2009 - 41 Da 01 01 2009
2009 - 41 Da 01 01 2009
2009 - 41 Da 01 01 2009
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PC-l//- 38
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AlII~n .Railways,• Production Units '
.. (al Per mailing list) , ,
Please refer tb this Ministry's letter of even, number dated 09.09.2008 (8'
No.PC-VII3, RBE No. 106120087 on the subject mentioned abOve. The President il
, ple•••• to decide that the Deame •• Allowance payable to R.llwey ~oy •• lhaH
at January 2009
from the
existing rate of 11 % to 22% wtth effect from 1 ..
2. 'The provi"~ contained ,In Paras 3, <4& 5 of thiI. Ministry'S letter of even
,number dated 09.qgt2ooa (S No.PC-Vl/31 RBE No. 10612008) sh.II'continue to be
appHcabte while regulating Deamess Allowance under these Orders.
.' 4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of
Raltways. .
'1 ••
(Ko.hy Thoma)
Joint Director, Pay Comm •••• on-II '
Railway ao.rd
for Flnane,,1 Commfsston,rlRallwaya