Action Pack 6 TB
Action Pack 6 TB
Action Pack 6 TB
Action Pack is a twelve-level course for Jordanian students, leading them from the
Basic to the Secondary stage. It is based on the most modern methods of teaching
language, combining a topic-based approach with functional language practice, careful
attention to grammar and vocabulary and a comprehensive skills syllabus.
Each level of Action Pack consists of a Pupils Book, Audio Cassettes, an Activity Book,
a comprehensive Teachers Book, Flashcards and Wall Charts.
ISBN 978-614-406-068-1
9 786144 060681
Judith Greet
Action Pack 6
Sixth Grade
Teachers Book
Judith Greet
The publishers and the writers would like to acknowledge the contribution made by the Review and Adaptation
Committee appointed by the Ministry of Education of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, through their guidance
and valued assessment of the materials, to the development of the Action Pack 6 course.
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The Ministry of Education has decided to adopt this book for Jordanian schools in accordance
with the approval of the Board of Education decision No. 2/2010, dated 03/05/2010 for the
2010-2011 academic year.
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The authors and publishers are grateful to all those who York Press
have given permission to reproduce copyright material. 322 Old Brompton Road,
London SW5 9JH, England
Dar Al Tarbawiyoun House of Education Ltd and
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ISBN: 978-614-406-068-1 Road Town,
Printed 2010 Tortola,
British Virgin Islands
Teachers Book
UNIT 1 What does the computer do? 13 UNIT 14 Ive never swum in the sea 111
UNIT 2 Sending letters and emails 21 UNIT 15 Have you read your new book yet? 119
UNIT 3 What could you do when you were ... ? 29 UNIT 16 Revision: Diary page (4) 127
UNIT 4 Revision: Diary page (1) 37 UNIT 17 What have you been doing today? 133
UNIT 7 Whats it made of? 59 UNIT 20 Revision: Diary page (5) 157
UNIT 8 Revision: Diary page (2) 67 Extra Project: My picture Dictionary 163
Unit Structures Functions and Activities Vocabulary
Questions with How ... ? Talking about measurements; comfortable, fact, half, hill,
5 How far is it from Amman to Salt, Using large numbers; hour, incredible, kilometre,
How far is Grandpa? Responding to questions before, during lake, metre, narrow, nearly,
How high is it? and after listening; over, thousand, thousands,
How low is it? Listening for gist and specific information; top
How long is it? Listening to and singing along with a song;
Reading a text and ordering pictures;
Describing a place;
Large numbers
Its nearly 30 kilometres from Asking and answering questions;
Amman. Using correct intonation for questions and
Its thousands of metres high. statements;
Its 400 metres low. Using and spelling correctly learned
Over 6000 kilometres long. vocabulary;
Completing an information table;
Writing meaningful sentences using given
Talking about the past: used Describing past activities; aeroplane, blind, century,
6 to/ did not use to Listening for gist and specific information; courtyard, deaf, disabled,
A day in What did people use to do in the Comparing a place in the past and the family, important, merchant,
past? present; museum, rich, sick, souvenir,
Salt Reading for gist and specific information;
They used to work in the fields. teaching, centre, tourist,
People didnt use to travel by Using and spelling correctly learned village
aeroplane. vocabulary;
Correcting punctuation in short, simple
Writing and presenting a simple, short
Giving feedback about aspects of a peers
Writing sentences using clear handwriting;
Ordering pictures
Whats it made of? Describing objects; bottle, clay, cloth, dye, enjoy,
7 Its made of goats wool. Listening for gist and specific information; glassblowing, goat, ground,
Whats it Its made of glass. Ordering adjectives; handicraft, jewellery,
Whats it like? Asking and answering questions; necklace, pink, silver, vase,
made of?
Its a beautiful, new, green, glass vase. Writing sentences using a substitution weave, wool
Ordering adjectives Using and spelling correctly learned
I bought this nice, old, brown, pot. vocabulary;
We bought her this beautiful, new, Using print or electronic dictionaries to
blue vase.
understand unfamiliar words in a text;
Preparing and reading aloud a short,
dramatic speech
Its nearly 30 kilometres from Asking about and describing size and blanket, bottle, century,
8 Amman. distances; clay, cloth, goat, handicraft,
(Revision) Many years ago, merchants used to Describing past activities; hill, incredible, kilometre,
travel to Salt by camel. Describing objects; merchant, nearly, over, pink
Diary page
Grandma bought me a lovely, Describing places; sick, souvenir, stone, vase,
(2) colourful, cloth bag. Reading for gist and specific information; wool
Its made of goats wool. Writing a simple information paragraph;
Writing a dictated paragraph using correct
Preparing and presenting a simple
Writing entries in a learning log
Unit Structures Functions and Activities Vocabulary
The present continuous for future Making arrangements; away, book (v), cliff, cousin,
9 plans Listening for gist and specific hire, kite, kite-flying,
What What are we doing tomorrow? information; magnificent, plant, scenery
Were having lunch with your Aunt and Listening to and singing along with a sights, springs, trip, waterfall,
are we
Uncle tomorrow. song; weekend
doing next What are we doing next weekend? Reading for gist and specific
weekend? Were driving to Wadi Rum next information;
weekend. Using correct intonation for questions
What are they doing next week? and statements;
Theyre visiting their cousins on Presenting a short, simple speech to the
Saturday. class;
Using and spelling correctly learned
Writing paragraphs with appropriate
Possessive pronouns his, hers, Using possessive pronouns; basketball, binoculars,
10 mine, yours Making arrangements; borrow, bring, busy, camera,
Sorry, Im Can I borrow yours, please? Accepting and declining invitations; community, compete, free,
You can borrow one of hers. Listening for specific information; hundreds, pity, plastic,
Mine is red and white. Skimming written material for general spotty, stripes, stripey
You can borrow his. content;
Asking and answering questionst;
Making arrangements Using correct intonation for questions
Would you like to come to Wadi Rum and statements;
next weekend? Writing sentences on familiar topics;
Sorry, Im busy. Using words and simple sentences to
Thats a pity. take part in simple exchanges
What about next weekend, Hisham?
Yes, Im free next weekend. Id love to
Pronouns anybody, anything, Using pronouns; basket, bridge, friendly,
11 everybody, everything Explaining plans; guide (n), helpful, laugh,
Has Welcome to Wadi Rum, everybody. Using sequencing words; modern, postcard,
Im going to take photographs of Listening for gist and specific professional, sand dune,
everything! information; shade, smile, sunset,
got any Has anybody got any questions? Describing a photograph; welcome, worry
questions? We havent got anything to eat. Ordering events using sequencing words;
Reading for gist;
Sequencing words First, Then, Asking and answering questions;
Next, After that, On the way back Using and spelling correctly learned
First, we went to the sand dunes. Then, vocabulary;
we went to watch the sunset. Next, we Using correct punctuation;
went to Barragh Canyon. After that, Explaining an authors point of view in
we climbed up to the rock bridge at Um a simple text;
Fruth. It was very quiet on the way back. Using appropriate organisational
patterns for writing simple paragraphs;
Pronouncing words correctly
We invited our cousins, but Aishah was Describing a recent trip; basket, binoculars, book (v),
12 busy. Hisham was free and he came with Using pronouns; busy, free, kite, kite-flying,
(Revision) us. Ordering events using sequencing magnificent, pity, sand dune,
Fatima has got two kites. Hisham words; shade, spotty, stripy, springs,
Diary page
borrowed one of hers. Listening for gist and specific trip
(3) First we visited the sand dunes, and then information;
Barragh Canyon. Asking and talking about future plans;
After that, we had lunch in the shade. Accepting and declining invitations;
Everybody is very tired. Using and spelling correctly learned
Taking part in a simple, prepared
Writing sentences and paragraphs using
given frameworks;
Writing a dictated paragraph using
correct punctuation marks;
Writing entries in a learning log
Unit Structures Functions and Activities Vocabulary
Present perfect for recent events Explaining accidents; ankle, bench, broken, cut,
13 Whats the matter? Using reflexive pronouns; drunk, fallen off, fallen over,
Ive hurt Ive fallen over. Listening for gist and specific fell off, flown, happened,
The kite has flown away. information; hurt, inside, toe, tripped over
Ordering pictures to match a text;
Opinions: I think with the present Talking about illness;
perfect Asking and answering questions;
I think Ive broken my ankle. Writing sentences and simple
paragraphs on familiar topics;
Reflexive pronouns Writing dictated sentences;
Ive hurt myself. Demonstrating understanding of simple
Did you enjoy yourself in Wadi Rum? informational materials;
No, hes hurt himself. Retelling events in a story;
Shes hurt herself. Writing sentences using clear
Present perfect with frequency Talking about things you have never author, brave, climber,
14 adverbs never and always done; coach, deep, dolphin, flown,
Ive never Have you ever broken your ankle, Doctor Talking about things you have always Italy, lucky, painful, plaster,
Kareem? wanted to do; present, spend, tonight
swum in
No, Ive never broken my ankle. Describing life events up until now;
the sea What have you always wanted to do? Listening for specific information;
Ive always wanted to read this book. Listening to and singing along with a song;
Reading for gist;
Answering comprehension questions
about a text;
Using and spelling correctly learned
Taking part in simple exchanges and
completing a table of information;
Writing a simple information paragraph
Present perfect with frequency Talking about what has been done and adventure, country, dream,
15 adverbs yet and already what is still to be done; famous, fold, mop, mopped,
Have you Has he spent a day in Petra yet? Listening for specific information; North Pole, person, place,
Yes, hes already spent a day there. Reading for specific information; proud, South Pole, success,
read your
Has he swum in the Dead Sea yet? Using and spelling correctly learned sweep, swept
new book No, he hasnt been there yet. vocabulary;
yet? Using print or electronic dictionaries to
understand unfamiliar words in a text;
Reading and ordering sentences;
Writing sentences using given
Taking part in simple exchanges and
completing a table of information;
Recognising the correct stress and
pronounciation of English words
Saleem has hurt himself! Describing past events; adventure, ankle, brave,
16 He has broken his ankle. Matching pictures to a series of short broken, climber, country,
(Revision) He has always wanted to read it. texts; cut, dream, fallen off, fell
He hasnt finished it yet. Asking and answering questions; off, hurt, Italy, lucky, painful,
Diary page
Ive already finished it. Listening for gist; plaster, present, spent, toe,
(4) Ive never missed a day of school. Repeating main ideas from a simple tripped, over
oral presentation;
Listening to and writing a dictated
paragraph using correct punctuation
Writing a simple letter to a friend;
Using and spelling correctly learned
Writing entries in a learning log
Unit Structures Functions and Activities Vocabulary
Present perfect continuous Talking about the recent past; another, appointment,
17 What have you been doing today? Describing recent actions; culture, entered, flour, hard,
What have Ive been doing lots today. Listening for gist and specific little, patient, preparing,
Ive been helping my mum. information; really, support, tired, useful
you been
Ive been doing some homework. Ive Taking part in simple exchanges;
doing been reading my new book. Asking and answering questions;
today? Reading for specific information;
Using and spelling correctly learned
Reading and ordering sentences;
Reading an informational text;
Writing sentences using given
Preparing and presenting a simple
dialogue to the class
My family surprised me with a trip to a Saying what one has been doing; appointment, bored,
20 water park. Saying how you felt; brochure, fast, heights, huge,
(Revision) Fatima was frightened because she is Giving reasons; lonely, princess, really, slide,
afraid of heights. Agreeing and disagreeing with opinions; spiders, splash, surprised,
Diary page
Fatima thinks the best one is the orange Listening for gist; surprising, swirl, tube, water
(5) slide. I agree. Reading for gist and specific park
Ive been writing a story about our day information;
for school today. Using and spelling correctly learned
At the beginning, they have lots of vocabulary;
adventures. Creating a mind map;
In the middle, its really surprising. Im Writing simple sentences and short
excited to see what happens at the end. paragraphs;
Explaining an authors point of view in
a text;
Writing a simple story;
Giving feedback;
Asking and answering personal
Action Pack 6 is the sixth level of a twelve-level course for If there are five steps, follow this key:
Jordanian learners of English. The course aims to introduce 5 (yes) all language used correctly and fully understood
English gradually and efficiently through a variety of activities, 4 (yes) mostly correct, still lacking confidence in a couple of areas
exercise types and songs. 3 (yes) partially correct but still needing help in quite a few areas
The course builds upon the vocabulary and structures introduced 2 (yes) marginally correct but lacking understanding in most areas
in the previous levels, and provides further practice in all four 1 (yes) these language points require revising and need to be
language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. presented again
The course activities not only enable pupils to understand and
communicate in English, but also promote a positive attitude If there are four steps, follow this key:
towards language learning in general and the learning of English 4 (yes) all language used correctly and fully understood
as a foreign language in particular. 3 (yes) mostly correct, still lacking confidence in a couple of areas
2 (yes) partially correct but still needing help in quite a few areas
Components 1 (yes) these language points require revising and need to be
presented again
The course is made up of five components:
If there are three steps, follow this key:
1 Pupils Book
3 (yes) all language used correctly and fully understood
The Pupils Book consists of twenty units. This level focuses again
2 (yes) partially correct but still needing help in quite a few areas
on the family in levels four and five, and in particular the brother
1 (yes) these language points require revising and need to be
and sister characters Saleem and Fatima. New language is
presented again
presented in the context of themes that will be familiar to the age
group, for example Computers; Weekend trips; Plans; Health; If there are two steps, follow this key:
Famous places in Jordan. The Pupils Book has clearly numbered 2 (yes) all language used correctly and fully understood
activities, each with a simple rubric. 1 (yes) these language points require revising and need to be
presented again
2 Activity Book
The Activity Book is also made up of twenty units. The activities There are also tapescripts for all the recorded material included
correspond to the material in the Pupils Book. The Activity Book in the Teachers Book.
practises and develops the material presented in the Pupils As different classes work at different paces, additional activities
Book, allowing the pupils to consolidate their understanding. are also suggested for pupils or classes that finish early.
There are also activities designed to improve pupils writing skills There is also an activity to close the lesson, usually a fun task
and pronunciation. that practises some of the language practised in the lesson, but
As in the Pupils Book, each activity is clearly numbered and has which can be omitted if time is short.
a simple rubric for the pupils to follow.
4 The Cassette
3 The Teachers Book The cassette includes all the recorded material from both the
This Teachers Book consists of lesson plans with detailed Pupils Book and the Activity Book. Material is spoken by native
guidance as to how to teach all the activities in both the Pupils English speakers and is carefully graded to be appropriate to
Book and the Activity Book, along with suggestions for further the age group. Full tapescripts of all the recorded material are
activities. Answer keys are provided for activities where necessary. provided after each listening activity in the Teachers Book.
Each lesson begins with a list of outcomes, highlighting the key
language to be taught, any new vocabulary featured in the lesson
5 Flashcards and Wall Charts
and the lesson topic. Any additional materials and resources that Pupils are more likely to remember language when it is presented
may need to be prepared beforehand are also listed, including visually through colourful pictures. To aid learning, there are
flashcards and wall charts. flashcards and wall charts that accompany the course.
The lessons continue with step-by-step teaching notes on how Always try to use flashcards and wall charts to present new key
best to exploit the material in the course. Lessons typically begin language in the course. Flashcards necessary for specific lessons
with a warmer, usually revising language from the previous are always indicated in the lesson boxes. Remember, too, that
lesson. Techniques on how to present new vocabulary and the flashcards can be used again, either for revision in later
language are included when appropriate. The Presentation lessons, or as prompts in particular exercises. They can also be
stage is usually followed by an oral assessment table. This is used in fun activities such as memory games.
for the teachers use in order to assess their own teaching and Wall charts for particular lessons are also listed in the lesson
the classs comprehension of the new language introduced in boxes. Each wall chart covers a particular topic, for example On
the presentation. The following is a scoring system. Count the a trip, Ive hurt myself etc. In conjunction with the flashcards,
number of (yes) in the scoring criteria in order to assess the level they can be used to present or reinforce new language, for
of pupils understanding. revision, and for specific games and activities. However, because
there is more than one word on the wall charts, they can best be
used to check understanding. Say a word on the wall chart and
ask pupils to point to the relevant picture, or point to a picture
on the wall chart and ask pupils to name the object, for example.
Specific tasks and activities give further ideas on how to fully
exploit the flashcards and wall charts within lessons.
write entries in a learning log
Total Physical Response
Write the sentences correctly Writing
These activities focus primarily on developing pupils writing There are writing activities in the Activity Book that are designed
abilities and their awareness of English punctuation and to improve pupils writing skills. In the sixth level pupils are
spelling. Pupils have to re-write or produce sentences, placing continuing to practise their handwriting and write sentences and
capital letters, question marks and full stops in the correct short paragraphs. Pupils also complete simple writing tasks, such
places. They should always be encouraged to check their work as short descriptions and emails. Always help pupils to write
for inaccuracies in spelling or missed punctuation. A correct clearly and neatly by ensuring that they are sitting comfortably
version could be written on the board for pupils reference, or with the book in the correct position: right-handed pupils
pupils themselves could write their own versions on the board, tend to slope their paper slightly to the left, left-handed pupils
following completion of the activity. the other way around. Never encourage left-handed pupils to
Read, tick () or cross () and copy write with their right hands. In class, it is often beneficial for
This is always the final activity in the revision units in the Activity pupils to revise their written work with the assistance of their
Book. It provides a list of can do statements which show the peers; encourage pupils to work in pairs to correct spelling and
pupils what they have learned in the previous three units. punctuation.
Pupils read the statements and award themselves a tick or a
cross depending on if they feel they are able to use that language Linguistic structures
or not. They must then write the statement out neatly in full These are listed in the Pupils Book contents pages and also at
beneath. This activity should help to highlight the areas the class the beginning of each lesson in the Teachers Book. Please note
or individual pupils might be weak in and so alert you to those that they are given for your reference only. The approach to
areas that need revision. teaching language structures and grammar introduced in Action
Pack is one of grammar in context. The pupils learn the new
Trace and copy structures without needing to be made consciously aware of
In this activity pupils develop their ability to use cursive script. the structures or grammatical items as such, or the specific
Always provide pupils with a clear demonstration on the names of such structures.
board before beginning these activities. If necessary, repeat the
demonstration a couple of times. Importantly, emphasise the Course methodology
use of the diagonal join between certain letters. Pupils must Action pack adopts the communicative approach, an eclectic
first trace the words and then rewrite the wo rds indenpendtly. blend of complementary methodologies. The course emphasises
Monitor the class and help where necessary. authentic learning by simulating real-life situations in the
classroom. Pupils are encouraged to engage in active and
Wordlist purposeful communicative tasks to integrate and ensure the
The Wordlist is situated at the end of the Teachers Book. The appropriate balance among the four skills.
vocabulary is clearly arranged in alphabetical order. This resource
can be utilised in class as a vocabulary generator by the teacher. Classroom management
With a large class of enthusiastic pupils, it is very important to
Revision keep order, especially when pupils are being encouraged to play
There are regular revision units, but revision is also ongoing games and complete active tasks. Always ensure that noise is at
throughout the course. Each lesson begins with an activity that an acceptable level: creative noise is fine, but disruptive noise
recycles language from a previous lesson. It also ends with a should be discouraged.
suggested activity to consolidate what pupils have learned. Throughout the course there are many activities that require
However, the revision units recycle language from the previous pupils to work in pairs or small groups.
units in a new context. In this way, language is constantly
recycled and revised, but in a new, motivating and fun way. You
Pair work
With pair work, the simplest way to organise the class is to ask
can also use the revision units to monitor your pupils progress.
the pupil to work with the person sitting next to them. However,
Make a note of any areas of weakness, and try to allocate time to
try and ensure that the same pupils do not always work together.
go back over the problem areas in a later lesson.
You can also ask pupils to work with the person sitting behind
Developing oral skills them; or move pupils round so that they have new seats.
Sometimes, it is a good idea to pair less able pupils with stronger
There are numerous ways in which you can encourage your
pupils to practise their listening and speaking skills. As well as ones, in order for the stronger ones to help the quieter ones.
regular interactions in pair and group work, pupils can more Group work
formally practise their pronunciation and intonation of English For group work, try and divide the class into equal-sized groups.
by reading aloud the dialogues that make up the first page of You may want to encourage groups to remain fixed for a certain
each unit. Once they have become familiar with the text, its period of time throughout the year, in which case allow pupils
meaning and its pronunciation, pupils can act out the dialogues to assign their groups fun names based on food, animals,
in small groups, reading the text from the Pupils Book. This colours or any other suitable theme. However, remember to
makes use of Total Physical Response and gives pupils the rotate pupils and rearrange groups sporadically in order to allow
opportunity to consolidate their learning with bodily movement pupils a chance to work with a wider variety of their classmates
and body language. Some of your more confident pupils may be and to gain confidence in developing their communication and
able to take this process a step further, and act out the dialogue teamwork skills.
in front of the class without recourse to the Pupils Book, either Tasks and games
from memory or by improvising appropriate speech that parallels
Ensure each group or pair has the correct materials when
but does not precisely reproduce the written text.
completing tasks and games. Encourage pupils to communicate
in English whilst doing the task. Ensure that each pupil in the
pair or group gets the chance to participate. Do not let the
stronger ones dominate.
Above all, good luck and enjoy the course!
JC>I What does the computer do?
Topic: Buying a computer 1 Listen and read laptop, light, mouse, press, screen, store, touch, turn (it) on, type, watch
Tell the pupils something about your holiday but give them 4
one fact which is wrong. They have to tell you which fact is
wrong. Make the first example quite easy, e.g., I went to London
on holiday. It rained a lot and I went to see the Dead Sea. Practise
with a few more sentences then ask them to practise in pairs.
Monitor as they are speaking, making sure they are using the
tenses correctly.
Show the pupils a flashcard of a computer or point to the
relevant picture on the wall chart. Ask Have you got a computer?
What do you use a computer for? Teach or elicit some suggestions,
for example type and mime to show meaning, and show the
4. GIRL 1: You turn it on. You put in paper and you press print
Pupils Book, Exercise 2 on your computer screen.
GIRL 2: What does it do?
UNIT 1 GIRL 1: It prints pictures and schoolwork.
2 Listen and match 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d
a b
Pupils Book, Exercise 3
Ask pupils to look at the two girls in Exercise 3 in their
Pupils Book on page 5.
Choose two pupils to read the dialogue aloud.
Ask What is at the end of the second sentence? (an exclamation
mark). Ask How do we say this sentence? Model the sentence,
c d
saying it with enthusiasm. Ask pupils to repeat after you.
Choose different pairs to practise reading the dialogue.
Ask pupils to describe each item.
Then set pupils in pairs to practise the dialogues. Monitor
as they are working, helping where necessary.
Use the objects in the Presentation section and ask pupils to Scoring criteria Yes No
say sentences about them.
talk about what they want to buy from the shop
Lesson 4
Outcomes: To listen for gist explain why they want to buy something
To use pronouns one/ones, this one/these
ones use pronouns one/ones
To give explanations
To use the correct intonation for use pronouns this one/these ones
To use the correct intonation for
To write a dialogue in the correct order
To write a dialogue and practise in pairs
Structures: Id like some new shoes.
These old ones are too small.
Functions: Giving explanations
Vocabulary: charity, watch (n)
Topic: Going shopping
Resources: Pupils Book, page 6
Exercise 4, Listen and choose
Exercise 5, Ask and answer
Activity Book, page 6
Exercise 5, Read, order and write
Exercise 6, Look, write, ask and answer
Cassette, Unit 1, Exercise 4
Flashcard: watch
Wall chart 1: My new computer
Show the wall chart to the class for one minute.
Then ask the pupils to look at the picture of the laptop
computer. Ask What does it do? How do you use it? Pupils explain.
Using the flashcard of a watch, teach the new word. Ask Have
you got a watch?
Huda Issa
Ahmad Muna
Pupils Book, Exercise 5
Ask two pupils to read out the short dialogue in Exercise
5. Pay attention to the intonation in the questions and
statements and correct accordingly.
Ask pupils to work in pairs, asking and answering using
the same structures. Write the names of the people in the
conversation on the board to help the pupils (Huda, Issa,
Ahmad, Muna).
Monitor and help where necessary.
Show pupils pairs of pictures of different items or draw 7 Do you have a computer? If yes, tell the Nada uses
them on the board, e.g. two houses, two pairs of shoes, two computers at school.
class about it. 7
computers, etc.
Ask, for example Look at the houses. Which one would you like? Ask Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on page 7.
them to come up to the board and point at the pictures. Elicit Ask a pupil to read Alis text.
answers from pupils, for example, I would like this one. (Why?) Ask the pupils which picture, a, b or c, shows Ali and his
This one is new. computer. Elicit the answer.
Tell pupils to read and match the other texts and pictures.
Presentation Monitor and help where necessary.
Check answers as a class.
Write the following on the board: big or small? light? new or old?
colour? Answers
Ask Who has got a computer? Ask other pupils to ask him/her 1. c 2. b 3. a
questions about their computer using the prompts on the
board, e.g. Is your computer big or small?, etc.
Write these words on the board: keyboard, mouse, printer, screen.
Show the class the wall chart and ask individuals to point to
each item.
Establish who else has got a computer. Other pupils ask them
questions using the words on the board, e.g. Has your computer
got a big screen? Pupils reply, e.g. No, it hasnt. Its got a small one.
Read the first example with the class and ask them to
complete the second gap.
Outcomes: To ask and answer questions about a
Pupils then work in pairs to complete the rest of the exercise.
reading passage
Remind pupils they may have to change the verb in the box to
To read for specific information
match the subject of the sentence.
To use context to demonstrate
Monitor and help where necessary.
understanding of the meaning of new
Check answers as a class.
To use context to conjugate verbs Answers
accordingly 1. You press this button and turn it on.
Structures: You press this button. 2. You click on this icon for email.
3. Printers print pictures.
Functions: Asking and answering questions
4. Computers store photographs.
Topic: Describing computers
Resources: Pupils Book, page 7 Further practice
Exercise 7, Ask and answer
Ask pupils to draw a picture of either their own computer or a
Activity Book, page 7 computer in the school. They label it and write four sentences
Exercise 8, Read and complete about it, for example, You press this button and turn it on.
Pupils show their pictures to a partner and describe it.
' Sending letters and emails
Give the pupils some other choices, e.g. Which do you prefer,
Lesson 1 eating ice cream or eating cake? Drinking tea or drinking lemonade?
Watching television or listening to music? Playing tennis or playing
Outcomes: To use the comparative structure not
as ... as
To use the conjunction but and give Oral Assessment
preferences With reference to flashcard and presentation, pupils can:
To give reasons for preferences
To use context to demonstrate Scoring criteria Yes No
understanding of the meaning of new recognise the word without the aid of the flashcard
and unfamiliar words
respond to teachers questions
To use questions after listening to gain
understanding of new or unfamiliar words give their own opinions
Structures: This laptop isnt as big as the old computer, but Pupils Book, Exercise 1
I prefer using this one.
Posting a letter isnt as fast as sending an email.
Functions: Making comparisons Sending letters and emails
Expressing preferences Word Box
attractive, bookcase, borrow, card, cheap, cousin, handwriting,
Vocabulary: card, cousin, handwriting, neat, post, 1 Listen and read information, letter, neat, post, postman, receive, stamp, tomorrow, true, turn
receive, stamp, true 1 Im sending an email to our cousin. 2 I like writing letters and
This laptop isnt as big as the old sending cards. I like
Topic: Writing emails and letters computer, but I prefer using this one. receiving letters, too.
Presentation 8
sending an email! Emails are cheaper than letters,
too. Emails dont need stamps.
Present the new word stamp using the flashcard in the usual
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
Show the two books to the pupils. Say This book is not as big as page 8.
this one. Ask pupils to repeat after you. Show individual pupils
Focus pupils attention on the pictures and ask Who can
the two books and elicit the sentence from them.
you see in the pictures? Elicit Fatima, Saleem and their mum. Ask
Show them the other items you have and ask pupils to give pupils to guess what is happening in the story before they
you the sentence. read it. Let them explain what they think each character is
Write an example sentence on the board and choose some doing.
pupils to read it aloud. Tell pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.
Ask pupils to give sentences about the other items you have. Play the cassette. Present the new vocabulary from the
Continue until pupils feel confident with new structure. context of the story: card, cousin, handwriting, neat, post,
Next, on the board, write Sending emails and Sending letters. Ask receive, true.
Do you ever send emails/letters? Which do you prefer, sending emails Ask questions to check understanding of the new words,
or sending letters? Elicit the answer, I prefer sending letters/emails. for example, When do you send cards? (at birthdays) How many
cousins have you got? Is your handwriting neat? Where do you post
a letter? Did you receive a letter today? Who was it from? Aqaba is
the capital city of Jordan. Is that true?
Tapescript Revision
SALEEM: Im sending an email to our cousin. This laptop isnt
as big as the old computer, but I prefer using this Draw your family tree on the board. Add names. Point to
one. yourself and your brother/sister and ask Who is this? Elicit
FATIMA: Im sending a letter to Aunt Nadia. My letter has a the answer Your brother/sister. Check that the pupils know the
colourful picture in it. other relation words mother, father, grandma, grandpa, aunt,
FATIMA: I like writing letters and sending cards. I like receiving uncle.
letters, too.
SALEEM: Emails are neater than letters. Typing is neater than Point to a cousin and ask Who is this? How many cousins have I
handwriting. got?
FATIMA: Thats true. Handwriting isnt as neat as typing, but I Write the new words from Lesson 1 on the board. Ask pupils
prefer writing letters. to read them. Then remove some of the letters, for example
SALEEM: And posting a letter isnt as fast as sending an email! p _ s _ (post).
FATIMA: Heres my letter, Mum. Have you got a stamp,
please? Pupils spell the words aloud. Write the letters in the spaces.
SALEEM: Emails are cheaper than letters, too. Emails dont
need stamps. Pupils Book, Exercise 1
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
Further practice
page 8 again.
Put pupils in groups. Ask them comprehension questions Divide pupils into pairs and tell them they are going to act
about the listening. Who is Saleem writing to? Who is sending a out the dialogue. Play the cassette again to remind pupils
letter? Was Saleems old computer big or small? What does Fatima how the sentences are said.
put in the letter? Which are cheaper emails or letters? What does Let them practise, then choose a couple of pairs to come
Fatima want from her mother? Which do you prefer writing emails to the front and act out the dialogue for the class.
or letters? When the groups have finished, briefly elicit whole-
Tell the other pupils that they must listen carefully and give
class feedback.
each pair a mark out of ten for their performance. Ask Did
they read it too quickly, too slowly or was it just right? Dont allow
End the lesson the pupils to be too harsh and remember to give lots of
Ask the class: Who do you agree with Saleem or Fatima? Why? encouragement to the actors.
Elicit answers from the class and discuss their ideas.
Activity Book, Exercise 1
Lesson 2 Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Activity Book on
page 8.
Outcomes: To use the comparative structure not
Choose different pupils to read the words in the boxes.
as ... as
To use the gerund Read the first sentence with the class and explain that they
To give feedback about a peers speech have to use the other words to complete the sentences.
To use and spell correctly learned Pupils work in pairs to complete the sentences and then
vocabulary check their answers with a different pair when they have
Structures: This laptop isnt as big as the old computer, but
I prefer using this one. Check answers as a class.
Posting a letter isnt as fast as sending an email.
Functions: Making comparisons Answers
Expressing preferences 1. stamp 2. neat 3. receiving 4. handwriting 5. cards
6. cousin
Topic: Writing emails and letters
Resources: Pupils Book, page 8 Activity Book, Exercise 2
Exercise 1, Listen and read
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Activity Book on
Activity Book, page 8 page 8.
Exercise 1, Read and complete
Choose two pupils to read the example sentence aloud.
Exercise 2, Read and correct
Write the sentence on the board and show the pupils what
Exercise 3, Trace and copy
they have to do.
Cassette, Unit 2, Exercise 1
Ask pupils to work in pairs and then check answers with a
different pair.
Monitor and help where necessary.
Check answers as a class.
Im writing a letter,
End the lesson To send back today.
Put it in the post box
And now its on its way!
Ask pupils to work in pairs for three minutes and to read out
the sentences from Exercise 1 of their Activity Book to each
other and ask their partner to fill in the missing word.
3 Look and say
Encourage pupils not to look at their books for the completed
sentences. The card is more
colourful than the letter.
Lesson 3 3
Write emails, letters on the board. Ask the pupils for some
sentences about them, e.g. Letters arent as quick as emails.
Play the song from Exercise 2 again. Ask pupils to join in. Writing isnt as quick
Then play the first two lines of the song and ask the pupils to as typing, but I prefer
writing letters.
finish the verse. Play the rest of the verse to check. Continue 10
Present the new word bookcase by using the flashcard and/
or wall chart. If there is a bookcase in your classroom, ask the
pupils to point to it.
Ask a pupil Can I borrow your pencil, please? Take the pencil and
write something with it and then return it saying Thank you.
Ask another pupil if you can borrow something.
Put pupils in groups.
Ask pupils to borrow things from other members of their
Give pupils some commands and do the actions with the
class: Open your book. Turn the page. Close your book.
Ask pupils what they did. Elicit the answer: I opened my book. I
turned the page. I closed my book.
Ask pupils Why do you go to a library? Elicit ideas from the
pupils. Teach I read books to get information. Ask Where else can
you get information from? Elicit From the Internet.
Oral Assessment
With reference to flashcards/wall chart and presentation, pupils
Scoring criteria Yes No
recognise the written words
answer the teachers questions
pronounce the new vocabulary correctly
Further practice
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on Write the following questions on the board:
page 11. Do you prefer books or computers?
Ask them to describe what they can see in the picture. Elicit as How many books have you got?
much vocabulary as possible. What do you do when you want to find information?
Tell the pupils they are going to read Alias opinions about Do you like books? Why?
computers and books. Ask them to read the text quickly tell Do you ever go to the library?
them they only have one minute to read it so they dont need Which is more fun, going to the library or using the
to read it very carefully. Ask Which does Alia prefer computers or Internet?
books? Elicit the answer She prefers books. Ask pupils to work in pairs asking and answering the
Read the text through aloud and ask the pupils to follow in questions.
their books. Teach any other new vocabulary in the context of Monitor as they are working, helping where necessary.
the text. Go over the answers as a class, eliciting a variety of answers.
When finished, ask the class to look at the questions at the
bottom of the page. Choose individual pupils to read them
End the lesson
Ask pupils to read through the text again alone. This time Ask the pupils What is your favourite book? Why?
they should read it more carefully. They write the answers.
Monitor and check that pupils can do the activity.
Elicit answers as a class.
1. Alia prefers books.
2. She has got lots of books.
3. She likes books because they are attractive and she likes
reading them.
4. She sometimes goes to the library.
( What could you do when you were ...?
Cassette, Unit 3, Exercise 1 1 Listen and read hobby, language, practise, sew, skills, teach, traditional, weaving
Ask pupils Did you receive any letters, cards or emails at the
weekend? Who were they from? Why did the person send you a/an
(letter/email/card)? Were you happy when you got them? Did you I could use a computer when I was
Yes, of course. You click here seven! What could you do when
write back? and then you press here. you were seven, Grandma?
Put pupils in groups. Go over the vocabulary from the 3 I couldnt type or send emails. 4 I can teach you to sew, Fatima.
previous unit. Give some definitions and ask different groups I had lots of different hobbies. Id like to take you both to Salt.
I could cook and I could sew. We can watch the traditional skills
to tell you the words, e.g. This person brings letters to your home. of ceramics, weaving and dyeing.
(postman); You put this on a letter before you send it. (stamp) This
means very pretty. (attractive) You keep books in here. (bookcase) This
person is my aunts daughter. (cousin), etc.
Teach ceramics, chess, child, weaving, sewing using the flashcards
in the usual way.
Point to a piece of clothing which is white and ask What colour That sounds lovely,
I cant sew. Id like to learn. Grandma. Thank you.
is it? Point to a piece of clothing which is not white. Ask What 12
colour is this? Explain This was white but somebody dyed it to make it
(green/black etc.) Repeat the word dye. Pupils repeat after you.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
Write the word on the board for them to read.
page 12.
Tell the pupils When I am not working at school, I have some hobbies
Focus pupils attention on the pictures by asking Who can you
that I do. I like (playing tennis/playing chess/sewing/reading etc.) Ask
see? Elicit Fatima, Saleem, Grandma and Grandpa.
What are your hobbies?
Ask pupils Where are they? (at home) What do you think they are
Then, using an example of one of your hobbies, tell the
talking about? Pupils give their own ideas.
children When I was seven I couldnt sew, but I could read. Break the
sentence up for the pupils to repeat after you When I was seven, Tell pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.
I could read. Pupils repeat. When I was seven, I couldnt sew. Pupils Play the cassette.
repeat. Say the sentence as one again for pupils to repeat. Play the cassette again if necessary. Ask pupils what Grandpa
Ask pupils When you were seven, what could you do? Elicit some says when he does not understand Fatimas instructions
sentences around the class. Choose only a few pupils as they Can you repeat that, please? (Encourage children to use such
will get more practice in this later in the lesson. language in the class as much as possible.)
Teach skills, teach, traditional from the context of the exercise.
NB: ceramics is what is made of clay and hardened by heat.
FATIMA: Your turn, Grandpa. You press here. You click on
Pupils Book, Exercise 1
this icon here and send! Tell the pupils they are going to listen to the story on page 12
GRANDPA: Can you repeat that, please? again. Play the cassette.
FATIMA. Yes, of course. You click here and then you press Ask the class to work in groups of three and choose a
here. character to play from the story. Ask them to practise acting
GRANDPA: Thats easy! When I was a child I could play out the story, using intonation and stress to add to the
chess, but I couldnt use a computer. meaning.
SALEEM: I could use a computer when I was seven! What
Ask pupils to act out the story in their groups for the class.
could you do when you were seven, Grandma?
GRANDMA: I couldnt type or send emails. I had lots of Ask the other pupils to give comment on the groups acting.
different hobbies. I could cook and I could sew. Are they speaking at a good speed? Are they changing their voices to
FATIMA: I cant sew. Id like to learn. help explain the story?
GRANDMA: I can teach you to sew, Fatima. Id like to take
you both to Salt. We can watch the traditional
skills of ceramics, weaving and dyeing.
Activity Book, Exercise 1
FATIMA: That sounds lovely, Grandma. Thank you. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Activity Book on
page 12.
Ask a pupil to read the words in the boxes. Check with the
rest of the class that the pronunciation is correct.
Further practice Ask pupils to look at the table. Explain that they have to write
the words in the correct column according to whether they
Show pupils the flashcards again. Elicit the words from them
are traditional skills or computer skills.
and for each word ask How many syllables are there?
Pupils work in pairs to complete the table and then check
their answers with a different pair.
End the lesson Check answers as a class.
Go round the class eliciting different hobbies from the pupils.
Lesson 2 Traditional skills: making ceramics, weaving, dyeing, sewing
Outcomes: To use could/couldnt for past ability Computer skills: sending emails, using a mouse, storing music,
To complete a table typing
To use correct punctuation (capitals, full
stop, exclamation mark)
Structures: When I was a child I could play chess, but I
couldnt use a computer.
What could you do when you were seven,
Functions: Talking about past ability
Topic: The past
Resources: Pupils Book, page 12
Exercise 1, Listen and read
Activity Book, page 12
Exercise 1, Read and match
Exercise 2, Write the sentences
Cassette, Unit 3, Exercise 1
Flashcards: ceramics, chess, child,
weaving, sewing
1. Fatima could send emails.
2. Fatima could play chess.
3. Grandma could cook.
4. Grandma could sew.
3 Ask and answer What could Tareq do
when he was seven?
Activity Book, Exercise 4
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Activity Book on
page 13.
He could ride a bike and
he could play tennis.
Ask them to read the words and to say them aloud. Check
13 pronunciation.
Tell them to look at the words again, then cover them. Read
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Pupils Book on the words to the class and pupils try to spell them correctly in
page 13. their books.
Ask questions to elicit as much vocabulary as possible, for Ask them to uncover and check their own spelling when they
example What are these? (photographs) What is the boy doing in have finished.
these photographs? What is the girl doing? Finally, ask pupils to spell the words aloud to the class.
Explain that the pupils will listen to a boy talking about same
photographs. They have to decide which set of photographs Answers
on the page he is talking about.
1. hobby 2. chess 3. child 4. sew 5. teach 6. skills
Play the cassette all the way through once. Tell the pupils to
look at the pictures as they are listening.
Play the cassette again if necessary.
Activity Book, Exercise 5
Ask pupils to compare answers with a partner then check as Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Activity Book on
a class. page 13.
Ask them to read the words and to say them aloud. Check
Tapescript pronunciation.
Hello. My name is Tareq. Look at these photographs of me when Now, tell the class to listen to the cassette and repeat. Repeat
I was seven. I had lots of hobbies. I could ride a bike and I could cassette if necessary.
play tennis. I couldnt play chess. Thats my sister. She could play
chess very well. I could use a computer and I could play golf. I Tapescript
played golf with my dad and my uncle in the holidays. I couldnt could couldnt
ride a horse. Id like to learn one day.
Set 2
Say to pupils Tell me two things you could do when you were three/ 5 Ask and answer
What could you do
when you were seven?
five/seven/nine. Elicit sentences from the class making sure they
are joining the sentences with and.
I could ride a bike, but I
Write a few of the pupils sentences on the board, making couldnt play table tennis.
sure you have chosen ones with different activities. 14
Which child wants to be a composer?
When could Abeer play the piano?
End the lesson
4Why is Nader an interesting boy?
5How many languages could Ibrahim speak when he was
6 Which languages could Ibrahim speak when he was six?
Revision 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d
Put the flashcards on the board and ask the pupils to point
to the ones which begin with c. They should say the word
and a volunteer can come to the board to write it under each
Further practice
picture. Ask pupils to close their Activity Books and to retell the story.
One pupil can begin and then another continues. Help where
Pupils Book, Exercise 7
Ask pupils to first look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on
page 15. Ask them to tell you what they can about each
End the lesson
person without actually reading the information to you. Ask What do you think of Amen Gawabaa? Elicit that she was kind
Then ask them to look at Exercise 7 and choose pupils to read and helpful.
the questions aloud. Make sure they understand them. Ask How do you help people?
Choose two pupils to read the first question and answer it.
Pupils work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
Monitor as they are talking and help where necessary.
Check answers as a class.
1. Ibrahim could read and write when he was four.
2. Abeer wants to be a composer.
3. She could play the piano when she was three.
4. Nader is a very interesting boy because hes a champion chess
5. Ibrahim could speak three languages when he was six.
6. When Ibrahim was six he could speak three languages: Arabic,
English and French.
7. Pupils own answers.
8. Pupils own answers.
) Revision: Diary page (1)
impersonal you
To revise the use of the pronoun one/ones
To revise the use of the comparative
structure not as ... as
To revise the use of the conjunction but
To give preferences I prefer
To revise the gerund
To revise could/couldnt for past ability
Structures: It uses a battery.
You click on different icons.
I prefer using this one.
She says writing isnt as quick as typing, but she
prefers writing letters.
Grandma couldnt type, but she could sew and
Functions: Making comparisons
Expressing preferences
Talking about past ability
Vocabulary: battery, child, click (on), icon, (the)
Internet, laptop, light (adj), screen, sew,
teach, tomorrow, type
Topic: Writing a letter 16
SALEEM: My diary Lesson 2
We got a new computer this week. Its a laptop. You Outcomes: To read for gist
click on different icons on the screen for email and the To read for specific information
Internet. It isnt as big as our old computer. Its lighter To use could/couldnt for past ability
and it uses a battery. I prefer using this one. To use the comparative structure
Fatima wrote a letter to Aunt Nadia. She says writing a not as ... as
letter isnt as quick as typing an email, but she prefers Structures: I could speak English when I was nine.
writing letters. I prefer emailing. Its much quicker, and My English isnt as good as my Arabic.
you dont need a stamp.
Functions: Comparing activities
Were teaching Grandpa how to use the computer.
When he was a child, he couldnt type and he couldnt Vocabulary: French, language, practise
send emails. Grandma couldnt type, but she could sew Topic: Learning languages
and cook.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 17
Tomorrow were going to Salt with Grandpa and Exercise 2, Read and match
Grandma. Great! Exercise 3, True or false?
Activity Book, pages 16 and 17
Activity Book, Exercise 1 Exercise 2, Read, match and copy
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Activity Book on Exercise 3, Order and write
page 16.
Ask pupils to look at the pictures and say what they are.
Pupils then work in pairs to write the words. They check their
answers with a different pair when they have finished. They Play the game Name three ... (Unit 3, Lesson 5). Make sure you
can then correct any mistakes. use languages as one of the prompts.
Check answers as a class, choosing pupils to come to the
front to write the words on the board. Pupils Book, Exercise 2
1. the Internet 2. laptop 3. icon UNIT 4
4. screen 5. battery 6. stamp
2 Read and match a
3 True or false?
1Yousufs French isnt as good as his English.
2Yousufs first language is English.
3Yousuf started learning English when he was six.
4When he was nine, Yousuf could speak English
and Arabic.
5 Yousuf can speak three languages.
1. e 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c
through again.
Vocabulary borrow, hobby, press
Topic: Tapescript
Ive got lots of hobbies, but tennis is my favourite one. I could
Resources: Pupils Book, page 18 play tennis when I was six. I borrowed my brothers tennis racket,
Exercise 4, Listen and order but now Ive got a new one.
Activity Book, page 17 I could play the piano and the cello when I was eight. The cello
Exercise 4, Listen and complete isnt as easy as the piano. I prefer playing the piano.
Cassette, Unit 4, Exercise 4 I like computers and weve got a good one. You press a button
Cassette, Unit 4, Activity Book, on the screen to turn it on. It stores photographs and plays
Exercise 4 music too.
I couldnt sew last year. My mum is teaching me now. We made a
Wall chart 1: My new computer red skirt last week and now were making a blue one.
Revision 3, 2, 4, 1
Using Wall chart 1: My new computer, ask pupils to describe
what they can see. Elicit sentences from the pupils. Ask them
how to work the computer, eliciting answers such as You press Activity Book, Exercise 4
the button. You click on an icon.
Explain to pupils that they must listen to the cassette and
p Book,, Exercise 4 write what they hear. Remind them that they must include
punctuation marks where necessary (apostrophe).
Play the cassette all the way through.
PROJECT: Presentation: My hobbies
Check answers as a class by writing the completed paragraph
on the board.
4 Listen and order
Tapescript and answers
I like cooking, I like learning French and I like listening to music.
I practise my French for three hours every week. French isnt as
easy as Arabic, but I like learning it.
Further practice
3 4 Ask pupils to look at the pictures in Exercise 4 in their Pupils
Book and retell what the girl says. Ask questions to help
Pupils own answers.
Pupils own answers.
Further practice
Choose some other pupils to give their presentations.
* How far is it?
Ask the pupils Do you use a computer to do your homework? What
It sounds
do you use a computer for? Do you use the Internet? What do you use interesting.
it for? Its nearly 30 kilometres from How old is
Amman. It takes about half the city?
an hour to drive there.
Ask the pupils Have you visited different places in Jordan? Where did
you go? How did you get there? How long did it take? How far was it
from your home? What did you see? Show the pupils Wall chart 2: Large numbers.
Ask pupils to work in pairs and ask each other the questions. Draw their attention to the box with the large numbers in
numerical and long form. Say the numbers to them and ask
End the lesson them to repeat after you. Encourage pupils to read the full
forms in order to become familiar with the pattern. Make sure
Write the new words on the board. Ask different pupils to they are saying the and after hundred.
read each word and say how many syllables there are in each Point to the numbers only now and ask pupils to say the full
one. forms. Say the numbers and ask pupils to point to them.
Finally, say a number and ask pupils to come to the board
and write out the numerical form.
Oral Assessment
With reference to the wall chart and presentation, pupils can:
Scoring criteria Yes No
point to and write the correct number, following the
teachers prompt
say the number, following the teacher pointing at it
Its nearly
9000 metres high.
2. A: Whats the longest river in Jordan?
21 B: Its the River Jordan.
A: How long is it?
B: Its 350 kilometres long.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Pupils Book on
page 21.
3. A: Whats the highest mountain in Jordan?
Ask them to describe the pictures they can see. Elicit as much B: Its Um Adaami mountain.
information as possible. A: How high is it?
Play the cassette all the way through once. Tell the pupils to B: Its nearly 2000 metres high.
read the words in their books as they listen.
Point to the first verse. Ask the pupils to join in with the
1. 15 2. 350 3. 2000
words as you play the cassette for the second time.
Repeat with the other verses. Activity Book, Exercise 7
Finally, play the cassette all the way through again and tell the Ask pupils to look at Exercise 7 in their Activity Book on
pupils to sing along. page 21.
Tapescript Ask pupils to look at the pictures and describe what they can
The highest mountain in the world
Is thousands of metres high. Pupils work in pairs and write the questions and answers
using the information from the computer screens.
How high is it? How high is it?
Nearly 9000 metres high. Monitor as they are writing, helping where necessary.
Pupils then ask and answer the questions, reading what they
The lowest lake in the world have written.
Is very, very low. Check as a class.
How low is it? How low is it? Answers
Its 400 metres low.
1. How long is the River Nile?
Its 6680 kilometres long.
The longest river in the world
2. How high is Mount Kilimanjaro?
Is very, very long.
Its 5900 metres high.
How long is it? How long is it?
Over 6000 kilometres long.
Give pupils prompts about all the mountains etc., that they use the new words in answer to teachers questions
have learnt about in this unit and ask them to ask and answer recognise the written words
across the class. For example, you say Mount Everest, pupils
ask How high is Mount Everest? and answer It is nearly 9000
metres high. Ask them not to look in their Pupils Book for the Pupils Book, Exercise 6
answers but to try and remember.
Ask the pupils Which place would you like to see? Would you like to
To read a text and order pictures 3 Madaba is famous for beautiful mosaics.
The mosaic in the picture is over 1500
To use correctly learned vocabulary years old. The most famous mosaic is a
map of Madaba.
To spell correctly learned vocabulary
4 When you visit Madaba, you can climb
Mount Nebo. This mountain is over 800
Structures: How long/How old/How high is it? metres high. You can see the Dead Sea
and the River Jordan from the top.
It is (30 kilometres). c d
Where does the Kings Highway start and finish?
Exercise 8, Read and write 5
How old is the mosaic map of Madaba?
6 What can you do when you visit Mount Nebo?
Cassette, Unit 5, Exercise 4
box, making sure the pupils are pronouncing the numbers Then point to each number and ask What is 9000 metres high?
correctly. Elicit Mount Everest is 9000 metres high.
Ask them to look at Exercise 8 in their Activity Book on
page 22. Ask pupils to say the numbers out loud. Pupils Book, Exercise 7
Then ask them to write the numbers, working in pairs. First, choose pupils to read the text in Exercise 6 in their
When they have finished, pupils check their answers with a Pupils Book out loud. Correct any pronunciation problems.
different pair. Then ask pupils to look at Exercise 7. Choose pupils to read
Check answers as a class. Choose pupils to come to the the questions out loud. Explain that they have to refer to the
text and answer the questions.
board and write the words in full so that the rest of the class
can check their answers. Choose two pupils to ask question 1 and answer it using the
information in the speech bubble. Explain that pupils should
Answers continue in this way.
1. five thousand Pupils work in pairs to ask and answer questions. Monitor as
2. three hundred they are speaking, helping where necessary.
3. one thousand five hundred Check answers as a class.
4. eight hundred
5. four hundred and forty Answers
6. two thousand two hundred 1. Its nearly 30 kilometres from Amman.
2. It is over 3000 years old.
NB: Madaba is only 20 minutes to half an hour drive from
3. It takes about half an hour (to drive there on the Kings
Amman. It is the famous city of mosaics.
Highway from Amman).
4. It starts in Amman and finishes at the Red Sea in Aqaba.
Further practice 5. It is over 1500 years old.
Ask the pupils to close their Pupils Books and ask them to 6. You can see the Dead Sea and the River Jordan from the top.
retell what they read about Madaba. Ask other pupils to 7. It is over 800 metres high.
correct any mistakes. 8. Pupils own answers.
Oral Assessment
Lesson 1 With reference to flashcards and presentation, pupils can:
Outcomes: To use used to/didnt use to to talk about
the past Scoring criteria Yes No
Structures: Salt used to be a small village. point to the correct flashcard, following the teachers
It didnt use to be busy. prompt
Functions: Describing past activities recognise the words without the aid of the flashcards
Vocabulary: century, family, important, merchant, use new words correctly
museum, rich, souvenir, tourist, village talk about what people used to do
Topic: How people used to live
Resources: Pupils Book, page 23 Pupils Book, Exercise 1
Exercise 1, Listen and read
Cassette, Unit 6, Exercise 1
A day in Salt
Flashcards: family, merchant, rich
Word Box
Wall chart 2: Large numbers aeroplane, blind, century, courtyard, deaf, disabled, family, important, merchant,
high is Mount Everest? They used to work in the They used to buy and sell spices,
fields. They grew fruit and clothes and fruit. Now, tourists
vegetables for their families. travel to Salt and buy souvenirs.
Tell the pupils they are going to read some information about
Salt. Tell them Salt is now a town. It used to be a small village. Then Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
it became bigger and bigger. Do you think merchants used to live in page 23.
small or big houses? Did they use to be rich or poor? Ask them Who can you see in the pictures? What do you think they
Ask the pupils Merchants used to visit Salt to buy and sell things. are doing?
Who do you think visits Salt today? Teach tourists. Ask What do you Now tell pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their
think they buy? Elicit answers and teach souvenirs. books. Play the cassette all the way through twice. Teach any
outstanding new vocabulary in the context of the story.
Ask some comprehension questions, for example, Did Salt use
to be busy? What did people use to do? What did they use to grow?
What did merchants use to buy and sell? Who travels to Salt now?
GRANDPA: Salt used to be a small village. It didnt use to be
SALEEM: What did people use to do in the past?
Lesson 3
Outcomes: To use used to/didnt use to to talk about
the past
To agree with another person
To use correctly learned vocabulary
To spell correctly learned vocabulary 3 Talk together
To correct punctuation and capitalisation In the past, people
worked in the fields.
Structures: In the past, people worked in the fields.
Functions: Describing past activities Thats true. They grew
fruit and vegetables for
Topic: How people used to live their families.
is correct: I didnt use to play tennis. Ask the other pupils to Presentation
say how it has been corrected, that is, punctuation and Ask pupils What did you use to eat when you were a baby? Elicit
capitalisation have been added. answers from the pupils using used to.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Activity Book on page Ask pupils other questions, for example, What did you use to
24. play with when you were five? What books did you use to read when
Pupils work in pairs to rewrite the sentences correctly. you were five?
Check answers as a class by choosing pupils to write the Ask pupils to work in pairs and write two similar questions to
sentences on the board. ask the class. Monitor while they are writing and help where
Answers Ask pupils to ask their questions and choose pupils to answer
1. Merchants used to travel to Salt by camel. them.
2. In the past, people used to work in the fields.
3. Salt didnt use to be busy.
4. They used to buy and sell spices in the markets.
Oral Assessment
With reference to the presentation, pupils can:
Scoring criteria Yes No
form wh- questions with use to
ask and answer questions with use to
The rest of the class comment on their work. Make sure you
Pupils Book, Exercise 4
1. I used to go to school 2. I didnt use to watch TV.
3. I used to sew. 4. I used to play in the garden with my friends.
5. I didnt use to play with a computer.
Further practice
Draw a grid on the board to play noughts and crosses. Lesson 6
In each square, write one of the words from the unit, for Outcomes: To read for specific information
example To skim simple written materials for the
main idea
blind deaf century
Structures: We live opposite a park.
merchant disabled village
Functions: Comparing a place in the past and the
museum tourist courtyard present
Topic: The Old English Hospital
Divide the class into two teams noughts (0) and crosses Resources: Pupils Book, page 26
(x). Each team has to choose a word in the grid and explain Exercise 7, True or false?
it. If they explain it correctly, they replace the word with their Activity Book, page 26
nought or cross. When one team gets a row of three noughts Exercise 8, Read, look and order
or crosses (horizontally, vertically or diagonally), they win.
1. . It used to be a hospital.
2. . It is a very old building.
3. . It used to be the only hospital in Jordan.
4. . Doctors used to work there.
5. . It used to be a hospital.
6. . Lots of tourists visit it now.
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c
Further practice
Do a quiz with the class about the unit.
Divide the class into two teams and write ten questions to ask
them. Ask Team A the first question. If they get it right, they
get two points. If they get it wrong, dont tell them why it is
wrong but offer it to Team B for one point. Then ask Team B
their question and so on.
Possible questions to ask: Where is the Old English Hospital? Who
opened the new teaching centre? When did he open it? Why do tourists
go there? What did Salt use to be? What did the merchants use to buy
and sell? How did merchants use to travel? What can tourists buy in
Salt? Is the Old English Hospital a hospital now?
Add up the scores and announce the winner.
, Whats it made of?
Put pupils in groups. Give the pupils various statements Pupils Book, Exercise 1
about Salt and ask them to correct them, for example, Lots
of merchants visit Salt now. People travel to Salt by camel. There is a
hospital in Salt called The Old English Hospital. Take whole-class Whats it made of?
feedback. Word Box
bottle, clay, cloth, dye, enjoy, glassblowing, goat, ground,
1 Listen and read handicraft, jewellery, necklace, pink, silver, vase, weave, wool
Explain that they have to complete the sentences with the Elicit from the pupils what their partners bought, for example,
words from the boxes. (Samira) bought a blue, clay vase for her mother. She bought a blue
Pupils complete the exercise individually and then compare and yellow cloth bag for me.
answers in pairs.
Check answers as a class. Pupils Book, Exercise 2
1. handicraft 2. cloth 3. goats wool UNIT 7
4. clay 5. vase 6. necklace
2 Listen and choose
Activity Book, Exercise 2
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Activity Book on
page 27.
Explain the activity to the class. Remind them of the
conventions of punctuation and as always encourage them to
Grandma Mum Samira
practise writing cursive in clear handwriting as in the example
and to write as neatly as possible. 1 2 3
Further practice
Practise pointing to things in the class and asking Whats it 6
made of?
Pupils ask the question across the class.
B: No, it isnt. Its made of clay. Pupils work on their own to complete the activity.
A: Did you buy a present for me? Check answers as a class.
B: Yes I did, Samira! I bought you a traditional red and green bag.
A: Its very colourful. Whats it made of? Answers
B: Its made of goats wool. They dye the wool and make cloth. 1. The necklace is made of silver.
Then, they make the bags. 2. The vase is made of glass.
A: Thank you. I think its lovely! 3. The bag is made of wool.
Answers 4. The plate is made of clay.
Grandma: 1
Mum: 6 Further practice
Samira: 2 Ask pupils to tell you other things that are made of glass, clay,
wool or silver, for example, A hat is made of wool.
Pupils Book, Exercise 3
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Pupils Book on End the lesson
page 28. Ask the class What did Abeer buy her mother/her grandma/Samira?
Choose two pupils to read the dialogue aloud.
Explain that they have to work in pairs and talk about the
objects they can see from the previous activity. Lesson 4
Monitor as they work, helping where necessary. Outcomes: To listen for gist
Choose pupils to perform their dialogue in front of the class. To use descriptive adjectives
Check pronunciation. To write meaningful sentences and
paragraphs using given frameworks such
as substitution tables
Activity Book, Exercise 3 To ask and answer questions about
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Activity Book on objects
page 28. To apply knowledge of the conventions
of language
Explain that these sentences all have punctuation mistakes.
Ask the pupils to name the punctuation that they can see. Structures: Whats it made of?
Its made of silver.
Write the first sentence on the board with the mistakes. Ask a
student to come to the board to try and correct it. Functions: Describing objects
Tell the pupils to work in pairs to correct the other sentences. Asking and answering questions
Tell them they must not look in their Pupils Books for help, Topic: Handicrafts
but must help one another where necessary.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 29
In the meantime, write the other sentences with mistakes on Exercise 4, Listen and find
the board. Exercise 5, Ask and answer
When they have finished, ask pupils to come to the board to Activity Book, page 29
correct them. Ask the rest of the class if they agree with the Exercise 5, Look, write and say
corrections. If not, what would they do? Exercise 6, Read and write
Answers Cassette, Unit 7, Exercise 4
1. Is it made of glass? Flashcards: clay, cloth, goat, necklace,
2. No, it isnt. silver, vase, wool
3. Whats it made of?
4. Its made of clay.
Activity Book, Exercise 4 Ask seven pupils to come to the front. Give each pupil one of
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Activity Book on the flashcards and tell them not to show the rest of the class.
page 28. Pupils ask questions to find out which card each of them has,
Choose pupils to read the words in the boxes out loud. for example, Have you got the goat? The pupils with the cards
Ask pupils to describe the pictures and say what each is.
Make sure they use adjectives to describe them.
Then choose a pupil to read the sentence aloud. Explain that
they have to write sentences about each picture. Tell them to
check their handwriting carefully.
Activity Book, Exercise 6
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Activity Book on
CUSTOMER: I like this. Its beautiful. Is it old or new?
page 29.
CUSTOMER: Whats it made of? Ask a pupil to read the set of short sentences in number 1.
SHOPKEEPER: Its made of glass. Explain that they have to write one longer sentence from the
CUSTOMER: I like this, too. Its lovely. Is it old or new? short ones. Then choose another pupil to read the single
SHOPKEEPER: Its old. sentence.
CUSTOMER: Its blue and white. They are my favourite Elicit which words are not used and remind them that it is
colours. Whats it made of? important to put the words in the correct order. Pupils can
SHOPKEEPER: Its made of clay. refer to the table in Exercise 5 in the Activity Book.
CUSTOMER: Alright. I would like to buy these, please. This Pupils work in pairs to write the sentences. Monitor as they
beautiful, new, green, glass vase. This lovely, old, are working and help where necessary.
blue and white, clay plate. Thank you. Check answers as a class.
SHOPKEEPER: Youre welcome.
Where can you find ceramics?
Vocabulary: bottle, glassblowing, ground, jewellery 4
How did people make traditional rugs and bags?
What did glass use to be made of?
Topic: Traditional handicrafts 6
What things are made of glass?
Do you have anything made of glass? What is it?
1. Ceramics, weaving, glassblowing and jewellery making are four Lesson 6
traditional handicrafts. Outcomes: To read for specific information
2. Clay makes very good, strong pots. To give feedback about aspects of a
3. You can find ceramics in peoples homes. peers speech
4. Traditional rugs and bags were made of dyed sheeps wool, To prepare and read aloud with
goats wool and camels hair. accuracy, comprehension and expression
5. Glass used to be made of sand. a short dramatic passage
6. Bottles, lovely vases and some souvenirs are made of glass.
7. Pupils own answers. Structures: Glass used to be made of sand.
[...] beautiful, new, glass vases and bottles.
Activity Book, Exercise 7 Functions: Describing objects
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 7 in their Activity Book on Topic: Traditional handicrafts
page 30. Resources: Pupils Book, page 30
Ask them to read the words and to say them aloud. Check Exercise 6, Read and answer
pronunciation. Activity Book, page 30
Tell them to look at the words again, then cover them. Read Exercise 8, Read, write and read to
the words to the class and pupils try to spell them correctly. class
Ask them to uncover and check their own spelling when they Flashcards: bottle, glassblowing,
have finished. jewellery
Finally, ask pupils to spell the words aloud to the class. Materials: pieces of paper with the
words from Activity Book, Exercise 7
1. jewellery Revision
2. necklace Show pupils the flashcards and practise in the usual way.
3. bottle Using the pieces of paper with the words from Activity Book,
4. wool Exercise 7 again, show each one to the class for five seconds
5. vase then take it away. Ask the pupils to say the word and spell it.
6. ground Ask others to say if they are correct or not.
7. cloth
8. silver
Pupils Book, Exercise 6
Further practice Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on
Write each word from Activity Book, Exercise 7 on pieces of page 30.
paper or card. They need to be big enough so that the words Tell them to read it carefully. Show them the flashcards
on them can be read by the whole class. and ask them to read the words aloud to make sure their
Ask pupils to make sentences with the words you hold up pronunciation is correct.
from Activity Book, Exercise 7. Let them work in pairs to Ask them to work in pairs and practise reading the passage
do this. Monitor as they are working, giving advice where to each other. Their partner should listen carefully and give
necessary. any feedback on clarity, pronunciation and speed of speech.
Ask pairs to say their sentences in front of the rest of the Monitor as they are working.
class. Ask the rest of the class to comment or ask questions. Choose some pupils to read each paragraph aloud to the
End the lesson
Possible answers
2. My names Ali and I make pots and plates. They are made of
clay. Clay comes from the ground and is brown but I paint the
pots and plates to make them beautiful for tourists.
3. My names Samira and I make colourful rugs and bags. They
are made of dyed goats wool or sheeps wool. I make lots of
rugs and bags every year.
Further practice
Ask the pupils to choose which handicraft they would like to
make. They then draw what they would make on a piece of
paper, colouring it appropriately.
Pupils show their pictures to a partner and describe it.
Choose some pupils to share their pictures with the whole
- Revision: Diary Page (2)
simple story 1 Listen and read kilometre, merchant, nearly, over, pink, sick, souvenir, stone, vase, wool
Tapescript Answers
FATIMA: My diary 1. She bought me a lovely, new, wool bag.
We went to Salt with Grandma and Grandpa last 2. She bought my brother a small, old, clay pot.
weekend. I asked Grandpa how far it is from Amman 3. She bought my sister a beautiful, big, glass vase.
to Salt. Its nearly 30 kilometres from Amman. 4. She bought my dad an old, silver plate.
Many years ago, merchants used to travel to Salt by
camel. They used to travel there to buy and sell End the lesson
different things.
Say to the pupils You have to buy a present for your mother/
We visited a famous, 19th century merchants house father/brother/sister from Salt. What are you going to buy? Elicit
and we went to the handicraft museum. suggestions from the pupils.
We bought lots of souvenirs. Grandma bought me a
lovely, colourful, cloth bag. Its made of goats wool.
Saleem bought a nice, little, clay pot and we bought a
lovely vase for Mum. The vase is made of glass. Mum
liked it very much.
Further practice
Ask pupils to read a sentence from the diary out loud. Check
their pronunciation as they read.
1. Its nearly 30 kilometres from Amman.
2. She bought me a lovely, new, cloth bag.
3. Merchants used to travel to Salt and sell spices.
4. How far is it?
5. They bought lots of souvenirs.
Exercise 3, Read, ask, answer and 2 How far is Jerash from Ablas town?
Exercise 4, Listen and write 4 What did Ibrahims dad use to do?
Cassette, Unit 8, Activity Book, 6 When did Nawal use to sleep under the blanket?
1. Its made of silver. Lesson 3
2. Its nearly 20 kilometres away from Ablas town. Outcomes: To read for gist
3. Its made of cloth and wool. To write a dictated paragragh using
4. He used to travel a lot and bring Ibrahim gifts. correct punctuation
5. Ibrahims favourite souvenir is made of blue glass. To use knowledge of verb tenses to
6. Nawal used to sleep under her pink blanket when she was sick. understand when things happen
7. Ablas grandmother gave her a gift made of silver.
8. Pupils own answers. Structures: Its made of stone.
Its over 120 kilometres from Amman.
Its an incredible, ancient town.
Activity Book, Exercise 3
Functions: Describing places
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Activity Book on
page 32. Vocabulary: hill, incredible, over, stone
Read through the questions and ask a few pupils to answer Topic: Descriptions
Resources: Pupils Book, page 33
Pupils then work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Exercise 4, Read and order
Pupils then write their own paragraph answering the Activity Book, pages 32 and 33
questions. Exercise 5, Read, answer and write
Choose pupils to read their paragraphs aloud.
Pupils own answers.
Say to pupils Tell me the name of an incredible place. Elicit
Activity Book, Exercise 4 suggestions from them. Revise the other vocabulary.
Read some large numbers to the class and ask them to write
Ask pupils to open their Activity Books on page 32. Explain them on the board to check. Make sure you have about
that they will hear some sentences which they have to write twenty of them.
Then ask them to draw a (3x3) grid in their Exercise Books.
Before they begin, ask them What must you always put at the Ask the pupils to choose nine numbers from the board and
beginning of a sentence? (capital letter) What must you put at the end? write one in each square.
(full stop)
You then play a game with the class. You read the numbers
Play the cassette all the way through. Tell pupils not to write out and the pupils score through it if it is on their grid. The
while they listen the first time. first pupil to score through all nine numbers shouts out
Play the cassette again, pausing after each sentence to allow Numbers! and wins.
pupils time to write. Play another game and the winning pupils can then be the
Play the cassette through in its entirety again for pupils to caller.
Put pupils in groups. Within each group, some pupils read
back what they have written, while the others listen and
suggest corrections. Go round and check their work.
My favourite souvenir is a beautiful, old, brown camel. Its made
of clay. I bought it in Karak. My grandma used to live in Karak.
I used to visit her every year. Karak is over 120 kilometres from
NB: Karak castle is one of the largest in the region. It is
surrounded by a valley on three sides. Karak has an amazing view
of the Dead Sea.
How far is this place from your school?
Whats it like?
Where did you
go last year?
Further practice
4What did you do there? Ask pupils to work in small groups and discuss what they
5What did people use to do there? know about Petra. Tell them to imagine that they are giving
6Did you buy a souvenir?
Whats it made of?
some information to a tourist.
7 Did you enjoy your visit? Last year, we
went to Aqaba.
Choose a group to talk to the class about Petra. The class can
Why/why not?
ask questions.
2, 1, 3
9 What are we doing next weekend?
Were having lunch with your aunt and uncle 1 Theres a lot of information 2 No. Were having lunch with your aunt
tomorrow. here about Wadi Rum. and uncle tomorrow. Were visiting
It looks wonderful. your cousins, Hisham and Aishah.
What are we doing next weekend?
Were driving to Wadi Rum next weekend.
Functions: Making arrangements
Vocabulary: cousin, hire, kite, kite-flying, sight, trip,
Topic: Planning a trip
What are we
What are we doing
Resources: Pupils Book, page 34 tomorrow? Can we go
doing next
weekend? We dont have any plans.
to Wadi Rum?
Exercise 1, Listen and read
3 We can go to Wadi Rum 4 Right. Were driving to Wadi Rum
Cassette, Unit 9, Exercise 1 next weekend. next weekend. Were hiring a jeep
and were seeing the sights.
Flashcard: kite
Revise use to. Ask some pupils about what they used to do
when they were five, etc., for example, What did you use to eat Thanks, Dad! We
can take our kites,
when you were a baby? What time did you use to go to bed when you too. Wadi Rum is Dad, you can
were five? What time do you go now? etc. good for kite-flying. book our trip on
the Internet.
Thats a
good plan!
Presentation 34
Use the flashcard to present kite and kite-flying. Ask pupils Have
you got a kite? Do you ever go kite-flying? Where do you fly your kite? Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
What do you need to fly a kite? (wind) page 34.
Tell the pupils Im going on a trip on Saturday. Tell them where Ask pupils to look at the pictures and tell you who and what
you are going and what you are visiting. Use the present they can see. Ask them to predict what the family is talking
continuous: e.g. Im going to Salt on Saturday. Im visiting the about. Dont let them read the text at this point.
museum. Play the cassette through once. Pupils listen to find out if
Ask pupils What are you doing on Saturday? Are you going on a trip? their predictions were correct.
Help them to understand the word trip. Write the word on the Play the cassette again. Check pupils understand the
board and ask pupils to read it. remaining vocabulary: hire, sights. Ask What are the sights in Salt?
Encourage pupils to use the present continuous, but do not Have your parents ever hired a jeep? When? Why? If you hire a jeep, is
be distracted by emphasising the structure itself, or you will it your own jeep? (No, you borrow it.)
be in danger of abandoning the communicative approach for Ask the class comprehension questions: Where do Saleem
a traditional grammar lesson. Always treat new grammar in and Fatima want to go? Why cant they go tomorrow? Who are they
context, not in the abstract, as an end in itself. visiting? Where are they going next weekend? What are they doing
Then ask another pupil What is she/he doing on Saturday? They there? How are they booking it? What are they hiring? How do you
need to use the correct verb is. think they feel? (excited)
Oral Assessment FATIMA: Theres a lot of information here about Wadi
With reference to the flashcard and presentation, pupils can: Rum. It looks wonderful.
SALEEM: What are we doing tomorrow? Can we go to
Scoring criteria Yes No Wadi Rum?
recognise new vocabulary MUM: No. Were having lunch with your aunt and
uncle tomorrow. Were visiting your cousins,
answer questions from the teacher using the present Hisham and Aishah.
continuous SALEEM: What are we doing next weekend?
DAD: We dont have any plans.
Theyre visiting their
Put pupils in groups. Ask them to ask and answer questions cousins on Saturday.
about places they have visited and places they are planning to
Check the days of the week with the class. Ask them to spell
each day. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Pupils Book on
page 35.
Ask pupils to describe who or what is featured in each
Point out the days of the week to the pupils.
Explain that they must listen to the cassette and find out
which things the children are doing on which days.
Play the cassette twice.
Pupils can check their answers in pairs.
Check answers as a class.
BOY: What are we doing next week?
GIRL: Lets look at the calendar.
BOY: Were visiting our cousins on Saturday. Were going for
GIRL: Were visiting the museum on Sunday.
BOY: Were playing in the park on Monday.
GIRL: Were seeing the dentist on Tuesday afternoon.
BOY: Were visiting Uncle Khaled and Aunt Nawal on
GIRL: Were having dinner as a family in our favourite restaurant
on Thursday.
BOY: Were doing lots next week!
GIRL: Yes, we are!
Answers Answers
1. d 2. c 3. f 4. b 5. e 6. a 1. What are the family members doing next week?
2. Theyre having lunch with their cousins Hisham and Aishah on
Pupils Book, Exercise 3 Sunday.
3. Theyre visiting Wadi Rum next weekend.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Pupils Book on
page 35.
Pupils work in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer
Further practice
questions about Exercise 2. Ask pupils What are you doing on (Monday)? etc.
Choose two pupils to read the example dialogue. Pupils work in pairs to ask and answer the question. Monitor
as they are working, helping where necessary.
Monitor as the pupils work, helping where necessary.
Choose some pupils to ask and answer questions in front of
the class. End the lesson
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Pupils Book. Ask
Activity Book, Exercise 3 Where are they going on Saturday? Elicit answers.
Were going on a trip tomorrow! Were playing on the beach in Lesson 5
the morning and then were hiring a boat. Were seeing the sights Outcomes: To read for gist
in the afternoon and then were having dinner in a restaurant. To use correctly learned vocabulary
Im so excited! To spell correctly learned vocabulary
Answers To use context to understand the
meaning of new and unfamiliar words
1. They are going on a trip.
To give feedback about aspects of a
2. They are playing on the beach.
peers speech
3. They are hiring a boat.
4. They are seeing the sights. Structures: Were getting up early.
5. They are having dinner in a restaurant. Im taking my camera with me.
Functions: Describing a trip
Activity Book, Exercise 6 Vocabulary: book (v), cliff, magnificent, plant,
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Activity Book on scenery, springs, waterfall
page 36. Topic: Making arrangements
Choose two pupils to read the dialogue aloud. Ask pupils to
practise the dialogue in pairs.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 37
Exercise 6, Read and match
Then ask them to answer the question using their own
Activity Book, page 37
Exercise 7, Look, match and write
They can practise further by changing the day as well.
Cassette, Unit 9, Exercise 4
Pupils write the dialogue with their own answers. Choose
Flashcards: cliff, plant, waterfall
pairs to read dialogues aloud.
Wall chart 4: On a trip
Answers Materials: pictures of some beautiful
Pupils own answers. scenery taken from books or
magazines; write the words in Activity
Further practice Book Exercise 7 on pieces of paper
large enough for the whole class to
Take in some of the activity books. Read sentences from read
Exercise 6, e.g. This person is playing tennis. Pupils have to guess
who it is.
End the lesson Play the students the song in Exercise 4 again. Ask groups to
Pupils ask you what you are doing at the weekend. sing different verses.
Teach the new vocabulary using the flashcards and wall chart
in the usual way.
Show the class the pictures of scenery you have brought in.
Say Look at this beautiful scenery. Indicate the picture to show
the meaning of scenery. Show them the best picture and say
Look at this. Its magnificent! Write the two new words on the
board for pupils to read.
Write the other three words (cliff, plant, waterfall) on the board,
asking pupils to read all the words. Tell the pupils to close
their eyes. Rub out one of the words. Pupils open their eyes
and tell you which word you have removed.
there will be a few words that they do not know. They should
With reference to flashcards and presentation, pupils can: try to understand them from the story.
When they have finished, check that the pupils have arrived at
Scoring criteria Yes No
the correct answer.
point to the correct flashcard, following the teachers
prompt Answer
recognise the words without the aid of the flashcards Picture 2
7 True or false? 1. scenery 2. cliff 3. plant 4. spring 5. waterfall 6. kite
1 Sami and his family are walking to Batir
next weekend.
2 Sami and his family are going on a trip
End the lesson
with their friends.
Show the class the words from Activity Book, Exercise 7 that
3 Samis dad is driving the jeep.
Lesson 6 Were getting up at 5.30! Were going to Batir by car. Were
Outcomes: To read for specific information meeting our friends in Batir. Were going to Wadi bin Hammad
To write paragraphs using proper by jeep.
Structures: Sami and his family are driving to Batir next Further practice
weekend. Pupils work in small groups and plan a day out. They tell
Functions: Describing a trip the rest of the class their plans in five or six sentences, as in
Exercise 8 in the Activity Book.
Topic: Making arrangements
Resources: Pupils Book, page 37 End the lesson
Exercise 7, True or false?
Activity Book, page 37 Tell pupils I have never been to Batir. What is it like? Tell me about
Exercise 8, Look and write it.
Choose pupils to read the text aloud from Exercise 6. Practise
any pronunciation difficulties.
1. . Sami and his family are driving to Batir next weekend.
2. . Sami and his family are going on a trip with their friends.
3. . A driver is driving the jeep.
4. . They are meeting him at nine oclock.
5. . They are going to see the hot springs.
6. . He is taking his camera with him.
&% Sorry, Im busy
Use the flashcard to teach binoculars. Tell the pupils that this Im going shopping
with my mum Thats a Great! Im taking my binoculars,
word always has an s at the end of it. Ask What do we use next weekend. pity. my camera and my kite.
binoculars for? (To see things which are far away, for example, birds.)
3 A kite? I havent got a kite. 4 I havent got any binoculars.
Ask a pupil Where are you going next weekend? Try to find a pupil Can I borrow yours, please?
Dad has got
who is going somewhere interesting. Tell them Ask (Fatima) if some binoculars.
she would like to come. Build up a conversation on the board: You can borrow his.
FATIMA: Aishah, would you like to come to Wadi Rum Lesson 2
next weekend? Outcomes: To use possessive pronouns
AISHAH: Sorry, Im busy. Im going shopping with my To make arrangements
mum next weekend. To accept and refuse offers
FATIMA: Thats a pity. To use correct intonation for questions
SALEEM: What about next weekend, Hisham? Would you To use correct intonation for statements
like to come?
HISHAM: Yes, Im free next weekend. Id love to come. Structures: Can I borrow yours, please?
Thank you. You can borrow one of hers.
SALEEM: Great! Im taking my binoculars, my camera and Mine is red and white.
my kite. Would you like to come to Wadi Rum next
HISHAM: A kite? I havent got a kite. Can I borrow yours, weekend?
please? Functions: Making arrangements
SALEEM: Fatima has got two. You can borrow one of hers. Accepting and refusing offers
Hers are blue and green. Mine is red and white.
HISHAM: I havent got any binoculars.
Topic: Arranging a weekend
SALEEM: Dad has got some binoculars. You can borrow Resources: Pupils Book, page 38
his. Exercise 1, Listen and read
HISHAM: Thank you! Im very excited! Activity Book, page 38
Exercise 1, Read and order
Exercise 2, Listen and say
Further practice Exercise 3, Read, choose and
Ask pupils to work in groups of four and practise the
Cassette, Unit 10, Exercise 1
dialogue. Monitor as they are working, helping with any
Cassette, Unit 10, Activity Book,
pronunciation difficulties. Make sure pupils remember to
Exercise 2
sound happy or sad at appropriate points.
Flashcard: binoculars
To use correctly learned vocabulary
To spell correctly learned vocabulary
To write meaningful sentences using
given frameworks
Structures: Would you like to come to the park on Diary 2
Monday? 2
Sorry, Im busy.
Thats a pity.
Im free on Thursday.
Functions: Accepting and refusing invitations
Topic: Making arrangements
Resources: Pupils Book, page 40 5 Ask and answer
Exercise 4, Listen and choose Would you like to come to
the park on Monday? Sorry, Im busy.
Exercise 5, Ask and answer
Activity Book, page 40
Exercise 6, Look and complete
Cassette, Unit 10, Exercise 4 Thats a pity. What
about Wednesday? Yes, Im free on Wednesday.
Id love to go to the park.
GIRL 1: Hi Zeinab, Would you like to come to the park
on Monday?
GIRL 2: Sorry, Im busy. Im playing tennis on Monday.
GIRL 1: What about Tuesday?
GIRL 2: Sorry, Im busy on Tuesday. Im going to the
GIRL 1: Thats a pity. Are you free on Wednesday?
GIRL 2: No, Im going to my uncles house for lunch. Im
free on Thursday. Id love to go to the park on
GIRL 1: Thats lovely. We can go on Thursday!
Diary 2
Oral Assessment
With reference to flashcards and presentation, pupils can:
Scoring criteria Yes No
point to the correct word, following the teachers
pronounce the new words correctly
Finally check bring. Ask pupils Did you bring your dictionaries/
Pupils Book, Exercise 6
1. basketball 2. binoculars 3. plastic bag
4. spotty kite 5. stripy kite
How do people watch the kites in the sky?
What does Ahmad want to do?
Which kite do you think will win the competition? Why?
Lesson 6
41 Outcomes: To answer comprehension questions
To write sentences on familiar topics for
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on specific purposes
page 41. To use words and simple sentences to
Ask the pupils to look at the picture and find some stripes. take part in simple exchanges
Draw a T-shirt on the board with stripes. Ask them to Structures: Mine is red and blue.
describe it Its stripy. Point to a stripe and say This is a stripe.
Pupils repeat. Ask Can you see any stripes in the classroom? Functions: Describing kites
Put pupils in groups. Ask them to describe the kites to one Topic: Kite-flying competition
another. Ask Which one do you like best? Resources: Pupils Book, page 41
Ask pupils to read the title of the text: The kite-flying competition. Exercise 6, Read and answer
Ask the pupils Have you been in a kite-flying competition? Where? Activity Book, page 41
What happened? Have you been in a different competition? Exercise 8, Read, write, ask and
Ask the pupils to read the text and try to find the answers to answer
these two questions you write on the board: When is the kite- Flashcards: basketball, binoculars,
flying competition? Where is the kite-flying competition? Give pupils spotty, stripy
two minutes maximum to read the text and find the answers.
Check the answers (in two weeks; in Mansura Park).
Ask pupils to read the text again more carefully. Then ask
questions to help them understand the new words.
On the board write Lots of children from my community compete. Show the pupils the flashcards from this unit one at a time.
Underline the word compete. Ask them which word in the text Ask pupils to make questions using the words to ask across
it looks like (competition). Say You compete in a competition. Ask the class, for example, Have you got any binoculars? When do you
What do you do when you compete? (You try to win the competition.) use them? etc.
What do you compete in? (sports games, chess competitions, etc.) Ask
pupils What do you think your community is? Is it the people in your
home or the people who live around you? (people who live around you
in your village, town, etc.)
1. Ahmad is busy this weekend because he is making a kite.
2. The competition is in Mansoura Park.
3. It is in two weeks.
4. His brothers kite is yellow with red stripes.
5. He is using plastic bags and cloth.
6. You take your binoculars and watch the kites in the sky.
7. He wants to win the kite-flying competition.
8. Pupils own answers.
Suggested answers
1. Yes, Id love to.
2. Yes, it is. No, it isnt.
3. Yes, it is. Not, it isnt.
Further practice
In small groups, pupils design their own winning kite. They
show it to the class and describe its design. You can have a
vote on the best looking kite (pupils are not allowed to vote
for their own kite!) Make a display of kites on the classroom
wall with written descriptions.
&& Has anybody got any questions?
sunset, welcome, worry 1 Listen and read professional, sand dune, shade, smile, sunset, welcome, worry
Very good. Now pick up everything which is under your seat. Put it 42
back on the desk. Do it very quietly, everybody. Good. Now I cant see
anything under your seats. Very good! Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
page 42.
Then ask some questions, for example, Is anybody hungry? If
everybody puts up their hands, say Wow, everybody is hungry? Ask them to look at the pictures and say who they can see
If only a few people put up their hands, say Some people are and what they are doing.
hungry. Ask further questions, changing the adjective: thirsty, Tell pupils to listen and follow the story in their books. Play
tired, happy, sad. the cassette all the way through twice. In the second play-
through, stop the cassette now and then and ask pupils to
NB: A guide is someone who helps and shows people or tourists finish the sentence. They should be able to do this easily if
around historical and touristic sites. they are following carefully in their books.
Check they understand shade, welcome, worry. Draw two trees
on the board, not near to each other. Ask If I want to sit in the
shade, do I sit under a tree or between the trees? Why do I want to sit
in the shade? (To keep cool) If I sit in the sun, am I in the shade? (No)
When someone is leaving your house, do you say Welcome to them?
(No, you say Welcome when they arrive.) Tell the pupils a small
problem, for example, I cant find my pen. Ask them what they
would say. Elicit ideas and teach Dont worry. Ill help you look for
3, 1, 5, 2, 4 End the lesson
Choose groups to act out their scenes.
Put pupils in groups. Ask pupils to look at the picture
in Exercise 4, page 43 in their Activity Books. Give them
sentences about it and ask them to correct them, for example
There is somebody on the bridge. The basket is full. Everybody is sitting
in the sun. Everybody is sad. Everybody is eating. There isnt anything
to eat. Take whole-class feedback.
Show pupils Wall chart 4: On a trip. Point to different things
and ask the pupils to say the words.
5 Talk together First, they started at
Ask questions about the wall chart, for example, What has dad the Visitors Centre.
got? What is the boy carrying? Can you see a bridge? Point to it. What
is the guide doing? Take whole-class feedback.
Tapescript Answers
We started our day at the Visitors Centre. Everybody was very 1. First, we went to the Visitors Centre.
excited. First, we went to the sand dunes. Next, we went to 2. Next, we drove into Wadi Rum.
Barragh Canyon. After that, we climbed up to the rock bridge 3. After that, we hired a jeep.
at Um Fruth. Everybody was hungry. We had lunch there. There 4. Then, we stopped the jeep and hiked through the Canyon.
wasnt anything in the basket after lunch. Then, we went to It was very hot!
watch the sunset at a sunset site. It was very quiet on the way 5. We were very tired on the way back!
back. We didnt see anybody all the way back. It was a great trip.
I took photos of everything. Further practice
Answers Ask pupils to work in pairs and tell each other four things
1. Visitors Centre 2. Sand dunes 3. Barragh Canyon about their morning, for example, First, I got up and had a
4. Um Fruth Bridge 5. Sunset site shower. Next, I got dressed and brushed my hair. After that, I had
breakfast with my family. Then, I brushed my teeth.
Pupils Book, Exercise 5
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Pupils Book on End the lesson
page 44. Choose pupils to tell the class about their partners morning,
Ask two pupils to read out the dialogue. Make sure they for example: First he got up and had a shower, etc.
are reading it at the correct speed and with the correct
intonation. There should be a very slight pause after each
sequencing word. Lesson 5
Ask pupils to work in pairs and practise the dialogue, adding Outcomes: To read for gist
further sentences at the end. To practise sequencing words
Choose pupils to perform their dialogues in front of the class. To practise pronouns
To use context to understand the
meaning of new and unfamiliar words
Activity Book, Exercise 5 To explain an authors point of view in a
Write the following on the board: first i got up simple text
Ask the pupils What is wrong with this sentence? Can you correct it? To use correctly learned vocabulary
Choose pupils to change the punctuation in the sentence so it To spell correctly learned vocabulary
reads First, I got up. Structures: After that, we went to the craft shop.
Ask pupils what each part of punctuation is called capital Everybody felt very tired on the way back.
letter, comma, period. Leave the sentence on the board for We bought some postcards.
pupils to refer to.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Activity Book on
Functions: Ordering events
page 44. Asking and answering questions
Tell pupils to rewrite the sentences with the correct Vocabulary: friendly, helpful, modern, postcards,
punctuation. Monitor as they are working and help where professional
necessary. Point to the punctuation on the board again if
Topic: A day out
Check the answers. Resources: Pupils Book, page 45
Exercise 6, Read, match and choose
Activity Book, page 45
1. First, we went to the Visitors Centre. Exercise 7, Read and complete
2. Next, we went to the Barragh Canyon.
Flashcard: postcard
3. After that, we climbed up to Um Fruth Bridge.
4. Then, we watched the sunset. Wall chart 4: On a trip
5. It was very quiet on the way back.
Activity Book, Exercise 6 Ask pupils to tell you what the family did in Exercise 4 in their
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Activity Book on Pupils Book. Write on the board the things that they did in a
page 44. jumbled order and ask pupils to put them in the correct order
Choose different pupils to read the sentences aloud. using First, Next, etc.
Tell them to work individually and order the sentence. Point Ask pupils to look at Wall chart 4. Ask them to look at the
out the first sentence has been marked. boy with the water bottle. Put pupils in groups and ask them
to make up some sentences about what he did that day using
Pupils check their answers in pairs.
the sequencing words, for example, First, he and his family
Check answers as a class. drove there. After that, they climbed the sand dune, etc. Go round
the class checking their work. Afterwards, take whole-class
person who is kind to lots of people.) Ask What did we add to the word 3 We were at Wadi Rum all day. d
We did lots of climbing. We also
friend? (ly) Ask Do you know any other words ending in ly? (slowly, watched some professional
quickly) kite-flying. On the way back,
everybody felt very tired, but
we didnt want to go home.
Why do you think they didnt want to go home? big and modern.
Further practice
Ask individual pupils to read the text aloud.
Check pupils understand modern and professional. Ask them Is
the Visitors Centre old or new? Elicit new and say Yes, it is modern.
Ask Is our school modern?
Then ask pupils Give me the name of a famous footballer. Elicit
the name of various footballers. Ask Is that his job? Elicit Yes
and say Yes, hes a professional. Say Do you play football? Are you
a professional? Elicit No. Ask Would you like to be a professional
Write the two words on the board and ask them to practise
saying them.
Then ask a pupil to read the last sentence in the story. Ask
Why didnt they want to go home? (They were very happy and enjoyed questions. Monitor as they are working, helping where
themselves at Wadi Rum so they didnt want to leave.) necessary.
Check answers as a class.
Activity Book, Exercise 7 Answers
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 7 in their Activity Book on 1. The Visitors Centre is big and modern.
page 45. 2. They can find maps, postcards, information, a restaurant and
Ask pupils to read the words in the boxes aloud. Check their a craft shop.
pronunciation. 3. He bought some postcards.
Explain that they must read the sentences and complete them 4. They know everything about Wadi Rum.
with one of the words from the boxes. 5. He did lots of climbing and watched some professional
Pupils work in pairs to complete the sentences. They check kite-flying.
answers with a different pair. 6. They felt tired, but they didnt want to go home.
Check answers as a class. 7. Pupils own answers.
Say the words from Exercise 7 to the class and ask the pupils Choose pupils to read the words in the boxes.
to spell them (with their books closed).
Choose two pupils to read the sentence in the speech bubble
and the example sentence. Explain that they should continue
Lesson 6 using the pictures to create the sentences, remembering to use
the words in the boxes. They should work in pairs.
Outcomes: To read for specific information Monitor and help where necessary.
To ask and answer questions orally
Pupils then take turns to read the sentences aloud, rechecking
To use appropriate organisational their work.
patterns for writing simple paragraphs
Check answers as a class.
Structures: After that, we went to the craft shop.
Everybody felt very tired on the way back.
First, we went to the Visitors Centre.
We bought some postcards.
Next, we went to the sand dunes.
Functions: Ordering events After that, we climbed up to the rock bridge at Um Fruth.
Topic: A day out Then, we went to watch the sunset.
It was very quiet on the way back.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 45
Exercise 7, Ask and answer Activity Book, Exercise 9
Activity Book, page 45 Ask pupils to listen to the tapescript and say the words.
Exercise 8, Look and write
Check for correct pronunciation.
Exercise 9, Listen and say
Cassette, Unit 11, Activity Book, Tapescript
Exercise 9 magnificent scenery
Flashcard: postcard
Further practice
Give each pupil a piece of paper. Ask them to work in groups
To use correctly learned vocabulary 1 Listen and read magnificent, pity, sand dune, shade, spotty, stripy, springs, trip
1. Ziad and Rakan.
Sameer Tareq Suad Salma Ziad Rakan
2. Suad and Salma.
1 2 3. Sameer and Tareq.
Lesson 3
Lesson 4 Answers
Pupils own answers.
Outcomes: To ask and answer personal questions
To revise talking about future
To revise the use of possessive pronouns
To revise accepting and refusing offers
To revise explaining future plans
To revise the use of sequencing words
To speak clearly, with pauses for clarity
and emphasis
To use simple sentences to talk with a
partner about familiar situations
To write and present a short, simple
prepared speech of four or five sentences
to the class
To write entries in a learning log
Structures: Were going on a trip next weekend.
Functions: Discussing an arranged trip
Topic: A day out
Resources: Pupils Book, page 48
Exercise 5, Plan a presentation.
Answer these questions
Activity Book, page 48
Exercise 6, Read, tick () or cross ()
and copy
Ask pupils to look at their Pupils Book, page 48, Exercise 4.
You read them a paragraph similar to the one in the book but
using the information in one of the other trips. They have to
tell you which one you are talking about.
Pupils own answers.
Further practice
If any of the can do statements have caused difficulty, go over
them again helping pupils to understand.
&( Ive hurt myself
Topic: An accident
Resources: Pupils Book, page 49
Exercise 1, Listen and read
Pupils Book, Exercise 1
Cassette, Unit 13, Exercise 1
Flashcards: ankle, toe
Ive hurt myself
Word Box
Presentation Saleem!
Whats the
Teach the new vocabulary using the flashcards in the usual
way. Yes, I did. Come inside. Ill Ive fallen over.
Show pupils each flashcard, ask them to point to it on their show you the photographs. Ive hurt myself.
body and say the word. 3 Saleem! Are you alright? 4 What happened,
Draw a sad face on the board /. Point to it and rub your No, hes hurt
arm, looking sad. Elicit from pupils Whats the matter? Give
them the answer Ive hurt my arm. Ask pupils to come to the
board and stand beside the sad face and rub their leg, hand,
head, etc. The other pupils ask Whats the matter? Pupils reply
Ive hurt my leg., etc.
I was running
If any pupil has a plaster, etc. on them, ask What happened? when I tripped
If not, you pretend you have hurt your arm. Teach the pupils over the step.
Can you move
to ask What happened? Explain I tripped over and hurt my arm. your toes?
Demonstrate by pretending to trip and then holding your arm No, I cant. I think Ive Come on. Were going
broken my ankle. to the hospital.
as if you have hurt it. 49
for example, Where are Saleem and Hassan in the first picture?
What does Saleem want to show Hassan? What does Saleem do? Can Give pupils a sentence Ive hurt myself. Ask a pupil to repeat the
Saleem move his toes? Why not? Has he broken his arm? What was sentence. Then say he and ask another pupil to make a new
Saleem doing? Where is Dad taking him? Who will he see there? sentence: Hes hurt himself. Then say she and elicit Shes hurt
herself. And finally you to elicit Youve hurt yourself.
HASSAN: Did you enjoy yourself in Wadi Rum?
SALEEM: Yes, I did. Come inside. Ill show you the
Pupils Book, Exercise 1
photographs. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
SALEEM: Oh, no! page 49.
HASSAN: Saleem! Whats the matter? Ask pupils to work in groups of five and practise acting out
SALEEM: Ive fallen over. Ive hurt myself. the dialogue.
FATIMA: Saleem! Are you alright?
Monitor the class and help with pronunciation difficulties
HASSAN: No, hes hurt himself.
where necessary.
MUM: Can you move your toes?
SALEEM: No, I cant. I think Ive broken my ankle. Choose groups to act out the story in front of the class.
DAD: What happened, Saleem?
I was running when I tripped over the step.
Come on. Were going to the hospital.
Activity Book, Exercise 1
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Activity Book on
page 49.
Further practice Ask them to look at the pictures and describe them.
Say various parts of the body and ask pupils to point to them, Choose pupils to read the sentences. Explain that they must
e.g. head, eye, ear, mouth, arm, leg, hand, foot, etc. match the correct sentence to the corresponding picture.
Play a game of Simon says ... The whole class stands up. If you Pupils work in pairs and then check with a different pair.
say Simon says touch your arm, they should do it. If you say Touch
Check answers as a class.
your arm, they shouldnt do it. If they make a mistake, they sit
down. The last pupil standing is the winner. Answers
1. d
End the lesson 2. c
3. b
Ask the pupils Have you ever broken your arm/leg/finger? etc.
4. a
Lesson 3 Presentation
Ask a pupil to come to the board and write his or her name.
Outcomes: To listen for specific information As he/she is doing that, ask What is she/he doing? Elicit from
To create sentences in the present the pupils He/She is writing his/her name.
To create sentences in the present perfect When the pupil has finished, ask What has he/she done? Teach/
To use knowledge of verb tenses to Elicit He/She has written his/her name on the board.
understand when things happen Give pupils other actions to do and ask the same questions,
To speak clearly with pauses for clarity e.g. clean the board, put some books away, read a short text, add some
and emphasis numbers, etc.
Structures: The boy has fallen off his bike. Show the pupils the different parts of the verbs, e.g. clean-
The boy is falling off his bike. cleaned-cleaned. Explain that some verbs always end in ed in
the past but some are always different. Give them the new
Functions: Talking about recent events verbs, asking them for the past tense and giving them the past
Vocabulary: bench, drunk, fallen off, flown participle, for example, drink-drank-drunk; fall-fell-fallen; fly-flew-
Topic: Describing pictures
Resources: Pupils Book, page 50
Oral Assessment
Exercise 2, Listen and find
Exercise 3, Look and say With reference to the presentation, pupils can:
Activity Book, page 50 Scoring criteria Yes No
Exercise 3, Read, tick () or cross ()
and correct create sentences using the correct tenses
Exercise 4, Read, look and write
Cassette, Unit 13, Exercise 2 know the parts of the verbs when asked
Ask pupils Has (Fatima) hurt herself? Elicit full sentences from
the pupils, For example, No, Fatima hasnt hurt herself. Then ask,
Have you hurt yourself? Pupils can respond by pretending they
have hurt themselves. Yes, Ive hurt myself. Ive broken my arm.
Check the past tenses of verbs in a game. Divide the class into
two Team A and Team B.
5 Ask and answer
You say the infinitive of a verb, e.g. fall. Team A says the past Whats the matter? Ive hurt myself. I think
tense fell and Team B says the past participle fallen. Ive broken my leg.
Repeat with another verb but this time Team B says the past
tense and Team A the past participle. Verbs they know: fall, fly,
drink, be, see, ride, eat, swim, win, run.
Whats the matter
with Ali? Hes hurt himself. I think
Structures: Khaled has hurt his arm. 1 Khaled has hurt his arm. He was
riding his bike when he fell off a
His mum thinks he has broken his arm. and hurt himself. He cant move
his fingers. His mum thinks he has
Functions: Talking about accidents broken his arm.
2 He is at a hospital in Amman. Hes
Vocabulary: fell off waiting to see a doctor. Another
boy and a little girl are waiting
with Khaled. The boy has hurt his
Topic: Accidents foot and the girl has cut her arm.
3 The hospital is a big, white,
Resources: Pupils Book, page 52 modern building. Its a very good
hospital. Some of the best
Exercise 6, Read, match and order doctors in the world work there. b
Activity Book, page 52 c
Exercise 7, Read, look and match
Wall chart 5: Ive hurt myself
Who is waiting with Khaled to see the doctor?
Choose pupils to perform their dialogues in front of the class. 5
What is the matter with them?
What is the hospital like? He was riding his bike
Revise the parts of the verbs again, including fall-fell-fallen. 7
Have you ever visited a hospital? When? Why? when he hurt himself.
1. c 2. b 3. a
Outcomes: To read for specific information
Hes hurt his leg and his toe, and hes cut his hand. He was riding
To ask and answer questions about a text
his bike with his friends when he fell off. Hes seen the doctor and
To rewrite a paragraph in a simple
hes seen a nurse. His mum and dad brought him to the hospital,
narrative as required
but hes going home soon.
To retell what happens in a simple story
To write sentences on familiar topics
Structures: Khaled has hurt his arm.
Activity Book, Exercise 9
His mum thinks he has broken his arm. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 9 in their Activity Book on
page 52.
Functions: Talking about accidents
Asking and answering questions Explain the activity to the class. Remind them of the
conventions of punctuation.
Topic: Accidents
Monitor as they are writing in cursive, helping where
Resources: Pupils Book, page 52 necessary. Check their writing at the same time for neatness
Exercise 7, Ask and answer and accuracy.
Activity Book, page 52
Exercise 8, Read and complete
Exercise 9, Trace and copy
Further practice
Wall chart 5: Ive hurt myself Ask pupils Whats our school like? Elicit Its big, modern and very
good. Ask about some other buildings in the area.
&) Ive never swum in the sea
Structures: Ive never missed a match. 1 Listen and read lucky, painful, plaster, present, spend, tonight
Vocabulary: brave, climber, flown, painful, plaster,
present, tonight
Topic: At the hospital
No, Ive never broken my ankle. I broke
Resources: Pupils Book, page 53 my toe last year. It was very painful.
Can I play football on Saturday?
You are very brave, Saleem.
Exercise 1, Listen and read Ive never missed a match.
Show the pupils Wall chart 5. Ask pupils to give you sentences
about the pictures.
Thank you. Ive always wanted to
read this book. Ive always liked
Presentation Sorry, Saleem. You cant. You must
keep the plaster on for six weeks.
reading. I cant play football, but I
can read my new book now!
Teach some of the new vocabulary using the flashcards in the 53
usual way.
Ask pupils to look again at Wall chart 5. Point to the picture Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
of the boy with the broken ankle and ask What did he do? Elicit page 53.
the answer. Ask How do you think his ankle feels? Teach Its painful.
Ask them who they can see in the pictures (Saleem, his dad, his
Ask Is he crying? (No) Teach Hes very brave.
mum, a doctor and Fatima).
Now ask Where will he go now? (to the hospital) Who will he see? (a
Ask them what they think is happening, using some of the
doctor and a nurse) What will they do? Teach They will put a plaster
new vocabulary you have just taught them.
on his ankle. Ask Where do you think he will sleep tonight? (in the
hospital) Ask Where will you sleep tonight? (at home) Now tell the pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their
books. Play the cassette all the way through twice. Teach the
Then ask Have you ever been in hospital? Help pupils to say I
new word present in the context of the story. Ask When do you
have never been in hospital. Ask other questions to get similar
give friends presents?
answers. Write the first answer on the board and ask pupils
to read it. Point out the place of never. Play the cassette again, stopping after each sentence and
choosing a pupil to repeat it.
Now ask the class to work in groups of three to act out the
Oral Assessment
With reference to flashcards and presentation, pupils can: Monitor and help where necessary.
Lesson 2 Pupils then work in pairs to complete the rest of the exercise.
Monitor and help where necessary.
Outcomes: To use the present perfect with frequency Check answers as a class.
adverbs never and always
To use correctly learned vocabulary Answers
To spell correctly learned vocabulary 1. painful 2. brave 3. tonight
To pronounce English words and 4. plaster 5. present 6. climber
sentences precisely and correctly
Structures: Ive never missed a match.
Ive always wanted to read this book.
Activity Book, Exercise 2
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Activity Book on
Functions: Saying what you have never done page 53.
Saying what you have always wanted to
Explain that they have to listen to the cassette and choose
which answer is given each time. They cross through the
Topic: At the hospital wrong answer.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 53 Play the cassette through once and let pupils choose the
Exercise 1, Listen and read correct answer.
Activity Book, page 53 Play the cassette again pausing after the question each time.
Exercise 1, Read and complete Elicit the answer from the pupils and then play the cassette to
Exercise 2, Listen, choose and say check.
Cassette, Unit 14, Exercise 1
Cassette, Unit 14, Activity Book,
Exercise 2 1. Have you ever broken your ankle?
No, Ive never broken my ankle.
Flashcards: climber, present
2. Have you ever read this book?
Yes, I have.
3. Have you ever played football?
Revision Yes, I have.
4. Have you ever stayed in hospital?
Check pupils remember the new vocabulary on the flashcards. No, Ive never stayed in hospital.
Then ask them the questions you asked them to think about
for homework. Elicit sentences from the pupils, for example, I Answers
have always wanted to go to Wadi Rum. I have never been there. 1. Pupils strike through, Yes, I have.
Put pupils in pairs and ask them to talk about what they have 2. Pupils strike through, No, Ive never read that book.
always wanted to do but have never done. 3. Pupils strike through, No, Ive never played football.
4. Pupils strike through, Yes, I have.
Lesson 3
Outcomes: To use the present perfect to talk about
actions up to now
To listen for specific information
To write meaningful sentences
To use words and simple sentences to
take part in simple exchanges
Structures: Have you ever eaten an egg? 3 Ask and answer
Yes, I have. Have you ever won No, Ive never won
a competition? a competition.
Have you ever swum in the sea?
Ive swum in a lake, but Ive never swum in the
Yes, I have.
Functions: Describing life events up to now Have you ever
flown in a plane? I like flying.
Topic: Life events
Resources: Pupils Book, page 54
Exercise 2, Listen and match
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Pupils Book on
Exercise 3, Ask and answer
page 54.
Activity Book, page 54
Ask pupils to say what they can see in each box.
Exercise 3, Write the sentences
correctly Explain that they are going to hear someone asking Samia
Exercise 4, Ask, answer and tick () questions. They have to listen to what she says and decide
or cross () which box relates to what she has done.
Cassette, Unit 14, Exercise 2 Play the cassette through once and ask pupils to discuss their
answer in pairs.
Play the cassette again. Check the answer as a class.
Revision If you wish, play the cassette through again, pausing after
Ask Has anyones dad/mum/brother/sister ever broken their arm/ each question to see if they can give Samias replies.
leg? What happened? Did they go to hospital? Did they have a plaster? Tapescript
Elicit answers from the pupils and discuss what happened.
Have you ever eaten an egg, Samia?
Other pupils can ask questions.
Yes, I have. I like eggs.
Have you ever swum in the sea?
No, Ive never swum in the sea.
Have you ever won a competition?
Yes, Ive won two maths competitions.
Have you ever played tennis?
Yes, I have. I like tennis.
Have you ever read this book about a famous climber?
No, Ive never read that book. Ive read a book about a famous
tennis player.
Have you ever flown in a plane?
Yes, I have. Ive always liked flying.
1. Have you ever visited the Eiffel Tower?
2. No, Ive never visited the Eiffel Tower.
Pupils own answers.
Use the Cassette for Exercise 2. Play the first question and Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Pupils Book on
pause the tape before the answer. Choose various pupils page 55.
to give you their own answers. Play the next question and Ask them to describe what they can see in the pictures.
continue. Play the cassette all the way through once. Tell the pupils to
read the words of the song as they listen.
Presentation Point to the first verse. Ask the pupils to join in with the
words as you play the cassette for a second time.
Teach author and dolphin using the flashcards in the usual way. Do the same with the other verses. Check their understanding
Write the words on the board and practise reading them. Ask of spend and maybe.
them what sound ph makes (f). Ask them if they know any Then divide the class in two. Play the cassette again. Ask one
other words with ph (photograph, phone). group to sing along with verses one and three and the other
Ask them Where does a dolphin swim? (in the sea) Do you like group to sing verses two and four.
swimming in the sea? Can you always stand in the sea when you are
swimming? (No) Why not? Teach Because it is too deep. Practise the Tapescript
word deep. Ive always wanted
To swim with dolphins
In the deep blue sea.
Ive always wanted
Oral Assessment To travel the world
With reference to the flashcards and presentation, pupils can: There are lots of things to see.
Scoring criteria Yes No Ive always wanted
To spend the night
recognise new vocabulary In a castle on a hill.
pronounce new vocabulary Ive always wanted
spell new vocabulary To climb a mountain
Maybe one day I will.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Activity Book on Resources: Pupils Book, page 56
pages 54 and 55. Exercise 6, Read and answer
Say I love flying in planes. Ive always wanted to fly a plane. Ask Have I Activity Book, page 56
flown a plane? (No) Do I want to fly a plane? (Yes) Exercise 7, Read, choose and
Read the first sentence with the class. Ask them to quietly
read (af) and ask them to find the second sentence (f). Cassette, Unit 14, Exercise 4
Ask pupils to match the other sentences. Materials: a map of Europe or the
world showing Italy clearly
Check answers as a class.
1. f 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. d
Play the song again for pupils to sing along. Divide the class
into four and ask each group to sing one verse.
Activity Book, Exercise 6
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Activity Book on
page 55.
Choose a pupil to read the sentence in the speech bubble. Teach the new vocabulary by asking questions. Show them
Choose another to read the example sentence. the map and say This is Italy. Have you ever been to Italy? Elicit
Go over the other sentences orally. Then pupils write their
sentences. Ask Who plays football? Basketball? Who teaches you? Teach the
word coach. Ask Who is your coach?
Check answers as a class.
Has he ever been to Italy?
Exercise 6, Read and answer
Why is his coach excited? Activity Book, page 56
7 Has the team ever won the competition?
Omar has always Exercise 8, Read and write
Have you ever played in a team? What sport did enjoyed the sport.
you play? Cassette, Unit 14, Exercise 4
Materials: a map of Europe or the
World showing Italy clearly
Teach them What would you say to Omar if you met him? Hes going
Pupils Book, Exercise 6
to Italy to play in a competition. Elicit Good luck! Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on
page 56.
Activity Book, Exercise 7 Choose pupils to read the story aloud. Ask pupils to spell the
new words without looking at their books.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 7 in their Activity Book on Choose a pupil to read the first question and another to read
page 56. the answer in the speech bubble.
Choose pupils to read the words in the boxes. Explain that they have to ask and answer the rest of the
Read the first example with the class and ask them to questions about the text. Ask them to work in pairs.
complete the gap. Monitor as they are working, helping where necessary.
Pupils then work in pairs to complete the rest of the exercise. Check answers as a class.
Explain that they have to use each word more than once.
Monitor and help where necessary.
Check answers as a class.
1. ever 2. always 3. never 4. always 5. ever 6. never
1. Omar has always enjoyed the sport.
2. When he was five.
3. Everybody in the team is under eleven years old.
4. No, he has never missed a match.
5. No, he has never been to Italy.
6. He is excited because his team has always played well in
7. The team has never won the competition.
8. Pupils own answers.
Pupils own answers.
Further practice
Ask pupils to work in pairs and tell their partner about a
sport they play like the text in Exercise 8 in the Activity Book.
Choose a pupil to report back on their partner to the class.
&* Have you read your new book yet?
Structures: Have you read your new book yet? recognise new vocabulary
I havent finished it yet. pronounce new vocabulary
Ive already put away my clothes.
demonstrate understanding of already and yet
Functions: Talking about what has been done and
what is still to be done
Vocabulary: sweep, swept Pupils Book, Exercise 1
Topic: Household chores
Resources: Pupils Book, page 57 Have you read your new book yet?
Exercise 1, Listen and read Word Box
adventure, country, dream, famous, fold, mop, mopped, North
Cassette, Unit 15, Exercise 1 1 Listen and read Pole, person, place, proud, South Pole, success, sweep, swept
Practise the past tenses of verbs pupils know in a game.
Draw a noughts and crosses grid (3x3) on the board. Put an
irregular verb in each space. Divide the class into teams. Team Ill sweep
A chooses a verb and tells you all the parts, for example, see- the floor.
Quickly practise the verbs used in the revision game and
then add the new one sweep-swept. Mime the verb, saying I am
sweeping the floor. Then ask What did I do? Have you ever swept the Its six oclock!
floor? Weve nearly
finished looking at
Write on the board a list of things the class has to do in the the book, but we
havent swept the
lesson today, for example, say hello to the teacher, play a game of floor yet!
No, I havent. Lets see it.
noughts and crosses, learn a new verb, listen to a story, read the story,
You sweep the floor and
answer some questions on the story. Ill tidy my desk!
Point to the first item in the list and say to the class Have you
said hello to me yet? Elicit the answer Yes, we have. Teach Weve
already said hello to you. Repeat with the next two items. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
Then ask Have you listened to a story yet? Elicit the answer No, we page 57.
havent. Teach We havent listened to a story yet. Repeat with the Ask pupils to look at the pictures and tell you who they can
other items. see. Ask some questions What happened to Saleem? Can he walk?
Then ask the questions in a random order to mix the already Look at picture 1. What time is it? Look at picture 4. What time is it?
and yet answers. Do you think they have done all their work?
Choose pupils to ask the questions across the class. Tell the pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.
Play the cassette all the way through twice.
Finally ask pupils a few other questions, for example, Have you
had your breakfast/lunch/dinner yet? Have you done your homework On the board write finish my new book, sweep the floor, make my
yet? Have you seen the head teacher yet? etc. bed, tidy my desk, put away my clothes. Choose pupils to read the
Say Imagine you are Saleem. What do you say? Point to the first
phrase and elicit I havent finished my new book yet. Repeat with
the other phrases, making sure pupils pronounce the verbs
Lesson 2
their answers with a different pair.
Check answers as a class.
Outcomes: To use the present perfect with yet and
already Answers
To use correctly learned vocabulary 1. Ive already made my bed.
To spell correctly learned vocabulary 2. Ive already swept the floor.
3. I havent made my bed yet.
Structures: Have you read your new book yet?
4. Ive already tidied my desk.
I havent finished it yet.
5. I havent swept the floor yet.
Ive already put away my clothes.
6. I havent tidied my desk yet.
Functions: Talking about what has been done and
what is still to be done
Activity Book, Exercise 2
Topic: Household chores
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Activity Book on
Resources: Pupils Book, page 57 page 57.
Exercise 1, Listen and read Refer them to the boxes and read the two words. Elicit
Activity Book, page 57 sentences from the pupils with each word. Make sure they
Exercise 1, Read and write understand the difference.
Exercise 2, Read and complete Pupils write the words in the correct spaces.
Cassette, Unit 15, Exercise 1 Check answers as a class.
1. yet
Revision 2. yet
3. already
Ask pupils questions about their day Have you had your breakfast 4. yet
yet? Have you had your lunch yet? Have you played football/netball 5. already
yet? Have you had maths yet? etc.
Hes already
Give pupils sentences to correct about the story in Exercise 1 made his bed.
in their Pupils Book. Tell them to close their books. Sentences
can include: Saleem has already finished his book. Fatima has
already swept the floor. Saleem hasnt made his bed yet. Saleem hasnt
put his clothes away yet. Saleem has already tidied his desk. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Pupils Book on
page 58.
Ask pupils to look at the table and read the verb phrases. Ask
the pupils Have you made your bed yet? Continue with the other
verbs. Explain the verbs mop and fold by miming.
Explain that they must listen to Hani talking about himself
and decide which column is about him. Let them look at the
three columns with ticks and crosses.
Play the cassette all the way through twice. Let them compare
answers with a partner after the first listening.
Check answers as a class.
Ive nearly finished cleaning my room, but I havent finished yet.
Ive already made my bed and swept the floor.
I havent mopped the floor yet.
I havent cleaned the windows yet.
Ive already folded my clothes and put them away.
Shes already tidied her room.
Shes already folded her clothes and put them away.
She hasnt swept the floor yet.
She hasnt mopped the floor yet.
Further practice
Ask the pupils questions, for example, Have you visited Aqaba?
4 Listen and match etc.
Holiday in Jordan
visit Aqaba
drive through Wadi Rum
Pupils Book, Exercise 5
spend a day in Petra
see the ancient castle at Karak
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Pupils Book on
swim in the Dead Sea page 59.
watch a chariot race in Jerash
buy souvenirs in Amman Choose pupils to read the sample dialogue.
Pupils continue working in pairs. Monitor and help where
Holiday in Jordan necessary.
visit Aqaba
drive through Wadi Rum
Choose pupils to perform their dialogues in front of the class.
spend a day in Petra
see the ancient castle at Karak
swim in the Dead Sea
watch a chariot race in Jerash
Activity Book, Exercise 5
buy souvenirs in Amman
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Activity Book on
page 59.
5 Ask and answer Choose a pupil to read what the tourist is saying.
Has he spent a Yes, hes already Choose different pupils to read the sentences out loud.
day in Petra yet? spent a day in Petra.
Explain that they have to decide if the sentences are correct or
not and then write the correct sentences. They need to correct
them if they are wrong, like the example.
Pupils work in groups to complete the exercise. Monitor as
Has he swum in No, he hasnt swum in
the Dead Sea yet? the Dead Sea yet. they are working, helping where necessary.
Check the answers as a class.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Pupils Book on
page 59. 1. . Hes already been to Wadi Rum.
2. . Hes already swum in the Dead Sea.
Ask them who they can see in the picture (elicit tourist). Ask
3. . He hasnt been to Aqaba yet.
them to describe him.
4. . He hasnt seen a chariot race in Jerash yet.
Choose a pupil to read through each list of activities. 5. . He has already seen the castle at Karak.
Play the cassette through and ask the pupils to choose which 6. . He has already been to Petra.
list matches what the tourist says.
Pupils check their answers with a partner and then play the End the lesson
cassette again.
Ask pupils to ask other questions, e.g. Have you been to the new
Check answers as a class. cinema yet? etc.
A: Are you enjoying your holiday in Jordan?
B: Yes, I am. Im having a great time. Ive already been to
Aqaba. That was my first day and Ive driven through Wadi
A: Have you been to Petra yet?
B: Yes, I have. Ive already spent a day in Petra. I havent been
to Karak yet. Im going tomorrow.
A: Have you swum in the Dead Sea?
B: No, I havent swum in the Dead Sea yet.
A: Have you been to Jerash?
B: No, I havent been to Jerash yet. Im going on Thursday to
watch a chariot race.
A: Have you bought any souvenirs yet?
B: Yes, I have. Ive already bought two souvenirs! I went to a
beautiful market in Amman on my first day.
Presentation 1
My uncle has already travelled to the hottest countries.
His uncles second trip to Egypt was very interesting.
My uncle has finished travelling.
Show the pupils the map of the world. Ask them to find 4
My uncle has already visited many countries.
Jordan on the map and point to it. Ask What country is next to 5
He has already been to the North Pole.
Jordan? Elicit an answer. Then ask What other countries are near
Jordan? Elicit answers. Write the words country and countries on True. He has already
travelled to the hottest
the board for pupils to read. countries in the world.
Point to the top of the world and teach North Pole. Then teach 60
South Pole. Ask Is it hot at the North and South Poles? (No, its very
cold.) Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Pupils Book on
Ask Would you like to go to the North or South Pole? If anyone is page 60.
very keen say It is your dream to go to the South Pole. Elicit which Ask a pupil to read the three titles aloud.
other countries they really want to go to and teach them to Explain that they have to read the text and choose a title for
say It is my dream to go to ... it.
Ask Would you like to travel around the world? Do you like adventure? Ask them to read it quietly as a group and tell them not to
How do you think you would feel if you had adventure? Elicit/Teach worry about words they do not understand.
Pupils read the text and choose the correct title.
Write the other new words on the board for pupils to practise
Check the answer as a class.
reading. Practise the pronunciation with them.
Travelling around the world
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Activity Book on
page 60.
Choose pupils to read the example dialogue aloud. Indicate
the tick and cross in the table. Choose pupils to read the text in Exercise 6 in the Pupils
Explain that the pupils should work in pairs. They have to ask Book. Practise any pronunciation difficulties with the whole
each other questions and put ticks or crosses in the boxes. class.
Monitor as they are working, helping where necessary. Ask some questions to check new vocabulary, for example,
Which place is at the top of the world? (North Pole) Which place is at
Pupils then work in groups to write sentences about their
the bottom? (South Pole) If you are talented are you very, very good at
group members.
something or very, very bad at it? If you do well at school, how do your
Choose pupils to read their sentences aloud. parents feel? (proud)
Pupils own answers. Pupils Book, Exercise 7
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 7 in their Pupils Book on
End the lesson page 60.
Ask pupils to close their books. Read out the words in the last Choose pupils to read the sentences aloud.
exercise and ask the pupils to spell them. Explain that they should decide if they are true or false. Ask
them to work in pairs, re-read the sentences aloud and decide
on the answer.
Check answers as a class.
1. . He has already travelled to the hottest countries in the
2. . His uncles third trip was very interesting.
3. . He hasnt finished travelling yet.
4. . He has already visited many countries.
5. . He hasnt been to the North and South Poles yet.
Further practice
Give pupils sentences about the text which they have to
correct, for example, His uncle is a famous basketball player. No,
he isnt. Hes a famous traveller.
1. places
2. famous
3. proud
4. adventure
5. countries
6. dream
&+ Revision: Diary Page (4)
Lesson 1 Pupils
p Book, Exercise 1
Outcomes: To revise reflexive pronouns
To revise the present perfect for recent Revision: Diary page (4)
events Word Box
To revise the present perfect with always adventure, ankle, brave, broken, climber, countries, cut, dream, fallen off,
1 Listen and read fell off, hurt, Italy, lucky, painful, plaster, present, spent, toe, tripped over
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
Revise the vocabulary using the flashcards and the wall chart
page 61.
in the usual way.
Ask them What is Fatima writing?
Ask the pupils to make up a story about the three flashcards,
for example, I met a climber. He hurt his ankle so I helped him. He Ask What can you see in the other pictures? What has happened?
gave me a present and said thank you. Ask pupils to listen and read the story and answer the
Using the pictures in the wall chart, pupils work in pairs and question: What do Fatima and Saleem both like doing?
have conversations. One of the pupils is the person in the wall Play the cassette all the way through and elicit the answer to
chart, the other is asking Whats the matter?/What happened? the question (They both like reading.)
Check the past tense of the verbs as a class. Show flashcards Play the cassette again and ask the pupils to listen carefully to
of the infinitive of the verbs and ask the pupils for the rest of the way Fatima reads her diary.
the verb. For example you show a card with fall on it (do not In pairs, pupils practise reading the diary aloud. Monitor and
say the word) and choose a pupil to say fell-fallen. When you help with pronunciation where necessary.
show the flashcard, only show it for two or three seconds. Choose pupils to read the diary aloud.
FATIMA: My diary
Saleem has hurt himself! His friend, Hassan, came to
our house last week. Saleem was running to show him
our photographs of Wadi Rum when he tripped over
a step. He has broken his ankle. He spent a night in
hospital and now his leg is in plaster. He said it was
very painful.
I bought Saleem a present. It is a book about a famous
climber. He has always wanted to read it. He hasnt
finished it yet.
I was reading a book about adventures around the
world. The photographs are incredible. Ive already
finished it. It was really good!
Further practice Ask pupils Are you reading a good book at the moment? What is it
about? Would you like to read Saleems book or would you prefer to
Test the pupils vocabulary. Play a word quiz with them. Put read Fatimas book? Do you like books about real people or do you
them into two teams A and B. Give clues to words. prefer stories?
For example, Team A. This word begins with C. You will find this
person on a mountain. (climber). If Team A get it correct, give
them two points. If they dont, let Team B answer for one
Pupils Book, Exercise 1
point. Then give Team B their clue. If possible, write the following comprehension questions
Other clues could be: This word begins with P. The doctor puts this on the board before they come into class: Who came to visit
on a broken leg. (plaster); This word begins with P. You give this to Saleem? What did Saleem want to do? What has he broken? Where
someone when it is their birthday. (present); This word begins with A. did he spend his night? Can he walk easily? Why/Why not? Who
It is part of your leg.; This word begins with P. It means that something bought him a present? Does Saleem like reading? What has Fatima
hurts a lot. (painful) etc. been reading?
Pupils read the questions. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in
their Pupils Book on page 61 and play the cassette again.
End the lesson They read and listen.
Ask the pupils: Imagine you are writing a card to Saleem. What In groups, pupils answer the questions on the board. Monitor
would you say in it? Elicit possible answers, for example, I hope as they are talking.
you get better soon. I hope your leg isnt too painful. Hope to see you
Check the answers as a class.
Further practice
Lesson 2 In pairs, pupils imagine they are Fatima and Saleem when the
Outcomes: To revise reflexive pronouns accident happens. They act out what happened.
To revise the present perfect for recent Choose pairs to act out their plays in front of the class.
To revise the present perfect with always
To revise the present perfect with yet and Activity Book, Exercise 1
already Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Activity Book on
To use correctly learned vocabulary page 61.
To spell correctly learned vocabulary
Choose pupils to read the sentences aloud.
To write a dictated paragraph using
correct punctuation marks Explain that they have to put the sentences in the correct
To recognise the effect of pauses on order. They should write the number after the sentence like
understanding when listening the example.
Pupils work in pairs and then check answers with a different
Structures: Saleem has hurt himself.
He has always wanted to read it.
He hasnt finished it yet? Check answers as a class.
Ive already finished it.
Functions: Describing past events 1. Saleem has broken his ankle.
Topic: An accident 2. I bought him a present.
3. It is a book about a famous climber.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 61
4. He has always wanted to read it. He hasnt finished it yet.
Exercise 1, Listen and read
5. I was reading a book about different countries. Ive already
Activity Book, page 61 finished it.
Exercise 1, Read and order
Exercise 2, Listen and write
Cassette, Unit 16, Exercise 1
Activity Book, Exercise 2
Cassette, Unit 16, Activity Book, Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Activity Book on
Exercise 2 page 61.
Ask pupils to describe the picture.
Tel them they will hear some sentences about the picture.
They have to write what they hear, remembering all the
Play the cassette all the way through while the pupils listen
only they do not write at this stage.
Then play the cassette again, pausing for the pupils to write.
Lesson 3 a
b c
Outcomes: To revise reflexive pronouns
To revise the present perfect for recent
To revise the present perfect with always
To revise the present perfect with yet and
To match pictures and text
To draw conclusions from simple reading 3 Ask and answer
texts 1
Which child has never missed a day of school?
To write a simple letter or email to a 2
Whose sister has hurt herself?
How has Salmas brother hurt himself?
friend 4
What hasnt he done yet?
To use correctly learned vocabulary 5
Where did Husseins sister hurt herself?
6 What has she already done twice this year? Abla has never missed
To spell correctly learned vocabulary
Have you ever missed a day of school? Why? a day of school.
Structures: Ive hurt myself. 62
1. Abla has never missed a day of school. Lesson 4
2. Husseins sister has hurt herself. Outcomes: To revise reflexive pronouns
3. Salmas brother has tripped over and broken his toe. To revise the present perfect for recent
4. He hasnt been to the doctors yet. events
5. Husseins sister fell off her bike in the park. To revise the present perfect with always
6. Shes already fallen off her bike twice this year. and never
7. Pupils own answer (Yes, I have./No, I havent.) To revise the present perfect with yet and
Activity Book, Exercise 3 To listen for gist
To use correctly learned vocabulary
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Activity Book on
To spell correctly learned vocabulary
page 62.
To rewrite a paragraph in a simple
Put pupils in groups. One pupil in each group reads the narrative as required
letter aloud to the others. Ask the groups to consider some
comprehension questions: Who is writing the letter? Who is she Structures: Ive always wanted to be a famous climber.
writing to? What happened to Khadija? Where did she go? What did Ive never hurt myself climbing.
her mum buy her? Why? What does she like doing? Take whole-class I think hes broken his foot.
feedback. I havent been there yet?
Ive already climbed two mountains this year.
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Choose pupils to give a
sentence about each one. Functions: Describing past events
Explain they must now write a letter to a friend, telling them Vocabulary: countries, dream, Italy, lucky
what happened. They use the pictures to help them.
Topic: An accident
Monitor as they are writing, helping where necessary.
Choose pupils to read their letters aloud.
Resources: Pupils Book, page 63
Exercise 4, Listen and choose
Answers Activity Book, page 63
Pupils own answers. Exercise 5, Read and complete
Exercise 6, Read and write
Cassette, Unit 16, Exercise 4
Materials: map of the world
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Activity Book on
page 62.
Choose pupils to read the words in the boxes aloud.
Has he ever climbed a very high mountain? Who has hurt himself
Pupils Book, Exercise 4 climbing? What has he done? How many countries has he already
climbed in this year? Where does he want to climb? Has he ever been
to Italy?
PROJECT: Presentation: Ive always wanted to be
1. always 2. already 3. yet 4. never 5. ever
MAN: Ive always wanted to be a famous climber. Ive always
liked climbing. Ive never climbed a very high mountain,
but Ive already climbed many small mountains. Ive never
hurt myself climbing. Im always very lucky. My friend is in
hospital now. I think hes broken his foot. Hes a climber,
too. Ive already climbed in two new countries this year.
My biggest dream is to climb in Italy. I havent been there
Picture 2
Further practice
Ask pupils comprehension questions about the listening, for
example, Is the man a famous climber? (No) Does he like climbing?
&, What have you been doing today?
Show the flashcard patient and teach the word. Ask questions Ive been doing lots of things today.
to check understanding, for example, Where is this person? Who I helped my mum in the kitchen. I did
my homework. And Ive been reading Thank you,
is he going to see? Why? my new book. Doctor Kareem!
Ask Before you go to see a doctor, what do you have to do? Teach/
Elicit You have to make an appointment.
Look at the flashcard again. Say The patient arrived at three Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
oclock. Its now twenty past three. Ask How long has the patient been page 64.
waiting? (20 minutes) Why do you think he is waiting? (The doctor is Ask them who they can see in the pictures and what they are
busy.) doing.
Write on the board: The patient has been waiting 20 minutes. Ask Tell the pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.
some other questions How long have you been studying English? Play the cassette all the way through twice.
How long have you been learning the piano/tennis? etc. Put pupils in groups of three. They help one another to work
out the meaning of the two new words: another, little. Ask
Oral Assessment questions to help understanding: Have you got a pencil? (Thank
you.) Have you got another one? (Thank you.) Say I went to bed late
With reference to the flashcard and presentation, pupils can: last night, now I am a little tired. Am I very, very tired? (No, only a
Scoring criteria Yes No little tired.)
Play the cassette again, pausing after each sentence. Ask
recognise new words pupils to repeat after the cassette.
pronounce new words Now ask the pupils to stay in their groups and act out the
answer questions with the present perfect dialogue. Monitor and help where necessary.
continuous Tapescript
SALEEM: What time is it, Dad?
DAD: Its alright, Saleem. Its only ten to three. Our
appointment was at quarter to three.
DOCTOR: Im sorry to keep you waiting. Ive been talking
to another patient. Come in.
DOCTOR: How are you, Saleem? You look tired. What have
you been doing today?
SALEEM: Ive been doing lots of things today. I helped my
mum in the kitchen. I did my homework. And
Ive been reading my new book.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in the Pupils book. Ask What This woman has
has Saleem been doing? What has the doctor been doing? Elicit been shopping.
1. A man is carrying a tennis racket. He has been playing tennis.
2. Theres a woman with lots of shopping bags. She has been
3. A family is sitting in the restaurant. They have been eating
4. This tourist has been visiting the sights and taking
5. The little girl has been eating an ice cream.
6. The boy has got wet hair. He has been swimming in the sea.
1. . This man has been climbing a mountain.
2. . This boy has been having a wash.
3. . This woman has been waiting to see the doctor.
4. . This woman has been sweeping the floor.
5. . This boy has been playing tennis.
Further practice
Pupils look again at the picture in their Pupils Book. In pairs
they say sentences and their partner has to say if they are right
or wrong, for example, This man has been playing football. No,
this man has been playing tennis.
Monitor as they are working, helping where necessary.
UNIT 117
Pupils Book, Exercise 5
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Pupils Book on
page 66.
4 Listen and choose
1 2 Choose two pupils to read the question and answer aloud.
a a
b b
Write the names of the other children (Alia, Nadia, Tareq)
on the board and tell the pupils to continue practising the
questions and answers.
Monitor and help where necessary.
Choose pupils to perform their dialogues in front of the class.
Activity Book, Exercise 5
b b Ask pupils to look at Exercise 5 in their Activity Book on
page 66.
Choose a pupil to read the question and another to read the
answer. Point out that they have to write sentences about the
Do the exercise orally with the class first and then ask pupils
to write the answers in pairs.
5 Ask and answer
What has Ibrahim
been doing?
Check the answers as a class.
1. He has been playing tennis.
He has been playing in the 2. He has been having a wash.
garden with his brother. 3. They have been eating lunch.
4. They have been flying kites.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Pupils Book on
Write some of the words from the unit on small pieces of
paper, for example, appointment, flour, invited, patient. Put them
in a hat or bag.
Ask a pupil to come to the front, choose a piece of paper,
read it quietly to him or herself and then give the class a clue,
for example, In a hospital you are a ... . The rest of the class says
the word (patient).
The pupil who gets the answer first is next to choose a piece
of paper and so on.
We have been preparing for this competition for a week. My
family, my teacher and I have been travelling around Jordan.
I have interviews at many schools in Jordan.
Further practice
Begin an imaginary postcard for the pupils saying, for
example, We are in France. Ask the pupils to give you sentences
about the trip, for example, We have been learning some French
words. We have been learning about French culture. We have been
eating French food. We have been visiting the sights of Paris, etc.
&- Im so surprised, thank you!
How will you feel at the end of the day? (Tired) Yes, it will be a tiring
Lesson 1 day.
Outcomes: To demonstrate understanding of the Repeat the sentences showing how we use ed words for our
difference between bored and boring own feelings and -ing words to describe how something makes
To use the adjective and preposition us feel.
afraid of Finally, practise afraid of. Say I dont want to go to the water park
To use context and direct instruction because I am afraid of the slides. They are very high. Are you afraid of
to demonstrate understanding of the the slides? What are you afraid of?
meaning of new and unfamiliar words
To draw conclusions from simple reading
Oral Assessment
With reference to flashcards and presentation, pupils can:
Structures: Im so surprised.
Some of the slides look terrifying. Scoring criteria Yes No
Im afraid of heights.
recognise new vocabulary
Functions: Describing feelings
pronounce new words correctly
Vocabulary: bored, brochure, exhausted, fountain,
heights, huge, slide, surprised, terrifying, use new words correctly
water park
Topic: A day out Pupils Book, Exercise 1
Resources: Pupils Book, page 68
Exercise 1, Listen and read
Cassette, Unit 18, Exercise 1
Im so surprised, thank you!
Flashcards: brochure, fountain
Word Box
bored, brochure, colour, exhausted, fountain, heights, huge, mice,
1 Listen and read parent, pleased, slide, spiders, surprised, terrifying, tiring, water park
Use the flashcards to teach brochure and fountain. Ask Why do
we get brochures? (To give us information about things and places)
Have you ever had a brochure? What for? Have you ever seen a
fountain? Where?
Ask pupils You want to go somewhere fun and exciting this weekend.
Where would you go? Elicit answers from the pupils and teach
Yes, some of the slides look terrifying. Dont be frightened. Its very safe
water park if necessary. I think Dad can take you on those. and youll enjoy yourself.
Ask What is there at the water park? Teach slides. Ask Do you think 68
the slides are frightening? Are they high? Say I think they are very
high. I think theyre terrifying. Show by your voice and face the Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
meaning of terrifying. page 68.
Revise waves. Ask Are they small? Elicit No, theyre very big. Teach Ask them who they can see in the pictures and what they are
Theyre huge. talking about.
Ask pupils Would you like to go? Elicit replies. Ask them to ask Now tell pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their
you. Reply No, I think the slides are frightening. I am frightened. books. Ask Who is a little frightened? Play the cassette all the
Ask Do you think the slides are boring? (No) So you wont be bored at way through and elicit the answer to the question (Fatima and
the water park. Mum).
Tell the pupils to listen again. Ask them to look out for words
Ask them to read the words and to say them aloud. Check Resources: Pupils Book, page 69
pronunciation. Exercise 2, Listen and match
Exercise 3, Ask and answer
Tell them to look at the words again, then cover them. Read
the words to the class and pupils try to spell them correctly. Activity Book, pages 68 and 69
Exercise 3, Read and complete
Ask them to uncover and check their spelling when they have
Exercise 4, Ask, answer and write
Cassette, Unit 18, Exercise 2
Finally, ask pupils to spell the words aloud to the class.
1. frightening
2. amazing
3. terrifying Ask some questions about the story in Exercise 1 in the Pupils
4. exciting Book, for example, Where is the family going? How do the children feel?
How did Fatima find information about the water park? How does she
think they will feel at the end of the day? What does Mum think about the
Further practice slides? What is Fatima afraid of?
Ask pupils Why are you exhausted? Teach or elicit Because I have
been working hard.
Pupils Book, Exercise 3
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Pupils Book on
page 69.
2 Listen and match
a b Choose two pupils to read the example dialogue aloud.
Pupils work in pairs to continue the dialogue. Monitor and
help where necessary.
Choose some pupils to read part of their dialogue aloud.
Lesson 4
Outcomes: To listen and sing along with a song
To enjoy listening to rhymes and songs in Pupils Book, Exercise 4
To state what one is afraid of
To use words and simple sentences to
take part in simple exchanges
To explain (with evidence) the motive of
a character in a simple story 4 Sing
Im afraid of heights,
I dont like climbing high,
And Im afraid of flying,
In an aeroplane in the sky.
What is Ghada afraid of?
Was Ghada frightened in the hot-air balloon?
How did she feel about the balloon ride?
They were excited because
they were going for a ride
in a hot-air balloon.
Lesson 6
page 71.
Structures: We were very excited.
I thought it was terrifying.
Ask pupils to look at the pictures and describe what they can
see. Functions: Giving reasons
Describing feelings
Ask questions Have you ever been in a plane like this/a hotair
balloon/a glider? Do you like balloons? When do you buy balloons? Topic: A balloon ride
Explain that they have to read the text and match it with a Resources: Pupils Book, page 71
suitable picture. Exercise 7, Ask and answer
Choose pupils to read each paragraph aloud. Help with Activity Book, page 71
pronunciation if necessary. Exercise 8, Listen and say
Let pupils discuss which picture matches the text in pairs. Cassette, Unit 18, Exercise 4
Check answers as a class. Cassette, Unit 18, Activity Book,
Exercise 8
Flashcards: brochure, fountain, mice,
2 parent, spiders
1. They were excited because they were going for a ride in a
hot-air balloon.
2. Her parents friends came to visit.
3. The visitors came from England.
4. The visit was last week.
5. She took some incredible photographs.
6. She is afraid of heights.
7. No, she wasnt.
8. She was surprised and thought it was very exciting.
9. Pupils own answers.
2 syllables: surprised, tiring, parents, brochure, fountain, spider
3 syllables: exhausted
4 syllables: terrifying
19 I agree
Sequencing 1 I think we had a good day, today. 2 The orange slide is the best.
Yes. I agree!
Say to the pupils There are lots of interesting places to go to in
Jordan. Do you agree? Teach or elicit from the pupils Yes, I agree. The best part is in the middle.
In the middle, you swirl round really
Ask them to name a few. fast and you cant see anything.
Choose one of the places which is less interesting than the
others and say, for example, [Amman] is the most interesting place
to visit in Jordan. Do you agree? Teach Im sorry, I disagree. I think Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Pupils Book on
[Petra] is the most interesting place to visit. page 72.
Let pupils give their own opinions about places to visit in Ask pupils who they can see in the pictures and what they are
Jordan and ask others to agree or disagree. talking about. Teach tube, splash and swirl with the help of the
Ask pupils to think of a fairy tale or folk tale that they like.
Give them an example I think Cinderella is the best fairy tale. Do Tell the pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.
you agree? Ask around the class for examples. Play the cassette all the way through twice.
Then choose one which they all know well and ask What Ask pupils to look up the new words disappear, fast and both
happens at the beginning? What happens in the middle? What happens in their dictionaries. Ask questions to check understanding:
Hold up a small item like a rubber in your hand so that all the
at the end? Help pupils describe in a few simple sentences
class can see it. Ask them to close their eyes. Hide the rubber.
what happens, for example, At the beginning Cinderella lives with
Ask them to open their eyes and ask Can you see the rubber
her three step-sisters and step-mother. They are unkind to her. In the now? (No) Why not? Teach/Elicit It has disappeared. Say Tell me
middle, the Prince has a party. Cinderella goes to it and the prince likes another word for fast. Elicit quick; Ask two tall boys or two tall
her a lot. She runs away at 12 oclock. The Prince cant find her and girls to come to the front. Ask Are they tall or short? Elicit They
he is sad. Cinderellas sisters want to marry the Prince. At the end, the are tall. Ask How many boys/girls are there? (Two) So we can say:
Prince finds Cinderella and marries her. They are both tall. Practise with other pairs of things. Introduce
a third to show we cannot then say both, we have to say all.
Ask pupils to work in groups of four to read and act out the
story. Give them time to prepare and monitor as they are
working, helping with pronunciation where necessary. If there
Lesson 2
are any pronunciation difficulties which lots of pupils have, Outcomes: To express agreement and disagreement
stop them working and practise with the class as a whole. politely
To use sequencing phrases
Choose groups to perform their stories in front of the class. To use correctly learned vocabulary
To spell correctly learned vocabulary
To listen to simple classroom
MUM: I think we had a good day, today. conversation
SALEEM: Yes, we did. Thanks, Mum. It was fantastic. I To participate in simple classroom
loved the slides. conversation
FATIMA: I agree with Saleem. The slides are the best
things in the park. Structures: I agree with Saleem.
SALEEM: The orange slide is the best. I disagree with both of you!
FATIMA: I agree. At the beginning, you climb up lots of At the beginning, you climb up lots of steps.
steps and then you disappear into a dark tube. In the middle, you go really fast.
FATIMA: At the end, you come out of the tube and splash At the end, you splash into the water.
into the water. Functions: Agreeing and disagreeing
SALEEM: The best part is in the middle. In the middle, Sequencing
you swirl round really fast and you cant see
anything. Topic: Discussing a day out
MUM: I disagree with both of you! The best part of the Resources: Pupils Book, page 72
park is the restaurant. Exercise 1, Listen and read
DAD: Yes. I agree! Activity Book, page 72
Exercise 1, Look, read and write
Further practice Exercise 2, Trace and copy
Write the new words on the board: both, disappear, fast, splash, Cassette, Unit 19, Exercise 1
tube. Ask pupils to repeat them after you. Say One word is
different to the rest. Which one is it? See if they can think of any
differences. If they cannot think of anything, tell them that
four of the words have one syllable. Ask them to tell you those Revision
words. Ask How many syllables does the other word have? (disappear Give pupils sentences and ask them to agree or disagree with
= 3 syllables) you, for example, I think Jordan will win the next football World
Cup. (I disagree with you. I think Italy will win.) I think it will snow
End the lesson here tomorrow. (I disagree with you. I think it will be very hot.) etc.
Write splash on the board and ask pupils to practise saying
Ask pupils to sit in pairs. Ask questions of different pairs, for
it, making sure they are pronouncing the sh sound correctly.
example, What food do you both like? Elicit, for example, We both
Ask them to tell you any other words with the sh sound (shop,
like chicken. Other questions could be Which sport/Which colour/
shoe, fish, shade). Make sure they dont get confused with the ch
Which place in Jordan do you both like? etc.
sound. If they do, practise the difference in the sounds.
Ask pupils What is the best part about school? Elicit ideas and ask
other pupils to agree or disagree.
Activity Book, Exercise 3
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 3 in their Activity Book on
page 73.
Choose two pupils to read the example aloud.
Explain that they should look at the pictures of the children
and decide if they are agreeing or disagreeing. They then write
3 Talk together I agree with Nader. I think the zoo the correct sentence. Ask pupils to work in pairs.
is the best place for a day trip.
I disagree with Jaber and Saad. Pupils compare with a different pair.
Check the answers.
I disagree with all of them.
The Childrens Museum is the
best place for a day trip.
1. I agree
2. I disagree.
3. I disagree.
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Pupils Book on
4. I agree.
page 73.
5. I agree.
Ask pupils to describe the three pictures. Show the flashcard 6. I agree.
of a crocodile and teach the new word.
Explain that they are going to hear Jaber, Nader and Saad
talking about the best place for a day trip. They have to
End the lesson
match the boys with the pictures. Read the sentences in Activity Book, Exercise 3 to the pupils.
Play the cassette through twice. Pupils compare answers in Ask them to respond with I agree or I disagree.
Check answers as class.
Jaber: I think the water park is the best place for a day trip.
You can swim in the swimming pools, play in the water
and you can go down the slides. You can eat dinner
there, too.
Nader: I disagree, Jaber. I think the zoo is better than the water
park. I love the animals. There are lions, tigers, crocodiles
and monkeys. Its the best place for a day trip.
Saad: I agree with Nader. I think the zoo is better than the
water park, but its not the best place for a day trip.
The best place for a day trip is the Al-Hussein National
Park. There is lots to do and see there.
a. Nader b. Jaber c. Saad
Structures: At the beginning you climb up the steps.
In the middle, you go down the slide really
b b b
At the end, you splash into the water.
Functions: Sequencing
Vocabulary: onto, safely c c c
Revision 74
At the beginning, you climb up the steps. In the middle, you go
down the slide really quickly. At the end, you splash into the
At the beginning, you climb into a big basket. The balloon goes
up into the air. In the middle, the balloon sails through the sky.
At the end, the basket lands safely.
At the beginning, you climb up the steps, onto the plane. In the
middle, you fly really fast through the sky. At the end, you land
safely and your holiday starts.
1. c, a, b 2. b, c, a 3. a, c, b
Tell the pupils the rest of the story: One morning, she wakes up Check answers as a class.
and she hears noises. How does she feel? (frightened) What do you
think it is? (Elicit suggestions). She gets up and goes downstairs very Answers
slowly and quietly. She can hear a lot of noise in the dining room. And 1. c 2. b 3. a
this is the surprising part ... she opens the door and everyone shouts
Happy Birthday! Explain that nobody had disappeared the
princess only had a bad dream!
Activity Book, Exercise 6
Write the new words on the board for the pupils to read. Ask pupils to look at Exercise 6 in their Activity Book on
page 75.
Explain that they have to reorder the words to make good
Oral Assessment
UNIT 119
9 Activity Book, Exercise 7
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 7 in their Activity Book on
6 Read, match and order
a page 75.
1 My cousin Nadia gave me a Ask them to read the words in silence.
book. Nadia thinks its really
exciting and I agree. Then play the cassette all the way through while pupils listen.
At the beginning, a girl
called Zahra goes to a new Play the cassette again, pausing after each word while the
school. She doesnt know
anybody and she isnt very
pupils repeat.
happy. She is very lonely. b
Ask the pupils to work in pairs and put the words into groups
2 In the middle, she makes a
new friend called Laila. The according to the number of syllables.
two girls play together every
day. Nadia thinks this is the Remind them what a syllable is by giving some examples, for
best part. I disagree.
example, class (1 syllable), pupil (2 syllables).
3 At the end, it is very
surprising. Laila invites
On the board write 2 syllables 3 syllables. Ask pupils to copy
Zahra to her house. Laila
lives in a castle and she is a this so that they can write two columns of words.
princess! I think this is the
best part of the book. In pairs, pupils decide which column each word goes into and
Eman copy it.
Check answers as a class.
Put pupils in groups of three or four. Ask pupils to show their
books which they have brought in and to tell the rest of the
group something about them. When they have finished, ask
Would you like to read this book? Perhaps you can encourage the
pupils to read more books in this way.
1. . Emans cousin is called Nadia.
2. . Eman agrees with Nadia and thinks the book is really exciting.
3. . At the beginning, Zahra is very lonely.
4. . In the middle, Zahra is very happy.
5. . Eman thinks the end is the best part./Nadia thinks the
middle is the best part.
6. . The end of the book is Emans favourite part.
'% Revision: Diary page (5)
To revise agreeing and disagreeing 1 Listen and read princess, really, slide, spiders, splash, surprised, surprising,
swirl, tube, water park
SALEEM: My diary Lesson 2
I had an appointment at the doctors last week and he Outcomes: To revise the present perfect continuous
took my plaster off. I was very happy. To revise adjectives ending in -ed.
My family surprised me with a trip to a water park. To revise the conjunction because
Fatima and I looked at the pictures of the slides in the To revise (not) afraid of
brochure. Fatima was frightened because she is afraid To revise agreeing and disagreeing
of heights. Im not afraid of heights. Im afraid of To use correctly learned vocabulary
spiders! To spell correctly learned vocabulary
We had a fantastic time at the water park. The slides To create a mind map of the main ideas
were really huge. Fatima thinks the best one is the and the supporting ideas in simple
orange slide. I agree. You swirl inside a dark tube and reading materials
you cant see anything. I liked splashing into the water Structures: Today, Ive been writing a story about our day.
at the end, too. My family surprised me with a trip to a water
Today, Ive been writing a story about our day. Im very park.
tired now. Im going to bed. Fatima was frightened because she is afraid of
Fatima thinks the best one is the orange slide.
Further practice I agree.
Ask pupils to think about last weekend and what they did. In Functions: Saying what one has been doing
pairs, they tell each other what they did and how they felt, Saying how one felt
imagining what they would write in their diary. Giving reasons
Monitor and help where necessary. Agreeing or disagreeing with opinions
Topic: A diary page
End the lesson Resources: Pupils Book, page 76
Write all the words beginning with s on the board (surprised, Exercise 1, Listen and read
slides, she, spiders, swirl, see, splashing, school) and ask the pupils Activity Book, pages 76 and 77
to write them in alphabetical order (school, see, she, slides, Exercise 1, Look and write
spiders, splashing, surprised, swirl). Exercise 2, Read and write
Cassette, Unit 20, Exercise 1
Give the class a vocabulary quiz. Divide them into two teams,
A and B. Give each a clue. If they get it right, they get two
points. If they get it wrong, it goes to the other team who gets
one point if they get it right. That team then has its own turn.
Ask questions about the vocabulary from Units 1719.
Suggested clues: This word begins with a. You make this before you
see a doctor or a dentist. (appointment); This word begins with b. You
look at it before you visit a place. (brochure); This word begins with c.
It is a dangerous animal; This word begins with f. It means the same as
quick. etc.
Listen and monitor while they are reading. Note down any
pronunciation problems and practise them as a class. Lesson 3
Outcomes: To read for gist
Activity Book, Exercise 1 To read for specific information
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 1 in their Activity Book on To write meaningful sentences using
page 76. given frameworks such as jumbled
Ask pupils to look at the pictures and say what they are. To write sentences on familiar topics for
Pupils then work in pairs to write the words. They check their specific purposes
answers with a different pair when they have finished. They
can then correct any mistakes.
Structures: He has been learning to ride a horse today.
At the beginning, he was bored.
Check answers as a class, choosing pupils to come to the He thinks it is really exciting.
front to write the words on the board. At the end of his class, he was enjoying himself.
Answers Functions: Saying what has been happening
1. brochure Vocabulary: bored, fast
2. slide
3. spider
Topic: Describing recent events
4. tube Resources: Pupils Book, page 77
5. water park Exercise 2, Read and answer
6. appointment Activity Book, Page 77
Exercise 3, Read and order
Activity Book, Exercise 2 Exercise 4, Read and complete
Ask pupils to look at Exercise 2 in their Activity Book on
pages 76 and 77.
Ask pupils What can you see on page 76? Elicit A brochure. Revision
Ask pupils to read it silently and then choose pupils to read it Check that pupils can spell the -ing form of the following
aloud. verbs: learning, riding, playing, enjoying, teaching, making, reading.
Draw their attention to the mind map on page 77. Draw it on
the board. Tell pupils they have to find four things about the
water park and complete the mind map.
Elicit one idea from the pupils, for example, high blue slide.
Pupils work in pairs to complete the diagram.
Check answers as a class.
high blue slide, orange tube, beautiful blue pools, restaurants
Further practice
Ask pupils to work in small groups. They are going to make
a mind map but miss out the central part. They write four
things that can be done at this place and show the rest of
the class. The class has to guess what place should be at the
Monitor and help where necessary.
8. Salma is pleased because she has been reading her book all
Pupils Book, Exercise 2 day and she has nearly finished it.
9. Pupils own answer.
Why did Raed think learning to ride a horse was boring?
What does he think about it now?
Activity Book, Exercise 4
4Who is thirsty? Ask pupils to look at Exercise 4 in their Activity Book on
5What has been doing? When?
6How did he feel at the end of the class? page 77.
7 Who has been learning to sew?
1. The writer has been studying spiders for many years.
WRITING PROJECT: My book 2. He thinks they are very interesting and amazing.
My book is about two 3. He thinks people are afraid of spiders because they think they
friends. Its very
3 Read and match exciting. At the are dangerous.
beginning, they have
1 lots of adventures. 4. He used to have lots of spiders in his bedroom.
My story is about a scientist. Its very
exciting. Ive been reading it at school today.
I dont know what
happens at the end.
5. He didnt like them because he is afraid of spiders.
The scientist learns about the sea. The best Ive been reading it at
part is when he swims with sharks. Im afraid home, but I havent
of sharks, but he isnt frightened. finished it yet.
Further practice
My book is about a boy. He plants a seed. Ask the pupils Do you agree with this boy? Do you think spiders are
In the middle, its really surprising.
I was surprised because the plant grows very tall. interesting and amazing? Would you like to study them? What do you
Im so excited to see what happens at the end.
do if there is a spider in your bedroom?
a b c Ask Are there any animals you are afraid of? What are they? Why?
Who else is afraid of them?
Extra Project: My Picture Dictionary
Unit 1 Unit 3
battery ceramics
button champion
charity chess
click (on) child
email competition
icon composer
(the) Internet dyeing
keyboard French
laptop hobby
light (adj) language
mouse practise
press sew
screen skills
store teach
touch traditional
turn (it) on weaving
watch (n) Unit 4
Unit 2 child
attractive click (on)
bookcase French
borrow hobby
card icon
cheap (the) Internet
cousin language
handwriting laptop
information light
letter practise
neat press
post screen
postman sew
receive teach
stamp (n) tomorrow
tomorrow type
Unit 5 Unit 7
comfortable bottle
fact clay
half cloth
hill dye
hour enjoy
incredible glassblowing
kilometre goat
lake ground
metre handicraft
narrow jewellery
nearly necklace
over pink
thousand silver
thousands vase
top weave
Unit 6
aeroplane Unit 8
teaching centre
Unit 9 Unit 11
away basket
book (v) bridge
cliff friendly
cousin guide (n)
hire helpful
kite laugh
kite-flying modern
magnificent postcard
plant professional
scenery sand dune
sights shade
springs smile
trip sunset
waterfall welcome
weekend worry
Unit 12
Unit 10 basket
book (v)
sand dune
Unit 13 Unit 15
ankle adventure
bench country
broken dream
cut famous
drunk fold
fallen off mop
fallen over mopped
fell off North Pole
flown person
happened place
hurt proud
inside South Pole
toe success
tripped over sweep
Unit 14 Unit 16
fallen off
fell off
tripped over
Unit 17 Unit 19
another agree
appointment both
culture crocodile
entered disagree
flour disappear
hard fantastic
little fast
patient lonely
preparing onto
really princess
support safely
tired splash
useful surprising
Unit 18
brochure Unit 20
colour appointment
exhausted bored
fountain brochure
heights fast
huge heights
mice huge
parent lonely
pleased princess
slide really
spiders slide
surprised spiders
terrifying splash
tiring surprised
water park surprising
water park