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Prime Movers For Mechanical Drives

Prime movers for mechanical drives are used as a common Single Stage/Multi-Stage
name for machines made for transferring mechanical energy to
pumps and compressors, including: In a single-stage turbine, steam is accelerated through one
cascade of stationary nozzles and guided into the rotating
Steam turbines blades or buckets on the turbine wheel to produce power. A Ra-
teau design has one row of buckets per stage (Fig.15-2). A Cur-
Gas turbines
tis design has two rows of buckets per stage and requires a set
Electrical motors of turning vanes between the first and second row of buckets to
redirect the steam flow (Fig.15-3). A multi-stage turbine uti-
Internal combustion engines lizes either a Curtis or Rateau first stage followed by one or
Special considerations for the use of prime movers as drives more Rateau stages.
for generators are not included in this chapter. Single-stage turbines are usually limited to about 2000 kW
although special designs are available for larger units. Below
STEAM TURBINE TYPES 2000 kW the choice between a single and a multi-stage turbine
is usually an economic one. For a given shaft power, a single-
Mechanical drive steam turbines are major prime movers stage turbine will have a lower capital cost but will require
for compressor, blower, and pump applications. Steam turbines more steam than a multi-stage turbine because of the lower ef-
are available for a wide range of steam conditions, power, and ficiency of the single-stage turbine.
speeds. Typical ranges for each design parameter are:
Inlet Pressure, kPa (ga) 200 14 000 Condensing/Non-Condensing
Inlet Temperature, C saturated 540 The energy available in each kilogram of steam which flows
Exhaust Pressure, kPa (ga) saturated 4800 through the turbine is a function of the overall turbine pressure
Power, kW 3 75 000 ratio (inlet pressure/exhaust pressure) and inlet temperature.
Speed, rpm 1800 14 000 Condensing turbines are those whose exhaust pressure is below
Steam turbines used as process drivers are usually required atmospheric. They offer the highest overall turbine pressure
to operate over a range of speeds in contrast to a turbine used to ratio for a given set of inlet conditions and therefore require the
drive an electric generator which runs at nearly constant speed. lowest steam flow to produce a given power. A cooling medium
Significant hardware differences exist between these two ap- is required to totally condense the steam.
plications. Only variable speed process drivers will be covered Non-condensing or back-pressure turbines exhaust steam at
here. pressures above atmospheric and are usually applied when the
Mechanical drive steam turbines are categorized as: exhaust steam can be utilized elsewhere.

Single-stage or multi-stage Extraction/Admission

Condensing or non-condensing exhausts Some mechanical drive steam turbines are either extraction
or admission machines. Steam is extracted from, or admitted
Extraction or admission to, the turbine at some point between the inlet and exhaust
Impulse or reaction (Fig. 15-4). Admission or extraction units may be either con-
trolled or uncontrolled. An uncontrolled turbine accepts or pro-
vides steam based only on the characteristics of the steam sys-

FIG. 15-1

A = area, m2 N = numberofpowerstrokespermin
ASR = actualsteamrate,kg/(kW h) P = numberofmagneticpolesinmotor
BMEP = brake mean effective pressure, kPa S = pistonstroke,m
D = diameter,mm s = specificentropyofsuperheatedsteam,kJ/(kg C)
F = steamflow,kg/h sf = specificentropyofsaturatedwater,kJ/(kg C)
f = frequency,Hz sg = specificentropyofsaturatedsteam,kJ/(kg C)
h = specificenthalpyofsuperheatedsteam,kJ/kg TSR = theoreticalsteamrate,kg/(kW h)
hf = specificenthalpyofsaturatedwater,kJ/kg v = velocity, m/s
hg = specificenthalpyofsaturatedsteam,kJ/kg = density, kg/m3

FIG. 15-2 FIG. 15-3
Rateau Design Curtis Design

tem to which the extraction or admission line is connected. A

controlled turbine will control the flow of extraction or admis- fully open and its primary function is to shut off the steam sup-
sion steam based on some process measurement such as pres- ply in response to a trip (shutdown) signal. In addition a trip-
sure or flow. In general, if the power associated with the extrac- and-throttle valve can be used to modulate the steam flow dur-
tion or admission flow is greater than 15% of the total turbine ing start-up and can be either manually or hydraulically
power, a controlled extraction (or admission) turbine is used. positioned from zero lift to 100% lift. The stop valve can only be
positioned either in the closed or fully open positions. In order
Impulse/Reaction to minimize the pressure drop through the trip-and-throttle
Turbines are further categorized by the philosophy em- valve, maximum inlet velocities are usually limited to 45m/s.
ployed in the steam path design and are divided into two major Velocities above this level will usually result in high pressure
design concepts: impulse and reaction. In an impulse turbine drops which will reduce turbine efficiency.
the pressure drop for the entire stage takes place across the
stationary nozzle. In reaction designs, the pressure drop per Inlet Control Valves
stage is divided equally between the stationary nozzles and the The primary function of the inlet control valve(s) is regula-
rotating blades (Fig.15-5). For given power, speed and steam tion of the steam flow to provide the appropriate power and
conditions, a reaction turbine will, in general, employ approxi- speed. These valves may also close in response to a shutdown
mately three times more stages than an impulse turbine in the signal. Throttling which occurs across the control valve(s) re-
same turbine span. duces the thermal performance of the turbine. This efficiency
loss is a function of the control valve design and overall turbine
STEAM TURBINE COMPONENTS pressure ratio. For a given amount of throttling, turbines with
large pressure ratios suffer smaller efficiency losses than tur-
Trip and Throttle Valve/Stop (Block) Valve bines with smaller pressure ratios (Fig.15-7).
A trip-and-throttle valve or stop valve, or both, may be posi- Multi-stage turbines may have a single inlet control valve or
tioned between the steam supply and the turbine inlet control several control valves to regulate the inlet steam. Typical multi-
valve(s) (Fig.15-6). During normal operation this valve remains valve steam turbines will have from three to eight control valves

FIG. 15-4
Extraction/Admission Flow Turbines

FIG. 15-5 FIG. 15-6

Turbine Types Single Valve with Hand Valves

Nozzles/Blades (Buckets)
On constant speed turbines a design objective is to avoid all
bucket resonances at the operating speed. On variable speed
turbines, although the design objectives remain the same, it is
seldom possible to avoid all blade resonance because of the wide
operating speed range. In these cases it is important to identify
(Fig.15-8). Multi-valve turbines have higher efficiencies at re-
all blade resonance and to verify that all stresses are well below
duced loads because only the flow through one of the control
the material strength.
valves is incurring a throttling loss (Fig.15-9).
Turbines with a single control valve will often employ hand Exhaust Casings
valves to improve efficiency at reduced loads. For the turbine Turbine exhaust casings are categorized by pressure service
shown in Fig.15-6 both hand valves would be open at or near (condensing or non-condensing) and number of rows of the last
full load. As the load on the unit is reduced one or both of these stage buckets (single flow, double flow, triple flow). Non-con-
hand valves can be closed to reduce throttling loss. Fig.15-10 densing exhausts are usually cast steel with most of the appli-
shows the efficiency advantage at reduced loads. cations between 350 and 4800kPa (ga) exhaust pressure. Most

FIG. 15-7 FIG. 15-9
Loss in Available Energy of Steam due to 10% Throttling Multi-Valve vs Single-Valve Performance Characteristic
(Typical Non-Condensing Turbine)
Turbine Pressure Ratio = 8.0

FIG. 15-8
Multi-Valve Inlet

FIG. 15-10
Single Valve with Hand Valves Performance
Characteristic (Typical Non-Condensing Turbine)
Turbine Pressure Ratio = 8.0

condensing exhausts are steel fabrications although some uti-

lize cast iron construction. Maximum exhaust flange velocities
are typically 135m/s. Velocities above this level will usually re-
sult in substantial increases in exhaust hood losses and will
decrease turbine efficiency. ternal to the turbine, can be used to remove a large percentage
of the moisture, improving the turbine efficiency and reducing
Moisture Protection the impact erosion on the buckets. Stainless steel moisture
As steam expands through the turbine both the pressure shields can also be used to minimize the impact erosion of the
and temperature are reduced. On most condensing and some stationary components.
non-condensing exhaust applications, the steam crosses the
saturation line thereby introducing moisture into the steam Control Systems
path. The water droplets which are formed strike the buckets Mechanical governors were the first generation control sys-
and can cause erosion of the blades. In addition, as the water is tems employed on mechanical drive turbines. Shaft speed is
centrifuged from the blades, the water droplets strike the sta- sensed by a fly-ball governor with hydraulic relays providing
tionary components, also causing erosion. Where the moisture the input to the control valve. A second generation control sys-
content is greater than 4%, moisture separators, which are in- tem was developed and utilized analog control circuitry with

the fly-ball governor replaced by speed pick-ups and the hy- Operation at Part Load
draulic relays with electronic circuit boards. A third generation
control system was developed and replaced the electronic cir- Most equipment driven by steam turbines are centrifugal
cuitry with digital logic. A microprocessor is used and the con- machines where power varies as the cube of speed. Part load
trol logic is programmed into the governor. The major advan- efficiency varies as a function of speed, flow, and the number of
tage of this system is the ability to utilize two governors stages. By assuming power to vary as the cube of speed the
simultaneously, each capable of governing the turbine alone. If turbine part load efficiency can be approximated as a percent-
the primary governor incurs a fault, the back-up governor as- age of the design efficiency (Fig.15-11).
sumes control of the turbine and provides diagnostic informa-
tion to the operator. EXAMPLES
Figs.15-11 through 15-19 and 24-29 and 30 allow estimates
STEAM TURBINE EFFICIENCY to be made of steam rate, turbine efficiency, number of stages,
and the inlet and exhaust nozzle diameters. The following ex-
Factors Affecting Efficiency amples illustrate the use of these figures:
The objective of the steam turbine is to maximize the use of Example 15-1Given a steam turbine application with the
the available steam energy where the available steam energy is following characteristics:
defined as the difference between the inlet and exhaust ener-
gies (enthalpies) for a 100% efficient constant entropy (i.e. isen- Inlet Pressure 4000 kPa (abs)
tropic) process. There are numerous loss mechanisms which Inlet Temperature 400C
reduce the efficiency from the isentropic such as throttling loss-
es, steam leakage, friction between the steam and the nozzles/ Exhaust Pressure 10 kPa (abs)
buckets, bearing losses, etc. Efficiency can range from a low of Required Power 4500 kW
40% for a low power single-stage turbine to a high approaching Speed 7000 rpm
90% for a large multistage, multi-valve turbine.
Techniques to Improve Efficiency The actual steam rate (ASR)
Various techniques are employed to maximize turbine effi-
The inlet and exhaust nozzle diameters
ciency, each designed to attack a specific loss mechanism. For
example, the number of stages utilized can range from the few- The approximate number of stages
est possible to develop the load reliably to the thermodynami-
cally optimum selection. Spill bands can be utilized to minimize The steam rate at a partial load of 3000 kW and 6100 rpm
throttling losses. High efficiency nozzle/bucket profiles are
available to reduce friction losses. Exhaust flow guides are Solution Steps
available to reduce the pressure within the exhaust casing. Using Fig. 24-29 and 30, the theoretical steam rate (TSR)
The specific features employed on a given application are may be determined from the difference in the inlet enthalpy
usually based on the trade-off between capital investment and and the theoretical exhaust enthalpy (i.e. isentropic exhaust
the cost to produce steam over the life of the turbine.
FIG. 15-12
Basic Efficiency of Multi-Valve,
Multi-Stage Condensing Turbines

FIG. 15-11
Part Load Efficiency Correction Factor vs Percent
Power Multi-Valve Steam Turbines

enthalpy), but first the inlet and exhaust states should be con- 24-30 instead of 24-29 would be applicable.
firmed. Fig. 24-30 for superheated steam indicates that the in-
let is superheated (i.e. 400C is above the saturation tempera- Inlet conditions at 4000 kPa (abs), 400C (Fig. 24-30):
ture of 250.4C), and gives an inlet entropy of 6.7690 kJ/(kg s = 6.7690 kJ/(kg C)
C). From Fig. 24-29, for saturated steam at the turbine exhaust h = 3213.6 kJ/kg
pressure of 10 kPa (abs), the liquid and vapor entropies are
0.6493 and 8.1502 kJ/(kg C). Since the inlet entropy is within Exhaust conditions at 10.0 kPa (abs) (Fig. 24-29):
this range, the theoretical exhaust must be two-phase. Had the sf = 0.6493 kJ/(kg C)
exhaust-vapor entropy been equal to the inlet entropy, the ex- sg = 8.1502 kJ/(kg C)
haust would be single-phase vapor (i.e. at its dewpoint). Had
the exhaust-vapor entropy been below the inlet entropy, the as- hf = 191.83 kJ/kg
sumed two-phase exhaust would have been incorrect and Fig. hg = 2584.7 kJ/kg
Letting x = liquid fraction in the exhaust and equating the inlet
FIG. 15-13 and exhaust entropies:
Basic Efficiency of Multi-Valve, Multi-Stage
6.7690 = x (0.6493) + (1 x) (8.1502)
Non-Condensing Turbines
x = 0.1841
1 x = 0.8159 (vapor fraction)
Exhaust enthalpy = (0.1841)(191.83) + (0.8159)(2584.7)
= 2144.2 kJ/kg
Enthalpy change = 2144.2 3213.6
= 1069.4 kJ/kg
Substituting 1kJ lineup = kW h/3600
1069.4 1 kW h
Enthalpy change = =
3600 3.37 kg
TSR = the absolute value of the inverse of enthalpy
= 3.37 kg/(kW h)
Basic efficiency = 0.725 (Fig. 15-12)
Inlet saturation temperature = 250.4C (Fig. 24-30)
Inlet superheat = 400 250.4 = 149.6C
Superheat correction factor = 1.032 (Fig. 15-14)

FIG. 15-14 FIG. 15-15

Superheat Efficiency Correction Factor Superheat Efficiency Correction Factor
for Condensing Turbines for Non-Condensing Turbines

Speed correction factor = 0.96 (Fig. 15-16) A 34 or 36in. (i.e. 850-900 mm) exhaust nozzle would be
Overall efficiency = (0.725)(1.032)(0.96) = 0.72
The number of stages may be estimated using Fig.15-18.
ASR = 3.37/0.72 = 4.68 kg/(kW h) Drawing a horizontal line from the 7000RPM indicates that
F = (4500 kW)(4.68) kg/(kW h) between 0.64 and 0.86 stages per 100 kJ/kg of available energy
would be acceptable.
= 21 060 kg/h
Available Energy (theoretical, i.e. the isentropic enthalpy
The inlet and exhaust diameters may be estimated from the change calculated above)
= 1069.4 kJ/kg
Number of Stages
() (v)
(354) (F)
D = Eq 15-1
(0.64) (1069)
= = 7 (approximately)
A reasonable design value for maximum velocity of the inlet (100)
steam is 45 (m/s). or, Number of Stages
= 13.62 kg/m3 @ 4000 kPa (abs) and 400C = (0.86) (1069)
= 9 (approximately)

(13.62) (45)
(354) (21 060)
D = Nine stages would provide increased efficiency but at addi-

tional cost.
D = 110 mm
At partial load of 3000kW and 6100RPM and assuming
A 4in. NPS (minimum, i.e. 100 mm) inlet nozzle would be se- seven stages from Fig.15-11, a part load efficiency factor of ap-
lected. proximately 0.96 is obtained. From Fig.15-12, the basic effi-
ciency at 3000kW and 6100RPM is estimated to be 0.71.
For exhaust sizing a maximum steam velocity of 135m/s is
a reasonable design value. Efficiency = (0.96) (0.71) = 0.68
= 0.068 kg/m @ 10 kPa (abs)
3 Actual Steam Rate = 3.37/0.68 = 4.96 kg/(kW h)
F = (3000) (4.96) = 14 880 kg/h
(0.068) (135)
(354) (21 060)
D = Example 15-2 Determine the ASR and total steam require-

ments for a multi-stage turbine and a single-stage turbine at
D = 901 mm the following conditions:
Inlet Pressure 1700 kPa (abs)
FIG. 15-16
Outlet Pressure 690 kPa (ga)
Speed Efficiency Correction Factor for Condensing
and Non-Condensing Turbines Inlet Temperature 260C
Power 670 kW
Speed 5000 rpm

FIG. 15-17
Pressure Ratio Efficiency Correction
Factor, Non-Condensing Turbines

Solution Steps TSR = the absolute value of the reciprocal of the enthalpy
For a multi-stage turbine:
= 20.76 (kg/kW h)
Examining Figs. 24-29 and 30 in the same way as in Exam-
ple 15-1, the turbine inlet is superheated, and the exhaust is Basic efficiency = 66% (Fig. 15-13)
Inlet saturation temperature = 207.15C (Fig. 24-30)
Inlet conditions at 1800 kPa (abs) and 260C (interpolating lin-
early between 250 and 300C on Fig. 24-30): Inlet superheat = 260 207 = 53C

s = 6.6498 kJ/(kg C) Efficiency-correction factor for superheat = 0.99 (Fig. 15-15)

h = 2934.64 kJ/kg Efficiency-correction factor for speed = 1.01 (Fig. 15-16)

Exhaust conditions at 690 kPa (ga) (i.e. 791.3 kPa (abs)). From Pressure ratio = (791.3 kPa (abs)/(1800 kPa (abs)) = 0.44
Fig. 24-29 interpolating linearly between 750 and 800 kPa Efficiency-correction factor for pressure ratio = 0.97 (Fig.
(abs), get the following for 791.3kPa(abs): 15-17)
sf = 2.0416 kJ/(kg C) ASR = 20.76 (kg/(kW h))/[(0.66)(0.99)(1.01)(0.97)]
sg = 6.6666 kJ/(kg C) = 32.4 kg/(kW h)
hf = 719.08 kJ/kg F = (32.4 kg/(kW h))(670 kW)
hg = 2768.6 kJ/kg = 21 700 kg/h
Letting x equal the liquid fraction in the exhaust, and equating For a single-stage turbine:
the inlet and exhaust entropies:
ASR = [45 (kg/(kW h)](0.93)(Fig. 15-19)
6.6498 = x (2.0416) + (1 x)(6.6666)
= 42 kg/(kW h)
x = 0.0036
F = [42 kg/(kW h)](670 kW)
1 x = 0.9964 (fraction vapor in exhaust)
= 28 100 kg/h
Exhaust enthalpy = (0.0036)(719.08) + (0.9964)(2768.6)
= 2761.22 kJ/kg
Enthalpy change = 2761.22 2934.64 = 173.42 kJ/kg
Substituting 1 kJ = kW h/3600: FIG. 15-19
Single-Stage Application
Enthalpy change = 173.42/3600 = (-1/20.76)(kW h/kg)

FIG. 15-18
Stages Required per 100 kJ/kg of Available Energy
as a Factor of Normal Turbine Speed

GAS TURBINES tion levels, etc.). This can often be done by an operator at a
location remote from the actual turbine installation.
Gas turbines are extensively used in all phases of the gas
industry as a source of shaft power. They are used to drive com- The relatively light weight, compact size, and simple design
pressors, generators, and other equipment required to produce, of gas turbines make them an attractive choice where power
process, and transport natural gas. The main advantages of gas must be quickly installed in the field. The gas turbine is often
turbines are: delivered on an integral one-piece baseplate with all auxiliary
equipment installed and tested by the manufacturer. Thus, con-
Compact, light weight design struction and start-up time are minimized.
Minimal maintenance
Short installation time
The gas turbine was first widely used as an aircraft power
Compact, Lightweight Design plant. However, as they became more efficient and durable,
they were adapted to the industrial marketplace. Over the
The compact, lightweight design of gas turbines makes them years the gas turbine has evolved into two basic types for high-
ideally suited for offshore platform installations, portable gen- power stationary applications: the industrial or heavy-duty de-
erating sets, remote sites, or any application where size and sign and the aircraft derivative design.
weight are important considerations.
Heavy Duty
The industrial type gas turbine is designed exclusively for
Once installed, the gas turbine requires a minimum of rou- stationary use. Where high power output is required, 26 000kW
tine maintenance. It is important to monitor the operating pa- and above, the heavy duty industrial gas turbine is often speci-
rameters of the turbine (pressures, temperatures, speed, vibra- fied. The industrial gas turbine has certain advantages which

FIG. 15-20
Typical Gas Turbine Skid Layout

should be considered when determining application require- Lighter and more compact, an asset where weight limita-
ments. Some of these are: tions are important such as offshore installations.
Less frequent maintenance. Single Shaft/Split Shaft
Can burn a wider variety of fuels. Gas turbine designs are also differentiated by shaft configu-
Available in larger power sizes. ration. In a single shaft design, all rotating components of the
gas turbine are mounted on one shaft. In a split shaft design,
Aircraft Derivative the air compressor rotating components are generally mounted
on one shaft, and the power turbine rotating components are
An aircraft derivative gas turbine is based on an aircraft mounted on another shaft. The driven equipment is connected
engine design which has been adapted for industrial use. The to the power turbine shaft. The single shaft design is simpler,
engine was originally designed to produce shaft power and later requiring fewer bearings, and is generally used where the speed
as a pure jet. The adaptation to stationary use was relatively range of the driven equipment is narrow or fixed (as in genera-
simple. tor sets). It requires a powerful starting system since all the
Some of the advantages of the aircraft derivative gas tur- rotating components (including the driven equipment) must be
bines are: accelerated to idle speed during the start cycle.

Higher efficiency than industrial units. A split shaft design is advantageous where the driven equip-
ment has a wide speed range or a high starting torque. The air
Quick overhaul capability. compressor is able to run at its most efficient speed while the

FIG. 15-21
Gas Turbine Internals

power turbine speed varies with the driven equipment. The FIG. 15-22
split shaft design allows a much smaller starting system since
only the air compressor shaft is accelerated during the start Ideal Brayton Cycle


The basic gas turbine cycle is termed the Brayton cycle. The
ideal Brayton cycle is a closed cycle consisting of an isentropic
compression process; a constant pressure heating process; an
isentropic expansion process; and finally a constant pressure
cooling process which returns the working substance to the in-
let state of the compression process. A schematic and TS dia-
gram of the ideal Brayton cycle are shown in Fig.15-22. The
turbomachinery used in the process includes an axial flow or FIG. 15-23
centrifugal compressor and an axial or radial flow turbine.
Simple Open Cycle
Simple Open Cycle
The simple open cycle gas turbine takes atmospheric air
into the compressor as the working substance. Following com-
pression, the air enters the combustion chamber where the tem-
perature is raised by the combustion of fuel. The gaseous com-
bustion products are then expanded back to the atmosphere
through a turbine. A diagram of this cycle is shown in Fig.15-
23. The turbine in this system derives enough power from the
high temperature gas to drive both the compressor and load.

Regenerative Ideal Brayton Cycle

The use of a regenerator in an ideal Brayton cycle acts to
reduce the amount of available energy lost by external heat ex-
change. The system schematic is illustrated in Fig.15-24. The
available energy loss is due to irreversible heat input and is il- FIG. 15-24
lustrated in Fig.15-25. A heat exchanger or regenerator is
Regenerative Ideal Brayton Cycle
placed in the system to transfer heat internally from the hot
exhaust gas to the cooler air leaving the compressor. This pre-
heating of the combustion air thus reduces the amount of exter-
nal heat input needed to produce the same work output.

Combined Cycle
Instead of using the hot exhaust gas for regeneration, this
approach uses exhaust gas to generate steam. This steam can
be used either as a supplement to the plant steam system or to
generate additional power in a Rankine cycle. In the basic Ran-
kine cycle, the hot exhaust gas passes successively through the
superheater, evaporator, and economizer of the steam genera-
tor before being exhausted to the atmosphere. The steam leav-
ing the boiler is expanded through a steam turbine to generate
additional power. The cycle is closed by the addition of a con-
denser and feed water pump completing a basic Rankine cycle. FIG. 15-25
Since the steam cycle does not require any additional fuel to
generate power, the overall thermal efficiency is increased. Ideal Brayton Cycle Available Energy
Fig.15-26 shows schematically a typical installation and its TS

Lube Systems
Two types of oils are used in lubricating gas turbine equip-
ment. They are mineral and fire-resistant synthetic based oils.
The oil type used depends on the bearing construction of the
particular turbine.
Babbitt type sleeve and thrust bearings, typical of heavy
duty turbines, use a mineral based oil. Driven equipment such

as compressors, gear, and generators also use this type oil, thus There are various types of filters. The main types are as fol-
a common, combined lube system can be provided for the train. lows:
Aircraft derivative gas generators all incorporate anti-fric- Inertial This type removes the larger particulates from
tion type ball and/or roller bearings. A synthetic oil is used in the inlet air.
this service and is provided in a separate system from the min-
eral oil system used to lubricate the driven equipment. An oil Prefilters These are medium filters usually made of cot-
scavenging system is also typical of these gas generators. En- ton fabrics or spun-glass fibers, used to extend the life of a high
gine mounted pumps are used to scavenge oil from the main efficiency filter further downstream.
bearing pumps and return it to the reservoir. Coalescers These filters are used to remove moisture
from the inlet air system.
Air Filtration
High Efficiency Media These filters remove smaller
The primary reason for inlet air filtration is to prevent un- dirt particles from the inlet air.
wanted dirt from entering the gas turbine. By reducing the con-
taminants which contribute to corrosion, erosion, and fouling, Marine or Demister These filters are used in marine
the gas turbine life is extended. For a more complete discussion environments to remove both moisture and salt.
of filtration see Section7.
Self-Cleaning These filters are composed of a number of

FIG. 15-26
Combined Cycle

high efficiency media filter banks. Air is drawn through the enclosure over the turbine. If an enclosure is used, it is neces-
media at a low velocity and, at a predetermined pressure drop sary to provide gas and fire detection and fire extinguishing
across the system, a reverse blast of air removes built-up dirt on equipment inside the enclosure.
the filter and lowers the pressure drop. This filter can be used
in any environment. It is particularly useful in colder climates The last major source of noise to be silenced is the gas tur-
where ice build-up is a problem. The reverse blast of air also bine exhaust noise. Since most turbines exhaust vertically,
removes any ice that has built up on the filter. there is generally no need for an elbow. However, a silencer
with acoustic baffles is needed and the exhaust ducting should
Another method of eliminating icing problems is to install be sound insulated.
an anti-icing system. In this system, heated air from the gas
generator discharge is introduced through distribution mani- GAS TURBINE PERFORMANCE
folds immediately downstream of the inlet air silencer.
The performance of a gas turbine is usually expressed in
The selection of a filtration system is largely dependent on terms of power and heat rate. Power is the net power available
the site location and operating conditions. Fig.15-27 suggests at the output shaft of the turbine after all losses and power
filtration for various types of environments. take-offs have been subtracted.
Since filters do protect the gas turbine and help extend its Heat rate is a measure of thermal efficiency or the amount
useful life, some type of filtration is always recommended. of heat energy (in the form of fuel) which must be input to the
gas turbine to produce the output power. Heat rate is usually
Acoustics expressed in terms of kJ/(kW h) based on the lower heating
The noise created by a gas turbine engine is considerable value of the fuel gas. Heat rate and thermal efficiency are re-
and must be reduced to protect plant personnel and minimize lated as follows:
environmental impact. The main sources of noise in a gas tur-
bine installation are the intake, the exhaust, and casing radi-
ated noise. Thermal efficiency =
kJ (LHV)
The noise associated with the intake is characterized as Heat Rate,
kW h
high frequency noise. This type of noise is the loudest and most
disturbing to the ear since it is in a range where hearing is most
sensitive. The second most objectionable noise is produced by Power and heat rate both vary depending on environmental
the gas generator and power turbine and is radiated from the conditions such as ambient air temperature, altitude, baromet-
casing. Although the exhaust noise contains more energy, the ric pressure, and humidity. Therefore, when performance is
casing noise is more objectionable since it contains more noise stated for a gas turbine, the ambient conditions must be de-
in a frequency range where the ear is most sensitive. The ex- fined. In order to compare different gas turbines, a set of stan-
haust noise is a low frequency noise which is only slightly au- dard conditions known as ISO (International Standards Orga-
dible. It does, however, possess a considerable amount of energy nization) conditions have been defined as follows:
which results in a detectable pressure change.
ISO Conditions: Ambient Temperature = 15C
A variety of methods can be used to attenuate noise. The Altitude = 0 m (sea level)
most common are the use of silencers and enclosures. The inlet Ambient Pressure = 101.325 kPa (abs)
noise is the first area considered since this is where the largest Relative Humidity = 60%
amount of sound power is produced. Inlet noise is the loudest
directly in front of the inlet opening. Consequently, the least All gas turbine performance is stated in ISO conditions. To
expensive method for obtaining some of the required noise re- arrive at site rated power, the ISO conditions must be corrected
duction is to place an elbow at the inlet. Additional silencing is for the following:
usually necessary and can be attained by the use of acoustic Altitude (Fig.15-28)
baffles before the elbow. Inlet Losses (Fig.15-29)
Casing radiated noise can be reduced by using an acoustical Exhaust Losses (Fig.15-30)
Temperature (Fig.15-31)
Humidity (below)
FIG. 15-27 For changing relative humidity, the power output does not
change, and the heat rate changes only slightly. For example,
Gas Turbine Air Filtration
for an increase in relative humidity from 60 to 100 percent, a
typical correction factor for the heat rate is 1.0016. For a de-
Type of Environment Suggested Filtration crease to zero percent, a typical correction factor is 0.9979.
Rural Country High Efficiency Media Performance is also affected by other installation variables
Urban/Industrial Inertial & High Efficiency Media including power take-offs and type of fuel used. Inlet loss is the
Desert Inertial and Media or Self-
pressure drop which occurs as the outside air passes through
the inlet filters and plenum. Similarly, exhaust loss is the pres-
sure drop through the exhaust stack, silencers, and heat recov-
Tropical Inertial & Media ery equipment (if any) which creates a back pressure on the
Arctic High Efficiency Media with turbine. Power take-offs include any devices such as oil pumps,
Anti-Icing or Self-Cleaning generators, etc. which are directly driven from the gas turbine
output shaft and thus reduce the available output power. Some-
Offshore Demisters times it is necessary to correct power and/or heat rate for the

type of fuel used in the gas turbine. The turbine manufacturers FIG. 15-28
performance brochure should be consulted for necessary correc- Altitude Correction Factor
The following example shows the method of calculating per-
formance for a gas turbine at site conditions using data typi-
cally supplied in the manufacturers performance brochure.
Example 15-3 Calculate maximum available site power and
heat rate for the example gas turbine at the following condi-
TurbineISOPower = 20 500 kW
Turbine ISO Heat Rate = 10 030 kJ/(kW h)
Ambient Temperature = 27C
Altitude = 305 m (above sea level)
Inlet Pressure Drop = 100 mm H2O
ExhaustPressure Drop = 50 mm H2O
RelativeHumidity = 60%
Fuel = NaturalGas

Solution Steps
Find the power altitude correction factor from Fig. 15-28.
For 305m altitude, the correction factor is 0.965.
Find the power inlet loss correction factor from Fig. 15-29.
For 100 mm of water, the correction factor is 0.984.
Find the power exhaust loss correction factor from Fig.15-
30. For 50 mm of water, the correction factor is 0.9965.
Find the power ambient temperature correction factor from
Fig. 15-31. For 27C the correction factor is 0.915. FIG. 15-29
Since relative humidity is 60% and fuel is natural gas, no Inlet Loss Correction Factor
corrections are required.
Calculate the maximum available site power by multiplying
maximum-no-loss power by each of the correction factors.
Power (site) = power (0.965) (0.984) (0.9965) (0.915)
Power (site) = 20 500 (0.866)
Power (site) = 17 800 kW
For the heat rate find the inlet loss correction factor, ex-
haust loss correction factor, and temperature correction factor
from Figs.15-29, 15-30, and 15-31, respectively. (Note: Heat
rate is not affected by altitude.)
Inlet loss factor = 1.0065
Exhaust loss factor = 1.003
Temperature factor = 1.03
Calculate site heat rate by multiplying no-loss heat rate by
the correction factors.
Heat rate (site) = (Heat rate) (1.0065) (1.003) (1.03)
Heat rate (site) = 10 030 kJ/(kW h) (1.04)
Heat rate (site) = 10 400 kJ/(kW h)
The above calculation procedures may vary slightly with dif-
ferent manufacturers but will follow the same principles.
Basic specifications for some of the commonly used gas tur-
bine engines are shown in Fig. 15-32.

FIG. 15-30 Gas Turbine Emissions
Exhaust Loss Correction Factor The gas turbine, in general, is a low emitter of exhaust gas
pollutants relative to other heat engines in similar service. This
is because the fuel is burned with ample excess air to ensure
complete combustion at all but minimum load conditions. It is
unique in its ability to burn a wide variety of fuels making each
application unique in terms of exhaust emissions. However, gas
turbine engine emissions are a major factor in the design, selec-
tion, and operation of the unit. Various authorities have issued
standards and codes to control pollution of the atmosphere.
Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions occur because of incom-
plete combustion of fuel carbon. CO emissions for distillate and
other liquid fuels are generally higher than for natural gas.
Unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) are formed by the incom-
plete combustion of fuel. Like CO emissions, they are directly
related to combustion efficiency. However, because most gas
turbine units have good combustor designs, the CO and UHC
emissions are of secondary importance to NOx emissions.
Sulfur oxides (SOx) exhausted from gas turbines are a direct
function of sulfur content in the fuel.
The high temperature and oxygen content during combus-
tion tends to favor the formation of SO3 and SO2 at equilibrium.
Sulfur oxide emissions from pipeline natural gas are virtually
zero while those from wellhead gases, process gases, coal gases,
and other fuels can be significant.
Gas turbine particulate emissions are influenced by the fuel
properties and combustion conditions. Particulates generally
refer to visible smoke, ash, ambient non-combustibles, and
products of erosion and corrosion in the hot gas path. Particu-
late and smoke emissions are usually small when burning natu-
FIG. 15-31 ral gas, but are a significant consideration when operating on
Ambient Temperature Correction Factor liquid fuels.
Of the exhaust components the most significant are the ox-
ides of nitrogen (NOx). The amount of NOx produced is a func-
tion of the fuel burned, firing temperature, compressor dis-
charge temperature, and residence time in the combustion zone.
Since the trend towards high turbine efficiencies leads to higher
pressure ratios and firing temperatures, the emission rates of
NOx are higher for these units.
Nitrogen oxides are categorized into two areas according to
the mechanism of formation. NOx formed by oxidation of free
nitrogen in the combustion air or fuel is called thermal NOx,
while that due to oxidation of organically bound nitrogen in the
fuel is referred to as organic NOx. As implied by the name,
thermal NOx are mainly a function of the stoichiometric flame
temperature. The formation of thermal NOx is on the order of
parts per million (by volume) or ppmv; however, the formation
of organic NOx is virtually 100%. Efforts to reduce thermal NOx
by reducing flame temperatures have little effect on, and actu-
ally may increase, organic NOx.
UHC emissions can be reduced by proper combustor design
for maximum efficiency. Sulfur oxides can be eliminated by re-
moving sulfur compounds from the fuel. Similarly, particulates
can be minimized by appropriate fuel treatment. However, re-
duction of NOx formation also reduces efficiency.
Two general approaches are used for NOx reduction:
The use of an inert heat sink such as water or steam in-

FIG. 15-32
2011 Basic Specifications Gas Turbine Engines (Mechanical Drive)


Pressure Power
Model Rating (ISO (LVH) Turbine Inlet Exhaust Exhaust
Ratio Shaft RPM
Rating) kW kJ/kW h Temp. C Flow kg/s Temp C
Dresser- Rand
VECTRA 30G 23,466 9643 17.9 6510 832 67.9 547
VECTRA 40G 31,395 8980 22.4 6510 827 86.3 526
VECTRA 40G4 34,229 8936 23.6 6510 855 90.0 541
DR-63G PC 44,321 8548 27.9 3780 859 127.0 457
DR-63G PG 49,829 8565 29.7 3930 908 117.6 486
GE Oil & Gas
GE10-2 DLE 11,862 10982 15.8 7900 47.0 489
GE10-2 12,146 10782 15.6 7900 47.0 483
PGT16 14,275 9964 20.1 7900 47.1 498
PGT20 SAC 18,121 9867 19.7 6500 62.6 479
PGT20 DLE 18,588 9882 19.8 6500 62.3 491
PGT25 DLE 23,262 9611 17.9 6500 68.5 529
PGT25 SAC 23,270 9559 17.9 6500 68.9 522
MS5002C 28,300 12310 8.8 4670 124.3 517
29,470 12328 9.1 4670 122.5 540
PGT25+DLE 31,076 8782 21.5 6100 83.8 501
PGT25+SAC 31,372 8754 21.5 6100 84.3 500
MS5002E 32,000 9978 17 5714 102.3 508
MS5002D 32,600 11900 10.8 4670 141.4 509
PGT25+G4 DLE 33,679 8782 23 6100 89.5 513
PGT25+G4 SAC 33,924 8784 23 6100 90.0 512
33,969 11903 10.4 4670 139.7 534
LM6000 PD 43,854 8468 28.3 3600 124.7 455
LM6000 PF 43,854 8468 28.3 3600 124.7 455
MS6001B 43,963 11517 12.3 5160 146.2 546
44,283 8449 27.9 3600 125.6 454
44,413 8455 28.2 3600 126.5 452
44,491 8443 28.1 3600 126.2 454
MS7001EA 90,500 10730 12.9 3600 300.3 544
LMS100 100,200 8160 40 3600 206.9 417
MS9001E 130,700 10410 12.8 3000 420.3 538
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
THM 1203A 6,000 15379 7.8 7800 1724 35.4 515
THM 1304-10R 9,400 9919 10 9030 1787 45.4
THM 1304-10 9,700 12330 10 9030 1787 45.4 500
THM 1304-11 11,200 11610 10.8 9030 1823 49.0 505
THM 1304-12 12,100 11320 11 9030 49.0 515
Data reproduced by permission from Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide Catalog, courtesy of Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications.

FIG. 15-32 (Contd.)
2011 Basic Specifications Gas Turbine Engines (Mechanical Drive)


Pressure Power
Model Rating (ISO (LVH) Turbine Inlet Exhaust Exhaust
Ratio Shaft RPM
Rating) kW kJ/kW h Temp. C Flow kg/s Temp C
THM 1304-14 13,200 11150 11 9030 49.0 545
FT8 25,868 9359 19.5 5775 85.5 458
MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
LM2500-PE 22,505 9598 17.9 3600 68.9 524
LM2500-PH 27,002 8469 19.3 3600 75.8 500
LM2500+(PK) 31,200 9111 22 3600 87.1 515
LM6000 45,000
501-KC5 4,101 12019 9.4 15.5 571
501-KC7 5,518 11180 13.5 21.0 520
Avon2648 16,348 11775 9.6 81.2 426
Avon2656 17,007 11349 9.6 81.2 420
RB211 - G62 29,530 9486 20.8 94.8 491
RB211 - GT62 30,909 9316 21.7 97.1 492
RB211 - GT61 33,296 8892 21.7 95.3
RB211 - H63 37,917 8678 23 106.6
RB211 - H63 44,000 8838 25.1 115.5
Trent 60 DLE 52,511 8402 34 153.2 440
Trent 60 WLE 59,000 8593 35.3 162.7
Siemens AG Energy Sector
SGT-100 5,697 10948 14.9 13650 19.7 543
SGT-200 7,681 10775 12.6 11525 29.4 493
SGT-300 8,203 10948 13.3 29.0 498
SGT-400 13,423 9943 16.8 10000 39.4 555
SGT-500 19,520 10431 13 97.9 369
SGT-600 25,428 10257 14 8085 80.3 543
SGT-700 32,035 9628 18 6930 94.3 528
SGT-750 37,110 9001 23.8 6405 113.3 462
Solar Turbines Incorporated
Saturn 20 1,186 14671 6.7 22300 6.5 520
Centaur 40 3,505 12910 10.3 15500 19.0 445
Centaur 50 4,571 12026 10.3 16500 18.8 515
Taurus 60 5,742 11269 11.5 13950 21.6 510
Taurus 70 7,688 10342 16.5 11400 26.6 495
Mars 90 9,858 10830 16.3 9400 40.1 465
Mars 100 11,931 10427 17.7 9500 42.2 485
Titan 130 15,287 9939 16.1 8500 50.0 505
Titan 250 22,371 8998 24.1 7000 68.2 465

Data reproduced by permission from Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide Catalog, courtesy of Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications.

Modifications of fuel-air ratios and combustor design to match the requirements of the driven load and the available
power supply. Starting, pull-in, and pull-out torques can be se-
In addition to these two methods, catalytic combustion is lected over a wide range. Power factor improvement is available
being researched. with rated power factor of unity, leading, or even lagging.
Water or Steam Injection Water or steam injection is
an effective way to reduce NOx exhaust emissions. Two areas of ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
caution in the design of this system must be considered. The
first is the dynamic effect that water injection has on the com- Induction Motors
bustion zone in terms of flame stability and dynamic pressures.
Inadequate design could adversely affect hardware life. Also In general, induction motors tend to draw more starting cur-
the rate of CO emissions increases with the rate of water injec- rent, at a lower power factor, than synchronous motors of the
tion. It is not effective in reducing organic NOx emissions and same size and speed. This results in a greater voltage drop on
may actually contribute to them. the system when the motor is started. If the motor is driving a
high inertia load, such as a fan or compressor, the lower termi-
Modification of Fuel-Air Ratio and Combustor Design nal voltage will increase the temperature rise of the squirrel
An increased number of gas turbines are available with low cage winding during acceleration. As a rule of thumb, voltage
NOx design based on modifications to fuel-air ratio and combus- drops on starting greater than 20% may require special motor
tor design. NOx content in flue gas as low as 1025 ppm can be designs. These designs may reduce the full load efficiency of the
achieved by this method. motor during normal operation by one or two percent. It is best
to furnish a power supply that will limit the voltage drop to 20%
Different vendors have different approaches to effectively or less when starting the largest motor on a fully loaded bus.
control the fuel-air ratio to reduce NOx content. However, low
NOx, turbines are available, both for single-fuel and dual-fuel Once started the induction motor is a stable machine. Most
systems from most vendors. motors can easily ride through a 25 to 30% dip in system volt-
age caused by external faults or switching. Overall system sta-
Low NOx designs make the gas turbines more complex, es- bility and continuity may be achieved by using large induction
pecially for dual-fuel systems. It is therefore recommended to motors. This is, however, accomplished at the expense of lower
carefully review the need for dual-fuel low NOx machines. power factor and efficiency.
In summary, the characteristics of gas turbine emissions
must be considered for each application, since each is unique to Synchronous Motors
the turbine, installation, fuel, and operation. All these factors The synchronous motor is usually easier to start than an
are important in matching the gas turbine to the job. induction machine. The system voltage drop on starting is less
for a given power motor. However, synchronous motors have
ELECTRIC MOTORS less thermal capacity in their windings and may be more se-
verely taxed when accelerating high inertia loads.
Electric motor drives offer efficient operation and add flexi-
bility to the design of petroleum refineries, petrochemical Once synchronized and running, synchronous motors pres-
plants, and gas processing plants. Electric motors can be built ent special system problems. They may tend to pull out of syn-
with characteristics to match almost any type of load. They can chronism on voltage dips that induction motors can ride through.
be designed to operate reliably in outdoor locations where ex- A gradually increasing load from zero to 125% of rated load will
posed to weather and atmospheric contaminants. be easily accommodated. A suddenly applied load of 125% can
easily cause the motor to pull out of synchronism with the elec-
Proper motor application is essential if reliable performance trical system.
is to be achieved. Critical items to consider are load character-
istics for both starting and running conditions, load control re- When applying large synchronous machines to a system it is
quirements, power system voltage and capacity, and any condi- important to perform a transient load study. This will help as-
tions at the plant site that could affect the type of motor certain if the electrical system is capable of supporting the mo-
enclosure. tor demands under transient conditions.


One of the first considerations in motor selection is to choose 2500 to 3000 rpm Synchronous motors are seldom eco-
between a squirrel cage induction and a synchronous motor. nomical for this range because of the high cost of rotor construc-
The induction motor has the advantage of simplicity. It is a rug- tion. Although large (i.e., greater than 16 000 kW) two-pole
ged machine and has an outstanding record for dependability. 3000rpm synchronous motors have been built, slower speed
In general it can accelerate higher load inertias than synchro- motors with step-up gears, or squirrel-cage induction motors
nous motors and usually will do so in less time. Induction motor are usually a more economic choice.
control is simple and no excitation equipment is required. Its 750 to 1500 rpm Synchronous motors above 4000kW
principal disadvantages are that it operates at lagging power are widely used for pumps and for centrifugal compressors with
factor and has higher inrush (starting) current. Up to about speed increasers. The need for power-factor correction, high ef-
4000 kW, induction motors are normally preferred. Above this, ficiency, low inrush, or constant speed may favor synchronous
induction and synchronous motor costs converge, and synchro- motors below 4000kW.
nous motors are often chosen.
For applications above 1800kW requiring speed increasers,
The constant-speed synchronous motor has inherent advan- 1000rpm unity-power-factor synchronous motors should be
tages that often make it the logical choice for many industrial evaluated against 1500rpm motors since the lower speed mo-
drive applications even at lower power ratings. Load speed can be tors are slightly more energy efficient. For 1000rpm loads, syn-
exact. Torque characteristics of the motor can be varied by design chronous motors may be more economical at 900kW and above.

For 750rpm loads, synchronous motors should be considered at
710kW and above. FIG. 15-33
Energy Evaluation Chart
Motor requirements below 400kW in the 750 to 1500rpm
IEC Frame Size Motor Induction, 380 Volt, 50 Hz
speed range are normally handled by standard induction mo-
Approximate ratings at Full Load
429 to 600 rpm Synchronous motors are often selected
kW rpm amps PF EFF %
above 0.75kW per rpm, such as 450kW at 600rpm, 375kW at
500rpm, and 320kW at 429rpm. 0.55 1410 1.45 0.80 74.0
910 1.70 0.74 65.0
Below 429 rpm The synchronous motor should be con- 0.75 1410 1.90 0.81 76.0
sidered for sizes down to 160kW because of higher efficiency, 890 2.30 0.75 68.3
improved power factor, and possible lower cost. At high voltages 1.1 1410 2.75 0.81 77.0
(4kV and above), the synchronous motor becomes more eco- 910 3.40 0.72 69.8
nomical at even lower powers. 1.5 1415 3.60 0.82 78.0
940 4.40 0.70 76.4
Motor Voltage 2.2 1405 5.10 0.82 81.0
945 5.80 0.75 80.0
The proper selection of voltage for a given motor drive can 3.0 1400 7.20 0.79 82.5
vary from a routine procedure to a complex study requiring a 960 6.80 0.80 85.3
complete electrical system analysis. In many instances the in- 4.0 1415 8.60 0.85 85.0
plant distribution system is well established at a particular 955 9.10 0.80 85.0
voltage. The new machine may be small compared to available 5.5 1440 11.40 0.85 87.0
system capacity, so no problem is involved in purchasing a stan- 955 12.40 0.80 85.0
dard motor of that voltage. In more complicated cases addition- 7.5 1445 15.50 0.84 88.5
al substation capacity may be necessary to accommodate the 965 16.00 0.82 87.9
new machine. However, when very large units are to be added, 11.0 1460 22.50 0.84 89.7
many factors must be considered. A new distribution voltage 965 23.50 0.82 89.0
15.0 1450 29.50 0.86 90.5
level, a new transmission line, or a higher voltage transmission
965 31.00 0.83 90.0
from the electric utility might be necessary.
18.5 1470 36.00 0.86 91.0
970 37.50 0.83 90.8
MOTOR ENCLOSURES 22.0 1465 43.00 0.85 91.8
965 45.00 0.83 91.0
Motor enclosure selection should be predicated upon the en- 30.0 1470 57.00 0.87 92.5
vironmental conditions under which the motor must operate. 975 60.00 0.83 91.7
Directly related to this is the amount of maintenance required 37.0 1475 73.00 0.84 92.8
to provide long-term reliability and motor life. In general, the 985 76.00 0.80 92.5
more open the enclosure is to the atmosphere, the lower the 45.0 1470 88.00 0.84 93.2
first cost of the machine but the higher the maintenance costs 985 85.00 0.87 93.3
that may be necessary. Enclosures frequently used in a-c mo- 55.0 1475 100.00 0.88 94.2
tors are listed below. 985 102.00 0.88 93.2
75.0 1475 141.00 0.86 94.4
Drip-Proof 985 142.00 0.85 94.5
90.0 1480 166.00 0.87 94.8
These are generally used only indoors or in enclosed spaces 985 170.00 0.85 94.7
not exposed to severe environmental conditions. Maintenance 110.0 1480 206.00 0.85 95.2
requirements will depend upon general cleanliness of the loca- 990 225.00 0.86 95.2
tion and any chemical contaminants in the area. 132.0 1485 260.00 0.85 95.5
990 245.00 0.86 95.3
Weather-Protected Type I 160.0 1485 300.00 0.85 95.6
990 296.00 0.86 95.5
This is the least costly outdoor machine. It is essentially a
200.0 1485 375.00 0.85 95.7
drip-proof guarded motor with heaters and outdoor bearing
990 370.00 0.86 95.7
seals and is very susceptible to weather and atmospheric con- 250.0 1485 465.00 0.85 96.3
tamination. Considerable maintenance may be required to en- 990 467.00 0.86 95.9
sure satisfactory winding and bearing life. 315.0 1485 585.00 0.85 96.5
994 580.00 0.86 96.2
Weather-Protected Type II 355.0 1491 655.00 0.86 96.4
This is the more commonly used outdoor enclosure. It is 994 650.00 0.86 96.4
more expensive than the WP-I but minimizes the entrance of 400.0 1492 730.00 0.86 96.5
994 730.00 0.86 96.5
water and dirt. Maintenance is less than for WP-I types. Chem-
450.0 1493 815.00 0.87 96.6
ical contaminants in gaseous form may be carried into a WP-II
994 825.00 0.86 96.6
machine with the ventilating air and attack parts that are vul- 500.0 1493 890.00 0.88 96.6
nerable to them. 994 910.00 0.86 96.7
1000.0 1492 1805.00 0.87 96.5
994 1855.00 0.85 96.4

Totally Enclosed Forced Ventilated (TEFV) The synchronous generator needs precise prime-mover
speed control to maintain its output at correct frequency. When
TEFV enclosures can be used indoors or outdoors in dirty or connected to a public utility system such a machine cannot be
hazardous environments. Since the motor cooling air is piped in allowed to deviate more than a fraction of a cycle from rated
from a separate source the influx of dirt and gaseous contami- frequency without being tripped off the line. However, speed
nants is minimized. Maintenance is minimal depending upon changes do not affect the voltage or power output of the genera-
the cleanliness of the cooling air. tor only the frequency.
Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air For the induction machine, voltage and frequency remain
Cooled(TEWAC) constant, set by the connected power system, whatever the driv-
en speed. The speed change does directly affect the power out-
The totally enclosed water-to-air cooled machine uses an air put of the generator and therefore the temperature of its wind-
to water heat exchanger to remove heat generated by motor ings. Unless other machines are coupled into the same drive to
losses. It is the quietest enclosure available and will usually dampen speed swings, close control of rpm is almost as neces-
result in the lowest maintenance costs. It will breathe during sary to the induction generator as to the alternator.
shutdown but often a breather filter is used to remove particu-
late contaminants. It is more efficient than a TEFC motor be- Smaller generators (down to 300kW) are finding many uses.
cause it does not have the external fan to drive. Its first cost is Among them:
greater than WP-II but less than TEFC, excluding any addi- Recovering energy of compression on the downhill side of
tional capital cost for a cooling water system. Operating costs a natural gas pipeline.
are higher because of the necessity to continuously supply it
with cooling water. Producing electric power from the expansion of geother-
mal steam.
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
Generating power through expansion of compressed gas-
This is the highest degree of enclosure for an air cooled ma- es in cryogenic production.
chine. In large sizes, the TEFC motor has an air-to-air heat ex-
changer. Internal motor air is recirculated around the outside Recovering energy from single-stage waste steam tur-
of the tubes while outside air is driven through the tubes by a bines in the 34-1200kPa (ga) inlet pressure range.
shaft driven fan. These motors are quite expensive especially in
large sizes because of the high volume of cooling air required SPEED VARIATION
relative to motor size. These motors are indicated for use in
Because of the continuing increase in the cost of electric en-
very dirty or hazardous locations.
ergy, variable speed drives offer an economical means of reduc-
The TEFC enclosure minimizes the maintenance required ing energy requirements in many areas of operation.
for these very dirty applications. However, the machines will
breathe when shut down and vapor and gaseous contaminants Variable Frequency Electric Motors
can be drawn into them. TEFC motors are usually noisy be- For many years variable speed applications relied on either
cause of the large external fan. d-c motors or a constant speed a-c motor coupled to various me-
chanical systems to provide the range of speeds required. Solid-
Explosion-Proof state electronics provide an effective means of speed control for
An explosion-proof machine is a totally enclosed machine a-c motors by changing the frequency of the electrical signal.
whose enclosure is designed and constructed to withstand an They can be used with both induction and synchronous mo-
internal explosion. It is also designed to prevent the ignition of tors.
combustibles surrounding the machine by sparks, flashes, or
A standard a-c motor operating at 50hertz will operate at a
explosions which may occur within the machine casing.
constant speed, depending upon the number of magnetic poles
it has in accordance with the formula:
rpm = 120f
The induction generator can be used as a convenient means
P Eq 15-2
of recovering industrial process energy that would otherwise be
wasted. Excess steam or compressed gas can often drive such a However, if the input frequency can be varied in accordance
generator to convert useless energy to valuable kilowatts. with the speed requirements, then a wide range of speeds can
be obtained. For example, with a frequency range from 40 to
An induction generator is simply an induction motor driven 120hertz, a 4-pole motor has a speed range from 1000 through
above its synchronous speed by a suitable prime mover. This 3000rpm.
results in production rather than consumption of electric ener-
gy. Normally the induction generator does not differ in any as- Fixed Speed Electric Motors
pect of electrical or mechanical construction from an induction
motor. Only the operating speed range separates one mode of With Fluid Couplings
behavior from the other. The speed of an equipment item driven by a fixed-speed elec-
Important differences exist between the induction generator tric motor can be varied with a fluid coupling. This is essentially
and the more widely used synchronous generator. These are ba- a pump discharging to a power-recovery turbine, both in the
sically the same as the differences between induction and syn- same casing. The pump is connected to the driver shaft and the
chronous motors. Besides low cost and simplicity of control an turbine to the driven shaft. The turbine speed is varied by vary-
important benefit is that the induction machine is instantly ing the amount of fluid in the casing. Increasing the fluid in-
convertible from generator to motor operation or vice versa. creases the circulation between the pump and turbine, thereby
increasing the speed of the turbine. A fluid coupling costs less

than electronic speed control but is less efficient. For example, Two-Stroke-Cycle The four cycle engine requires two
the typical efficiency for electronic speed control is about 9295% revolutions of the crankshaft for each power stroke. To get a
from minimum to normal speed, but for a fluid coupling is about higher output from the same size engine, the two-stroke-cycle
95% at normal speed, and can range from 50 to 70% at 50% was developed. This cycle is applicable both to compression ig-
speed, depending on the coupling make and type. nition and spark ignition engines. The two-stroke-cycle is com-
pleted in one revolution of the crankshaft and consists of two
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES piston strokes: the compression stroke and the expansion
stroke. Combustion air intake occurs at the end of the expan-
Internal combustion engines are classified according to the sion and the beginning of the compression stroke. Ignition and
type of fuel used and the method of fuel ignition. Many subclas- combustion occurs at the end of the compression and beginning
sifications are used to describe engines according to their speed, of the expansion stroke.
cycle arrangements, mechanical configuration, and other de-
sign characteristics. Supercharged Engines A supercharged engine has a
compressor to increase the density of the combustion air before
Engine Types it is inducted into the cylinder. Supercharging increases the
power output from a given cylinder size by increasing the en-
Spark ignition and compression ignition are the two meth- gine mean effective pressure.
ods of initiating combustion used in reciprocating internal com-
bustion engines. In practice the ignition method also defines Two types of supercharging are common: mechanical com-
the fuels or range of fuels used. pressors driven by an engine auxiliary output shaft or a sepa-
rate prime mover and exhaust turbine driven compressor which
Spark Ignition Natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas obtains its power from expansion of the engine exhaust. This
(LPG), or gasoline are the fuels used in spark ignition engines. later type of supercharger is commonly called a turbocharger.
They are often referred to as gas engines or gasoline engines and
resemble in appearance (except perhaps for size) and operation Methane Number
the engines used in automobiles. High voltage electrical energy
fires one or more spark plugs per cylinder to ignite the air/fuel Most of the fuels used in internal combustion engines today,
mixture. Most spark ignition engines can be easily modified to whether liquid or gaseous, are composed primarily of hydrocar-
burn any of the above fuels. Often the fuel delivery system is the bons (hydrogen and carbon). Natural gas is the most popular and
only part of the engine requiring significant changes. widely used of the petroleum gases. Other gas sources, such as
digester gas, or gas derived from coal which contain hydrocar-
Compression Ignition (Diesel) Engines that use heat of bons, are also used in engines with varying degrees of success.
compression as the ignition source are almost always referred to
as diesel engines. A broad range of liquid fuels can be burned in a Natural gas is a mixture of gases, some combustible and
diesel engine provided proper attention is paid to the handling some inert. Different sources of natural gas, for example pipe-
and preparation of the fuel as well as to the design of the engine. line natural gas, LNG, CNG, etc. will have different composi-
The type and quality of the fuel can have a significant effect on the tions. Consequently, it is necessary to understand the charac-
service life of the engine. Internal combustion engine fuels are teristics and behavior of an individual fuel source. For gaseous
classified under an ASTM designation D-975. This specification fuels, the methane number is the determining parameter for
covers limits for three grades of fuel which can be purchased com- knock resistance of a gas stream in an internal combustion en-
mercially (Fig.15-34). Engine manufacturers may also publish gine. It is comparable to the motor octane number of gasoline.
limits for the fuels they recommend be used in specific engines. Engine knocking must be avoided as it can cause excessive tem-
peratures and pressures which degrade the components of the
Dual-Fuel Dual-fuel engines may operate in one of two engine.
modes. One mode is as an ordinary diesel engine. It may also
operate on a gaseous fuel with a pilot injection of liquid diesel Typical natural gas streams have a methane number rang-
fuel for ignition. The pilot fuel provides less than 10% of the ing from 7598.1 The methane number is a function of gas com-
total fuel energy at full load. position, and uses a reference fuel blend of methane, with a
methane number of 100, and hydrogen, with a methane number
Four-Stroke-Cycle Most spark ignition engines use a of 0. The determination of methane number is done via a pre-
four-stroke-cycle which is completed in two crankshaft revolu- scribed engine test. The time and cost associated with engine
tions and consists of the following piston strokes: testing makes this method an impractical approach to deter-
mining the methane number of a fuel source. There are a num-
1. An intake stroke to draw the fuel/air mixture into the
ber of correlations available to determine methane number.
engine cylinder.
There are differences in the prediction of methane number, in
2. A compression stroke which raises the pressure and tem- some cases on the order of 10%. Accordingly, the reader is ad-
perature of the mixture. vised to access the proprietary methods of their engine manu-
facturer to determine the suitability of a gaseous fuel for a par-
3. The expansion or power stroke from the ignition and ticular application.
combustion of the fuel mixture.
Engine manufacturers will specify the minimum methane
4. An exhaust stroke to free the cylinder of combustion number of the fuel source required for their engines, typically
products. 65 or greater.
The four cycle diesel engine operates in a similar fashion.
During the intake stroke only air is introduced into the cylin- Speed
der. Compression of air alone causes a higher temperature to be Most process plant engines are used to drive equipment with
reached in the cylinder. The fuel is injected into the cylinder at a limited range of speed requirements, and which can be selected
the very beginning of the expansion stroke and spontaneously to operate near the point of highest efficiency. Speed increasing
ignites. or decreasing gears may also be used to match an engine with a

particular service. Internal combustion engines are classified ac- Heat rejection at a turbo aftercooler if applicable (150 to
cording to speed in the following broad categories: 700 kJ/(kW h).
High speed above 1500 rpm Heat rejection at the lube-oil cooler (400 to 1300 kJ/(kW
Medium speed 700 to 1500 rpm h).
Low speed below 700 rpm
New technologies have reduced specific weights (i.e. kg/kW),
High speed engines can offer weight and space advantages increased fuel efficiencies, lengthened the periods between
but will usually require more maintenance than a medium or overhauls, and reduced emissions. Precisely programmed elec-
low speed engine. High speed engines are often selected for tronically controlled fuel injection incorporates ambient and
standby or intermittent applications. As a general rule the low- other important operating conditions to minimize fuel consump-
er the speed the longer the service life. Although internal com- tion and emissions over full operating ranges. Many engine de-
bustion engines are usually selected to run over a limited speed signs include pre-combustion chambers that jet flames into the
range, they will operate well over large ranges of speed just as main combustion chambers effectively igniting leaner air/fuel
an automobile engine does. mixtures (i.e. lean burn) resulting in higher efficiencies and
lower emissions. New thermal-barrier coatings (TBCs) insulate
Performance Rating many engine components from thermal shock and reduce heat
losses that would otherwise decrease thermal efficiencies.
Several measurements of performance can be used to com-
pare engines. Four commonly used measurements are: Engine Energy Balance A gas engine converts the
combustion energy in the fuel to mechanical power and heat.
1. Specific fuel consumption, (kg or kJ)/(kW h)
The combustion energy is usually distributed as follows:
2. BMEP, kPa or bar % Range
3. Specific weight, kg/kW Mechanical power 3040
4. Output per unit of displacement, kW/cm3 Heat rejected to cylinder cooling 2540
Heat rejected to oil cooler 35
The relationship between brake mean effective pressure
(BMEP) and brake power (bkW) is given below. Heat rejected to turbo aftercooler 49
Heat rejected to exhaust 2530
(bkW) (60)
BMEP = Eq 15-3 Heat rejected to atmosphere
(S) (A) (N) (i.e. surface heat loss) 36
The value of N is equivalent to RPM for two-stroke-cycle The mechanical power is the sum of the brake power (bkW)
engines, and RPM divided by two for four-stroke cycle. BMEP (i.e. available shaft power), and the power to drive such engine
indicates how much turbocharging increases power. Brake pow- auxiliaries as a lube-oil pump, cooling-water pump (or radiator
er is the power delivered to the driven equipment by the engine fan), and alternator (for a spark ignition engine).
output shaft.
Fig. 15-35 includes engine power ratings, specific fuel re-
The intended use of the engine will determine the most im- quirements (i.e. heat rates), heat rejections and exhaust con-
portant measure of performance. For an aircraft engine the first
and third items may be the most important; while for a station-
ary engine in continuous service with no space or weight limita-
FIG. 15-34
tions, the first item would be of primary importance.
Grades of Diesel Fuel, ASTM D-975 (1995) Classification
The power delivered is directly related to atmospheric con-
ditions. Operation in areas of low atmospheric pressure (high
1-D 2-D 4-D
altitudes) will reduce the power output. High inlet air tempera-
ture will also reduce the power output. Engines are rated for Flash point, C Min 38 52 55
various altitudes above sea level (i.e. barometric pressures) and Carbon Residue, % Max 0.15 0.35
ambient temperatures (e.g. 457/914 m and 32C according to
DEMA; 457 m and 29C; and so forth). An approximation for Water and Sediment,
derating naturally aspirated engines is 1% reduction in power % by Vol Max 0.05 0.05 0.50
for each 100 m above the rating altitude, and 1% reduction for Ash, % by Wt Max 0.01 0.01 0.10
every 5C above the rating temperature. For exact deration of Distillation C
naturally aspirated engines, or for turbocharged engines, the 90% Pt Max 288 336
manufacturers must be consulted. Min 282
Following are gas-engine design parameters. The values
vary considerably depending on the engine type, make and Viscosity at 40C
model, and on the site conditions, but ranges of typical values Centistokes Min 1.3 1.9 5.5
are given. Max 2.4 4.1 24.0
Sulfur, % by Wt 0.05 0.05 2.0
Fuel-gas requirements (i.e. heat rate) expressed in
terms of lower heating value, LHV (9200 to 12 000 kJ/ Cetane No. Min 40 40 30
(kW h, LHV). Aromaticity,
% by Vol Max 35 35
Heat rejection at the power-end exhaust manifold (2100
to 4200 kJ/(kW h) with jacket water cooling, or 1100 to
2100 without).

ditions for a variety of gas engines. The values are based on full AUXILIARIES
design operating power at the speeds noted for various altitudes
above sea level and ambient temperatures. Bearings
An engines power efficiency, typically called thermal effi- Hydrodynamic journal bearings are found in all types of in-
ciency, is calculated from the following equation: dustrial turbomachinery, which include pumps, electric motors,
steam turbines, electric generators, and gas compressors. The
Thermal Efficiency = 100 x 3600
hydrodynamic bearing types most commonly found in turboma-
Heat Rate [kJ/(kW h), LHV] chinery are:
The heat rejected is calculated from the following equation: Plane cylindrical
Heat Rejected = (Heat Rate 3600) kJ/(kW h) Pressure dam
The total heat rejected to the engine exhaust gas is calcu- Tilting pad
lated from the following equation:
For all bearing types, the fundamental geometric parame-
Exhaust Heat = Total heat rejected minus the sum of the ters are journal diameter, pad arc angle, length-to-diameter
kJ/(kW hr) heat rejected to cylinder cooling, oil ratio, and running clearance. Some bearing types, such as tilt-
cooling, turbo aftercooling, and engine- ing pad bearings, have additional geometric variations includ-
surface heat loss to the atmosphere ing number of pads, preload, pad pivot offset angle, and orienta-
tion of the bearing (on or between pads). The key operating
It is technically feasible to recover part of the heat. Low tem- conditions are oil viscosity, oil density, rotating speed, gravity
perature heat at about 80C, for such as space heating, can be re- load at the bearing, and applied external loads (such as gear
covered from the cooling circuits for cylinder jackets, lube oil and mesh or pump volute loadings). A machinery expert should be
turbo charged air. Higher level heat at above 150C can be recov- consulted for further details concerning types of bearings and
ered by heat exchange with engine exhaust. Below 150C water their applications and designs.
vapor will condense with CO2 absorption, acid formation, and re-
sulting corrosion. A heat recovery arrangement is illustrated in Gears
Fig. 15-36. Technical feasibility depends upon the economic crite-
ria and improves as the engine size increases. Heat recovery can There are many different types of open gears such as spur,
increase the overall thermal efficiency to as high as 75%. For ex- helical, spiral bevel, and worm. This section will focus on en-
ample, an engines thermal efficiency can be increased from a closed high speed helical gear reducers or increasers commonly
typical regular value of 33% to 75% by recovering about 60% of the used in the natural gas, refinery, and petrochemical indus-
heat normally rejected to the coolant and exhaust. tries.
Example 15-4 Calculate the thermal efficiency, total heat re- Speed Increasers and Reducers Speed increasers are
jected, and total exhaust heat for a Waukesha L7042GL at 1200 usually used on centrifugal compressors, axial compressors,
RPM, 25C and sea level, and its full power rating. blowers, and centrifugal pumps driven by motors, turbines, and
industrial combustion engines. Speed reducers are used on re-
Solutions Steps ciprocating compressors, rotary positive displacement compres-
From Fig. 15-35: sors, centrifugal pumps, generators, and fans driven by turbines
and motors.
Full Power = 1117 kW
High Speed Gears High speed gears are generally de-
Heat rate = 10 305 kJ/(kW h) fined as having either or both of the following:
Heat rejected to water  1. Pinion speed of at least 2,900 rpm.
cooling, oil cooling, turbo = 2763 + 422 + 604 + 268
intercooling, and radiation = 4057 kJ/(kW h) 2. Pitch line velocities above 25 m/s.
There are units operating with pitch line velocities in excess
Therefore: of 1750m/s and transmitting greater than 22 000kW.
100 x 3600
efficiency = = 34.9% Gearing High speed gears can be selected with either
10 305 single helical gearing (used extensively in Europe) or opposed
Heatrejected perbhp = 10 305 3600 = 6705 kJ/(kW h) double helical (i.e. herringbone) gearing (predominant in the
United States). Pros and cons of each type of gear design are
Total heat rejected = 6705 [kJ/(kW h)] 1117 kW numerous with double helical gearing being more efficient be-
= (7.49) (106) kJ/h cause there is only one thrust bearing required. The thrust
Exhaust heat per bhp = 6705 4057 = 2648 kJ/(kW h) bearing is usually on the low speed shaft.

Total exhaust heat = 2648 [kJ/kW h)] 1117 kW Surface Finish High speed gears are classified as preci-
= (2.958) (106) kJ/h sion quality gears. Fig.15-29 shows a minimum surface finish
and quality required for various pitch line velocities as recom-
mended in Figure 1, page 14 of AGMA 2001-C95, Fundamental
Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and
Helical Gear Teeth.

Note: Figures may be approximate due to variations in engine services and are representative of new engines only. Refer to manufacturer for exact information.
Heat Rejection kJ/(bkW-hr)
Full Power at Fuel Reqmt Turbo Atmosphere
Full Speed Full Speed Strokes Per [kJ/(bkWhr)] Jacket Water Intercooler/ i.e. Surface Exhaust rate Exhaust
ENGINE (bkW) (rpm) Cycle BMEP (bar) LHV Cooler Oil Cooler Aftercooler Heat Loss [kg/(bkWhr)] temp C

G3304 NA 72 1800 4 Not Avail. 11142 3642 596 N/A 447 4.17 587
G3304B NA 72 1800 4 Not Avail. 11142 3790 572 N/A 447 4.26 564
G3306 NA 109 1800 4 Not Avail. 11000 3541 579 N/A 440 4.10 594
G3306B NA 109 1800 4 Not Avail. 11000 3517 525 N/A 440 4.12 627
G3306 TA 153 1800 4 Not Avail. 11457 3782 598 N/A 458 4.30 573
G3306B TA 155 1800 4 Not Avail. 11412 3750 559 N/A 457 4.26 590
G3406 NA 162 1800 4 Not Avail. 11099 3582 586 N/A 443 4.52 559
G3406 TA 208 1800 4 Not Avail. 10495 3909 (1) N/A 420 3.97 540
G3408 NA 192 1800 4 Not Avail. 10813 3385 535 N/A 432 4.30 576
G3408 TA 251 1800 4 Not Avail. 10621 4089 (1) N/A 425 3.95 514
G3408C LE 321 1800 4 Not Avail. 10745 2982 472 N/A 438 6.06 430
G3412 TA 377 1800 4 Not Avail. 11035 3855 609 N/A 441 4.02 523
G3412C LE 481 1800 4 Not Avail. 10802 3082 487 N/A 440 5.99 420
G3508 TA 395 1800 4 Not Avail. 10911 3812 568 N/A 443 4.02 490
G3508 LE 506 1800 4 Not Avail. 10625 2306 365 N/A 404 5.85 529
G3508B LE 521 1800 4 Not Avail. 10263 1327 326 N/A 430 6.46 499
G3512 TA 596 1800 4 Not Avail. 11069 3979 629 N/A 391 4.00 478

G3512 LE 649 1800 4 Not Avail. 10472 2735 408 N/A 360 6.03 439
FIG. 15-35

G3512 LE 758 1800 4 Not Avail. 10424 2601 388 N/A 359 6.06 446
G3512B LE 781 1800 4 Not Avail. 10239 1427 325 N/A 383 6.32 524
G3516 TA 792 1800 4 Not Avail. 10894 3946 624 N/A 368 3.75 489
G3516 LE 868 1800 4 Not Avail. 10362 2682 400 N/A 336 5.98 452
G3516 LE 1011 1800 4 Not Avail. 10477 2668 398 N/A 337 5.96 467
G3516B LE 1041 1800 4 Not Avail. 10329 1440 275 N/A 376 6.34 533
G3520B LE 1117 1800 4 Not Avail. 10547 1781 275 N/A 360 6.63 529
Engine Ratings and Operating Parameters

G3520B LE 1302 1800 4 Not Avail. 10194 1494 275 N/A 361 6.25 532
G3606 LE 1340 1800 4 Not Avail. 9407 855 434 N/A 337 7.33 453
G3608 LE 1789 1800 4 Not Avail. 9379 856 432 N/A 336 7.24 458
G3612 LE 2679 1800 4 Not Avail. 9379 869 432 N/A 336 7.32 448
G3616 LE 3574 1800 4 Not Avail. 9345 859 431 N/A 335 7.21 458
G12CM34 4630 1800 4 Not Avail. 8261 511 542 N/A 170 3.70 345
G16CM34 6173 1800 4 Not Avail. 8261 511 585 N/A 170 3.65 345

G5.9 75 2200 4 7 11961 2902 Not Avail. na 921 Not Avail. 719
G8.3 89 1800 4 7 11962 3303 Not Avail. na 549 Not Avail. 728
GTA8.3 132 1800 4 10 10426 2324 Not Avail. 490 549 Not Avail. 727
QSL9G 132 1800 4 10 11443 3726 Not Avail. 430 990 Not Avail. 581
G855 142 1800 4 7 12065 3808 Not Avail. na 690 Not Avail. 637
GTA855 193 1800 4 9 11939 4051 Not Avail. 404 900 Not Avail. 731
KTA19GC 287 1800 4 10 11447 3279 Not Avail. 294 1120 Not Avail. 727
KTA38GC 574 1800 4 10 11236 4262 Not Avail. 210 572 Not Avail. 647
Note: Figures may be approximate due to variations in engine services and are representative of new engines only. Refer to manufacturer for exact information.
Heat Rejection kJ/(bkW-hr)
Full Power at Fuel Reqmt Turbo Atmosphere
Full Speed Full Speed Strokes Per [kJ/(bkWhr)] Jacket Water Intercooler/ i.e. Surface Exhaust rate Exhaust
ENGINE (bkW) (rpm) Cycle BMEP (bar) LHV Cooler Oil Cooler Aftercooler Heat Loss [kg/(bkWhr)] temp C

Wartsila (4)
6L34SG 2733 750 4 20 7689
9L34SG 4099 750 4 20 7689 1026 (5) (6) 417 (5) 330 (5) (7) 133 (5) 9.82 779
12V34SG 5465 750 4 20 7689 1053 (5) (6) 417 (5) 303 (5) (7) 133 (5) 9.82 779
16V34SG 7287 750 4 20 7689
20V34SG 9108 750 4 20 7689 990 (5) (6) 417 (5) 340 (5) (7) 130 (5) 9.84 797

F18G 181 1800 4 7 10710 3944 318 - 289 3.93 573
F18GL 302 1800 4 11 10078 2653 343 668 219 5.70 447
F18GSI 302 1800 4 11 10644 3233 598 276 350 4.00 602
H24G 242 1800 4 7 11173 4222 332 - 261 4.09 592
H24GL 400 1800 4 11 10073 2659 342 673 195 5.70 448
H24GSI 400 1800 4 11 10607 3246 598 275 302 3.98 601
L36GL 604 1800 4 11 10065 2651 341 668 170 5.69 448
L36GSI 604 1800 4 11 10454 3304 525 265 251 3.93 602
P48GL 804 1800 4 11 10034 2722 335 668 155 5.67 447
P48GSI 804 1800 4 11 10431 3280 518 266 222 3.92 601
F3521G 389 1200 4 7 10379 3494 541 - 475 3.90 571

F3521GL 557 1200 4 10 10445 2906 445 612 282 6.69 373
F3514GSI 558 1200 4 10 11573 3646 579 229 621 4.24 632
F3524GSI 634 1200 4 11 11371 3522 532 234 569 4.17 644
L5790G 638 1200 4 7 10535 3608 534 - 531 3.96 562
FIG. 15-35 (Contd.)

L5774LT 966 1200 4 10 9848 2363 510 429 391 5.51 450
L5794LT 1094 1200 4 11 9897 2387 476 506 349 5.54 454
L5794GSI 1041 1200 4 11 10844 3182 492 182 620 3.96 613
L7042G 774 1200 4 7 10400 3494 541 - 447 3.90 570
L7042GL 1117 1200 4 10 10305 2763 422 604 268 6.60 377
Engine Ratings and Operating Parameters

L7042GSI 1117 1200 4 10 11082 3438 343 269 567 4.16 608
L7044GSI 1268 1200 4 11 11204 3325 486 212 550 4.10 637
P9390GL 1494 1200 4 10 10184 2524 454 632 233 6.52 406
P9390GSI 1494 1200 4 10 11219 3562 371 275 453 4.21 636
12V275GL+ 2736 1000 4 15 9267 843 370 1002 118 7.16 438
16V275GL+ 3649 1000 4 15 9308 878 310 1039 114 7.19 433
(1) The heat rejected to the oil cooler is included with that to the jacket-water cooler.
(2): G3508B LE, G3512B LE, G3516B LE, G3520B LE, G3600, GCM34 and G3300B engine information based on 0.5 gram NOx rating
(3): All G3300, G3400NA, G3400TA and G3500 engine information based on catalyst setting
(4) Performance data is based upon the A2 version at High Efficiency setting and reference conditions in accordance with ISO 3046/1-6
(5) tolerance 10%
(6) Jacket water circuit (HT circuit) includes jacket and HT charge air cooler heat
(7) LT charge air cooler portion only
FIG. 15-36
Example Engine Heat Recovery Arrangement

Gear Ratings Scuffing Temperatures The scuffing or flash tempera-

ture index is the calculated temperature of the oil in the gear
Various parameters affecting the durability, strength rat- mesh. This temperature is arrived at by calculating the tem-
ings, and scoring temperatures include: perature rise of the lubricant in the mesh and adding it to the
Power The power rating of high speed gears is deter- inlet oil temperature. The temperature rise for a given set of
mined from the durability rating and strength rating on the gears increases with the tooth loading, speed, and surface finish
gear or pinion as specified in AGMA 6011-G92, Specifications (i.e. increasing roughness).
for High Speed Helical Gear Units. In addition, the rating is The temperature of the gears will increase as the pitch is
limited by the scuffing temperature as determined in accor- decreased, pressure angle is decreased, or helix angle is in-
dance with AGMA 217.01, Information Sheet, Gear Scoring De- creased.
sign Guide for Aerospace Spur and Helical Power Gears, and
Annex A of AGMA 2001-C95. Design Factors
Durability The durability kW rating for a specific gear The following design factors must be considered for high
set is primarily dependent on the speed and allowable contact speed drives.
stress of the gear and does not vary significantly with tooth
size. The allowable contact stress is dependent on the surface Housings must be of rugged design for strength and ri-
hardness of the gear or pinion teeth and varies with material gidity to maintain precise alignment of gears and bearings.
composition and mechanical properties. Bearings should be split-sleeve, babbitt lined, steel-
Strength The strength kW rating for a specific gear set backed precision journal bearings with thrust faces for axial
varies mainly with the speed, allowable fatigue stress of mate- loads. Fixed pad or tilting pad (Kingsbury type) should be used
rial, and with tooth thickness. The tooth form, pressure angle, where required. Tilt pad radial bearings may also be required
filet radius, number of teeth, helix angle, and pitch line velocity for high rpm, high load applications.
also affect the strength power rating. Shaftsprecision machined from heat treated, high qual-
Allowable fatigue stress is dependent on the tensile strength ity alloy steel. Adequately sized to rigidly maintain gear align-
of the material and varies with heat treatment and chemical ment and protect from overload.

FIG. 15-37 Couplings
Gear Quality A coupling is required to connect a prime mover to a piece of
driven machinery. The purpose of a coupling is to transmit ro-
Pitch Line Surface Quality tary motion and torque from one piece of machinery to another.
Minimum Gear A coupling may also serve a secondary purpose such as accom-
Velocity (RMS)
Quality Number modating misalignment of the two pieces of equipment. There
(m/s) micrometers
are two general categories of couplings: rigid and flexible.
Under 40 1.1 10
41 50 0.81 11 Rigid Couplings Rigid couplings are used when the two
machines must be kept in exact alignment or when the rotor of
51 100 0.81 12 one machine is used to support the rotor of another machine.
101 150 0.51 12-13 Very precise alignment of machine bearings is necessary when
using this type of coupling. Manufacturing tolerances are also
Over 150 0.41 12-14
extremely important. One common application for rigid cou-
plings is in the pump industry where the prime mover, gener-
ally an electric motor, is positioned vertically above the pump.
Pinions normally cut integral with shaft from a high
quality forging that is through hardened or surface hardened by Flexible Couplings Flexible couplings, in addition to
carburizing or nitriding. Grinding is the most common finishing transmitting torque, accommodate unavoidable misalignment
method but precision hobbing, shaving, or lapping are also between shafts. Mechanically flexible couplings provide for mis-
used. alignment by clearances in the design of the coupling. The most
common type of mechanically flexible coupling is the gear-type.
Gears usually made from a high quality forging that is Material flexible couplings use the natural flexing of the cou-
through hardened or surface hardened by carburizing or nitrid- pling element to compensate for shaft misalignment. Metal,
ing and is separate from the low speed shaft. Gear may be inte- elastomer, or plastic having sufficient resistance to fatigue fail-
gral with the shaft when operating conditions require. Grinding ure may be used for the flexing element of the coupling. Many
is the most common finishing method but precision hobbing, types of flexible couplings are in common use and selection for
shaving, or lapping are also used. a particular application depends on many factors including
cost, power, shaft speed, and reliability. A specialist should al-
Dynamic Balancebalance all rotating elements to as-
ways be consulted for proper selection on any critical piece of
sure smooth operation at high rpm.
Sealsshaft seal should be of the labyrinth type, with
clearance between shaft and seal of 0.50 to 0.75mm. To prevent Vibration Monitoring
oil leakage through the clearance, the labyrinth is made inter- The oldest and most basic type of vibration measurement
locking with grooves machined in the cap to create air back involved the use of the human senses to feel and listen to a
pressure during rotation to retain the lubricant. machine. The basic approach has not changed, just the method.
High speed gears are usually used on critical process trains It was always difficult to justify enough time for one individual,
where down time is quite costly and catastrophic failure must or a group of individuals, to acquire periodic measurements on
be avoided at all costs. Therefore, gear drives are becoming a large number of machines. Also, with the advent of high speed,
more and more instrumented. Optional monitoring equipment high performance machines, failures can occur faster than per-
often specified by users include: sonnel can react. In addition, very subtle changes can occur
over a long period of time, making it difficult to realize by the
Vibration probes and proximitors (to measure shaft vi- human senses, but still affecting the machines mechanical sta-
bration) bility and safety. Vibration monitoring is simply the full-time
Keyphasors (provide timing and phase reference) electronic measurement and monitoring of vibration levels from
a given machine. Typically, the monitoring responds to the
Accelerometers (measure casing acceleration) overall signal input from the transducer regardless of the source
of vibration (in-balance, bearing wear, coupling problems, mis-
Direct reading dial type thermometers in stainless ther- alignment, etc.).
mowells (measure bearing temperature)
A typical vibration monitor provides two levels of alarm:
Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and thermo- alert and danger, that can be adjusted to fit the characteristics
couples (measure bearing temperature) of a given machine. These set points have associated relays
Temperature and pressure switches (alarm and shut- which can be connected to external audible or visual annuncia-
down functions) tors on the control panel. If the alert or danger set point is ex-
ceeded, the monitor and annunciator will alert operations and
Lubrication maintenance personnel of this event. Ideally, the alert alarm
will indicate that the machine condition has changed signifi-
The majority of high power, high speed gears are lubricated cantly, but allow some discrete time before the machine is in a
from a common sump which also lubricates the driving and the dangerous condition. For most applications, if the machine does
driven equipment. These systems are normally designed to op- reach the danger level of vibration and continued operation
erate with a high grade turbine oil with a minimum viscosity of would probably result in machine failure, automatic shutdown
32mPa s at 37.8C (150 SSU at 100F). A good operating pres- is mandatory regardless of the time lag that has occurred be-
sure range for the oil is 170 to 340kPa (ga), with 25micron fil- tween alert and danger signal.

There are three types of vibration sensors: (1)accelerome- BIBLIOGRAPHY
ters, (2)velocity transducers, and (3)proximity probes. For
most large critical machinery, and certainly for machinery with rown, T., Cadick, J. L., Electric Motors are the Basic CPI Prime Mov-
fluid film-type bearings, the important measurement to be ers, Chemical Engineering, Vol.86, No.6, 1979.
made is rotor motion relative to the machine bearing or bearing Gartmann, Hans, Editor, DeLaval Engineering Handbook, McGraw-
support. For this application, the proximity probe transducer Hill Book Company, 1970.
has proven to be the most reliable indicator of machinery mal-
Karassik, I. J., Krutzsch, W. C., Fraser, W. H., Messina,J.P., Editors,
functions. Pump Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1976.
The proximity probe is a noncontacting transducer, typically Kosow, I. L., Control of Electric Machines, Prentice-Hall, 1973.
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