Heat Pipe
Heat Pipe
Heat Pipe
Thin at heat pipe (heat spreader) with remote heat sink and fan
rial/working uids pairs that appear to be compatible are Diode Heat Pipes, which have a high thermal con-
not. For example, water in an aluminum envelope will ductivity in the forward direction, and a low thermal
develop large amounts of non-condensable gas over a few conductivity in the reverse direction
hours or days, preventing normal operation of the heat
pipe. Thermosyphons, which are heat pipes where the
liquid is returned to the evaporator by gravita-
Since heat pipes were rediscovered by George Grover in tional/accelerational forces,
1963, extensive life tests have been conducted to deter-
mine compatible envelope/uid pairs, some going on for Rotating heat pipes, where the liquid is returned to
decades. In a heat pipe life test, heat pipes are operated the evaporator by centrifugal forces
for long periods of time, and monitored for problems
such as non-condensable gas generation, material trans-
port, and corrosion.[4][5] 1.2.1 Vapor chamber or at heat pipes
The most commonly used envelope (and wick)/uid pairs Thin planar heat pipes (heat spreaders) have the same pri-
include:[6] mary components as tubular heat pipes: a hermetically
sealed hollow vessel, a working uid, and a closed-loop
Copper envelope/Water working uid for electronics capillary recirculation system.[9] In addition, a series of
cooling. This is by far the most common type of heat posts are generally used in a vapor chamber, to prevent
pipe. collapse of the at top and bottom when the pressure is
Copper or Steel envelope/Refrigerant R134a work- lower than atmospheric, which is 100 C for water vapor
ing uid for energy recovery in HVAC systems chambers.
There are two main applications for vapor chambers.
Aluminum envelope/Ammonia working uid for
First, they are used when high powers and heat uxes are
Spacecraft Thermal Control
applied to a relatively small evaporator.[10] Heat input to
Superalloy envelope/Alkali Metal (Cesium, Potas- the evaporator vaporizes liquid, which ows in two di-
sium, Sodium) working uid for high temperature mensions to the condenser surfaces. After the vapor con-
heat pipes, most commonly used for calibrating pri- denses on the condenser surfaces, capillary forces in the
mary temperature measurement devices wick return the condensate to the evaporator. Note that
most vapor chambers are insensitive to gravity, and will
Other pairs include stainless steel envelopes with nitro- still operate when inverted, with the evaporator above the
gen, oxygen, neon, hydrogen, or helium working uids at condenser. In this application, the vapor chamber acts as
temperatures below 100 K, copper/methanol heat pipes a heat ux transformer, cooling a high heat ux from an
for electronics cooling when the heat pipe must oper- electronic chip or laser diode, and transforming it to a
ate below the water range, aluminum/ethane heat pipes lower heat ux that can be removed by natural or forced
for spacecraft thermal control in environments when am- convection. With special evaporator wicks, vapor cham-
monia can freeze, and refractory metal envelope/lithium bers can remove 2000 W over 4 cm , or 700 W over 1
2 [11]
working uid for high temperature (above 1050 C) cm .
applications.[7] Second, compared to a one-dimensional tubular heat
pipe, the width of a two-dimensional heat pipe allows
an adequate cross section for heat ow even with a very
1.2 Dierent types of heat pipes
thin device. These thin planar heat pipes are nding their
way into height sensitive applications, such as notebook
In addition to standard, Constant Conductance Heat
computers and surface mount circuit board cores. It is
Pipes (CCHPs), there are a number of other types of heat
possible to produce at heat pipes as thin as 1.0 mm
pipes,[8] including:
(slightly thicker than a 0.76 mm credit card).[12]
Vapor Chambers (planar heat pipes), which are used
for heat ux transformation, and isothermalization 1.2.2 Variable Conductance Heat Pipes (VCHPs)
of surfaces
Standard heat pipes are constant conductance devices,
Variable Conductance Heat Pipes (VCHPs), which
where the heat pipe operating temperature is set by the
use a Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) to change the
source and sink temperatures, the thermal resistances
heat pipe eective thermal conductivity as power or
from the source to the heat pipe, and the thermal re-
the heat sink conditions change
sistances from the heat pipe to the sink. In these heat
Pressure Controlled Heat Pipes (PCHPs), which are pipes, the temperature drops linearly as the power or con-
a VCHP where the volume of the reservoir, or the denser temperature is reduced. For some applications,
NCG mass can be changed, to give more precise such as satellite or research balloon thermal control, the
temperature control electronics will be overcooled at low powers, or at the
low sink temperatures. Variable Conductance Heat Pipes denser. Again, no liquid is available when the nom-
(VCHPs) are used to passively maintain the temperature inal condenser is heated.
of the electronics being cooled as power and sink condi-
tions change.[13] Vapor Trap Diode Heat Pipes.
VCHPs have two additions compared to a standard heat Liquid Trap Diode Heat Pipes.
pipe: 1. A reservoir, and 2. A Non-Condensable Gas
(NCG) added to the heat pipe, in addition to the work-
A Vapor Trap Diode is fabricated in a similar fashion to
ing uid; see the picture in the Spacecraft section below.
a Variable Conductance Heat Pipe (VCHP), with a gas
This NCG is typically argon for standard VCHPs, and
reservoir at the end of the condenser.[17] During fabrica-
helium for thermosyphons. When the heat pipe is not
tion, the heat pipe is charged with the working uid and
operating, the NCG and working uid vapor are mixed
a controlled amount of a Non-Condensable Gas (NCG).
throughout the heat pipe vapor space. When the VCHP
During normal operation, the ow of the working uid
is operating, the NCG is swept toward the condenser end
vapor from the evaporator to the condenser sweeps the
of the heat pipe by the ow of the working uid vapor.
NCG into the reservoir, where it doesnt interfere with the
Most of the NCG is located in the reservoir, while the
normal heat pipe operation. When the nominal condenser
remainder blocks a portion of the heat pipe condenser.
is heated, the vapor ow is from the nominal condenser
The VCHP works by varying the active length of the con-
to the nominal evaporator. The NCG is dragged along
denser. When the power or heat sink temperature is in-
with the owing vapor, completely blocking the nominal
creased, the heat pipe vapor temperature and pressure in-
evaporator, and greatly increasing the thermal resistivity
crease. The increased vapor pressure forces more of the
of the heat pipe. In general, there is some heat transfer
NCG into the reservoir, increasing the active condenser
to the nominal adiabatic section. Heat is then conducted
length and the heat pipe conductance. Conversely, when
through the heat pipe walls to the evaporator. In one ex-
the power or heat sink temperature is decreased, the heat
ample, a vapor trap diode carried 95 W in the forward
pipe vapor temperature and pressure decrease, and the
direction, and only 4.3 W in the reverse direction.[18]
NCG expands, reducing the active condenser length and
heat pipe conductance. The addition of a small heater A Liquid Trap Diode has a wicked reservoir at the evap-
on the reservoir, with the power controlled by the evap- orator end of the heat pipe, with a separate wick that
orator temperature, will allow thermal control of roughly is not in communication with the wick in the remainder
1-2 C. In one example, the evaporator temperature was of the heat pipe.[19] During normal operation, the evap-
maintained in a 1.65 C control band, as power was var- orator and reservoir are heated. The vapor ows to the
ied from 72 to 150 W, and heat sink temperature varied condenser, and liquid returns to the evaporator by cap-
from +15 C to 65 C. illary forces in the wick. The reservoir eventually dries
out, since there is no method for returning liquid. When
Pressure Controlled Heat Pipes (PCHPs) can be used
the nominal condenser is heated, liquid condenses in the
when tighter temperature control is required.[14] In a
evaporator and the reservoir. While the liquid can return
PCHP, the evaporator temperature is used to either vary
to the nominal condenser from the nominal evaporator,
the reservoir volume, or the amount of NCG in the
the liquid in the reservoir is trapped, since the reservoir
heat pipe. PCHPs have shown milli-Kelvin temperature
wick is not connected. Eventually, all of the liquid is
trapped in the reservoir, and the heat pipe ceases oper-
1.2.3 Diode heat pipes
1.2.4 Thermosyphons
Conventional heat pipes transfer heat in either direction,
from the hotter to the colder end of the heat pipe. SeveralMost heat pipes use a wick to return the liquid from the
dierent heat pipes act as a thermal diode, transferring condenser to the evaporator, allowing the heat pipe to op-
heat in one direction, while acting as an insulator in the erate in any orientation. The liquid is sucked up back to
other:[16] the evaporator by capillary action, similar to the way that
a sponge sucks up water when an edge is placed in con-
Thermosyphons, which only transfer heat from the tact with a pool of water. However the maximum adverse
bottom to the top of the thermosyphon, where the elevation (evaporator over condenser) is relatively small,
condensate returns by gravity. When the ther- on the order of 25 cm long for a typical water heat pipe.
mosyphon is heated at the top, there is no liquid If however the evaporator is located below the condenser,
available to evaporate. the liquid can drain back by gravity instead of requiring
a wick, and the distance between the two can be much
Rotating Heat Pipes, where the heat pipe is shaped longer. Such a gravity aided heat pipe is known as a
so that liquid can only travel by centrifugal forces thermosyphon.[20][21] (See also: Perkins tube, after Jacob
from the nominal evaporator to the nominal con- Perkins.[22] ) (Dierent than a thermosiphon, which trans-
uum in the pipe. One simply boils the working uid in the Grovers suggestion was taken up by NASA, which played
heat pipe until the resulting vapour has purged the non- a large role in heat pipe development in the 1960s, par-
condensing gases from the pipe, and then seals the end. ticularly regarding applications and reliability in space
An interesting property of heat pipes is the temperature ight. This was understandable given the low weight, high
range over which they are eective. Initially, it might heat ux, and zero power draw of heat pipes and that
be suspected that a water-charged heat pipe only works they would not be adversely aected by operating in a
when the hot end reaches the boiling point (100 C, 212 zero gravity environment.
F, at normal atmospheric pressure) and steam is trans- The rst application of heat pipes in the space program
ferred to the cold end. However, the boiling point of wa- was the thermal equilibration of satellite transponders.
ter depends on the absolute pressure inside the pipe. In As satellites orbit, one side is exposed to the direct ra-
an evacuated pipe, water vaporizes from its triple point diation of the sun while the opposite side is completely
(0.01 C, 32 F) to its critical point (374 C; 705 F), as dark and exposed to the deep cold of outer space. This
long as the heat pipe contains both liquid and vapor. Thus causes severe discrepancies in the temperature (and thus
a heat pipe can operate at hot-end temperatures as low as reliability and accuracy) of the transponders. The heat
just slightly warmer than the melting point of the working pipe cooling system designed for this purpose managed
uid, although the maximum rate of heat transfer is low at the high heat uxes and demonstrated awless operation
temperatures below 25 C (77 F). Similarly, a heat pipe with and without the inuence of gravity. The cooling
with water as a working uid can work well above the at- system developed was the rst use of variable conduc-
mospheric boiling point (100 C, 212 F). The maximum tance heat pipes to actively regulate heat ow or evapora-
temperature for long term water heat pipes is 270 C (518 tor temperature.
F), with heat pipes operating up to 300 C (572 F) for
short term tests.[26]
The main reason for the eectiveness of heat pipes is the 3.1 Wider usage
evaporation and condensation of the working uid. The
heat of vaporization greatly exceeds the specic heat ca- NASA has tested heat pipes designed for extreme condi-
pacity. Using water as an example, the energy needed tions, with some using liquid sodium metal as the work-
to evaporate one gram of water is 540 times the amount ing uid. Other forms of heat pipes are currently used
of energy needed to raise the temperature of that same to cool communication satellites.[33] Publications in 1967
one gram of water by 1 C. Almost all of that energy is and 1968 by Feldman, Eastman,[34] and Katzo rst dis-
rapidly transferred to the cold end when the uid con- cussed applications of heat pipes for wider uses such as
denses there, making a very eective heat transfer system in air conditioning, engine cooling, and electronics cool-
with no moving parts. ing. These papers were also the rst to mention exible,
arterial, and at plate heat pipes. Publications in 1969
introduced the concept of the rotational heat pipe with
3 Development its applications to turbine blade cooling and contained
the rst discussions of heat pipe applications to cryogenic
The general principle of heat pipes using gravity, com- processes.
monly classied as two phase thermosiphons, dates Starting in the 1980s Sony began incorporating heat pipes
back to the steam age and Angier March Perkins and into the cooling schemes for some of its commercial elec-
his son Loftus Perkins and the Perkins Tube, which tronic products in place of both forced convection and
saw widespread use in locomotive boilers and working passive nned heat sinks. Initially they were used in re-
ovens.[27] Capillary-based heat pipes were rst suggested ceivers and ampliers, soon spreading to other high heat
by R.S. Gaugler of General Motors in 1942, who patented ux electronics applications.
the idea,[28][29] but did not develop it further.
During the late 1990s increasingly high heat ux micro-
George Grover independently developed capillary-based computer CPUs spurred a threefold increase in the num-
heat pipes at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1963, ber of U.S. heat pipe patent applications. As heat pipes
with his patent of that year[30] being the rst to use the evolved from a specialized industrial heat transfer com-
term heat pipe, and he is often referred to as the in- ponent to a consumer commodity most development and
ventor of the heat pipe.[31] He noted in his notebook:[32] production moved from the U.S. to Asia.
Such a closed system, requiring no external Modern CPU heat pipes are typically made of copper and
pumps, may be of particular interest in space use water as the working uid.[35]
reactors in moving heat from the reactor core
to a radiating system. In the absence of gravity,
the forces must only be such as to overcome the
capillary and the drag of the returning vapor 4 Applications
through its channels.
4.2 Computer systems 7
4.1 Spacecraft (VCHP) for spacecraft thermal control. The heat pipe is
an aluminum extrusion, similar to that shown in the rst
gure. The bottom anged area is the evaporator. Above
the evaporator, the ange is machined o to allow the
adiabatic section to be bent. The condenser is shown
above the adiabatic section. The Non-Condensable Gas
(NCG) reservoir is located above the main heat pipe.
The valve is removed after lling and sealing the heat
pipe. When electric heaters are used on the reservoir,
the evaporator temperature can be controlled within 2
K of the setpoint.
heat transfer uid can still freeze and precautions must be The principle has also been applied to camping stoves.
taken to ensure that the freezing liquid does not damage The heat pipe transfers a large volume of heat at low tem-
the evacuated tube when designing systems for such envi- perature to allow goods to be baked and other dishes to
ronments. Properly designed solar thermal water heaters be cooked in camping-type situations.
can be frost protected down to more than 3 C with
special additives and are being used in Antarctica to heat
water. 4.6 Ventilation heat recovery
In heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems,
4.4 Permafrost cooling HVAC, heat pipes are positioned within the supply and
exhaust air streams of an air handling system or in the
Building on permafrost is dicult because heat from the exhaust gases of an industrial process, in order to recover
structure can thaw the permafrost. Heat pipes are used in the heat energy.
some cases to avoid the risk of destabilization. For exam- The device consists of a battery of multi-row nned heat
ple, in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System residual ground pipe tubes located within both the supply and exhaust air
heat remaining in the oil as well as heat produced by fric- streams. Within the exhaust air side of the heat pipe, the
tion and turbulence in the moving oil could conduct down refrigerant evaporates, taking its heat from the extract air.
the pipes support legs and melt the permafrost on which The refrigerant vapour moves towards the cooler end of
the supports are anchored. This would cause the pipeline the tube, within the supply air side of the device, where
to sink and possibly be damaged. To prevent this, each it condenses and gives up its heat. The condensed refrig-
vertical support member has been mounted with four ver- erant returns by a combination of gravity and capillary
tical heat pipe thermosyphons.[39] action in the wick. Thus heat is transferred from the ex-
The signicant feature of a thermosyphon is that it is pas- haust air stream through the tube wall to the refrigerant,
sive and does not require any external power to operate. and then from the refrigerant through the tube wall to the
During the winter, the air is colder than the ground around supply air stream.
the supports. The liquid ammonia at the bottom of the Because of the characteristics of the device, better e-
thermosyphon is vaporized by heat absorbed from the ciencies are obtained when the unit is positioned upright
ground, cooling the surrounding permafrost and lowering with the supply air side mounted over the exhaust air side,
its temperature. During the summer, the thermosyphons which allows the liquid refrigerant to ow quickly back to
stop operating, since there is no liquid ammonia available the evaporator aided by the force of gravity. Generally,
at the top of the heat pipe, but the extreme cooling during gross heat transfer eciencies of up to 75% are claimed
the winter allows the ground to remain frozen. by manufacturers.
Heat pipes are also used to keep the permafrost frozen
alongside parts of the QinghaiTibet Railway where the 4.7 Nuclear power conversion
embankment and track absorb the suns heat. Vertical
heat pipes on either side of relevant formations prevent
Grover and his colleagues were working on cooling sys-
that heat from spreading any further into the surrounding
tems for nuclear power cells for space craft, where ex-
permafrost. treme thermal conditions are encountered. These alkali
Depending on application there are several ther- metal heat pipes transferred heat from the heat source to a
mosyphon designs:[40] thermoprobe, thermopile, depth thermionic or thermoelectric converter to generate elec-
thermosyphon, sloped-thermosyphon foundation, at tricity.
loop thermosyphon foundation, hybrid at loop ther- Since the early 1990s, numerous nuclear reactor power
mosyphon foundation. systems have been proposed using heat pipes for trans-
porting heat between the reactor core and the power con-
version system.[43] The rst nuclear reactor to produce
4.5 Cooking electricity using heat pipes was rst operated on Septem-
ber 13, 2012 in a demonstration using attop ssion.[44]
The rst commercial heat pipe product was the Ther-
mal Magic Cooking Pin developed by Energy Conver-
sion Systems, Inc. and rst sold in 1966.[41] The cooking 4.8 Wankel rotary combustion engines
pins used water as the working uid. The envelope was
stainless steel, with an inner copper layer for compatibil- Ignition of the fuel mixture always takes place in the same
ity. During operation, one end of the heat pipe is poked part of Wankel engines, inducing thermal dilatation dis-
through the roast. The other end extends into the oven parities that reduce power output, impair fuel economy,
where it draws heat to the middle of the roast. The high and accelerate wear. SAE paper 2014-01-2160, by Wei
eective conductivity of the heat pipe reduces the cook- Wu et al., describes: 'A Heat Pipe Assisted Air-Cooled
ing time for large pieces of meat by one-half.[42] Rotary Wankel Engine for Improved Durability, Power
and Eciency', they obtained a reduction in top engine [4] Life Tests
temperature from 231 C to 129 C, and the temperature
dierence reduced from 159 C to 18 C for a typical [5] Examples of Incompatible Fluid/Envelope Pairs
small-chamber-displacement air-cooled UAV engine. [6] Heat Pipe Materials, Working Fluids, and Compatibility
Heat pipes must be tuned to particular cooling conditions. [9] Vapor Chamber Animation
The choice of pipe material, size and coolant all have an [10] Vapor Chambers
eect on the optimal temperatures at which heat pipes
work. [11] High Heat Flux, High Power, Low Resistance, Low CTE
Two-Phase Thermal Ground Planes for Direct Die At-
When used outside of its design heat range, the heat pipes tach Applications, Peter Dussinger, et, al., GOMACTech
thermal conductivity is eectively reduced to the heat 2012, Las Vegas, NV, March 2012.
conduction properties of its solid metal casing alone -
in the case of a copper casing, around 1/80 of the origi- [12] Modeling and Design Optimization of Ultra-Thin Vapor
nal ux. This is because below the intended temperature Chambers for High Heat Flux Applications, R. Ranjan
range the working uid will not undergo phase change; et al., Purdue University Cooling Technologies Research
and above it, all of the working uid in the heat pipe va- Center Publications, Paper 186, 2012
porizes and the condensation process ceases. [13] Variable Conductance Heat Pipes for Precise Tempera-
Most manufacturers cannot make a traditional heat pipe ture Control
smaller than 3 mm in diameter due to material limitations.
[14] Pressure Controlled Heat Pipes for Precise Temperature
Water cooling [22] Kew, David Anthony Reay ; Peter. A. (2006). Heat pipes
(5th ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. p. 10. ISBN
Peltier or thermoelectric cooling 978-0-7506-6754-8.
Loop heat pipe [23] T. Storch et al., Wetting and Film Behavior Of Propane
Inside Geothermal Heat Pipes, 16th International Heat
Pipe Conference, Lyon, France, May 2024, 2012.
[2] Popular Science Google Books. Books.google.co.uk. [25] Ku, Jentung; Paiva, Kleber; Mantelli, Marcia. Loop Heat
Retrieved 2013-05-07. Pipe Transient Behavior Using Heat Source Temperature
for Set Point Control with Thermoelectric Converter on
[3] Jim Danneskiold, Los Alamos-developed heat pipes ease Reservoir. NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center. Re-
space ight. Los Alamos News Release, April 26, 2000. trieved 14 September 2011.
[27] Heat Pipes, Fifth Edition, D.A. Reay, P.A. Kew, p. 10.
[29] http://www.google.com/patents/US2350348?printsec=
8 External links
Frontiers in Heat Pipes (FHP) An International
House_N Research (mit.edu)
Heat pipe selection guide (pdf)
Heat Pipe Basics and Demonstration
9.2 Images
File:Alaska_Pipeline_Closeup_Underneath.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/98/Alaska_Pipeline_
Closeup_Underneath.jpg License: GFDL 1.2 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Photo by and (c)2005 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man)
File:Aluminum-Ammonia_Variable_Conductance_Heat_Pipe_for_Spacecraft_Thermal_Control.tif Source: https:
Control.tif License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc.
File:CFD_IsoSkin_Heat_Pipe.gif Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/CFD_IsoSkin_Heat_Pipe.gif Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: I created this model and CFD analysis for Wikipedia
Previously published: http://www.novelconceptsinc.com Original artist: Heatlord
File:CFD_Vapor_Chamber_Heat_Sink_Design_v1.gif Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/CFD_Vapor_
Chamber_Heat_Sink_Design_v1.gif License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: I created this model and CFD analysis for Wikipedia
Previously published: http://www.novelconceptsinc.com Original artist: Heatlord
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nal artist: ?
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e3/Grooved_Aluminum_Extrusion_for_Spacecraft_Heat_Pipes.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
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CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Maniago. Original artist: Original uploader was Zootalures at
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cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Hustvedt
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//www.novelconceptsinc.com Original artist: User:Isofilm
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Heat_Pipe_Cross_Section.jpg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Epbernard
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SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work (Original text: I (Kristoferb (talk)) created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Kristoferb (talk)