Infrared Homing Micro Missile
Infrared Homing Micro Missile
Infrared Homing Micro Missile
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Eugene H. Farnum
— —-—
ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A. The Current State of Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B. The New Technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
v. GUIDANCE ANDFLIGHTCONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A. Piezoelectric Bimorphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...28
B. Guidance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
VII. PROPULSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
XII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Eugene H. Farnum
o The missile body, warhead, and solid fuel rocket are cur-
rent technology.
to defeat the target when the missile has done its job. Finally, since this
large missile is now also high value, more sophisticated guidance and control
are justified to assure high reliability and high kill probability. As you can
see in Fig. 1, a vicious circle develops which limits the minimum size of the
missile and the minimum value of the intended target. What is needed to break
this circle is a lightweight, compact steering technique; a low-cost stabili-
zation package; a simple, cheap detector; and a miniaturized computer.
B. The New Technologies
Newly developed and emerging technologies allow solutions to these prob-
lems and an infrared (IR) homing, antipersonnel missile with a mass of <100 g
is currently possible. It is my purpose, in this report, to propose a configur-
ation for such a missile and to show that, by using current technology, an
effective terminal-homing antipersonnel missile is feasible. The design of a
missile system is a complex tradeoff between the desired mission, the per-
formance of each subsystem relative to the whole, and the cost. I have made
no attempt in this study to optimize the design nor do I wish to restrict its
configuration to the one I have chosen. The choices I have made for the size
and weight of the missile, its aerodynamic characteristics, and the desired
performance of each subsystem are only loosely balanced with each other and with
the assumed mission and are not meant to be more than an example of what is
& b,,,,,
generated steering commands for a homing system called Multiaperture Optical
Thermal Homer (MOTH) .21 A major advantage of such a system is that the number
of detectors, and thus the required computing capacity for rapid image analysis,
is within the capacity of VLSI circuit technology under development by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Considerable computer capacity is needed for the image processing,
guidance and stabilization, and steering functions. In addition, several power
supplies and other miscellaneous electronics will be needed for control, fuzing,
and other desired functions. VLSI circuit technology can already put sufficient
computer power on a single chip that is <1 cm on a side. Commercial computer
chips areavailable with 256,000 random access memory in a few square
millimeters. The entire electronics package could be designed as a single
VLSI circuit chip using technology being developed in current DARPA programs.
The power supply must be capable of a few watts for -10 s and must have a long
shelf life. Currently available lithium batteries have adequate size and power
for this use. Polyacetylene batteries are an emerging technology which also
may prove useful.
The missile could be launched by airdrop or from a hand-held or machine-
mounted launcher. A small, solid fuel rocket motor (similar to those used by
model rocket hobbyists) would be used to maintain the desired velocity for the
useful range (assumed to be -1 km). It is also possible within the size and
weight limitations used in my example to increase initial rocket thrust suf-
ficiently to allow a recoilless launch.
The missile used in this example can carry a 1- to 2-OZ (30- to 60-g)
warhead. The envisioned warhead would be a cylinder of close-packed tungsten
spheres surrounding -10 g of high explosive. This warhead would weigh ‘1.5 oz
(46 g). Although more innovative concepts may be developed for the warhead,
this example has more propellant and about the same shot weight as a 12-gauge
shotgun shell. It will be more than sufficient for a contact kill and will
probably have a kill radius of a few feet.
In the discussion below, I will expand on these ideas to show that the
performance of each part of the system is adequate and then discuss the cur-
rently available technology. However, we must first develop an intended
mission, show that the missile could be cost effective, define the nominal
target, and develop design criteria.
A. The Mission
The purpose of the proposed missile is to attack unmounted infantry per-
sonnel. Usually these personnel will also be unarmored except for battle dress,
which may include lightweight body armor. The battlefield may be anywhere, but
the mission is intentionally limited to situations in which there is some
measurable difference between the target and the background. That is, where an
IR detector is used the target must be either hotter or colder than the back-
ground. The background threshold temperature will be determined by that temper-
ature which includes most of the signals received from “hot rocks” or false
targets. The number of false targets allowed above the background threshold
temperature affects the probability of hitting the intended target and will be
determined by the cost of the missile. If the missile can be made very cheaply,
it will be reasonable to attack every hot object on the battlefield knowing that
a fraction of these hot objects will be desired targets. Obviously, there will
be situations where human targets are indistinguishable from the background with
IR detection and the missile will not be useful. Such situations can be deter-
mined in advance and detailed in the User’s Manual.
B. Launch Options
The missile may be launched in different ways, depending on the desired
mission. It may be dropped by aircraft over enemy troops and follow a spiral
descent while searching for a target. It may be dropped similarly by a dis-
penser as a smart submunition. Using its own propulsion, it may be fired from a
hand-held weapon in the direction of a potential target or it may be fired in
salvo from a motor-driven platform. The trajectory between launch and target
acquisition may be a straight line of sight, a ballistic path, or some more com-
plicated path. The latter may be preprogrammed or programmed at time of fire to
attack targets hidden from view. Similarly, a range-set would be an easy
addition. With an uncooled detector, the missile may be prepositioned to
“watch” a jungle trail or urban street and launch itself at any detected Larget
within its acquisition range.
— Cost Effectiveness
The foremost operational analysis questions are, “What is the cost per
kill vs the target value? What are the alternative weapons?” Alternative
weapons include bomblet submunitions, machine gun fire, and the M-16 assault
rifle. The cost per kill of these weapons is difficult to obtain, but in the
Vietnam conflict the cost of M-16 ammunition exceeded $5000 per casualty
inflicted. Figure 3 shows the number of rounds fired by infantry rifles vs
casualties inflicted for some TwenLieth Century conflicts. The M-16 ammunition
(5.56-mm NATO) weighs 12.5 g and has a volume of ‘4 cm3. If the missile were
-100 times more effective at hitting a target at 100 g and a volume of 30 cm3,
it would be about 10 times more effective for logistics support (weight and
volume) than the M-16. There is obviously a lot of room for improvement in this
area and the size and weight of the proposed missile are well within the range
of acceptable effectiveness. Nevertheless, we must constantly keep in mind the
delicate balance that determines cost effectiveness and the vicious circle of
missile size described in Fig. 1.
D. The Nominal Target
A typical human being at rest generates about 100 W of heat from meta-
bolic processes. This heat is rejected from the body by radiation and con-
vection from exposed surfaces, by transfer to the air in breathing and, if
necessary, by evaporative cooling (perspiration). Metabolic heat output in-
creases with increasing activity, and the body attempts to regulate its temper-
ature by raising skin temperature and perspiring. Since the body cannot raise
the skin temperature above 310 K (98.6°F), perspiration takes over in warm con-
ditions. In cold conditions skin temperature decreases as the body tries to
preserve heat. This decrease is limited since temperatures of less than 299 K
(79°F) become uncomfortable and require clothing to reduce the radiating area.
Let us try to make a typical (average, nominal, or guessed) case by assuming
that the body generates 100 W, that it rejects this heat over the entire 2 m2 of
body area, and that 60% of the cooling is by perspiration, convection, and
breathing. In this case the radiated heat is 21 W/m2. With an emissivity of
0.8, this corresponds to a temperature difference of 4 K at a radiating temper-
ature of 300 K. Thus , for a background of 304 K (88°F), the skin temperature
will be 308 K (95”F). Note that this is quite a conservative estimate and that
temperature differences between skin and background of more than 10 K are not
unusual. The ideal blackbody emission at 308 and 304 K in various spectral
regions is shown in Table 1.
— x/
Fig. 3. Number of rounds fired by infantry rifles per
enemy casualty inflicted for recent United
States conflicts.
Target Background
Emitted Flux Emitted Flux Net
Wavelength Range at 308 K at 304 K Emitted Flux
(pm) (W/m2) (W;m2) (W/mz)
Atmospheric transmission bands at 8.5 to 12.5 (the 8- to 12-pm band) and
3.4 to 4.8 pm (the 3- to 5-pm band) are commonly used for IR detection to avoid
atmospheric absorption.
Thus we expect a person, in rejecting his 100 W of heat, to radiate a net
flux of 0.6 W/m2 in the 3- to 5-pm band and 8 W/m2 in the 8- to 12-pm band.
The background temperature of 304 K taken for this typical case will cor-
respond to the background threshold temperature discussed earlier. Possible
battlefields can have average temperatures between 253 and 315 K (-5 to +107”F)
and will make target detection moreor less easy respectively. Attempts to
model carefully controlled backgrounds have been relatively successful. For
example, a field of grass can be described by an effective blackbody temper-
ature, T different from the temperature of the air, Tair, which is given by
Te = -14.3 + 1.6 T
air ‘
where temperatures are in degrees centigrade. This does not account for
reflected solar radiation, hot rocks, and metal surfaces. Reflected solar radi-
ation can be significant in the IR but the reflectance of the target and the
average background are both low and probably about the same (-10%). Hot rocks
and metal surfaces can obviously pose a discrimination problem for a nonimaging
IR system on a warm sunny day. I believe that the usefulness of this proposed
missile under such conditions must be determined experimentally with prototype
systems. In addition, these conditions, least favorable for good IR detection,
are also most favorable for alternative weapons, such as the M-16 rifle.
must still be 32 m diam at the acquisition distance. Thus , the optical FOV
depends on the acquisition distance, which in turn depends on the detector
sensitivity. However, it does no good to have the FOV cover an area larger than
the missile’s ability to turn and attack. The minimum turning radius of the
missile is determined by the maximum aerodynamic force that can be exerted by
the steering surfaces and on the air speed. The minimum turning radius also
depends on wing area, aerodynamic design, missile mass, and moment of inertia;
however, the steering force possible with piezoelectric bimorphs is limiting for
our case. Thus , the limitations of detector acquisition distance and
aerodynamic steering force are interdependent in the missile design, and both
determine the available FOV and airspeed.
The missile could cover more area and have a larger FOV with a slow speed
and large wings. However, in addition to the limitation on missile (and thus
wing) size imposed by our desire to minimize cost, the missile must be suf-
ficiently fast so that the target cannot detect the attack and evade it. A
person observing a missile coming toward him can either shield himself or remove
himself from the FOV. Typical eye-hand reaction time is 0.2 s, so it is con-
ceivable that a person could shield themselves in 0.5 s. They could not move
16 m out of the FOV in that short a time. Since the proposed 2-cm-diam missile
will become visible against a good background at a range of 30 to 50 m, an air-
speed of 100 m/s should be adequate for the missile to be effective.
This speed is also consistent with the wing area and turning radius
desired. A number of discussions have suggested that it may be desirable for a
soldier to be able to avoid the missile if he sees it coming soon enough. These
arguments are based on distractive and psychological advantages; further con-
sideration of this point will be left to strategists and the interested reader,
since there is no reason why the missile speed could not be reduced or increased
within limitations discussed below.
Finally, the warhead must be sufficient to kill the target. A 100-g
missile traveling at 100 m/s would probably kill a person without a warhead if
it hit a vulnerable spot. Since the soldier may be surrounded by other hot
objects, which may decoy the missile, such as his rifle or a pile of just-fired
cases, a kill radius of -1 m for the warhead is preferred.
The criteria adopted for the missile proposed herein are based on a sce-
nario which may not have much relevance to the mission envisioned by the reader.
It will be the task of the reader, skilled in the art of combat and with experi-
ence which shows him where such a missile is needed, to define criteria for his
desired mission.
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OptoEledronic~inc. OTC-12-5
OTC-12-5 series infrared sensors are OPTOELECTRONICS,
Inc. lead selenide (PbSa) detectors mounted on two stage
thermoelectric coolers end packaged in TO-5 cans. *
Designed for use in applications requiring detectors with
extremely high sensitivity in the lpm to 5#m spectral region,
these sensors offer en economical means for obtaining cooled
photorxmductive detector performance without the bulk end
inconvenience of liquid cooling. 1 “c”’” i-
OTC-12-5 detector packages are fully evacuated end hermet-
ically sealed, incoqmrating advanced packaging concepts
such es all fused end welded ccmstruction; in addition, the
PbSe detector elements in these sensors are fully passivated
with a protective overcoat. This paesivation technique, devel-
oped by OPTOELECTRONICS, Inc., eliminates instabilities
generally associated with PbSe datectors when they are sub-
jected to visible end/or ultraviolet radiation.
Particularly suitable for use in high volume, low cost sys-
MC u..
tems operating in the Ipm to Spm spectral region, OTC-12
series detectors provide peek sensitivity, comparable to liquid i_-
nitrogen cooled (77° K)PbSe, end performance end reliability
far exceeding that of any other previously available photo-
detector of comparable size and cost.
Verious standard beat sirrks (optional), including a TO-37
mounting base, are available for use with these detectors.
m20toooo ohms a
mv =Xfto130°
tkckw’ouM tefop’xtwc .200 K -. 109
q 10’v W-l
B 10 12 14 16
yl~ = 2 Wadenxtb (urn)
681012141618 u
Ukvcleogth (# m) Frequftwy (Hz)
Spectral responme is determined by the xlloy composition.
Td = 145 to 250 K
Ad = 25 X 104to 1 Cmz
Rd = 2 to 100 me@ima 243 K,
T . lotolooo “.CC OPtOelectronic-
~V = 2* sr
Bsckgrotud lmnprstum . ~ K
ml - 105 v w-’ s
+ak * 5 ‘8 101’
== 109
SBRC cells - TypIca3
r 0p40 cell- Single Unit
10° L t
10 102 10s 10’ 7
Frequency (Ifx) Wavelen@h (pm)
II) An o~rating temperature may be eelected in tbc 145 to 250 K ranfw. Therrnoclectrtc
coolers can & used. Known manufacturer ● rc SBRC xd optoelectronics.
(2) This range amfor square configuratmna. The reahtance will vxry according to the //w
400 —
Soo —
200 —
60 —
60 —
50 – 1016
40 —
20 —
111111111111111111 I I I I I I I 1 I
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.30 0.40 0.60
-Off Wavele@h
++++ wFFFFb-
BIckground Temperature (K)
Energg Gap (eV)
B. Single-Aperture Optical Systems
The conventional approach to seeker design requires that we divide the
overall FOV into resolution elements, or pixels, so that the far-field target
fills one pixel. A 20- by 20-cm target on a 33- X 33-m background thus requires
a focal plane array (FPA) of 165 x 165 elements (total 27,275). Arrays of this
size have been fabricated for research programs, but the percentage of faultY
detectors and nonuniformity in gain between detectors are still major problems.
Mechanically scanned systems can eliminate the nonuniformity problem with in-
creased system complexity, but are too large and expensive for this application.
Another drawback to these systems is the need for extensive signal process-
ing. To process 100 frames/s, 2.7 x 106 SaMpleS/S
Mustbe readad digitized
(assuming full FOV processing). The digitized data must then be processed to
adjust for variations in detector gain, subtract background, and locate target
centroids. This requires between 3N and N2 computer operations. Disregarding
the A/D conversion process, the total load before tracking algorithms are
applied is at least 107 floating point operations/s (FLOPS). The processor thus
requires instruction times of 100 ns and cycle times of <10 ns. Such processors
exist and may ultimately be available at low cost; however, the complexity of
the FPA system and its present high costs make its use for this application
beyond the state of the art. Fortunately, there is an alternate approach.
c. Multiaperture Optical Systems
A seeker system, based on the operating principles of the insect eye, has
been demonstrated by the University of Florida under contract to the Air
Force. Multiple l-mm-diam lenses and arrays were used in a nonimaging tech-
nique to provide resolution, signal-to-noise, and processing speed improvements
over much larger FPA systems. Pixels are much larger than the desired reso-
lution element but, as shown in Fig. 9, fewer pixels are needed for the same
resolution. Resolution is not constant over the FOV, but is much higher than
the pixel size would normally allow. Since the FOV of each lens overlaps that
of the other lenses, the detectors behind each lens have FOVS which overlap that
of other detectors. With this scheme, no gaps are created in the FOV by
det-ector interspacing. KelloggJz has shown that if all resolved pixels are the
same size and have the same degree of overlap, resolution improves by the square
root of the number of apertures. The detected target signature, shown in
Fig. 10, is a vector whose elements are the individual detector responses for
the particular detected target.
Focal Plane Array Multiaperture
Seven detectors, seven resolved Three detectors, seven resolved
pixels. Gaps in coverage. pixels. No gaps in coverage.
The response vector is a list of the output voltage from each detector
for a particular visual scene.
Just as an insect cannot image and comprehend the world around it, the
multiaperture system cannot image the target and identify it. By prerecording
the detector response vector for each of a series of potential targets distri-
buted over the FOV, we build a catalog of response vectors for the target space.
This catalog already includes irregularities in the detectors, and eliminates
the need to provide compensation when the target is acquired. Two methods of
processing the catalog have been demonstrated. First, if the SNR of an actual
target is large enough, the position of the target in the FOV can be found by
comparing the target’s response vector with the catalog of stored vectors. With
interpolation, positional resolution of 0.5 mrad in a 60° FOV with only 49
detectors has been demonstrated. Target rotational orientation was also
easily discerned. Secondly, if the SNR is not sufficient, a more complicated
but more sensitive method may be used. The catalog of response vectors forms a
matrix, as shown in Fig. ha, consisting of N potential-target-position
from M detectors , which can be inverted using nonsquare semisparse techniques.
The resultant inverse matrix, called A , is a list of coefficients for a least-
squares average of the detector responses for the potential target positions.
When the response vector of an unknown target location is multipled by the in-
verse matrix, the resultant vector consists of a probability distribution for
the target being at one of the prelearned potential target positions, as shown
in Fig. llb.
Target positions between, or even outside, the prelearned positions can
be found accurately by interpolation. Since the target response vector and the
A-l matrix are multiplied row by row, the rows may be processed in parallel for
increased speed if needed.
Using this technique with a 7-lens, 49-detector, 58° FOV system,
Schrock35 demonstrated target acquisition at SNR = 0.05 and tracking at
SNR = 0.2.
The potential-target-position teaching and matrix inversion process is
performed during seeker manufacture and stored in the VLSI circuit read-only
memory (RoM). A 49-detector, 20-prelearned-location system, operating at 300 Hz
requires only 6 x 105 FLOPS without any parallel processing. This may be com-
pared to the >107 FLOPS required by a focal plane array with equivalent homing
capability. This technique is also relatively insensitive to failures or damage
to individual components in either the optical, detector, or processor sub-
systems. In addition, the teaching process can provide multicolor operation,
-1 2 3 4 *.*.*--N -
1 Dll 012 013 014 ““””” ~lN
02 D21
● ✎
031 ✎
. ● ✎
✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎
D41 ✎ ✎ ✎
. ✎
. ● ✎
. ✎ ✎
● ✎
. ● ✎
M ‘M 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DMN
(~) ‘..
. ,, .,
‘1 M D, P4
. .
W21 W22 W23”: ””””” . 02 Pg
. ● ✎
Da P2
. ✎
W41” :”””:* ●
04 P1
. . ✎ . ●
. . ✎ . .
. ✎ . .
. ✎ . .
● ✎ . .
‘Nil”””””””””””””””” “ WNM DM PN
. ,,
automatic steering gain change and center weighting if desired. With storage
requirements of -1.6k bit, this system should easily fit on a single VLSI
circuit chip. Current technology permits 256k bits on a l-cm2 chip.
This argument is not meant to imply that multiaperture systems are with-
out disadvantage. Teaching a system too many locations rapidly increases the
in-flight processing requirements and tends to reduce resolution. Thus, TV-type
pictures are not practical. For similar reasons, a large density of targets in
the FOV may give overlapping response vectors which cannot be discriminated.
Overlapping FOV techniques were not discovered until 1979 and further studies on
the effects of overlap, detector spacing, lens spacing, and matrix inversion are
needed prior to packaging the design onto a single chip. However, Laboratory
systems have already demonstrated resolution, FOV and SNR capabilities which
exceed our basic requirements.
A possible configuration for the antipersonnel missile seeker system is
shown in Fig. 12. Six or seven 6.7-mm-diam lenses will fit within the 2 cm diam
allowed for this example. Each lens can have seven 2-mm-diam detectors. Indi-
vidual preamplifiers and A/D converters for each detector, and parallel process-
ing for the target location determination are used because space and cost are
not prohibitive.
D. Target Acquisition Range
We are now able to define a target acquisition system and determine
acquisition range. If the flux radiated by a target in the detectable wave-
length band is Pt (W/m2), then at a range R, the power from the target received
at the detector, Pal(W), will be given by
‘d = ~nR2 ‘
where A t is the area of the radiating target and Al is the collecting area of
the lens. I have assumed that R2 >>A. For a SNR = 1, Pd equals the noise
equivalent power (NEP) at the detector is given by Eq. (1) (pg. 13). The solid
angle FOV (Q), in Eq. (1) is the area of the desired FOV (nr2), divided by the
range squared, or Q = ~r2/R2.
8ido 8oction Front View
Fig. 12b. Detector subsystem, seven detectors
for each lens (remaining space is
available for VLSI circuit).
Equations (1) and (2) yield an expression for the acquisition range where
SNR= 1.
R= 9 (3)
4fr F n
where P = flux radiated by the target less the background flux in the wave-
length band of interest,
At = radiating area of the target,
$= effective collecting lens diameter,
D >’;
= detector defectivity for the wavelength band, background temperature,
The acquisition range, R, can now be calculated using Eq. (3) and the
parameters $ = 0.67 cm; N = 7; t = 3.3 3 x 10-3 S; f = 0.8; A= 400 cm2;
9 t
r a 1.6 X 103 cm. This is tabulated in Table II. Thus the acquisition distance
will be at least 38 m in the 3- to 5-pm band and 260 m in the 8- to 12-pm band.
A D’: of 1 x 109 is possible in the 8- to 12-pm band at higher detector tempera-
tures, which is advantageous, and still gives an acquisition distance of 51 m.
The higher detector temperature is a wise choice and, for the purposes of the
remaining missile design, I have assumed that the acquisition distance is 50 m.
Thus , either the 3- to 5-pm or the 8- to 12-pm band, or a combination of both
for two color detection can be used with a similar estimate for the acquisition
The 32-m-diam FOV at 50 m is an included angle of -36°. This FOV must be
imaged onto the seven detectors in a compact and simple way. I have used a lens
with f = 0.8 (N.A. = 0.65) in the above calculations because such lenses are
easily available and the design of a custom lens is too difficult to attempt for
this example. However, since high resolution is not needed and long wavelengths
are being used, simple cast or pressed lenses without polishing or optical
finishing can be used. Some antireflection coating and/or waveband filter
coating may be desirable.
IR Pta
_.@!!l- (cm HzT~2 W-l) (W/cm2) (c:)
3t05 6 X 10-5 3.8 x 103
-4 2.6 X 104
8 to 12 5 x 109 8x1O
8 to 12 109 8x1(I 5.1 x 103
A. Piezoelectric BimorDhs
Piezoelectric bimorphs for aerodynamic steering control assure the low
cost, size, and complexity of this missile. Piezoelectric bimorphs are made by
laminating two or more sheets of piezoelectric film in which the polarities are
normal to the film plane and opposite to each other. An applied voltage will
contract one set of films and expand the other to produce a bending movement as
shown in Fig. 13. These devices were first proposed for fans to cool electronic
equipment3’4 and, although bimorphs are not yet in production (October 1983),
the metallized film is available and custom devices can be obtained
The amount of force and deflection of a bimorph stack depends on the
number of layer pairs (N), the thickness of each film (t), the applied voltage
(V), the width (w), the length (1?) of the bimorph, the piezoelectric coupling
coefficient (d31), and the Young’s modules (Y). The maximum voltage is deter-
mined by the product of the dielectric strength (s) and the film thickness. The
maximum force at no displacement (Fmax) is given by
Sywd N2t2c
F = ~3j (4)
As can be seen from Eqs. (4) and (5), the parameters open to design (w, 1, N,
and t) are inversely related to force and displacement so that it is difficult
to maximize both. We wish to maximize the force with sufficient displacement to
apply that force aerodynamically. This compromise depends on the turning radius
and speed of the missile, the aerodynamic balance between wing and aileron, the
wing area, the attack angle, and the moment of inertia of the missile. These
will be considered in the next section. As an example, for PVDF (polyvinylidene
fluoride) bimorphs with physical properties listed in Table 111, a deflection uf
3° is possible with 1.3 x 104 dyn force (14-g mass equivalent).
The above calculations are for bimorphs acting as cantilever beams.
Mounting the bimorph with
one end fixed and a pivot point or bearing at an
intermediate position can increase the total deflection. In addition, the
force [Eq. (4)] increases as N’ while the deflection decreases as I/N. This is
because the layers are all bonded together. If we could make a multilayer from
a number of individual single-pair bimorphs, the force would increase as N and
the deflection would be independent of N. This might be accomplished by lubri-
cating the pairs with a liquid which has low viscosity and high surface tension.
The low viscosity would permit slip between the layers during bending, but the
high surface tension would hold the layers together. Such a combination of 10
layers of t = 50 pm material could give a maximum force of 104 dyn (11 g) with a
maximum deflection of 11O. There is also a possibility that the effective
Young’s modules could be increased by addition of a heterogeneous phase, such as
fibers to the polymer.
B. Guidance
There are three proposed scenarios for the missile flight between launch
and target acquisition. If dropped from an aircraft or airborne platform, it
could follow a preprogrammed descent which optimizes its ability to search for a
target (such as a fairly slow maple-seed-type descent followed by a rocket-
driven attack on target acquisition). If fired from a ground-based launcher, it
could follow a ballistic trajectory with target acquisition turned on after a
preset part of the flight (such as lobbing the missile over a hill to unseen
targets) or it could be required to fly in a straight path along the line of aim
until a target is acquired (this could be uphill, downhill, or a level flight).
In the latter case, an active flight control must maintain the proper orienta-
tion of the missile to counteract gravity. In larger missiles, gyroscopes are
typically used for this purpose and, although some nongyroscopic techniques have
been proposed, such systems are still too large and expensive for our needs.
There are, fortunately, two new developments that offer solutions to this
problem. In 1851, Foucault observed that the plane of vibration of a vibrating
drill rod in a lathe chuck remained fixed as the chuck was slowly rotated.
This discovery has spawned a number of different types of “linear” gyroscopes
whose angular inertia is generated by a vibrating member. One of the
successful designs has employed a cylinder vibrating in a cylindrical/elliptical
mode normal to its axis. A gyroscope capable of O.O1°/s accuracy for rotation
rates of f 600/s has been made with an overall case size of 1.7 cm diam by
2.4 cm long. This gyroscope is -20 times more sensitive than needed for our
purpose (+2° roll for a 10-s flight time is considered sufficient) and is only a
few times too large to be acceptable. Another type of linear gyroscope, called
a Tuning Fork Gyro, based on Foucault’s idea, is similar in method of operation
to the halters found on the Diptera fly 10’11 (an order of flies containing the
housefly and horsefly). The halters are two hair-like projections on the fly’s
thorax which vibrate during flight and provide, via sensitive organs at the
base, a correction which enables the fly to maintain a straight course. If the
halters are removed, the fly cannot maintain a proper flight atitude and crashes
soon after takeoff. I believe that it is possible to duplicate halters in size
and sensitivity using silicon carbide, single-crystal fibers grown by the vapor-
liquid-solid (VLS) process. Very high stiffness (108 PSI), high strength
(106 PSI) fibers with spheres of magnetic iron alloy at one end have been grown
with aspect ratios exceeding 103 by this process. Typically fibers are 3 to
10 pm in diameter by a few millimeters long. Such fibers are capable of large
deflection at high frequency, thus providing large angular momentum, and may be
driven at resonance by piezoelectric coupling at the base and measured via
magnetic forces on the iron sphere. Such a gyroscope has not yet been built,
but should occupy only a few mm3 and would contain no moving parts other than
the vibrating fiber.
One other relevant new technology that may be useful to the guidance
system is that of micromechanical silicon devices. Millimeter-size
accelerometers have been made by photolithographic
techniques on single-crystal
silicon wafers and have shown a sensitivity of 2-mV output/~ of acceleration.
Deviations from a straight flight path of less than 4 m in 500-m range (=0.5°)
would require 50 pV sensitivity and 3 parts per thousand resolution in the
proposed missile. A single linear gyroscope controlling roll coupled with two
linear accelerometers could maintain a straight flight in any direction. The
gyroscope and accelerometers must be initialized to the desired direction just
prior to launch.
The linear gyroscope and accelerometers must provide stabilization for
straight line flight until a target is acquired by the IR detector. Then, the
IR system generates a steering signal which must be converted to about 300-V
bias and applied to the bimorph steering fins. These functions require a micro-
processor capable of digitizing the signal from 42 detectors, multiplying by the
inverted potential-target-position matrix stored in memory, and generating the
proper steering signal. The processor must also take input from the gyroscope
stabilizer during straight flight and give output to the firing circuit when the
target is reached. If optional range selection or flight path selection is
added, they must also be controlled by the processor. The functions must be
performed at a response rate of about 300 Hz.
These requirements are well within the capabilities of present integrated
circuitry. This country has large government and commerical R&D programs in
VLSI circuitry and in very high speed integrated circuitry design and fabri-
cation. These technologies are relevant to this missile in that it is highly
desirable to make the sensors and electronics package as small, cheap, and
simple as possible. One obvious way to do this is to put all the electronics on
a single chip, preferably even including the IR detectors with their thin-film
thermoelectric coolers. Current commercial technology has put 256 K of RAM on a
single chip less than 1 cm2 in area .22 This density exceeds what is needed for
this missile. In addition, current technology allows speeds of more than 106
FLOPS , which is easily capable of performing the necessary control calculations
at our preferred operating frequency of 300 Hz.
To estimate moment of inertia I have assumed a 46-g warhead, a 20-g lens
and electronics package, a 12-g rocket motor, and a 10-g case and battery--for a
total missile mass of 88 g. With a reasonable distribution of these masses
along the length, the moment of inertia is 450 g cmz. This could probably be
made smaller by optimizing the design. I also assume for the present discussion
that the missile is designed so that the wing and the leading, nonmoving edge of
the steering fin assembly achieve aerodynamic balance. That is, any force
applied by the bimorph is used to rotate the missile about its center of mass
and change its aerodynamic attack angle.
Thus, the torque (L) exerted by the steering fin is given by
where ~ is the vector from the fin to the center of mass, F is the aerodynamic
force on the fin, I is the moment of inertia, and a is the angular acceleration
caused by the force ~.
Using the bimorph example given in Table III , where the force is 1.3 x 10
dyn, the displacement is 3°, r = 6 cm, and
rX~ (6 cm)(l.3 X 104dy) = 173 rad,s2
450 g cmz
Time Change in
From Deflection Attack Angle
(s) (degrees)
10-3 5 x 10-3
3 x 10-3 4.5 x 10-2
10-2 0.5
2 x 10-2 2
5 x 10-2 12.4
For a steering fin force of 1.3 x 104 dyn, a 12° attack angle is achieved
in 0.05 s. This is only 10% of the flight time for the missile over the 50 m
travel distance to the target.
We can now ask what attack angle is needed to cause the missile to
execute an 86-m-radius turn. With a missile mass of 88 g, the centripetal force
(mvz/R) for an 86-m radius turn at a velocity (v) of 100 m/s is 106 dyn. This
is nearly 12 times the acceleration of gravity. The aerodynamic force on a wing
is given by
F= * CL pv2s , (7)
when C is the aerodynamic constant for the wing (for a narrow wing, CL = 0.105
(l where (3 is the attack angle in degrees), p is the air density, and S the wing
area. Then for a narrow wing,
With wings 2 cm wide by 3 cm long and a body 2 cm wide by 10 cm long, which has
an aerodynamic lift efficiency of 30% of that of the wing, S = 18 cm2. The air
density at sea level is about 1.2 X 10-3 g/cm3, and v is 100 m/s. From Eq. (8)
and a force of 10 dyn, the required attack angle is about 9°. This attack
angle can be achieved, according to Table IV, in <0.05 s.
Provided that the missile can be designed with 99% neutral flight charac-
teristics, the force of 10 dyn exerted by the bimorph steering fins is suf-
ficient to cause a 12-g, 86-m-radius turn. For less neutral designs, the wing
loading must be reduced to allow the fins a greater share of the load. Since
both the centripetal force needed to make a fixed radius turn and the aero-
dynamic lift on a wing are proportional to VZ, reducing missile velocity will
reduce requirements for neutral flight characteristics. The minimum velocity
requirements are that (1) the target must not be allowed to see the missile
coming in time to effect an escape and (2) gravity must be counteracted.
It remains to be shown that the deflection available with a bimorph is
sufficient to generate
104 dyn aerodynamically. We can solve Eq. (8) for the
attack angle at a force of 10 dyn. With a 2-cm-wide by 2-cm-long bimorph on
each of two steering fins, S = 8 cm2, and at v = 100 m/s, (3= 0.2°. Since the
available bimorph force is 1.3 X 104 dyn at 0° and zero at 3° (Table III), the
force at 0.2° will be 1.2 x 104 dyn if the response is linear. Thus, the avail-
able deflection is sufficient to apply the needed force. However, as the
missile attack angle increases to the 9° needed to execute a 12-g, 86-m-radius
turn, the steering fins must correct their attack angle to continue to apply the
turning force. The amount and direction of the correction depend on the aero-
dynamic design of the missile, particularly on the relationship between the
center of mass and the center of pressure (what I have called neutrality). It
may turn out in the optimum design that more than 3° deflection is required and
other bimorph designs (such as the lubricated multipair bimorphs described
above) are desirable.
If the missile is airdropped as a terminally guided submunition (TGSM),
then propulsion is probably unnecessary. If it is launched from either a gun or
recoilless launcher, a Propulsion system is needed to accelerate the missile (if
recoilless) and to maintain the desired velocity for the useful range. I have
suggested that a rocket motor similar to those sold in hobby shops for $0.50
cents each would be adequate. At 100 m/s speed, 10 s of burn will allow a l-km
range. I will show in this section that the amount of fuel needed for this
application is reasonable.
The aerodynamic drag on a body is given by Eq. (7) if CL is replaced by
(the drag coefficient) and S is the the cross-sectional area. The drag
coefficient for a wing is typically 15% of the lift. In straight-line flight
the lift will equal the weight of the missile (-105 dyn), so the wing drag will
be -1.5 X 104 dyn. The drag on the body can be estimated as flat plate drag,
for which CD = 1, and S is the missile cross-sectional area.
Then from Eq. (7)
(where p = 1.2 X 10-3 g/cm3, v= 104 cm/s, and S = 3.14 cmz), F = 1.9 x 10 dyn
and the total missile drag can be estimated as 2 x 105 dyn.
The thrust from a rocket is given byF=v dm/dt, where Ve is the
exhaust velocity, typically 2 x 10 cm/s and dm/dt, the rate of burn of the
fue 1. If we require the thrust to equal the drag force, then dm/dt = 1 g/s and
10 g of rocket fuel is needed for a 10-s flight time. If we also wish to ac-
celerate the 100-g rocket to 10 cm/s (conservation of momentum will determine
the amount of rocket fuel needed), an additional 5 g of fuel will be required.
Thus , the total rocket fuel requirement is 10 to 15 g for a 100-g missile.
Hobby rockets use a cardboard case with a small ceramic nozzle. Such a case and
nozzle would weigh =2 g. I have, therefore, estimated the weight of the rocket
to be -12 g for the gun-launched version.
The recoil from a 100-g projectile launched at 100 m/s has a momentum of
106 g cm/s. By comparison, the 7.62-mm NATO rifle firing a 150-grain (lO-g)
bullet at 2700 ft/s (823 m/s) has a momentum of 8 x 105 g cm/s. In addition,
because the low-velocity rocket has a longer acceleration time, the recoil will
be “softer” than that of the 7.62 NATO.
“arms-length” kills and would be lethal for the target struck, greater warhead
range would certainly be desirable. The use of lead pellets would help increase
this range.
Cooler 2 2A 14 4W 56
Detonator 2 0.5 A 1 lW 1
technology, while not yet available commercially, has been suggested as a
replacement for lead-acid automobile batteries. The polymer is readily moldable
and could be used as the missile case. Estimates of current capability and
internal resistance are, however, premature. The major portion of the power
requirement listed in Table V is the thermoelectric cooler. It is possible that
sufficient cooling could be supplied by the launcher power supply, so that in-
flight cooling would not be necessary. Similarly, if a cooled detector is not
needed, the power requirements are drastically reduced.
There are also all the questions concerned with launch options and attack
mode. Should the air-drop version be fast descent or a slow spiral? What use-
fulness is there in a slow-flying model airplane version? Should the flight be
ballistic, straight flight, or programmed? And, should the launch be
Finally, using this concept, what other homing sensors might be used?
Could a sonar homer be developed to sense moving objects or hard metal objects?
● Detectors on a wafer substrate can be applied using thin film tech-
nology. Present problems with IR detectors are avoided with multi-
aperture systems, since if 80% of the detectors work the chip is ac-
ceptable. Also, it does not matter whether the individual detector
gains match. Thermoelectric coolers can be ❑ade with the same thin
film technology. IR transmitting, chalcogenide glass lenses can be
molded or pressed and do not need any finishing at these wavelengths.
Some optical coating may be desirable. This technology is making
enormous progress and 5 years will see a large reduction in the dif-
ficulty of manufacture.
● Assembly of the components will be easy if the components are built as
individual packages which stack together in the case. Testing and pro-
gramming can be an automated , computer-controlled process.
It is always risky to make an analysis like this because it is much
easier to shoot down a new suggestion than it is to come up with a better one.
In addition, disbelievers will try to make the whole concept hinge on a single
exception to an estimated or preliminary number; in the end, an over-zealous
designer may try to make the whole idea into a “silver bullet” cum “white
elephant.” Nevertheless, the technology is there, the potential for cost
effectiveness is there, and the operational usefulness is there.
I am indebted to a large number of people whose contributions made the
various parts of this concept come together into a feasible system. Capt. Lee
Schrock of the US Air Force Academy introduced me to multiaperture optical
systems and essentially wrote Section IV.C. Andy Lieber, Harold Vaughn, and
John Phelan of Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, and Ed Cort of this
Laboratory, very patiently explained the dynamics of missile flight and Provided
very helpful discussions of missile guidance and control. Herbert Flicker and
Suzanne Stotlar provided many ideas on IR detection technology. John Milewski
grew a special batch of silicon carbide fibers to prove that the sphere on the
end of the fiber could be a magnetic alloy.
Special thanks go to Harry Reynolds (NSP/AWT) for his encouragement and
support and for his initial suggestion (which led to this concept) that a small
antipersonnel missile would be useful. The members of the Advanced Weapons
Technology group have been a continual source of encouragement and inspiration.
My thanks also go to the many others throughout the Laboratory who helped in
innumerable ways.
9. “A New Space Rate Sensing Instrument,” Joseph Lyman, Aeronaut. Eng. Rev.,
p. 24 (November 1953).
20. See commercial vendor literature. For example, Coherent Components Group,
2301 Linbergh St., Auburn, CA 95603, or Spectron, Vinten Electro-Optics
Ltd. , Ashville Trading Estage, Nuffield Way, Abingdon, Oxon 0x141TD~
22. “Dynamic Random Access Memory of 256K on a Single Chip,” recent advertise-
ment by the Western Electric Company.
24. Handbook of Military Infrared Technology , SPIE Vol. 219, p. 19, for 5°
downlook onto grass, midday condition.
26. See, for example the products offered by Optoelectronics, Inc., 1309
Dynamic St., Petaluma, CA 94952.
27. The Infrared Handbook, William L. Wolfe and George J. Zissis US Government
Printing Office, 1978, p. 11-74.
32. “Multiple Aperture and Single Aperture Optical Imaging System Comparisons
for Correct Detection Probability and Resolution,” S. C. Kellogg, R. L.
Phillips, and R. A. Walters, National Aerospace and Electronics Conference
(NAECON), May 17-19, 1983, Dayton, Ohio.
33. “Robotic Vision Using Spatial Optical Sampling,” R. A. Walters, IEEE South-
east Conference 1983, Orlando, Florida, April 11-13, 1983.
34. “A Method for Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems,” A. Bjork, Sparse
Matrix Computations, Academic Press, New York (1976).
36. PVF2 film is available from the Kynar Piezo Group, Pennwalt Corporation,
900 First Ave. King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, 19406-0018.