past
and haven't changed (for,
TIME For, since, already, just, yet, ever,
For, since. For, last year, last night, yesterday.