Lorkes Method
Lorkes Method
Lorkes Method
The importance of toxicity testing
David Arome* and Enegide Chinedu
Department of Science Laboratory Technology (Physiology and Pharmacology Technology), University of Jos, Nigeria.
Received on 20 Nov 2013, Accepted on 23 Dec 2013, Available online from 20 Jan 2014
Toxicity testing is paramount in the screening of newly developed drugs before it can be used on humans. The essence of
toxicity testing is not just to check how safe a test substance is; but to characterize the possible toxic effects it can
produce. The guiding principles of toxicity testing is to check the effect of the test substances on laboratory animals and
its direct toxic effect on human and secondly, the exposure of laboratory animals to high doses in order to evaluate its
possible hazard on human that are exposed to much lower dose. The present article seeks to highlight the importance of
toxicity testing in the development of therapeutic agents. Toxicity testing is of the following types: acute toxicity studies,
sub-acute toxicity studies and chronic toxicity studies. Toxicity testing employed wide range of test in different species of
animals with long term administration of drug, regular monitoring of physiological, biochemical abnormalities and
detailed post mortem examination at the end of the trial to detect gross or histological abnormalities. Toxic effect of drug
can range from negligible to severe as to preclude further development of the compound. The use of animal in toxicity
testing is most likely to continue for the foreseeable future because of the benefits they offer in examining a whole
functioning organism.
Keywords: Laboratory animals, test substance, toxic effect, toxicity testing
In the first phase, nine mice divided into three groups of toxicity testing. New toxicity model under development
three mice each, are given 10, 100, 1000 mg / kg of the include the slug mucosal assay for irritation, transgenic
test substance. After administration of the test animals, the long-term exposure of hepatocyte cultures
substance, observation is made at regular interval to and tissue slices and further development of methods
check for the onset of adverse effect, time to death or for testing for mechanisms of carcinogenicity. The use of
time to recover. The period of observation in this phase I invertebrates, as with the slug for the assessment of eye
is 24 hours. irritation and novel vertebrates such as zebra fish. Stem
Phase II cells remain the great white hope of toxicity testing;
This phase involves the use of three animals divided into their promise remains just that, at the moment, but may
three groups. In this phase, the dose level is either step yet blossom[4].
up or down depending on the outcome of the result
obtained from phase I. The animals are administered
Toxicity testing plays a crucial role in ascertaining the
higher dose of 1600, 2900 and 5000 mg/kg. Toxic
toxic effect and characterization of test substance.
symptoms are observed for 24 hours as well as delayed
Toxicity obtained in animal studies occurs with similar
toxic symptoms for 7-14 days. The lethal dose is
incidence and severity in human. The use of animal in
calculated by the formula[6].
toxicity testing is most likely to continue for the
LD50= LD50= (D0D100)
foreseeable future because of the benefits they offer in
D0= highest dose that gave no mortality
examining a whole functioning organism.
D100= lowest dose that produced mortality
Sub-acute toxicity studies
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Prospect of new test methods and models
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Integration of new techniques into existing protocols is
definitely going to be a growth area in the future.
Genomics, proteomics and metabonomics[4]. The
introduction of these new toxicity models provides
greater understanding of toxicity in standard laboratory
models and also an important factor in the future of