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Auto CAD Civil 3D

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AUTOCAD CIVIL3D Design of a Rail

Case Studies
Facility on Iconic
Metro Project:
Grand Paris
Evolution of Large-
Implementation of The Grand Paris Express (GPE) is a major
AutoCAD Civil 3D automated metro infrastructure project in
Paris, with a new 200-kilometer tunnel line.
at Wisconsin DOT The maintenance site (depot) is a key
structure in a limited space inserted into a
dense urban environment. This situation leads
to numerous challenging conflicts between
the rail and building design. In this project
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
implementation used for rail infrastructure
design. Also in this project BIM effectively
used for track alignment, utilities, hydrology,
catenary, and telecom when interfacing with
Description architecture, structure, and MEP (mechanical,
Since Wisconsin Department of electrical, and plumbing) services. BIM has
Transportation adopted AutoCAD Civil 3D been used on this project to facilitate data
software, its standards and workflows have exchangeespecially between a civil design
evolved in response to its internal users and with AutoCAD Civil 3D software and
its external consultants. With each release, architectural design with Revit softwarebut
new tools and workflows were developed to also to improve 3D coordination and design
make continuous improvement in the design review.
results. Each change affected the large user
base, so this process required careful
planning, testing, and timing. There was also a
Kelprojektas :
significant effort involved in sharing standards
with users outside of the network in the
simplest and most reliable method possible.
Lithuanian based
improves work

1|Industry Updates
transportation Parsons
projects with BIM Brinckerhoff:
Alaskan Way

Kelprojektas is the largest group of transport
infrastructure engineering companies in the
Baltic States that designs transport
infrastructure, public buildings, engineering
systems and regional planning. Established in
1956, Kelprojektas has successfully delivered
more than 6,000 infrastructure projects and
has more than 300 employees working with
the most advanced software; included among
them, the biggest number of Autodesk
certified specialists in the Baltic States. The Description
company has received several innovation and
For more than 50 years, the Alaskan Way
quality awards in Lithuania for its continuous
Viaduct has been the main north-south
investments to innovative design technologies
highway through Seattle. In 2001, an
and improvement of business processes and earthquake damaged the viaduct, heightening
people. concerns over its seismic safety. Since then,
the State of Washington, King County, and the
Kelprojektas has been using Autodesk City of Seattle have been working together
software for more than 15 years solutions with the Port of Washington and the United
such as Autodesk Vault Pro, AutoCAD Civil 3D, States Federal Highway Administration to find
Autodesk 3Ds Max Design, Autodesk Robot a solution to replace the aging structure,
Structural Analysis to great results in many which runs along Seattles waterfront and
projects. Kelprojektas has been a member of carries 20 to 25 percent of its downtown
Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) since traffic. The Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT) and engineering firm
2008 and is the only engineering company
Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) have developed
that is part of ADN in the Baltic States. This
numerous replacement options for the
membership has given Kelprojektas the
viaduct based on the use of surface and
advantage to tailor Autodesk solutions for the elevated roads, tunnels, and public transit
market needs of the Baltics. strategies.

2|Industry Updates

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