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Physics 2006 P2-2 PDF

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1. You MUST use this answer booklet when responding to the questions. For each question, write
your answer in the space provided and return the answer booklet at the end of the examination.

2. ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this booklet, since marks will be awarded for correct
steps in calculations.

Copyright 2005 Caribbean Examinations Council.

All rights reserved.
1. A student was asked to investigate the variation in temperature of 2 kg of water initially at 30oe,
when heat energy was supplied to it by an electric heater rated at 1400 W. The following
measurements were taken and recorded in Table 1.

Temperature of water, ate 30.0 40.0 51.0 62.5 72.0 80.0 89.0

Heating time, tis 0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Temperature change, ~a = (a - 30)tC 0

Energy supplied, Q = 1400t/J 0

(b) Plot on the graph page opposite a graph of energy supplied against temperature change.
(11 marks)

(d) Assuming that the energy loss to the container and the surroundings is negligible, what
physical quantity does this gradient represent?

(e) Determine the value of this quantity if 1 kg of water were used and state the physical
quantity this represents.

( 2 marks)


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(f) Water boils at 1OOe. Calculate the heat energy which must be supplied in order to
completely convert the 2 kg of water to steam.

[Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2.3 x 106 Jkg-1]

(b) The circuit shown in Figure 1 shows the interconnection between electrical devices, B
and C, and voltage source A.
A fluorescent lamp is rated at l5W, l20V. Calculate the current which the lamp
draws from the main supply.

(iii) When the lamp is lit, 4 W of the energy supplied is lost as heat. Calculate the
efficiency of the lamp.
Figure 2 shows successive stages in the generation of a transverse wave on a stretched
slinky spring.


Hump moves
towards wall

the position of a crest

the position of a trough.

a) the direction of the wave

h) the direction of hand movement needed to produce this wave.
( 3 marks)

(iii) Indicate on Figure 2A the direction of hand movement needed to produce a

longitudinal wave. ( 1 mark)
(b) In a classroom demonstration a student uses a slinky spring to generate waves of
frequency 5 Hz with 0.65 metres separation between successive crests. Determine the
speed of these waves.

Deduce whether the velocity of a sound wave will increase, decrease or remain
constant when the wave travels from a denser to a less dense medium, given that
the frequency remains constant and the wavelength decreases.

(ii) Compare the waves produced on the slinky spring in part (b) with a typical sound
wave in terms of the motion of the particles.
In Figure 3 below, a ship sends out pulses of high-frequency sound (ultrasound) which
are reflected from the sea bed and received at the ship every 1.2 x 10-2 seconds.

Cross section
of ship
(c) A cyclist hangs his bicycle with the rear wheel in contact wi th the ground and the handle
attached to a light string as shown in Figure 4. The entire assembly is in equilibrium.

tE- O.8m-71

I( 1.75m ---

(i) Indicate by drawing arrows on Figure 4 the forces acting on the bicycle.
( 3 marks)
(iii) The bicycle has a mass of 20 kg. Use the result you obtained in Part (c) (ii) to
determine the tension in the string.

Code Live Wire Neutral Wire Earth Wire

Insulation Colour

(b) Fuses are sometimes used to protect electrical equipment from excess current. Explain
how a fuse works.
(c) A household has the following appliances

Heating iron rated at 1200 W, 110 V

Television set rated at 70 W, 110 V
Electrical fan 52 W, 110 V

(ii) These devices are in use for 4 hours per day. Calculate the energy consumed in
kilowatt-hours in a 30-day month.

(iv) Assuming that these devices are connected in parallel across the mains supply,
and are switch~d ON, calculate the TOTAL current drawn from the mains.

(v) Fuses are available with the following current ratings: 5A, lOA, 15A, 25A.
Select a suitable fuse for protecting these devices.

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