Modeling of Fault
Modeling of Fault
Modeling of Fault
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Process Disturbance Modeling and Noises
Frequency domain
y (s ) = Gyu (s )u(s )
y Rm : output vector
u Rku : input vector
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Process Disturbance Modeling and Noises
Frequency domain
y Rm : output vector
u Rku : input vector
d Rkd : deterministic disturbance vector
Rk : stochastic disturbance vector
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Process Disturbance Modeling and Noises
Frequency domain
y Rm : output vector
u Rku : input vector
d Rkd : deterministic disturbance vector
Rk : stochastic disturbance vector
State space
x = Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du
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Process Disturbance Modeling and Noises
Frequency domain
y Rm : output vector
u Rku : input vector
d Rkd : deterministic disturbance vector
Rk : stochastic disturbance vector
State space
x = Ax + Bu + Ed d +
y = Cx + Du + Fd d +
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Modeling uncertainties
sources of uncertainty
parameters are not exactly known
variation in operating conditions
limited resolution
high frequency behavior
model simplification
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Modeling uncertainties
sources of uncertainty
parameters are not exactly known
variation in operating conditions
limited resolution
high frequency behavior
model simplification
Process with uncertainties
x + Bu
x = A +E
d d
+ Du
y = Cx +Fd d
= A + A , B
A = B + B ,
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Uncertainties Description
Norm Bounded
" # " #
A B E E h i
= (t ) G H J
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Uncertainties Description
Norm Bounded
" # " #
A B E E h i
= (t ) G H J
(t )
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Uncertainties Description
Norm Bounded
" # " #
A B E E h i
= (t ) G H J
(t )
Polytopic uncertainty
" #
(" # " # " #)
A1 B1 E1 A2 B2 E2 Al Bl El
= Co , , ,
C1 D1 F1 C2 D2 F2 Cl Dl Fl
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Uncertainties Description
Norm Bounded
" # " #
A B E E h i
= (t ) G H J
(t )
Polytopic uncertainty
" #
(" # " # " #)
A1 B1 E1 A2 B2 E2 Al Bl El
= Co , , ,
C1 D1 F1 C2 D2 F2 Cl Dl Fl
Ai , Bi , Ci , known matrices
Co {} Convex Set
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Polytopic Uncertainty
Convex Set: A set C is convex if the line joining any two points c1
and c2 in C remains entirely in C.
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Polytopic Uncertainty
Convex Set: A set C is convex if the line joining any two points c1
and c2 in C remains entirely in C.
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Polytopic Uncertainty
Convex Set: A set C is convex if the line joining any two points c1
and c2 in C remains entirely in C.
Given a set C (not necessarily convex) its convex hull is the smallest
convex set which contains C.
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Polytopic Uncertainty
Convex Set: A set C is convex if the line joining any two points c1
and c2 in C remains entirely in C.
Given a set C (not necessarily convex) its convex hull is the smallest
convex set which contains C.
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Convex Hull and convex function
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Polytopic Uncertainty
p1 p3
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Polytopic Uncertainty
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Polytopic Uncertainty
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Stochastic Uncertainty
" # " #
A B E X Ai Bi Ei
= pi (k )
C D F Ci Di Fi
i =1
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Stochastic Uncertainty
" # " #
A B E X Ai Bi Ei
= pi (k )
C D F Ci Di Fi
i =1
p1 (k )
p (k ) = ..
p (k )
p (k ) is stochastic process
E [p (k )] = 0, E [p (k )p T (k )] = diag (1 , , )
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Types of Faults
A. Q. Khan (DEE,PIEAS) EE-612: Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance February 16, 2017 12 / 23
Types of Faults
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Types of Faults
Actuator Faults
More consumption of energy or total loss of control
Example: Stuck up of control valve, faults in pumps, motors, etc.
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Types of Faults
Actuator Faults
Sensor Faults
Sensor measurements are used in feedback, result into change in
operating point
Examples: drift, bias, freezing of sensor, calibration error
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Types of Faults
Sensor Faults
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Types of Faults
Component Faults
Alter the physical parameter of plant
Due to wear and tear
Examples: leakage, cracks, change in friction,
Dynamic properties are changed, instability
Most important to be detected
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Types of Faults
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Modeling of Faults
Frequency domain
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Modeling of Faults
Frequency domain
x = Ax + Bu+Ed d +Ef f
y = Cx + Du+Fd d +Ff f
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Modeling of Faults
Frequency domain
x = Ax + Bu+Ed d +Ef f
y = Cx + Du+Fd d +Ff f
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
Sensor faults, Ff = I
y = Cx + du + Fd d + fs
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
Sensor faults, Ff = I
y = Cx + du + Fd d + fs
Actuator fault, Ef = B , Ff = D
x = Ax + B (u + fA ) + Ed d
y = Cx + D (u + fA ) + Fd d
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
+ AF ) x + ( B
x = (A + BF )u + Ed d
y = (C + CF )x + (D + DF )u + Fd d
AF = Ai Ai , BF = Bi Bi
i =1 i =1
CF = Ci Ci , DF = Di Di ,
i =1 i =1
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
qM = GF x + HF u,
fM = F (t )qM
Inn 0
. .
.. ..
I 0
GF = nn
, HF =
0 Iku ku
. .
.. ..
0 Iku ku
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
A1 Inn
AA Inn
F (t ) =
B1 Iku ku
BB Iku ku
h i
EP = A1 AA B1 BB ,
h i
FP = C1 CC D1 DD
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
x + Bu
x = A + Ed d + EP fM
+ Du
y = Cx + Fd d + FP fM
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Modeling of Faults Contd.
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Example (Three Tanks System)
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Example (Three Tanks System)
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Example (Three Tanks System)
Ac h 1 = Q1 Q13
Ac h 2 = Q2 + Q32 Q20
Ac h 3 = Q13 Q32
Q13 =a1 s13 sgn(h1 h3 ) 2g |h1 h3 |
Q32 =a3 s23 sgn(h3 h2 ) 2g |h3 h2 |
Q20 =a2 s0 2gh2
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Example (Three Tanks System)
Linearized Model
x =Ax + Bu
y =Cx
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Example (Three Tanks System)
Linearized Model
x =Ax + Bu
y =Cx
h1 " #
x = y = h2 , u = 1
0.0085 0 0.0085
0.0065 0
A = 0 0.00195 0.0084 , B = 0 0.0065 C = I3
0.0085 0.0084 0.0169 0 0
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Example (Three Tanks System)
x =(A + A )x + Bu
y =Cx
A = (t )H
0.0085 0 0.0085
H = 0 0.00195 0.0084
0.0085 0.0084 0.0169
1 (t )
0 0
(t ) = 0 2 ( t ) 0
3 ( t )
0 0
(t ))
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Example (Three Tanks System)
Component faults,
Leaks in tanks p p p
A1 2gh1 , A2 2gh2 , A3 2gh3
Pluggings between two tanks
A4 a1 s13 sgn(h1 h3 ) 2g |h1 h3 |
A5 a3 s23 sgn(h3 h2 ) 2g |h3 h2 |
A6 a2 s0 2gh2
Sensor Faults, three additive faults in three sensors, f1 , f2 , f3
Actuator Faults, faults in pumps, f4 , f5
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Example (Three Tanks System)
x =(A + AF )x + Bu + Ef f
y =Cx + Ff f
X h iT
AF = Ai Ai , f = f1 f6
i =1
0.0214 0 0 0 0 0
A1 = 0 0 0 , A2 = 0 0.0371 0 ,
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.0082 0 0.0085
A3 = 0 0 0 , A4 = 0 0 0
0 0 0.0262 0.0085 0 0.0085
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Example (Three Tanks System)
0 0 0
0 0 0
A5 = 0 0.0111 0 , A6 = 0 0.0084 0.0084 ,
0 0 0 0 0.0084 0.0084
h i h i
Ef = 0 B , Ff = I33 0
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1 Obtain the mathematical modeling and fault representation for the
Coupled Liquid Tanks System in DEE
2 Excercise 3.4 in M. Blanke, M. Kinnaert, J. Lunze, and
M. Staroswiecki, Diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. Springer, 2006
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Further Readings
A. Q. Khan (DEE,PIEAS) EE-612: Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance February 16, 2017 22 / 23
References I
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