Catalogo Camiones Carga Ligera Hd65 Hd72 Hd78 Hyundai Especificaciones
Catalogo Camiones Carga Ligera Hd65 Hd72 Hd78 Hyundai Especificaciones
Catalogo Camiones Carga Ligera Hd65 Hd72 Hd78 Hyundai Especificaciones
355, 355 A
360, 360 A
362 LA
364, 366, 366 A/
Adjustment values in mm
Engine Intake valve Exhaust valve Tolerance range 1)
1) The tolerance range for all valves applies only when checking the valve clearance.
If the valve clearance is outside of the tolerance range always adjust to specified value.
Tightening torques Nm
Special tool
314, 364 Injection sequence 1-3-4-2
Overlap 4-2-1-3
352, 352 A Injection sequence 1-5-3-6-2-4
355, 355 A Overlap 6-2-4-1-5-3
360, 360 A, 362 LA
366, 366 A, 366 LA
Daimler AG, 4/11/11, G/01/10 / wh0560lkw0010x / 0560.10 - Adjustment of the valve clearance Engines 314, 352, 352 A, 355, 355 A, 360, 360 A, 362 LA, 364, 366, 366 A/LA Page 1/6
Method 2 (in 2 crankshaft positions)
Engine Crankshaft
position Cylinder/valves to be adjusted
1st cylinder
1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Start of injection
2) E = Intake valve
A = Exhaust valve
= Intake valve
= Exhaust valve
x = Flywheel side
Engine 364
Engines 314, 352, 352 A, 362 LA:
First tighten bolts above intake ducts and then
bolts in center row.
Engines 355, 355 A:
Slide rubber seal all the way to cylinder head
cover, tighten hose clamps.
Adjust valve clearance with engine cold (wait at
least 30 minutes after shutting off engine, even if
only operated for short time).
314, 352, 352 A, 362 LA, 364, 366, 366 A /LA:
Start of delivery marking ("FB" or notch) on V-
belt pulley or on vibration damper must be
aligned with the setting pointer on timing case
Daimler AG, 4/11/11, G/01/10 / wh0560lkw0010x / 0560.10 - Adjustment of the valve clearance Engines 314, 352, 352 A, 355, 355 A, 360, 360 A, 362 LA, 364, 366, 366 A/LA Page 4/6
and pointer (example)
Engine 355:
The top dead centre (TDC) marking on the
flywheel must be aligned with the setting edge in
the inspection hole.
Daimler AG, 4/11/11, G/01/10 / wh0560lkw0010x / 0560.10 - Adjustment of the valve clearance Engines 314, 352, 352 A, 355, 355 A, 360, 360 A, 362 LA, 364, 366, 366 A/LA Page 5/6
Setting valve clearance
It is only necessary to correct valve clearance if
it is outside the tolerance range (+0.20 mm or -
0.10 mm).
Daimler AG, 4/11/11, G/01/10 / wh0560lkw0010x / 0560.10 - Adjustment of the valve clearance Engines 314, 352, 352 A, 355, 355 A, 360, 360 A, 362 LA, 364, 366, 366 A/LA Page 6/6