Controlling CO Boilers: Kurt Kraus and Minwoo Kwon UOP Callidus
Controlling CO Boilers: Kurt Kraus and Minwoo Kwon UOP Callidus
Controlling CO Boilers: Kurt Kraus and Minwoo Kwon UOP Callidus
OP Callidus supplies and installs complete conventional industrial steam generating boiler.
systems and various subsystem compo- In the industrial boiler, steam supply is the inde-
nents for CO boilers and other FCC related pendent control variable. Increased steam
ancillary equipment. The exhaust emissions demand requires increased air and fuel flow into
from the CO boiler must be controlled reliably the boiler to maintain a constant combustion
and predictably to meet operating company excess air set point while the bulk flue gas
requirements. Principal constituents for control temperature is allowed to vary. However in the
in the exhaust emissions include carbon monox- CO boiler, all of the CO in the flue gas stream
ide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulphur delivered to the boiler must be burned thereby
oxides (SOx) and particulate matter. The design requiring a relatively constant combustion
of UOP Callidus CO combustors ensures chamber temperature. The steam output from
complete conversion of CO to CO2 while mini- the boiler becomes a dependant variable tied to
mising NOx emissions with post-combustion the input requirements necessary to ensure
treatment of sulphur and particulates. complete combustion of the CO in the flue gas
The UOP Callidus CO combustor While the CO content of the flue gas stream
The Fluidised-Bed Catalytic Cracking (FCC) from the FCC unit may vary rapidly and consid-
process is the principal means of converting low erably over time, the total mass flow of the flue
value heavy oils into more profitable gasoline gas stream is relatively constant and slower to
and lighter products in petrochemical refineries. change. To respond quickly to the changing CO
During the cracking process, carbon coke is content of the flue gas stream, make-up, auxil-
deposited internal and external of a catalyst iary or supplemental fuel gas is precisely
support structure thereby reducing the catalyst modulated. By modulating the make-up fuel gas,
activity. To regenerate the catalyst in a continu- the heat input from fuel into the boiler is main-
ous process, the FCC regenerator burns the tained relatively constant.
residual carbon from the catalyst. Air is injected Meanwhile, the combustion air is modulated
in the regenerator converting the coke from the to principally control the bulk combustion cham-
catalyst to CO and CO2. The air also is used in ber temperature and secondarily to maintain the
controlling the temperature of the resulting proper excess air limits.
regenerator flue gas. Depending on the regenera- The combustion air and fuel control is the key
tor design, a significant portion of the carbon for the control logic for CO combustor control.
may not be fully reacted to CO2 in a “partial The main oxidiser (combustor) must be
burn” process. The partially burned residual controlled on temperature to ensure complete
carbon requires further processing, or combust- CO destruction. To achieve complete CO destruc-
ing, before being vented through a stack. The CO tion and to meet environmental regulations, a
combustor with boiler is used to oxidise the CO temperature well above the auto-ignition
to CO2 to meet environmental regulations while temperature of all constituents is used as the
facilitating the recovery of valuable energy from design normal operating temperature set point.
the flue gas. As the CO combustor temperature decreases
below the set point, the output of temperature
Combustion air and fuel control controller, TIC, increases, calling for additional
The combustion air control scheme for a CO combustion air flow. In a “lead-lag” configura-
boiler is fundamentally different from that of a tion, based upon the additional air flow
Figure 3
uniform mixing of the primary combustion zone is not possible; but, mixing is sufficient to
products, the secondary fuel, the excess air from give the proper adiabatic flame temperature.
the primary combustion zone and a portion of
the air injected into the quench zone occurs, the NOx reduction –tertiary zone
adiabatic temperature is controllably reduced. The final portion of fuel is injected at the
Complete mixing of the components prior to all discharge of the quench air injection zone. The
of the combustion that occurs in the secondary perfectly mixed adiabatic temperature is fairly