Rocedure FOR Lassware Leaning
Rocedure FOR Lassware Leaning
Rocedure FOR Lassware Leaning
Home > Lotix User Manual > Materials, Reagents, and Standards > Procedure for Cleaning Glassware
Note: For glassware that contains relatively clean purified water and WFI
samples, such as bottles and vials, do not rewash with the soap solution.
Rewashing recontaminates the clean surface with the carbon containing
cleaning solution. Instead, begin with Step 2. and proceed from there to reclean
the glassware.
1) Wash all glassware, containers, and closures with hot water and a laboratory glassware cleaning solution.
Take extra care to clean the threads of the bottles, vials, and caps.
Wash the Teflon-backed septa used to seal the bottles and vials.
3) Soak all glassware, containers, and closures in dilute nitric acid (0.5%) for eight hours or overnight.
Fill the glassware and containers with the dilute acid to soak.
Place all closures and septa in a clean beaker containing dilute nitric acid to soak.
5) Store clean glassware and containers sealed with clean caps and septa or aluminum foil in closed cabinets.
Note: If the storage time is short, store the clean glassware and containers filled
with reagent water. The water will continue to clean the glassware even further.
6) For glassware that contains the standard solutions, reuse the same container and volumetric flask for each
concentration. No further washing is recommended. Simply rinse profusely with reagent water and remake the
standard. The extra washing steps may add to the uncertainty once the container is clean.
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