English Assesment Teacher: Sugeng Susanto, M PD NIP: 1968 0724 2007 011 009
English Assesment Teacher: Sugeng Susanto, M PD NIP: 1968 0724 2007 011 009
English Assesment Teacher: Sugeng Susanto, M PD NIP: 1968 0724 2007 011 009
Sugeng Susanto, M Pd
Class VIII F
Group 3
Narator: Once upon a time in a big house, lived a beautiful girl with her stepmother and two
stepsisters. A humble girl but is very beautiful and kind. She was a bit unfortunate that she
had to live with mother and sisters that always asked her to do all the work at the big house.
She had to cleaned the house, cooked, and other works. The royal trumpet was blown. Then
came the envoy of the kingdom with some soldier with an invitation. Everyone listen to the
announcement. The envoy of the kingdom said Announcement Announcement! In
connection with the folk festival that will be held in the palace tonight, the palace party invite
all people to come and participate this. Please present at the festival. The prine also will chose
a dancing mate for tonight. So, grooming as beautiful as possible, in case you were elected.
Everyone is happy to hear the announcement, including, Cinderella and her stepsister, Anastasia,
Drizella, and Frederica.
Anastasia: This is fun definitely Prince chose me to be his queen. Because, Im the most
beautiful here!
Drizella: Who says? Surely someone is blind! Obviously I was the one who would be the
companion of the Prince.
Frederica: Are you two dreaming ?! I am the most suitable for the prince.
Stepmother: Hey, no need to fight. I bet one of my beautiful child will be elected as a
companion of the Prince. Whoever of you who elected is fine. The most important thing is
that I will be rich and became a royal party.
Reader : Cinderella then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. But she was crying there
because she want to go to festival. While the mother and three sister prepared to go to the
festival. When the other had gone to the festival, Cinderella sat sadly at her room. When then
something happened. A fairy-godmother showed up.
Fairy Godmother: (Smile friendly.) ..Cinderella, i will help you. Now, take four rats, two
lizard, and a large pumpkin.
Reader : A miracle happened. The Four mice turned into horses. Two lizard turned into a
coachman. And the great pumpkin turned into a golden carriage.
Fairy Godmother: You also need a new dress. Hocus Focus Tralala.
Reader : Cinderella cloth turning into a beautiful dress.
Cinderella: It is a nice dress, fairygodmother
Fairy Godmother: yes it is. I also have a pair of glasses shoes for you.
Cinderella: Fairy Godmother, this is a very beautiful shoes. Thank you very much.
fairy godmother : Your welcome. But you must remember that the effect of this magic will
disappear after twelve oclock at night. Therefore, go home before midnight.
Reader : Cinderella Then went to the palace by the golden carriage. She wore a beautiful
dress and ofcouse the glasses shoes. At the festival, all the eyes look at the beautiful
Reader : Morning had came. Cinderella were punished by the mother to stay at her room
because she came to the festival last night. She were not allowed to leave he room. The royal
trumpet was blown. The prince come to Cinderella house with some soldiers. He looked for
the owner of the glasses shoes.
Mother : Oh, prince, are you come here for one of my daughter?
Anastasia : You must come to see me.
Drizella : You must have fall in love with me.
Frederica : no, the prince is here to meet me.
Prince : i am actually looking for the owner of this shoes. I will marry the owner of this
Anastasia : that is mine.
Drizella : No. That is mine.
Frederica : you two liar. That shoes is mine.
Prince. You can try it. If it fit on your foot, that it mean that it is your shoes.
Reader : all the sisters tried the shoes. But none fitted to the shoes. Even the mother also tried
the shoes. But also not fitted.
Prince : Because none of you fit the shoes. I will look for the owner at other house.
Reader : Cinderella tried the shoes and it fit. The prince smile.
Prince : You are the owner. You will be my wife. Would you be my wife?
Cinderella : Yes sure. I would.
Reader : The prince then took cinderella to the pallace and on the next day they married.
They life happylly ever after. The end.