MIT18 02SC PB 3 Comb
MIT18 02SC PB 3 Comb
MIT18 02SC PB 3 Comb
Answer: As usual, call the angle in question . Since A B = |A||B| cos we have
AB (1, 8) (1, 2) 17
cos = = =
|A||B| 65 5 5 13
1 17
Thus, = cos .
5 13
2. Take points P = (a, 1, 1), Q = (0, 1, 1), R = (a, 1, 3). For what value(s) of a is P QR
a right angle?
Answer: We need QP QR = 0 (a, 0, 2) (a, 2, 2) = a2 4 = 0 a = 2.
(A + B) (A B) = A A B B.
(A + B) (A B) = 0 A A = B B.
I.e., the diagonals are perpendicular if and only if two adjacent edges have equal lengths.
In other words, if the parallelogram is a rhombus.
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