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Primary Vesicle Secondary Vesicle Adult Derivatives Notes

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Primary Vesicle Secondary Vesicle Adult Derivatives Notes

Forebrain (Proencephalon) Optic Vesicle Retina Outer layer pigment layer, Inner layer Neural Retina
*perception, conscious awareness, (Diencephalon) (cones, rods, bipolar, and ganglion cells), Interretinal
cognition, and voluntary *neuroectoderm* Space--weak, prone to retinal detachment in adults
Optic Nerve
Thalamus (Diencephalon) Dorsal Hypothalamus
*relays info about vision, audition, & Hypothalamus Controls ANS, food, drink, & sex, & Pituitary
somatic sensation*

Third Ventricle
Telencephalon Olfactory Bulb Becomes Olfactory N.
Cerebral Cortex Receives sensory input from thalamus, forms perceptions,
and commands voluntary movements

Basal Telencephalon Breaking Mech. feedback control to cortex

*contains basal ganglia* *see below

Corpus Callosum Cortical fibers running hemispheres

Cortical White Matter
Internal Capsule Fibers running cortex thalamus
Lateral Ventricle
Midbrain (Mesencephalon) Mesencephalon Tectum (dorsal) Differentiates into superior (visual) and inferior
(auditory) colliculi
*conduit between forebrain and Tegmentum (ventral) Contains SN & Red Nucleus (voluntary mvt)
spinal cord, consciousness, mood,
pleasure, & pain
Cerebral Aqueduct
Hindbrain Metencephalon Cerebellum Control center, info from spinal cord (position of body
(Rhombencephalon) in space) and pons (goals of mvts), integrates info
*conduit for infor btwn forebrain
and spinal
cord, processing of sensory info, Pons Connects cerebral cortex to cerebellum (90% of
control of voluntary mvt, and
neurons synapse here)
regulation of ANS
Fourth Ventricle
Myelencephalon Medulla Sensory and motor fxn (auditory, touch, taste, &
control of tongue m.)

*Basal ganglia: in Telencephalon- Striatum (composed of Putamen, Caudate, & Globus output to Thalamus)- receives input from cortex, in Diencephalon-Subthalamic nuclei (reciprocally interacts
with Globus), in Midbrain- Substantia Nigra (reciprocally connected to Caudate and Putamen)

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