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1943 BRUSA Agreement

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1'... . .. . .
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1. Part~es to the Agreement . -" :1 '.~ .

;."" " ""::-
2. or the Agreement
3.' Extent or the Agrea=ent
. ,,-=, ~ '.

, ':-",;. .. ,"
4. Extent or the Agreecent
5. Third Parties to the Agreement
6. The Domin10ns
..... "
7. ·Channc.l!J betveon U. ·S. and Br1tl11h EmpirE) Agonc1.o.3

8. D1s3emlnatlon and Security·
9. DlsseI:1l.nat1on and. . Secur1ty Coonoerc1al
' ,J:.:
' 10. p.rev~ou3 . Agr~e~ents ..... ;.. . . : , ", lo: _ ••
. .~:.~:.: .{ ,: . " . '~
. . '

.11. Amendment and Term1nat1on o£ ~greemont .

:. , "',

12. Act1vat1on and Implemantat;on ot Agrae~ent

.--. ...... .~
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1. Part1es to the Agreement,'

.... ," . ':::.i.. :..~ .
The following agree.:nent 1s ma.de betveen the . .:........... .
. ~ ~'"

State-Army-Navy Co:n.c~lcatlon Intel11gence.· Board :...",. :: :,:.':.:,-
(STANCm) (repr~senting .the U. S. State" ~;avy" a.nd.· .... " ,~..::;,: ...;::'.:~;
'War Departt;1ents ,a.nd all ot-he:- U. S.; CO.::l."tlunlca.tion ':--:::.::.:.;.... ':'~:~~':~=l::~}
Inte 111gence 1. au thor1 t:1.e s which -::Ay :fune t1o::.) .a.nd _.-:.._ .' ·,:·.(1~~
~~.e.. London . S1gnal Intelligence. (SIGUiT) Boa.rd' (re:pre-: '.: .tJ
UenUng the Forelgn Oft'lce,. M.:ur" 1 ty, 'lB.r Offlce, ! .~ ... i ...,:,;:'1i:i'-
" :.. .., A~l'" ~jn1stl'Y" aud all other B~it1.sh Em~1X"e2 CO:i,tnUo"'l!.-:- .: ......... ~,:;~~
cation Intel11.gence authol"itia:s \Jn1c~ r..s.~ :funct1on)., .':?'!::;::
---., .... --_ . .--... - - -- ... ~-.- ... _....... -., .. ~ ~-.-. . . -.. ; >:::;~:

Scope of ·t.h~~·~\iire·e;'~~lt
- - - - - . -
. :~. ;.. '.. @.:~..
... ' .~- •..•• : •.. ~:. 01
. '.:.~.,
•• ~ ... ~.: ...-:.~:.
. '
The o.grecnle-tlt gover.n~ tllO:: l'f:lat1ona of' t,be llbO~Jt1-
~ :

mcnt1oflf,:O ~Ja.rt.len 1r4 Co:;.;r.~ilc.~t..1(". .n IIA.t.e:lligE::.tleo ZO/J.tt,&I"H-

) only. HO'leVE:lI' " thE~ exchlLne€: of' ·~~\Ich collo..t~rb.l U;ll,te-
rla.l as 1s &'p{Jllcable fOl' tecl:'!nlca.l pUrr,03&tl and is
.not. pr~judlcla.l to nat10nal 1!lteI'e~t9 '\011.11 be e.fr~cted
bet'Wt'!t::n t.hf1 Communlco.t1cn Ir..t.ellleence ~geI1c1t=o ...lr•. -:\ ~ _ ~:"..;.

... j- . ,
both countx'les·. j'!III':~ .."".V . .. \ . ,.;:,.... :,tJ. . '-'.f.".

.. .. ' :.~


..', lThrou&'"lout . t.hlS. agreement COr.1. .'nWtic.~:. ~lon. Ir.tel-

~(';\ 11gence ls"~ tmc.Qrs tood to" cO!!l£)rise all prOCE:5Se => 1r..-·· ..-- -',
rvo1vf:d in the col1ect.1on .. production" B.nd dlsseCl1r.A.t.~on J .. ..,. ..

·0 'lel:f .1nfor;r.a. tion derived :from tbe cOr."J':i\;n1ca tlons of otce~ f

_ nations.
.. _--.,' .., •. -P>--'" ..... .. _. •. ..•.. -
"""'-~.- .' .... . - ".-' .." - .. . . . .. ... . ,_ ....
.. ..-.----- . .-ri··-- .. ·-·· ....... -....... .- ... -- .........._.... -.......... - --,
4::For the purpo3.ea of' th.is. agreel:1ent Brit1sh Ern-' " ," .. -.--
. plre1s unde::-stooo to mean all Brlt.1sh 'territory oth~r I
.: .......

( than the DOr:l:!...."ll.on~. J ./

-.. - - - - I'
2 .-~

t-~ -;.

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3. Extent or the Agree~ent Products

(a) . The partie 3 s'zree to the exchange of the
products of the .follo\l1~lg operat1.oD3 relat.1ng to
rore1gn C~~~un1c&t1ons:j ,. .....

'. .,~: "::-~. :~':: ..

(1) collect1on of traf£1c .~.:; '.~" .: ,". '~:'" ~.... :,~:~.: :~;'~'.
.~: ~i :.:~. ;
(2 ) acqu1s1.t1on of communica.t1on c;locu-.·:··.'·, /:>:lrf'-·~~;.~:·
::- :'t· ", ":. ·...
mentsand equipment ..... '-; '. , ., .";".~".:,~. ! .~

.. ~., .. (3)
~ ... : .
:.' (4), cryptana.lys1s
: -,'
..: .-.~: ,'

(5) ar~

.. decryption transiat10n . ......... :';

'.' ,"

/"' .
: ~.
(6) acquisition or 1nfor~tion regard-
ing cC'='::lU.o.lce. t10n orga.nize. tiODS,
p~act1ces, procedures .. and·equ1p~ent.
• ....~. '

. ,.:...::... .
. .~;. .~~:
';'-"'.' r.':-·"

.. '
.. ~..,:.~.
3Throughout this agreene!lt .fore-1p;n communlca.-" ': ·~·'T
tions are unde:-stood to mean a.ll co;;:mu:c.1ca.tlon:;; of :~,,: J
tha government or of any mill tery .. air.. or navel. .
~~~~e, faction, party, depart~ent, agency .. or bureau
of u. f'orelg..'1. country, or of' a.ny person or persons
act1ng or purpoz>t1r.e; to act th,eref'or" end sha.ll 1'&1-
clude I ICo~,::1Unica.tlon's o.f a. foreign cour~try
'lIh1ch r:-,s.y conte.1.n lIu~or~e..t1.on of ::!1.lito.ry, ?olltlCu.l" "
or econot:'lic value •.' Foreign count:'y as llged herein

1s UI'.der3tood to 1nclude~~-:j country .. whether or not.

1 ts goverrunent 1s recogn1zed by the U. S .. or the
Dr1 t.1sh, Ernp1.re, excludL"lg O!l1:y' the' U •.' S., the Br1 tlsh
,.' COffiI:l:on-wealth of Na.tions, and. t.h&Br1t1sh Emp1.re •.
EO 1. 4 .• (d) .


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M • • •" ; . ' >. ..•• ... _~, :~....( ~~·•.~·~f ".

(b) Such exct~n~e will be unrestricted or. all
'Wor·k undti.'!.. taken exce'pt v!:er.. s?ec1fically excludec! .. '.

frcw t~c a5~ee~~nt at t~e re~uest of either party .

a.:..~. ".;.:..:~ t~e a~.!'~-::7.-:-:-:.t c~ t.n= o~:. .::::-. :~ ~3 t=e !.:-.--
-:.-:::..::..:.:. ::. -:a:.:. ;.s..=~:; ":,::' :.:...::..:..:. ~ ..::..::_ -:'7_:'-=;'-:::"::'='~ ....:: .
__~_ ,.•.~.~,... w_....,.
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ether ~han tho~c rr,perted and ffiutuallj agr~cd upon. . ' .

.. ..;.

..'''' !.
4. E:Y.,!-er.t of thp._Jer,::r.rr;~~t r.1j~:thod:! nnd TechPl!J.\l~S.. _.:..~:<:J;·iJ:." t.
:':.. ~
.. ..: ;.. .. .
1:-· .. .
~:. -:. .
. (a) Th~ pA.rt.1e3c/.tgree the·e7.cr.ang~ of 1tl~··:·~;;'~··:~·:::,::;:
. .rorcllltlon I'c..:~'lrdlng Cl~tthod3 Il.nd t.(:chnlqu(;3 :1.nvolved
'. ' . ' ":.'
ill tbe Op~rll. tiClI;!l (Jutlln~d 1.n pl.l.:rf.Lgrnpl"l 3 (0.) • ,'., ":<. :.~,,:::.:.:._:;.\~:<~.
......... _ ..... . .~. ." ..:.:.. ~;: ..-~ .. ' .~~:':.;;.~~.;.1.~f:-~·~#~~I~;
•M.... •• .;.. I~.~.

(b) Zuch (;xchl:Ln~e w111 be unrestr1cted Oli alr" .>.::......~~.Z?-~.\

vor:< undertc.lv..:0 l • cxcc~t th/J,t upon notlf1.cnt1or. of '::':':;::.:,d:.
the othe~ p$).rty i.nforrnat#lor.. r..I).y be w1.tt'J';.c::ld. by elth~r ,.' :";:!:'.
.: .-.... p~rty ",l'H'm 1ta specis:s.l lnte:::'~3ts so requl:'e.
notificat1on vill include a ~e5criptlon or the 1n-
Such. '" ,:
ror::-:p- t:ton b.e!!1g w.1. th:".::lc., Su.!-:'""1,c1ent in the o;:r1nlon . ~.'.
) of the ft~t~~oldlne P~~tJI to convey its 31er.lf1.ca~ce.
It is t.he 1nt'~r_t':on or each ;:la.r~:r 'to 11r.llt sucrL ex-
ceptlon3 to t.he a.bsolute :r.l:n~u:r..

. !
<: ..
Both part1.e3 will r~gnrd thl~ agro~ment as pre-
cludIng a.ct.1.on \11th th1rd p1..Lrtles 4 on a.ny subject
up,t..;c::·ta.1niul to Cc:nrnurlica tion Intel11ge'nce except 1.n .. .. ~

accordance with the £ollow~ng under3tandlng:

' ...

4Throughout this agree~ent third #art.1es are

understood to Indan ell 1.nd.1vlduals or' a.uthorl tie's
other... tr..an those or the' Ur..1ted Sta.te·s" the Br1t1nh ........,..

Emp1r~1 and the Br~t1sh Do~n1ons.

. .:.
'. ~

) :~....,.
-! ••:-- ........ "' .... "
!' ' ;,...

.:.~ .....
) ...... :-:- .
' , '- " .
. "';
...... . .....
= 1
!:-, .....: ,.::--.:...: . !.. • .. . .. .•

en) It v~ll bo contr~ry to th13 aero~m~nt to

revea.l its existence to lJ.ny third alert] 'Wf"££r.tE:vcr • . . ..
. .
. . .
' .'

. (b) Each party \1111 nc.:ek tho IJ.grf';"':I:.(::-.t of thEt I

ot.he·r to any act10n \llth third po.rt~c~, f.U&d ..,111 . t

. no such action untll 1.t:s adv.1:;sa.b.1.1~t.y 13 agreed . . '
. . ~-. !f
upon. . ' . " .' , . -. ~:: ~.: :<'.~~~.~::~_:->:. - i

(c)· The agree!'!ent or tha .other hav1ng been.: .. :-:'.:··.;::;:.:. i::~~;i. ;

, " . ·obta.ined, i t \lill be lef't to the p~rty concerned to . ~ · :·· · ··:-"':·:~·t '. i·
carry out the agreed actlon in the r.lost appropria.te . . ' '.< :::~' ~.
\lay, wlthout obllg-!Ltlon to c.!.sclo:3-::- precloErlj' th& ' . '.::.:.-·,·.~:: . -~3~.· i·
:.... . cha.nna ls thr·ouzh, \lhlch ac tlon 1s ta.ken. . '.' .. ':"r'~~' ; L.~;~~/.. ·.~!~':'~¥:; i
of An~ dl uc~(1~~ t.io~tKr~ l!!d:n~~~~l~~~; ~~" t;;;' ~ ~t;.!;:·~~-~'~:-Kt . ! ,

.~ . '.,. .: ···~~·F~~~ ,-
6. Tht:: DO!'li:1.1or.s .;' e'

\':hile the DOn"J.nion3 are not parties to ;.

) this aer~ement, they vill not be ~ee~rccd ' a3 th1rd ~

(b) The Loiulon SIGI!-lT Board ""111, hO'''~v~r,'
koe;:> tho U ~ S. 1nform~d of £r.n:! a.rrlln~'.:;:lf.:l'~tu or pro-
. posed .arra.ngements \11th any Dom1nion F,Lgr;c:cle3. "
(c) S'I'.AllC13 'Wl11 f.i.~ke no arrange:r.~ILt3 '.rlth rion:!
Domin.ion llgency other than Cl).nadla.n except throu&1., .,
. :->.
'.: .
or \11 th th~ pr1.or. ll.p~I'oval o~,; th"'} London SIGlr.. 'l' .~
(d) As regards CanAda~ STJUiCIB 'W11l co~pleta
no arrnngemcnt3 with any ag~ncy therein without fir3t
obt.a.ining the views of the London SIGI~''l' Boe.rd • .
. .
(e) It 'W111 be conditional on any DOM~~!on
ager..c1.e S \1'1 th \l'hom col.labora. tl.on . te.k~·s place th..'l. to
' .


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they ab1de by the terms of paragraphs 5~ 8, nnd 9

of th1s a.ereer.oent nnrl to the arrangcll~ent~ laid
do~n 1n p~razra~h 7 .

._..-:....:.--..:-~.--..:....7 • Channels 3ct'..reen U. S. and Br1t1sh Er:1nire /"p;encles .

. - .
(a) S'l'Ai,~I3 ""ill mI.Lke no' arra.ngement·s 1n the
sphere or Comm~~lc~tlon Intel11gence ylth any British'
Emplre agency except through, or,Y1th the pr~or ap-
prova.l of, the Lond~n SIGn~T :aoa.rd_. .. . ;;-.:.... . .;·.•.:A.· :.
' '\ ~.

(b) . The London SIGINT 30ard vl11 r.take no ar::,,': :'· :·'::<::~ "::; ::: ;7f~\~:

' .
rangements in the sphere or CO::-::1u..'l1cat10n Intelligen~e" . :..::::;
~;r~rl1~;p~~v~i ~~:n~~~~~~:t . through, or V~~h the . ;:<//~~:.~ · .<;~~~~t: ..
• . •• • I • . •• : . ... ~:'~ ~~ ~~:'
.• ••
.::;;~~',;' 'i.~ ..
Comrn~~lcatLon Int~ll~ge~ce a~d Se~~et or above ..... . . .. ~~ .
".:'. :.:. ~:~•.~:
techn1cal rrAtte~s co~~~ec~~d ~h~~c~!th ~111 be cis-
semln~ted 1n acco~d~~ce y~tc ~c~ntlcal security .'
regulat1o~s to be drawn u~ a~G ke~t
u4der ~evlew
by STANC!:! lJ.nd the London SIGIm~' Board ln colla.bo-
re. tl0;J.. OWl thin th~ terZ1S of · t.h~se . regule.tlo!l3
. d15~e;nlna.tio::l by al ther pa.rty \:.111 be r.p-(!e to U.S.
rec~plents only aa approved ~y ~~~lCIB;' to Brlt1s~ .
Err.;>lre I'ec~p:'ents and to Do:: ... n1.. or.. rec1pient:) ~th~r . ;

th~ ~1)::r.lO:A SIGI~,T

tl':.':-l ...A Co!l.l'. :l.dllln 0;11] a3 ap:)rov.::C! "oJ
BOu.!'d; to Ga.Il.':lcUan r'E:(;1.fJi~!1t~ ti.!) 1.J.~;>l"OVed by .
e.!. :;her' ~TAi';CI3 0:' t:.h~ J.. o:.r..lon SrGIr~'1' 30ard j and t~ ·
- =

third party rec.!.pients only as join:~J app~ovec'bj'

·S'Z~!.1iCr; &..::~ tr.;.~ I..cmO:l 3!G:r;: -s..:-.: '. =:J. '.,~
' .'t:!- .

STANCI3 a.nd the LonGo;)" ~!GI~~'~ :ao5.rd vill er.~-';::':::
...~.. that vltho~t prIor not1flc~t1..on and cons~nt Of the
.oth"Jr party in e.a.ch 1nst.-sn=1'.: no d1.sser.tlnP.. tioD 'of In-
'.: .for;ne.tlo:l. der1 ved . .from COlTlJo'":".un1ca.tlon Intel11eenc.a
'sourcos 1s.CI.c.ldF.: to an;; 1ndlvldlVl.l 02'" agency, eov~rn­
' ~entnl or oth~r~lse, tr~t vl11 explol~ it for . com- .;
mtu'~lal pu,·po~t'::..

'. '

)' ... . --
.... :".

..:...... .... .
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.; . ~.

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--.::..- -·~·---=---":::·":'·-·--~""""--""'·-"'1---=·~~ ."
..., . . ,., ------,.----... ...,-:;-. --'----.--...--.,.....-
. , ". ~

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Th1~ &~r~~=~nt super~edcc ell ~~cv1ou~ 6gr~o­

b.::t. ..... eF..:r: Bri t.1 sh l'LUd. U. ~. autr.ol'~. ti~·~ 11.
rTi ...:r:ts t.[~f;·
Co;;;~unlclJ. tlon lr.. tell1et::Ilco f1.eld ..

lie -A;ncnc,rlerlt
- ------------
and .. --_._-
--......-._--.... ...,---
clf A;:"rf::er'E":r.t,

Th~.s· I:1f.j' l;(:. :~i.~E::i.c:.(;d .or. 1.~ I'ml r,~ 1.(;0

agr(:c ..:eI; t
completel.Y 0:- j n r':J.rt 6.1.. aI~~ t1r:1t": b~i mut.ual OB:r'E:(J-
ffif:nt. It.· n''::Lj'' be tE::r-n~!.r;c. ~E:C cC::'iJ1etE-l.:t at &.rl.:'· t.i:l.E:
on notice· by e1 tb!:l:' I./.j.l·~~:i I .eh('Iuld 01 the:' c:on:..icl".:x'·
1 ts lr.tel"€,sts beot eerv(;:c b:,- f:uch a.ctio!!.
This E-.C;reer.:ont b~cc;:,~s eff"t<ct.ive b:i .~!.c:~:=.t\':'l~e
.~ u. (
0'1.... c.ul~ 3.ut.~~CI!'lzed ::,c-~:i:"'~::.e::lt.e.t.!.Ves of th~ :"';'1;:-::00
SIGINT Boar~ ~nc ~~:~;~:~. ?hereafter~ ~1~ ~~r-le­
mentation \1.111 be a':';'uu£ed bE.:t~een tl:E': Co;:".,;uII':'c:at.1qn
........... Illtel11e;ence a.utr.orlties concE.:!'r:.ed, 5ub~cct to tr.E:
approva.l of tr!E:t London SIGI:~'1'· Boare and S':'/u·;r,~B.
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For and 1n beh~]~ of the :ur and. !.rl ':>cnalf of tile,.

:"ondon Siznc-.l Irlt.elli- Sta te: -Ar:uy -r-;a vy CO::"'l:u.r.i-·
Zunce Board: c{:.tl~n Int.el11eencc Eoc.rd:
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Colon~l, Army
Gene:-al Steff'.
lioyt s.
·Lieutene.nt Gene':'>l.Ll., GSC
Senior l·iember

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5 l·i.arch 1946
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