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Seager B Sped775 m5 Journal

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Module Five Journal: Instruction

SPED 775: Practicum with Exceptional Children & Youth

University of Kansas

Dr. Cynthia Mruczek

Brent Seager

April 9, 2017

Teaching video name: Interaction with Date: 04/04/2017

Identified Student
Observation Meaning Research
At 1:03 into the video, I am Concept mapping is a According to Barton-Arwood
discussing with the student technique in which the main & Little, 2013, concept
some of the challenges that ideas, facts, and other mapping increases the chance
she is facing within school. relevant information is that each student will
She indicates that English is a recorded and available to the improve their academic skills
concern, this is where I student. Concept mapping in reading, writing, and
should have suggested can be beneficial to both critical thinking. Concept
concept mapping to ensure general and special education mapping also allows students
that the student can grasp the students. to develop higher ordered
main ideas and content of the thinking and reasoning skills
subject area. by providing them with
pertinent facts and
information on a given topic
or subject (Barton-Arwood &
Little, 2013, p. 7-8). This
observation closely aligns
with UDL principle of
providing multiple means of
representation through
highlighting patterns, big
ideas, critical features and
relationships. The observation
shows an opportunity that I
missed to implement or
suggest the use of concept
mapping or graphic
organizers (National Center
on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).
At 3:12 into the video, I am Differentiated instruction is a According to the Hall, 2002,
discussing strategies to complex process in which article, the use of initial and
support the student in the content and subject materials on-going assessment to
classroom. While I do not are taught to the students determine growth and
discuss differentiated within the classroom, which achievement of a student are
instruction and on-going considers the various learning essential elements when
assessment with the student, I styles and interests of the using differentiated
believe that this strategy students. instruction. While I did not
would be another support that mention the use of
should be implemented to differentiated instruction,
ensure that the student is initial and on-going
learning the information and assessment in the video, I do
concepts in the classroom. believe that this would

drastically improve the

classroom environment for
the student (Hall, 2002, p. 2).
This observation closely
aligns with UDL principle of
providing multiple means of
action and expression the
support planning and strategy
development. The
observation shows that I am
working with the student to
develop a plan that will best
support her in the general and
special education
environments, which will
provide the student with the
resources necessary to be
successful in all school
environments (National
Center on Universal Design
for Learning, 2014).
At 6:56 into the video, I can Reinforcing appropriate According to Reinke & et al.,
be observed demonstrating student behaviors includes 2013, when teachers reinforce
reinforcing appropriate the use of verbal praise, appropriate student
student behavior, as I was compliments, rewards, and behaviors, students are more
working with the student on other motivators to ensure likely to display the
completing a missing that the student continues to appropriate behaviors
assignment from her history display appropriate behaviors throughout the many school
class. in all classroom environments.
environments. Reinforcement also allows
the students to become
engaged and motivated to
participate in the classroom,
thus allowing instructional
time to be used more
efficiently (Reinke & et al.,
2013, p. 41). This
observation closely aligns
with UDL principle of
providing multiple means of
engagement using the
promotion of expectations
and beliefs to optimize
motivation. The observation
shows that the student is
motivated and engaged to

complete the missing history

assignment (National Center
on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).

Concept Mapping

While concept mapping has been in education for many decades, the use of it for special
education students in the general education classroom has become a new strategy to help
students with disabilities increase critical thinking, writing, and reading skills. In the video at
1:03, I missed an opportunity in which I could have suggested to use concept mapping or a
graphic organizer to the student in her Language Arts class. Even though I missed this
opportunity, I will be completing her IEP in the upcoming week, and the use of a concept map or
graphic organizer will be in the accommodations, as I believe that these tools will benefit her in
all core and elective courses. According to Barton-Arwood & Little, 2013, concept mapping
increases the likelihood that a student will be better able to access the general education
curriculum by increasing critical thinking, writing, and reading skills. I believe that the student
could benefit from the use of a concept map or graphic organizer, and I have already
implemented this with the new unit for the student in my interpersonal skills classroom (Barton-
Arwood & Little, 2013, p. 7-8). During this observation, I missed an opportunity to suggest
using the support of concept mapping or graphic organizers; this closely aligns with the UDL
principle of providing multiple means of representation using highlighting big ideas, patterns,
relationships, and critical features. Even though I missed this opportunity, I will implement this
in the IEP to better support the students (National Center on Universal Design for Learning,

Differentiated Instruction

There are many different elements and aspects of differentiated instruction. I believe that
using initial and on-going assessment of the student will provide the student with the necessary
supports and instruction to successfully access the content and participate in the course.
According to Hall, 2002, article, the use of initial and on-going assessments will allow the
teacher to ensure that the necessary supports are in place, and that the student is showing signs of
growth. If growth is occurring, then the differentiation is working and should be kept in place.
When the assessments indicated that growth is not occurring, new methods and techniques will
need to be put into place to ensure that the student can access the content and information within
each class. The initial and on-going assessment is a technique that I will continue to use in each
unit in my classroom, as it helps to assess student learning, implementation of differentiated
instruction, and ensures that the students are learning based on their learning styles (Hall, 2002,
p. 2). In this observation, I can be observed using the UDL principle of providing multiple
means of action and expression through supporting the planning and strategy development of the
student in the interview and discussion that I had with the student on supports and strategies
(National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2014).

Reinforcing Student Appropriate Behavior

Reinforcing appropriate student behavior is sometimes overlooked by many teachers, as

most students are expected to know and act per classroom rules and expectations. However,
many special education and general education students often struggle following rules and
expectations; to address this concern, the use of reinforcing student appropriate behaviors will

allow the teacher to more effectively address and reinforce each student when the appropriate
behaviors are displayed. According to Reinke & et al., 2013, when teachers reinforce student
appropriate behaviors in the classrooms, the students are more likely to display the appropriate
behaviors across school settings. The students will also be more engaged and motivated to
participate in the classroom, thus allowing the students and teachers to more effectively use
instructional time for teaching, instead of redirecting inappropriate behaviors. In the video, I can
be observed reinforcing the student displaying appropriate behaviors, which allowed her to be
engaged and motivated to complete her missing assignments (Reinke & et al., 2013, p. 41). This
observation also demonstrates my usage of UDL principles in my teaching, as I can be observed
using the UDL principal of providing multiple means of engagement through using the
promotion of expectations and beliefs to optimize motivation of the student (National Center on
Universal Design for Learning, 2014).

Barton-Arwood, S.M. & Little, M.A. (2013). Using graphic organizers to access the general

curriculum at the secondary level. Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(1), p. 7-8.
Hall, T. (2002). Differentiated instruction. Retrieved from:

http://www.principals.in/uploads/pdf/Instructional_Strategie/DI_Marching.pdf, p. 2.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2014). Retrieved from:

Reinke, W.M., Herman, K.C. & Stormont, M. (2013). Classroom-level positive behavior

supports in schools implementing SW-PBIS: Identifying areas for enhancement. Journal

of Positive Behavior Interventions, 15(1), p. 41.


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