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School of International Hospitality and Tourism Management Course Outline

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La Consolacion College Tanauan

School of International Hospitality and Tourism Management

Course Outline

Course Code: Course Title:

Music 301 Fundamentals of Music and Theory
Units: 3 Lecture Hours: 34 Performance Hours: 20

Course Description:
This course provides preparation for vocal or instrumental study and performance, for
further study of music theory, and for elementary or early childhood education. It is designed
for students with little or no prior understanding of music fundamentals, who wish to learn to
read, write and comprehend music notation. Topics include pitch and rhythmic notation, scales,
intervals, key and meter signatures, music symbols, basic aspects of melodic and harmonic
construction, examination of the elements of music, and an introduction to ear training, sight-
singing and the piano keyboard. This then also includes teaching techniques that will lead the
future teachers to an effective, joyful, exciting and fun teaching of music.
Learning Outcomes Learning Content References
1. Identify, write and apply A. Pitch Notation Higino A. Sorneo., Teaching The
pitch and rhythmic Note names, clefs, and Fundamentals of Music.
notation. grand staff.
2. Sing or play scales in Scales: major and minor Tarcila V. Siruno., General Music
various forms, rhythm and (diatonic), key signatures, Education.
intervals Sing or play scales accidentals, tonality.
Loreto Del Castillio-Gloria.,
in various forms, rhythm Intervals, transposition,
Music For the Class Room
and intervals consonance and
dissonance, chromaticism.
Harmony triads and 7th Merlion Arts Library., Making
chords. Music

3. Translate other symbols in B. Rhythmic Notation Higino A. Sorneo., Teaching The

musical scores concerning Note values, meter and Fundamentals of Music.
tempo, dynamics, texture, meter signatures (simple
4. Practice and perform and compound). Tarcila V. Siruno., General Music
introductory levels of Tempo, Cut time, Beat Education.
keyboard playing, rhythms Subdivision. Loreto Del Castillio-Gloria.,
and sight-singing. Dotted rhythms, ties, Music For the Class Room
5. beams, triplets. Teacher.
Counting methods,
conducting patterns. Merlion Arts Library., Making
Syncopation. Music
6. Analyze and differentiate C. Other Musical Elements Higino A. Sorneo., Teaching The
the elements of music. Melody and Fundamsentals of Music.
Tarcila V. Siruno., General Music
Accompaniments and
Dynamics and Timbre Loreto Del Castillio-Gloria.,
Basic elements of form Music For the Class Room
and musical construction Teacher.

Merlion Arts Library., Making

7. Demonstrate introductory D. Principals involved in Higino A. Sorneo., Teaching The
levels of sight singing and teaching a song Fundamentals of Music.
keyboard playing. The Development of Vocal
8. Employ reading and music Tarcila V. Siruno., General Music
practice skills to develop The Development of Music Education.
musical abilities, creative Appreciation
Loreto Del Castillio-Gloria.,
sensibilities and aural
Music For the Class Room
9. Perform on-stage
conducting of chorale Merlion Arts Library., Making
singing. Music
10. Perform Solo, Duet, Trio
and Quartet singing of
different styles of music
11. E. The Musical Instruments Higino A. Sorneo., Teaching The
Fundamentals of Music.

Tarcila V. Siruno., General Music


Loreto Del Castillio-Gloria.,

Music For the Class Room

Merlion Arts Library., Making


Prepared By:

Gene Roy P. Hernandez

College Faculty
Check By:

Arlene I. Benignos

Approved By:

Mr. Juan L. Matanguihan

Dean for Academic Management

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